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Surge Arresters

Electrical Apparatus
Metal Oxide Varistor Elbow (M.O.V.E.)
Surge Arrester 235-65
The M.O.V.E. Surge Arrester combines
metal (zinc) oxide varistor technology in
a pre­molded rubber elbow to provide
overvoltage system protection in an
insulated, fully shielded, sub­mers­ible,
deadfront device.
The arrester housing inter­face
conforms to IEEE Std 386™ standard –
Separable Insulated Connector
Systems. The arrester housing is
molded of EPDM insulating rubber,
which provides deadfront safety in a
small, clampstick operable unit.
M.O.V.E. Arresters are used on
underground systems in pad­-mounted
transformer and entry cabinets, vaults,
switching en­clo­sures and other
installations to provide shielded
deadfront arrester protection. They are
designed for use with 200 A loadbreak
interfaces that conform to IEEE Std
386™ standard to limit over­volt­ages to
ac­cept­able levels, protect equip­ment
and extend cable life.
The rubber body is constructed of high
quality precision molded peroxide-cured
EPDM insulation and semi-conductive
materials. Figure 1.
The copper alloy probe and probe M.O.V.E. Surge Arresters shown from left to right: 35 kV, 25 kV and 15 kV.
retainer are connected to the MOV
block stack via welded flexible tin-plated Operation INSTALLATION
copper leads. This ensures that the
column cannot be damaged during Installing a M.O.V.E Arrester at the end All Cooper M.O.V.E. Arresters can be
installation and that a reliable current of a radial system or at both ends of an installed or removed from energized
path to the MOV blocks is maintained. open point on a loop system pro­vides bushings with a clampstick. No special
The disk column is composed of MOV excellent over­volt­age protection. The tools are required. The arrester is
disks bonded together with high- addition of a second M.O.V.E. Arrester placed on a 200 A inter­face by using a
conductivity, silver-loaded epoxy to at the mid-point on a rotatable feedthru clampstick. Refer to Installation
yield the most reliable electrical insert provides optimum protection. Instruction Sheet S235-55-1 for more
connection and eliminate air voids. The 600 A feeder circuits can be protected details.
#4 AWG flexible copper ground lead, with elbow arresters installed on the
which reliably carries current to ground Cooper T-OP™ II and BT-TAP™
during voltage surges, is attached to the Separable Connector Systems.
housing by a brass magneformed end
cap. The brass end cap provides a STANDARDS
tight, weatherproof seal. The M.O.V.E. Arrester complies with
the latest revisions of IEEE Std
C62.11™ standard "IEEE Standard for
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for AC
Power Circuits" and IEEE Std 386™
standard "Separable Insulated
Connectors for Power Distribution
Systems Above 600 Volts."

0811 • Supersedes 02/04 1

Metal Oxide Varistor Elbow (M.O.V.E.) Surge Arrester

Pulling Eye
Stainless steel reinforced pulling eye allows easy
installation and removal using a clampstick.

MOV DISK Column Welded Leads

MOV disks are rigidly joined into a single assembly, with high Flexible welded tin-plated copper leads between probe assembly
con­duc­tiv­ity silver-loaded epoxy to ensure reliable connection and MOV column ensure that the column cannot be damaged
between blocks. during installation and that a reliable current path to the MOV
blocks is maintained.
High quality peroxide-cured semi-conducting EPDM shield SILVER EPOXY CONDUCTIVE BOND
meets re­quire­ments of IEEE Std 592™ standard.
IDENTIFICATION LABel High quality peroxide-cured EPDM insulation is mixed and
Identifies arrester type, rating and MCOV. formulated in-house for complete control of raw rubber

Drain Wire Tab Loading Spring

Tab ensures that jacket remains at ground potential, meeting Extra-long lower loading spring ensures
safety practice requirements. Tab is located away from pulling high pressure contact.
eye to minimize clutter.
Spring Shunt
Flexible shunt maintains a high conductivity path between the Brass Cap
column and the lower cap to ensure continuous low Brass end cap is magneformed around molded-in
impedance contact during arrester operation. sealing rings on rubber shank to provide a tight,
It also assures optimum discharge char­ac­ter­is­tics. weatherproof seal and ground lead connection.

Ground Lead
#4 AWG flexible copper stranded woven ground lead
(36 inches long) reliably carries current to ground
during voltage surges.

Figure 2.
Cutaway illustration shows 25 kV Class Metal Oxide Varistor Elbow Surge Arrester.

PRODUCTION TESTS Production tests of general application

Tests conducted in accordance with mov blocks recommendations
IEEE Std 386™ and Std C62.11™ A complete production test program
standards: ensures a quality product. Each metal The rating of an arrester is the
oxide varistor receives a series of maximum power frequency line-to-
 Partial Discharge Extinction Voltage ground voltage at which the arrester is
Level electrical tests. Quality is demonstrated
by a series of destructive tests designed to pass an operating duty-
 ac 60 Hz 1 Minute Withstand performed on every batch of varistors. cycle test. Table 2 provides a general
Listed are the tests performed on the application guide for the selection of
 AC 60 Hz Watts Loss the proper arrester rating for a given
Tests conducted in accordance with system voltage and system grounding
 100% Physical Inspection configuration as outlined in the IEEE
Cooper Power Systems requirements:
 100% Discharge Voltage test Std C62.22™ standard application
 Physical In­spec­tion guide.
 Periodic Dissection  100% V1mA/cm2
Under fault conditions and other
 Arrester Assembly:  100% Leakage Current at 80% of system anomalies, higher voltages can
– Voltage at 1 mA V1mA/cm2 Voltage (Watts Loss) be experienced by the arrester. To
 Batch High-current, Short-duration ensure that the arrester ratings will not
 Periodic X-ray Analysis be exceeded, Cooper Power Systems
application engineers are available to
 Batch Thermal Stability test make recommendations. The following
 Batch Aging test information is normally required:
1. System maximum operating voltage.
2. System grounding conditions.
A. For four-wire circuits, grounding
conditions depend upon whether


the system is multi-grounded, TABLE 1

whether it has a neutral Electrical Ratings and Characteristics
impedance and whether common Duty Cycle Equivalent Maximum Discharge Voltage (kV crest)
primary and secondary neutrals Voltage Front-of- 8/20 µs Current Wave
are used. Rating MCOV Wave
(kV) (kV) (kV crest)* 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA
B. For three-wire circuits, grounding
3 2.55 11 9 9.7 10.4 11.4 13
conditions depend upon whether
the system is solidly grounded 6 5.1 22 18.0 19.4 20.8 22.7 26
at the source, grounded through 9 7.65 31.7 26 28 30 32.8 37.4
neutral impedance at the source
transformers or ungrounded. 10 8.4 33 27 29.1 31.2 34.1 38.9
12 10.2 41.5 33.9 36.6 39.2 42.9 48.9
Consult your Cooper representative to
have your individual system application 15 12.7 51.8 42.4 45.7 49 53.6 61.1
needs studied. 18 15.3 62.2 50.9 54.9 58.8 64.3 73.4
protective 21 17.0 66 54.0 58.2 62.4 68.2 77.9
characteristics 24 19.5 77 63.0 67.9 72.8 79.6 90.8
The protective characteristics of the 27 22.0 87.2 71.4 76.9 82.4 90.1 103
M.O.V.E. Surge Arresters are shown in 30 24.4 97.1 79.5 85.7 91.8 100.0 115.0
Table 1.
33 27 108 87.8 95.1 102 112 127
36 29 116 95.3 103 110 120 137
* Equivalent front-of-wave voltage is the expected discharge voltage of the arrester when
tested with a 5 kA current surge cresting in 0.5 µs.

Commonly Applied Voltage Ratings of M.O.V.E. Surge Arrester

Commonly Applied Arrester Duty-cycle (MCOV)

System Voltage (kV rms) Voltage Rating (kV rms) on Distribution Systems
Delta and
4-Wire 3-Wire Low 3-Wire High
Nominal Maximum Multigrounded Impedance Impedance
Voltage Voltage Range B Neutral Wye Grounded Grounded
2.40 2.54 – – 3 (2.55)
4.16 Y/2.40 4.40 Y/2.54 3 (2.55) 6 (5.1) 6 (5.1)
4.26 4.40 – – 6 (5.1)
4.80 5.08 – – 6 (5.1)
6.90 7.26 – – 9 (7.65)
8.32 Y/4.80 8.80 Y/5.08 6 (5.1) 9 (7.65) –
12.00 Y/6.93 12.70 Y/7.33 9 (7.65) 12 (10.2) –
12.47 Y/7.20 13.20 Y/7.62 9 (7.65) or 10 (8.4) 15 (12.7) –
13.20 Y/7.62 13.97 Y/8.07 10 (8.4) 15 (12.7) –
13.80 Y/7.97 14.52 Y/8.388 10 (8.4) and 12 (10.2) 15 (12.7) –
13.80 14.52 – – 18 (15.3)
20.78 Y/12.00 22.00 Y/12.70 15 (12.7) 21 (17.0) –
22.86 Y/12.00 22.00 Y/12.70 15 (12.7) 21 (17.0) –
23.00 24.34 – – 30 (24.4)
24.94 Y/14.40 26.40 Y/15.24 18 (15.3) 27 (22.0) –
27.60 Y/15.935 29.255 Y/16.89 21 (17.0) 30 (24.4) –
34.50 Y/19.92 36.51 Y/21.08 27 (22.0) 36 (29.0) –
46.00 Y/26.60 48.30 Y/28.00 36 (29.0) – –

Metal Oxide Varistor Elbow (M.O.V.E.) Surge Arrester

The Temporary Overvoltage (TOV)
capability of the M.O.V.E. Arrester is
shown in Figure 3. 2

The M.O.V.E. Surge Arrester


consistently withstands the following M.O.V.E. ARRESTER
design tests as described by IEEE Std
C62.11™ standard: 1.6

 Duty Cycle:
22 current surges of 5 kA crest
8/20 µs waveshape. 1.4
 High-Current, Short-Duration C62.22
Discharge: MINIMUM
2 current surges of 40 kA crest 4/10 1.2
µs waveshape.
 Low-Current, Long-Duration
Dis­charge: 1
3 4
20 current surges of 75 A crest 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 10 10
2000 µs rectangular wave duration.
Following each of these tests, the TIME (Seconds)
arresters remain thermally stable as
verified by: Figure 3.
Temporary overvoltage curve. No prior duty at 85Þ C ambient.
 Continually decreasing power values
during a thirty minute power
monitoring period.
 No evidence of physical or electrical


M.O.V.E. Surge Arrester Selection Chart
Dimensions in./(mm)
IEEE Std 386™ standard Duty MCOV Catalog
Interface Cycle (kV) Rating (kV) A B C Number
3 2.55 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238018C03M
6 5.1 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238018C06M
9 7.65 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238018C09M
15 kV Class 10 8.4 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238018C10M
12 10.2 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238018C12M
15 12.7 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238018C15M
18 15.3 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238018C18M
9 7.65 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238019C09M
10 8.4 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238019C10M
12 10.2 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238019C12M
25 kV Class
15 12.7 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238019C15M
18 15.3 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238019C18M
21 17.0 8.5 (216) 7.0 (178) 7.9 (201) 3238019C21M
18 15.3 13.3 (338) 11.2 (284) 10.4 (264) 3238020C18M
21 17.0 13.3 (338) 11.2 (284) 10.4 (264) 3238020C21M
24 19.5 13.3 (338) 11.2 (284) 10.4 (264) 3238020C24M
35 kV Class Interface 1A
27 22.0 13.3 (338) 11.2 (284) 10.4 (264) 3238020C27M
Large Interface
30 24.4 13.3 (338) 11.2 (284) 10.4 (264) 3238020C30M
33 27 13.3 (338) 11.2 (284) 10.4 (264) 3238020C33M
36 29 13.3 (338) 11.2 (284) 10.4 (264) 3238020C36M

To order a M.O.V.E. Surge Arrester kit,
de­ter­mine the arrester Maximum
Continu­ous Op­er­at­ing Voltage (MCOV)
rating for the intended ap­pli­ca­tion using
Table 2 and specify the ap­pro­pri­ate
catalog number from Table 3. Contact
the Cooper Power Systems sales
engineer in your location for
applications not listed.

(55 mm)

Class S3
15 kV 4.2" (107 mm)
25 kV 4.2" (107 mm)
35 kV 4.7" (120 mm)

Figure 4.
Dimensional information of M.O.V.E.
Arrester (refer to Table 3).
Note: Dimensions given are for reference only.

Metal Oxide Varistor Elbow (M.O.V.E.) Surge Arrester

Refer to the following reference
literature for additional information:
 500-13, 200 A 15 kV Class
Loadbreak Rotatable Feedthru Insert
Catalog Section
 500-30, 200 A 25 kV Class
Rotatable Feedthru Insert
Catalog Section
 600-12, 600 A 15 kV Class
T-OP™ II Deadbreak Connector
Catalog Section
 600-32, 600 A 25 kV Class
T-OP II Deadbreak Connector
Catalog Section
 600-51, 600 A 35 kV Class
T-OP II Deadbreak Connector
Catalog Section


Metal Oxide Varistor Elbow (M.O.V.E.) Surge Arrester

© 2011 Cooper Industries. All Rights Reserved

Cooper Power Systems, T-OP, and BT-TAP are trademarks of Cooper Industries in the
U.S. and other countries. You are not permitted to use the Cooper Trademarks without
the prior written consent of Cooper Industries.
IEEE Standard 386™ and IEEE Standard C62.11™ are trademarks of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE). This publication/product is not endorsed
or approved by the IEEE.
2300 Badger Drive
One Cooper | www.cooperpower.com | Online Waukesha, WI 53188 USA

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