Light Dependant Resister
Light Dependant Resister
Light Dependant Resister
• Majority of street lights, outdoor lights, and a number of indoor home
appliances are typically operated and maintained manually in many
occasions. This is not only risky, however additionally it leads to
wastage of power with the negligence of personnel or uncommon
circumstances in controlling these electrical appliances ON and OFF.
• Hence, we can utilize the light sensor circuit for automatic switch OFF
the loads based on daylight’s intensity by employing a light sensor.
What is a Light Dependent Resistor?
• An LDR or light dependent resistor is also known as photo resistor,
photocell, photoconductor. It is a one type of resistor whose resistance
varies depending on the amount of light falling on its surface.
• When the light falls on the resistor, then the resistance changes. These
resistors are often used in many circuits where it is required to sense
the presence of light.
• For instance, when the LDR is in darkness, then it can be used to turn
ON a light or to turn OFF a light when it is in the light. A typical light
dependent resistor has a resistance in the darkness of 1MegaOhm, and
in the brightness a resistance of a couple of KiloOhm
Materials for LDR
• The designing of LDRs can be done by using semiconductor materials to
allow their light-sensitive properties. The famous material used in this
resistor is CdS (cadmium sulfide), even though the utilization of this
material is currently restricted in European countries due to some
environmental issues while using this material. Likewise, CdSe (cadmium
selenide) is also restricted and additional materials that can be employed
mainly include PbS (lead sulfide), InS ( indium antimonide).