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Department of Education, University of the People

EDUC 5271 - Advanced Practices for Teaching Elementary and Middle School Literacy

Dr. Amanda Nugent

Oct 2, 2022


Teaching effectively with technology and differentiating instruction are very meaningful to me

as a teacher. I believe that as a teacher it is imperative that I understand how to integrate

technology into the teaching and learning process so that students will be engaged and motivated

to learn. It is also important that I cater to the different learning needs, styles and preferences so

that all my students will be successful and have positive learning experiences.

Inquiry 1: Teaching Effectively with Technology

Watts-Taffe, et al (2010), believe that "Technology can be a valuable tool for supporting and

enhancing literacy instruction.” This inquiry is meaningful to me because it is important to

understand how to integrate technology into literacy instruction. The benefits of using

technology to complement students’ reading are outlined by IMSE Journal (2020):

● I can provide my students with additional opportunities, repetition, and extension

activities to enable them to review and practice concepts that have been explicitly taught.

● I can use Integrated Learning Systems to assess students’ performance, ability, or

understanding of information and provide networked data for analysis and monitoring.

● I can provide students with increased accessibility to challenging text (read aloud) for
practice with comprehension and vocabulary.

● I can assign, supportive activities that can help students gain additional time working
within their zone of proximal development.

● I can use digital tools as supplemental resources for differentiating literacy.

Inquiry 2: Differentiating Instruction

This inquiry is meaningful to me because it is important to always differentiate instruction.

Differentiated instruction is beneficial because it enables me to connect with the different

learning needs, strengths, styles, interests, and preferences. Not all students will respond to a

lecture so providing them with a game or a video may work better. Some students may learn

better by reading while others might learn using a computer. When students are provided with

choices about how they learn helps them to meet learning objectives in the best way for them.

(Learning A-Z, 2022).

Differentiated instruction enables me to learn with my students. Although I might be an expert in

some subject matter, I am continuously learning about how my students learn. It is important to

always have ongoing collaboration with them in order to refine their learning opportunities so

that they will be effective for each student. (Tomlinson, 2017). There are many other benefits of

differentiating instruction as outlined by Sprig Learning (2021):

● It provides appropriate instruction to students with a wide range of abilities.

● It considers active and passive learning.

● It uses a variety of teaching styles and strategies.

● It caters to the individual strengths of all my learners.

● It is student-centered as it considers individual interests and abilities.

● It uses both qualitative and quantitative data to teach and assess students.

● It boosts student engagement.

● It provides me with the opportunity to design lessons for particular groups of students.

● It provides students with a high quality of education so that they will have the

opportunities and resources to succeed regardless of their background or circumstances.

● It uses formative assessments to monitor the growth and development of students.

● It is enhanced using technology.
● It accommodates students who have IEPs.

My Journey With Technology

I have been on the journey of integrating literacy and technology for a while now. I use

technology in my classroom on a daily basis to help to support instruction and learning as well as

to keep students motivated and engaged in the learning process. I use technology to assist my

students with all subjects and to help with classroom behavior management. I also use it to

supplement instruction and differentiate instruction so that all my students can reach their full

potential regardless of their differences. I am now at a point where I am using technology in my

classroom on a daily basis to support my instruction and engage my students in their learning.

The Way Forward

Looking forward, I plan to continue using technology to enhance teaching and learning as well as

to assist me with managing students' behavior. I also want to learn new ways of integrating

technology into the classroom so that all my students will become proficient and will always be

motivated and engaged in the learning process.


In conclusion, the ability to integrate technology into my classroom and differentiate instruction

are meaningful to me as they enable me to enhance the teaching and learning process by ensuring

that students are motivated and engaged in the learning process. I am also able to cater to the

varied needs of my students regardless of their differences so that all students can achieve their

full potential regardless of their differences. Technology is a big part of my classroom and I

will continue to use it to enhance teaching and learning.


ISME Journal, (2020). Using Technology to Complement Literacy Instruction

Learning A-Z, (2022). Differentiated

Sprig Learning, (2021). Benefits of Differentiated Instruction in Early Learning—The

Comprehensive List [With Matching Strategies]https://www.spriglearning.com/benefits-of-

Tomlinson, C. A. (2017). 7 Reasons Why Differentiated Instruction Works.


Watts-Taffe, S. M., & Gwinn, C. B. (2007). Integrating literacy and technology: effective
practice for grades k-6. The Guilford Press.

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