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Application 3

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From the study, outline in the space provided the standards for 21st century assessment and
strategies of assessment that can be exploited to promote 21 st century learning. There are 12
standards laid down in the article and 7 strategies mentioned.

Standards for 21st Century Strategies of Assessment

• be aligned with the development of 1. structured interviews
significant 21st century goals: standards and - A structured interview uses a
standard set of questions to assess
assessments must fully specify the rich range
students’ interpersonal,
of 21st knowledge and skills students are
communication and leadership/team
expected to understand and apply from novice
to expert performance
• incorporate adaptability and 2. situational judgment tests
unpredictability: one hallmark of 21st century - A situational judgment is intended to
measure a variety of soft skills by
demands are the need to adapt to uncertainty presenting individuals with short
which stimulate unpredictable scenarios as well as a number of
reactions responses. Students are asked to
choose the best response for that
• be largely performance-based. The 21st scenario or to rank the responses in
century assessments must systematically order of most appropriate to least
ask students to apply content knowledge to appropriate.
critical thinking, problem solving, and
3. role plays
analytical tasks in novel situations. -In a role play assessment, the students
• add value for teaching and learning. The are provided with written information
assessments can enhance student learning as about a realistic situation that may
assessment tasks can incorporate transfer and involve a non-routine problem. After a
authentic applications, and period of time to prepare for the role
play, they present their responses to
enable students to organize and deepen their the situation. The assessors rate the
understanding through explanation response using behaviorally anchored
and use of multiple representations. rating scales, which describe specific
• make students’ thinking visible. The
assessments should provide a window into 4. group exercises
-The development, administration, and
students’ understandings and the conceptual scoring of a group exercise are similar
strategies a student uses to solve a to the role play. The critical difference
is that the students work in groups to
problem and provide a model for quality
address a problem or respond to a
situation, making it possible to assess
• be fair. fair assessments enable all students their interactive skills, such as
to show what they know and provide negotiation, persuasion, and
accommodations for students who otherwise teamwork.
would have difficulty accessing and
responding to test items for reasons other than 5. in-basket exercises
the target of the assessment. -An in-basket exercise is an activity
that can assess how well students
• be technically sound. Assessment data must perform job-related tasks within a
provide accurate and reliable information for certain period of time.
the decision-making purposes for which they
are intended to be used. 6. work samples
• valid for purpose. To help students acquire - Work sample tests require students
21st century skills, test results must be both to perform tasks or work activities that
instructionally sensitive and generalizable. mirror the tasks employees perform on
That is, instructionally sensitive tests are the job.
influenced by the quality of instruction and a
generalizable result transfers to other real life 7. performance standards/appraisal
applications. - A performance-based assessment is a
summative strategy to assess student
• generate information that can be acted upon knowledge as well as their ability to
and provides productive and usable feedback apply knowledge in a “real-world”
for all intended users. situation.
• provide productive and usable feedback for
all intended users.
• build capacity for educators and students.
• be part of a comprehensive and well-aligned
system of assessments designed to support the
improvement of learning at all levels of the
educational hierarchy.

II. MAP YOUR UNDERSTANDING: Now that you have listed the 12 standards for 21st
century assessment. Relate them to the attribute of authentic assessment. Using the diagram
below, write in the vacant circles which standard/s relate to the specific attributes of authentic
• be aligned with the development of significant 21st century goals: standards and
assessments must fully specify the rich range of 21st knowledge and skills students are
expected to understand and apply from novice to expert performance
• incorporate adaptability and unpredictability: one hallmark of 21st century demands are
the need to adapt to uncertainty which stimulate unpredictable reactions
• be largely performance-based. The 21st century assessments must systematically ask
students to apply content knowledge to critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical
tasks in novel situations.


• make students’ thinking visible. The assessments should provide a window into students’
understandings and the conceptual strategies a student uses to solve a problem and provide
a model for quality practice.
• be fair. fair assessments enable all students to show what they know and provide
accommodations for students who otherwise would have difficulty accessing and
responding to test items for reasons other than the target of the assessment.


• be part of a comprehensive and well-aligned system of assessments designed to support
the improvement of learning at all levels of the educational hierarchy.
• be technically sound. Assessment data must provide accurate and reliable information for
the decision-making purposes for which they are intended to be used.

• add value for teaching and learning. The assessments can enhance student learning as
assessment tasks can incorporate transfer and authentic applications, and enable students
to organize and deepen their understanding through explanation and use of multiple
• valid for purpose. To help students acquire 21st century skills, test results must be both
instructionally sensitive and generalizable. That is, instructionally sensitive tests are
influenced by the quality of instruction and a generalizable result transfers to other real life


• generate information that can be acted upon and provides productive and usable
feedback for all intended users.
• provide productive and usable feedback for all intended users.
• build capacity for educators and students.

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