1. CSR Information
➢ Customer cardholder
• Organization Name: Irsyad Izac
• Email Address:
• Locality: Perak
• Country Name: Malaysia
• Organizational Unit: MH Dept
Irsyad Izac, the customer, will fill out the CSR information to establish a digital certificate in
order to open the account. Izac will need to fill in these personal details in order to request a
valid digital certificate. The nation, location name, organisation name, organisation unit name,
common name to be used on the certificate, and email address are all required pieces of
personal information.
Credit card holders, merchants, issuing banks, payment processing businesses, and public-key
certificate authority all participate in SET. Indicates the SET system's participants, which
include the following:
Customer/ Cardholder opens an account
The customer/ cardholder registers for a service. The customer opens a credit card account with
a bank that accepts electronic payments and SET, such as MasterCard or Visa.
Izac will receive her digital certificate when he opened her account, which will be when he
obtains her card. The customer's personal information, the certificate authority (CA), and the
certificate validity date are all included in the digital certificate. The CA for his certificate is
Fikri Aiman Bin Roslan, according to the digital certificate he got. This indicates that he is the
one who signed Izac's certificate.
Consumers and corporate buyers connect with merchants using personal computers and the
Internet in the electronic environment. A cardholder is a person who has been permitted to use
a payment card that has been provided by a company.
3. Each merchant has their own set of certificates.
A merchant who takes a specific brand of card must have two certificates for two public keys
that he or she owns: one for signing messages and the other for key exchange. A copy of the
payment gateway's public-key certificate is also required by the merchant.
The merchant has been verified. In addition to the order form, the merchant gives a copy of its
certificate to the buyer so that he or she may confirm that they are dealing with a legitimate
The merchant (Lazada) must enter in their company's CSR information in order to create a
digital certificate.
This is a procedure that may begin with the client exploring the merchant's website to select
items and assess pricing. The customer then sends the merchant a list of the products they want
to buy, and the merchant responds with an order form that includes the list of items, their prices,
a total price, and an order number.
Both the digital certificates possessed by the consumer and the merchant require signature and
verification from the Certificate Authority in order for them to be true and valid (CA).
When the CA (certificate authority) receives encrypted material, the next step is for them to
decrypt the encrypted documents so they may access or view them. To decode it, the CA will
need the correct key. It is the most effective way of concealing communication using encoded
data, in which everyone has the symmetric key to decrypt data.
6. Verified the Signature
The buyer sends the business his or her order and payment details, as well as his or her
certificate. The order indicates that the items listed on the order form have been purchased.
Credit card information is included in the payment. The payment information is encrypted so
that the merchant is unable to read it. The merchant can verify the customer using the
customer's signature.
The merchant transmits the digital certificate to the acquirer, asking for approval that the
customer's available credit is sufficient for this purchase.
The client receives the goods or receives the service from the vendor.
This request is forwarded to the payment gateway, which is in charge of the entire payment