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Local Budget Circular No 144 Dated February 28 2022

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Date: February 28, 2022

To Local Chief Executives, Members of the Local Sanggunian, Local Budget

Officers, Local Treasurers, Local Planning and Development
Coordinators, Local Accountants, National Government Agencies
Concerned, and All Others Concerned


NO. 11639


President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed Executive Order (EO) No. 70, s. 2018,1 which
recognizes the need to reframe and refocus the government policy for achieving
inclusive and sustainable peace by recognizing that insurgencies, internal
disturbance and tensions, and armed conflicts and threats are not only military and
security concerns but symptomatic of broader social, economic, and historical

To address the root cause of insurgency and other armed conflicts, there is a need
to prioritize and harmonize the delivery of basic services and social delivery
packages by the government and, at the same time, facilitate societal inclusivity
and ensure active participation of the different sector of the society in the pursuit
of sustainable peace and prosperity.

One of the strategies being implemented to address development gaps is the

Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP), which is a convergence mechanism
for local governments, particularly at the barangay level, for the Identification of
issues and needed government interventions. It is anchored on the empowerment
framework that intends to develop people's capability to organize themselves and
implement their own programs and projects by bringing about value chain
interventions to uplift their current condition.2

1 Institutionalizing the Whole-of-Nation Approach in Attaining Inclusive and Sustainable Peace, Creating a National Task Force to
End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), and Directing the Adoption of a National Defense Framework, signed last
04 December 2018

: DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2019-169 entitled “Guidelines on the Implementation of the Retooled Community Support
Program" dated 19 October 2019, which was later modified by DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-095, entitled “Remedial
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One of the outputs of the RCSP process is the enhancement of Barangay
Development Plans which identifies the priority projects/programs to address the
existing issues and development gaps at the barangay level. Priority projects
identified by the barangays during RCSP will be funded under the Local
Government Support Fund-Support to the Barangay Development Program (LGSF-
SBDP) of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-


Pursuant to Special Provision (SP) No. 3 of the LGSF under the FY 2022 General
Appropriations Act (GAA), Republic Act (RA) No. 11639, the appropriated amount
of PhP 5,624,000,000 for the LGSF-SBDP shall be used for the implementation of
various support programs of the NTA-ELCAC for the One Thousand Four Hundred
Six (1,406) cleared barangays. Each cleared barangay shall be allocated with an
amount not exceeding PhP 20,000,000 to be used for the following projects: (i)
farm-to-market road; (ii) school building; (Hi) water and sanitation system; (iv)
health stations; and (v) electrification.

The President, in his Veto Message to the FY 2022 GAA, RA No. 11639, placed the
LGSF-SBDP under conditional implementation, subject to the guidelines to be
issued by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), in coordination with
the NTF-ELCAC, which shall specify the allocations, conditions, and requirements
prior to the release of funds.


This Circular is being issued primarily to prescribe the general policies and
procedures on the implementation of the FY 2022 LGSF-SBDP. This Circular shall
likewise serve as a guide for the identified local government units (LGUs) in
accessing the LGSF-SBDP, to ensure that all abide to the policies, processes, and
responsibilities in the overall implementation of the Program.


4.1 The LGSF-SBDP shall be exclusively used for the implementation of various
support programs of the 1,406 cleared barangays listed in Annex A hereof.

4.2 The LGSF-SBDP shall be released to the city/municipality where the cleared
barangays are located. As the implementer of the proposed project(s) of
the cleared barangays, the city/municipality shall ensure that:

4.2.1 the proposed project(s) is/are part of the duly approved Local
Development Investment Program and Annual Investment
Program of the city/municipality:

Measures on the Localization of Executive Order No. 70 and all DUG Peace Building lnltiatives'‘ dated 22 June 2020 due to
the COVID-19 National Emergency
Page 2 of 7
4.2.2 the necessary Program of Works, Detailed Estimates, and Detailed
Engineering Design for the project have been prepared, in
accordance with the design, plan, specifications, and such other
standards and policies of the National Government;

4.2.3 it has capability to implement the proposed project(s), either by

administration or contract;

4.2.4 the proposed project(s) is/are readily implementable within the

prescribed timelines and that there are no issues related to the
site/land title, including informal settlers thereon, and right-of-
way acquisition;

4.2.5 it has complied with the standards prescribed by the appropriate

government agencies and has secured all the necessary
clearances or certifications from same agencies before the
implementation of the project(s), e.g., Environmental Clearance;

4.2.6 the location, area, or site of the proposed project(s) is: (i) not a
privately-owned land/lot; (ii) not included in the critical geo-
hazard areas or no build zones Identified and/or certified by the
Mines and Geo-sclences Bureau hazard map; and (iii) within the
territorial jurisdiction of the city/municipality; and

4.2.7 the cost of maintenance and repairs of the proposed project(s)

will be shouldered by the city/municipality.

In case the city/municipality Is not technically capable to implement the

proposed project(s) of the cleared barangay, said project(s) may be
implemented by the province, subject to the execution of a Memorandum
of Agreement (MOA) between the city/municipality and the province

In case both the city/munlclpality and the province concerned are not
technically capable to implement the proposed project(s) of the cleared
barangay, said project(s) may be implemented by an appropriate national
government agency (NGA), including, but not limited to, the Armed Forces
of the Philippines Engineering Brigade, subject to the execution of a MOA
between the city/municipality and the NGA concerned.

4.3 The cleared barangays shall submit the following documentary

requirements to the city/municipal and provincial government, for the
latter's endorsement to the Regional Task Force (RTF)-ELCAC concerned:

4.3.1 Request letter signed by the Punong Barangay stating the

name/title, location, and amount of the proposed project(s). In
case the request covers two (2) or more projects, the order or
hierarchy of priorities of the barangay shall be provided in the
request letter; and

4.3.2 Contact details signed by the Punong Barangay following the

template provided in Annex B hereof.

Page 3 of 7
The city/municipal and provincial government shall ensure expedient
endorsement of the requests of compliant barangays to the RTF-ELCAC.
Failure on the part of the city/municipal and provincial government to timely
render appropriate action thereon shall subject the erring officials to
penalties under existing laws.

4.4 The RTF-ELCAC shall evaluate and determine the eligibility and compliance
of the cleared barangays and their proposed project(s) with SP No. 3 of the
LGSF under the FY 2022 GAA, RA No. 11639 and this Circular. Upon
evaluation of the proposed projects and the submitted documentary
requirements, the RTF-ELCAC shall endorse the eligible and compliant
requests to the NTF-ELCAC.

4.5 In turn, the NTF-ELCAC shall consolidate and favorably endorse the eligible
and compliant requests to the DBM Central Office, specifying the total
amount of allocation for each cleared barangay to be released to the
dty/municipality concerned, as well as, the projects to be implemented.

4.6 Consistent with DBM-Department of Finance Joint Circular No. 2016-1 dated
January 4, 2016,3 the Special Allotment Release Order covering the LGSF-
SBDP shall be released by the DBM to the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr),
while the corresponding Notices of Cash Allocation (NCAs) shall be released
to the Authorized Government Servicing Banks (AGSBs) of the
cities/municipalities concerned.

Upon receipt of the Advice of NCA Issued from the DBM, the BTr shall
release the corresponding Advices to Debit Account (ADAs) to the AGSBs of
the cities/municipalities concerned. In parallel, the BTr shall inform the said
LGUs of the released funds and their purposes through the issuance of
Notice of ADA Issued (NADAI).

4.7 The LGSF-SBDP shall be recorded as a trust fund by the city/municipality

for the specific purpose(s) and barangays for which the funds were
received. The fund shall be made available for disbursement for the purpose
specified until December 31, 2023. To record each transaction, the
city/municipality shall maintain a separate subsidiary ledger for each
beneficiary barangay and project(s) to be implemented.

Moreover, within thirty (30) calendar days reckoning from the date of the
NADAI issued by the BTr, the city/municipality, through the city/municipal
treasurer and accountant, shall confirm with the Department of the Interior
and Local Government (DILG)-Regional Office (RO), through the DILG-
City/Municipal Office (CO/MO), that the funds have been transferred from
the General Account to the Trust Fund Account intended for the beneficiary
barangay and the project(s) to be implemented.

3 Guidelines for the Direct Release of Funds by the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr) to Local Government Units (LGUs) in FY 2016
and Thereafter
Page 4 of 7
4.8 After the end of the validity period, any unreleased appropriations shall
lapse, while undisbursed funds shall revert to the National Treasury,
particularly to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund in accordance
with Section 28, Chapter 4, Book VI of Executive Order No. 292, s. 1987.

If at any point before December 31, 2023, the city/municipality, upon prior
consultation with the RTF-ELCAC and the barangay(s) concerned,
determines that the funds can no longer be utilized, e.g., when the
project(s) cannot be implemented for any valid reason or when the same
has/have been funded from other sources, the amount received by the
same city/municipality from the LGSF-SBDP shall be immediately reverted
to the National Treasury.

4.9 The LGSF-SBDP shall be exclusively used to fund the eligible programs and
projects enumerated under SP No. 3 of the LGSF under the FY 2022 GAA,
RA No.11639.

In no case shall the fund be used: (i) for any purpose other than the
program(s) and/or project(s), including the location thereof, for which the
fund was released, without the prior endorsement of the NTF-ELCAC and
approval of the DBM; (ii) to fund projects already fully covered by the other
sources of funds; and (ili) for the payment of Personal Ser/ices expenditures
(i.e., payment of salaries, including honoraria, allowances, bonuses, and
similar forms of compensation).

4.10 The implementing LGU or NGA concerned, as the case may be, shall observe
and comply with the requirements on the implementation of infrastructure
projects pursuant to Section 28 of the General Provisions of the FY 2022
GAA, RA No. 11639.

Furthermore, the implementing LGU or NGA concerned, as the case may

be, shall ensure that the designs of all proposed projects for the
construction, rehabilitation, repair, or improvement of government buildings
include the installation of a Rainwater Collection System, in accordance with
the prescribed design of the Department of Public Works and Highways,
pursuant to Section 29 of the General Provisions of the FY 2022 GAA, RA
No. 11639.

4.11 Consistent with SP No. 3 of the DILG-Office of the Secretary Budget under
the FY 2022 GAA, RA No. 11639, the DILG shall be responsible for the
monitoring and evaluation of actual project implementation of LGUs or NGA
concerned, as the case may be. The DBM shall furnish the DILG with a list
of releases from the LGSF-SBDP for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

4.12 Disbursement and utilization of the LGSF-SBDP shall be subject to pertinent

provisions of the Government Procurement Reform Act (RA No. 9184) and
its 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and any
relevant policies issued by the Government Procurement Policy Board
(GPPB), as well as the applicable budgeting, accounting, and auditing rules
and regulations.

Page 5 of 7

The city/municipality concerned shall:

5.1 Comply with the posting requirements prescribed under RA No. 9184 and
its 2016 Revised IRR, and all relevant policies issued by the GPPB;

5.2 Prepare quarterly reports on fund utilization and status of program/project

implementation using the prescribed format (Annex C), until such time that
the Unified Reporting System for LGUs has been developed and can be used
by the LGUs;

5.3 Consistent with the Full Disclosure Policy of the DILG, post the said reports
in at least three (3) conspicuous public places in the locality and on the
LGU's website within twenty (20) calendar days from the end of each

5.4 Send a written notice to the Secretary of DBM, Secretary of DILG,

Chairperson of the NTF-ELCAC, coursed through the NTF-ELCAC Vice-
Chairperson and RTF-ELCAC concerned. Speaker of the House of
Representatives, President of the Senate of the Philippines, and the
Chairpersons of the House Committee on Appropriations and Senate
Committee on Finance upon posting of the reports on the LGU's website.

The DILG and the NTF-ELCAC shall forward to the DBM the evaluated and
consolidated reports on fund utilization and status of program/project
implementation submitted by the beneficiary LGUs.


The responsibility and accountability in the implementation of programs and

projects, and proper utilization and disbursement of the LGSF-SBDP shall rest upon
the local chief executives (LCEs) and other local officials concerned. It is also the
responsibility of said local officials to ensure that the funds released to the
city/municipality concerned are utilized strictly in accordance with applicable
budgeting, accounting, and auditing rules and regulations, and pertinent provisions
of RA No. 9184.

Moreover, the dty/municipality shall ensure that no duplication of funding will

occur. As such, the city/municipality, through Its LCE, shall immediately inform the
DBM if it has received funding from other sources for the same project(s).

Finally, in view of the conduct of National and Local Elections on May 9, 2022, the
LCE of the city/municipality and other local officials concerned shall ensure that
disbursement or expenditure of funds by the LGU shall be made consistent with
the provisions of the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines (RA No. 7166) and
other pertinent laws, rules and regulations.

Page 6 of 7

Interpretation of the provisions of this Circular, including relevant items not

covered herein, shall be referred to the DBM for resolution.


If any provision of this Circular is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other

provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting.


All provisions of existing guidelines that are not consistent with this Circular are
hereby revised, modified, and/or repealed accordingly.


This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) calendar days after its publication.



Page 7 of 7

Region Province Amount 1

City/Munidpailty Barangay
(in Pesos) !
1 CAR Abra Lacub Buneq
2 CAR Abra Lacub Gulnquinabanq i
3 CAR Abra Lacub Pacoc
A CAR Abra Mallbconq Gacab
5 CAR Abra Malibcona Lat-ev 4.000,000.00
6 CAR Abra Matibconq Mataraqan 4.000,000.00
7 CAR Abra Matibconq Umnap 4,000,000.00
8 CAR Abra Pilar Gaoanq
9 CAR Abra Pilar Naqcanasan
10 CAR Abra Pilar OCUD
11 CAR Abra Tubo Kill
12 CAR Ifuqao Asloulo Camandaq
13 CAR l^joao Asipulo Namal
14 CAR Ifuoao Asipulo Pula 4,000.000.00
15 CAR Ifuqao Asipulo Cawavan 4,000.000.00
16 CAR Ifuqao Tinoc Binablavan 4,000.000.00
17 CAR Ifuqao Tinoc Danqqo
18 CAR. Ifuqao Tinoc Luhonq 4,000.000.00
19 CAR Ifuoao Tinoc Tokucan
20 CAR Ifuqao Tinoc Wanqwanq
21 CAR Ifuqao Tinoc Gumhanq
22 CAR Kallnqa Plnukpuk Aoatan 4,000.000.00
23 CAR Kaltnqa PinukDUk Ba-av
24 CAR Kallnqa Plnukpuk Limos 4,000,000.00
25 CAR Mountain Province Bauko Baonen Oriente 4.000,000.00
26 CAR Mountain Province Bauko Baanen Prooer 4.000,000.00
27 CAR Mountain Province Bauko Balintauqan
28 CAR Mountain Province Bontoc Daiican 4,000.000.00
29 CAR Mountain Province Bontoc Guinaanq 4,000,000.00
30 CAR Mountain Province Bontoc Mainit
31 CAR Mountain Province Sadanqa Belwanq
32 CAR Mountain Province Sadanqa Annabd 1
33 CAR l4ountain Province Sadanoa Bekioan i 4.000,000.00
34 CAR Mountain Province Sadanqa Demang 4,000.000.00
35 CAR Mountain Province Sadanqa Sacasacan !
36 CAR Mountain Province Sadanqa Sadit i 4,000,000.00
37 CAR Mountain Province Saqada Aquid !
38 CAR Mountain Province Saoada Fidelisan 4.000,000.00
39 CAR Mountain Province Saaada Anqkllenq 4,000.000.00
40 CAR Mountain Province Saqada Banqaan 4,000,000.00
41 CAR Mountain Province Saqada Madongo 4,000,000.00
42 CAR Mountain Province Saqada Pide
Total, Reqion CAR 168.000,000.00
43 Ilocos Norte Banaul Pavac
44 I Ilocos Norte Marcos Cacafean 4.000,000.00
45 I Ilocos Sur Burqos Lubinq 4,000,000.00
46 I Ilocos Sur Buroos Luna 4,000.000.00
47 I Itocos Sur Candon City Bugnay 4.000,000.00
48 I Ilocos Sur Candon Qtv Tablac 4.000,000.00
49 I Ilocos Sur Galimuvod Leqaspi 4,000.000.00
50 1 Ilocos Sur Naqbukel Bandril
51 I Ilocos Sur Naabukel Lapbnq
52 I Ilocos Sur Naqbukel Taleb
53 I Ilocos Sur Narvacan Lanipao 4,000,000.00
54 I Ilocos Sur Narva can Cadacad fSibo Baranqobonal 4.000,000.00
55 I Ilocos Sur Narvacan Marozo fSitio Mata)
56 I Ilocos Sur Narva can Sucoc 4.000,000.00
57 I Ilocos Sur Salcedo San Tiburdo 4,000.000.00
58 I liocos Sur Salcedo Luebuban
59 I Ilocos Sur Salcedo Sorioan 4.000,000.00
60 I Itocos Sur Salcedo Ubboq 4,000.000.00
61 I liocos Sur Santiaqo Al-aludiq
62 I Ilocos Sur Santiaqo Salincub
63 1 liocos Sur Sta Cruz Camanaoaan
64 I Ilocos Sur Sta Cnjz San Antonio 4,000,000.00
65 I Ilocos Sur Sta Cruz San Jose 4,000.000.00
66 I Itocos Sur Sta Cruz Pidpid (Sibo Linaoawa)
67 I Itocos Sur Sta Lucia Buiidic 4.000,000,00
68 1 Ilocos Sur Sta Lucia Conconiq East 4,000.000.00

Page 1 of 20
or JO zate^

00'000'000't’ ep!iv Aedfibv QUUinQ II TtT

00,000'000> OdBf\J oinbeqiijv eAeoziA BAanN II OtI
OO'OOO'OOO'V 1 !llnQ Qinbequ-v eAecziA SAanN u 6£1
OO'OOO'OOO't- BepueLueo ainbequjv bAbczia BAanN n eei
00'000'000> fiSMOUiiuv QinbBqujv eAecziA HAanf^ II Z£1
00000‘000> qniqrri Gp3ueisB3 osuo;iv eABdziA eAanN II 9£I
OO’OOO'OOO'V Ban oueuew ues eiaqesi II S£I
ooooo'ooo^ eddBi. oueuei-^ ues eiaqesT n t£1
OO'OOO'OOO ueujuuBd oueuGw ue$ eiaqesi II ££I
OOOOO'OOO (oeBia op!s) Gbueuiw 1 ouepew UBS Giaqesi II Z£T
00 000'000> pajpaqn oueuBH ues eiaqesi II UI
00'000'000'b uetnqi 1 oueuetg ues eiaqesi n OCT
OO'OOO'OOO ABUJBBjO 1 oueuel^| ues eiaqesi II 6ZT
OO’OOO'OOOV uBHinqiQ oueuetj ues eiaqesi II 8ZT
00000'000> JBlld 13Q OUBUetJ UBS eiaqesi II ZZl
OOOOO'OOO1^ JS3M uesnd&iBQ ' oueuei^ ues eiaqesi n 9Zl
00-000/00075 weg ueinBejea 1 oueueti ues eiaqesi II SZI
00000'000'V UG|BSpB3 oueueH ues eiaqesi II tzi
OO'OOO'OOO't’ ueseAng oueueH ues eiaqesi II £ZI
OO'OOO'OOOV uebB|BS oueuBH UBS eiaqesi II ZZT
00'000‘000'tr nABDnAcaew ouepei*! ues eiaqesi 11 IZI
00'000'000> ueieBuBs 1 oueuei^ ues eiaqesi II OZT
00'000'000't’ deinsjQ 1 oueuen ue$ eiaqesi II 611
OO’OOO'OOO't' uebnjBuis 0LUi3|||n9 ues eiaqesi II 8IT
oo'ono'ooo'b jns O3souejd ues ouxiaiiing ues eiaqesi II Zll
OO’OOO'OOO'V Duipebuia 1 ouuemng ues eiaqesi II 9TI
OO'OOO'OOO ABbUMV QUiJ3||tn9 ues eiaqesi II sn
00'000'000> uepeiBd uqsSBv'ues eiaqesi II til
OO’OOO'OOO Oli^a eii!A sauof eiaqesi II £TT
00'000'000'i’ oBuiLUOQ o;s sauoc eiaqesi II ZU
OO'OOO'OOO isqesi BIS sauof eiaqesi II TIT
OO'OOO'OOO'fr |jnu!w S3U0C B|aqesi II 601
00‘000'000'i» SOQ ABUJeDia sauce eiaqesi II 80T
■wooow; oun A8UJE!)(Q sauQf eiaqesi II ZOT
00-000'000> CuojiedGfg sauce eiaqesi II 90T
OO'OOO'OOO't- oqeAeg uopu[S A4D uebeii eiaqesi II SOT
OO’OOO'OOOV 1 iant>!^ ues anbeipg eiaqesi II tOT
OO’OOO'OOO't sojjBD ues anbeijcg eiaqesi II EOT
OO’OOO'OOO't pcAeqqcw anbeqqg eiaqesi II ZOT
OO'OOO'OOO't ueAoejBDiQ anbeipg eiaqesi II TOT
OO’OOO'OOO't UeSBtQ anbeqeg eiaqesi II OOT
OO’OOO'OOO't 1 lanBuag anbeqeg eiaqesi II 66
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OO’OOO'OOO't ucjasndeo uaAiios oiiuag eiaqesi II 96
OO’OOO'OOO't OBjiieg uaAfios o;|uag eiaqesi II S6
OO’OOO'OOO't uanqepuv uaA||os ojiuag eiaqesi II t6
OO’OOO'OOO't ODnujLuei (SJlPd) oyiN oiS ueAebeo II £6
db'boo'ooo't a;joM cniN (3J!Bd) cyiN o}s ueAebeg II Z6
OO’OOO'OOO't 3E3!dew (3j|Pd) uyiN CIS ueAebeg II [6
OO’OOO'OOO't UejjSSBJB^ (aj[ed) oyiN ois ueAebeg II 06
OO’OOO'OOO't Bauh uB6uo|jeqv (aiiedJcyiNois ueAebeg u 68
OO’OOO'OOO't uenf ues lezia ueAe6e5 II 88
OO'OOO'OOO't isew [ezty ueXe6e5 II Z8
OO’OOO'OOO't icjng lerty ueAebej II 98
OO’OOO'OOO't OiSd Luesei ueAebeo n S8
“oor6o67bbb7t ;SBg UB3ElBqB3 ujBsri ucXebeo II t8
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: OO’OOO'OOO't ica»A u?p?5eqB3 ujBsei ueXebeD II Z8
OO’OOO'OOO't bebUBS ciien ueAebB3 II 18
OO’OOO'OOO't etA-BujSV debbeg ueXe5e5 II 08
"bbxoo'ooo't isqni uedeceiiv ueAeBeo ' ' II 6Z
"OO’OOO'OOO't uenr ues ueaeceiiv ueAGbeo 1 II Si
r OO'OOO'OOO't SttSfiGG uedocGMY ueZeBi5 1 n LL
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OO’OOO'OOO't ODI|GW seiociN ues ueujseoued Si
OO’OOO'OOO't bli^anw uiajejebueH ueu|sebued tz
no’noo'nno't seidnn uadions uoiun ei FZ
f OO’OOO'OOO't SuBAeieqicg puqeo ues ucjun *n ZZ
OO’OOO'OOO't (boqrqedujw oqis) uopeiqod QAns ins 503011 li
OO’OOO'OOO't ueoiseiieqeg epew 8JS jns so30|i Oi
OO’OOO'OOO't UBABbens eonq ejs jns S030II 69
(sossd Ui)
Region Amount
province City/Munidpality Barangay
(in Pesos)
142 U Ojirino Aalioav Naoaboaban 4.000,000.00
143 II Ouirino CabaroQuis Tucod 4,000.000.00
144 II Oufrino CabaroQuis DIbibi 4,000.000.00
145 11 Ouirino Cabaroquis Dinqasan
146 II Ouirino CabaroQuis Eden 4.000,000.00
147 II Ouirino Maddeia Cabua-an
148 II Ouirino Maddda San Martin 4,000,000.00
149 II Ouirino Maddeia Sto Nino
150 11 Ouirino Maddda Villa Grada 4,000.000.00
151 11 Ouirino Maddda Ysmael 4,000,000.00
152 II Ouirino NaobDunan Dissimunqal 4,000.000.00
153 II Ouirino Naqtipunan Sanabav 4,000,000.00
154 II Ouirino Naqtipunan Anak 4.000,000.00
155 II Ouirino Naqtibunan Landlnqan
156 II Ouirino NaobDunan San Ramos 4.000,000.00
157 II Ouirino Naqtiounan Wasid 4.000,000.00
Total, Region II 328,000,000.00
158 in Aurora Maria Aurora Bavanihan 4,000.000.00
159 III Aurora Maria Aurora Bazal
160 III Aurora Maria Aurora Cadavacan
161 III Aurora Marla Aurora Diaat
162 III Aurora Maria Aurora Dianawan (Sibo Hlltopl 4,000.000.00
163 III Aurora San Luis Dikapintsan
164 Ill Aurora San Luis DImanavat 4.000,000.00
165 m Aurora San Luis Dlteki
166 III Aurora San Luis Ditumabo
167 ni Aurora San Luis L. Pimentel 4,000,000.00
168 III Nueva Edia Aliaoa Bibldat
169 III Nueva Edia AJiaqa Bukot 4,000,000.00
170 III Nueva Edta Aliaoa San Eustacio 4.000,000.00
171 III Nueva Edia Bonaabon Anboolo (Sibo BatenqasI 4,000.000.00
172 III Nueva Ecifa Bonqabon Labi
173 III Nueva Edia Bonaabon Pesa
174 III Nueva Edia Catranqlan Bunqa (SiboTapll) 4.000,000.00
175 III Nueva Edia Carranqian Burqos fSibo Botolan! 4,000,000.00
176 III Nueva Edta Carranqlan Gen Luna (SIbo Abebeo! 4,000.000.00
177 III Nueva Edta Carranqian loson 4.000,000.00
178 II! Nueva Edia Carranqlan Puncan (Silio Lahud!
179 Ill Nueva Ecita Carranqian TL Padilia
180 III Nueva Edia Gabaidon Calabasa 4,000.000.00
181 III Nueva Edia Gabaldon Uoava 4,000.000.00
182 III Nueva Edia Gabaidon Malinao 4,000,000.00
183 III Nueva Edia Gabaldon Sawmill 4,000,000.00
184 III Nueva Eciia Laur San Fernando fSoroue)
185 II! Nueva Edta Laur Sidonq 4,000.000.00
186 Ill Nueva Edia Licab San Jose
187 III Nueva Edia Li cab Sta Maria 4,000,000.00
188 III Nueva Edia PantabarKjan Cadadan (Sibo Kaitahan! 4,000,000.00
189 III Nueva Edia Pantabanoan Fatima fSItio Nenenq! 4,000,000.00
190 111 Nueva Edia Pantabanoan Malbano 1
191 III Nueva Edia Pantabanoan Pobladon fSibo Lower Tull) 4,000,000.00
192 ni Nueva Eciia Pantabanoan Sampaloc (So Bavabas)
193 m Nueva Edia Pantabanoan Villarica 4,000,000.00
194 III Nueva Edia Quezon San Andres 1 4,000,000.00
195 m Nueva Eciia Quezon Santo Cristo 4.000,000.00
196 ni Nueva Eciia Quezon Uno (Baranqav I) 4,000,000.00
197 ni Nueva Eciia RIzal Cabucbucan 4.000,000.00
198 III Nueva Eciia Rizal Estrella
199 m Zambales Botdan Cabatuan 4,000,000.00
200 III Zambales Botolan Maquisouis 4,000.000.00
201 III Zambales Botolan Nacoicol 4,000,000.00
202 III Zambales Botolan Poonbato 4.000,000.00
203 m Zambales Botolan Villar 4,000,000.00
204 Hi Zambales Santa Cruz GuiMuis 4.000,000.00
Total, Region Ill 188,000,000.00
205 IV-A Batanoas Lobo Caiumpit 4,000.000.00
206 IV-A Batanaas Nasuqbu Butucan
207 rv-A Batanoas San Juan Laiva-Aolava 4,000,000.00
208 rv-A Quezon Abmonan Rizal 4,000.000.00
209 IV-A Quezon Atimonan SlB Catalina 4,000,000.00
210 IV-A Quezon Infanta Maosavsav (Sitio Kamaaonql
211 IV-A Quezon Looez Coaorin-Ibaba 4.000,000.00
212 rv-A Quezon Lopez Cooorin-Ilava
213 IV-A Quezon Lopez Jonoo

Region Province City/Munidpality Amount
(in Pesos)
214 IV-A Quezon Looez Pansol 4,000,000.00
215 !V*A Quezon Lonez San Francisco-B 4,000,000.00
216 IV-A Quezon Looez StD Ntrio Hava 4,000,000.00
217 IV-A Quezon Macaielon Vista Hermosa
218 IV-A Quezon Macalelon Malabahay 4,000.000.00
219 IV-A Quezon Macaielon Olonotao-Ilava 4,000.000.00
220 IV-A Quezon Macalelon San Vicente 4.000,000.00
221 IV-A Quezon Mauban Caosiav II 4.000,000,00
222 IV-A Quezon Mauban Caosiav III 4,000,000.00
223 IV-A Quezon San Francisco Casav 4,000,000.00
224 IV-A Quezon San Francisco Sto NIfio 4.000,000.00
225 IV-A Quezon San Narciso White Clift 4,000,000.00
226 IV-A Quezon Taokawayan BosiQon 4.000,000.00
227 IV-A Quezon Taqkawayan Landino
228 IV-A Quezon Taokawayan Maouibuav 4,000,000,00
229 IV-A Quezon Taokawavan Maouiot 4,000,000.00
230 IV-A Quezon Taokawayan Casispalan 4.000,000.00
231 IV-A Quezon Taqkav/svan Tunton 4.000,000.00
232 IV-A Rizal Rodriquez San Isidro
233 IV-A Rlzal San Mateo Pintono Bocawe 4,000.000.00
234 IV-A Rizal Tanav Daraitan 4.000,000.00
235 IV-A Rlzal Tanav Sto Nifio 4,000,000.00
Total, Region IV-A 124,000.000.00
236 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Abra de Iloo Poblaclon 4,000,000.00
237 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Abra de Iloo Sta.Maria 4,000.000.00
238 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Calintaan Tanvao 4.000,000.00
239 MIMAROPA Ocddental Mindoro Maosaysay Gaoasan 4.000,000.00
240 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Maosaysay Paclolo 4,000,000.00
241 MIMAROPA Ocddental Mindoro Rlzal Manoot 4,000,000.00
242 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Rizal Llmllm fRizal) 4,000,000.00
243 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Sablayan Batonq Buhav 4,000,000.00
244 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Sablavan Paq-asa
245 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro Sablavan San Aqustin 4.000,000.00
246 MIMAROPA Ocddental Mindoro San Jose Monte Qaro 4.000,000.00
247 MIMAROPA Occidental Mindoro San Jose Nalbuan 4,000,000.00
248 MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro Bonoabonq LIsao 4,000,000.00
249 MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro Bonoabono Batanoan 4.000,000.00
250 MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro Bonoabonq Haqan
251 MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro Mansalav Baluoo
252 MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro Roxas San Vicente 4,000,000.00
253 MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro Socorro La Forturia
254 MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro Socorro Ma Conceodon
255 MIMAROPA Pala^van Bataraza Bono Bono 4,000,000.00
256 MIMAROPA Palawan Bataraza InoQbonq 4,000,000.00
257 MIMAROPA Palawan Bataraza Mallhud 4,000,000.00
258 MIMAROPA Palawan Bataraza Bulalacao
259 MIM/^OPA Palawan Bataraza Culandanum
260 MIMAROPA Palawan Bataraza Maranqas 4,000.000.00
261 MIMAROPA Palawan Bataraza Tarusan 4,000.000.00
262 MIMAROPA Palawan Brooke’s Point loiian 4,000.000.00
263 MIMAROPA Palawan Brooke’s Poiiit Arlbunqos 4.000,000.00
264 MIMAROPA Palawan Brooke's Point Calasaouen
265 MIMAROPA Palawan Brooke’s Point Maasin 4.000.000,00
266 MIMAROPA Palawan Brooke’s Point Mainit 4.000,000.00
267 MIMAROPA Palawan Brooke’s Point Maiis
268 MIMAROPA Palawan Dumaran Tanatanaon 4,000,000,00
269 MIMAROPA Palawan Ouezon Calumpanq
270 MIMAROPA Palawan Quezon Malataao 4.000,000.00
271 MIMAROPA Palawan Ouezon Panitian 4,000,000.00
272 MIMAROPA Palawan Ouezon Oulnloqan 4,000,000.00
273 MIMAROPA Palawan Ouezon Taqusao 4,000.000.00
274 MIMAROPA Palawan Rlzal Bunoo 4.000,000.00
275 MIMAROPA Palawan Rizal Candawaoa
276 MIMAROPA Palawan Rizai Culasian
277 MIMAROPA Palawan Rizal Iraan
278 MIMAROPA Palawan Rizal Panalinqaan 4,000,000.00
279 MIMAROPA Palawan Rizal Ransanq 4.000,000.00
280 MIMAROPA Palawan Roxas Taqumpav
281 MIf4AROPA Palawan San Vicente Alimanquan
282 MIMAROPA Palawan San Vicente Sto Nifio 4,000,000.00
283 MIMAROPA Palawan Sofronio Esoahola La boo
284 MIMAROPA Palawan Sofronio Esoanola Panirian
285 MIMAROPA Palawan Sofronio Esoanola Pulot Interior 4.000,000.00
286 MIMAROPA Palawan Sofronio Esoanola Punanq 4.000,000.00

Page 4 of 20
•1 '-”■7 !
(in Pesos)
287 MIMAROPA Palawan Tavtav Paiv Island
288 MIMAROPA Palawan Tavtav Abonoan 4,000.000.00
289 MIMAROPA Palawan Tavtav TalOQ 4,000,000.00
Total, Region MIMAROPA 216,000,000.00
290 V Aibav CamaliQ MaqoQon 4.0CO.OOO.OO
291 V Albav Camalio Ouinartiian 4,000.000.00
292 V Aibav Oaraqa Dlnoronan 4,000.000.00
293 V Albav Guinobatan Bafrte
294 V Aibav Guinobatan Pood 4,000.000.00
295 V Aibav Guinobatan Batbat 4,000,000.00
295 V Aibav Guinobatan Bololo 4,000.000.00
297 V Aibav Guinobatan Marcial 0. Ranola CCabaioaon) 4,000,000.00
298 V Albav Guinobatan Onoo 4,000.000.00
299 V Aibav loveltar Florista 4,000.000.00
300 V Albav Joveilar Cabraran 4,000,000.00
301 V Albav Malinao Baqatanqki 4,000,000.00
302 V Albav Malinao Ouinarabasahan 4,000,000.00
303 V Albav Pio Duran Buenavista 4,000.000.00
304 V Albav Pio Duran Buvo 4.000,000.00
305 V Albav Pio Duran La Medalla (Sawmill) 4,000.000.00
306 V Albav Tabaco Otv Sua-Iqot 4,000,000.00
307 V Albav Tabaco Otv Tabiquian 4,000.000.00
308 V Albav Tlwl Mavnononq 4.000,000.00
309 V Albav Tlwi Misibis 4,000,000.00
310 V Camarines Norte Caoalonaa Tanawan 4,000,000.00
311 V Camarines Norte Caoalonaa Villa Aurora 4.000,000.00
312 V Camarines Norte La bo C^batuhan 4,000,000.00
313 V Camarines Norte La bo Dumaamanq
314 V Camarines Norte La bo Malava 4,000,000.00
315 V Camarines Norte La bo Maot 4,000.000.00
316 V Camarines Norte La bo Paq-asa 4.000,000.00
317 V Camarines Norte La bo Anameam 4,000,000,00
318 V Camarines Norte La bo Baoono Siiana 2
319 V Camarines Norte La bo Baqonq Silanq 3
320 V Camarines Norte La bo Calabasa
321 V Camarines Norte La bo Canapawan
322 V Camarines Norte La bo Daauit 4,000,000.00
323 V Camarines Norte La bo Exciban
324 V Camarines Norte La bo MacoQon 4.000,000.00
325 V Camarines Norte La bo Matatab 4.000,000.00
326 V Camarines Norte La bo Mallbaqo 4,000.000.00
327 V Camarines Norte La bo Submakln 4,000,000.00
328 V Camarines Norte Labo Tiqbinar. 4.000,000.00
329 V Camarines Norte Laba Baav 4,000,000.00
330 V Camarines Sur Balatan Cabunaan 4.000.000,00
331 V Camarines Sur Balatan CavoqcoQ
332 V Camarines Sur Balatan Coquit 4.000,000.00
333 V Camarines Sur Balatan Laqanac 4.000,000.00
334 V Camarines Sur Balatan Santiaqo Nacacale 4,000.000.00
335 V Camarines Sur Balatan Siramaq 4,000,000.00
336 V Camarines Sur Bato Del Rosario
337 V Camarines Sur Bato Lubiqan 4,000.000.00
338 V Camarines Sur Bato Mainit
339 V Camarines Sur Bato Manqqa
340 V Camarines Sur Bato Paqatoatan
341 V Camarines Sur Bato Palo 4,000,000.00
342 V Camarines Sur Bato San Isidro 4,000,000.00
343 V Camarines Sur Bato Sooc 4.000,000.00
344 V Camarines Sur Bato Buluanq 4,000,000.00
345 V Camarines Sur Bato Cawacaqan 4.000,000.00
346 V Camarines Sur Bart} Cotmon 4.000,000.00
347 V Camarines Sur Bato Cristo Rev 4.000,000.00
348 V Camarines Sur Bato Goyudan 4,000.000.00
349 V Camarines Sur Bate Lobonq
350 V Camarines Sur Bato Pavak
351 V Camarines Sur Bato Saqrada
352 V Camarines Sur Bato Salvacion
353 V Camarines Sur Bato San Juan
354 V Camarines Sur Bato San Roaue
355 V Camarines Sur Bato Neighborhood
356 V Camarines Sur Bato Taqooto
357 V Camarines Sur Bula Itanqon
358 V Camarines Sur Bula Lubqan 4,000,000.00
359 V Camarines Sur Buis Inovonan 4.000,000.00

PsgcS of 20
negsar, tfLM, Amount
frcVtitCC Scrsr.gay
(in Pesos)
360 V Camarines Sur Buia San Roque Heiqrits 4,000.000.00
361 V Camarines Sur Del Galleoo Pamplona 4.000,000.00
362 V Camarines Sur Dei Galleoo Baqonq Silanq 4,000.000.00
363 V Camarines Sur Del Galleoo Mansalaya 4.000,000.00
364 V Camarines Sur Del Gallooc Palaspas 4,000.000.00
365 V Camarines Sur Libmanan Calabniqan
366 V Camarines Sur Libmanan Tanaq 4.000,000.00
367 V Camarines Sur Libmanan Udok 4,000,000.00
368 V Camarines Sur Libmanan Viliasocoro 4.000,000.00
369 V Camarines Sur Libmanan Baqa melon 4.000,000.00
370 V Camarines Sur Libmanan Malinao 4.000,000,00
371 V Camarines Sur Libmanan Mambulo Nuevo 4.000,000.00
372 V Canierines Sur Luoi Baqonq SIkat 4,000,000.00
373 V Camarines Sur Luoi Banqon 4.000,000.00
374 V Camarines Sur Luoi Belwano 4,000,000.00
375 V Camarines Sur Lupl Haqumit 4.000,000.00
376 V Camarines Sur Luoi San Rafael Norte 4.000,000.00
377 V Camarines Sur Luoi Tible
378 V Camarines Sur Ocamoo Mav-oqob
379 V Camarines Sur Ocamoo San Roque 4.000,000.00
380 V Camarines Sur Pamplona San Ramon 4,000,000.00
381 V Camarines Sur Pamplona Tampadonq
382 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Baoonq Silanq 4.000,000.00
383 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Salvacion
384 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Baloqo
385 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Hubo
386 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Odicon 4.000,000.00
387 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Oultanq 4.000,000,00
388 V Camarines Sur Pasacao San Antonio 4,000.000.00
389 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Tilnac 4,000,000.00
390 V Camarines Sur Pasacao Ttnalmud 4,000,000.00
391 V Camarines Sur Raoav Agao-ao 4,000,000.00
392 V Camarines Sur Raqav Bava
393 V Camarines Sur Raqav Cabadlsan
394 V Camarines Sur Raqav Laquio 4,000,000.00
395 V Camarines Sur Raqav Panavtavan Nuevo
396 V Camarines Sur Raqav PatBlunan
397 V Camarines Sur Raqav Salvacion
398 V Camarines Sur Saonav Kilomaon 4,000,000.00
399 V Catanduanes Caramoran MabinI 4.000,000.00
400 V Catanduanes Pandan Balaarionan 4,000,000.00
401 V Catanduanes Panqaniban Cabuvoan 4,000,000.00
402 V Catanduanes San Andres BIsllq 4,000,000.00
403 V Catanduanes San Andres Caranqaq
404 V Catanduanes San Andres Dataq
405 V Catanduanes San Andres Pubnq Bavbav 4.000,000.00
406 V Catanduanes San Andres San Isidro 4.000,000.00
407 V Catanduanes San Andres San Vicente 4,000,000.00
408 V Catanduanes San Andres Timbaan 4,000,000.00
409 V Catanduanes Virac Soqod liGbao 4.OO0.OUU.O0
410 V Masbate Claveria Cawavan 4,000.000.00
411 V Masbate Claveria Boca Enqano 4,000,000.00
412 V Masbate San Fernando Altavista 4,000.000.00
413 V Masbate San Fernando Buena vista 4,000,000.00
414 V Masbate San Fernando Del Rosario 4,000,000.00
415 V Masbate San Fernando Proqreso
416 V Masbate San Fernando Talisav 4,000,000.00
417 V Masbate San Fernando Caenelas 4,000.000.00
418 V Sorsoaon Bulan Calpi 4,000.000.00
419 V Sorsoqon Bulan Dolos
420 V SorsoQon Bulan Taromata 4.000,000.00
421 V SorsoQon Bulan Aouinaldo (Lioata-D) 4,000.000.00
422 V Sorsoqon Bulan Anti polo
423 V Sorsoqon Bulan Beauin 4,000.000.00
424 V Sorsoqon Bulan Bical 4,000.000.00
425 V Sorsoqon Bulan Butaq 4,000.000.00
426 V Sorsoqon Bulan Cadandanan 4,000.000.00
427 V Sorsoqon Bulan Calamaqon
428 V Sorsoqon Bulan Oxok-Cabitan 4,000.000.00
429 V Sorsoqon Bulan Daqanas 4,000,000.00
430 V Sorsoqon Bulan Danao 4,000,000.00
431 V Sorsoaon Bulan E. Ouirino
432 V Sorsoqon Bulan Gate
433 V Sorsoqon Bulan 3 Gerorwi fBitonl 4,000,000.00

Page 6 of 20
Region Province City/Munidpality Barangay
(in Pesos)
434 V Sorsooon Bulan Jamorawon
435 V Sorsoaon Bulan Laiona 4,000,000.00
436 V SorsoQon Bulan M. Roxas 4,000,000.00
437 V Sorsoqon Bulan Marinab 4,000.000.00
438 V SorsoQon Bulan Montecalvario 4,000,000.00
439 V Sorsoaon Bulan Namo
440 V Sorsoaon Bulan Nasuie 4,000,000.00
441 V Sorsoaon Bulan Osmena fLioata-S) 4.000,000.00
442 V Sorsoqon Bulan Otavi 4.000,000.00
443 V Sorsoaon Bulan Padre Diaz
444 V Sorsoaon Bulan Palale
445 V Sorsoaon Bulan Quezon (KabarawanJ 4,000.000.00
446 V Sorsooon Bulan Recto 4,000,000.00
447 V Sorsoqon Bulan Saorada 4,000,000.00
448 V Sorsoqon Bulan San Francisco 4,000,000.00
449 V Sorsoaon Bulan San Juan Baa-o
450 V Sorsoqon Bulan San Juan Daan 4,000,000.00
451 V Sorsoqon Bulan Siaad 4.000,000.00
452 V Sorsoqon Bulan Sta Teresita 4,000,000.00
453 V Sorsooon Bulusan Baqaeav 4,000,000.00
454 V Sorsoaon Buluson Dancalan 4,000,000.00
455 V Sorsoqon Bulusan Lalud 4,000,000.00
456 V SorsoQor Bulusan Poroq
457 V Sorsoaon Bulusan San Antonio
458 V Sorsoqon Bulusan San Ra^d
459 V Sorsoaon Bulusan Buhana 4,000,000.00
460 V Sorsoqon Bulusan Tinamoo
461 V Sorsoaon Casiquran Adovis 4,000,000.00
462 V Sorsoaon Casiauran Cawlt
463 V Sorsoaon Casiquran Coqon
464 V Sorsoaon Casiauran Colambis 4.000,000.00
465 V Sorsoqon Casiauran Lunalb 4,000,000.00
466 V Sorsoaon Casiauran Mabini
467 V Sorsoqon Casiauran Somal-ot
468 V Sorsoaon Casiauran Tiabao 4.000,000.00
469 V Sorsoqon Casiauran Timbavoa 4.000,000.00
470 V Sorsoqon Casiouran Tulay
471 V Sorsoqon Donsol De Vera 4,000.000.00
472 V Sorsoqon Gubat Tiakiw 4.000,000.00
473 V Sorsoaon Gubat Bentuco 4.000,000.00
474 V Sorsoaon Gubat Bulacao
475 V Sorsoaon Gubat Cabiqaan 4.000,000.00
476 V Sorsoaon Gubat Sanqat 4,000.000.00
477 V Sorsoaon Gubat Villareal
478 V Sorsoaon Irosin Bulawan 4,000.000.00
479 V Sorsoqon Irosin Gabao 4,000,000.00
480 V Sorsoaon Irosin Buena vista 4,000,000.00
481 V Sorsooon Iroan Coaon 4,000,000.00
482 V Sorsooon Irosin Gulana-Gulana
483 V Sorsoaon Irosin Liana
484 V Sorsoaon Irosin Macawavan 4.000,000.00
485 V Sorsooon Iro»n San Isidro 4.000,000.00
486 V Sorsooon Irosin Tabon-Tabon 4.000,000.00
487 V Sorsoqon Irosin Bacolod 4,000,000.00
488 V Sorsoaon Irosin Baasanqan 4,000,000.00
489 V Sorsoqon Irosin Batana 4,000,000.00
490 V Sorsoaon Irosin Bolos 4.000,000.00
491 V Sorsoaon Irosin Carriedo 4.000.000,00
492 V Sorsoaon IiXfSin Casini 4.000,000.00
493 V Sorsoqon Irosin Gumada 4.000,000.00
494 V Sorsoaon Irosin Maoaso 4,000,000.00
495 V Sorsoqon Irosin Monbon 4.000,000.00
496 V Sorsoaon Irosin Patao
497 V Sorsoaon Irosin Salvadon 4.000,000,00
498 V Sorsoaon Irosin San Aaustin 4.000,000.00
499 V Sorsoqon Irosin San Juan
500 V Sorsoqon Irosin San Julian 4,000,000.00
501 V Sorsoqon Irosin Sto Dominqo 4,000,000.00
502 V Sorsoaon Irosin Tinamoo 4.000,000.00
303 V sorsoqon Juban Catanusan 4.000,000.00
504 V Sorsoaon Juban Calmavon 4.000,000.00
505 V Sorsoqon luban Lajona 4.000,000.00
506 V Sorsoqon Juban Maalo 4.000,000.00
507 V Sorsoqon Juban Arorov

Page 7 of 20
Region Province aty/Munkapality Amount
(in Pesos)
508 V SorsoQon Juban Bacolod
509 V Sorsoaon Juban Binanuahan
510 V Sorsoaon Juban Binran
511 V Sorsoaon Juban Buraburan 4,000,000.00
512 V Sorsoaon Juban Calateo
513 V Sorsoaon Juban Caruhavon
5H V Sorsoaon Juban Catanaoan 4,000.000.00
515 V Sorsoaon Juban Cooon
516 V Sorsoaon Juban Bmbarcadero 4.000,000.00
517 V Sorsoaon Juban Putinq Saoa 4,000.000.00
518 V Sorsoaon Juban Ranqas
519 V Sorsoaon Juban Sablavan
520 V Sorsooon Juban Sioava 4,000.000.00
521 V Sorsoaon Juban Tinaoo 4,000.000.00
522 V Sorsoaon Juban Tuohan
523 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Bulala 4,000.000.00
524 V Sorsoaon Maaailanes Maosavsav
525 V Sorsoaon Maoailanes Tula-tula Norte 4,000.000.00
526 V Sorsoaon Maqallar^es Tula-tula Sur 4.000,000.00
527 V Sorsoaon Maaailanes Anibono 4,000.000.00
528 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Laolniq
529 V Sorsoaon Maaailanes Salvacion 4.000,000.00
530 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Aauada Norte 4.000,000.00
531 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Aouada Sur 4,000.000.00
532 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Bacalon 4.000,000.00
533 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Bacolod
534 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Behia
535 V Sorsoaon Maaailanes Btoa
536 V Sorsoaon Maaailanes BIton 4,000.000.00
537 V Soisooon Maoallanes Caditaan
53B V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Caqbolo 4,000.000.00
539 V Sorsoaon Maaailanes Caotalaba 4,000.000.00
540 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Ginanara 4,000,000.00
541 V Sorsooon Maaailanes Hubo
542 V Sorsoaon Maaailanes Inacarizan 4,000.000.00
543 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes MalboQ 4,000.000.00
544 V Sorsooon Maoallanes Pawik
545 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Pili
546 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Suiton
547 V Sorsoaon Maoallanes Sta Elena 4,000.000.00

V Sorsoaon Maoallanes
549 V Sorsoaon Matnoq Tuaas 4.000,000.00
550 V Sorsoaon Matnoq Banooao 4,000.000.00
h 551 V Sorsoaon MatnoQ Caloi 4,000.000.00
552 V Sorsoaon Matnoo Genablan Occidental 4,000.000.00
553 V Sorsoaon Matnoo Genablan Oriental
554 V Sorsoaon Matnoo Hidhid
555 V Sorsoaon Mabnoo Laiono 4,000,000.00
556 V Sorsoaon Matnoo Mambaioq
557 V Sorsoaon Matnoa Manurabi 4.000,000.00
558 V Sorsoaon Matnoq Naburacan 4,000,000.00
559 V Sorsoaon Matnoo Pawa ,
560 V Sorsooon Matnoo Sinana-atan 4.000,000.00 1
561 V Sorsoaon Matnoa SisiQon I
562 V Sorsooon Matnoo Sua 4,000.000.00
563 V Sorsoaon Matnoa Sulanqan ;
564 V Sorsoaon Matnoa Tablac 1
565 V Sorsooon Sta Maodalena Penafrancia
566 V Sorsoaon Sta Maqdataia Salvacion 4,000,000.00
567 V Sofsoqon Sta Maodalena San Antonio 4,000,000.00
568 V Sorsooon Sta Maodalena San Bartolome 4,000,000.00
569 V Sorsooon Sta Magdalena San Sebastian 4,000,000.00
Total. Region V 1,120,000,000.00
570 VI Cepiz Roxas City Bavbav 4,000,000.00
571 VI Caol2 Roxas atv CulasI 4,000,000.00
572 VI Caolz Taoaz Lahuq 4.000,000.00
573 VI Capiz Taoaz Tacavan 4.000,000.00
574 VI Caoiz Taoaz Acuna 4,000,000.00
575 VI Caoiz Taoaz Aollnab
576 VI Caoiz Taoaz Kaliounan 4,000,000.00
577 VI Caolz Taoaz Roosevelt 4,000,000.00
578 VI Iloilo Callnoo Suoanoa 4,000,000.00
579 VI Iloilo Calinoo Guinbonvuoan 4,000,000.00
580 VI Iloilo Catinoq Binuiosan Grande 4,000.000.00

Pages of 23
Region Province City/Munidpality Barangay
(in Pesos)
581 VI Iloilo Callnog Binulosan Pegueno 4,000.000.00
S82 VI Iloilo Calinoq Nasarov 4,000,000.00
583 VI Iloilo CalinoQ Agionok 4,000,000.x
584 VI Iloilo Callnog Caratagan 4,000,000.00
585 VI Iloilo Callnog Garangan 4,000,OX.OO
586 VI Iloilo Callnog Marandig 4.000,000.00
587 VI Iloilo Iloilo Otv Oaro District! Bitoon 4.000.X0.X
588 VI Iloilo Lambunao Cabatangan 4,000,OX.X
589 VI Iloilo Lambunao Javubo 4.000.000.x
590 VI Iloilo Miao-ao PudDud 4.O00.XO.OO
591 VI Nearos Occidental Binalbangan Bi-Ao
592 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Ani-e 4.000.XO.X
593 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Cruz 4.0X.0X.X
594 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Dolls 4.000.XO.X
595 VI Nearos Occidental Calatrava Hava 4.000.0X.X
596 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Lagaan 4.000.0X.X
597 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Lemerv 4,000,000.00
598 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Uoat-on 4,000,XO.OO
599 VI Nearos Occidental Calatrava Maaslob 4.0X.000.X
600 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Nahilum 4,000,000.x
601 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava MalanoQ 4.X0.000.00
602 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Telim
603 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava Tiqbao 4,000.000.x
604 VI Negros Occidental Calatrava TIqbon 4.000.000.x
605 VI Negros Occidental Candoni Aqbov 4.OX.OO0.X
606 VI Negros Occidental Candoni Banga 4.000.X0.X
607 VI Negros Occidental Candoni Gatuslao 4.000.0X.X
608 VI Negros Occidental Candoni Haba (Canto Manloo) 4.000.0X.X
609 VI Nearos Occidental Cauavan Badao 4.000.0X.X
610 VI Negros Occidental Escalante Otv' Jonob-lonob 4.000,000.x
611 VI Negros Occidental Escalante City Tamlang 4,000.000.x
612 VI Negros Occidental Himamavlan City Buenavista 4.0X.000.X
613 VI Nearos Occidental Himamavlan City Mahalang (Sitio Rondo-) 4.0X.000.X
614 VI Negros Occidental Hinigaran Pilar 4.000.0X.X
615 VI Negros Occidental Hinoba-an Asia 4.X0.000.00
616 VI Negros Occidental Hinoba-an Damutan 4,000,000.00
617 VI Negros Occidental Hinoba-an Bulwangan
618 VI Negros Occidental Hinoba-an Culioaoa 4.000,000.x
619 Vi Negros Occidental Hinoba-an San Rafael 4.XO.XO.OO
620 VI Negros Occidental Hinoba-an Sangke 4.000,000.00
621 VI Nearos Occidental Hog Balicotoc
622 VI Negros Occidental Hog Pinggot 4.000,000.x
623 VI Nearos Occidental Isabela Sebucawan 4,000,000.x
624 VI Nearos Occidental Isabela Cabcab 4,000.000.x
625 VI Nearos Occidental Isabela Llbas 4.000.0X.X
626 VI Nearos Occidental Isabela Nakiliqnlt 4.OO0.OX.OO
627 VI Negros Occidental Isabela Mansablay 4.000.0X.X
628 VI Negros Occidental Isabela Riverside 4.0X.0X.X
629 VI Nearos Occidental Isabela San Agustin 4.000,OX.OO
630 VI Nearos Occidental Isabela SIkatuna 4,000.000.00
631 VI Negros Occidental Kabankalan City Hilamonan 4.000.XO.X
632 VI Negros Occidental Kabankalan City Carol-an 4.000.XO.OO
633 VI Nearos Occidental Kabankalan atv Locotan 4.000,000.00
634 VI Negros Occidental Kabankalan City Tan-awan 4.X0.000.00
635 VI Negros Occidental La Cariota City NagasI 4,000,000.00
636 VI Negros Occidental La Castellana Puso 4,000,000.00
637 VI Negros Occidental La Cas^iana Cabacungan 4,000,000.00
638 VI Nearos Occidental La Castdiana Manghanov 4,OX,OX.OO
639 Vi Negros Occidental La Castsllans 6iak na 6ato 4.0X.OX.X
640 VI Nearos Occidental Noises Padilla Ouinbn Remo 4.000,OX.OO
641 VI Negros Occidental Noises Padilla Macaaahav 4.000.0X.OO
642 VI Nearos Occidental Noises Padilla Monblla
643 VI Negros Occidental Noises Padilla Guinoana-an 4,000.000.00
644 VI Negros Occidental Nurcia CaniandoQ 4.X0.0X.X
645 VI Negros Occidental Nuraa Pandanon Silos 4,000.000.00
646 VI Nearos Occidental Salvador Benedicto Bago 4.000.0X.X
647 VI Negros Occidental Salvador Benedicto Bagono Silanq 4.0X.0X.X
648 VI Nearos Occidental Salvador Benedicto Bunga 4.000.0X.X
649 VI Nearos Occidental Salvador Benedicto Igmaya-an 4.0X.OX.X
650 VI Nearos Occidental Salvador Benedicto Kumaiiskis 4.000,000.00
651 VI Nearos Occidental Sioalay City Cabadianaan
652 VI Nearos Occidental Sioalav Otv San Jose 4.000.0X.00
653 VI Negros Occidental Sioalay City Nabulao 4.000.000.x
654 VI Negros Occidental Toboso Bandils 4,000,000.00

P.igt 9 of 20

OO'OOO'OCO eqesbCN Aio uGbii|nqin9 iQUauQ 50Jb3f4 llA LU

OO'OOO'OOO oBojeg AjQ ueBuinqing jetuauQ sojbaN IIA 9ZL
OO'OOO'OOOV seueid AiO ueBuinmns ietuauQ sojBaN IIA
OO'OOO'OCO't- AeiuDLiAeujnH Aio UBbuinqjng jejuauQ sojbaN IIA t»Zl
OO'OOO'OCO'b pepiLUl AID uGbuinqino le^uauo sojbaN IIA ZZl
OO‘0OO‘OCO> OEdDSi Ajo uGbuinqtno leiusMO SOJ63N IIA ZZL
OO’OOO'bOOV oeAep'ues Ajd ueSuinqins iguauQ sojfeN IIA Hi
OO'OOO'OCOV eptauJI Aid UGbUjnqing lequauQ soj6on IIA OZi
OO'OOO'OOO'V UEd>jeuiH A}D ueBuinqing I^UaUQ S0Jt>9N IIA &u
OO'OOO'COO'b- ueijoqcujg AjD uebuinqing lauauQ sojdoN IIA 8TZ
OO'OOO'OOO't’ &OABg Aid UOVIUB9 leiuauQ scuBaN IIA L\L
OO'OOO'OCO (ueseipng iSOM) ueseipng AH3 UOB|UB9 le^uauQ sojbaN IIA 9H
■wooow; OMBUinn Aid uoeiuBO 1G3U3MO SOJbSN IIA SU
■wooow; uepuniBN Aopujg ['ejuauQ sojSaN IIA
00'000'CC0> OBUBQ Aopuig lauauQ sojSaN IIA zu
'"OOWODO7; UBqSDGB^ Aopuig [BjuaijQ scuban IIA zy.
00'000'000'b S3J01V Aopuig lejuauQ sojoaN IIA Ui
OO'OOO'OOO'^ bueqqcN uobunAv lejuaijQ sojbdN IIA Qli
00'000‘000‘V oieqsw uobunAv lequauo sojdsn IIA 60/
OQ-OOO'OOOV ue-(ojeo uobunAv lequauQ sojbdN IIA 80/
OO'QOO'OOO'!^ (puG|Si ue^JB;eu!>i) uocq!Q 3d eJS nqao IIA /O/
OO'OOO'OOOV bfioiei ijG|ebunujeu!d nqao IIA 90/
00'000‘000't' uenona txjqni bnfueujnc] nqaD IIA SO/
00'000‘000't’ uoojig poqni bniuGLuna nqao IIA bOl
oo'ooo'noo't’ liDUPX bniuGLuno nqao UA ZOi
OO’OOO'OOOV ueeiuBd bnLuGiiinQ nqao IIA ZQL
OO’OOO'OOO'^ qojnoBd bniueiuna nqao IIA 10/
OO’OOO'OOO^ nem bnluetuna nqao IIA 00/
OO'OOO'OOO'V uotuJO epU9|GA loqog IIA 669
1 OO’OOO'OOO’t' oqnew epU3|GA loqog IIA 869
OO'OOO'OOO'fr bobuBuini Xeqn loqog IIA /69
od'6oo;ooo/t- 31U5DIA UBS pepiupi loqog IIA 969
OO-OOO'OOOV anboy ues uiXeqBis loqog IIA S69
OO'OOO'OOO'V uoHuoiKiUBW uiXeqBes loqog IIA b69
OO'OOO'OOO'y pepuen uGAeqbGS ioqog IIA £69
OO'OOO'OOO ueundqex UGApqbes loqog IIA £69
OO'OOO'OOO'^ uetnqn uBAeqbBS |oqog IIA 169
Woo6;oob> PIABPUBD 30[oquew loqog IIA 069
wTooo'ooo't' ens ebueqeui loqog IIA 689
OO'COO'OOOV osor UCS Gbueqeui loqog IIA 889
OO'OOO'QOO'V “ apiaiaAia bBu^gui ioqog IIA /89
OO’QOO'OOOV ouGsoy epGw Gbueqeuj loqog IIA 989
QO'OOO'OOO'tr Aoquj tn Gbueqeui ioqog IIA S89
00'000'000'V UBMGUbGQ ebueqeui ioqog IIA t>'89
00’000'000'i- ucwjiqujBO ebueqeui ioqog IIA £99
OO'OOO'QOO'k' oeqeuGg ebueqeui ioqog IIA 289
00'0c0'000> ueqBg ebueqeui ioqog IIA 189
OO'OOO'OOO't' U8SBMn]B3 UUBD ioqog IIA 6/9
OO’OOQ'OOO't' AoqB3 uueD ioqog IIA 8/9
OO'OOO'OOO'fr UirqiGW UBjqbqeo ioqog llA LL9
1 OO'OOO'OOOV uojoqn ueiqbqe3 ioqog IIA 9/9
00-000'000> SGjj-Buex ueiqbqeo ioqog IIA S/9
Woooiooo> 0S0UU3M3]U0M uauxieo ioqog IIA b/9
OO’OOO'OOO'^ SBIUJB3 adeiBD ioqog IIA £^9
00'000‘000't’ [oqiunsuBD jeiig ioqog IIA 2/9
OO'OOO'OOO't- isoiqujeQ jeiiQ ioqog IIA 1/9
OO'OOO'OOO jns fauebng 1 jeiig ioqog IIA 0/9
OO'OOO'OOO'i’ ajjoN buGbng je[ig ioqog IIA 699
OO'OOO'OOO't* IBzia uerqeg ioqog IIA 899
OO'OOO'OOO'l’ pniuGc uerqeg ioqog IIA /99
00‘000'000't- uBjiioegeD uenieg ioqog IIA 999
oo‘dbo'JoobV opGjiuog jeiig ioqog IIA S99
OO'OOO'OOOV GlO|V uerqeg ioqog llA b99
OO'OOO'OOO'fr aiioN lOdouGH ueMiHieg ioqog IIA £99
oo'Ooo'aoQ't’ uG-uodeuinO Gjanbaiuv ioqog IIA 299
OO'OOO'OOOV SGBIUBD “ ejanbaiuv ioqog IIA T99
00000'000/&9€ lA uoiSau 'ie)Oi
OO'OOO'OOO'l' asoc ues osoqoj. IQuappoo S0J&9N lA 099
OO'OOO'OOO'I? OJpiSI UGS osoqoi lauappoo soibaN lA 6S9
oo'oob'ooo'v oe-unqBi osoqoi IBiuapjO-X) soj63n lA 8S9
OO'OOO'OOO't looiibew osoqoi " |e;uappx) soibaN lA /S9
OO'OOO'OOO't’ eunn U99 osoqoi iGiuappoo soJbdN lA 9S9
00'000'000't’ oue-bng osoqoi IduappOQ S0J63M lA SS9
(SO»d Ul)
AeBucjeg Ainedpiunw/AqiD aouiAOJd uoi5ay
Region Province City/Municlpallty Barangay
(In Pesos)
728 VII Neoros Oriental Guihulnoan Oty Plaqatasanon 4,000,000.00
729 VII Neqros Oriental Guihulnoan Otv Pobladon 4,000,000.00
730 vn Neoros Oriental Guihulnoan Otv Vilteqas
731 VII Neoros Oriental Guihulnoan Otv Banwaoue 4,000.000.00
732 VII Neqros Oriental Guihulnoan Otv Linantuvan 4.000,000.00
733 VII Neoros Oriental Guihulnoan Cftv Luz 4.000,000.00
734 vn Neoros Oriental Mabinav Baqtic 4,000,000.00
735 VII Neoros Onental Mabinav Luvanq 4,000,000.00
735 Vll Neqros Onental Mabinav Samac 4,000,000.00
737 VII Neqros Oriental Maniuvod Candabonq 4,000,000.00
738 VII Neoros Oriental Manluvod Salvadon 4.000,000.00
739 VII Neqros Oriental Maniuvod Bantoiinao fSitio Bolo'l 4,000,000.00
740 VII Neoros Oriental Maniuvod Panciao
741 VII Neoros Oriental Staton Tavak 4,000,000.00
742 VII Neoros Oriental Santa Catalina San Pedro 4,000,000,00
743 VII Neoros Oriental Tavasan Baao 4,000,000.00
744 vir Neoros Oriental Valena'a Dobdob 4,000,000.00
745 VII Neoros Oriental Zambcanquita Calanqo
746 VII Neqros Oriental Zamboanouita Mavabon 4,000,000.00
Total, Reqton VII 344,000,000.00
747 VIII Eastern Samar Baianoioa Guinmaavohan 4.000,000.00
748 VIII Eastern Samar Balanqiqa Mavbunoa 4,000,000.00
749 VIII Eastern Samar Balanqkavan Calwasan
750 vm Eastern Samar Balanqkavan CantubI 4.000,000.00
751 VIII Eastern Samar Balanqkavan General Malvar
752 VIII Eastern Samar Balanqkavan Magsavsav 4,000,000.00
753 VIII Eastern Samar Boronqan Otv PInanao-an (Sitio Baoonq Bario) 4.000,000.00
754 vm Eastern Samar Boronqan City San Mateo
755 VIII Eastern Samar Boronoan Otv Banuvo 4,000,000.00
756 VIII Eastern Samar Boronqan Otv Baras 4,000,000.00
757 VIII Eastern Samar Boronqan Otv Benowanqan 4,000,000.00
758 VIII Eastern Samar Boronqan Otv Canvopav 4,000,000.00
759 vm Eastern Samar Boronqan Otv Hebaconq 4.000,000.00
760 VIII Eastern Samar Boronqan Cilv San Andres 4.000,000.00
761 VIII Eastern Samar Boronqan Otv San Gabriel
762 VIII Eastern Samar Can-avid Balaqon
763 VIII Eastern Samar Can-avid Boco
764 VIII Eastern Samar Can-avid Pandol
765 VIII Eastern Samar Dolores Aroqanaa
766 vm Eastern Samar Dolores Buenavista 4,000,000.00
767 vm Eastern Samar Dolores Caqiao-an
768 VIII Eastern Samar Dolores DiniQDian 4,000,000.00
769 VIII Eastern Samar Dolores RIzal 4,000,000.00
770 VIII Eastern Samar Dolores San Isidro
771 VIII Eastern Samar Dolores San Rooue 4,000,000.00
772 VIII Eastern Samar Dolores Sta Cruz
773 vm Eastern Samar Gen MacArthur Maosavsav 4,000,000.00
774 vm Eastern Samar Gen MacArthur Quezon
775 vm Eastern Samar Gen MacArthur Roxas 4,000,000.00
776 Vlll Eastern Samar Gen MacArthur Tandana Sora 4,000,000.00
777 VIII Eastern Samar Gen MacArthur Tuood 4,000.000.00
778 vin Eastern Samar Gioorlos Huknan 4,000,000.00
779 vm Eastern Samar Gicorlos President Roxas 4.000,000.00
780 vm Eastern Samar GiDorfos San Mique! 4,000,000.00
781 vm Eastern Samar Uorente Burak 4.000,000.00
782 VIII Eastern Samar Uorente Candoros 4,000,000.00
783 VIII Eastern Samar Uorente Maotino 4.000,000.00
784 VIII Eastern Samar Mavdolono Pataa
785 Vlll Eastern Samar Mavdoionq Del Pilar 4.000,000.00
786 VIII Eastern Samar Mavdolonq San Gabriel 4.000,000.00
787 VIII Eastern Samar Mavdoionq Canloterio
788 VIII Eastern Samar Mavdolonq Taoaslian 4.000,000.00
789 vm Eastern Samar Ouinaoondan Anislaq
790 VIII Eastern Samar Ouinaoondan Ontenio 4,000,000.00
791 vm Eastern Samar Ouinaoondan San Isidro
792 vm Leyte Albuera Cambaladino
793 VIII Leyte Albuera Pobladon 4,000,000.00
794 VIII Leyte Albuera Sherwood 4,000.000.00
795 VIII Levte Albuera Talisavan 4,000.000.00
796 VIII Leyte Bavbav Olv Kabunqaan 4,000,000.00
797 VIII Levte Burauen Candaq-on 4,000.000.00
798 VIII Levte Burauen Calao
799 VIII Levte Calubian Anrslaqan
800 vm Levte Calubian Casionqan

Page 11 of ^0
Region Province City/Munidpality Barangay
(in Pesos)
801 vm Levte Calubian Enagc
802 vrii l.evte Calubiar^ lubav
803 VIII Leyte Cartgara Binibihan
804 VIII Levle Cariqara Macaloi 4,000.000.00
805 VIII Levte Carigara Piloro 4.000,000.00
806 VIII Levte Carigara Baravong
807 VIII Levte Cariqara Camansi
808 VIII Levte Carigara Candtaahub
809 VIll Levte Carigara Canfabi
810 vm Levte Carigara Canlamoay 4,000.000.00
811 VIII Levte Carigara Cutav
812 vin Levte Cariqara Hiluctoqan 4,000.000.00
813 VIII Levte Carigara Ubo 4,000,000.00
814 VIII Levte Cariqara Lower Hiraan 4.000,000.00
815 VUI Levte Carigara Paalaum 4,000.000.00
816 VIII Levte Carigara Parag-um 4,000,000.00
817 vm Levte Carigara San Isidro 4,000,000.00
818 vm Levte Carigara StaFe 4,000,000.00
819 VIII Levte Hilonqos Cacao
820 V1!I Levte Hilonqos Hamoangan 4.000,000.00
821 VIII Levte Hilonoos Marangog
822 VIII Levte Hilonaos Sta Margarita
823 VIII Levte Inooacan Caminto
824 vm Levte Inooacan Delos Santos 4.000,000.00
825 vm Levte Mahaplaa Maligava 4,000.000.00
826 VIII Levle Mahaplag Pinamono-an 4.000,000.00
827 vm Levte Mahaoiaa Sto Nifio
828 VIII Levte San Isidro Banat-I
829 vm Levte San Isidro Biasong
830 vm Levte San Isidro Cabungaan 4,000.000.00
831 vm Levte San Isidro Dala Daku
832 vm Levte San Isidro Tagliwiqan 4,000.000.00
833 vm Northern Samar Catarman Cervantes
834 vm Northern Samar Catarman Hinatad
835 vm Northern Samar Catarman Polangl 4.000,000.00
836 VIII Northern Samar Catarman Tinowaran 4,000,000.00
837 VIII Northern Samar Las Navas Magsavsav 4,000,000.00
838 vm Northern Samar Las Navas Perez
839 vm Northern Samar Las Navas Ouirino
840 VIII Northern Samar Las Navas San Antonio 4.000,000.00
841 vm Northern Samar Las Navas San Francisco 4.000,000.00
842 VIII Northern Samar Las Navas Caoutoan 4,000,000.00
843 vm Northern Samar Las Navas Cuenco 4,000.000.00
844 V7II Northern Samar Looe de Veoa Gebunawan 4.000,000.00
845 VIII Northern Samar Lor>e De Veoa Paquite 4,000,000.00
846 VIII Northern Samar Looe De Vega Roxas
847 VIII Northern Samar Looe de Vega San Miguel 4,000,000.00
848 vm Northern Samar Looe De Vega Somorov 4,000,000.00
849 VIII Norttiern Samar Looe De Vega Currv 4,000.000.00
850 VIII Norttiern Samar r^ondraoon Cacmanaba 4,000,000.00
851 vm Northern Samar Silvino Lobos Caohilot 4,000,000.00
852 VIII Northern Samar Silvino Lobos Gebonawan 4.000,000.00
853 vm Northern Samar Silvino Lobos Geebo-an 4.000,000.00
854 VIII Northern Samar Silvino Lobos Imelda
855 VIII Northern Samar Silvino Lobos Tobaon
856 VIII Samar Basev Bulao 4,000,000.00
857 VIII Samar Basev Cancaivas 4.000,000.00
B58 VIII Samar Basev Looa 4.000,000.00
859 vm Samar Basev Mabini
860 VIII Samar Basev Manlilinab 4,000,000.00
861 vm Samar Basev Coqon
862 vm Samar Basev Guirano
863 vm Samar Basev Inuntan 4,000,000.00
864 vm Samar Basev Old San Aousttn
865 VIII Samar Basev Balante 4,000.000.00
866 VIU Samar Basev Burgos
867 vm Samar Basev Guintiguian 4.000,000.00
868 vm Samar Basev Mav-It 4.000,000.00
869 VIII Samar Basev Petit
870 VIII Samar Basev San Fernando 4,000,000,00
871 vm Samar Basev Sawa 4,000,000,00
872 vm Samar Basev Villa Aurora
873 vm Samar CalbavoQ City Macatingoq (Oquendo Dist) 4.000,000.00
874 vm Samar Calbiga Binangaran 4.000,000.00

P/tg* 17 at 70
11 Region Province City/Municipality Barangay
Amoimt !
{in Pesos) 1
875 Vlll Samar i Calbioa Canbaotic 4,000.000.00
676 VIII Samar Calt^oa Daliqan 4,000,000.00
877 VIII Samar Calblga San Mauricio 4.000,000.00
878 Vlil _______ Samar______ Calbioa /•.nto!
879 Vlll Samar Calbioa Ecii 4,000.000.00
880 VIII Samar Calbioa Buluan 4.000,000.00
881 VUI Samar Calbioa Caamlonoan 4.000,000.00
882 VIII Samar CaitHoa Guimbanoa 4.000,000.00
883 Vlll Samar Calbioa Hindanq
884 VUI Samar Calbioa Sinalanqtan 4.000,000.00
885 VIII Samar Gandara Carmona 4,000,000.00
886 VIII Samar Gandara Cauqbusan 4,000.000.00
887 VUI Samar Gandara Elea no
888 VIII Samar Gandara Hampton 4.000,000.00
889 VIII Samar Gandara San Ramon 4.000,000.00
890 VUI Samar Gandara Rawis 4.000,000.00
891 VUI Samar Gandara Rizal 4,000,000.00
892 VUI Samar Gandara San Francisco
893 VUI Samar Gandara Tawiran 4,000,000.00
894 VIII Samar Gandara Tlobawon 4,000,000.00
895 VIII Samar Gandara Palambrao
896 VUI Samar Marabut Taoalao 4,000,000.00
897 VIII Samar Marabut Tinabanan
898 VIII Samar Mahiqinao Carolina 4,000,000.00
899 VIII Samar Matuoinao Del Rosario
900 VIII Samar MatuQinao Inubod
901 VIII Samar Matuoinao Mahavao
902 Vlll Samar Matuoinao San Roque 4,000,000.00
903 VIII Samar Matuoinao Uoava 4,000,000.00
904 VUI Samar Matuoinao Rizal 4,000,000.00
905 VIII Samar Matuoinao Deit 4,000,000.00
906 VIII Samar Matuoinao Libertad 4,000,000.00
907 vin Samar Matuoinao Naqpapacao 4,000,000.00
908 VUI Samar Matuoinao San Isidro 4,000,000.00
909 VIIl Samar Matuoinao St3 Cruz
910 VIII Samar MotionQ San Andres 4,000,000.00
911 Vlll Samar Motionq Baravonq 4,000,000.00
912 VUI Samar Motiona Beri
913 Vlll Samar Modono Canvais
914 VIII Samar Motiona Malobaoo 4,000,000.00
915 VUI Samar Motiona 1 Sarao 4.000,000.00
916 VIII Samar Motionq 1 Sto Nino 4,000,000.00
917 VUI Samar Paranas Anagasi 4,000,000.00
918 vm Samar Paranas Maviobe 4.000,000.00
919 VIII Samar Paranas Nav/i 4,000,000.00
920 VIII Samar Paranas i Paosanlan
921 vm Samar Paranas Tapul 4,000,000.00
922 vin Samar Plnahacdao Lavo
923 VIII Samar PInabaedao Manalno
924 VUI Samar Pinabaedao Pelaon
925 VUI Samar PInabaedao Canlobo
926 vm Samar Pinabaedao Maodawat 4,000,000.00
927 Vlll Samar San 3orqe Bay-ana 4,000,000.00
928 vm Samar San 3ome Calundan 4,000,000.00
929 VIII Samar San Jorqe Gayondatu 4,000,000.00
930 vm Samar San Jorqe Libertad 4,000,000.00
931 vm Samar San Jose de Buan Aoulnoavan
932 VUI Samar San Jose de Buan Catavdonaan
933 VUI Samar San Jose de Buan Gusa 4,000,000.00
934 vm Samar San Jose de Buan Haqbay ;^000,000.00
Samar San Jose de Buan HIbacaan .... 4.600.660,60
935 VIII
936 VUI Samar San Jose de Buan San Nicolas
937 VIII Samar San Jose de Buan Can-aponte 4.000,000.00
938 VIII Samar Santa Rita Binanalati
939 VIII Samar Santa Rita Hinanqutdan
940 VIII Samar Santa Rita San Isidro
941 VIII Samar Santa Rita Taaacav 4.000,000.00
942 VIII Samar Santa Rita Old Manunca
943 VIII Southern Lsvte Bontoc Hila-en
944 VUI Southern Levte Bontoc Mttawos ‘t.000,000.00
945 VIII Southern Uevte Bontoc Olisihan 4.000,000.00
946 VUI 1 Southern Leyte Bontoc Pamiosi-an 4.000,000.00
Total, Region VIII 800,000,000.00

Page i-io< 20
Region Province Amount
City/Munidpality Barangay
(in Pesos)
947 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Bdliaulan Linav
948 IX Zamboanoa del Norte Godod Bunawan 4.000,000,00
949 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Gutatac Immaculada Conceodon
950 IX Zamboanga del Norte GuLalac Santo Niflo 4,000,000.00
951 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Gutelac Sas 4.000,000.00
952 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Kalawit Poblacion Kalawit 4,000,000.00
953 IX Zamboanaa del Norte KatiDunan Canjoav 4,000,000.00
954 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Leon B Postioo Mawal
955 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Leon B PosbQO Nasibac 4,000,000.00
956 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Leon B Posdao Sioacona 4.000,000.00
957 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Leon 8 Posbao Sta Maria 4,000,000.00
958 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Leon B Postiqo Tlniquiban
959 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Leon B Postiao Titik
960 IX Zamboanaa del Narte Mutta Beraado 4,000,000.00
961 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Mutia Unidos 4,000,000.00
962 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Serqio Osmena Don Eleno 4,000,000.00
963 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Serqlo Osmena Sinaad
964 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Seraio Osmena New Riral 4,000,000.00
965 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Sergio Osmefta Nuevaviste 4,000,000.00
966 IX Zamboanoa del Norte Seroio Osmena Tinaao 4,000,000.00
967 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Slavan Guibo 4,000,000.00
968 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Siavan Panqe 4,000,000.00
969 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Slavan Macasina 4,000,000.00
970 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Sindangan Tinaoian 4,000.000.00
971 IX Zamboanaa del Norte Sindanoan Titik 4.000,000.00
972 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Bavoq Bantal 4,000.000.00
973 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Bavoq Canoavan
974 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Bavoa Dimalinao
975 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Bavoa Siqaead 4.000,000.00
976 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Duminoag Labanoon (Sitio Bigaanl 4.000,000.00
977 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Duminaaa Saad
978 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Laouvan Mandeo 4,000.000.00
979 IX Zamboanoa del Sur Mldsalio Balonai 4,000,000.00
980 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Midsalin Piwan
981 IX Zamboanaa del Sur Tiqbao Guinlln
982 IX Zamboanaa del Sur TiQbao Timolan
983 IX Zamboanaa Sibuaav Kabasalan Savao
984 IX Zamboanaa Sibuaav Titav KiDit 4.000,000.00
985 IX Zamboanaa Sibuaav Titay Pulidan 4.000,000.00
Total. Region IX
986 X Buktdnon Baunaon Kalllanaan
987 X Bukidnon Baunaon Lanqaon 4,000,000.00
988 X Bukidnon Baunqon San Vicente 4,000,000.00
989 X Bukidnon Cabanalasan Lambanaan
990 X Bukidnon Cabar>qlas3n Mauswaaon
991 X Bukidnon Cabanalasan Paradise (Sitio Lonokan) 4,000,000.00
992 X Bukidnon Cabanalasan Poblacion
993 X Bukidnon Cabanalasan Caolnonan 4,000,000.00
994 X Bukidnon Cabanalasan Cabulohan
995 X Bukidnon Cabanalasan Iba
996 X Bukidnon Cabanalasan Mandaina 4.000,000.00
997 X Bukidnon Damuioq Kiraon
998 X Bukidnon Damuloo Miacawavan 4.000,000.00
999 X Bukidnon Imoasuaonq Cacitan Bavonq 4,000,000.0-3
iOOO X Bukidnon Imoasuqono Guihean
1001 X Bukidnon ImDasuQonq Imoalutao 4,000,000.00
1002 X Bukidnon Kibawe Bukano Uwavwav
1003 X Bukidnon Kibawe Pinamula 4.000,000.00
1004 X Bukidnon Kibav/e Samoaauite 4.000,000.00
1005 X Bukidnon Kibawe Caoawasan 4,000,000.00
1006 X Bukidnon Kibav/e Mascannas 4.000,000.00
1007 X Bukidnon Kibawe Sanipon 4.000,000.00
1008 X Bukidnon Kibawe Tumaras
1009 X Bukidnon Kibawe Maqsavsav 4,000.000.00
1010 X Bukidnon Kitaotao Kahusavan 4,000.000.00
1011 X Bukidnon KiCaotao Sinuda 4,000,000.00
1012 X Bukidnon Kitaotao Kioilas 4.000,000.00
1013 X Bukidnon Kitaotao Loreqa
1014 X Bukidnon Kitaotao Tawas
1015 X Bukidnon Lantapen Ka-atoan 4,000,000.00
1016 X Bukidnon Lantaoan Batila
1017 X Bukidnon Libona Caoihan
1Q18 X Bukidnon Libona Sil-iDon 4.000,000.00
1019 X Bukidnon Malavbalav Otv Ado Macote

P»t<f 14 of 70
Region Province City/Munidpality Amount
(In Pesos)
1020 X Bukidnon Malavbalav Qty Patoat
1Q21 X Bukidnon Malavbalav Citv Kalasunoav 4,000,000.00
1022 X Bukldnon Malavbalav Cttv Maputo 4.000,000.00
1023 X Bukidnon Malavbalav Citv Linabo 4.000,000.00
1024 X Buiddnon Malavbalav Cit/ San Jose 4.000,000.00
1025 X Bukidnon Malavbalav Citv St Peter 4,000.000.00
1026 X Bukidnon Manolo Fortich Sto. Nino 4.000,000.00
1027 X Bukidnon Panaantucan Baojsanon 4.000,000.00
1028 X Bukidnon Panaantucan Concepcion 4.000,000.00
1029 X Bukidnon Panaantucan Gandinqan 4,000,000.00
1030 X Bukidnon Panaantucan Mendis 4,000,000.00
1031 X Bukidnon Quezon Dumalama 4,000,000.00
1032 X Bukidnon Quezon Meranoerano 4.000,000.00
1033 X Bukidnon Quezon Butona 4,000.000.00
1034 X Bukidnon Quezon Lumintao 4,000,000.00
1035 X Bukidnon Quezon Maqsavsav 4,000.000.00
1036 X Bukidnon Quezon Mahavaq 4,000.000.00
1037 X Bukidnon Ouezon Salawaqan 4.000,000.00
1038 X Bukidnon Quezon Sta Cruz
1039 X Bukidnon San Fernando Kalaaanqan 4,000.000.00
1040 X Bukidnon San Fernando Matuoe 4.000,000.00
1041 X Bukidnon San Fernando Cabulinq 4,000,000.00
1042 X Bukidnon San Fernando Cavaqa 4,000.000.00
1043 X Bukidnon San Fernando Durian
1044 X Bukidnon San Fernando Iqlusad 4,000,000.00
1045 X Bukidnon San Fernando Kawavan 4,000,000.00
1046 X Bukidnon San Fernando Uttie Baquio
1047 X Bukidnon San Fernando Nacabuklad 4,000,000.00
1048 X Bukidnon San Fernando San Jose 4.000,000.00
1049 X Bukidnon San Fernando Sto. Dominao 4.000,000.00
1050 X Bukidnon San Fernando Tuqoo 4,000,000.00
1051 X Bukidnon Sumilao Culasi 4,000,000.00
1052 X Bukidnon Sumiiao Occasion 4.000,000.00
1053 X Bukidnon Taiakaq Basak 4,000,000.00
1054 X Bukidnon Talakaa Cosina 4,000.000.00
1055 X Bukidnon Talakaa DomlnoroQ 4,000,000.00
1056 X Bukidnon Talakaa Indulanq 4,000.000.00
1057 X Bukidnon Talakaa Lantud
1058 X Bukidnon Talakaa San Rafael
1059 X Bukidnon Taiakaq Taabak 4.000,000.00
1060 X Bukidnon Taiakaq Tlkalaan 4,000.000.00
1061 X Bukidnon Valencia Otv Mabuhay 4,000.000.00
1062 X Bukidnon Valencia Otv Sinabuoqan 4,000,000.00
1063 X Bukidnon Valencia Qtv Slnavawan
1064 X Bukidnon Valencia Citv Tonaantonqan 4,000.000.00
1065 X Bukidnon Valencia Otv Daoat-Kidavao 4.000,000.00
1066 X Bukidnon Valencia Otv Lourdes 4,000.000.00
1067 X Bukidnon Valencia Otv Lumbavao
1068 X Lanao del Norte Illaan Citv Daiiouaa
1069 X Misamis Occidental Aloran Macubon 4.000,000.00
1070 X Misamis Occidental Aloran Roxas
1071 X Misamis Occidental Clarin Dalinaao 4,000.000.00
1072 X Misamis Occidental Clarin Penado
1073 X Misamis Occidental Concepcion Baaonq Navon 4,000,000.00
1074 X Misamis Occidental Conceocion Small Potonoan 4.000,000.00
1075 X Misamis Occidental Don Victoriano Chionqbian Lake Duminaaat 4,000,000.00
1076 X Misamis Occidental Don Victoriano Chionabian Lamoasan 4,000.000.00
1077 X Misamis Occidental Don Victoriano Chionabian Liboron 4.000,000.00
1078 X Misamis Ocodentai Don Victoriano Chionqbian Tuno
1079 X Misamis Occidental Don Victoriano Chionqbian Maia-Mara 4,000,000.00
1080 X Misamis Occidental Jimenez Carmen 4,000,000.00
1081 X Misamis Occidental Jimenez Matuaas Alto fPurok 31 4,000,000.00
1082 X Misamis Occidental Sinacaban San Lorenzo Ruiz 4.000,000.00
1083 X Misamis Occidental Tanqub Citv Hiiyc^v 4,000,000.00
1084 X Misamis Occidental Tanqub Citv Santo Niflo 4,000.000.00
1085 X Misamis Occidental Tudela Gala
1086 X Misamis Oriental Alubijid Tula
1087 X Misamis Oriental Balinqasaq Linabu 4.000,000.00
1088 X Misamis Oriental Balinqasaq Ouezon
1089 X Misamis Oriental Balinqasaq Samav 4,000,000.00
1090 X Misamis Oriental Balinqasaa San Juan 4.000,000.00
1091 X Misamis Oriental Caqavan de Oro Besioan 4,000,000.00
1092 X Misamis Oriental 1 Caqavan de Oro Dansolihon 4.000,000.00
1093 X Misamis Oriental I Caqavan de Oro Taqlimac 4.000,000.00

Page IS of 20
Region Province City/Municipality Amount
(in Pesos)
1094 X Misamis Oriental Caoayan de Oro TaoDanoi
1095 X Misamis Oriental Caoavan de Oro Tuburan 4,000.000.00
1096 X Misamis Oriental Clavena Mat-I
1097 X Misamis Oriental Claveria Lanise 4.000,000.00
1098 X Misamis Oriental El Salvador San Francisco de Asis
1099 X Misamis Oriental Ginoooo Qtv Lawaan 4,000.000.00
1100 X Misamis Oriental Ginoooo Qtv Bantaawan
1101 X Misamis Oriental Ginoooc Otv Blnakalan 4,000.000.00
1102 X Misamis Oriental Ginaooo Qtv Eureka 4,000,000.00
1103 X Misamis Oriental Ginaooo Gtv Malinao
1104 X Misamis Oriental Ginoooo Otv Kalioav
1105 X Misamis Oriental Ginoooo Qtv Kamanikan 4,000.000.00
1106 X Misamis Oriental Ginoooo Otv Lunao 4,000.000.00
1107 X Misamis Oriental Ginaooo Otv San Juan
1108 X Misamis Oriental Jasaan Oanao
1109 X Misamis Oriental Jasaan lonacio S Cru2
1110 X Misamis Oriental lasaan San Nicolas 4,000,000.00
1111 X Misamis Oriental Kinoouitan Kalitian 4,000.000.00
1112 X Misamis Oriental Luoait Caianqahan 4,000,000.00
1113 X Misamis Oriental Maosavsav Abunda 4.000,000.00
1114 X Misamis Oriental Maqsavsay Cabawalan
1115 X Misamis Oriental Maosavsav Gumabon 4,000,000.00
1116 X Misamis Oriental Maosavsav Mindulao 4.000,000.00
1117 X Misamis Oriental Maosavsav Tinaan 4,000.000.00
1118 X Misamis Oriental Manticao Balintad 4,000.000.00
1119 X Misamis Oriental Manticao DioKllaan
1120 X Misamis Oriental Medina Mananum Bao-o
1121 X Misamis Oriental Medina Mananum Daan
1122 X Misamis Oriental Medina Banobano 4.000,000.00
1123 X Misamis Oriental Medina San Isidro 4,000,000.00
1124 X Misamis Oriental Naawan Lubilan 4,000,000.00
1125 X Misamis Oriental OdoI Baooeboe
1126 X Misamis Oriental OdoI Cauvonan 4,000,000.00
1127 X Misamis Oriental Opol Umonda 4,000.000.00
1128 X Misamis Oriental OdoI Nanocoon 4,000,000.00
1129 X Misamis Oriental OdoI Tinoalan 4.000,000.00
1130 X Misamis Oriental Salay Aliouaton 4,000.000.00
1131 X Misamis Oriental Salav Matamoa 4.000,000.00
1132 X Misamis Oriental Talisavan Sta Ines
Total. Region X 588.000,000.00
1133 XI Davao Otv Buhanoin Oist Manduo 4.000,000.00
1134 XI Davao Otv Toril Dist Dallao 4.000,000.00
1135 XI Davao Otv Torn Dist SIbulan 4,000.000.00
1136 XI Davao de Oro Laak Baoono Silana
1137 XI Davao de Oro Leak Cebulida 4,000.000.00
1138 XI Davao de Oro Laak Amoawid
1139 XI Davao de Oro Laak Andao
1140 XI Davao de Oro Laak Anitab 4,000,000.00
1141 XI Davao de Oro Laak Conceodon 4,000,000.00
1142 XI Davao de Oro Laak Datu Amounan 4.000,000.00
1143 XI Davao de Oro Leak Dona Josefa 4,000.000.00
1144 XI Davao de Oro Laak El Katlounan
1145 XI Davao de Oro Laak Imeida 4,000,000.00
1146 XI Davao de Oro Laak Inacavan 4,000.000.00
1147 XI Davao de Oro Laak Lanqtud (Sitio Kibaquio) 4,000,000.00
1148 XI Davao de Oro Laak Mabuhay 4,000,000.00
1149 XI Davao de Oro Laak Manqiov
1150 XI Davao de Oro Laak Melale 4.000,000.00
1151 XI Davao de Oro Leak Panamoren 4.000,000.00
1152 XI Davao de Oro Laak San Antonio 4.000,000.00
1153 XI Davao de Oro Laak Sisimon
1154 XI Davao de Oro Mabini Cadunan 4.000,000.00
1155 XI Davao de Oro Mabini Pobtacion (Cuamboq) 4.000,000.00
1156 XI Davao de Oro Maco Anibonoan 4,000,000.00
1157 XI Davao de Oro Maco Lapu-Laou
1158 XI Davao de Oro Maco Mainit
1159 XI Davao de Oro Maco Malamodao 4,000,000.00
1160 XI Davao de Oro Maco ManiDonqo! 4.000,000.00
1161 XI Davao de Oro Maco New Barili 4.000,000.00
1162 XI Davao de Oro Maraousan Lahi 4.000,000.00
1163 XI Davao de Oro Maraousan New Katiounan 4.000,000.00
1164 XI Davao de Oro Mawab Concepcion
1165 XI Davao de Oro Mawab Nuevo lloco 4.000,000.00
1166 XI Davao de Oro Mawab Salvadon 4.000,000.00

Pngc 16 o‘ 20
Province Amount
Region City/Munidpality Barangay
(in Pesos)
1167 XI Davao dc Oro Mawab Sawanoan 4.000,000.00
1168 XI Davao de Oro Montevisfa Banqiasan
1169 XI Davao de Oro Montevista Banqkerohan Norte 4,000.000.00
1170 XI Davao de Oro Montevista New Caiape 4,000,000.00
1171 XI Davao de Oro Montevista New Cebulan 4,000,000.00
1172 XI Davao de Oro Montevista New Dalaqucte 4.000,000.00
1173 XI Davao de Oro Montevista Pobladon 4,000,000.00
117'1 XI Davao de Oro Montevista Tapia 4,000,000.00
1175 XI Davao de Oro NabunCuran Mipanqi 4,000,000.00
1176 XI Davao de Oro New Bataan Tandawan 4,000,000.00
1177 XI Davao del Norte Asuncion Napunqas 4,000,000.00
1178 XI Davao del Norte Asuncion Binandan 4,000,000.00
1179 XI Davao del Norte AsutKion Buan 4,000.000.00
1180 XI Davao del Norte Kaoalonq Gupitan (Sitio Baqtpk & Tiabonq) 4.000,000.00
1181 XI Davao del Norte New Corella Cabidianan
1182 XI Davao del Norte New Corella Career 4,000,000.00
1183 XI Davao del Norte New Corella E! Salvador 4,000,000.00
1184 XI Davao del Norte New Corella MamWnq 4,000,000.00
lies XI Davao del Norte New Corella New Cortez
1186 XI Davao del Norte New Corella San Jose 4.000,000.00
1187 XI Davao del Norte New Corella Santa Fe 4,000.000.00
1188 XI Davao del Norte New Corella Patrocenlo 4,000,000.00
1189 XI Davao del Norte New Q)rella Suawon
1190 XI Davao del Norte Panabo Otv Little Panav
1191 XI Davao del Norte Panabo City Maduao 4.000,000.00
1192 XI Davao del Norte San Isidro Iqanqon (Purok 9AI 4,000.000.00
1193 XI Davao del Norte Sto Tomas Maawawa
1194 XI Davao del Norte Sto Tomas San Jose
1195 XI Davao de! Norte Talainood Sto Nino (Sitio HimatisI
1196 XI Davao del Sur Kiblawan Abnate
1197 XI Davao del Sur K'blawan Klmlawis 4,000,000.00
1198 XI Davao del Sur Maaasavsav Malawanit 4,000.000.00
1199 XT Davao del Sur Maoasavsav Malbo 4,000.000.00
1200 XI Davao del Sur Maqasaysay Upper Bala 4,000,000.00
1201 XI Davao del Sur Matanao Donaan-pekonq 4,000,000.00
1202 XI Davao del Sur Matanao Sabov 4,000.000.00
1203 XI Davao del Sur Matanao Asinan 4.000,000.00
1204 XI Davao del Sur Matanao Banokat
1205 XI Davao del Sur Matanao Kabasaaan 4,000.000.00
1206 XI Davao del Sur Matanao Kapok
1207 XI Davao del Sur Matanao Saub 4.000,000.00
1208 XI Davao del Sur Sta Cruz Astorqa 4.000,000.00
1209 XI Davao del Sur Sta Cruz Coronan 4,000,000.00
1210 XI Davao del Sur Sta Cruz Jose Rizal
1211 XI Davao del Sur Sta Cruz Zone 1 4,000,000.00
1212 XI Davao del Sur Sta Cruz Sibulan 4,000,000.00
1213 XI Davao Occidental Jose Abad Santos Tanuman 4,000,000.00
1214 XI Davao Oriental Baoanqa Blnondo 4,000,000.00
1215 XI Davao Oriental Cateei Malibaao 4,000,000.00
1216 XI Davao Onental Cateel Atiwaowaq 4,000,000.00
1217 XI 1 Davao Oriental Cateei Mainit
1218 XI Davao Oriental Cateel Tavtavan 4.000,000.00
1219 XI Davao Oriental Lupon Maravaq
1220 XI Davao Oriental LuDon Maraoatas 4,000,000.00
1221 XI Davao Oriental Manav Capasnan 4,000.000.00
1222 XI Davao Oriental Manav San Fermin 4.000,000,00
1223 XI Davao Oriental Manav Taocanaa
1224 XI Davao Oriental Mad atv Matiao
1225 XI Davao Onental Mati Otv Sainz 4,000.000.00
1226 XI Davao Onental Mati Qtv Sanqhav 4,000,000.00
1227 XI Davao Oriental Mati Qtv Taqbinonqa 4,000,000.00
1228 XI Davao Oriental Mati Gty Taquibo 4,000,000.00
1229 XI Davao Oriental Mab Qtv Don Salvador Lopez
1230 XI Davao Oriental Mati Otv Central
1231 XI Davao Oriental Mati Ow Culian
1232 XI Davao Oriental Tarraaona Ompao 4,000,000.00
1233 XI Davao Oriental Tarraqona Tomoaonq 4.000,000.00
1234 XI Davao Oriental Tarragona Tubaon 4,000.000.00
Total. Region XI 408,000,000.00
1235 XII North Cotebato Anti pas Krvaab 4,000,000.00
1236 XII North Cota bate AntiDas MdQsavsav
1237 XII North Cotabato AntiDdS Mala tad 4,000.000.00
1238 XII North Cotabato Antioas Malire
1239 XII North Cotabato A'akan Kinav^van

Pago 17 of 20
Region Province City/Munidpality Barangay
(in Pesos)
1240 xn North Cotabato Arakan Binoonqan 4.000,000.00
1241 XII North Cotabato Arakan Datu Matanqkii 4,000.000.00
1242 XII North Cotabato Arakan Kulaman Valiev 4.000,000.00
1243 XII North Cotabato Arakan San Mtauel 4,000,000.00
1244 xn North Cotabato Arakan Sto Nino 4,000.000.00
1245 xn North Cotabato Arakan Badianaon 4,000,000.00
1246 xn North Cotabato Arakan Gambodes 4,000.000.00
1247 XII North Cotabato Arakan Saiasanq 4.000,000.00
1248 XII North Cotabato Arakan Sumalili 4,000,000.00
1249 XII North Cotabato Kldaoawan City Gavola 4,000.000.00
1250 XII North Cotabato Kidaoawan Cttv Katiounan 4,000,000.00
1251 xn North Cotabato Kidaoawan Otv Sto Nino 4.000,000,00
1252 XII North Cotabato KidaoBwan Gtv i Mallnan 4,000,000.00
1253 XII North Cotabato Kidaoawan Otv i San Isidro 4,000.000.00
1254 XII North Cotabato Kidaoawan Cltv San Roque 4,000.000.00
1255 XII North Cotabato Maaoet Alibavon 4,000,000.00
1256 XII North Cotabato Maopet Baaumbavan
J257 xn North Cotabato Maqpet Balete 4,000,000.00
1258 xn North Cotabato Maaoet Basak
1259 XII North Cotabato Maaoet Inac 4,000.000.00
1260 xn North Cotabato Maaoet Temooran 4,000,000.00
1261 XII North Cotabato Makiiaia Cabllao 4,000,000.00
1262 xn North Cotabato Makilala Malaslla 4,000,000.00
1263 XII North Cotabato Makiiaia New Baquio 4,000.000.00
1264 xn North Cotabato Makilala Sta Feiomina 4,000,000.00
1265 XII North Cotabato Makiiaia Malunqon 4.000,000.00
1266 XII North Cotabato Makilala Sto Nlho 4.000,000.00
1267 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Aleqria 4,000.000.00
1268 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Datu Indanq 4,000.000.00
1269 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Oatu Sandunqan
1270 xn North Cotabato President Roxas Greenhill 4,000,000.00
1271 xn North Cotabato President Roxas Idaoman 4.000,000.00
1272 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Kamarahan
1273 xn North Cotabato President Roxas Lama-lama 4,000.000.00
1274 XII North Cotabato President Roxas 1 Saqcunqan 4,000.000.00
1275 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Saravan 4,000,000.00
1276 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Bato-bato 4,000,000.00
1277 XII North Cotabato President Roxas i Cabanabangan 4,000,000.00
1278 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Camasi
1279 xn North Cotabato President Roxas F. Caielo
1280 XII North Cotabato President Roxas llustre 4.000,000.00
1281 xn North Cotabato President Roxas Kimaruhinq 4,000,000.00
1282 xn North Cotabato President Roxas Kisuoaan
1283 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Labu-o 4.000,000.00
1284 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Maouhav
1285 XII Norto Cotabato President Roxas Pobiadon 4.000,000.00
1286 XII North Cotabato President Roxas Salat 4.000,000.00
1287 XII North Cotabato Tulunan Baconq 4,000.000.00
1288 xn North Cotabato Tulunan Dais 4,000.000.00
1289 1 XII North Cotabato Tulunan Maqbok 4.000,000.00
1290 XII North Cotabato Tulunan Tuburan
1291 XII North Cotabato Tulunan Nabundasan 4.000,000.00
1292 XII Saranaani Province Gian Datal Bukav
1293 XII Saranqani Province Maasim Nomoh 4,000,000.00
1294 XII Saranaani Province Maasim Pananaq 4,000.000.00
1295 XII Saranaani Province Malapatan Saou Ma^a 4,000.000.00
XII South Cotabato Koronadal Qtv San Jose IKoronadal)
1297 XII South Cotabato Lake Sebu Kiubl fSo Klubi) 4,000,000.00
1298 xn South Cotabato Lake Sebu Lamfuaon fSibo Koionbonql 4,000,000.00
1299 xn South Cotabato Tboli Laconon ISitio Ellaw) 4,000,000.00
1300 XII South Cotabato Tuoi Cebuano 4,000,000.00
1301 XII Sultan Kudarat Baaumbavan Sumilil
1302 xn Sultan Kudarat Columbio Edav
1303 XII Sultan Kudarat Columbio Elbe be 4,000,000.00
1304 XII Sultan Kudarat Columbio Lomoyon
XII Sultan Kudarat Columbio Makat
xn Sultan Kudarat EsperanzB Maraues
xn Sultan Kudarat EsoeranzB Pamanbnaan 4.000,000.00
xn Sultan Kudarat Kalamansic Nalllidan 4,000,000.00
1309 xn Sultan Kudarat KalamansiQ Sangav 4.000,000.00
1310 xn Sultan Kudarat Lebak Bulutawan 4.000,000.00
1311 XII Sultan Kudarat Palimbanq Domolol 4.000,000.00
1312 XII Sultan Kudarat Sen Ninov Aauino Midtunook 4.000,000.00
Total, Reqion XII 312,000.000.00

Paec 18 nf 20
1 ; r ! 1 Amount 1
City'/Municlpality Barangay |
. i ) {in »s5oe) i
xn; ; AcLi5-3ndc; r:ortc i LVjtuan CiPt Amnaro i 't.OOO.OuO.OO :
1314 XIII Aqusan del Norte Butuan Otv Los Anoeles 4,000.000.00
1315 XIII Aausan del Norte Butuan atv Sto NIfto 4.000,000.00
1316 XIII i Aousar. del Ncrtc j Jabonao Sanqonav ■1,000.000.00
*7 i XIII ! wC*l Ncrt'*1 * Kitchrii.jLj i -1,000.000.00
1316 xni Aausan del Norte Kiicharao Sar; P.oouo •‘.i>j0.CkC'0.lX-
1319 XIII AQusan del Norte Kitcharao Sanqav 4,000.000.00
1320 xm Aausan del Norte Remedios T Romuaidez Balano-balona 4,000.000.00
1321 Xlll Aqusan del Norte Sandaao Cuf\'a 4,000,000.00
t 7 1 AauSQP. dci Norte i 4,000.000 00
U23 Xii] 1 Ayuidti dd Nofle i SdlliJclUO Publoaon 2 4,000,000.00
1324 XIII Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Aqsabu 4,000,000.00
1325 XIII Aousan dd Sor Esoeranza Bakinakinq 4,000.000.00
1326 XIII Aqusan del Sur EsDeranzd Guibonun
1327 xm Aausan del Sur XaUhi 1^40 4.1 ti tii.iiilir.tHi

1328 XIII Aausan del Sur Esoeranza KInamavbav 4,000,000.00

1329 XIII Aqusan del Sur Esoeranza Maiiwanaq 4,000,000.00
1330 xm Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Seaunda 4,000.000.00
1331 XIII Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Taobalili 4,000,000.00
1332 XIII Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Tandanq Sora 4,000,000.00
1333 XIII Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Bunaquit 4,000.000.00
1334 XIII Aqusan del Sur Esoeranza Nato 4,000,000.00
1335 XUI Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Remedios 4,000,000.00
1336 XIII Aousan del Sur Esoeranza SaluQ 4,000.000.00
1337 XIII Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Balubo
1338 xm Aqusan del Sur Esoeranza Hawilian
1339 xm Aqusan del Sur Esoeranza Milaqros
1340 XI ri Aausan del Sur Esoeranza Oro 4.000,000.00
1341 XIII Aousan del Sur Esoeranza Sinakunoan
1342 xm Aousan del Sur La Paz Kasaoa II 4,000.000.00
1343 xm Aousan del Sur La Paz Comota 4,000.000.00
1344 xm Aausan del Sur La Paz Lanaasian
1345 xm Aousan del Sur Loreto Johnson
1346 xm Aausan del Sur Loreto Binucavan 4,000.000.00
1347 xm Aausan del Sur Loreto Kasaoa 4,000,000.00
1348 XIII Aausan del Sur Loreto Kauswaoan 4,000,000.00
1349 xm Aausan del Sur Loreto Maaaud
1350 XIII Aousan del Sur Loreto Pobladon
1351 XIII Aausan del Sur Loreto San Mariano
1352 XIII Aausan del Sur Loreto \flolanta 4.000,000.00
1353 XIII Aausan del Sur Loreto Sabud
1354 xm Aqusan del Sur San Luis Balit 4.000,000.00
1355 XIII Aausan del Sur San Luis Coalidon 4,000,000.00
1356 xm Aausan del Sur San Luis Mahaasav 4,000.000.00
1357 xm Aqusan del Sur San Luis Mahavahav 4,000,000.00
1358 XIII Aausan del Sur San Luis San Pedro 4,000,000.00
1359 xm Aausan del Sur Sibaqat NewTubiqon 4,000,000.00
1360 xm Aausan del Sur Sibaoat Banaabanaa 4.000,000.00
1361 xm Aqusan del Sur Sibaqat Klova 4.000,000.00
1362 XIII Aausan del Sur Sibaoat Kolambuoan
1363 XIII Aausan del Sur Sibaqat Maasavsav
1364 xm Aousan del Sur Sibaqat Padiav 4.000,000.00
1365 xm Aausan del Sur Sibaqat San Isidro 4,000.000.00
1366 XIII Aqusan del Sur Sibaoat Tabon-tabon 4,000,000.00
1367 XIII Aqusan del Sur Sibaoat Sta Crtjz 4,000,000.00
1368 XIII Aausan del Sur Trento Sta Maria 4.000,000.00
1369 ! XIII Suriaao del Norte Aiearia Camo Eduard (Geotinal
1370 i XIII Suriqao del Norte Aleoria Ombonq 4.000,000.00
1371 i xm Suriqao del No'S Ateqria ! San Pedro 4.000,000.00
1372 XIII Suriqao del Norte Bacuaq Pautao 4.000,000.00
1373 xm Suriaao del Norte Bacuaa Punqtod
1374 XI11 Suriaao del Norte Bacuaq Camoo
1375 xm Suriqao del Norte Ciaver CabuQo 4.000,000.00
1376 xrii Suriqao del Norte. Clever i Panatao 4,000,000.00
1377 XIII Surioso del Norte aaver 1 Wanake
1378 xm Suriqao del Norte Giaaquit Camboavan 4,000,000.00
1379 XIII Suriqao del Norte Giqaauit San Antonio 4.000,000.00
1380 XIII Suriaao del Norte Mainit 1 San Frandsco
1381 xm Suriaao del No.te Mainit Tolinaon
1382 xm Suriaao del Norte Malimono Caotinae
1383 XIII Suriqao del Norte Maiimono Cavawan
1384 xm Suriqao del Norte Placer Amosioq 4.000,000.00
1385 XIII Suriaao del Noris Placer Mabini
1386 xm Suriqao del Norte Placer Pananavan 4,000,000.00

Pafp W of
---------------------- i
Prsv'S'.ca Oty/ Municipality Barangay Amount

1387 Xlll bunqao del Norte Sunaao Cicv San RoQue 4.U00.UUU.00
1388 xm Suriaao del Norte Tubod Timamana 4,000,000.00
1389 xin Surjqao del Sur BlsliO QtV PamavDavan 4.000,000.00
1390 xm Suriqao ds! Sur Cantilsn Buntalid 4,000.000.00
1391 XIII S'jiiooc dc! Sur Coboc-on 4,000,000.00
1392 XIII Surioao del Sur Cantilan Tioabono 4.000,000.00
1393 xm Surioao del Sur Carmen Puyat 4,000,000.00
1394 XUI Suriaao del Sur Cortes Tao-Anonaan 4.000,000.00
1395 Xlll Suriaao del Sur Lanura Sibahav
1395 xm Suriaao del Sur Lanuza Zone III
1397 xm Suriaao del Sur Lanuza Nurcia 4.000,000.00
1398 xm Suriaao del Sur San MiQuef Castillo 4,000,000.00
1399 xm Suriaao del Sur San Mifluel San Roaue 4.000,000.00
1400 xm Suriaao del Sur San Miauel Liba-sud 4,000.000.00
1401 xm Surioao del Sur San Miauel Maarovona 4.000,000.00
1402 xm Suriaao del Sur San Miguel Siaaao
1403 xm Suriaao del Sur Tandaa City Mabuhav 4,000.000.00
1404 xm Suriaao del Sur Tandaq Gty Maitum 4.000,000.00
1405 XIII Suriaao del Sur Tandaa Ocv Awasian 4,000,000.00
1406 xm Suriaao del Sur Tandag City San Antonio 4,000,000,00
Total, Reqion XIII 376,000,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 5,624,000,000.00

Annex B
Punong Barangay
Project Contact Person/
Authorized Representative
Designation in the Barangay
Telephone No.
Primary Mobile No.
Secondary Mobile No.
E-mail Address

Approved by:


Punong Barangay


The project contact person/duly authorized representative must be an organic personnel

of the barangay concerned.


Report on Fund Utilization and Status of Program/Project Implementation
For the Quarter Ended_______

Date of Amount
Notice of Estimated
Authority to Type of Mechanism/ Estimated Period of Remarks on
Fund Title of Specific
Debit Program/ Mode of Number of Completion Program/
Source Program/ Location Received Obligation Disbursement
Account Project Implementation Beneficiaries (month and Project Status
Issued year)

Certified correct by: The Local Finance Committee (LFC) Attested by:

City/Municipal Budget Officer City/Municipal Mayor

City/Municipal Treasurer

City/Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator

1. The report shall be prepared by the LFC, in coordination with the other local officials concerned (e.g. local accountant on the allotment, obligation and
disbursements; local engineer on the status of infrastructure projects, as may be applicable).
2. The fund source shall be based on the NADAI issued to the city/municipality.
3. The type of program/project shall be identified, consistent with the projects that may be implemented under the Circular.
4. Amount received refers to the amount received by the city/municipality as its allocation. It is the amount indicated in the NADAI. Obligation refers to the
total amount obligated by the city/municipality as of reporting period. Disbursement refers to the total amount paid by the city/municipality as of reporting
5. The status of programs/projects refers to the percentage of physical completion or delivery of service as of reporting period.

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