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Light Dependant Resister

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Light Dependant Resister

• Majority of street lights, outdoor lights, and a number of indoor home
appliances are typically operated and maintained manually in many
occasions. This is not only risky, however additionally it leads to
wastage of power with the negligence of personnel or uncommon
circumstances in controlling these electrical appliances ON and OFF.
• Hence, we can utilize the light sensor circuit for automatic switch OFF
the loads based on daylight’s intensity by employing a light sensor.
What is a Light Dependent Resistor?
• An LDR or light dependent resistor is also known as photo resistor,
photocell, photoconductor. It is a one type of resistor whose resistance
varies depending on the amount of light falling on its surface.
• When the light falls on the resistor, then the resistance changes. These
resistors are often used in many circuits where it is required to sense
the presence of light.
• For instance, when the LDR is in darkness, then it can be used to turn
ON a light or to turn OFF a light when it is in the light. A typical light
dependent resistor has a resistance in the darkness of 1MegaOhm, and
in the brightness a resistance of a couple of KiloOhm
Materials for LDR
• The designing of LDRs can be done by using semiconductor materials to
allow their light-sensitive properties. The famous material used in this
resistor is CdS (cadmium sulfide), even though the utilization of this
material is currently restricted in European countries due to some
environmental issues while using this material. Likewise, CdSe (cadmium
selenide) is also restricted and additional materials that can be employed
mainly include PbS (lead sulfide), InS ( indium antimonide).

• Even though for these resistors, a semiconductor material is used, because

they are simply passive devices and they do not have a PN-junction. This
detaches them from other LDRs such as phototransistors & photodiodes.
Construction of LDR
• The construction of an LDR includes a light-sensitive material that is
placed on an insulating substrate like ceramic. The material is placed
in a zigzag shape in order to get the required power rating and
resistance. The area of zigzag separates the metal-placed areas into
two regions.
• Where the Ohmic contacts are made either on the sides of the area.
The resistances of the contacts must be as less as possible to make
sure that the resistance, mainly varies due to the light effect only. The
use of lead & cadmium materials is avoided as they are injurious to
the environment.
Working Principle of Light Dependent
• The working principle of an LDR is photoconductivity, which is nothing
but an optical phenomenon. When the light is absorbed by the material
then the conductivity of the material enhances. When the light falls on
the LDR, then the electrons in the valence band of the material are
eager to the conduction band. But, the photons in the incident light
must have energy superior to the bandgap of the material to make the
electrons jump from one band to another band (valance to conduction).
• Hence, when light having ample energy, more electrons are excited to
the conduction band which grades in a large number of charge carriers.
When the effect of this process and the flow of the current starts
flowing more, the resistance of the device decreases.
Characteristics of LDR
If a constant “V’ is
applied to the LDR,
the intensity of the
light increased and
current increases. The
figure below shows
the curve between
resistance Vs
illumination curve for
a particular light
dependent resistor.
Types of light Dependent Resistors
Light dependent resistors are classified based on the materials used.
Intrinsic Photo Resistors
These resistors are pure semiconductor devices like silicon or germanium.
When the light falls on the LDR, then the electrons get excited from the
valence band to the conduction band and number of charge carriers increases.
Extrinsic Photo Resistors
These devices are doped with impurities and these impurities creates a new
energy bands above the valence band. These bands are filled with electrons.
Hence this decrease the band gap and small amount of energy is required in
moving them. These resistors are mainly used for long wavelengths.
Light Dependent Resistor Applications
• Power Conserving of Intensity Controlled Street Lights using LDR
• Security System Controlled by An Electronic Eye
• LDR Based light Intensity Control for Street Lights
• Lighting Switch from Sunset to Sunrise
The applications of LDR mainly include alarm clocks, street lights, light
intensity meters, burglar alarm circuits.

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