Oxo AQA16 B3 cc01 Xxaann
Oxo AQA16 B3 cc01 Xxaann
Oxo AQA16 B3 cc01 Xxaann
I can state simply what happens to food I can summarise the process of I can explain in detail what happens to
during digestion. digestion. food during digestion.
I can recall that food contains the I can describe the structure of simple I can explain which food molecules are
molecules carbohydrates, lipids (fats), sugars, starch, lipids, and proteins. polymers.
and protein.
B3.3 The chemistry I can state the function of each food I can carry out multiple food tests in I can apply knowledge of the function of
of food molecule in the diet. an organised manner. food molecules in the body to give diet
I can carry out a food test and record I can design a results table to clearly I can use scientific knowledge to make
results in a table. record results from food tests. predictions of what nutrients a food
I can recall that enzymes are proteins I can describe how enzymes are used I can explain how enzymes speed up
which are biological catalysts – they in digestion. reactions.
speed up reactions.
B3.4 Catalysts and I can state one function of enzymes I can use the ‘lock and key theory’ to I can explain how enzymes control
enzymes inside the body. explain why the shape of the enzyme metabolism.
is vital for it to function.
I can state the independent variable in I can state the variables in an I can plan an experiment to investigate
an investigation. investigation. how different catalysts affect the rate of
a reaction.
I can state that temperature and pH I can explain why high temperatures I can explain in detail how a change in
affects how well an enzyme works. and changes in pH prevent enzymes temperature or pH affects the rate of an
from catalysing reactions. enzyme-catalysed reaction.
B3.5 Factors I can plan a simple method to carry out I can plan and carry out an I can plot a line graph with error bars.
affecting enzyme an investigation. investigation in order to gather
action accurate results.
I can state simply what a line graph I can plot a line graph and use it to I can analyse results in order to evaluate
shows about how temperature or pH draw conclusions about how a method and the validity of
affects the rate of an enzyme catalysed temperature and pH affects the rate of conclusions, explaining suggestions for
reaction. an enzyme catalysed reaction. possible improvements.
I can recall that enzymes are used in I can explain why enzymes are I can suggest how to test for substrates
digestion to break down food molecules. needed for digestion. and products in the model gut.
B3.6 How the I can identify that carbohydrases break I can for each food molecule, name I can make a prediction with a scientific
digestive system down carbohydrates, proteases break the enzyme that acts on it, where it is explanation.
works down proteins, and lipases break down produced, and which products are
lipids. formed.
I can follow a method to set up and test I can make a prediction on the results I can evaluate a model by discussing its
for substances in a model gut. from the model gut. limitations.
I can state that the stomach contains I can describe the functions of bile. I can explain how acid in the stomach
acid. increases the efficiency of pepsin.
3.7 Making
digestion efficient
I can state that the liver produces bile. I can calculate the mean rate of an I can explain how bile increases the
enzyme-catalysed reaction. efficiency of fat digestion.
I can write a simple hypothesis and I can analyse data in order to I can explain how the rate of an enzyme
prediction. determine if a hypothesis is correct. catalysed reaction shows how efficient
the reaction is.