Maraging 300
Maraging 300
Maraging 300
Influence of Austenitizing on the Mechanical Properties of Maraging 300 and Sae 4340
Steels – Comparative Study
Sérgio Souto Maior Tavaresa,b*, Juan Manuel Pardala, Tabatta Regina de Brito Martinsc, Vanessa
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Passo da Pátria n°156,Niterói-RJ, 24210-240, Brazil
Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Materiais, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica
Celso Suckow da Fonseca - CEFET-RJ, Brazil
Programa de Engenharia de Nanotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Horácio
Macedo, 2030 - Centro de Tecnologia; Ilha do Fundão-RJ, 21945-970, Brazil
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca, Unidade Itaguaí, Rodovia Mário
Covas, lote J2, quadra J, Itaguai-RJ, 23810-000, Brazil
Received: November 28, 2016; Revised: March 08, 2017; Accepted: April 05, 2017.
Maraging steels with 18wt%Ni and 10wt%Co are precipitation hardenable steels selected for special
applications. These steels are quenched and aged in the 480 – 600oC range. Ti and Mo are added to
precipitate during aging as fine Ni3(Ti,Mo) and Fe2Mo particles. Aging at high temperatures causes
overaging due to coarsening of particles and austenite formation. SAE 4340 is a typical low alloy
medium carbon steel for quenching and tempering. The best combination of mechanical properties
is attained by quenching and tempering in the 650 – 670oC range. These two steels are selected for
services where an optimum combination of mechanical strength, toughness and fatigue resistance is
required. In this work, the austenitizing temperature in the quenching treatment was varied in order
to evaluate the effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of both steels. The results showed
that the effect of previous austenite grain size on the toughness was different in the two steels analyzed.
Keywords: maraging 300 steel; SAE 4340 steel; quenching and tempering; previous austenite
grain size.
1. Introduction
solution treatment is soft and has high toughness. The aging
The influence of grain size on the mechanical properties of reactions produce a strong strengthening attributed to the
metallic materials, specifically in steels, has been extensively precipitation of fine Ni3(Ti,Mo) and Fe2Mo particles7-8. The
studied over the years. It is well known the strengthening peak of hardness is attained with aging temperatures around
effect (Hall Petch relation) and the increase of toughness 480oC. Aging at high temperatures, above 500oC, causes
by grain refinement1. coarsening of particles and austenite formation, which make
The grain size of quenched and tempered (Q&T) steels the hardness decrease (overaging).
is that of the previous austenite phase. This grain size is Maraging 300 and 350 steels may be substitutes for Q&T
function of the austenitization temperature and time2-4. In SAE 4340 steel, and virse-versa9. In the present work, the
Q&T low alloy steels, such as SAE 4340, 4140, 8640 and effect of austenitizing temperature on the microstructure
others, the austenitizing temperature range for commercial and mechanical properties of a maraging steel class 300 and
heat treatments must be high enough to homogenize the a low alloy medium carbon steel SAE 4340 were studied
austenite, but low enough to avoid the austenite grain and compared.
coarsening. Excessively coarse previous austenite grain size
may promote intergranular quenching cracks in this family 2. Materials and experimental methods
of steels5. Other effect of the coarse austenite grain size in
low alloy Q&T steels is the increase of retained austenite, The chemical compositions of a class 300 maraging
as observed in SAE 4340 steel3. steel and a SAE 4340 low alloy steel are shown in Table 1.
Maraging steels are solution treated (or quenched) Maraging was from a 11 mm plate cut from a forged cylinder
and aged in temperatures in the range of 450oC to 650oC with 250 mm of diameter, and the SAE 4340 steel was from
depending on the microstructure and properties desired for hot rolled and normalized bar with 16 mm of diameter.
the final product6-7. The low carbon martensite produced by The maraging plate was cut and machined for approximate
dimensions of Charpy specimens (57 x 11 x 11 mm3) and tensile
specimens. These specimens were heat treated by solution
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2 Tavares et al. Materials Research
treatment and aging following the parameters indicated in or 4 times. The maraging steel was electrolytically etched
Table 2. Two solution treatment temperatures were used to with a 10%Cr2O3 solution, applying a voltage of 30V. The
obtain different austenitic grain sizes: 1150oC (coarse grain- grain sizes were measured by the intercept method as per
CG) and 820oC (fine grain-FG). After solution treatment the ASTM E-11210.
specimens were aged to different levels of strength. For the general martensitic structure, both CG and FG
specimens of maraging solution treated were etched with
Table 2. Heat treatments parameters applied to maraging steel. Marble’s solution (10g CuSO4, 50 ml HCl and 50 ml H2O)
Specimen and SAE 4340 was etched with nital 2%.
Solution treatment Aging
identification Magnetic measurements in a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
un-aged FG (VSM) were performed to detect and quantify austenite in
Soaking: 820oC/1h 480 C / 1h
FG-480-3 the various heat treatment conditions. Specimens with the
Oil quenching 600oC / 1h FG-600-1 geometry of small discs of 3.0 mm of diameter were used
to obtain the magnetization curve M versus H, were M is
600 C / 4h
the magnetization and H is the magnetic field applied to the
un-aged CG
sample. The magnetization saturation (ms) was determined
Soaking: 1150 C/1h
o 480oC / 1h CG-480-3
by extrapolation of the magnetization x 1/H for 1/H → 0,
Oil quenching 600oC / 1h CG-600-1 as shown in Figure 1. The austenite volume fractions were
600oC / 4h CG-600-4 calculated using the linear relations:
SAE 4340 steel was also cut and machined to approximate CM + Cc = 1 (1)
dimensions of Charpy and tensile specimens before heat
treatments. The specimens were then quenched and tempered CM = msQsi V (2)
or double tempered, as defined in Table 3. Two austenitizing
temperatures were tested (860oC and 1060oC) in order to where CM and Cγ are the volume fractions of martensite
obtain different previous austenite grain sizes. and austenite respectively; ms is the magnetization saturation
After the heat treatments, the Charpy specimens were of the specimen; and ms(i) is the magnetization saturation of
machined to the final dimensions (55 x 10 x 10 mm3) with a specimen with 100% of martensite, which was produced
V-notch. The tensile specimens were grinded with emery by quenching and low temperature tempering (SAE 4340)
paper grit 400 and 600 to remove oxidation layer. or aging (maraging). For this reason, specimens of SAE
The austenitic grain sizes of both the quenched SAE 4340 4340 quenched at 860oC and tempered in the 200-500oC
and the solution treated maraging 300 steels were measured and specimens of maraging steel solution treated and aged
by quantitative metallography with specimens mechanically at 300oC and 400oC were specially produced to be tested in
polished and etched. The etching for SAE 4340 steel was a the VSM and determinate the mS(i) for each material.
solution with 100ml H2O, 4g of picric acid and 4g of FeCl3. Tensile tests and Charpy impact tests with V-notched
This etching is applied with cotton, alternating the application specimens were performed at room temperature. Fracture
of detergent with glycerin and the etching solution for 3 surfaces were observed in the scanning electron microscope
after the Charpy tests. Three specimens per heat treatment
Table 3. Heat treatments parameters applied to SAE 4340 steel. condition were tensile tested and impact tested. The average
Tempering Specimen values will be presented.
un-tempered Q860 3. Results and discussion
Soaking: 860oC/1h 650oC / 1h Q860-T650
Oil quenching 3.1. Steel SAE4340
650oC / 1h + Q860-DT650
650oC / 1h
un-tempered Q1060
Figures 2(a-b) and 3(a-b) compare the microstructures of
SAE 4340 quenched from 860oC and 1060oC, respectively.
Soaking: 1060oC/1h 650oC / 1h Q1060-T650
Oil quenching In Figures 2(a) and 3(a) the previous austenitic grain
650oC / 1h + Q1060-DT650
boundaries were revealed by etching with the picric acid
650oC / 1h
Influence of Austenitizing on the Mechanical Properties of Maraging 300 and Sae 4340 Steels – Comparative 3
Figure 2. Microstructure of specimen of SAE 4340 Q860: (a) Previous austenite grains; (b) general martenstic microstructure.
Figure 3. Microstructure of specimen of SAE 4340 Q1060: (a) Previous austenite grains; (b) general martensitic microstructure.
4 Tavares et al. Materials Research
Table 4. Magnetic measurement of austenite volume fraction (Cγ) Table 8 shows the tensile properties and hardness, while
and hardness HV10 of specimens of SAE 4340 quenched from Table 9 exhibits the impact Charpy results of maraging steel.
860oC and 1060oC.
Differently from the SAE 4340 low alloy steel, the higher
Specimen mS(i) (emu/g) Cγ HV10
toughness in the maraging 300 steel is obtained in the as-quenched
Q860 206.5 5.8 750 ± 30 condition, and that of coarse grained material was superior to
Q1060 179.5 18.1 630 ± 25 the fine grained steel. The impact toughness increased from 80
J to 145 J with the increase of austenitic grain size from 58.4 ±
Table 5. Tensile properties of SAE 4340 steel. (average values). 1.8 µm (ASTM 5.0) to 247.9 ± 0.5 µm (ASTM 0.7).
Yield Ultimate Area When the maraging steel is aged to the peak of hardness
Specimen strength Strength reduction (480oC-3h) the toughness was very low. Furthermore, the aging
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
at 600oC for 1h also produced a very brittle microstructure,
Q860-T650 793 890 16.1 76.2 and, the increase of aging time to 4 h, which increased the
Q860-DT650 866 945 15.8 60.4 austenite content, caused a further decrease of toughness in
Q1060-T650 810 924 12.4 49.1 CG and FG. It can be concluded that, under the conditions
Q1060-DT650 931 995 12.1 50.2 established in this work, reverse austenite does not improve
the toughness of maraging 300 steel.
The grain coarse material presents both lower hardness and
tempered also increased the impact energy. Figure 4 shows mechanical strength when aged at 480oC. As a consequence,
a comparison of the surface of fracture of specimens Q860 the properties of maraging 300 (UTS ≥ 2094 MPa) are
and Q860-DT650. The quenched material has an aspect of achieved only in the fine grained material.
quasi-cleavage, while the specimen quenched and tempered Other works have investigated the effect of grain size on
at 650oC shows ductile fracture with dimples nucleated at mechanical properties of maraging 18%Ni steels11-13. Saul et
non-metallic inclusions. al.11 observed the increase of room temperature tensile strength
Figures 5(a-b) and 6(a-b) compare the microstructures with grain refinement of austenite, in agreement to results
of maraging FG and CG, as solution treated. The average presented here. Also, Sinha et al.12 observed the increase of
grain size of FG and CG were 58.4 ± 1.8 µm (ASTM 5.0) fracture toughness of solution treated specimens with the
and 247.9 ± 0.5 µm (ASTM 0.7), respectively. increase of austenitizing temperature and, consequently,
Table 7 shows the magnetic results and the quantification austenitic grain size. On the other hand, Rack13 reported
of austenite in maraging steel. The low temperature aging that the prior austenite grain size did not affect the fracture
did not increase the mS, which suggests that the solution toughness of unaged 18Ni maraging steel.
treated specimens did not contain retained austenite, or its Figures 7(a), (b) and (c) show the surface fractures of
volume fraction was insignificant, for both solution treatment specimens CG, CG-480-3 and CG-600-4. Solution treated
temperatures. The mS(i) was that of specimen solution treated specimen (CG) has large microvoids (dimples), while the
at 820oC (FG), 191.1 emu/g, which is very close to the mS brittle fractures of maraging 300 CG-480-3 and CG-600-4
of the specimen CG (1150oC). Differently from the low are manly characterized by very small dimples. Portions of
alloy SAE 4340, the increase of the austenite grain size did cleavage or quasi-cleavage were rarely observed in these
not increase the volume fraction of retained austenite in the brittle fractures. The decrease of dimples size indicates
solution treated specimens. embrittlement. Hilders and Santana14 proposed an inverse
Austenite phase appears when maraging steels are aged at relation between the fracture toughness and the square root
high temperatures, typically above 500oC8. Specimens aged at of the average dimple diameter.
600oC show volume fractions of the so called reverse austenite
increasing with aging time. However, from the comparison
3.2. Comparison between SAE 4340 and
of specimens FG-600-1 and CG-600-1 in table 7, it seems
clear that the lower the austenitic grain size the higher is the
maraging 300 steel
initial kinetics of reverse austenite precipitation. Specimens The maximum hardness and mechanical resistance of
aged at 600oC for 4 h show similar amounts of austenite. SAE4340 is obtained in the as-quenched condition, but the
Figure 5. Microstructure of maraging 300 FG: (a) etching for previous austenite; (b) Marble’s etching.
Figure 6. Microstructure of maraging 300 CG: (a) etching for previous austenite; (b) Marble’s etching.
6 Tavares et al. Materials Research
Table 7. Magnetic measurement of austenite volume fraction (Cγ) toughness is too low and stress level is too high for any
of specimens of maraging 300. application in this heat treatment condition. Tempering between
FG CG 400-600oC promotes temper embrittlement15, which can be
Specimen mS(i) mS(i) mitigated but not eliminated by the decrease of impurities
Cγ Cγ
(emu/g) (emu/g) levels. The optimization of mechanical properties of this
Solution treated - steel is obtained with quenching and tempering in 600-
191.1 < 0.010 190.6 < 0.010
Un-aged 670oC range. Double tempering promotes a small increase
300oC / 1h 190.4 < 0.010 189.2 < 0.010 of toughness. On the other hand, austenitizing temperatures
480oC / 3h 191.4 < 0.010 191.7 < 0.010 as high as 1060oC are not recommended because the risk
600 C / 1h
169.4 0.115 180.8 0.055 of quench cracks.
600oC / 4h 145.2 0.241 148.0 0.227 Maraging steels show a typical inverse relation between
toughness and mechanical resistance. The increase of strength
Table 8. Tensile properties (YS = Yield strength, UTS=Ultimate level promotes the decrease of impact toughness, as shown
Tensile Strength, El. = Elongation, RA = Reduction of area) and in Figure 8 constructed with the data reported in by the
Vickers Hardness of maraging steel specimens. Nickel Development Institute16. However, in the as solution
YS UTS treated condition maraging steels have excellent toughness
Specimen El. (%) RA (%) (HV30)
(MPa) (MPa) with hardness and tensile properties comparable to SAE
FG 1028 1105 14.2 70.6 328 ± 4 4340 quenched and tempered or double tempered at 650oC.
FG-480-3 2119 2125 4.9 24.3 593 ± 11 Fig. 9 compares the engineering tensile curves of
FG-600-4 1380 1454 10.0 38.8 475 ± 3 maraging 300 CG and SAE 4340 Q860-DT650, respectively.
CG 928 1002 14.3 76.4 318 ± 3 Table 10 compares the mechanical properties of the two
steels (maraging 300 and SAE 4340) in the conditions in
CG-480-3 1764 1777 4.3 16.8 575 ± 5
which they show higher toughness. Analyzing the options
CG-600-4 1452 1577 5.3 27.8 490 ± 8
of Table 10, 18Ni maraging steel solution treated with
high austenitizing temperature shows the best mechanical
Table 9. Impact Charpy tests results of maraging 300.
properties, although SAE 4340 has higher uniform elongation
FG CG than maraging CG steel.
Lat. Lat.
Energy Energy
Specimen Exp. Specimen Exp.
4. Summary and conclusions
FG 80 0.6 CG 145 1.5
A comparison between a maraging steel 18%Ni-10%Co
FG-480-3 16 0.2 CG-480-3 13 0.2 class 300 and a SAE 4340 steel considering different heat
FG-600-1 16 0.1 CG-600-1 16 0.1 treatment conditions in each steel was conducted in this work.
FG-600-4 14 0.1 CG-600-4 13 0.1
Figure 7. Surface of fracture of specimens (a) CG, (b) CG-480-3 and (c) CG-600-4 (same magnification).
Influence of Austenitizing on the Mechanical Properties of Maraging 300 and Sae 4340 Steels – Comparative 7
Figure 8. Impact toughness and yield/ultimate strength of maraging 200, 350, 300 and 35016: (a) longitudinal and (b) transversal direction.
Table 10. Comparison between maraging 300 and SAE 4340 processed for high toughness.
Steel/condition YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El. (%) RA (%) Impact energy (J)
Maraging CG 928 1002 14.3 76.4 145
Maraging FG 1028 1105 14.2 70.6 80
4340 860-650 793 890 16.1 76.2 91.0
4340 860-D650 866 945 15.8 60.4 98.5
8 Tavares et al. Materials Research
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5. Acknowledgements Maraging 300. In: 22nd SAE Brasil International Congress and
Display; 2013; São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Authors acknowledge the Brazilian Research Agencies
CNPq (Grant 305294/2014-8) and FAPERJ (E-26/203033/2015) 10. ASTM International. ASTM E112 - 13 - Standard Test Methods
for financial support. for Determining Average Grain Size. West Conshohocken:
ASTM International; 2013.
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In the article "Influence of Austenitizing on the Mechanical Properties of Maraging 300 and Sae 4340 Steels - Comparative
Study", DOI number:, published in Mat. Res. in May 02, 2017, in
the page 6 where was written:
Figure 7. Surface of fracture of specimens (a) CG, (b) CG-480-3 and (c) CG-600-4 (same magnification)
It should be read:
Figure 7. Surface of fracture of specimens (a) CG, (b) CG-480-3 and (c) CG-600-4 (same magnification)