Final Assignment - Reflection About The Course
Final Assignment - Reflection About The Course
Final Assignment - Reflection About The Course
educational settings, especially for teachers, the success of the teaching-learning process not only depends on
the teacher's knowledge but also on the teacher's ability to transfer the same to the students (Rawat, 2016).
Therefore, for the transfer of knowledge to occur effectively, teachers have to succeed in communicating with
their students. Through the course "Communication in EFL" lectured by Doctor Ms. Le Xuan Mai, I have
experienced and learned a lot of things which will prepare me better for my future teaching journey.
First and foremost, I have been firmly aware of the importance of communication between teachers and
students in the teaching and learning process. Successful communication both strengthens the relationships
between teachers and students and "improves the quality of learning and educational outcomes." (Hunt, 2007).
Thus, through communication, teachers and students get to understand each other better, which eliminates
misunderstandings. Furthermore, I understand that making assumptions is extremely dangerous. In fact, instead
of asking or talking to each other, we tend to form assumptions so easily toward our students. As a result, we
usually make wrong decisions, which lead to the failure of both teaching and learning. By being aware of this, I
always urge myself to invest time and effort into communicating with my students before I make any
conclusions about them.
Second, I have been filled with useful knowledge that can assist my teaching career. This course has
taught me that the learning environment is more important than I previously thought. It is necessary to know
that the learning environment consists of not only physical and pedagogical but also psychosocial dimensions,
all of which play a central role in the learning process (Closs, Mahat, & Imms, 2021). More importantly, it is a
must for teachers to realize and eliminate classroom anxiety so as to create a safe and stress-free learning
environment where students have no hestiation to share ideas and express their emotions. According to Virginia
P. Richmond, Jason S. Wrench, and John Gorham (2020), there are several ways to achieve this. Some of which
are that teachers should facilitate enjoyment, have positive and reinforcing communication, and become more
clear about what they teach. Besides, teachers should show that they have certain similarities and likeliness to
their students so that they feel safe when communicating with them. Furthermore, students should be provided
with a supportive classroom communication atmosphere in which they may access support anytime they need
Thirdly, this course has provided me with clear theories about students and teachers, which can be
strong foundations for my future decision-making. I have learned that students come to class with various kinds
of needs, which are personal, interpersonal, and academic needs. As teachers, we must be aware of these needs
and have strategies to meet them because when students' needs are met, the teachers' and students'
communication will improve, resulting in an increase in their affect. However, it is vital to address which needs
are a priority before others are met. Besides, it is not the teachers' job to fill all of the students' needs.
Additionally, I have also learned that there are several reasons why students misbehave in the classroom, some
of which can be listed as that they want to attract the teachers' attention, or release mental, emotional, or
physical energy, or sometimes, the teachers can be the cause of the students' misbehaviors. By knowing this, I
can be more confident in searching for a way to manage my students' behaviors or to avoid their misbehavior at
the same time.
The story about Mrs. Russell also educated me a lot about teaching and the values of caring and positive
words. No one in this world is born to be a failure, and no student comes to school to be a poor student. As
teachers, we should try our best to help our students become more competent and grow up more complete.
From Mrs. Russell's story, I learned that negative words and judgments can ruin one's life. Conversely, a
teacher's care and sympathy can save one from the shadow of their life. As a result, I believe that positive
words and care can have a significant impact on any individual, so we should say positive things and give
constructive feedback to our students in order to motivate and encourage them instead of criticizing them in a
negative way. Honestly, I wish that I could have enough faith, wisdom, compassion, and patience like that of
Mrs. Russell so that I could inspire and support my students much more than I previously did.
Last but not least, the lessons from this course contribute to deepening my concept of teaching and
learning. Therefore, there is no doubt that I am going to apply what I have learned from this course and from
Ms. Mai in my future teaching career. I recognize that it is my responsibility to train myself to be more
competent at my major and teaching methodologies, which is also the reason why I am taking this MA course.
Furthermore, I find it worthwhile to consider more effective ways to communicate with students so as to have
the best results in the teaching and learning process. Indeed, I will be more careful about the judgements and
feedback I provide to my students. Similarly, I find it necessary to be more aware of myself so that I can better
manage myself and avoid misbehaving as well.
On the whole, the course "Communication in EFL" is a meaningful and valuable journey. Eventually, it
becomes more meaningful when I have the opportunity to be lectured by Ms. Le Xuan Mai, a dedicated and
passionate teacher, who truly spreads the fire of enthusiasm for teaching to me. I am extremely grateful that Ms.
Mai teaches us not only with knowledge but also with spirit. All in all, I have gained useful knowledge and
priceless experience, which I believe will assist me a great deal in the future.
Closs L., Mahat M., Imms W. (2022), Learning environments’ influence on students’ learning experience in an
Australian Faculty of Business and Economics, learning Environment Research, 25, 271-285
Hunt F. (2007), Communication in Education
Rawat D. (2016), Importance of communication in teaching learning process,Scholary Research Journal for
Interdisciplinary Studies, 4/26
Richmond V. P., Wrench J. S., & Gorham J. (2020), Communication, Affect, & Learning in the classroom