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Maced 104 Course Syllabus

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Subject:): CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY Professor: Maria Victoria B. Velasco
Semester: 1st Sem. SY 2022-2023 Contact No. 0945720 3653
Pre-requisite: None E-mail ad: mariavictoria.velasco@deped.gov.ph
Credit: 3 Units
Placement: MACED 104

The history and philosophy of Christian education are woven together to present a holistic look at Christian education, where it's come from, where it is,
where it may be going. This course provides an overview of the history of education from the classical Greek and Roman periods to postcolonial times. While the
focus is on educational developments within western civilization, prominent educators from the east as well as Latin America will be studied. Students will be
introduced to significant figures and some of their important ideas (and writings) that influenced the field of education. In addition, students will reflect upon
selected biblical texts to establish a strong theological foundation for education. A major aim of this course is to develop a personal “pedagogical creed,” a Christian
philosophy of education that will serve as a framework for teaching and a seedbed for ongoing reflective praxis.

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Determine the influence of the Old Testament and Pedagogy to Christian Education.
2. Examine the basic eras of thought in the history of education, including key names, dates, and ideas.
3. Study the basic schools of thought, their underlying assumptions and consequent conclusions, and their correlation (positive or negative) with biblical
4. Demonstrate the ability to harmonize biblical truth and the discipline of education.
5. Begin to synthesize and articulate a distinctly evangelical philosophy of Christian education.
6. Evaluate their basic attitudes about Christian Education through biblical, theological, and historical lenses.
7. Recognize a broad selection of the major historical figures that impacted the field of education, list their major ideas, and critique them from a biblical
8. Outline important passages in the biblical text with important bearings on education
9. Write a paper on a major figure who has influenced the field of education.
10. Write up a personal “pedagogic creed”

● Collaborative Learning.
● Spaced Learning.
● Inquiry-based Instruction
● Self-learning.
● Technology-based Instruction
● Direct Instruction
● Crossover Learning.
● Traditional Methods of Teaching

Being God’s agent of change in education and society I believe that I need to demonstrate Christian attitudes and actions conducive to the development of
professional excellence and witness to the community/ Equip Christian educators to impact, public, private, mission and homeschools through biblically centered
education and service. I work hard to create a learning environment that fosters critical thinking, problem solving and Christian Faith centering. I expect students to
become self-directed learners, engaging their natural curiosity about the material presented and taking that curiosity to the next level. I see myself and our work in
the classroom as the springboard for their further exploration. I stand that education is a lifelong process where learners learn new strategies, new ideas, and new
philosophies. I will create a safe classroom environment, caring community where students are free to speak their mind and blossom and grow. I will allow a
process of collaborative learning from my students, colleagues, parents, and the community. To accomplish this, I present information in the most compelling way
possible - often through interactive teaching aids and experiential learning opportunities. I bring in real-world examples in the form of professionals from the field
of study. I explain that I expect students to take an active role in their learning, asking questions and going beyond the material presented in class. I give bonus
points for class participation, keeping track of which students ask questions or offer new ideas. As part of the final project in most classes, I ask students to present a
problem and offer a novel solution for that problem. This requires self-directed research and the ability to put their work into a format other can understand. I keep
track of student participation; I assess content mastery through varied examinations. I hope to exceed their expectations as an instructor.
1. Kenneth O. Gangel, Warren S. Benson Christian Education: Its History and Philosophy: Wipf and Stock Publishers 150 West Broadway
2. Michael J. and Warren S Benson. Exploring the History and Philosophy of Christian Education: Principles for the 21st Century, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock,
3. Estep, James R., Anthony, Michael J. and Allison, Gregg R., A Theology for Christian Education, Nashville, TN: B & H Publishing Group, 2008.
4. Knight, George R. Issues & Alternatives in Educational Philosophy, 4th Ed. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2008.

1. Attendance:
2. Assignments are to be performed and submitted
3. Individual Report
4. Quizzes is announced and unannounced
5. Written statement of educational philosophy from a Christian perspective
6. Paper on a major figure who has influenced the field of education.
7. Write up a personal “pedagogic creed”



1 Introduction to course (Orientation)

2 The Historical Development of Christian Education

3-4 The Debt of Christian to Old Testament Theology and Pedagogy

4 Greek Philosophy and Its Impact on Christian Thought

5 Rome Vs. Jesus: New Testament Principles of Education

6 Christian Education in the Early Church

7 Augustine to Aquinas: Medieval Education

8 Reformation Dawn and the Light of Christian Education


Enlightened Europe in Post-Reformation Times

New England and the Puritans

13 Denominationalism and Secularization

16 Evangelical Education in the Lat Quarter of the 20th Century

Paper works: Major figure who has influenced the field of education and a personal “pedagogic creed

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Teaching & Learning Assessment Task Resource Time
Subject Matter References Activities (ATs) Materials Table

Get acquainted with History of Christian History of Christian Create a Concept Laptop 2 hrs.
the Historical Education Education Online Discussion map about the
development of historical Net connection
Video recorded Lesson
Christian Education development of
Christian education PPT presentation
Historical development https://
of Christian Education repository.up.ac.za/ Headset

Kenneth O. Gangel,
Warren S. Benson
Christian Education: Its
History and Philosophy

Identify the Influence of the Old Kenneth O. Gangel, Recorded video Write a reflection Laptop 2 hrs.
influence of the Old Testament Theology Warren S. Benson on the importance
Testament Theology and Pedagogy to Christian Education: Its of biblical and Net connection
and Pedagogy to Christian Education History and Philosophy philosophical
Christian Education Reporting PPT presentation
Education in the family, integration of
at the tabernacle, during Online Discussion education in Headset
the monarchy, in the today’s
Concept map
exile, in the synagogue educational setting
video presentation of today’s
educational setting

Determine how Impact of Greek Recorded video Make feedback on Laptop 2 hrs.
Greek philosophy Philosophy to biblical principles
impacted Christian Christian Thought Kenneth O. Gangel, Net connection
Thought Warren S. Benson
Christian Education: Its Reporting PPT presentation
History and Philosophy Chart completion
Socrates and Moralism Online Discussion Headset
Reflection Paper

Plato and Idealism Video presentations

*Platonic philosophy,
politics, education

Compare Rome Rome and the New Kenneth O. Gangel, Reporting Laptop
Principle of System Testament Principles Warren S. Benson
Vs. the New of Education Christian Education: Its Online Discussion Reflection paper Net connection
Testament Principles History and Philosophy on the methods/
of Education Venn diagram PPT presentation
strategies applied
Rome Educational Essay Writing in the teaching-
System learning process

Video presentations
New Testament
Principles of Education

Analyze Christian Christian Education in Kenneth O. Gangel, Reporting Philosophical Laptop

Education in the the Early Church Warren S. Benson proponents and
Early Church Christian Education: Its its’ contemporary
Education and the History and Philosophy Online Discussion counterpart. Ppt Net connection 2 hrs.
Apostle, the church presentation.
fathers, Venn diagram PPT presentation
Christian Education in the Use of slide decks for Headset
Early Church – part 1
Early Christian Life as
 by Fr Joseph Gleason Essay Writing
an Education

Amalgamation of
Christianity with

The Education of the

Early Christians


Explore Augustine Kenneth O. Gangel, Reporting Flow Chart Laptop 2 hrs.

to Aquinas: Medieval Education in Warren S. Benson Philosophers: Its
Medieval Education the time of Augustine Christian Education: Its Online Discussion relation to Net connection
and Aquinas History and Philosophy educational aim,
Use of slide decks for methodologies and PPT presentation
Augustine and Aquinas discussion curricular. activities
philosophy and Headset
contributions to MEDIEVAL Reflection paper
education PHILOSOPHY 
The formalization of From The History of
Philosophy: A Short
Doctrine Survey
Four Issues for Medieval  https://www.utm.edu/
Philosophers staff/jfieser/class/110/5-

Assess the impact of Reformation Period Reporting Prepare a personal Laptop 2 hrs.
Reformation in educational
Christian Education https:// Online Discussion philosophy Net connection
Major events that took rg/magazine/article/john- Use of slide decks for PPT presentation
place in the reformation wycliffe-and-the-dawn- discussion
of-the-reformation Headset
Essay Writing
Develop an
Impact of reformation educational
on Christianity The Reformation: Lasting portfolio
impacts on church and
Significant figures in the https://
Reformation www.focusonthefamily.c

2 hrs.

Analyze factors Europe’s Reporting Laptop 2 hrs.

leading to Europe’s Enlightenment in Post
enlightenment in Reformation period Online Discussion Reflection Paper Net connection
Post-Reformation European history
Times Use of slide decks for PPT presentation
https:// discussion
event/Enlightenment- Reflection paper Headset

The Enlightenment

Gain Understanding Factors that led to the

of enlightenment

New England and

the Puritans Major figures of
Europe’s Enlightenment

The Puritans
Important ideas of the https://
Enlightenment topics/colonial-america/
The Church of England puritanism#:~:text=Under
Puritans in New England %20Church
(Who are they) %20and,throughout
Puritanism: Its impact to %20ever%20since.
Define, compare, Denominationalism Effects of Reporting Laptop 2 hrs.
and contrast and Secularization Denominationalism
Denominationalism Online Discussion Make a graphic Net connection
https:// organizer to
and Secularization
lithiaspringschurchofchris Use of slide decks for Compare and PPT presentation
Denominationalism and t.com/effects-of- discussion contrast
Secularization in denominationalism/ contemporary Headset
Christianity Concept map educational
philosophies and a
Denominationalism and philosophy

history of
and Secularization
Evangelical Christianity in the 20th https:// Reporting Providing Laptop 2 hrs.
Education in the century en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Feedback
Last Quarter of the Christianity_in_the_20th Online Discussion Net connection
20th Century Key figures in _century
evangelism Use of slide decks for PPT presentation
Reflection paper/Journal
Basic beliefs of Writing

Recorded video Lesson Providing Laptop 2 hrs.

Completion of Paper
works Net connection
discussion PPT presentation

Explain the process on how Finished outputs 2 hrs.

FINAL to craft biblically integrated
EXAMINATION lesson with activities Laptop
anchored on one of the
philosophical cornerstones Net connection
of education
PPT presentation
Grading System:
A. Midterm Grade (MTG)
a. Quizzes (minimum of three)………………………………………..…….15%
b. Class Standing………………………………………………………...…………25%
-Attendance, Participation, Recitation, and Attitude
c. Prelim Exam……………………………………………………………………..…30%
d. Midterm Exam…………………………………………………………………….30%
B. Final Term (FTG)
a. Quizzes………………………………………………………………………………15%
b. Class Standing…………………………………………….………………………25%
-Attendance, Participation, Recitation, and Attitude
-Assignment, Group Performance activity, portfolio
c. Semi-Final or Pre-Final………………………………..………………………30%
d. Final Exam………………………………………………….………………………30%
C. Final Grade (FTGx2)+(MTG)/3=(FG)



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