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Rohan Final Project

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The internship report summarizes the work done by the student during their internship at ProAzure Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. It describes the company, the projects/tasks completed, technologies used, learnings, and conclusions.

The internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Diploma in Computer Engineering. It aims to document the work done and skills/knowledge gained during the internship period.

The report mentions that the company provides services including web design, development, and digital marketing. It also refers to technologies like PHP, MySQL, and tools like UiPath which were likely used in projects during the internship.


A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of Diploma


Name of Student:
Rohan Ranganath Pawar
Enrollment No:2009920111
Under Supervision of

Mrs.Thorat S.K.

Project Manager(RPA)

ProAzure Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Pune.

(Duration: 04th Jul, 2021 to 14th Aug, 2021)



2022– 2023

This is to certify that the ―Internship Report” submitted by Pawar Rohan
Ranganath(Enrollment No.: 2009920111) is work done by her and submitted during 2022 –
2023academic year, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma of
Engineering in COMPUTER ENGINEERING, at ProAzure Software Solutions Private
Limited, Pune.

Prof.Nawale S.K. Prof.Thorat S.K.

Head of the computer department. Deparment Internship Coordinator

First I would like to thank Mohini Arkas, the President of ProAzure Software
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Pune for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within the organization.
I also would like all the people that worked along with me ProAzure Software
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Pune with their patience and openness they created an enjoyable working

It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I
acknowledge the help of these individuals.

I am highly indebted to Principal Prof. Kapile A. S.for the facilities provided to

accomplish this internship.
I would like to thank my Head of the Department Prof.Nawale S.K. for his constructive
criticism throughout my internship.

I would like to thank Prof Thorat S.K. internship coordinator Department of CE for their
support and advices to get and complete internship in above said organization.

I am extremely great full to my department staff members and friends who helped me in
successful completion of this internship.

Pawar Rohan Ranganath


The Company:

ProAzure Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. skilled Software development and Service Company
established in Wagholi (Pune). The Prime IT services required have dedicated to explore a
society with technical Innovations. We principally consider distinctive IT services together with
custom website design and development services and Features. We principally consider
distinctive IT services together with custom website design and development services. SK
Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Pune has impressive services with societal fields and Educational
fields Software Development, Web Designing, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Android
Development and All services. Programmers and opportunities:

The Institute combines pioneering research with top class education. An innovative curriculum
allows the student flexibility in selecting courses and projects. Students, even at the
undergraduate level, get to participate in on-going research and technology development - an
opportunity unprecedented in India. As a result, a vibrant undergraduate programmer co- exists
with a strong postgraduate programmer. Methodology:

This project is to provide classifieds information. The website will provide different
kinds of facilities to the user like rentals; travels. The user should register to utilize the site.
Each user will be given UserId and password. Using that Id and password user can enter in to
the site and can put the ads. Those who want to view the information they can without
registration. This project is implemented using html as the front-end and MySQL as back-end.
Key parts of the report:

In existed system, users have to go that particular car and user should reserve it. Here, time
consuming is more and there is no guarantee that car will come after waiting for long time. We
will not able know the fair details of the distance of our journey .
Benefits to the company / institution through your report: The Institute combines pioneering
research with top class education. An innovative curriculum allows the student flexibility in
selecting courses and projects. Students, even at the undergraduate level, get to participate in
on-going research and technology development - an opportunity unprecedented in India.


Study of Organization industry and importance of industry

04/07/22 Monday

05/07/22 Tuesday Roles and responsibilities of the different posts of industry

06/07/22 Wednesday
Types of Industry and chart of industry to continue the profit

07/07/22 Thursday
Study of history product range of capital to start a company

08/07/22 Friday The project development lifecycle and profit loss structure

09/07/22 Saturday Industry turnover ,capital investment and industry clients


Introduction to robotics process automation RPA

11/07/22 Monday
lifecycle components of RPA

Download Uipath installation of Uipath ,introduction

12/07/22 Tuesday
of Dashboard

Sample Activities in Uipath ,sample programs on

13/07/22 Wednesday
operations like addition substraction

Introduction of excel Automation read range write

14/07/22 Thursday range filter,etc

Excel automation with remove duplicates form excel

15/07/22 Friday file and write into excel file

Excel automation for addition of two columns and

16/07/22 Saturday point in third column

RPA Web automation open browser login page enter values

18/07/22 Monday
check humadity and write in excel

RPA web automation for take a value from humadity website

19/07/22 Tuesday
and write

20/07/22 Wednesday
Sample project allocation for students with PDD ,refrence video

21/07/22 Thursday
RPA web application automation Uipath ACME application

22/07/22 Friday RPA Project exhibition ,live project demonstration ,pdf


23/07/22 Saturday Android development expert lecture


25/07/22 Monday Introduction To AWS

26/07/22 Tuesday Create an AWS Account

Introduction and demo on EC2 Setup

27/07/22 Wednesday
internal things

Publish live application on server publish multiple

28/07/22 Thursday application

Introduction and demo on RDS instance setup simple

29/07/22 Friday DB on RDS ,Demo on RDS

30/07/22 Saturday Introduction And Demo on RDS


01/08/22 Monday Introduction to PHP ,HTML,CSS

Installation of XAMPP Server ,text editor registration page

02/08/22 Tuesday

03/08/22 Wednesday
Build code for login page validation of login page
Validation of registration page create database on localhost
04/08/22 Thursday

05/08/22 Friday
Validation registration project live demonstration

06/08/22 Saturday Vendor project code review and setup for execution


08/08/22 Monday Company methodologies team meeting group member

Importance of testing Gmail,writing Interview

09/08/22 Tuesday
techniques ,Demo Induries

Resume Building gmail writing Interview

10/08/22 Wednesday
techniques,Demo Inderis

Guidline of expert for how to become successful

11/10/22 Thursday software developer in IT industry

Team activities ,team Work activities Leadership

12/08/22 Friday Activity

13/08/22 Saturday Feedback And validation

1. Introduction
1.1 Modules
2. Analysis
2.1 Requirement analysis
2.2 Interviews
2.2.1 Interviewees
2.3 How the interviews were conducted
2.4 Interview findings
3. System requirements specifications
3.1 System configuration
3.2 Software requirements
3.3 Hardware requirements
4. Technology
4.1 RPA
4.2 PHP
4.3 HTML
5. Coding
6. Screenshots

7. Conclusion

8. Bibliography 34
Learning Objectives/Internship Objectives

➢ Internships are generally thought of to be reserved for college students looking to gain
experience in a particular field. However, a wide array of people can benefit from Training
Internships in order to receive real world experience and develop their skills.
➢ An objective for this position should emphasize the skills you already possess in the area and
your interest in learning more
➢ Internships are utilized in a number of different career fields, including architecture, engineering,
healthcare, economics, advertising and many more.
➢ Some internship is used to allow individuals to perform scientific research while others are
specifically designed to allow people to gain first-hand experience working.
➢ Utilizing internships is a great way to build your resume and develop skills that can be
emphasized in your resume for future jobs. When you are applying for a Training Internship,
make sure to highlight any special skills or talents that can make you stand apart from the rest
of the applicants so that you have an improved chance of landing the position.

Software process automation is a technology that may be viewed as a two-edged sword. On

The one hand it can be viewed as a productivity and quality enhancer, while on the other hand,
It can be viewed as a mechanism to control, routinize, and de-skill work. These views both
Have elements of truth, but with appropriate design and adoption considerations, we believe
That it is possible to enhance the positive elements while reducing the negative ones.
This report looks at the issues that have arisen for the early adopters of process automation.
These people are the innovators, the ones who have been through the ―school of hard
Knocks,‖ taken the brunt of an immature technology, and suffered from the fact that there are
Few experienced people to guide them. Some of the projects we saw succeeded, some failed, But
few found the going easy. This technology is not for the faint of heart—at least not yet.
However, we hope, through this report, to document experiences and lessons learned. We Hope
that we have extracted practical insights to provide insights to the developers of process
Automation tools and guidance to those who wish to automate their processes.

These general objectives have been met through a series of activities that include in-depth
interviews followed by a questionnaire survey and a workshop. The specific objectives of these
activities are as follows:
The interviews are aimed at gathering practitioner experiences in a relatively unstructured
Way, to identify what individuals believe are the important issues in the adoption of
software process automation, and to establish a basis for the more structured questionnaire
survey. Some of the interviewees were contacted about a year after the initial interviews.
The questionnaire survey assesses a wider cross-section of those involved with process
automation and includes individuals outside the software community. Because the

questionnaire respondents are following a standard format, the data in this phase of the study
will be analyzed in a more quantitative fashion.
Finally, the workshop was aimed at identifying success strategies for the introduction of
Software automation. The workshop brought together a widely diverse group of individuals
with experience in research and development, adoption, management and end use of
process automation, and to raise awareness of critical issues across these communities.
As described by Christie [Christie 96], the specific objectives of the study are to
• Identify the technical, social, and organizational inhibitors to the adoption of process
– Assess the prevalence and scope of software process automation.
– Categorize the technologies and practices that are currently being used.
– Identify effective and ineffective technologies and practices.
– Develop guidelines for process automation implementers.
• Support vendors and researchers in developing products more in tune with end-userneeds:
– Develop guidelines for researchers and vendors to improve product effectiveness.
– Foster effective communications between researchers, vendors, developers and end users.

Recruitment life cycle diagram:


1. Login page
2. Registration page
3. Background verification form
4. Contact form
5. Employee form

2.1 Requirement Analysis

The main objectives for undertaking this project are:

➢ To understand the internal Recruitment process in organization.

➢ To identify areas where there can be scope for improvement.
➢ To give suitable recommendation to streamline the hiring process.
➢ To develop practical knowledge with theoretical aspects.
➢ To know about the importance of recruitment and selection.
➢ To find out better process of recruitment.
➢ To know about the role of recruiter.

Need for recruitment:

It makes possible to choose the right person in the right time at the right place. It also makes it
possible to acquire the number and type of people necessary to ensure the continued operation
of the organization. Planned needs: - such needs arise from changes in the organization

Anticipated needs: - It refers to those movements in personnel which an organization can

predict by studying trends in internal or external need. Unexpected needs: - Such need arises

due to illness, death and resignation.

Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with selection process by which
organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates. With successful recruiting to create a
sizeable pool of candidates, even the most accurate selection system is of little use. Recruiting
begins when a vacancy occurs and the recruiter receives authorization to fill it.

The next step is careful examination of skills, abilities and experience needed to perform the
job successfully. Other steps follow:

• Creating an applicant pool using internal or external methods.

• Evaluate candidate via selection
• Convince the candidate
• And finally make an offer
Selection process is good but it should also be modified according to the requirements and
should job profile so that main objective of selecting the candidate could be achieved. Further
from this survey I hope the organization will be benefited and with the help of the suggestions
given the organization can improve its functioning and the overall Recruitment and Selection
Process in the organization and its performance will increase.

2.2 The Interviews

This report is based upon interviews with individuals who are knowledgeable about and
experienced with process automation. We performed a qualitative analysis of these interviews
to arrive at the findings reported here. The material in this section closely follows that presented
in an earlier report [Christie 96].
Three independent organizations were involved in performing the interviews reported here: The
SEI, Nolan Norton and Company (a division of KPMG Peat Marwick), and Cap Gemini Sogeti
(located in Grenoble, France).

2.2.1 The Interviewees

An extensive list of candidates was identified early on, including end-user organizations,
commercial and in-house developers, and researchers. Our original goal was to interview
mostly end users of process automation. However, that was not to be. Because of the immaturity
of the technology, we interacted with relatively few experienced end users of the technology.
Most of our interviews were with people who were involved in developing and implementing
process-centered environments (PCEs).

These individuals came from a wide variety of organizations including

• A vendor of a major process-oriented configuration management (CM) product
• Four DOD sites implementing process-centered environments (PCEs)
• Two U.S. government contractors who were developing process tools and implementing
• Two French government contractors who were implementing PCEs
• A French bank that is operating with a PCE
• A university group with strong ties to industry

2.3 How the Interviews Were Conducted

A total of 14 interviews were conducted with 12 projects.1in the large majority of these
interview sessions, two interviewers were present. The number of interviewees in each
interview ranged from one to eight. All interviews were taped to ensure that the comments were
recorded accurately. The interviews took approximately 36 hours with an average length of 2.4
hours per interview. All in all, the interviews yielded 150 pages of transcripts.
In one organization, two different projects were interviewed. With two other projects, multiple

interviews were conducted.

A standard script supported each interview. This script provided a consistent framework and
ensured that we would have comparable information from each of the interviews. While the
questions were used to support the interviews and to ensure coverage, they were not followed
mechanically; areas of interest were often probed in depth. Christie provides further details of
the interview format [Christie 96].

2.4 Interview Findings

The interviewees represented one or more automation efforts that, loosely speaking, can be seen
as pilot projects. These projects ranged in size from fewer than 10 to more than 60 people. For
purposes of discussion, the numbers cited include the personnel for whom the automation was
intended, as well as the developers of the automation if they are part of the same organization.
Typical project size was toward the low end.

While we made no attempt to measure formally the process maturity level of the
organizations/projects interviewed, some had previously undergone formal process assessments
using the SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM). These projects ranged in maturity from level
1 (ad hoc/chaotic) to level 5 (optimizing). However, most can be characterized as relatively
immature (at or below level 2). Other projects had not been assessed formally, but many
characterized themselves as having a poorly defined set of software development processes.
Two projects were attempting software development activities for the first time.

Of the twelve projects interviewed (seven currently active, four inactive, one experimental),
only two were far enough along for the automation to be considered institutionalized. In one
case, the automation was associated with a company that developed and distributed a
configuration management product. This product has significant process capability that is
used to support further development of the product. The other organization that effectively
adopted PCE technology did so to support software problem tracking.

Four points may be made about the interviews and the findings derived from them. First,
because of the immaturity of the technology, we interviewed few people who could be
considered experienced end users of the technology. The great majority of interviewees were
either developers of process-centered environments, developers of the process tools from which
PCEs can be built, or managers of development projects. Second, the findings not only surfaced
problems but identified potential solutions to these problems. We hope that this information
will be useful to organizations intending to build and use PCEs. Third, interviewees’
experiences were not always consistent, and these inconsistencies may at times be reflected in
the report.
Fourth, as might be expected, we found that many of the adoption issues we identified
have much in common with adoption issues associated with other technology areas.
The findings fall into three major categories
• drivers and inhibitors
• contributors to success
• technology issues
In the following discussions, we make heavy use of quotes (indicated in italics) from the
A major reason for this is that interviewees were surprisingly frank in giving us their views
about process automation and how their organizations were dealing with it.

3.1 System configurations

The software requirement specification can produce at the culmination of the analysis task.
The function and performance allocated to software as part of system engineering are
refined by established a complete information description, a detailed functional description,
a representation of system behavior, and indication of performance and design constrain,
appropriate validate criteria, and other information pertinent to requirements. 3.2 Software

Operating System: Windows

Coding Language: RPA, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.

Text Editor : Sublime Text3.

Database : My SQL.
Package : XAMPP.

Tool : UiPath.

3.3 Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Intel core i3

Memory : 8GB RAM

Hard Disk : 1TB

In this phase, you start developing the automation workflows as per agreed plan. Being wizard
driven, the implementation is quick
In this phase, you run RPA Testing cycles for in-scope automation to identify and correct defects
Support & Maintenance
Provide continuous support after going live and helps in immediate defect resolution. Follow
general maintenance guidelines with roles and responsibilities with business and IT support
Best Practices of RPA Implementation
• In this RPA tutorial, we will learn about best practices to implement RPA automation.
• One should consider business impact before opting for RPA process
• Define and focus on the desired ROI
• Focus on targeting larger groups and automating large, impactful processes
• Combine attended and unattended RPA
• Poor design, change management can wreak havoc
• Don’t forget the impact on people
• Governance of the project is foremost thing in RPA process. Policy, Corporate, Government
compliance should be ensured.
• General Use of RPA
1. Emulates Human Action:
Emulates human execution of the repetitive process using various application and systems.
2. Conduct high-volume repeated tasks:
Robotics process automation can easily simulate rekeying of data from one system to another.
It performs tasks like data entry, copying, and pasting.
3. Perform Multiple Tasks:
Operates multiple and complex tasks across multiple systems. This helps to process transactions,
manipulate data and send reports.

4. ‘Virtual’ system integration:

This automation system can transfer data between disparate and legacy systems by connecting them
at the user interface level instead of developing new data infrastructure.
5. Automated report generation:
Automates the extraction of data to comes up with accurate, effective and timely reports.
6. Information validation and auditing:
Resolves and cross-verify data between different systems to validate and check information to
provide compliance and auditing outputs.
7. Technical debt management:
Helps to reduce technical debt by reducing the gap between systems, preventing the introduction
of custom implementations.
8. Product management:
It helps to bridge the gap between IT systems and related product management platforms by
automated updating of both systems.
9. Quality Assurance:
It can be beneficial to QA processes which cover regression testing and automating customer use
case scenarios.
10. Data migration:
Allows automated data migration through systems which is not possible using traditional mediums,
like document, spreadsheets or other source data files.
11. Gap solutions:
Robotic automatic fills the gaps with process deficiencies. It includes may simple tasks as password
resets, the system resets, etc.
12. Revenue forecasting:
Automatically updating financial statements to predict revenue forecasting.

4.2 PHP

PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source
general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be
embedded into HTML.PHP is server side scripting language designed for web Development
but also used as a general purpose programming language.

PHP code may be embedded into HTML code, or it can be used in combination with various
web template systems, web content management systems and web frameworks. PHP code is
usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in the web server or as a
common gateway interface (CGI) executable. The web server combines the results of the
interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any type of data, including images, with
the generated web page. PHP code may also be executed with a common-line interface (CLI)
and can be used to implement standalone graphical applications.

Instead of lots of commands to output HTML (as seen in C or Perl), PHP pages contain
HTML with embedded code that does "something" (in this case, output "Hi, I'm a PHP
script!"). The PHP code is enclosed in special start and end processing instructions
<?php and ?> that allow you to jump into and out of "PHP mode."

What distinguishes PHP from something like client-side JavaScript is that the code is executed
on the server, generating HTML which is then sent to the client. The client would receive the
results of running that script, but would not know what the underlying code was. You can
even configure your web server to process all your HTML files with PHP, and then there's
really no way that users can tell what you have up your sleeve.

The best things in using PHP are that it is extremely simple for a newcomer, but offers many
advanced features for a professional programmer. Don't be afraid reading the long list of
PHP's features. You can jump in, in a short time, and start writing simple scripts in a few
4.3 HTML

HTML is the standard mark-up language for creating Web pages.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language

HTML describes the structure of Web pages using mark-up

HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages

HTML elements are represented by tags

HTML tags label pieces of content such as "heading", "paragraph", "table", and so on


<DOCTYPE html>
<title> Login Page </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

<Body style= "background-color:#FFBB06">

<div id="main-wrapper">
<h2> Registration Form </h2>
<img src="images/login.png" class="avatar"/>

<form class="myform" action="validation.php" method="post">

<label> <b>Username:</b></label><br>
<input name="username" type="text" class="inputvalues" placeholder="Type your name"
<label> <b>Password:</b></label><br>
<input name="password" type="password" class="inputvalues" placeholder="Your
Password" required/><br>

<input type="Submit" id="login_btn" value="Sign In"/> <br>

<button align="center"
id="register_btn"onclick="window.location.href='register.php'"> Register</button>


<DOCTYPE html>
<title> Register Page </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

<Body style= "background-color:bdc3c7">

<div id="main-wrapper">
<h2> Registration Form </h2>
<img src="images/login.png" class="avatar"/>

<form class="myform" action="registration.php" method="post">

<label> <b>Full name:</b></label><br>
<input name="fullname" type="text" class="inputvalues" placeholder="Type your Full name"
<label> <b>Gender:</b></label><br>
<input name="gender" type="radio" class="radiobtns" value="male" required> Male
<input name="gender" type="radio" class="radiobtns" value="female" checked required>
Female <br>
<label> <b>Qualification:</b></label>
<select class='Qualification' name="qualification">
<option value="BE">BE</option>
<option value="B.Tech">B.Tech</option>
<option value="BCA">BCA</option>
<option value="BCS">BCS</option>
<option value="MCA">MCA</option>
<option value="MCS">MCS</option>
<option value="Diploma">Diploma</option>
<label> <b>Username:</b></label><br>
<input name="username" type="text" class="inputvalues" placeholder="Type your name"
<label> <b>Password:</b></label><br>
<input name="password" type="password" class="inputvalues" placeholder="Enter your
Password" required/><br>
<input type="Submit" id="signup_btn" value="Sign Up"/> <br>
<button align="center" id="back_btn"onclick="window.location.href='index.php'">




<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Welcome To Student System</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">


<Body style="background-color:#bdc3c7">
<img src="images/login.png" class="avatar"/>
<div class="container">

<h2 class="text-center text-success"> Welcome <?php echo $_SESSION['username'];?></h2>

<a href="student.php"> Student Registration</a>
<a href="logout.php"> LOGOUT </a>

PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('Registration done successfully');
<?php session_start();
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost','root'); if($con){
echo "Connection Successful";

echo "no Connection";
$q= "select * from user where username='$name',fullname='$fullname',gender='$gender',
$num = mysqli_num_rows($res);

echo "Duplicate data";

$qy= " insert into user(username,fullname,gender,qualification,password) values



<?php session_start();
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost','root'); if($con){
echo "Connection Successful";
echo "no Connection";
$q= "select * from user where username='$name'&& password='$pass'";
$num = mysqli_num_rows($res);





Logout <?php


Once the on-boarding and training phase wraps up, the new staff member should be ready to
engage in a rewarding long-lasting career. The full cycle recruiting process can indeed be a
gruelling experience for all parties involved. But, will the addition of a new, reliable employee
for the firm, it is also a much needed and appreciated part of nurturing a successful business.

Even for owners of small enterprises, for peace of mind in hiring the best candidate for a job,
following the steps of the recruitment life cycle is well worth the time and effort and is a
proven method of reducing turnovers within a company, saving both time and money in the
long run.


1. Dave W. Mercer, Allan Kent, Steven Nowicki, David Mercer, ―Beginning PHP5‖,
3rd edition, Wrox publications.
2. Vikram Vaswani, ―MySQL(TM): The Complete Reference‖, 6 th edition, Mc Graw
Hill Education publications.
3. Luke Welling, ―PHP and MySQL Web Development Book‖, 5th edition, Pearson
India publications.
4. Larry Ullman, ―PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites‖, 4th edition, Pearson
India publications.

1. To learn about the RPA-UiPath to use, we used, https://www.uipath.com/.
2. To learn about the software required to use, we used, www.wikipidea.org.
3. For more examples for learning, we referred, www.tutorialpoint.com.
4. For learning the PHP and MySQL integration, we referred,


5. Dave W. Mercer, Allan Kent, Steven Nowicki, David Mercer, ―Beginning PHP5‖, 3 rd edition,
Wrox publications.
6. Vikram Vaswani, ―MySQL(TM): The Complete Reference‖, 6th edition, Mc Graw Hill Education
7. Luke Welling, ―PHP and MySQL Web Development Book‖, 5th edition, Pearson India
8. Larry Ullman, ―PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites‖, 4th edition, Pearson India publications.

5. To learn about the RPA-UiPath to use, we used, https://www.uipath.com/.
6. To learn about the software required to use, we used, www.wikipidea.org.
7. For more examples for learning, we referred, www.tutorialpoint.com.
8. For learning the PHP and MySQL integration, we referred, www.w3schools.com.


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