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Eport Template

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Name: Grade and Section: 11 - Pascal

Teacher: Ms. Darlene Dela Cruz Date:

3rd Grading E-Portfolio in Reading and Writing Skills

LESSON 1: Reading & Thinking Strategies: PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT
Task 1: What is Topic Sentence?
Activity 1: Read the paragraph below and identify the topic sentence. Write your answer on the
blank provided below each paragraph.
1. Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different. Both are bodies of
water, but oceans are very large bodies of salt water, while lakes are much smaller bodies of
fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by land, while oceans are what surround continents.
Both have plants and animals living in them. The ocean is home to the largest animals on the
planet, whereas lakes support much smaller forms of life. When it is time for a vacation, both
will make a great place to visit and enjoy. I want to swim in the lake.
Topic Sentence:
2. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds. There are blue, pink,
and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons caught in a blender. Sunset is
the opposite of sunrise. The sun moves slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while the moon
races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl, entranced, fully
forgetting the deeds that still must be done. There is a coolness, a calmness, when the sun does
Topic Sentence:
3. Here is the perfect system for cleaning your room. First, move all of the items that do not have
a proper place to the center of the room. Get rid of at least five things that you have not used
within the last year. Take out all of the trash, and place all of the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink.
Now find a location for each of the items you had placed in the center of the room. 5s is a
Japanese cleaning system. For any remaining items, see if you can squeeze them in under your
bed or stuff them into the back of your closet. See, that was easy!
Topic Sentence:
LESSON 1.2: Reading & Thinking Strategies: NARRATION
Task 2: 7-Day Eco-Warrior Challenge
Activity 2: The world is experiencing a serious environmental crisis. In order to save the planet,
there is a call for every student to become an “Eco-Warrior.” These eco-warriors have to step in
and do the 30-Day Eco Warrior Challenge that contains environment-friendly habits.
As an eco-warrior, you have to complete one eco-friendly challenge per day. You will narrate the
highlight of your daily experience through a three-sentence anecdote. Fill out the writing
worksheets provided below.


Declutter your Water at least three Shower for not Hang your Turn off your Drink 8 Soak up in the
bedroom/living plants that you can more than 10 washed fan/ aircon glasses of sun for 10
room. find outside your minutes. clothes under for at least 15 water using minutes at
house. the sun. minutes. a reusable 7am. Get some
cup or glass. Vitamin D.

My Eco-Warrior Challenge Experience

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:

Task 3: Use Your Imagination!

Activity 3: Try these writing activities. Use your imagination!
A. Imagine yourself somewhere in the forest. You cannot find your way to get back home.
Write a short paragraph describing your sensations. You may use the word bank list to help you
express your sensations.
B. Then imagine yourself still in the forest. You continue walking and you get lost along the
way and you really don’t know where to go. You get tired, so you sit under a tree. Suddenly, a
lady appears in front of you. How would you describe the lady so that others could imagine her?
LESSON 1.4: Reading & Thinking Strategies: DEFINITION
Task 4: Develop a Paragraph
Activity 4: Try to develop a paragraph by using the definition method. Choose your topic from
the words listed below. Define the term and expand it by description or giving examples.
1. Education
2. Senior High School
3. Family
4. COVID-19
5. Student

Lesson 1.5: Reading & Thinking Strategies: Classification

Task 5: Types of Friends
Activity 5: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
Comprehension Questions:
1. What are the three types of friends?
2. What basis is used by the author to classify friends?
3. How does the author develop the classification essay?

Lesson 1.6: Reading & Thinking Strategies: COMPARE & CONTRAST

TASK 6: Book VS. Movie
Activity 6: Choose a book that has been developed into a movie. Think of the similarities and
differences of the book and the movie. Answer the following questions.
Title of the Book/Movie:
1. Think about the setting of the book. Did the setting in the movie look like you had
imagined it?
2. Think about the main character. How was he/she different than you had imagined? How
was he/she the same?
3. Were there any changes in characters between the book and the movie? Why do you
think the people who made the movie would leave out or add a character?
4. What parts were in the book but were not in the movie? Why do you think the people
who made the movie left out those parts?
5. Were there any parts that were in the movie that were not in the book? Why do you
think the people that made the movie added those parts?
LESSON 1.7: Reading & Thinking Strategies: CAUSE AND EFFECT
Task 7: Passage
Activity 7: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Comprehension Questions:
1. Why are video games popular with children?
2. What are the positive effects of playing video games?
3. What are the negative effects of playing video games?

Lesson 1.8: Reading & Thinking Strategies: PROBLEM AND SOLUTION

Task 8: Problem Solution Map
Activity 8: Read the passage below and complete the graphic organizer that follows.

Problem and Solution Map

They clean the air, store
water, preserve oil, and
provide homes for
animals Destroys forests
They supply food, fuel, Climate change,
wood products, and floods may become
paper products for more common, and
humans. animals will die

Use less paper

Follow "the three Rs"- reduce, reuse,
and recycle
Lesson 9: Reading & Thinking Strategies: PERSUASION
Task 9: “I Changed My”
Activity 9: Write a paragraph with the topic “I Changed My _________”. (e.g. lifestyle, attitude,
priorities, eating habits, mind, etc.). Devote your attention to the cause of your change and its

Lesson 3: Text and Context Connections: CLAIMS IN WRITTEN TEXT
Task 1: Identifying Claims
Activity 1: Read and identify the types of claims used in each statement. Write COF for Claim
of Fact, COP for Claim of Policy and COV for Claim of Value. Write your answer on the space
provided before each sentence.
COF 1. The use of civil disobedience during the Martial Law struggle was reasonable, moral,
and necessary.
COP 2. The private ownership of automatic and semi-automatic weapons in the Philippines
should be banned.
COP 3. The possibility of an asteroid or meteor hitting Earth is great enough that the Federal
government should be finding plans to prevent it.
COV 4. The death penalty if used in the Philippines will be ineffective and impractical.
COV 5. The death penalty if applied in the Philippines will be immoral.
COP 6. Recovered memory should be disallowed as evidence in Philippine courts.
COF 7. Opera is not as entertaining as musical comedy.
COF 8. Generally, public secondary schools in America are not adequately preparing students
for college.
COP 9. Fetal tissue research should not be funded by the Philippine government.
COF 10. Fetal tissue research is wrong.
Lesson 4.1: Text and Context Connections: CONTEXT
Task 2: Digital Bayanihan
Questions: Read the following essay and identify the context with which the text was written by
answering the questions that follow.
1. What is going on in the Philippines while this text was written?
2. What is meant by BAYANIHAN?
3. How is bayanihan during the pre-colonial Philippines different from bayanihan during
the pandemic?
4. How are things different in the Philippines during the pandemic?

Lesson 4.2: Text and Context Connections: HYPERTEXT

Task 3: What Is It?
Activity: Try to research the about a word that you were curious about. You can start with
WIKIPEDIA, then click on the hyperlinks on the article and see what sites the hyperlinks sent
you. List the sites that you were able to explore.


Lesson 4.3: Text and Context Connections: INTERTEXT

Task 1: What is it?
Activity: Are you familiar with the Harry Potter Series and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy? If so,
can you discuss what their similarities are?

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