1.1 Purpose
This standard, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED by the Product Team, describes exterior surface
appearance requirements. These requirements, with regard to appearance attributes and surface
blemishes, are outlined by appearance zones.
The purpose of these appearance requirements is to ensure that the finish of vehicles will meet or exceed
customer expectations, Engineering, and Design Office intent.
This standard focuses only on the visual/tactile characteristics of the components. Dimensional,
functional or material requirements are not considered.
The requirements of this standard apply from the dates assigned in the Color Master Program Timing
Definitions through volume production and service supply.
This standard, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, represents the minimum requirements for all Chrysler
platform groups, component suppliers and sub-suppliers.
Definitions/Abbreviations/Acronyms can be found in Section 7.0 toward the end of this standard.
X-Rite multi-angle spectrophotometer is the approved measuring method by the Product Design Office.
Visual inspection, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, shall be in body position at a minimum distance of
1 meter (approximately 38 in).
Any person appraising color must be tested for the absence of color blindness and demonstrate color
acuity per ASTM-E-1499.
3.2 Training
Training programs should be implemented to educate operators, inspectors, and managers in the
techniques and acceptability standards of this specification.
In the inspection area, the light intensity shall be 80 to 125 maintained foot-candles.
A. The components are divided into different appearance zones/class to set the appearance quality
requirements of each zone separately.
A Exterior surfaces that can be viewed from approximately All components.
one (1) meter (38 in) distance away from the vehicle,
while standing, to a height of 2 meters ( 78 inches)
B Limited visibility surfaces. Surfaces not in direct view. Underside of parts, recessed
Surfaces above 2 meters ( 78 inches) areas, or area of part visible when
doors, trunk lid, or hood is open.
C Non-visible areas. Back side of any part.
B. Paint gloss, distinctness of reflected image (DORI) and orange peel gloss, DORI, and orange peel can
be measured and tracked individually, however, results can be reported as a combined Autospect
The combined reading is a weighted measurement consisting of 20% gloss, 40% DORI, and 40% orange
peel. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, target values and tolerances are contained in Tables 3 and 4.
Horizontal A 60 + 10 - 5
Vertical A 60 + 5, -10
B 50 + 10, -5
C 50 + 10, -10
Alternative Gloss, DORI, and Orange Peel measurement methods are shown in Table 4.
Chrysler A.C.T.
A 80 to 100 80 to 100 7 to 10
B 75 to 100 75 to 100 5 to 10
C 70 to 100 70 to 100 3 to 10
4.2 Uniformity
Appearance must be consistent over entire vehicle, both within individual panels and between adjacent
panels within a zone.
See Tables 3 and 4 for Gloss, DORI, and Orange Peel Uniformity.
The color shall not vary visually from the approved color master. Use of an X-Rite multi-angle
spectrophotometer is the approved measuring method by the Product Design Office. Target values and
tolerances for X-Rite shall be determined by the Product/Platform Team and specified on CATIA or in a
separate program manual.
UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, when combinations of different types of the following blemishes/
imperfections are present, all shall be treated as being of the type which has the most severe
requirements and the grouping must be within the acceptance level specifications for that type.
Any surface blemishes/imperfections that are less than 0.75 mm (.030 in), including swell or area
distortion, in size in Zone “A” will not be counted unless three (3) or more are grouped together in a 1
square centimeter (3/8 in sq) area. Minimum distance apart shall be 300 mm (12 in). Refer to Table 5 for
Zone “A” surface blemishes/imperfections.
Any surface blemishes/imperfections that are less than 0.5 mm (.020 in), including swell or surface
distortion, in size in Zone “B” will not be counted unless five (5) or more are grouped together in a 1
square centimeter (3/8 in sq) area. Minimum distance apart shall be 150 mm (6 in). Refer to Table 6 for
Zone “B” surface blemishes/imperfections.
Refer to applicable Material and Process Standards for paint/primer/E-coat film builds.
Paint coverage on zone/class A&B surfaces, defined in Table 2, must be complete, uniform, and meet all
Engineering and appearance specifications.
Refer to applicable Material and Process Standards for primer, E-Coat, plating, and vacuum metalization
surface quality, surface appearance, and surface smoothness requirements.
If any of the target values, or tolerances in Tables 3 and 4 cannot be achieved or are deemed
inappropriate, it is the responsibility of the Product Team to establish achievable and appropriate target
values and tolerances through material and process capability. It is the responsibility of the
Product/Release Engineer to ensure that any and all deviations are updated on CATIA.
If any of the target sizes, frequencies, or minimum distances of defects in any table cannot be achieved, it
is the responsibility of the Product Team to establish achievable and appropriate defect sizes, frequencies,
and minimum distances based on material and process capability. It is the responsibility of the
AS-10169, Change B, 2010-07-19, Page 7
It is the responsibility of any supplier who does not have the recommended measuring equipment to
coordinate, through the Product Team, their verification methods with the equipment the Assembly Plant
Bubbles caused
Blisters by adhesion loss Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed
between plating
and substrate
Not Allowed in areas
Areas not
Skip Plate Not Allowed Not Allowed seen by customer in
covered by
car position
Lack of
coverage. Not Allowed in areas
Yellow, or Not Allowed Not Allowed seen by customer in
exposed car position
Bulls eyes: Deformation in the basecoat or clearcoat caused by uneven surface depressions usually
caused by improper sanding prior to painting.
Craters: Small rounded indentations in the paint film which may or may not expose the primer or
DORI (Distinctness of Reflected Image): The mirror-like reflection of the painted surface.
File/Grind Marks: Deformation in the basecoat or clearcoat caused by cuts in the surface from poor file
technique or improper repair.
Foreign Material: Any noticeable foreign matter in, on, or under the color coat or clearcoat paint films.
Lint/Hair/Fibers: Lint from clothing, human hair, fibers from polishing wheels or clothing.
Mottle: Distortion of metallic flake causing an off color appearance or noticeable color variation.
Orange Peel: The rough or wavy appearance of the painted surface which may have a texture.
Paint Chip: The absence of a small portion of the paint film usually caused by scraping or impacting the
painted surface.
Paint Swell: The deformation or halo in the paint and/or clearcoat caused by a paint defect.
Pinholes: Tiny holes in the paint film caused by solvent or other volatile trapped in the substrate that
expands during paint cure.
Pits/Porosity: Small holes in the paint film, larger than pinholes, caused by solvent or other volatile
trapped in the substrate that expands during paint cure.
Polish Marks: Visible swirl marks or hazy appearance caused by improper or incomplete polishing
Sand Scratches: Lines or swirls which can be seen under the surface of the paint caused by improper
sanding of the primer.
Solvent Pops: Small, clustered, raised but unbroken bubbles in the paint film surface caused by overly
rapid evaporation of paint solvent. Sectional microscopy will reveal a void in the paint only.
Water Spots: The occurrence of circular blemishes on a paint film usually caused by improper dry-off or a
poor deionized water rinse.
Wet Mar: Deformation in the basecoat or clearcoat caused by a disturbance in the wet paint film prior to
Three asterisks “***” after the section/paragraph header denotes single or multiple technical changes to
the section/paragraph. Specific technical changes within a section, subsection, table, or figure may be
highlighted in yellow.
Certain important information relative to this standard has been included in separate standards. To
assure the processes submitted meet all of Chrysler requirements, it is mandatory that the requirements in
the following standards be met.
CS-9800 - Application of this standard, the subscription service, and approved sources
CS-9003 - Regulated substances and recyclability
For specific information on this document, please refer to the contact person shown in the "Publication
Information" Section of this document. For general information on obtaining Engineering Standards and
Laboratory Procedures, see CS-9800 or contact the Engineering Standards Department at
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