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TPM, SMED and 5S model to increase efficiency in

an automated production line for a company in the

food sector.
Stephano Barbieri-Silva Alberto Flores-Perez Jose Alvarez-Merino
Ingeniería Industrial Ingeniería Industrial Ingeniería Industrial
Universidad Peruana de Universidad Peruana Universidad Peruana
Ciencias Aplicadas de Ciencias Aplicadas de Ciencias Aplicadas
Lima, Perú Lima, Perú Lima, Perú
u201616828@upc.edu.pe pcinaflo@upc.edu.pe pciijalv@upc.edu.pe

Abstract— Currently, a great challenge for Peruvian companies II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS
is to face industrial evolution due to the need to continuously
improve in order to increase the production of products and The research is based on an industrial company in the food
thus stand out from the competition. It requires a high level of sector in Peru. It is a company that since 2017 has been
commitment and implies constant research, trial and error in dedicated to the cultivation, processing and exportation,
any situation, especially when it comes to machines and the however, today it seeks to improve its processes in order to be
search to solve their problems. The various studies for this type able to provide a greater volume of the flagship final product:
of situation propose different ways of covering it, among them, garlic. To start the investigation, it was necessary to collect all
the Lean Manufacturing methodology. Previous studies have the information regarding the 2020 campaign. Based on this,
shown that mechanical stoppages due to breakdowns are a it was possible to determine that the problems that the
recurring element in production plants, as well as machine company went through in that last year are those presented in
obstructions and excessive time to make a tool change. Those Figure 1. Based on the Exposed Pareto diagram, the low
problems cause instability and production losses. Based on this, efficiency of garlic production impacts significantly more
the present research seeks to improve the operation of the than the quality losses in the warehouse or the delivery delays
machines using the Lean Manufacturing methodology. For this, of shipments, with 83.34% in relation to the total problems.
a solution model was proposed which focused on improving
work discipline with the 5S tool, increasing production Figure 1: Pareto diagram of most important problems.
availability through the SMED tool followed by TPM (Pillar II)
Autonomous Maintenance and increasing production capacity
based on the TPM (Pillar III) Planned Maintenance. This model
was projected to improve the OEE efficiency of a food
production line by at least 1.83% and significantly reduce the
magnitude of problems. This proposal aims to demonstrate the
contribution of a solution for industries that have low efficiency

Keywords—Lean Manufacturing, TPM, SMED, 5S.

The production and export of food is an increasingly popular
trade for developing countries. This includes Peru since in
recent years it has managed to position itself among the best
production and export countries in both the world and Latin Once the problem was defined, it was necessary to analyze
American markets. [1] [2]. and determine the cause of the low efficiency. In addition, it
was essential to know in which specific station the problem
Regarding the situation that companies in the food sector are was witnessed, since the production line is made up of 7
going through, they are forced to improve their processes in activities. To respond to this, the VSM diagram was used,
order to continue standing out in the market. The biggest which allowed knowing the result of the time study in each
challenge is ahead for those industries that depend on a machine, as well as the lead times and input and output
process with machinery [3]. A large proportion of previous elements. Based on this diagnostic tool, it can be determined
studies affirmed their preference for using OEE as the that the low efficiency is due to unplanned planned stops in
efficiency indicator of their processes, where it could improve the shelling area (52.55%), poor work in the peeling machine
up to 20%. [4]. The choice of this is since it is an operation (36.58%) and delays in the shelling process. drying (10.87%).
that allows to cover with greater integrity the set of machine
operations. [5]. In turn, the planned stops are due to two specific reasons: the
excessive number of mechanical breakdowns and the delay in
the exit channel in the shelling machine. Excessive failures
correspond to displacement of the timing shaft belts, worn
contact of injectors, bolts with inadequate adjustment and oil
wear, accumulation of residues, etc. The delays in the outlet
channel are made because there is always an accumulation of
garlic clove residues, however, these appear with a certain


continuity, which causes an obstruction, and it is necessary to shutdown, for example, cost of resources running due to
stop the machine to free this obstruction in a safe way. unproductive time, etc.
Once the economic impact was quantified, the technical gap
The second cause of the low efficiency, the poor work of the was determined: the OEE. It is an efficiency indicator which
peeling machine is partially caused by excessive set-up times in turn is based on synthesizing availability, performance and
since, when changing the tool to peel from large to small quality. First, the OEE was evaluated individually for each of
garlic, the time required has been greater than 1 hour. The the activities described and it was possible to determine that,
other portion of the poor work of the peeling machine is due in the activities of only machines, three of four machines are
to reprocessing of the garlic clove, this being caused by cold below 85%, this being a reference level. This information can
air pressure adjustments without defined parameters, that is, be visualized in Figure 3 below.
the cold air pressure level is lower than required.
Figure 3: Representative graph of individual OEE.
Finally, the delays in the drying process are due to
reprocessing in the drying machine, these in turn, caused the
adjustments of the temperature and air outlet force without
defined parameters, that is, the temperature level and of the air
outlet force was less than required, being essential that the
outlet temperature is hot.
The information described can be seen in the figure below.
Figure 2: Low efficiency problem tree.

In addition, in order to know the total efficiency of the entire

production line, the calculation was made again for the set of
machines, which yielded a total OEE of 83.17%. Therefore, it
has been proposed in the present investigation to increase the
efficiency by 1.83% in order to be at the world reference level.
This information is summarized in the following Table 2.
Table 2: OEE efficiency of production line.

In economic terms, the impact was quite significant since the Efficiency Current Ideal Improved
problem of low efficiency corresponded to a loss of sales of
$359,862.46, that is, approximately 25% in relation to the General
83.17% 85% 1.83%
billing for the year 2020. OEE
Table 1: Economic impact of low efficiency.
Finally, the improvement of each of the processes based on
specific indicators that would allow knowing the evolution
Economic Impact 2020 and traffic light of each element evaluated was quantified and
Profits controlled.
Total sales turnover $1,440,000 Table 3: Table of indicators and limitations.
Costs of low efficiency in 2020
Excessive mechanical breakdowns $95,671.88
Delays in the output channel $93,437.50
Excessive set-up times $89,875.00
Reprocesses in peeling machine $41,775.36
Reprocesses in drying machine $39,102.72
Consequence cost of low efficiency in 2020
Overtime peeling machine man $895.19
Overtime man drying machine $167.58
Total cost of low efficiency $360,925.22
Percentage with respect to sales 25.06%
In what corresponds to Table 1, it should be noted that the unit
measured to represent the losses are the units that failed to sell.
However, after carrying out the economic evaluation, it was
necessary to include among the costs those that correspond to
a consequence, that is, those that are the result of the same
A. Overall Equipment Effectiveness To start the improvement proposal, it was necessary to carry
out an analysis of the bibliographic review. That is why the
Also known as OEE, it refers to an indicator that reflects the table below shows those authors who had the best degree of
partial or total efficiency of a machine or process. It is often contribution to the aforementioned problems and solution
used in production process industries and is based on tools.
calculating availability, performance and quality in an
integrated manner. This allows knowing the current state of a Tabla 4: Linking authors with problems
machine, as well as in which section there are more
production errors. It can be applied with machine focus tools,
such as the TPM, and is interpreted by 0% as a totally
inefficient system and 100% as a perfectly efficient system,
with 85% being the minimum efficiency standard. [6].
B. PDCA Cycle
The Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle is a sequence of steps with
the aim of achieving continuous improvement. [7]. This
consists of analyzing a process and proposing improvements As indicated in the table, the proposed improvement is based
to operations in order to increase the efficiency, productivity on solving problems such as excessive mechanical
and sales of a product. [8]. First, the critical analysis of breakdowns, delay due to obstructions in a machine and
activities is carried out with evaluation tools and the action excessive set-up times. To do this, the proposed model is
taken is defined. [9]. Secondly, the action plan is carried out. structured by the improvement cycle known as the PDCA
[9]. The verify stage covers the control and monitoring of the since it allows the problem to be fully covered with 4 essential
results based on the proposed ratios and indicators. [8].
Finally, the final results are reviewed, and the focused It can be denoted that the improvement model is proposed
improvement is stabilized. [10]. with the objective of using Lean Manufacturing tools to solve
the problems raised, however, during the elaboration of the
C. Case of breakdowns in machines model a specific order was considered so that each tool can be
The tool of greatest contribution and confidence for this type stabilized before starting with the Next. The 5S tool was
of problem is the TPM [11]. It is based on 8 pillars that focus considered as the debut of the process since it is a
the tool according to the original problem. The flexibility of methodology that allows to improve the process in an
this is a strength for its use and allows it to get along with operational and cultural way.
simulation software [12]. The TPM focuses your application
based on the business purpose of the system [13]. This is As reviewed in the previous bibliography, it is always
responsible for establishing a preventive and corrective recommended to debut with those tools that require less
maintenance plan to reduce the frequency of breakdowns and implementation and stabilization time, which explains the
improve the quality of work. [14]. Pillar II Autonomous proposed order of application.
Maintenance implements a work concept for the employee by However, in the proposed model (Figure 4), emphasis is
training them to carry out a corrective action. This method placed on the structure adopted in component 2, since it is
implies the autonomous participation of the human being to adequate for a condition in the case study.
carry out specific operations. [14].
For component 2, it was specified that the SMED and TPM
D. Solution for better quality of work (Pillar II) Autonomous Maintenance tools will be applied in
The 5S, Sort (Seiri), Sort (Seiton), Clean (Seiso), Standardize order to improve production availability. According to most
(Seiketsu) and Maintain (Shitsuke) is an essential tool for any authors, the use of the SMED is considered, followed by the
company that wants to make improvements. Although it is TPM and finally the 5S. Based on this author, it was learned
suggested to use more than one tool at a time, it prioritizes that it is suggestive to debut with the SMED since it requires
order, cleanliness and order in a production system. [15]. Its less application time and fewer learning instructions for the
application allows improving the times, quality and safety of employee. Once this is done, the TPM could take place as it
operations, as well as creating the appropriate discipline and requires a longer stabilization time. However, the author
responsibility for employees. [16]. proposes to use 5S in order to close the model.
E. Set-up case for production machines Therefore, based on the proposed instructions, this
The SMED is characterized by identifying and improving the improvement model has decided that the SMED and TPM
time required to make a tool change. It usually starts with a (Pillar II) Autonomous Maintenance improvement tools be
VSM and then four stages are completed where, first, the carried out and take place simultaneously during the
functional defects of the machine are repaired [17]. The development of component 2. This is a exceptional
external operations are then ordered according to the optimal application of two tools since, this depends on the causes
way. Thirdly, the internal activities are improved to finally identified above. That is, in the shelling machine it was
normalize it with the study employee [18]. determined that unplanned stops take place and it is planned
to resolve them with the TPM Pilar II Autonomous
Maintenance tool. The SMED would be applied in the peeling
machine where excessive set-up times occur. Because these
Figure 4: Proposed improved model.
are two different issues occurring on different machines, the ones to finally reduce those internal ones. At the end of the
enhancements are scheduled to occur at the same time. process, the new tool change procedure was standardized and
its respective follow-up was carried out.
A. Component 1: Improvement of work discipline
Regarding the improvement TPM (Pillar II) Autonomous
En In the preparation of component 1, it is planned to make
Maintenance, this was focused on the shelling machine. This
use of the 5S methodology and tool. Although the main tool consists of reducing the obstructions in the exit channel.
objective of the tool is to improve work discipline and allow Due to the very nature of the machine, husks and residues
the operator to learn more about his work machine, his goal accumulate, which need to be removed continuously.
is more detailed. The discipline of work debuts with the However, previously it was removed manually with the help
classification: unnecessary materials are eliminated and those of gloves, but these would break after a short time due to the
whose necessity is doubted are evaluated. In the organization acids themselves. For this, for the implementation of
stage, a distribution of these materials is created according to Autonomous Maintenance, the presence of a metal rod was
the frequency of use. A mold was created using a 3D machine considered that could help the process of releasing the
to fit the required materials. Immediately afterwards, a obstruction and said procedure would be the one instructed to
the operator. Based on the optimization of said process, it is
cleaning program was established for both areas and
estimated that the time required to release the obstruction
machines. The first 3 "S" were stabilized through decreased from 50 to 20 minutes.
stabilization policies to then, with the use of audits, be able to
evaluate the development and degree of effectiveness of the C. Component 3: Improvement of production capacity
improvements, as well as their opportunities. It is projected to improve the production capacity through the
application of the TPM (Pillar III) Planned Maintenance. This
B. Component 2: Improvement of production availability Lean tool proposes to solve the excessive failures that take
The improvement of production availability will be covered place in the shelling machine. The application consists of
based on the SMED and TPM (Pillar II) Autonomous establishing an adequate maintenance plan in which 11
Maintenance tools for focused improvements. On the one operations intervene: verification, cleaning, drying,
hand, the SMED will be carried out in the peeling machine. In measurements, adjustments, among others. Based on this, it is
this case, the aim is to reduce the tool change time from 45 estimated that maintenance time can be reduced from 120 to
minutes to approximately 18 minutes, that is, reduce the 27 32 minutes. There is the use of control records in order to be
activities to 18. This is achievable since, for the tool change, a able to evaluate the development of continuous improvement
large proportion of the time required consisted of that the and make adjustments if necessary. Training will be essential
operator in charge looked for specific elements. Due to this, to achieve effective maintenance.
the participation of a second employee who can be in charge
of these previous tasks is being considered. However, with
respect to the setup process itself, an analysis of the activities
was carried out. That is, the internal tasks were separated from
the external ones and a way was sought to reduce those
external activities. Once this was done, an attempt was made
as far as possible to transform internal activities into external
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