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21st Century Assessment

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Expected Learning Outcomes

1. Relate the shift and the changing role Assessment from 20th Century to 21st
Century Education.
2. Describe the characteristics of 21st Century Assessment.
3. Provide real life solution to the complexity of problems in the changing
4. Use of appropriate assessment tools and techniques as applied in
instructional decision.

Discussion Entries
A. The Learning Phase

The 21st Century Education is bombarded by the dramatic technology

revolution. So to say, teachers should be creative, flexible, and interdisciplinary
in teaching, learning, and assessment processes. We need to continually reinvent
or shift assessment processes from 20 th century to 21st century assessment to
ensure that we will able to measure the new knowledge and skills that
contribute for the development of the whole child in this era. The complexity
and challenges of life in this industrial revolution mark the beginning of our
quest for new knowledge in measurement and evaluation to assess learning
effectively with high regard to the development of knowledge, competencies
skills and values of the learner.

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Identified 21st Century Skills

1. Learning and innovation Skills

2. Life and career skill
3. Information media and technology skills

Characteristics of 21st Century Assessment

1. Responsive to cater the present needs of the school and the community.

– There is visible performance based work to determine if it conforms to

the curriculum and instruction.

– Teachers can adjust instruction.

– School Leaders can consider additional educational opportunities

– Policy makers can modify programs and resources

This is to cater the present needs of the school.

2. Flexible to fit the demands of the 21st century learning.

– Lesson, curriculum and assessment require flexibility, and adoptability.

3. Informative to support the learning of the students and to guide them

towards the achievement of expected learning outcomes.

– Goals and objectives are clearly stated and explicitly taught.

– Learning objectives, instructional strategies, assessment methods and

reporting process are clearly aligned

4. Integrated in all phases of learning episode.

– Assessment is to be incorporated in all phases of learning segments.
5. Multiple methods

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– Assessment should include different options of strategies is the norm

– Students demonstrate knowledge and skills through relevant tasks,

projects, and performances

– Authentic and performance-based assessment is emphasized

6. Communicated to all stakeholders

- Assessment data is clear and transparent for all stakeholders.

- Data are available and comprehensible at all levels

- Results are posted to a data based with standards-based commentary

- Students receive feedback on their progress

- Parents are kept informed through access to visible progress reports and
assessment data

7. Technically sounds to measure the required skills

- Adjustments and accommodations are made in the assessment process

to meet the student needs and fairness.

- Assessment must measure the stated objectives in the 21st century skills
with legitimacy and integrity

- Assessment produce accurate information for decision-making in all

relevant circumstances

8. Systematic

- Comprehensive and will-aligned assessment system that is balanced and

inclusive of all students, constituents, and stakeholders and designed to

support improvement at all levels.

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Instructional Decision in Assessment

Major objective of Educational Assessment

• To have a holistic appraisal/consideration of a learner, his/her environment

and accomplishments.


– Starts in analysing the criterion with the teaching-learning

environment. It is done to determine the effect of the environment in
the teaching -learning situation

– The kind of evidence that are appropriate to use for assessment of

the individual are set. This helps to determine the strengths,
weaknesses, needs and personality characteristics, skills and abilities
of the learner(Bloom, 1970).

– Educational assessment encompasses the total educational setting

and not limited to the teacher-student engagement.

Decision-making at Different Phases of Teaching-Learning Process

Assessment can be used as basis for decision-making at different phases of the

teaching-learning process.

1. Before starting the teaching

Identifying what should be done at the beginning phase of teaching and learning
to ensure effective delivery of lessons.

2. During Teaching

Identify what decision to be made along the way of instruction, to assess the
experiences, the operation and other processes by using the appropriate tools.

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3. After a Teaching Segment

To decide what should be done after a teaching and learning segment to ensure
the acquisition and application of skills and provide a balance and standard

B. Development of Output

a. Activities

1. Write down your own idea of 21st century assessment?

2. Name the three major skills enumerated in the 21st Century
Education which are the focus of our present assessment.
3. Describe the changing role of assessment and/or the shift of
assessment from 20th century to 21st century learning on
domain of professional standard in teaching career, domain of
learning objectives, knowledge dimension, and classroom
4. Provide your own simple explanation of what you learned from
the different characteristics of the 21st century assessment and
give example of activities or good practices to illustrate your
understanding? Emphasize the tools used in assessment.
5. What are some decisions to be made in every phase of learning
assessment and give the sources of information?

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Work folio

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Work folio

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Work folio

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b) Reflection
After discussion of 21st Century Assessment, I learned that:

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c) Summative Statement and Evaluation

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d) Documentary Proof of Learning

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e) My Performance in the Learning Episode

Level of Performance
Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Attainment
of expected
2. Level of
effort used in
the activity
4. Value of
5. Summative
statement and
6. Proof of
7. Level of
8. Accuracy
and quality of

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