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Technology in the Classroom

Lauren Hagood

Kennesaw State University

December 2022

Dr. Yi Jin

January 2021

Capstone Project Proposal

Setting and Context

The setting for the proposed project is at Sixes Elementary School (SES). SES is located

north of Atlanta. SES is in a suburban area and is a part of the Cherokee County School District

(CCSD). The CCSD has 36 schools consisting of 23 elementary schools, seven middle schools,

and six high schools. SES is a traditional public school that serves K-5 students. There are 78

faculty members and 770 students with a wide range of demographics. These demographics are

made up of 1.4% Asian/Pacific Islanders, 3.2% Black, 6.8% Hispanic, 4.3% Multi-Racial, 84.3%

White, 12.7% Economically Disadvantaged, 3.2% English Learners, and 18.6% Students with

Disability (Georgia Department of Education, 2019).

SES was opened in 1992. There is one principal and two assistant principals. The current

principal has been there for three years. We have an Instructional Lead Strategist (ILS) and four

specials’ teachers (PE, Art, Music, STEM). The only grades that are departmentalized at SES are

third, fourth, and fifth grade. SES has an Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS) that is

assigned to a cluster of schools. The coach is not housed at SES, but occasionally will stop by to

give support to the staff. The CCSD has hopes to one day be fully one to one with technology.

SES has a decent amount of technology, but teachers struggle to effectively implement it

within their classroom. The Instructional Coaches are not at our school to help daily. Currently,

we are getting trained on new technology through the “On Demand” model. This workshop is

usually brushed off by teachers and not beneficial. A lot of teachers are visual learners and need

to use the software or program before implementing it. The “On Demand” model does not go

over technology taught in the past, so new teachers are unable to get the training needed.

Teachers can email our ITS, but responses can sometimes be delayed. If we had an ITS at our

school, teachers could learn new programs and how to effectively implement technology into the


Statement of Problem, Need and Rationale

Problem statement.

The problem that is guiding this project is that teachers are not using technology or are

using it in a marginally impactful way. When technology is used in the classroom, students are

reading leveled books or solving math problems, not creating original works. CCSD is going

through the process of accreditation with COGNIA. This process includes the Effective Learning

Environments Observation Tool (eleot). The eleot tool focuses on student engagement and how

technology is used within the classroom. I sat down and spoke with my principal and another

principal in our zone. The overall concern throughout SES and CCSD is that teachers struggle

with using technology in a meaningful way. Currently at SES, iPads and computers are not being

used in a high impact way. I discussed this issue with my second-grade team, and they feel

uncomfortable incorporating technology to support students in creating original works of


Connection to research.

Researchers have examined the issue of what some call a digital divide. Dornisch (2019)

did a study on the digital divide between technology and the classroom. Dornisch (2019) writes

about the disconnect between how comfortable students are with technology and how

comfortable teachers are with it. Teachers at SES are not comfortable with implementing

technology into their classroom. Dornisch (2019) found that students desired to use more

engaging technology, while teachers were hesitant. This study collected surveys taken by

students that assessed student comfort with technology and if their teacher used technology in the

classroom. Overall, this study found that students are more comfortable with technology than

their teachers. There is a barrier to student achievement when students are unable to use

technology for learning (Walker & Shepherd, 2011). SES and CCSD are struggling to meet the

expectations on the eleot observation. Students are not performing as well as they should be.

Proposed intervention/solution.

Based on the conversations I have had with my principal and the outcome of the eleot

observations, my proposed intervention to increase teacher comfort to support students in

creating original works for learning is to work with the second grade team. During this time, I

will introduce a variety of ways for students to create original works, so that the teachers can

bring it back to their own classrooms. I will also support the second grade team to increase their

confidence in implementing technology into the classroom. It is important to guide and support

my colleagues, so they become comfortable with the technology. I will give immediate feedback

throughout the process. These sessions will take place during our weekly meeting time or during

our professional learning committee time. If a teacher is unable to attend the meeting, meeting

notes and a recording will be available. In these sessions, teachers will be introduced to a new

technology tool that supports students creating original works of learning. During these sessions,

teachers will also have the opportunity to create their own original works of learning.

Connection to research.

Researchers have explored ways to build confidence in teachers when implementing

technology. O’Neal (2017) researched the beliefs of teachers about the role of technology in 21st

century teaching and learning. Teachers need to integrate technology across the curriculum that

promotes 21st century skills like creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. O’Neal (2017)

suggests that low levels of technology integration result in negative consequences in student

success. It is important that teachers feel comfortable with technology integration because they

determine how technology is used (O’Neal, 2017). During this study, O’Neal (2017) found that

teachers felt uncomfortable with technology integration due to the lack of training. Furthermore,

a study done by Walker and Shepard (2011) found that teacher’s attitudes and beliefs changed

once they felt supported and were given the proper training to use technology within the

classroom. I plan to support the second grade team so that they are confident with their ability to

support students in creating original works of learning. I will assess this by having teachers

participate in a survey at the beginning, middle, and end of this capstone. Increasing expose to

technology integration will increase self-efficacy in teachers (Niederhauser & Perkman, 2008).

Throughout the project, I will expose teachers to new technology tools and allow them to

understand and feel confident when using them.

Project Objectives

My overall goal for this project is to increase teacher comfort to support students in

creating original works for learning. Currently, teachers are not allowing students to use

technology in a meaningful way. Sixes Elementary students are not using technology to create

original works of learning. This is due to teachers being uncomfortable with integrating

technology into their classroom. Based on the study by Dornisch (2019), there is a digital divide

between technology and the classroom. This is because students are more confident than teachers

when using and troubleshooting technology. The goal for this project will be based on these


1. 75% of the teachers in second grade will become confident with allowing and

supporting students to use technology to create original works of learning by May

1, 2022.

2. 80% of teachers in second grade will be confident supporting students using web

2.0 tools to create original works for learning.

3. 50% of students in second grade will use a web 2.0 tool to create an original work

of learning by March 2022 and May 2022.

PSC Standards

The PSC standards that are listed below are tied directly to my goal of increasing teacher

comfort to support students in creating original works for learning. The PSC standards that are

tied to my project are the following:

 PSC 1.1 Shared Vision: Candidates facilitate the development and implementation of a

shared vision for the use of technology in teaching, learning, and leadership.

 PSC 1.2 Strategic Planning: Candidates facilitate the design, development,

implementation, communication, and evaluation of technology-infused strategic plans.

 PSC 1.4 Diffusion of Innovations and Change: Candidates research, recommend, and

implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology innovations and for

managing the change process in schools.

 PSC 2.1 Content Standards and Student Technology Standards: Candidates model and

facilitate the design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences

aligned with student content standards and student technology standards.

 PSC 2.2 Research-Based Learner-Centered Strategies: Candidates model and facilitate

the use of research-based, learner-centered strategies addressing the diversity of all


 PSC 2.3 Authentic Learning: Candidates model and facilitate the use of digital tools and

resources to engage students in authentic learner experiences.


 PSC 2.4 Higher Order Thinking Skills: Candidates model and facilitate the effective use

of digital tools and resources to support and enhance higher order thinking skills;

processes; and mental habits of mind.

 PSC 2.5 Differentiation: Candidates model and facilitate the design and implementation

of technology-enhanced learning experiences making appropriate use of differentiation,

including adjusting content, process, product, and learning environment based upon an

analysis of learner characteristics, including readiness levels, interests, and personal


 PSC 2.6 Instructional Design: Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of

research-based best practices in instructional design when designing and developing

digital tools, resources, and technology-enhanced learning experiences.

 PSC 3.1 Classroom Management and Collaborative Learning: Candidates model and

facilitate effective classroom management and collaborative learning strategies to

maximize teacher and student use of digital tools and resources.

 PSC 3.2 Managing Digital Tools and Resources: Candidates effectively manage digital

tools and resources within the context of student learning experiences.

 PSC 3.5 Basic Troubleshooting: Candidates troubleshoot basic software and hardware

problems common in digital learning environments.

 PSC 3.6 Selecting and Evaluating Digital Tools and Resources: Candidates collaborate

with teachers and administrators to select and evaluate digital tools and resources for

accuracy, suitability, and compatibility with the school technology infrastructure.


 PSC 3.7 Communication and Collaboration: Candidates utilize digital communication

and collaboration tools to communicate locally and globally with students, parents, peers,

and the larger community.

 PSC 5.1 Needs Assessment: Candidates conduct needs assessments to determine school-

wide, faculty, grade-level, and subject area strengths and weaknesses to inform the

content and delivery of technology-based professional learning programs.

 PSC 5.2 Professional Learning: Candidates develop and implement technology-based

professional learning that aligns to state and national professional learning standards,

integrates technology to support face-to-face and online components, models principles

of adult learning, and promotes best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment.

 PSC 5.3 Program Evaluation: Candidates design and implement program evaluations to

determine the overall effectiveness of professional learning on deepening teacher content

knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning.

 PSC 6.1 Continuous Learning: Candidates demonstrate continual growth in knowledge

and skills of current and emerging technologies and apply them to improve personal

productivity and professional practice.

 PSC 6.2 Reflection: Candidates regularly evaluate and reflect on their professional

practice and dispositions to improve and strengthen their ability to effectively model and

facilitate technology-enhanced learning experiences.

 PSC 6.3 Field Experience: Candidates engage in appropriate field experiences to

synthesize and apply the content and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions

identified in these standards.

Project Description

For my Capstone project, I will be coaching second grade teachers on web 2.0 tools that

allow students to create original works of learning. Specifically, I will focus on increasing

teacher comfort in supporting students using technology. I will coach teachers on different types

of web 2.0 tools that will allow students to create original works for learning.

Table 1
Project Item/Activity Project Objective(s) Deliverable(s)
Second grade teachers will give 75% of the teachers in  Coaching Log
initial feedback on their comfort second grade will  Pre-and-Post assessment
level on supporting students using become more on comfort level.
technology to create. confident with
allowing and
supporting students to
use technology to
create original works
of learning by May

Conduct initial meeting. Discuss 75% of the teachers in  Coaching Log

comfort level on using technology second grade will  Introductory
in the classroom. become more presentation.
confident with
allowing and
supporting students to
use technology to
create original works
of learning by May

80% of teachers in
Hold sessions (number to be second grade will  Coaching Log
determined) every other week to allow students to use  Teacher lesson plans
discuss web 2.0 tools that allow web 2.0 tools to containing web 2.0
students to create original works. create original works tools for creating.
of learning by May

Teachers will complete a survey on  Coaching Log

50% of students in
how many students have used a  Mid-assessment on
second grade will use
web 2.0 tool to create original student
a web 2.0 tool to
works of learning.

create an original engagement/ability.

work of learning by
March 2022 and May
Teachers will complete a 2022.
questionnaire to see if their comfort
 Coaching Log
has increased. 75% of the teachers in  Post assessment on
second grade will comfort level.
become more
confident with
allowing and
supporting students to
use technology to
create original works
of learning by May
Teachers will complete a survey on  Coaching Log
how many students have used a  Post assessment on
50% of students in
web 2.0 tool to create original student
second grade will use
works of learning. engagement/ability.
a web 2.0 tool to
create an original
work of learning by
March 2022 and May

Evaluation Plan

This project’s success will be based on the assessment of second grade teachers and their

confidence in integrating technology into their classroom. Once teachers are more confident in

their ability to support students using technology, students will be able to create original works

of learning. This is important because CCSD is currently going through accreditation through

COGNIA and teachers are being assessed with the eleot observation.

For the first objective, second grade teachers will be coached and supported on the

process of implementing technology to increase their confidence. I will assess their confidence

level using a Microsoft Form. This form will have a range of questions like “On a scale of 1 to 5,

how confident are you in implementing technology into your classroom” and “On a scale of 1 to

5 how many times do you students use technology to create original works of learning”. This

survey will be given to teachers in January 2022 to get a baseline on where to start. The same

survey will also be given in May 2022 to see the progress made throughout the semester.

For my second objective, I will assess second grade teacher’s confidence in supporting

students using web 2.0 tools to create original works of learning. This will be assessed by a

Microsoft Form that asks teachers about their knowledge on web 2.0 tools. I will give this survey

in January 2022 and May 2022. This Microsoft Form will be sent out via email to each second

grade teacher at SES. I will also assess this objective by monitoring teacher lesson plans to

identify where technology is being incorporated for original works of learning.

Lastly, for my third objective, I will be assessing the amount of students in second grade

at SES that are using technology to create original works of learning. I will do this by sending

out a Microsoft Form via email to the second grade teachers. This survey will be sent out two

times, once in March 2022 and once in May 2022.

Project Timeline

The timeline for this capstone will begin in January 2022 and end May 2022. Second

grade teachers at SES will participate in pre and post surveys that will assess their confidence in

implementing and supporting students in creating original works of learning. The main part of

this capstone will take place from January 2022 to May 2022. The hours needed for each project

and activity are included in Table 2.

Table 2.

Project Timeline
Month Project Item/Activity, or Evaluation Item Hours
January 2022 Meet with principal and instructional lead 1 hour
strategist to discuss eleot observation – creating
original works standard.
January 2022 Research best practices for building confidence 20 hours
in teachers and technology tools for students to
create original works.
January 2022 Design Microsoft Form surveys to send out to 2 hours
second grade teachers. This will show me how
confident teachers are in implementing
technology into their classroom.
January 2022 Meet with second grade teachers for 1 hour
introductory session to discuss confidence in
using technology in the classroom.
January/ Review feedback from Microsoft Form survey 2 hours
February 2022 and discussions from introductory meeting.
February 2022 Whole group coaching session to coach teachers 2 hours
on tech tool that allows students to create.
Teachers will create an original work of
February 2022 Whole group coaching session to coach teachers 2 hours
on a tech tool that allow students to create
original works of learning.
February/March Whole group coaching session to coach teachers 2 hours
2022 on a tech tool that allow students to create
original works of learning.
March 2022 Support teachers with implementation. Observe 25 hours
teachers in their lessons working towards our
March 2022 Mid-year survey on confidence and 1 hour
implementation of technology within the
classroom. This will be sent via email.
March 2022 Analyze results from mid-year survey. 1 hour
March/April Using data from the mid-year survey, I will 6 hours
2022 adjust learning as needed. Using data, I will
research best practices to support teachers with
their needs.
April 2022 Whole group coaching session on web 2.0 tools 2 hours
and supporting students. Discuss issues that have

April 2022 Classroom observations on students using 30 hours

technology tools to create original works of
May 2022 Create survey on Microsoft Forms for teachers 2 hours
to give feedback on process and end results.
May 2022 Analyze results from the survey. 2 hours
May 2022 Meet with second grade teachers to discuss 1 hour
learning experience.
Total Hours: 102 hours
Note: Month = the month during which activity or item will take place. Project Item/Activity, or
Evaluation Item = statement to describe what learners or evaluation plan will do to meet the
objective. Hours = hours necessary to create and implement or evaluate content.

Resources Needed

The resources required to complete the capstone are below.

Online Resources

 Office 365 (Outlook, Forms, PowerPoint, Word, Sway)


 Projectors

 iPads

 Laptops

Human Resources

 4 second grade teachers

 Instructional Technology Specialist

 Administration

 Instructional Lead Strategist

 Students participating in classroom lessons.

Physical Space

 Classroom for whole group coaching sessions.

 Individual classrooms for lesson implementation.



2019 college and career ready performance index (CCRPI) reports. GADOE CCRPI Reporting

System. (n.d.). Retrieved September 18, 2021, from


Dornisch, M. (2013). The Digital Divide in Classrooms: Teacher Technology Comfort and

Evaluations. Computers in the Schools, 30(3), 210–228.


Niederhauser, D. S., & Perkmen, S. (2008). Validation of the intrapersonal technology

integration scale: Assessing the influence of intrapersonal factors that influence

technology integration. Computers in the Schools, 25, 98–111.

O’Neal, L. J., Gibson, P., & Cotten, S. R. (2017). Elementary School Teachers’ Beliefs about the

Role of Technology in 21st-Century Teaching and Learning. Computers in the

Schools, 34(3), 192–206. https://doi.org/10.1080/07380569.2017.1347443

Walker, L. R., & Shepard, M. F. (2011). Phenomenological Investigation of Elementary School

Teachers Who Successfully Integrated Instructional Technology Into the Curriculum.

Journal of Educational Research Practice, 1(1), 23–35.


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