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Improving The Performance of Grade 5 Mathematics Learners Through Prbolem Based Learning 1

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An Action Research

Master Teacher I
Camanbugan Elementary School
Urbiztondo, Pangasinan

School Year 2021-2022


II. Abstract



Researcher: SARAH L. EBDANE

This quasi-experimental research determined the effects of problem-based

learning in improving the academic performance among 32 Grade 5 Mathematics
learners in Camanbugan Elementary School, Urbiztondo, Pangasinan.

Findings shows the pretest and posttest performances of the Grade 5

Mathematics learners significantly increased after they were exposed to problem-based
learning. There is significant difference in the pretest and posttest performances of the
Grade 5 Mathematics learners to problem-based learning. Problem-based learning
evidently shows that it helps in improving the academic performance of learners in

Keywords: Performance, Problem-based, Learning, Learners, Mathematics


III. Acknowledgement

It would not have been possible to write this action research without the help and

support of the kind people around me, to only some of whom it is possible to give

particular mention here. Above all, the researcher would like to thank her husband

_____ for his personal support and great patience at all times. Her parents, brothers,

sisters, nieces and nephews that have given her the unequivocal support throughout, as

always, for which her mere expression of thanks likewise does not suffice.

This action research would not have been possible without the help, support and

patience of her principal and her supervising head, Dr. Joyce V. Arce and Mrs. Catherine

D. Ferrer, not to mention their advice and unsurpassed knowledge about the intervention


For any errors or inadequacies that may remain in this work, of course, the

responsibility is entirely my own.

S. L. E.

IV. Context and Rationale

Mathematics is the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change.
Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by
rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions. The
mathematician Benjamin Peirce called mathematics "the science that draws necessary
conclusions". Albert Einstein, on the other hand, stated that "as far as the laws of
mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do
not refer to reality" (Jones, 2018).
In addition, through abstraction and logical reasoning mathematics evolved from
counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and
motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity for as far
back as written records exist. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics,
most notably in Euclid's Elements. Mathematics continued to develop, in fitful bursts,
until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacted with new scientific
discoveries, leading to an acceleration in research that continues to the present day.
Today, mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many
fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Applied
mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical
knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and
sometimes leads to the development of entirely new disciplines. Mathematicians also
engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any
application in mind, although practical applications for what began as pure mathematics
are often discovered later.
Mathematics holds a relevant and unique place in the school curriculum as it is
important for a better living of the individual. But, it is known that most of the learners are
considering mathematics as difficult. According to the study of Gafoor and Kurukkan
(2015) entitled “Learner and Teacher Perception on Difficulties in Learning and Teaching
Mathematics: Some Implications” revealed that the factors that make mathematics
difficult for students to learn included difficulty in remembering the content learned in the
previous classes, rapid forgetting of the learned material and the difficulty in
understanding mathematics concepts. Further analysis revealed that students who feel
mathematics highly difficult tends to believe that they lacks in learning strategies. Such
students have lack of self efficacy and feel more difficulty in understanding mathematics.
Students who feel Mathematics as highly difficult tends to forget it faster. Conversely

students who feel mathematics as fairly easy reports their teachers teaching them well
and understanding the concepts quickly. It was noted that the students who feel
Mathematics as highly difficult tends to leave the task with little effort than those who feel
the subject easy. According to teachers, students’ lack of effort and prerequisites are the
major reasons for mathematics being a difficult subject for students. Reluctance to seek
help from others, inattention in the classroom and students’ lack of motivation were also
perceived to contribute toward difficulty in learning mathematics. Teachers reported also
that, lack of relevant prerequisites, difficulty in speedy grasping of the concepts and
more number of students in a classroom are causing difficulty in teaching mathematics.
The findings indicate the need for teachers to realize the importance of making school
mathematics interesting for students to take effort in learning it. The result is discussed
in relation to students’ beliefs and study strategies.
Mathematics is so much more than just numbers and symbols. It’s logic, critical
thinking and problem solving help one understand the world in deeper and more
meaningful ways. Also, it may affect how successful a person in that world.For example,
one researcher analyzed the educational outcomes and mathematics scores of several
thousand learners. After crunching the numbers, he declared that, even without
considering any other factors, mathematics achievement alone explained “about a 30%
to 60% range of variance in the chance of being on track to college readiness.”In his
view, Mathematics was not the only factor influencing college readiness, but it was one
of the more important ones.This researcher even claimed he could use a student’s
mathematics achievement in pre-kindergarten to determine whether they would stay on
track for enrollment at a two-year college, completion of two-year college with an
associate’s degree or above, enrollment at a four-year college, or completion of four-
year college with a bachelor’s degree or above. As students moved through the grades,
he seemed better able to predict how they would track for college outcomes. He
concluded that “School Mathematics achievement is a good predictor of whether
students in P–12 education stay on track toward two-year or four-year college
Also, this was the conclusion reached by one study that analyzed the
Mathematics scores of more than 4,000 children in the United States (ages 10–12) and
the United Kingdom (age 10 only) to identify the types of mathematics content
knowledge that best predicted students’ long-term learning. In a multiple-regression
analysis, fractions and whole-number division were the only two early math concepts

that had a significant correlation with students’ overall mathematics achievement in high
school in both countries (Siegler et al., 2012).
In addition to finding that knowledge of fractions and whole-number division were
better predictors of high school math achievement than whole-number addition,
subtraction, or multiplication, the study also discovered that knowledge of fraction and
whole-number division had a stronger relation to overall math achievement than family
income level did.That is not to say that educators can skip addition and subtraction and
go straight to division and fractions. Addition and subtraction are prerequisites that must
be mastered first, before students can advance to more difficult concepts like division
and fractions. Instead, these results indicate that students can’t stop at addition and
subtraction in elementary; they must strive toward more advanced concepts.
Furthermore, while early knowledge of fractions and division were found to be
good predictors of learners’ overall mathematics achievement in high school, they were
poor predictors of skill in other areas, such as spelling or passage comprehension. The
authors also concluded that the “greater predictive power of knowledge of fractions and
knowledge of division was not due to their generally predicting intellectual outcomes
more accurately.” In other words, measuring these two concepts did not simply identify
high-performing students who succeeded in all areas, but predicted math achievement
for students of all different ability levels(Siegler et al., 2012).
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2019 shows the
Philippines scored 'significantly lower' than any other country that participated in grade 4
math and science assessments. Filipino students lagged behind other countries in the
international assessment for mathematics and science for grade 4, the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study 2019 (TIMSS). The Philippines only
scored 297 in Mathematics and 249 in Science, which are “significantly lower” than any
other participating country. The country also scored the lowest among all 58 participating
countries for both tests.
Meanwhile, Singapore topped both assessments in grade 4 Mathematics and
Science, 625 and 595, respectively. It also has the highest scores for grade 8 in the
same subjects, 616 (Mathematics) and 608 (Science).
The Philippines only participated in the grade 4 assessment for this cycle. TIMSS
is an assessment given to grades 4 and 8 students.

TIMSS set 4 International Benchmarks along a scale to determine students’

competence: Advanced International Benchmark (625), High International Benchmark
(550), Intermediate International Benchmark (475), and Low International Benchmark
In Mathematics, only 19% of Filipino students were on the Low benchmark,
which means that they had “some basic mathematical knowledge,” while 81% did not
even reach this level.
“They can add, subtract, multiply, and divide one- and two-digit whole numbers.
They can solve simple word problems. They have some knowledge of simple fractions
and common geometric shapes. Students can read and complete simple bar graphs and
tables,” the study said.
As for science, 13% of Filipino students were also on the Low benchmark, which
means they had “limited understanding of scientific concepts and limited knowledge of
foundational science facts,” while 87% did not even reach this level.
Based in Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development,
the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement’s (IEA)
TIMSS conducts regular international comparative assessments of student
achievements in mathematics and science in more than 60 countries.IEA has been
conducting these studies since 1959 (Magsambol, 2020).
Research and evidence from the field of Mathematics let one know, with a fair
degree of certitude, how effective teachers of mathematics skillfully integrate a range of
instructional approaches and resources to meet the diverse learning needs of their
learners. Effective teachers know the pedagogy that determines how their students
successfully learn; know and understand the content and practices that students need to
comprehend, as described in the standards framework; know the students they teach as
learners; challenge all students at their own level; encourage risk taking; and create
purposeful learning experiences for students through the use of relevant and meaningful
Effective teachers of Mathematics create purposeful learning experiences for
students through solving problems in relevant and meaningful contexts. There is ample
evidence showing the need for problem-solving to be an integral part of all mathematics
learning. Teaching through problem solving, however, means that students learn
mathematics through real contexts, problems, situations, and models. The contexts and
models allow students to build meaning for the concepts. This way, they can move on to

increasingly more abstract concepts. Effective teachers will use such problems as
starting points and an ongoing means for students to investigate and understand
conceptual ideas so they can develop skills and procedures. Through such problems, all
students are provided with appropriate entry points to progressively develop the
understanding of concepts and increasingly more complex skills that facilitate efficient
problem solving(Hervey, 2015).
In one of the public elementary schools in Urbiztondo, Pangasinan where the
researcher is currently employed, observed that 95% of their grade V pupils are
struggling in Mathematics. This was also the reason why the teacher-researcher
conducted a diagnostic test to confirm the scenario. It was confirmed that learners of
Camanbugan Elementary School, Urbiztondo, Pangasinan displayed low performance in
Mathematics. It was also observed that the learners the learners are having difficulties
in grasping the lessons in the subject. The teacher has to do re-teaching of the basic
skills before she could move to her next lessons. This becomes time consuming and the
pacing of the lesson is affected.
Furthermore, it was observed by the teacher-researcher during teaching and
learning process, majority of the learners were struggling and were just quietly sitting
on their chair through-out the period. They do not want to participate, recite or answer
any questions even the teacher-researcher encouraged them to do so. In addition, most
of the grade 5 learners had low scores in their quizzes and seatworks.
Therefore, the main goal of this action research is for Grade 5 Mathematics

learners to be literate in Mathematics so that teachers can prepare them for a world

where the subject is rapidly growing and is extensively applied to a diverse number of

fields through problem-based learning. Teaching Mathematics can only be described as

truly effective when it positively impacts student learning. Teaching practices can make a

major difference to learner outcomes, as well as what makes a difference in the


V. Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional practice that requires pupils to
work together to solve problems. This method is designed to engage all learners, even

those who typically struggle. PBL is a model that relies on pupils to think deeply and be
cooperative learners.
Like most educational models, PBL has several components necessary for every
lesson; learners are presented with a real-world problem. The problem requires learners
to work cooperatively to research and find a solution. PBL lessons often incorporate
subject matter, in this case Mathematics. Learners present their product, or solution, at
the end of the project.
In PBL, the teacher presents a problem in the form of an essential question to
pupils. This is the big question that requires pupils to think beyond simple one-word
answers and apply what they have learned to the world around them. Groups of
students are formed to find a solution to the problem. This step can take many forms.
The teacher works to guide groups through this process, scaffolding and supporting
them with supplies, research materials, and guidance. Pupils work on answering the
question in the form of a project, such as a presentation or a skit. The nature of PBL
means reading, writing, and other subjects all get rolled in. Although PBL may sound like
a simple project, PBL pushes learners to use high-level thinking skills, research,
cooperative learning, and public speaking - all skills necessary for success later in life.

The Steps of Problem-based Learning

1. Explain unknown wording, statements and concepts
2. Define the problem(s)
3. Brainstorm – analyze/try to explain the problem(s)
4. Formulate Learning Issues and Define Action To Be Taken
5. Self-directed Learning.
6. Subsequent Group Meetings: Report and evaluate on self-directed learning.
Refine learning issues and define further action.
7. Report Phase. Resolution of problem. Evaluation of process.

PBL was designed with several important goals (Barrows and Kelson, 1995)It is
designed to help pupils
1. construct an extensive and flexible knowledge base;
2. develop effective problem-solving skills;
3. develop self-directed, lifelong learning skills;
4. become effective collaborators; and

5. become intrinsically motivated to learn. (Hmelo-Silver,2004)

VI. Action Research Question

This research determined the effects of problem-based learning in improving the
academic performance of Grade 5 Mathematics learners.
Specifically, the study answered the following problems:
1. What is the performance of the Grade 5 Mathematics learners before problem-
based learning?
2. What is the performance of the Grade 5 Mathematics learners after the
problem-based learning?
3. Is there a significant difference in the performance of Grade 5 Mathematics
learners before and after problem-based learning?

VII. Action Research Methods

A. Participants and other Sources of Data and Information
The respondents of the study were 32 learners handled by the researcher in
Grade 5 Mathematics at Camanbugan Elementary School, Urbiztondo, Pangasinan. The
study used quasi experimental method (pretest - posttest) research design. Purposive
sampling was used in this study and only involved learners who gave their consent and
interest in using the intervention.

B. Data Gathering Methods

The researcher used the pretest and posttest as the main instrument to
determine the academic performance of the learners. The actual teaching was
presented in Table 3.
The instrument used in this study was a 40-item test that was tested for validity.
Then she asked the help of five (5) Master Teachers in Mathematics who have been
teaching for at least 5-10 years and had Master of Arts in Education to validate the test
questions of the 40-item test. The result is 4.72 which means it is highly valid.

Suggestions and comments of the experts were incorporated in the final form of the 40-
item test prior to administration.
Pretest and posttest were administered to learners to measure the significant
difference of the pretest and posttest using the problem-based learning. T-test was used
to determine the significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores. The
significant difference was determined through the rule of the T-test; T value > Critical
Value then, the null hypothesis is rejected.


Pretest and Posttest Scores of Learners

It can be gleaned in Table 1 under the pretest score that 27 (84.34%) of the
Grade 5 Mathematics learners were able to get high scores during the pretest without
the incorporation of problem-based learning, and only 5(15.63%) of them got average
scores. One (31.25%) got the highest score which is 31 while two (6.25%) of them got
the lowest score which is 21. The mean score for the pre-test is 26.22.
On the other hand, under the Posttest Score, 25 (78.13%) got very high scores in
the posttest after problem-based learning was employed whereas 7 (21.88%) of them
got high scores. Furthermore, 2 (6.25%) of them got 31 as the lowest score in the
posttest while 1 (31.25%) of them got 39 points as the highest score in the posttest. The
mean score for posttest is 34.19.
As regards standard deviation, more variance can be noted in the Pretest Score
(2.52) as compared to the Posttest Score after problem-based learning was
implemented (2.46).
Table 1
Pretest and Posttest Scores of Grade 5 Mathematics Learners
Learner Pre-Test Score DE Post-test Score DE
1 21 A 35 VH
2 23 A 38 VH
3 26 H 35 VH
4 24 A 36 VH
5 31 H 37 VH
6 28 H 38 VH
7 27 H 37 VH
8 22 A 34 VH
9 23 A 32 H
10 24 A 31 H
11 26 H 34 VH

12 28 H 38 VH
13 28 H 33 VH
14 27 H 35 VH
15 25 H 31 H
16 22 A 32 H
17 25 H 33 VH
18 28 H 33 VH
19 26 H 32 H
20 25 H 31 H
21 28 H 39 VH
22 27 H 35 VH
23 26 H 32 VH
24 25 H 30 VH
25 29 H 32 H
26 28 H 33 VH
27 25 H 34 VH
28 29 H 35 VH
29 28 H 32 VH
30 26 H 34 VH
31 27 H 35 VH
32 32 H 38 VH
Minimum 21 31
Maximum 31 39
Mean 26.22 34.19
Standard Deviation 2.52 2.46
Legend:33-40 = Very High (VH); 25-32 = High (H); 17-24 = Average (A); 9-16 = Low (L); 0-8 = Very Low (VL); DE =
Descriptive Equivalence

Difference between the Pretest and Posttest scores

As seen in Table 2, the computed t-test value 15.84 between the pre-test and
post-test scores. Also, the p-value (0.000) is less the 0.05 level of significance. This
indicates that there is a significant difference in the academic performance of the Grade
5 Mathematics learners after the incorporation of problem based learning in teaching the
Mathematics subject. This denotes that problem-based learning is an effective technique
to better teach the Mathematics subject.

Table 2
Difference between the Pretest and Posttest scores
Mean Score Computed t Computed p Significance
Pretest and Posttest
30.21 15.84 0.000 Significant

The findings of this action research is similar with the findings of the study of
Kartikasari and Widjajanti (2017) entitled “The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning

Approach Based on Multiple Intelligences in Terms of Student’s Achievement,

Mathematical Connection Ability, and Self-Esteem” which explored the effectiveness of
learning approach using problem-based learning based on multiple intelligences in
developing student’s achievement, mathematical connection ability, and self-esteem.
Findings show that the learning approach said that to be effective if the proportion of
students who achieved KKM on achievement test, the proportion of students who
achieved a minimum score of high category on the results of both mathematical
connection test and self-esteem questionnaire were greater than or equal to 70%. Based
on the hypothesis testing at the significance level of 5%, it can be concluded that the
learning approach using problem-based learning based on multiple intelligences was
effective in terms of student’s achievement, mathematical connection ability, and self-

Furthermore, the study of Padmavathy and Mareesh (2013) entitled

“Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning In Mathematics” tested the effectiveness of
problem based learning (instructional method) in teaching the concepts of mathematics
education at middle school level. Randomized control group pre-test and posttest
experimental design was followed for the study. The sample consists of equal number
(30) samples for both groups. The data were collected using appropriate tools and it was
analyzed using mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ test. Findings of the study revealed that
problem-based learning had effect in teaching mathematics and improve students
understanding, ability to use concepts in real life.

Finally, the study of Inman (2011) entitled “The Effects of Problem-Based

Learning in Math and Science on High Potential Elementary School Students” explored
the effects of problem-based learning (PBL) on growth in both math achievement and
science process skills within a sample of high potential and high ability students in
grades 3 through 6, particularly students from low socio-economic (SES) backgrounds.
Six elementary schools were assigned to one of three treatment groups: (a) PBL
instruction in math and science in ability-grouped target classes and one-day-a-week
magnet program; (b) PBL instruction in math and science in ability-grouped target
classes; and (c) non-PBL instruction in math and science as a control group. Stemming
from data gathered in Project GEMS (Gifted Education in Math and Science. Regarding
math achievement, results revealed that all three treatment groups experienced

significant gains over the two years of implementation, including the control group that
received non-PBL instruction. Math achievement in control schools may have been
affected by their participation in two grants that focused on professional development in
math content and strategies. However, PBL treatment schools achieved significant
growth in math achievement with fewer professional development hours indicating
efficiency in PBL professional development. Achievement in the treatment schools could
be attributed to PBL.



1. Preparation of the Prepared,

Research Proposal submitted
2. Submission of the School principal, research
October, 2021
Research Proposal proponent, PPRD proposal for
for approval approval
3. Revision (if any) Revised proposal
4. Implementation of Implemented the
the Research research
Proposal proposal
Implementation November, 2021 School Head,
Phase: proponent, Determined or
1. Determining the respondents identified the
final list of the respondents
2. Orientation to the Oriented the
respondents respondents
3. Formulation of data
gathering tools Administered
4. Implementation of pretest & posttest
the research study
5. Administration of Implemented the
pre-test and post- research study
6. Collection,
tabulation, Collected,
analysis, and tabulated,

interpretation of analyzed, &

data interpreted the
7. Formulation of data
conclusion and
recommendation Formulated
conclusion &
1. Submission of the
Accomplishment February, 2022 School Head, Accomplishment
Report proponent Report of the
2. Revision (if any) Research
3. Submission and
Acceptance of the
Final Report

Inman, Tracy Ford, "The Effects of Problem-Based Learning in Math and Science on
High Potential Elementary School Students"(2011). Dissertations. Paper 14.

Kartikasari A. and D B Widjajanti. 20.17. The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning

Approach Based on Multiple Intelligences in Terms of Student's Achievement,
Mathematical Connection Ability, and Self-Esteem. Published under licence by
IOP Publishing Ltd. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 812,
International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science
Education (MSCEIS 2016)15 October 2016, Bandung, Indonesia

Magsambol, Bonz. 2020.Education In The Philippines. PH lowest among 58 countries in

math, science – global assessment

PadmavathyR.D.Mareesh .K. 2013. Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning In

Mathematics.International Multidisciplinary e-Journal ISSN 2277 - 4262

Sheena Hervey, Generation Ready 2015. What is Effective Teaching of Mathematics?

Siegler, R. S., Duncan, G. J., Davis-Kean, P. E., Duckworth, K., Claessens, A., Engel,
M., Susperreguy, M. I., & Chen, M. (2012). Early predictors of high school
mathematics achievement. Psychological Science 23(7), 691-697.

XI. Financial Report

1. Preparation and formulation of action ₱ 500.00 ₱ 500.00
research proposal
2. Preparation and Production of ₱ 500.00 ₱ 500.00


3.Preparation and Formulation of the ₱ 500.00 ₱ 500.00

completion report of the action
research project

4.Documentation ₱ 500.00 ₱ 500.00

5.Others ₱ 500.00 ₱ 500.00

TOTAL P 2,500.00 P 2,500.00

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