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Component Interface

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Component interfaces provide a way to access PeopleSoft data and business logic from external applications in a manner that is independent of specific pages. They act as 'black boxes' that encapsulate PeopleSoft data and processes.

Component interfaces can be used to integrate PeopleSoft with another PeopleSoft application or with external systems. They map to a PeopleSoft component and provide methods to access component data.

The main elements of a component interface are properties, instances, and methods. Properties provide access to component data, instances represent unique business objects, and methods perform actions like finding, creating, or modifying data.

Integration Tools

Component Interfaces

A way for external applications, internal message handling, and other application environments to access PeopleSoft logic and data. Provide access to PeopleSoft data in a ways that is completely independent of specific pages. A component interface enables exposure of a PeopleSoft component (a set of pages grouped together for a business purpose) for synchronous access from another application (such as PeopleCode, Java, C/C++, COM, or XML). Component interfaces can be viewed as "black boxes" that encapsulate PeopleSoft data and business processes, and hide the details of the underlying page and data. Component interfaces can be used to integrate PeopleSoft with another PeopleSoft application or with external systems. A component interface maps to one, and only one, PeopleSoft component. A component interface is created in the PeopleSoft Application Designer. Record fields on the PeopleSoft component are mapped to the keys and properties of the component interface. Methods are used to find, create, modify or delete data.

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Component Interface Architecture

Elements of a Component Interface Component Interface Instance An instance of a component interface refers to the object at runtime, populated with a single group of data that describes a unique business object. In other words, a component interface refers to a type of business object, such as an invoice, while a component interface instance refers to a unique version of that business object, such as invoice number 945 versus invoice number 946, and so on. Property Properties provide access to component data and component interface settings and status, when they're exposed through API bindings or PeopleCode using PeopleSoft's component interface classes. Component interfaces include two types of properties: Standard properties are common across all component interfaces and are assigned automatically when a component interface is created. You use standard properties to make settings and examine status information about the component interface. Application Designer does not display these properties. Component interface properties CreateKeyInfoCollection: Returns a set of items that describes the Create Keys GetKeyInfoCollection: Returns a set of items that describes the Get Keys FindKeyInfoCollection: Returns a set of items that describes the Find Keys PropertyInfoCollection: Returns a set of items that describes properties InteractiveMode: Controls whether to apply values and run business rules immediately or whether items are queued and business rules are run later in a single step. Interactive mode is recommended for most cases where you use a Component Interface to establish real-time integration with another interactive application. However, if you are using a particular Component Interface as part of a batch process in which thousands of rows are to be inserted, performance may be improved by not running in interactive mode. GetHistoryItems: Controls whether the Component Interface runs in Update/Display mode or Correction mode. Applies only to getting a Component Interface, not to creating a Component Interface. Integration Tools July 2005 Page 2 of 19

EditHistoryItems (rel 8.4): Controls whether the component interface runs in Update/Display All mode, Update/Display mode, or Correction mode when the underlying component is effective dated. Applies only to getting a component interface, not to creating a component interface. The default value is False. If EditHistoryItems is false (default) and GetHistoryItems is true, you access the data in the Component Interface in a similar manner as if you were accessing a component in Update/Display All mode. This means all history rows are returned, however, you can edit only rows with a date set in the future. If EditHistoryItems is true and GetHistoryItems is true, you access the data in the Component Interface in a similar manner as if you were accessing a component in the Correction mode. If GetHistoryItems is false, you access the data in the Component Interface in a similar manner as if you were accessing a component in Update/Display mode. The EditHistoryItems has no effect when GetHistoryItems is false. In rel 8.2, Default properties are Correction (GetHistoryItems is true) and Interactive mode is false. In rel 8.4, Default properties are Update/Display (GetHistoryItems is false) and Interactive mode is false. StopOnFirstError: When this property is set to True, the first error generated by the Component Interface will halt execution of the program. The default value is False. ComponentName: Returns the name of the component class as named in Application Designer Component Interface Collection properties Count: Returns the number of items in a collection. Data Item properties ItemNum: Returns the position of the row within the collection of a DataRow.

User-Defined Properties are the individual data items that comprise a component interface. Each property maps to a specific record.

Collection A component interface collection is a group of properties that corresponds to a scroll, its fields and its subordinate scrolls in the underlying component. By default, each collection carries the name of the underlying scroll's primary record. Key Keys are properties containing values that uniquely identify an instance of a component interface. When you create a new component interface, component interface keys are Integration Tools July 2005 Page 3 of 19

created automatically based on the underlying component's search record. However, you can add or change certain keys, if desired. Typically, you will have to manually add keys only if new search key fields are added to the underlying component after the creation of the component interface. However, you might want to modify the Findkeyseither to restrict a user from searching on a particular key or to add an alternate search key that didn't exist when the component was created. Get Keys: Map to fields marked as Srch in the components search record. If the component has a search record with fields marked as Srch, these will automatically be generated as Get Keys for the Component Interface. You cannot change the Get Keys. Find Keys: Map to fields marked as both Alt and Srch in the component search record. You may remove Find Keys that you do not wish to make available for searching. Create Keys: If the Use tab on the Component Properties dialog allows the Add action, then Create Keys are generated for the Component Interface automatically. If the component has an Add mode search record, then the Component Interface uses that search record for the Create Keys. Otherwise, the search record is used to generate the keys. You cannot change the Create Keys. Note: If the field underlying a component interface key no longer qualifies as a key, its name in the component interface view will be preceded by . You should remove keys (or any other properties) marked with this symbol to ensure proper operation of the component interface. Methods A method is a function that performs a specific task on a component interface at runtime. For each component interface, numerous methods are available. For example, if you are working with a purchase order component interface, you may use a method to approve a specific purchase order. Likewise, you can use methods to save or create a new purchase order. As with component interface properties, there are two main types of methods: Standard methods are those that are available on all component interfaces. They are automatically generated upon the creation of a new component interface in Application Designer, and provide the basic functions required of any component interface. As with standard properties, standard methods exist for every component interface, as well as for each collection within a component interface. User-defined methods are those that you can create to meet the requirements of an individual component interface. A method is simply a PeopleCode function that you wish to make accessible through the component interface. Each method maps to a single PeopleCode function. Working with Collections When dragging a scroll into the component interface view, all "child" scrolls come with it. This is the same behavior you would expect when creating any property. "Child" properties are always added automatically when you drag a field from the component view to the component interface view. After the property or collection has Integration Tools July 2005 Page 4 of 19

been created, you can delete individual child properties or collections manually, if necessary. When dragging a scroll into the component interface view, all record fields contained within that scroll come with it. Not just those from the record that defines the scroll. The fields from all records at that scroll level are exposed as part of the same collection. Keys that appear in parent and child scrolls are not added to child collections. In order for the component interface to function as expected, the keys must remain synchronized at all levels of the component. Having keys at lower levels makes it possible to compromise this synchronization. Therefore, lower-level keys are not introduced into the component interface. When dragging a child scroll into the component interface view, parent collections are created automatically. For example, if you drag just the level two scroll from the component view into the component interface view, a level zero collection and a level one collection are created for you automatically in the component interface. This hierarchy of collections is necessary so that it's possible to navigate to the child collection at runtime. Working with Session Functions and Methods Component Interface Session Functions
Name createSession (In PeopleCode, &session = %session) Description, Programming Syntax Returns a session object. Java: ISession API.createSession() C++: HPSAPI_SESSION PSApiCreateSession() COM: PeopleSoft_PeopleSoft.Session CreateObject("PeopleSoft.Session")

Component Interface Session Methods

Name Connect (not used in PeopleCo de) Description, Programming Syntax Connects to the application server. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: boolean connect(long apiVersion, string server, string username, string password, byte[ ] ExternalAuth) C++: Bool session_Connect(HPSAPI hSession, PSI32 ApiVersion, LPTSTR server, LPSTR username, LPTSTR password, PSAPIVAPBLOB ExternalAuth) COM: connect(apiVersion As Long, server As string, username As string, password As String, externalAuth As Integer) As Boolean Returns a reference to a Component Interface. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: I<CI_Name> getCompIntfc(string ciName) C++: HPSAPI_<CI_Name>

getCompI ntfc

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Description, Programming Syntax Session_GetCompIntfc(HPSAPI_SESSION hsession, LPTSTR ciName) COM: <CI_Name> GetCompIntfc(ciName As String)

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Standard Methods
Standard Methods Cancel Description, Programming Syntax Backs out of the current component interface, canceling any changes made since the last save. Equivalent to clicking the Return to Search button online. Returns True on success, and False on failure. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: boolean cancel() C++: BOOL <CiName>_Cancel(HPSAPI_<CI_NAME> hObj) COM: Function Cancel() As Boolean Creates a new instance of a component interface. Equivalent to creating a new record in Add mode online. Returns True on success, and False on failure. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: boolean create() C++: BOOL <CiName>_Create(HPSAPI_<CI_NAME> hObj) COM: Function Create() As Boolean Performs a partial key search for a particular instance of a component interface, using the search keys at level 0. Returns a collection of component interface instances that match the search criteria. If no component interface instances match the search criteria, the count on the collection is zero. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: <CIName>Collection find() C++: HPSAPI_<CI_NAME>COLLECTION <CiName>_Find(HPSAPI_<CI_NAME> hObj) COM: Function Find() As <CI_NAME>Collection Retrieves a particular instance of a component interface. Equivalent to opening a record in Update/Display or Correction mode when online with a PeopleSoft application. Returns True on success, and False on failure. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: boolean get() C++: BOOL <CiName>_Save(HPSAPI_<CI_NAME> hObj) COM: Function Get() As Boolean Saves an instance of a component interface. Equivalent to clicking the Save button in the online system. Returns True on success, and False on failure.





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Standard Methods

Description, Programming Syntax Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: boolean save() C++: BOOL <CiName>_Save(HPSAPI_<CI_NAME> hObj) COM: Function Save() As Boolean


Returns the value of a property that is specified by name. This function typically is used only in applications that cannot get the names of the component interface properties until runtime. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: Object getPropertyByName(String str) C++: HPSAPI_OBJECT <CiCollectionItem>_GetPropertyByName(HPSAPI_<CI_ COLLECTION_ITEM> hColItem, LPTSTR Name) COM: Function GetPropertyByName(name As String) Sets the value of a property that is specified by name. This function typically is used only in applications that cannot set the names of the component interface properties until runtime. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: long setPropertyByName(String str, Object o) C++: PSI32 <CiCollectionItem>_SetPropertyByName(HPSAPI_<CI_ COLLECTION_ITEM> hColItem, LPTSTR name, HPSAPI_OBJECT Value) COM: Function SetPropertyByName(name As String, value) As Long Returns specific information, such as length, about the definition of a property that is specified by name. This function typically is used only in applications that cannot get the names of component interface properties until runtime or by applications that need to provide a dynamic list of values that would normally be found in prompt tables. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: IcompIntfcPropertyInfo getPropertyInfoByName(String name) C++: HPSAPI_COMPINTFCPROPERTYINFO <CiPropOrItem>_GetPropertyInfoByName(HPSAPI_<CI PROPORITEM> hPropOrItem, LPTSTR name) where CiPropOrItem is the name of either a property or an item in a collection.


GetPropertyInfoByN ame (In PeopleCode, CompIntfPropInfoCol lection)

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Standard Methods

Description, Programming Syntax COM: Function GetPropertyInfoByName(name As String) As CompIntfcPropertyInfo

CopyRowset (from PeopleCode only) CopyRowsetDelta (from PeopleCode only)

Enables you to copy rowsets created from the message data in your component interface. This is only valid for rowsets created from application message objects. Enables you to copy only the changes created from the message data in your component interface. This is only valid for rowsets created from application message objects.

Collection Methods
Data Collection Method Count Action, Usage

Returns the number of items in a collection. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: long getCount() C++: PSI32 <CiCollectionName>_GetCount (HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_NAME> hCol) COM: Count As Long Returns the property in the collection. It takes Name as a parameter. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: ICompIntfcPropertyInfo itemByName(String Name) C++: CompIntfcPropertyInfoCollection_ItemByName (HPSAPI_COMPINTFCPROPERTYINFOCOLLECTION, LPTSTR Name) COM: Function ItemByName(name As String) As CompIntfcPropertyInfo Inserts a new item. This is equivalent to clicking the Add button to insert a new row when online. It takes Index as a parameter and follows the same conventions for performing business rules (PeopleCode) as the online system. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: <CiCollectionName> insertItem( long Index) C++: HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> <CiCollectionName>_InsertItem(HPSAPI_<CI_COLL

ItemByName (not used in PeopleCode)


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Data Collection Method

Action, Usage

ECTION_NAME> hCol, PSI32 Index) COM: Function InsertItem(index As long) As <CI_COLLECTION_ITEM>


Deletes the item that is designated by Index. This is equivalent to clicking the Delete button to delete the selected row when online. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: boolean deleteItem(long Index) C++: BOOL <CiCollectionName>_DeleteItem(HPSAPI_<CI_COLL ECTION_NAME> hCol, PSI32 Index) COM: Function DeleteItem(index As Long) As Boolean Takes an item number as a parameter and returns a definition of the type that is stored in the specified row in the collection. For example, if the collection is a data collection, the return value is a DataRow. If the return value is a PropertyInfoCollection, then the return value is a PropertyInfo definition, and so on. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: <CiCollectionName> item(long Index) C++: HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> <CiCollectionName>_Item(HPSAPI_<CI_ COLLECTION_NAME> hCol, PSI32 Index) (HPSAPI_COMPINTFCPROPERTYINFOCOLLECTION, PSI32) COM: Function Item(item As Long) As <CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> Identifies and finds a specific item, based on keys. The keys vary according to the design of the collection. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: <CiCollectionName> itemByKeys(String Key1, String Key2, ) C++: HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> <CiCollectionName>_ItemByKeys (HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_NAME > hCol, LPTSTR Key1, LPTSTR Key2, ) COM: Function ItemByKeys(KEY_1 As String, KEY_2, ) As <CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> Returns the current effective DataRow in the collection.




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Data Collection Method

Action, Usage

The behavior is consistent with effective date rules that are used online. This method works with effective-dated records only. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: <CiCollectionName> currentItem() C++: HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> <CiCollectionName>_ CurrentItem(HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_NAME> hCol) COM: Function CurrentItem() As <CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> CurrentItemNum (CurrentItemNumber) Returns the item number of the current effective DataRow in the collection. The behavior is consistent with effective date rules that are used online. This method works with effective-dated records only. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: long currentItemNum() C++: PSI32 <CiCollectionName>_ _CurrentItemNum(HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_NAME > hCol) COM: Function CurrentItemNum() As Long Returns the DataRow that would be effective for the specified date and sequence number. This is a more general case of the GetCurrentItem function, which returns the definition that is effective at this moment. This method works with effective-dated records only. Use these interfaces to call with other programming languages. Java: <CiCollectionName> getEffectiveItem(String Date, long SeqNum) C++: HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> <CiCollectionName>_ GetEffectiveItem(HPSAPI_<CI_COLLECTION_NAME> hCol, LPTSTR Date, PSI32 SeqNum) COM: Function GetEffectiveItem(Date As String, SeqNum As Long) As <CI_COLLECTION_ITEM> Returns the item number of the DataRow in the collection that would be effective for the specified date and sequence number. This is a more general case of the GetCurrentItemNum function, which returns the number of the definition that is effective at this moment. This method works with effective-dated records only. Use these interfaces to call with other programming

GetEffectiveItem(DateSt ring, SeqNum)

GetEffectiveItemNum(D ateString, SeqNum)

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Data Collection Method

Action, Usage

languages. Java: long getEffectiveItemNum(string Date, long SeqNum) C++: <CiCollectionName>_GetEffectiveItemNum( HPSAP I_<CI_COLLECTION_NAME> hCol, LPTSTR Date,PSI32 SeqNum) COM: Function GetEffectiveItemNum(Date As String, SeqNum As Long)

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Setting Component Interface Security Access must specifically be granted before a Component Interface is available for use at run-time by any user. Two ways to secure Component Interfaces: Individual properties can be marked read only using AppDesigner. Any property can be marked read only in the Component Interface design. Grant authorizations on a Permission List Component Interface Tester Choose Tools, Test Component Interface from the menu or Right-click anywhere in the Component Interface View and select Test Component Interface. The Test Component Interface dialog displays the key structures (in the left-hand column) defined as part of the Component Interface. The right-hand column provides a place for you to enter sample key values for testing. Defining Component Interfaces Built in AppDesigner Based on a single component When you create a new Component Interface, you will be prompted for default properties (i.e., records and fields) If you answer Yes, all of the default properties will be included in your Component Interface. You still have the opportunity to choose which properties you would like to expose by manually deleting everything else. If you answer No, you will pick and choose what to expose.

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Component View shows exactly the same hierarchical record structure that you would see if you had the component open in AppDesigner. Add individual objects or groups of objects to the Component Interface View by dragging and dropping objects from the Component View into the Component Interface View. All objects in the Component View are part of the underlying Component Interface and they are accessible through user-defined methods or through PeopleCode events on the Component. However, only the objects in the Component Interface View will be exposed to the calling program at run-time. Component Interface View displays a tree in which each object type is represented by a unique icon.

There are five columns at the top of the Component Interface View Name: The name of a specific element on a Component Interface (such as the name of a property or method). Record: The name of the underlying record upon which a specific element is based. Field: The name of the field to which a Component Interface property points. Read Only (Y/N): Displays whether a specific property or collection has been marked read-only. Comment: Displays any comments that exist in the Edit Property dialog for the selected key, property, or collection.

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Implementing a Component Interface

PeopleCode Event and Function Behavior

PeopleCode events and functions that relate exclusively to GUI and online processing cannot be used by component interfaces. These include: Search dialog processing. When you run a component interface, the SearchInit, SearchSave, and RowSelect events don't fire. This means that any PeopleCode associated with these events will not run. The first event to run is RowInit. Menu PeopleCode and pop-up menus. The ItemSelected and PrePopup PeopleCode events are not supported. In addition, the CheckMenuItem, DisableMenuItem, EnableMenuItem, HideMenuItem, and UncheckMenuItem functions aren't available. Transfers between components, including modal transfers. The TransferPage, DoModalPageGroup, and IsModalPageGroup functions cannot be used. Dynamic tree controls. Functions related to this control, such as GetSelectedTreeNode, GetTreeNodeParent, GetTreeRecordName, RefreshTree and TreeDetailInNode cannot be used. ActiveX controls. The PSControlInit and PSLostFocus events are not supported, and the GetControl function cannot be used. DoSave() and DoSaveNow(). The DoSave() and DoSaveNow() pcode functions are not supported. You should use the component interface Save() method and wrap the DoSave() and DoSaveNow() functions so they don't execute when called from a component interface.

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The usual actions that you perform with a Component Interface are: Create a new instance of data Get an existing instance of data Retrieve a list of instances of data Create a new instance of data Get a Session Object Before you can get a Component Interface, you have to get a session object which controls access to the Component Interface, provides error tracing and allows you to set the run-time environment. Sample PeopleCode: &SESSION = GetSession(); If &SESSION.Connect(1, EXISTING, , , 0) <> True Then /* Error Handling Routine */ End-If; Get a Component Interface Use the GetComponent method with a session object to get the Component Interface. You must specify a Component Interface definition that has already been created or you will receive a run-time error. &CI = &SESSION.GetCompIntfc(CompIntfc.GBUT_ADDR_MAINT_CI_00); If None(&CI) Then Error (Component Interface does not exist!); End-If; Set the Create Keys These key values are required to open a new instance of the data. If the values you specify arent unique, that is, the instance of the data already exists in the database with those key values, you will receive a run-time error. &CI.EMPLID = 10017699; Get the Instance of the Component Interface After you set the key values, you have to use the Get Method to retrieve the Component Interface with the key values you set. &CI.Get(); Assign values to fields. &CI.ADDRESS1 = 123 Main Street; &CI.CITY = Denton; &CI.STATE = TX; Save the component when the Save method is executed, the modified row of data will be saved to the database. &Save = &CI.Save(); Integration Tools July 2005 Page 16 of 19

If &Save = False Then Error (Component Interface update has failed.) End-If; Note: The Save method returns a True if the save was successful or False if it failed.

Component Interface API

(Using Component Interfaces with external systems) Building PeopleSoft APIs After creating a Component Interface, you need to create an API which will build the dynamic link libraries, classes, and registry settings necessary to allow a third party application to communicate with PeopleSoft. These files reside on the client machine; the web server for ASP and the machine running the Java program for Java. The registry file may also need to be executed to update the registry with the new libraries. Only external applications, such as COM or C/C++ programs, require a Component Interface API. PeopleCode programs do not require a Component Interface API. Every time you create or modify a Component Interface that will be used for external integration, you must rebuild the PeopleSoft APIs. COM Bindings when deploying Component Interfaces on a local client machine or web server with COM bindings, you must have: The third party COM application The PeopleSoft application server and database The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) supplied with Sun Microsystems JDK 1.3.1 A copy of the type library called Peoplesoft_Peoplesoft.tlb that you generated during the Build PeopleSoft API Bindings process. This type library is not specific to a single database instance it is specific to those database objects. A copy of the registry file called Peoplesoft_Peoplesoft.reg that you generated during the Build PeopleSoft API Bindings process. This registry file is not specific to a single database instance it is specific to those database objects. Client Setup: 1. Install the PeopleSoft Server. 2. Install Suns JDK 1.3.1 to enable the JVM (if it is not already installed). 3. Set the environment variable PATH to include the following: a. The directory containing jvm.dll (typically c:\bea\jdk131\jre\bin\classic) b. PeopleTools client installation directory (typically <PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86) 4. Set the environment variable CLASSPATH to include the file psjoa.jar (typically <PS_HOME\class\psjoa.jar). 5. For Microsoft Visual Basic: a. Open the Visual Project File pscitester.vbp or sdk_bus_exp.vbp in Microsoft Visual Basic Integration Tools July 2005 Page 17 of 19

b. Select Project, References and add the type library Third Party Applications Copy the type library and registry files to the directory containing the external API on each client machine from which you want to use the COM API. Apply the API registry settings by double-clicking Peoplesoft_Peoplesoft.reg C Header Bindings when deploying Component Interfaces on a local client machine with C++ bindings, you must have: The third party C++ application The PeopleSoft application sever and database The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) supplied with Sun Microsystems JDK 1.3.1 Your compiler, configured for the C++ project Client Setup: 1. Install the PeopleSoft Server. 2. Install Suns JDK 1.3.1 to enable the JVM (if it is not already installed). 3. Set the environment variable PATH to include the following: a. The directory containing jvm.dll (typically c:\bea\jdk131\jre\bin\classic) b. PeopleTools client installation directory (typically <PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86) 4. Set the environment variable CLASSPATH to include the file psjoa.jar (typically <PS_HOME\class\psjoa.jar). 5. Set the environment variable PS_HOME to point to the installed PeopleSoft PeopleTools directory (for example, c:\pt840) Third Party Applications Function names generated by the Build APIs process can be quite long. You may want to consider creating classes within your C++ code to mask this length throughout your program. When you create your installation for your C or C++ program, make sure you include the setup of the path to the psapiadapter.dll. C Header File when you do the Build API process in the Component Interface Designer, it creates one peoplesoft_peoplesoft_i.h file for all of the objects in the PeopleSoft database. This C header file is not specific to a single database instance it is specific to those database objects. Java Bindings when deploying Component Interfaces on a local client machine or web server with Java bindings, you must have: The third party Java application The PeopleSoft application sever and database The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) supplied with Sun Microsystems JDK 1.3.1 Client Setup: 1. Install Suns JDK 1.3.1 to enable the JVM (if it is not already installed). 2. Set the environment variable PATH to the directory containing jvm.dll (typically c:\bea\jdk131\jre\bin\classic) 3. Set the environment variable CLASSPATH to include: a. the file psjoa.jar (typically <PS_HOME\class\psjoa.jar). Integration Tools July 2005 Page 18 of 19

b. the target directory selected during the Build API process (<PS_HOME>\class)

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