Denver Public Schools: November 2022 School Unification Plan
Denver Public Schools: November 2022 School Unification Plan
Denver Public Schools: November 2022 School Unification Plan
Prior Efforts to Address Declining Enrollment
March, 2017 •DPS Board directed the Superintendent to lead a
Strengthening district-wide process to review changing demographics
Neighborhoods and housing patterns and the declining school-aged
Resolution populations
•A committee of 40 community leaders met for over 6
June- Dec. months, input from 18 community organizations & 300+
2017 community members & educators
Strengthening •Recommendations: Focus on increasing socioeconomic
integration & ensure that consolidation is equitable and
better for students than the status quo
Our Changing School District
Enrollment in DPS, Private, and Other Districts
Remains Flat
The percent of Denver resident students attending a DPS school has slightly increased over the
past 5 years. While the percent attending a private school or other district school has slightly
decreased since 2018. 7
Districts are Tax-Funded Based
on Enrollment
Inequitable funding and opportunity
Costs at schools included in the school unification plan are 45.9% higher than
the district as a whole equating to nearly $5 million in subsidies. This funding
is mainly keeping schools operational versus providing enhanced experiences
for students and adults.
$15,246 median
$22,248 per pupil
per pupil funding
funding for
across all DPS
identified schools
In Schools with Critically Low Enrollment
Challenges school staff identified with running a small school.
November 2021
The Board supported the creation of a
representative community working group,
Declining Enrollment Advisory Committee
(DEAC), to identify and propose solutions to
our declining enrollment problem.
June 2022
The DEAC committee presented their
recommendations to the Board including
three Criteria, Guiding Principles, and Equity
DEAC Criteria Recommendations Overview
Three Criteria
Charter sector,
Criteria Identify Charter Schools that are Collaborative
Council & district
Three Not Financially Solvent will design
DEAC Guiding Principles & Equity Guardrails
DEAC Guiding Principles and Equity Guardrails seek to ensure strong
programming, honor people, and promote equity.
What has DPS learned from prior
Students & 1. Students are more likely to transition if
Families teachers and staff go with them and help
keep as much familiarity as possible
2. Students & families need opportunities to
connect with their new school
Supporting our Staff & Students
Staff Support Plan for Unification:
● All School based staff will be guaranteed a position at a
minimum of the same rate of pay for the 2023-24 school
year either in the welcoming school or elsewhere.
● Positions that are centrally managed (i.e. food services)
will be guaranteed roles in the district, at the welcoming
school or elsewhere.
● Staffing Support
○ HR Partners will work with each staff member to their school
assignment at their current salary level
○ Resource toolkits for principals, staff, families and community.
Schools Meeting the Conditions
8 schools match criteria exactly with partnering welcoming schools, 2 partially meet the
criteria with unification into schools in their enrollment zone, 4 do not reasonably fit the criteria
Able to Unify
Welcoming School(s) Result is stronger TNLI/
Enrollment boundary with a
School Name w/capacity within 2 Dual Language
Below 215 K-8? Welcoming
miles? Programming?
MSLA 115 ✓ ✓ ✓
Fairview Elementary 128 ✓ ✓ N/A- Fariview is not TNLI
International Academy of
Denver at Harrington
139 ✓ ✓ ✓
Schmitt Elementary 148 ✓ ✓ ✓
Columbian Elementary 157 ✓ ✓ ✓
Hallett Academy 181 X X N/A
Palmer Elementary 181 ✓ ✓ N/A- Palmer is not TNLI
These 4 schools do not have nearby schools (within 2 miles) that have
the facility space needed to add the students from these schools.
Plans 23
In 2023-24, Valverde Elementary to welcome
Math and Science Leadership Academy
In 2023-24, Trevista Elementary to welcome
Columbian Elementary
In 2023-24, Godsman Elementary to welcome
Schmitt Elementary
In 2023-24, Cowell Elementary to welcome
Eagleton Elementary
In 2023-24, Montclair to welcome Palmer.
Palmer to transition to an ECE center in 2023-24.
grades K-5
Palmer Montclair
Palmer becomes an
ECE Center
In 2023-24, Cheltenham to welcome Colfax and
Fairview K-5. Colfax to transition to an ECE center
in 2023-24.
In 2023-24, Swansea and Columbine to
welcome IAD Harrington into a new
enrollment zone.
2023-24 School Year
In 2023-24, Denver Discovery School to join
with schools in the enrollment zone.
Enrollment Zone
Whittier Enrollment
Considerations for schools in an Enrollment Zone
DPS has two schools that currently operate in an enrollment zone so the unification process will look
a little different:
● Denver Discovery School (93 students)
● Whittier K-8 (191 students)
Unify DDS and Whittier into the schools within their Enrollment Zones.
● Instead of 1 welcoming school, Whittier and DDS students have several Welcoming Schools in
the zone.
● DPS will work with all schools in the enrollment zone to connect staff, students, and families
with the schools throughout the enrollment zone and facilitate school welcoming activities and
family engagement events.
● DPS will also work with all schools in the enrollment zone to identify key aspects of these
schools that can be integrated into schools in the enrollment zone, in partnership with the
students and families that select each of these schools.
● The DPS Enrollment Services Team will work with each student to determine which school each
family prefers and students will participate in the SchoolChoice process to select a new school
for the 2023-2024 school year with a guaranteed seat within the zone.
● DPS will work with the staff at DDS and Whittier and guarantee them a role in the district and
will make efforts to try and keep staff located in schools within the enrollment zone to the
extent it is preferred by school staff.
School Unification Plan Recommendations
Small School(s) Welcoming School(s) Details
IAD Harrington Columbine Elementary IAD Harrington will join into Swansea and Columbine at
Swansea Elementary these two schools in a new Enrollment zone
Palmer Elementary Montclair Elementary The Palmer and Montclair Communities will join with K-5 at
Montclair and ECE will be at Palmer
Math Science Valverde The MSLA and Valverde communities will join at Valverde
Leadership Academy
Schmitt Elementary Godsman Elementary The Schmitt and Godsman Communities will join at
Eagleton Elementary Cowell Elementary The Eagleton and Cowell Communities will join at Cowell.
Fairview Elementary Cheltenham The Fairview, Colfax and Cheltenham Communities will join
Colfax Elementary with K-5 at Cheltenham and ECE will be at Colfax
Whittier K-8 Enrollment Zones The Whittier Community will join with schools in the
elementary and middle school enrollment zones.
Denver Discovery Enrollment Zone The Denver Discovery School Community will join with
School schools in the Greater Park Hill - Central Park Enrollment
Ongoing Declines Across the District
2026 Forecast:
Change in Number of Residing
Students from 2021
43 Elementary
and Middle
currently have
below 300 - with
● The School Unification Plan addresses 10 of the lowest enrolled schools in DPS.
● Through Unifications, the Plan also helps enrollment at 7 other relatively small
welcoming schools
Advantages of Combined School
Use of empty buildings
Community engagement will be integral part of determining what should
happen to empty buildings.
District Recommendation
8 schools match criteria exactly with partnering welcoming schools, 2 partially meet the criteria
with combining into schools in their enrollment zone
Able to Unify
Enrollment Welcoming School(s) Result is stronger TNLI/
boundary with a
School Name Below 215 in w/capacity within 2 Dual Language
grades K-8? miles? Program?
MSLA 115 ✓ ✓ ✓
Fairview Elementary 128 ✓ ✓ N/A- Fairview is not TNLI
International Academy of
Denver at Harrington
139 ✓ ✓ ✓
Schmitt Elementary 148 ✓ ✓ ✓
Columbian Elementary 157 ✓ ✓ ✓
Palmer Elementary 181 ✓ ✓ N/A- Palmer is not TNLI
Enrollment Zone
Whittier K-8 191
✓ N/A- Whittier is not TNLI
In all instances, DPS will guarantee continued employment of school staff as a result of this process
MSLA and Valverde
Recommendation: MSLA and Valverde to unify into Valverde in fall 2023
Multilingual Program MSLA and Valverde both have TNLI programs, and Valvere will
maintain a TNLI program
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.)
from both schools will have a guaranteed job at Valverde.
Special Education ECE-Autism will continue at Valverde. All other students receiving
Programming special education will continue to receive their services at Valverde.
School Design / During the 2023-2024 school year final program design will be
Programs created with the entire combined school community with a goal of
maintaining as much consistency and heritage from both schools.
Space Confirmation Combined ECE - 5th grade enrollment of both schools is 483 students.
Godsman has space to serve 739 students
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.) from
both schools will have a guaranteed job at Godsman.
Special Education All students receiving special education will continue to receive their
Programming services at Godsman.
School Design / During the 2023-2024 school year final program design will be created
Programs with the entire combined school community with a goal of maintaining
as much consistency and heritage from both schools.
Space Confirmation Combined ECE - 5th grade enrollment of both schools is 583 students.
Trevista has space to serve 855 students
Multilingual Program Columbian is currently an ELA-S resource school, and Trevista has a dual
language program, and Trevista will maintain a Dual Language program
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.) from both
schools will have a guaranteed job at Trevista.
Special Education Through the transition to the Significant Support Needs (SSN) model, the MI
Programming program at Columbian is being reduced. Impacted families will have
individual consultation to discuss the unique needs of their child. All other
students receiving special education will continue to receive their services at
School Design / During the 2023-2024 school year final program design will be created with
Programs the entire combined school community with a goal of maintaining as much
consistency and heritage from both schools.
Enrollment Students will all be automatically enrolled at Trevista for the 2023-2024
school year and are encouraged to join the school unification. Families may44
participate in SchoolChoice. .
Eagleton and Cowell
Recommendation: Eagleton and Cowell to unify into Cowell in fall 2023
Enrollment Eagleton : (K-5) - 212 (E-5) - 241
Cowell: (K-5) - 230 (E-5) - 274
Space Confirmation Combined ECE-5th grade enrollment of both schools is 515 students.
Cowell has space to serve 598 students
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.) from
both schools will have a guaranteed job at Cowell.
Special Education The MI-autism classrooms at Eagleton will transition to Cowell. All
Programming students receiving special education will continue to receive their
services at Cowell.
School Design / During the 2023-2024 school year final program design will be created
Programs with the entire combined school community with a goal of maintaining
as much consistency and heritage from both schools.
Enrollment Students will all be automatically enrolled at Cowell for the 2023-2024
school year and are encouraged to join the school unification. Families
may participate in SchoolChoice.
Colfax, Fairview, Cheltenham
Recommendation: Colfax and Fairview to unify K-5th grade into Cheltenham in fall
2023, and Colfax to become an ECE center
Enrollment Colfax: (K-5) - 200 (E-5) - 250 Fairview: (K-5) - 128 (E-5) - 144
Cheltenham: (K-5) - 227 (E-5) - 279
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.) from both
schools will have a guaranteed job at Colfax ECE and Cheltenham.
Special Education Through the transition to the Significant Support Needs (SSN) model, the MI
Programming program at Fairview being reduced. Impacted families will have individual
consultation to discuss the unique needs of their child. The ECE-model 1 program
at Cheltenham will move to the ECE center at Colfax. All other students receiving
special education will continue to receive their services at Colfax or Cheltenham.
School Design / During the 2023-2024 school year final program design will be created with the
Programs entire combined school community with a goal of maintaining as much
consistency and heritage from each schools.
Enrollment Students will all be automatically enrolled at Cheltenham for the 2023-2024
school year and are encouraged to join the school unification. Families may
participate in SchoolChoice. 46
Palmer, Montclair
Recommendation: Palmer and Montclair to unify K-5th grade into Montclair in fall 2023, and
Palmer to become an ECE center
Multilingual Program The unification of Palmer and Montclair will include ELD program with one staff
member ELA-S qualified to support Spanish-speakers. (15 to 60 Spanish
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.) from both schools
will have a guaranteed job at Palmer ECE and Montclair.
Special Education The two ECE center programs at Palmer will remain at Palmer ECE. All other
Programming students receiving special education will continue to receive their services at
School Design / Programs During the 2023-2024 school year final program design will be created with the
entire combined school community with a goal of maintaining as much consistency
and heritage from each schools.
Enrollment Students will all be automatically enrolled at Montclair for the 2023-2024 school
year and are encouraged to join the school unification. Families may participate in
SchoolChoice if desired. 47
IAD-Harrington, Swansea, Columbine
Recommendation: IAD Harrington to unify into Swansea and Columbine in fall 2023
Enrollment IAD: (K-5) - 139 (E-5) - 163 Columbine: (K-5) - 218 (E-5) - 277
Swansea: (K-5) - 310 (E-5) -376
Space Confirmation Combined ECE -5th grade enrollment of all three schools is 816 students.
Swansea and Columbine have space to serve up to 1,115 students.
Multilingual Program The unification will result in a 2 way dual language program at Swansea and an ELA-E program at
Columbine. Phase out of ELA-E programming at Swansea will be determined through the
community redesign process next school year.
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.) from both schools will have a
guaranteed job at either Columbine or Swansea based on interest and certification.
Special Education All existing center programs at Columbine and Swansea will continue. All other students receiving
Programming special education will continue to receive their services at Swansea or Columbine.
School Design / During the 2023-2024 school year final program design will be created with each of the combined
Programs school communities with a goal of maintaining as much consistency and heritage from each school.
Enrollment Students currently enrolled at Swansea and Columbine will continue to be enrolled in these schools
for 2023-2024. Current Harrington students will have a guaranteed seat at either Swansea or
Columbine and will need to submit a SchoolChoice application to make a selection for 2023-2024.
Families may explore other options through SchoolChoice.
Whittier- Unify into Schools in the Enrollment Zone
Recommendation: Whittier to unify into schools in the enrollment zones in fall 2023
Distance Between Closest elementary schools in the zone are .7 miles from Whittier
Schools Closest middle school is .6 miles from Whittier
Space Confirmation Schools in the enrollment zones have capacity to serve all of
Whittier’s students
Multilingual Program Whittier currently is an ELA-E program and students may attend
any school in the enrollment zone
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.)
from will have a guaranteed job in DPS.
Special Education All students receiving special education will continue to receive
Programming their services at their 2023-24 school.
School Design / During the 2023-2024 students from Whittier will be welcomed into
Programs the school of their choice and will have opportunities to build
community in the new school.
Enrollment Students will all participate in the SchoolChoice process and select
a school of their choice with preference within the enrollment zone,
or elsewhere in the district.
DDS - Unify into Schools in the Enrollment Zone
Recommendation: DDS to unify into schools in the enrollment zone in fall 2023
Enrollment DDS: 93
Distance Between Closest schools in zone are within 2 miles from DDS
Space Confirmation The enrollment zone has capacity to serve all of DDS’s 85 students
Multilingual Program DDS currently is an ELA-E program and students may attend any
school in the enrollment zone
School Staff All school-based staff (e.g., teachers, office support, paras, etc.)
from will have a guaranteed job in DPS.
Special Education All students receiving special education will continue to receive
Programming their services at their 2023-24 school.
School Design / During the 2023-2024 students from DDS will be welcomed into the
Programs school of their choice and will have opportunities to build
community in the new school.
Enrollment Students will all participate in the School Choice process and select
a school of their choice with preference within the enrollment zone,
or elsewhere in the district.
Student, Family and Community
Staff Toolkit:
● Link to Staff Toolkit
Families Toolkit:
● Link to Families Toolkit
Community Toolkit:
● Link to the Community Toolkit