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Diode Circuits and Rectifiers [art 35] 49) (a) ®) Fig. 3.11. Energy-recovery circuit (a) switch S closed and (b) switch S opened. When switch $ is opened, polarities of voltages V, and V> get reversed, the diode is now forward biased by voltage (V; ~ V,). As a result, diode begins to conduct a current i; into the positive terminal of source voltage V, and so the trapped energy is fed back to the source. Energy fedhack tn de source = V, x current i; dependent upon (V2 -V.). ‘The energy stored in L of N; turns is transferred to secondary winding of N, turns from where it is fed back into the de source. 3.5. SINGLE-PHASE DIODE RECTIFIERS Rectification is the process of conversion of alternating input voltage to direct output voltage. As stated before, a rectifier converts ac power to dc. In diode-based rectifiers, the output voltage cannot be controlled. In this section, uncontrolled single-phase rectifiers are studied. The diode is assumed ideal as hefore. 3. Single-Phase Half-wave Rectifier This is the simplest type of uncontrolled rectifier. It is never used in thdustrial applications because of its poor performance. Its study is, however, useful in understanding the principle of rectifier operation. = — In a single phase half-wave rectifier, for one eyela of supply voltage, there is one half-cycle of output, or load, voltage. As such, it is also called single-phase one-pulse rectifier ‘Yhe load on the output side of rectifler may be R, RL or RL with a Mywhivel divde. These are now discussed briefly. i i (a) R load : The circuit diagram of a single-phase half-wave rectifier is shown in Fig. 419.(a) Nnring the positive half cycle, diode is forward biased, it therefore conducts from t= 0° to wt = x, During the positive half cycle, output voltage vp = source voltage v, and load current ip =vp/R. Mtot=n, vp = 0and for R load, iy is also zero. As soon as v, tends ta hecame negative after wt = n, diode D is reverse biased, it is therefore turned off and goes into blocking state, Output voltage, as well as output current, are zero from wt=n to t=2n. After @t=2n, diode is again forward biased and conduction begins. For a resistive load, output current i, has the same waveform as that of the output voltage vy Diode voltage vp is zero when diode conducts. Diode is reverse biased from i=" to ¢ 44 [Art. 3.5] Power Electronics ot = 2m as shown. The waveforms of v,, vp, ig and vp are vketched in Fig. 3.12 (6). Here source voltage is sinusoidal ie, v, =V,, sin wt. KVL for the cireuit of Fig. 2.12 (a) gives U,=Up + Up. Nysin wt] ip {a) (hy Mig, 3.29, Gingle-pluwe half-wave diode rectifier with load (a) circuit diagram and (®) waveforms, Average value of output (or load) voltage, 1 [* yas Vie ar V,, sin of d(@ 6] y, = on | cost [§= a J us Rms value of output voltage, Vz, | [visio o-atan] = va [1 os 2a ato] 2 (3.22) Here the subscript ‘r’ is used to denote rms value. Average valuo of load current, Ble Is gs v, Vo _ Vn do Saniaecaa +(3.23) Ven _ Vy Rms valuo eflond-cucrunt, 14,5 i (8.24) Peak value of load, or diode, current . %, aap =(8.25) Peak inverse voltage, PIV, is an important parameter in the design of rectifier circuits FIV is the maximum voltage that appears across the device (here diode) during its blocking state. In Fig. 3.12, PIV=V,, =\2 - V,=\2 (rms value of transformer secondary voltage), Diode Circuits and Rectifiers __ tart 3.5) 45 Power delivered to resistive load = (rms load voltage) (rms load current ) (2.98) Input power factor (6) L load : Single-phase half-wave diode rectifier with L load is shown in Fig. 3.13 (a). When switch S is closed at at = 0, diode starts conducting. KVL for this circuit gives di, we ¥,20j2L FeV, sin ot y, or ig= BJ sinwe-at = Bes wird (8.27 a) V, At af=0, ig O--tA \ or A=V,,/aL Substitution of the value of A in Eq, (3.27 a) gives V, ig= Gy (1 - cos @t) +-(8.27 6) Gh Ve Output voltage, use = =L gf [sin a] n= V,, sin at =v, Souree voltage v, and both output voltage v, and output current i are plotted in Fig. 3.13 (6). Average value of output voltage, Vy = 0 vst Ys=Vensinwot @ ® = Fig. 3.13. Single-phase one-pulse rectifier with L load (a) circuit diagram and (6) waveforms 8 ae 46 [Art 3.5] -Power Electronics The output current iy consists uf Uc component and fundamental frequency component of frequency ©, Peak value of current Ipu,, oceurs at «wt = (8.28) (8.29) Rms value of fundamental current, ,, is given by 2 ss (8,80) \ Rms value of rectified current (3.81) Voltage across diode, (c) C Load : In Fig. 3.14 (a), when switch S is closed at ct = 0, the equation governing the behaviour of the circuit is @ () Tig, 8.14. Single-phase half-wave diode rectifier with C load (a) circuit diagram and (b) waveforms, Diode Circuits and Rectifiers [Art 3.5] 47 =WC V,, cos wt (3.32) Output voltage, v= 4 | iae=V, sin ot =v, =v, n=G a =" Capacitor is charged to voltage V,, at at =5 and subsequently this voltage remains constant at V,,. This is shown as v9 = Ug in Fig. 3.14 (6) Capacitor current or load current is maximum at ct = 0. Its value at wt =0 is @ CV,, as shown. The diode conducts for 3° seconds only from «a = 0 to wt = } : During this interval, diode yoltage is, therefore, zero, After of = 4/2 , diode voltage vp is given by vp= 91 %y— Vy_ | Vy sin ot V(sin ot - 1) »(3.33) For Eq. (3.33), the time origin is redefined at wt = 1/2. After of =1/2, diode voltage is plotted as shown in Fig. 8.14 (0). At ot =%, up=—2V, Average value of voltage across diode, York lf, V,, (sin wt — 1) d(at) =V,,=12 V, (8.34 a) Rms value of fundamental component of voltage across diode, 1 2 ain? Is wie Vy (2° V2 sin” wt ate) =o (8.84 b) Runs value of voltage across diode =W43 + Vi. = 1.225 Vp (B35) Example 3.5. A single-phase 230-V, 1 kW heater is connected across single-phase 230 V, 60 Hz supply through a diode. Calculate the power delivered to the heater element. Find also the peak dinde current and input pomer fartor Solution. Heater resistance, R Rms value of output voltage, from Eq. (3. 22), is 42 x 280 Power absorbed by héater element Vir 230° 1000 ie, et on Peak value of diode current, from Eq. (3.25), is given by 2 x 230 ~~ x 1000 = 6.1478 A (230° r 48 [Art 3.5] : Power Electronics Moris ¥B ROBO. M200 Input power factor = 72 = ©2280 10.707 tag. (d) RE Load : Single-phase half-wave roctifior with load resistance R and load counter emf E is shown in Fig. 3.15 (a). If the switch $ is closed at wt = 0° or when v, =0, then diode @ (O} Fig. 3.19. Single-phase half-wave diode rectifier with RE load. would not conduct at wt =0 because diode is reverse biased until source voltage v, equals E. When V,, sin 0, =E, diode D starts conducting and the turn-on angle 6, is given by Shite 0, = sin (4) (8.36) The diode now conducts from wt = 0, to ot = (~8,), ie, conduction angle for diode is (x ~ 26) as shown in Fig, 3.15 (6). During the conduction period of diode, the voltage equation’. for the circuit is Vpy Sin Ot =E + ip R ee _ Vmsinot-E eh or pane Average value of this current is given by a pee 3 ie oa (V,, sin of = B) sa = tn [2 V,, cos 0, ~ E (nx ~20,)) (3.38) Rms value of the load current of Eq. (3.37) is qa ae 1 1 (V,, sin ot Prt, fea aco) va fe oe ok : {3 ¢ Ji, | Wh sin or +B*-2Y, Bina ee) [Art 3.5] 49 v2 = =e {we +B) (x 20,) + V? sin 26, ~ 4 V,, E cos 4] (8.39) Power delivered to load, P=EL+ER watts (8.40) Power delivered to load ee = oars vaieany Oe alae or source current) E+E R TTT AR Ht 1s seen from Fig. 3.15 (a) that at of = 0°, vy=—# and at aé= 0), p20 During the period diode conducts, vp =0. When at = 8n/2, v,=—V,, and vp =~(V,, +E). Thus PIV for diode is (V,, + ). Example 3.6/4 dc battery of constant emf E is charged through a resistor as shown in Fig. 3.15 (a). Fo source voltage of 235 V,-60 Hz and for. R= 80, B= 150 V. (@) find the value of average charging current, (0) find the power supplied to Battery and that dissipated in the resistor, () calculate the supply pf. (@) find the charging time in case battery capacity is 1000 Wh and (0) find rectifier efficiency url PIV of the diode, Solution : (a) The diode will start conducting at an angle @;, where (3.41) 150;-.8 cz rar Average value of charging enrrent, from Eq. (8.38), is hz xt b + V2 x 280 cos 27.466" - 150 (ae a | 2nxe = 4.9676 A (b) Power delivered to battery = Ep = 150 x x 4.9676 = 745.14 W Rims value of charging eurrent, from Eq, (3.99), is 180 {ose #150%) f = 25 27.400 x its)” 280" sin 27,466 =4 V2 x 230 150 cos 27306'|| = 9.2955 A 1 teal ete Power dissipated in resistor = [R= (9.2955)"x 8 = 691.25 W oe (c) From Eq, (3.41), the supply f= 145.14 + 691.25 © 280 x 9.2955 (d) Power delivered to battery) (charging time in hours) = Battery capacity in Wh. = 0.672 lag 50 [Art. 3.5] Power Electronics ' ess 1000 <. Charging time = ag 1a 7 bob . _ Power delivered to battery (@) Rectifier efficiency Tikal taput pone Saag 74514 qenn05 <1 oP (f PIV of diode = Vi, +B = 12 x 230 + 150 = 475,22, V. (e) RL Load : A single-phase one-pulse diode rectifier feeding RL load is shown in Fig. 3.16 (a). Current ip continues to flow-even after source voltage u, has become negative ; this is because of the presence of inductance L in the load circuit. Voltage vp =ip R has the same waveshape as that of ig. Inductor voltage 1, =”, - Np is also shown. The current Zo flows till the two areas A and B are equal, Area A represents the energy stored by L and area B the energy released by L. Il must be noted that average value of voltage v, across inductor L is zero. 3) () Fig. 3.16. Single-phase half-wave diode rectifier with RL load (@) eircuit diagram and (0) waveforms. ‘When i, =0 at wt =B; v, =0, vg =0 and voltage v, appears as reverse bias across diode D as shown. At 8, voltage vp across diode jumps from zero to V,, sin where > n. Here B= 7is also the conduction angle of the diode. Average value of output voltage, 8 Vo=e J Varsin ot dot) Vn =p, (1-908 B) (8.42) Average value of load or output current, (8.48) Diode Circuits and Rectifiers [Art. 3.5] 51 ‘A general expression for output current i for 0 < at < B can be obtained as under : When diode is conducting, KVL for the circuit of Fig. 3.16 (a) gives yp ti : Rig L GP = Vn sin ot ‘The load, or output, current ip consists of two components, one steady state component i, and the other transient component i,. Here i, is given by i, ee na sin (ot-9) where 6=tan"*% and X~ al. Here 6 is the angle by which rms current I, lags V,. ‘The transient component i, can be obtained fom force-free equation Rib dt Its solution gives 4A oat ‘Total solution for current ig is, therefore, given by % $i,=2% ein (t-QtAct! 3.44) fy = ty Z where Z=\Ri+X? Cunstunt A cun be ublained frum the boundary condition at wf - 0, At at =0, or at £=0, ip = 0. Thus, from Eq, (8.44) Von oe O=-—Fsind+A V; Ee. Az sing My Zz ge? Substitution of A in Bq. (8.44) gives R ieee (othr sing 8] (8.45), for 0 sats It is also seen from the waveform of ig in Fig. 3.16 (6) that when ot = 8, ig =0. With this condition, Eq. (3.45) gives : : R sin@-g+sing ow [-arelre ‘The sulution of this transcendental equation can give the value of extinction angle f () RL load with freewheeling diode : Performance of single-phase one-pulse diode rectifier with RL load can be improved by connecting a freewheeling diode across the load as shown in Fig, 3.17 (a). Output voltage is v, =v, for 0< wt S 230 x 20.704 x cos = 207.04 x 20.704 «=. Supply pf = ons 6 = 20704 0.90 lagging. Example 3.9. A diode whose internal resistance is 20 Q is to supply power to a 10002 load from a 230 V (rms) source of supply. Calculate (a) the peak load current (b) the de load ‘current (c) the de diode voltage (d) the percentage regulation from no load to given load. (LA.S., 1983) Solution. A voltage of 230 V supplying power to 1000 Q, through a single diode, is shown in Fig. 3.22 (a). Waveforms for the sonrce voltage, load current i, and diode voltage vp are shown in Fig. 3.22 (6). (a) It is seen from the waveform of ig that peak Joad current J,,, is given by 1. =a ¥m__ 2 «230 om" R+Rp © 1020 Here R =load resistance and Rp = internal resistance of diode. = 0.3189 A Diode Circuits and Rectifiers [Art. 3.6] 57 wt a2 7 a7 at vol iorRo i Jin 30 wt @ ®) Fig. 3.22. Pertaining to Example 3.9 () cir wuit diagram and (6) waveforme. (b) DC load current, T= Fe Jp ton Sim OF AUX) 1, = =0,10151 A, 7 a ile. (c) DC diode voltage, Vp=IoRo- Fi Jo 230v2 sin wt d(wt) ).10151 x nose --101.6V ¥, (@) At no load, load voltage, Va, =" e280 103.521-V At given load, load voltage, Vo Seana 7000 = 101.491 «. Voltage regulation. x 10 3.6. ZENER DIODES Zener diodes are specially constructed to have accurate and stable reverse breakdown voltage. Crreuit symbol for Zener divde is shown in Fig. 3.28 (a). When it is forward hiased, it behaves as a normal diode. When reverse biased, a small leakage current flows. If the reverse voltage across Zener diode is increased, a value uf voltage is reached at which rovorse breakdown occurs. This is indicated by a sudden increase of Zener current, Fig. 3.23 (). The voltage after reverse breakdown remains practically constant over a wide range of Zener ‘current, This makes it suitable for use as a voltage regulator to furnish constant voltage from a source whose voltage may vary noticeably. For the operation of Zener diode as a voltage regulator, (i) it must be reverse biased with a voltage greater than its breakdown, or Zener, voltage and (ii) a series resistor R,, Fig. 3.23 (c) is necessary to limit the reverse current through the diode below its rated value.

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