CBI Taxonomy Jan2021
CBI Taxonomy Jan2021
CBI Taxonomy Jan2021
Introduction Contents
A traffic light system has been adopted to indicate whether identified assets Automatically compatible
and projects are considered to be automatically compatible with a 2-degree
decarbonisation trajectory. Green Light is automatically compatible. Orange Compatible if compliant
Light is potentially compatible, depending on whether more specific criteria with screening indicator
are met. Red Light is incompatible. A Grey circle is used to indicate where
further work is required to determine which traffic light colour is appropriate Not compatible
for a specific sub-set of assets or activities.
More work required
The Taxonomy is the foundation used by the Climate Bonds Initiative Certification Criteria
to screen bonds to determine whether assets or projects underlying an Approved
investment are eligible for green or climate finance. Where detailed analysis
of a sector has been undertaken and specific eligibility Criteria have been
developed, bonds in that sector can be Climate Bonds Certified. This is
indicated via a blue ‘Climate Bonds Certification tick’. Where detailed sector
Criteria under development
based Criteria for Certification are still under development, this is indicated
by a yellow circle. In this case, bonds in this sector cannot yet be certified
under the Climate Bonds Standard.
Dedicated supporting
infrastructure including inverters,
transformers, energy storage
systems and control systems
Dedicated supporting
Dedicated supporting
Blending facilities
Dedicated supporting
Dedicated supporting
MARINE Generation Offshore wind farms Fossil fuel back up can only
RENEWABLES facilities be used for restart capability
(power, heat Offshore solar farms and monitoring, operating
& cooling) or resilience measures in
Tidal and wave energy
the event of no power in the
generation facilities
Other marine electricity
generation facilities using ocean
thermals, salinity, gradients, etc
Dedicated supporting
facilities, such as transmission
terminus and transformers,
grid connections, dedicated
facilities for supporting vessels,
equipment storage and onshore
Coal or oil with carbon capture & CCS must capture 100% of
storage (CCS) GHG emissions
Construction or upgrading of
sub-stations, buildings, fences
and busbars
Biofuel vehicles
Biofuel vehicles
FREIGHT Trains Rolling stock for electrified freight Fossil fuel freight must not be
RAIL rail more than 25% of the freight
transported (in tonne/km)
CROSS ICT that improves asset utilisation, Must deliver substantial GHG
CUTTING flow and modal shift, regardless of emissions savings on either
transport mode (public transport a passenger/km or a tonne/
information, car-sharing schemes, km basis
smart cards, road charging
systems, etc)
Supporting infrastructure
Passenger ships e.g. cruise ships Use of low GHG fuel (e.g.
or ferries hydrogen, ammonia, electric,
high % of biofuel), deliver-
ing substantial reduction in
Nature based Water storage from aquatic No net GHG emissions are
solutions ecosystems, aquifer storage, expected, and the issuer
snowpack runoff, groundwater discloses the justification for
recharge systems, riparian this decision with supporting
wetlands documentation
Stormwater management
by permeable surfaces,
erosion control systems,
evapotranspiration systems
Urban development
Agricultural production on
Associated management,
information systems and other
Associated management,
information systems and other
NATURAL Land Land remediation and clean up Habitat is appropriate for the
ECOSYSTEM location and is maintained in
PROTECTION good health
Natural ecosystem land
(managed and unmanaged)
FISHERIES AND Fisheries Wild fisheries and farmed fish Must hold certification for
AQUACULTURE sustainable management
Associated management,
information systems and other
SUPPLY CHAIN Supply chain Input supply systems for seed Facility is sustainable
ASSETS production, distribution and managed and certified as
MANAGEMENT access such
Other Various
PREPARATION Facili- Facilities and assets Made from 100% recycled and recyclable
ties for with high recovery materials. Supports source segregation of
collection, rates of reusable or waste
sorting and recyclable material
recovery Collection of waste Collection vehicles must meet Transport
that is going to landfill Criteria
WASTE Waste Storage and bulking Dedicated to eligible waste processing asset(s)
STORAGE storage facilities downstream. Those downstream assets do
facilities not need to be certified but do need to meet
the criteria for that asset type. All waste stored
must be transferred to those assets
RE-USE Facilities Facilities refurbishing The products are put back to their original
for the or repairing products use without any further pre-processing
re-use of or cleaning compo- required. For WEEE, the product is covered
materials nents or products for by ecolabelling scheme and only those
reuse in their original products meeting the three lowest energy
function use categories are eligible
RECYCLING Facilities Facilities for recycling The secondary raw materials (such as steel,
for the or metals, plastics, aluminum, glass, plastics) cease to be waste
recycling of glass (except and are sold to be used as secondary raw
materials aggregate) and paper materials
BIOLOGICAL Anaerobic Facilities for the Total methane emissions <= 1285g CH4/
TREATMENT digestion production of biogas tonne of waste input. Woody waste must
FACILITIES facilities from green waste be segregated before or after processing
and sent to an eligible EfW or composting
plant. Monitoring, sampling and control of
the following is carried out in accordance
with PAS110 guidance. The solid and liquid
products are not landfilled and replace non-
waste materials in the market
WASTE TO Waste to Facilities for solid Only facilities outside the EU are potentially
ENERGY energy waste treatment eligible. Plant efficiency >= 25%; AND Bottom
plants (e.g. with production of ash recovery; AND >= 90% recovery of metal
incineration, electricity or heat as from ash; AND Average carbon intensity of
gasification, a by-product electricity and/ or heat over the life of the plant
pyrolysis <= waste management allowance; AND capacity
and of the plant does not exceed the calculated
plasma) residual waste at any time in the plant’s life
LANDFILL Landfill Projects to add gas Biogas from closed landfill facilities. Gas capture
with gas capture to existing, >= 75%; AND gas used to generate electricity and
capture closed landfill input to the natural gas grid or used as vehicle fuel;
facilities AND the landfill is not accepting further waste
(with the exception of restoration materials)
without gas
RADIOAC- Nuclear
MANAGE- treatment
The Climate Bonds Taxonomy is a working document. It will be revised and updated periodically as developments are
made in the Climate Bonds Standard Sector Criteria and in international green bond policies. It will also be revised
when low carbon trajectories from prominent research institutions are released and updated.
Climate Bonds Initiative has an active role in developing international green bond policy and keeps up-to-date with
the latest climate science and low carbon development trajectories through its Technical Working Groups and
through external engagement and research.