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Da Pam 20-200

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2 0 ~ 2 D O
ill ! r.: 1 A 1Q 7Q
This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 20-200, 9 August 1951
WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 24 August 1956
DA Pamphlet 20-200 is published for the information and guidance
of all concerned.
[AG 314.7 (6 Apr 56)]
By Order of vVilber iv!. Brucker) Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army,
Official: Chief of Staff.
j\1ajor General, United States Army)
The Adjutant General.
Active Am?,)!:
Gen Staff, DA (5) Armies (5)
SS, DA (5) Corps (3)
CMH (200) Div (1)
Tec Svc, DA (5) leAF (40)
Admin & Tec Svc Ed (1) NWC (60)
Hq CONARC (25) Cen & Br Svc Sch (5)
OS Maj Comd (10) PMST (1)
IvIDW (1) Mil Dist (1)
NG: State AG (1); Div (1).
USAR: Div (1).
For explanation of abbreviations used, see SR 320-50-1.
~ =
The Writing ofAmerican Military History: A Guide) should stimulate
intelligent probing into the past with an eye to the future. This, in
turn, should lead to increased wisdom and, therefore, to wiser deci
sions and better execution throughout the Army in peace and war.
All officers of the United States Army, but particularly those hav
ing historical assignments and undergoing instruction at the service
schools and colleges or civilian educ'ational institutions, will find the
text helpful. Scholars and others interested in Amer:ican military
affairs may also find it very useful.
The need for guidance in historical study and research has
existed in the United States Army for a very long time. Various
attempts have been made, from time to time, to fill that need. For
the most part this was accomplished by issuing suggested courses of
historical study and by publishing pamphlets on methodology at the
various service schools and colleges. The reading lists were not
scientifically arranged and led to aimless historical study. The
methodologies were not systematized and thus precluded the early
acquisition of a method of research that could be utilized continu
ously throughout an officer's service.
The prir..lary purpose of this text is to bring order out of chaos in
the fields of historical study and research in the United States Army.
In line with the views of the principal object of the text
is to stimulate a progressive and scientific study of United States
military history and leadership with the hope that it will "produce
searching rather than inventive minds and cool rather than hot
heads," 1 to which the safety of our country can be most advanta
geously entrusted in time of emergency or war. In commenting
upon this objective, General of the Army George C. Marshall wrote
that: "If you can stimulate by your list, a desire for wide reading
among officers to supplement their professional exper.ience, you will
have perfo::med a fine service."
The secondary object of the text is to clarify what is meant by a
military historian.. A military historian is one who is well-informed
in military history and in subjects related to the military profession.
Therefore, an)! prcfessional0! o.Jficer is a militaJy historian. In a
narrower sense, a military historian is a writer or chronicler of military
activities. It necessarily follows that the influence of a military man
upon history can be extended beyond the field of action into that
of theory or historical works dealing with the art and science of war.
In a real sense an officer's value to the military service, especially
in high-level positions, may be determined to a considerable degree
by his qualifications as a military historian. It is important, there
fore, that professional military men should assiduously study military
history throughout their service. They also should strive to acquire
skill in historical research and a lucid and logical style of presenting
historical accounts of military operations and activities. LEut more
important still, they should develop proficiency in evaluating his
torical events and in analyzing them with a view of determining the
lessons that can be learned from the past.
Special thanks are due the Library of Congress and the National
Archives for their assistance in preparing the text.
l Carl von Clausewitz, On War, trans.].]. Graham (London, 1940), I. p. 71.
General , .
Military History in the Development of Esprit de
Corps and Morale , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Esprit de Corps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Morale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Role of Symbols, in Developing Morale. . . . . . . 4
Intangible Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tangible Symbols ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Role of Unit History in Developing Morale 7
Military Memoirs and Biography and Leadership. . 7
Military History in Instruction and Training. . . . . . 9
Military History and Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Military History and Changes in Tactics and Tech
mques , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Learning from Experience and Experiences of
Others , , , . . . . . . . 11
Military History and Learning from the Van
quishcd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 12
Military History in Preparation for the Higher
Direction of Military Affairs .. , , .. , , . . 13
Military History in the Education of the American
People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
General , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
A Progressive Course of Study i:.1 American Military
History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Historical Reading in First Five Years' Service. 21
Historical Reading-Five to Ten Years'
Service , 22
Historical Reading-Ten to Fifteen Years'
Service , . , . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Historical Reading-Fifteen to Twenty-five
Years' Service .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
General, .. , . , , . . . . . . . . 26
Personnel Having Knowledge of Military Events. . . 27
Libraries and Archives: How to Use Them. . . . . . . . 28
Libraries: General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Library Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Archival Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
American Military Organization and Records. 39
American Military Records and Collections. . . 40
Collections in Other Army Agencies, Washing-
ton, D. C _ .
Military Collections Outside \Nashington, D. C..
Pu blished Documentary Material _.. _ . 43
Unpublished Documentary Materials _ . 45
Guides to Library Materials _ .- . 47
Guides to Archives and Manuscript Collec
tions - . 48
Guides to Published Government Documents. 50
Guides to Maps. _ _ . 51
Historical Atlases . 52
Military Museums and Collections: How to Use
J..nem _., _. ~ , . 52
General '.. , , _ _ 52
Museums l\1aintained by the Armed Forces ..
Museums Maintained by Civil Agencies of the
United States , , .
Museums Maintained by Other Agencies _
Usc of Military Museums and Qollections . 54
Military Art _, _ _ .
Historical Films ' , . 55
General - , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Steps in Research - _. 57
Choosing a Subject. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
The Tentative Bibliography _ _. . . . . 58
Preliminary Reading for General Orientation. 63
The Tentative Outline .. _ _. . . . 63
Taking Notes-Some General Considerations
and Suggestions .. '. - . . . . 63
Arranging and Fil ing Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Evaluating wlaterial - . , . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Final Steps Before Writing , . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Writing the Draft - , . . . . . . 70
When To Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Writing Aids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Qualities of Good Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Practice of Good Writing _ 72
Authentic Background of the Period Studied. . 74
Depth of Research - _. . . . . . . . . 75
Openmindedness and Objectivity _. . . . 76
Historical W ri ting of Current M iIi tary Even15 . 76
Use of Assembled Data in Writing Draft _. . . . 77
Perfecting the Draft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Documentation .. _ ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Bibliography .... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
TabIes, Charts, rvfaps, III ustrations. . . . . . . . . . 79
Section I. Introduction , , .
II. Usage - .. .
, . , , .
Capitalization _
Preferred Spellings _
Abbreviations and Symbols .. ,
Italics. _ _
Dates and Time _
Military Organizations _
Military Rank and Titles
Foreign Words .. _
Ill, Footnotes _
Style , . _ _ _
Abbreviation and Capitalization
IV. FOtlllat , _
Front Matter. . . . . . .. .
Tables. '
Maps , .. _
_ ,
Appendixes ,
Glossary. _
Map Symbols _
Bibliographical Note
Chronology . ' _
The Index _
Section I. Basic Works Bearing on Military Problems,
_ .
_ .
, .
, .
, .
. . . . . . .
II. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History: General Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bibliographies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Reference Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
American History .. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
American :l\1i btary History Combi ned
with Military Dictionaries and Ency
clopedias. _
General vVorks
Secondary Works , "
Printed Sources .. _,
_. . . . . . . . .
, . _. . . . . . . . . . . .
_ , . _ _." .
_.. , .
Special Military \Vorks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Secondary Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i\1ili tary Periodicals _. ' . . . . . . . . .
Section III. Source Material for the Writing of American Mjli
tory History: 1607-1775 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Bibliographies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
General \Ivorks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Secondary Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Printed Sources . . . . . . . . . . 111
Special Military Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Secondary Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Printed Sources - - , 112
IV. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History: 1775-1783 _. . . . . . 113
Bib!iographies _. . . . .. . . . . . 113
General \iVorks , 113
Secondary \Norks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Printed Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Special Military Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Secondary \Norks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Printed Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
V. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History: 1783- 1861 '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Bibliographies . _ '.' . 118
General Works _ 118
Secondary Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Printed Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Special Mili tary Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Secondary Works _. . . . 119
Printed Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
VI. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History: 1861-1865 ., " . 123
Bibliographies . . . . 123
General vVorks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Secondary vVorks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Printed Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Special Military Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Secondary Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Printed Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
VII. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History: 1865-1898 . . . . . . . . . . 131
Special MiJi tary \'\Torks .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Secondary Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Printed Sources - . . . . . . 131
VIII. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tQry History: 1898-1903 ... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
General Works _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Section VIII.-Continued
Secondary V\Torks . _ .
Special Military Works .
Secondary Works .
Printed Sources, , ' , .
IX. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History; 1903-1919.................... 133
Bibliographies _ _. . . . . . 133
General \Vorks , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Secondary vVorks _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Printed Sources. , _. . . . . . . . . 134
Special Military Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Secondary VvTorks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Printed Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
X. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History: 1919-1947 . " ' . 137
Bibliographies . 137
General Works. . . .. . , . 138
Secondary Works . 138
Printed Sources . 138
Special Military \Vorks . 138
Secondary Works . , . 138
Printed Sources , . 141
XI. Source Material for the Writing of American Mili
tary History: 1947-1954 . , . 142
Special Military vVorks _ . 142
Secondary vVorks _ . 142
Printed Sources . 143
!NDEX., , _ _ , . 145
The value of history in military education has always been recog
nized in the United States Army as in most armies. It has been at
the very base of instruction in the service academy, schools, and col
leges since their inception. In this emph3.sis OD. the value of history
in military instruction, the American Army has followed the advice
of such great captains as Frederick the Great and Napoleon, as well
as others who have more recently made their mark on the pages of
history. Napoleon has writ ten, " ... the knowledge of the higher
arts of war is not acquired except by experience and the study of
history of wars arid the battles of great captains." 1 Gen. George S.
Patton, Jr., one of America's gr'eat offensive battle leaders, also em
phasized the importance of history. His words, written on the bat
tlefield, were: "To be a successful soldier you must know history,
read it objectively-dates and eVel) minute details of tactics are
useless.... You must [also] read biography and especially autobi
ography. If you will do it you will find war is simple." 2
There are dissenters from this point of view, however. Field
Marshal Wavell, for one, holds that psychology and leadership are
of greater importance to a military man than the study of operations,
contending that Napoleon's military success can be attributed to his
knowledge of psychoiogy rather than to his study of tactics and
And Le Bon, who was not a military man, has con
demned histories on general princi pIe, observing that "They are
fanciful accounts of ill-observed facts accompanied by explanations
the resul t of reflection" and that the writing"of such books is a most
absolute waste of time." 4
Notwithstanding these opinions, which are not without value as a
challenge to historians, it must be concluded that the study of past
wars is fundamental to preparation for the next, for current military
problems cannot be solved without an understanding of the past
from which they stem. Every individual in the military service will
, Napoleon, A1emoires ecnts a Sa/nte-Hilene) ed. Gaspard Gourgand (London, 1823), II,
2 Harry H. Semmes, "A Portrait of Patlon." MS in author's files.
" Earl Wavell, The Good S ( J { d l ( ~ T (Londou, 1948), pp. 20-21.
I Lc Bon, The Crowd (London, 192\), p. 54.
find a knowledge of military history) and especially of American
military history) valuable in the solution of problems) both in peace
2.nd in war. Heeding the inscription carved in stone at the entrance
to the National Archives-"What is past is prologue"-the soldier
must be rooted in the past to understand the present that he may
project himself into the future.
Military History in the Development of Esprit de
Corps and Morale
Esprit de Corps
Clausewitz has said: ,cOne who is seeking a profound understand
ing of the fundamentals of war must understand esprd de corps. This
spirit is the cement which binds together all qualities which taken
together give an army military value." Although "order) skill, a
certain pride) and high morale are highly prized peacetime qualities,
... they provide no spur to excellence or sacrifice.') A capable
commander is required to lead such an army "with the utmost of
care, until, gradually, victory and exertion give it real strength) real
fighti ng spi ri-t." 5
At the very base of this fighting spirit is patriotism or love of
country-the cement that binds a people together and assists their
fighting men. Without it neither the people nor the Army has a
soul. The founders of the Republic laid a solid spiritual foundation
for all Americans in two great documents- The Declaratz"on of Inde
pendence and The Constitution. In these fundamental papers are
recorded the ideas and principles upon which patriotism in the United
States must be built. Accordingly) every man who enters the military
service must swear or affirm that he will defend the Constz"tutz'on
against all enemies,' foreign or domestic. This solemn ceremony is
surrounded with all the pomp and circumstance possible under
prevailing conditions.
In writing about patriotism Gen. Ian Hamilton of Great Britain
said that"It is a plant whose best nutriments are blood and tears:
a plant which dies down in peace and flowers most brightly in war.
I t does not calculate) does not profiteer, does not stop to reason: in
an atmosphere of danger the sap begins to stir, it lives, it takes pos
s ~ s s i o n of the soul." (j A truly great military historian will attempt
to capture and record this spirit which plays such an important role
in the outcome of battles, campaigns, and wars. A mere recitation
of events will fail to probe the depths of the s'ervices and will prove
of little value to leaders of men.
,j ClausC\virz, ()n J:-Var, vol. III, ch. 5.
o Sir Ian Hamilton, The SouL and Body of an Atm)1 (London, 1921), p. 214-.
The accomplishments of the United States Army in both peace
and war have been so outstanding that every soldier can gain in
spiration from the record of the past even though still imperfectly
told. During the comparatively short span of American history, the
Army has fought brave and skillful soldiers of many races and in
many lands. These operations have ranged from desperate hand
to-hand engagements with savages equipped with bows and arrows
and tomahawks or spears and bolos to vast battles with armies land
ing in the face of modern forces and driving them back to the center
of empire. The Army has also played an outstanding role in discov
ery and exploration; in great engineering undertakings that have
joined the oceans, developed ports and harbors) harnessed and con
trolled rivers) and developed the atomic bombs; in medicine and
hygiene; and in communications and aviation. It has also been the
training ground of scholars, scientists, administrators, educators)
diplomats, and statesmen who have made great contributions to
every phase of American life.
A knowledge of its accomplishments can playa vital role in the
development of esprt de corps in the Army, for as the eminent British
military historian Fortescue has said, "Without knowledge of mili
tary history men are really unconscious of the existence of the most
wonderful of moral forces ... ; and it is not a thing of which any
one can afford to be ignorant." 7 In line with Fortesc,ue's warning
the United States Army has used military history in many ways.s
In the Education and Information program, the soldiers are informed
of past heroic deeds and accomplishments of individuals and units
and are furnished The Soldier's Guide) containing historical material.
In many units mounts and vehicles have borne the names of distin
guished soldiers of the past. Army posts are generally named for
widely knOvvn military men; buildings and streets for others or for
military organizations. Colors and standards are decorated with
streamers carrying the names of battles or campaigns in which the
uni t has honorably participated. For many years Retreat has included
The Star Spangled Banner which was inspired under the ('rocket's red
glare." Such things can be turned to advantage by those who will
take the trouble to weld the deeds and records of the past to the task
in hand and, if successfully accomplished, the Army-in-being will live
and function in the best traditions of the past.
Morale may be defined as the discipline and spirit which pervades
an army or people. In speaking on morale Gen. George C. Mar
shall, Chief of Staff, United States Army, once said:
'J. W. Fortescue, A MilIIOT)' J-hslorJ' (Cambridge, 1914). p. :19.
.~ DA Cir 100, "Mili(ary History Indoetrinalion Plan," 1952.
The soldier's heart, the soldier's spirit, the soldier's soul, are every
thing. Unless the soldier's soul sustains him he cannot be relied on
and will fail himself and his commander and his country in the end.
It is not enough to fight. It is the spirit which \,ve bring to the fight
that decides the issue. It is morale that wins the victory.
Morale is the state of mind. It is steadfastness and courage and hope.
It is confidence and zeal and loyalty. It is elan, esprit de corps and
It is staying power, the spirit which endures to the end-the will to
With it all things are possible, without it everything else, planning,
p ~ e paration, prod uct ion, count for naught. 9
As can be seen General rvfarshall's thoughts were of the spiritual attri
butes that motivate individuals, who collccti'vely make up a unil and
the entire Army.
Gen. William T. Sherman has given his views on the importance
of the spiri tual side of the Army in these words: "There is a soul to
an army as well as to individual men, and no general can accom
plish the full work of his army unless he commands the soul of his
men, as well as their bodies and legs. >J General Patton, a pro 10
found student of military history and leadership, on many occasions
during World War II also noted the unit soul, physically symbolized
by the colors and standards.
It can thus be seen that both Sherman and Patton broadened the
concept to include the unit as well as the individual in the broader
problems of morale. They thought of the individuals of a unit
welded together by a leader and given a common soul. The cre
ation of this unit soul is the continuing problem of all commanders
from the lowest to the highest and the problem becomes more diffi
cult when, for reasons of e c o n o ~ y , the props which support a com
mander are abolished. But, regardless of handicaps, the quality of
a leader is the true cri terion of the soul of a unit. He is the one who
must inspire the individuals of the outfit and weld them into a whole
capable of withstanding all hardships and sacrifices so well illustrated
by Capt. Nathan Hale as he stood on the enemy's gallows on the
morning of 22 September 1776 and said: "I only regret that I have
but one life to lose for my country."
Role of Symbof;s in Developing, Morale
Intangible Symbols
Intangible symbols of the unit's past consist of customs and tradi
tions around which the outfit builds distinctive special observances
, Selected Speeches and State ments of Central of the A rnv' George C. i\,farshail, ed. H, A.
DevVeerd (\AJashington 1945 pp. i21-25.
'" William T. Sherman, Personal J\1emoin of Gen. "1/. T. Sh.erman (New York, 1875),
III, p. 387.
and practices. Such things can be of considerable morale value in
the Army. Examples of these are almost endless in number and
variety. Some of the most widely practiced are the celebration of
important unit anniversaries, minor distinctions of drill and com
mand, and distinctive greetings and replies. For example, an indi
vidual of the 13th Cavalry on receiving an order or instructions used
tc salute and reply before departing, "It shall be done." The 7th
Cavalry once included saddled but riderless Comanche, the lone sur
vivor of the Battle of the Little Big Horn, in its parades. In 1922
the 3d Infantry was granted permission to march on all ceremonial
occasions with fixed bayonets in honor of its gallant assault with the
b ayone t at the batt Ie of Cerro Gordo on 18 April 1847.
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, a naval hero beloved by the
Army, knew the value of symbolism and history. After building a
fleet on Lake Erie during the War of 1812, he named his flagship
for an earlier hero, Capt. James Lawrence, and put out a blue,
b:lnting Bag carrying Lawrence's last words, "Don't give up the
ship!" vVith a crew of soldiers and sailors he defeated the British
fleet and sent a laconic message to Maj. Gen. William H. Harrison,
"We have met the enemy and they are ours." Then after trans
porting Harrison's force across Lake Erie, he joined it ashore and
participated in a cavalry charge that clinched an important Ameri
can victory in the Battle of the Thames. 11 The Army has named a
camp in Ohio in memory of Perry. The Navy has named a ship
[or him and all entering midshipmen at the United States Naval
Academy are sworn in and take the oath of allegiance directly
beneath his flag, which is on permanent display in Memorial Hall.
Lt. Gen. vVinfield Scott was a colorful leader with ability to ex
press himself in words that have become the heritage of units that
'once served under his command. After the faU of Chapultepec, 13
September 1847, the 3d Infantry Regiment was put at the head of
the column making formal entrance into Mexico City. Mounted
with his staff, General Scott waited for the procession in the outskirts.
When the 3d Infantry came abreast, Scott, in a dramatic gesture,
swept off his hat and said to his staff, "Gentlemen, take off your hats
to the Old Guard." This nickname has persisted and is in use
today. On the same occasion he addressed the Regiment of Mounted
Rifles as follows, "Brave Rifles! Veterans ~ You have been bap
tised in fire and blood and come out steel." Since that time the
regiment has proudly called itself"Brave Rifles" and its unit insignia
is emblazoned with that name.
The 13th Infantry earned a special name as a result of the gal
lantry displayed by the 1st Battalion at Vicksburg on 19 May 1863.
11 Commodore Dudley W. Knox, A HIStory' of Ihe United States Na1!}' (New York,
J948), pp. 114-- J9.
In a fran tal assaul t the 13 th planted and maintained its colors on the
Confederate parapet for as long as the attack persisted. In doing
so it lost 43.3 percent of its men. On 12 August 1863, a board of
officers of the XV Corps authorized the regiment to inscribe "First
at Vicksburg" upon its colors.
The 19th Infantry has for its motto, "Rock of Chickamauga." It
earned this name while serving in the corps commanded by Maj.
Gen. George H. Thomas in the Battle of Chickamauga. Stationed
cn the left of General Thomas' line on 19 September, the regiment
bore the brunt of the fiercest assaults. The next day, when their
amlTIunition was exhausted, the men held their ground with bayo
nets. Seventy-five percent of the regiment were killed or wounded.
At the end of the battle a second lieutenant was in command. To
commemorate this incident, it later became the custom for the junior
second lieutenant of the 19th Infantry to command the regiment on
Organization Day, 20 September.
Another example originated with the proud remark of an un
known soldier during the Civil \I\lar. During that war certain corps
had adopted distinctive badges, a custom v v h i ~ h has continued in
the United States Army. But the XV Corps, commanded by Maj.
Gen. John A. Logan, had not done so. One of the men of the
corps, on being asked what his badge was, replied, "Forty rounds in
the cartridge-box, and twenty in the pocket!" On hearing the story
General Logan promptly adopted the cartridge-box and forty rounds
as the corps-badge. 1 '2
Unit marches and songs are very effective intangible symbols,
particularly \vhen they have been associated with an outfit for a
long time. Most of the older regiments have these songs or
marches. The 7th Cavalry's Garry Owen is an example of a song
that has contributed materially to the morale of that regiment for
many years. Perhaps the most famous of the branch songs is Lt.
Edmund L. Gruber's The Caisson Song. In a much more important
way, however, The Star Spangled Banner has played an outstanding
role in developing morale in the armed forces since it appeared
during the vVar of 1812.
Many traditions and customs of the service have developed
around the hallowed bugle calls that for years have clocked off the
soldiers' hours from Fl'rst Call for Revedle to Taps. Each call has a
history of its own and [req uendy an accompanying song-some
humorous, others sad. None is more interesting than Taps, the
most beautiful of them all. Conceived by Brig. Gen. Daniel Butter
field during the Peninsular Campaign of the Civil War, Taps soon
became the call to bed and finally took its place at the very end of
the last rites paid to deceased service personnel. Through the
'" Sherman. op. C1t.) I, p. 391.
years, since its inception, the nostalgic, sad rhythm of this call has
touched the hearts of all who have served their country.
Tangible Symbols
Colors and standards, campaign streamers, streamers for unit
awards or citations, organizational and personal flags, guidons, silver
bands, branch insignia, distinctive colors and buttons on uniforms,
distinctive items of uni'form, organizational shoulder patches, dis
tinctive unit insigni'a, and insignia and chevrons of rank have all
played an important role in the development of individual, unit,
branch, and Army-wide pride of service. Because of their connec
tion vvith the past these tangible symbols, so important in the devel
opment of morale and ejprit de corps in the Army, should always be
treated with special care and modified only when it is absolutely
necessary to do so.
Role of Unit History in Developing Morale
The color-bearing units are the military families within which the
broader soul of the Army is built. It is these families which the
division commander, without infringing upon subordinates, welds
into a composite team. These units are corporate entities having
a legal existence even though their actual personnel may vary from
war strength when on active service to zero when on an inactive
status. Therefore, every organization has its own history which is
d:stinct from all others. It may have a history extending back
before the founding of the Republic, a brief history, Of, in the case
of new units) no history at all. In any case, however, each unit
shares the history of the United States Army. Therefore, any com
mander can utilize history to teach pride in the unit)s or Army's
past accomplishments and to foster soldierly conduct, morale, and
love of country. Newer outfits) like younger brothers) should strive
to excel their seniors.
Military Memoirs and Biography and Leadership
Leadership being the very foundation upon which morale, esprit
de corps) and a successful military career must be built, it behooves
all officers to study it assiduously, for as Maj. Gen. Freytag-Loring
hoven in his book, The Power of Personality in War) has said, "There
is no profession in \,,,hich personality training is more important
than the military." The study can best be undertaken by gaining
an understanding of the general principles of leadership and then
by critically reading the memoirs and biographies of American mili
tary leaders with a view to determining the reasons for their suc
cesses and failures. The study of foreign military leaders is less
import ant because the political and military institutions and the
customs and traditions of other countries are different from those of
the United States. It should be understood, however, that the
qualities and methods of each individual are unique to himself and
are not entirely suited to any other. Nevertheless, an individual of
judgment can learn from others what to avoid and what to emulate,
and therefore can shape and develop his own qualities for the better.
Even though there is a paucity of good memoirs and biographies,
particularly in the lower echelons of command, this material is the
best available for an understanding of character, of the character
istics of men, of good and bad leadership, and of the influence of
eminent personalities upon events. Military works dealing with the
rank andfile) such as Bol ton's The Private Soldier Under Washlngton and
Wiley's Bil(v rank. should be read with the realization that bad sol
diers tend to leave many documents behind them, while good
soldiers ordinarily leave only the briefest sort of records or merely a
name. For this reason even "factual studies" of the fight
i::lg men are usually heavily loaded on the seamy side of life.
H study of leadership is to be profitable, the student must analyze,
evaluate, and judge the qualities of both fighting men and
with due regard to the circumstances and conditions under which
they worked. But as the British scholar, vVilkinson, has said) "This
judgment must never degenerate into mere negative criticism.
" 13 I t should enable the thoughtful individual to determine
and identify in others the desirable traits of soldiers and leaders in
both staff and command positions. This should enable a military
man to become a practical psychologist and should thus enable him
to avoid becoming a mere theorist. As Clausewitz has pointed out,
a commander "need not be a close observer of men, a sharp dissec
tor of human character, but he must know the character, the feel
ings, the habits, the peculiar faults and inclinations of those whom
he is to command." I]
To be of maximum value in teaching military leadership, histor
ical works must be factual and frank. Propagandistic or censored
history is dangerous and should not be used, for it can provide no
seund lessons or basis of professional training. It leads to false con
clusions and fosters one of the worst evils in professional military
tbnking-self-deception. Histories written during the lives of the
actors or too near their era are generally tinged with prejudice, col
ored by self-interested flattery, and influenced by the selective treat
ment of source material. Histories written too long after the time
of the participants are frequently fictional or sentimental. There
fore, history will never be entirely satisfactory for instruction in
leadership until it gives a cOlnplete picture of the participants-their
["Spencer Wilkinson, The Brain oJLhe Army (vVestwinSler, t89S), pp. 164-67.
14 Clausewitz, op. cit.) I, p. I 16.
merits, faults, temperaments, and ambitions, their Janus faces, their
abili ty to exercise self-control especially in adversity, and their
physical and Inental conditions.
Although the study of great captains is important to all military
men, the study of "followship," as exemplified by subordinate lead
ers and staff officers, is equally important and perhaps more so
because few can rise to the topmost position and even these must
pass through the various grades in both staff and command assign
ments. Gen. Malin Craig, former Chief of Staff of the U. S. Army,
emphasized this aspect of a military career in this advice to a
graduating class at the U. S. Military Academy:
No young officer can be unconscious of the impression he is making on
others. And yet he '.\'culd be 'Nrong to govern his condun solely by
the opinions of others. First of all he must to himself be true. For
tunately, by a happy paradox of human nature vve best serve ourselves
when we think only of serving others. An officer ... should make
it a cardinal principle of life that by no act of commission or omission
on his part will he permit his immediate superior to make a mistake.
Once an officer establishes such a professional reputation his future is
assured. His services will be eagerly sought and his assignment to
dLI ties of the highest importance is certain. 1 ~
A comprehensive knowledge of military history emphasizing both
leadership and followship will facilitate mutual respect and under
standing in the armed forces; the broad problems of the higher
cClnmanclers will be more readily comprehended by su bordinates,
and the complex human) material, and physical problems of the sol
dier and of the small-unit commanders better appreciated by
superiors. Such understanding will greatly facilitate good morale
in any organization.
Military History in Instruction and Training
Military history is the very foundation of our knowledge of tactics
and strategy. It is also the foundation on which the theoretical and
practical training of troops and the development of training direc
ti yes are based. It gives life to the bare bones of facts and regula
tions. An instructor who is not grounded in military history appro
priate to the level of his instruction is dry and pedantic and will
accomplish no great results. On the other hand, one who not only
knows the principles but who also can illustrate them with historical
examples, giving facts concerning troops, commanders, weapons,
supply, communications, terrain, and weather, can give life to his
1;, MS E- '298 (Blumentritt), pp. 7-9. Applin! Studies Br., OCMH. This sludy on
the writing of military history \ol'as wriuen in /9-1 G bv General c1er Infantel'ie Guenther
Blu roentrit!, formerly chief of qalT of the G Cl"l118 n Com III and er in Chief \Vest.
IG Gen. Malin Craig, CofS of the U. S. Army, Address, at the Graduation Exerci:;c:;,
U. S. Military Academy, 12 June 1937.
instruction and make it useful. This is just as true in troop training
as in fonnal instruction in military schools. Above all else, how
ever, military history gives an interesting and deep insight into the
Ininds aod hearts of military Ineo) into tactical and strategical
methods, procedures, and principles) and into the relations betvveen
war, politics, economy, philosophy, geography, and the mentality
of nations and races.
If military history is to be of greatest value in instruction and
traini0g it must be more than a logical, factual record or account of
events. After the facts have been synthesized into an effective
record there is a final step in the project-the analysis of the facts
and the formulation of conclusions based on that analysis. This
last step can be taken only by one who is both well grounded in
historiography and professionally qualified to deal with the military
organization and the operations recorded. In dealing with these
subjects at the higher levels the analyst must have a knowledge of
national policy, of the higher organization for war, of military
geography) of strategy and grand tactics, of logistics and techniques
of the combined arms, and of weapons. At the lower levels of mili
tary organizations and operations the analyst must have a knowl
edge of troop psychology, of weapons, of terrain, of weather and
climate, and of tactics, logistics, and techniques of the combined
Military History and Planning
According to Gen. Charles L. Bolte, former Vice Chief of Staff,
Department of the Army: "The past must be studied as the basis
[or, and a guide to, the study of the future. To make a sound pre
diction one must project the past into the future. If the past is
ignored . . . there is no firm foundation for sound forecasting,
sound planning, sound apportioning of the limited means ...
available or to become available." 18 lfthe limited means of man
power, industrial capacity, and resources are squandered) even in
advertently> the nation will suffer accordingly-perhaps disastrously.
General Bolte further points out) uA close examination and study
of the period immediately prior to and following the outbreak of a
war" will prove of great value to all those responsible for long-range
planning. It is in these periods that the effect of past policies and
plans or lack of plans becomes most evident, because errors quickly
and decisively influence the course of events. Such errors are par
ticularly serious because they can be overcome, if at all) only at
great expense and with the loss of precious time.
J; !'vIS B-298 (Blumenlritl), up. cit.
l ~ t\.1aj Cen Chades L. Bolte, "The Role of Land Forces in Future Wars," U. S. Hawl
Institute Proceedings, Vol. 75 (january 1949), p. 26.
History shows conclusively that weapons have a decisive influence
upon military operations. The development of weapons should
therefore be of particular concern to planners, for it takes years to
improve or make new weapons and to insure their proper integra
tion into an organization.
Mi litary History and Changes in Tactics
and Techniques
One of the most important lessons a military student can learn
from history is the necessity of quickly recognizing the changes in
tactics and technique which are indicated during the course of a war,
and especially during the meeting engagement. It is at these times
i-h"f- 5""", ... ",f- ""'''''''--V''''$ ;n ':Inrl f-prhn;nllPS "h",,,
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up most clearly and require immediate adjustment to conditions on
the battlefield. History teaches that commanders must react
quickly to the new conditions and at the same time transmit infor
mation to higher commanders concerning the circumstances and
occurrences on the battlefield which indicate a need for changes in
equipment, tactics, and techniques.
The study of the initial phases of military operations deserves spe
cial attention. These are periods that mark the introduction of
new weapons, new tactics, or inexperienced troops; that involve a
sudden shift in type of terrain, in defensive arrangements, in
weather, or in seasonal conditions. It is during these periods that
faulty organization, inadequate or impractical training, inefficient
weapons, failure of leadership and communications, inadequate
logistical support, faulty coordination of the various arms, unfore
seen effect of weather and terrain, rumors, and many other factors,
some almost intangible, create a state of confusion which should
challenge every military student. Knowledge gained through a
study of the initial phases of past operations will pay untold divi
dends to those who may be involved later in similar situations.
Learning from Experience and Experiences
of Others
A military student should not allow personal experience on the
battlefield to limit his point of view but should add to it the experi
ences of others.
!) Conclusions and principles based on a single
personal experience or an inadequate preparation in military his
tory are very dangerous. Ardant du Picq, a profound student of
combat, has expressed the matter in another way. In a question
naire submitted to contemporaries he said "\tVhoever has seen, turns
to a method based on his knowledge, his personal experience as a
19 Frledrich von Bernhardi, On. War of Toda)' (London, 1912), pp. 44-46.
soldier. But experience is long and life is short. The experiences
of each cannot therefore be completed except by those of others." 20
In short, a careful stud y of 0 bj ecti ve mili tary history wi th an 0 pen
lnind and with the determination of learning from the experiences
of others will be of great benefit to any military student.
The principles of strategy have been evolved from an analytical
study of many wars. They are, therefore) based on a great many
experiences of the past and are immutable. "Consequently," as
Gen. Douglas .NIacArthur has said, "the Army extends its analytical
interest to the dust-buried accounts of wars long past as well as to
those still reeking with the scent of battle'!::1 with the object of the
search dictating the field for its pursuit.
In the field of tactics and techniques, doctrine based on person;;ll
experience or 'the experience of others is apt to lead to error, for, as
General MacArthur has also said, (In every age these [tacticsJ are
decisively influenced by the characteristics of weapons currently
available and by the means at hand for maneuvering, supplying,
and controlJing combat forces." ~ . ~ Leadership, organization, com
munications, training, morale, terrain, weather and climatic condi
tions, and the enemy will also differ as well as many other things.
Peacetime tactical doctrine, therefore, can be determined only by a
process of reasoning, by studying experiences of others in the most
recent wars, and by experimentation. When doctrine has been
subjected to test in actual battle it should be quickly readjusted to
conform to reality and kept in step \IIo'ith conditions during the entire
course of operations.
Mi litary History and Learning from the Vanquished
Upon the conclus,ion of a war the victors decide how they should
organize and equip for the future. They base their conclusions on
their own experiences, which, no matter how great, are limited. It
might be said that the victors reorganize on the basis of considerable
self-esteem, attriburing their success to better organization, eq ui p
ment, training and leadership, while the vanquished reorganize on
the basis of considerable humility, analyzing events and determining
and eliminating weaknesses with the intention of defeating the recent
enemy. Mili taI'y progress is therefore slow among the victors
because conceit and complacency too often have the upper hand.
The vanquished, however, looking further ahead, buiid new organ
ization and new equipment. This lesson should be carefully
heeded by the United States: having won all the wars in which it
!ll Ardant du Picq, Battle Stud-us, trans. John N, Greely (Harrisburg, 1947), p_ 8.
21 Gen Douglas i'vlacArthur, Annual Report 0/ the Chief of Staff/or the Fls(I1L YIfUT ending
June 30, 1935, P 72.
,2 Ibid.
has engaged it is in a certain degree of danger because history re
veals that military victory has frequently contained the seeds of
weakness, deficiencies in coordination) training, discipline) and
leadership, inefficiencies in organization and logistical arrangements)
inadequacies of intelligence) and shortcomings of equipment and
The most convincing lessons can be learned from defeats. But
it is infinitely be tter to learn from the defeats of others. It is) there
fore, advantageous to study and analyze the records of the van
quished. The student of rnilitary history should give careful consid
eration to the writings of the leaders of defeated nations who have
been dlowed to express themselves unhampered by censorship.
much more r:<ln he learn("d from thf'm 1"han tl'om the
leaders of victorious nations who are apt to pass over the unfavor
able matters and leave the impression that few mistakes were made.
The veil of censorship usually continues in victorious nations where
the proprieties are at least insisted upon and military regulations
and discipline are at hand to enforce them.
Mi Jitary History in Preparation for the
Higher of Military Affairs
The American Revolution was but the prelude to the era of
peoples' wars, the wild and desperate struggles that have grown in
intensity and destructiveness down to the present time. As Marshal
Foch has said: . . . they [the peoples] were to set themsel ves the
goal) not a dynastic interest, not of the conquest or possession of a
province, but the defence or the propagation of philosophical ideas
in the first place, next of principles of independence, of unity, of im
material advantages of various kinds. Lastly they staked upon the
issue the interests and fortune of every individual private. Hence
the rising of passions, that is elements of force, hitherto in the main
In the United States, the direction of the armed forces is vested
in the civilian Chief of State or President and the policy matters in
the Congress. The Executive and the Congress are elected to office
and have not often been trained or soundly experienced in military
affairs. The President must of necessity coordinate the vast execu
tive agencies of the government in both peace and vval'. He must
understand the various agencies) the contributions they can make to
the national security, as well as their requirements. He must also
be capable of convincing the policy-ll1aking body or Congress of the
necessity for these requirements. At the same time he must be
capable of decentralizing the execution of tasks to subordinates.
Ferdinand Foch, [he PrinCiples of War, trans. HillaJ"e Belloc (New York, 1920), p. 30.
As General Maurice has pointed out) much of the difficulty in the
relations between statesman and soldier has arisen in the past be
cause of a misconception of what is meant by the conduct of war.
Too many military men have thought of it as the direction of the
armed forces in actual operations. Today> however, it implies the
direction of the entire p0wer and resources of the nation in pursuit
of national objectives and their coordination with those of allies.
This is certainly not the responsibility of the highest ranking mili
tary commanders even though they are intimately concerned in
them because of their bearing upon the preparation and organiza
tion of the nation for war. On the civilian side the statesmen are
generally even less prepared for their role in a national emergency
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long neglected the study of war. Those who have aspired to high
government positions have had to prepare themselves on their own
initiative and without satisfactory guidance.
The soundest preparation for an understanding of the delicate
relationship of statesman and soldier and of their mutual problems
in the conduct of military affairs in peace and war can be made by
studying history-particularly American history of the periods pre
ceding, during, and following national emergencies. Unfortunately>
future statesmen are rarely sure of their place in sufficient time to
make the necessary preparation. Personnel of the armed forces are
in Inuch better position to foresee their future roles in war than
those unknown ones who will someday be their superiors. They
should, therefore> conscientiously prepare themselves for the sup
porting roles of advisers to the paramount civilian authorities and
of instructors to the American people. Both roles will require great
moral courage if the public interests .are to be best served. An im
properly prepared individual or a base flatterer may rise to the posi
tion of chief adviser on the basis of personality and lead his superiors
and the country to ruin. The bloody pages of history are replete
with examples of this kind.
Today) every element of national strength-ideological, spiritual,
psychological) political, financial, economic, technological> and mili
tary-is involved in war and in the preparation for war. Even
worse, imperialistic communism has made conflict a continuing and
continuous activity among the people in every land in the \vorld.
The very name war has become too restrictive. Universal conflict
better describes the relations of man to man, of people to people,
and of state to state in the shrunken world of the 20th century.
Now) less than ever before, can responsible military leaders ignore
the broad fields of knowledge involved in this concept of universal
corifhct. Accordingly, military leaders who are responsible for advice
Frederick i\laurice, GoIJernmenls and vVar (London, 1926), pp. 118-28.
on strategy should be versed in the broader aspects of all of these
matters and should bring to their task a balanced judgment capable
of giving to each the correct value it deserves in solving problems
that arise in a rapidly changing world.
Above everything else, however, American miUtary leaders should
have a knowledge of their ovvn land and its people and of its mili
tary history. Without this fundamental knowledge decisions might
sooner or later transcend the practical and realistic. This could
result in a national catastrophe.
Military History in the Education of the American
After long and distinguished service, Lt. Gen. John M. Schofield
concluded that general military education is essential in a country
having a popular government. "No man [he wroteJ can be fully
qualified for the duties of statesman until he has made a thorough
study of the science of war in its broadest sense. . ..
he is liable to do almost infinite damage to his country."
Although this lesson was pointed out even earlier and the Morrill
Act of 1862 was designed to improve the situation, military educa
tion is still woefully neglected in American educational institutions
and the people give little consideration to the military qualifications
of those who seek their support for important positions in the
Thus it can be seen that military students can render an impor
tant service to the people of the United States and to government
officials by clarifying the causes and characteristics of war, the prin
ciples underlying the conduct of alliances, the coordination of
domestic, foreign, and military policy, and the conditions governing
the conduct of operations and the men who fight them.
As Burchardt has p6inted out, the history of our country should
be considered in parallel with that of other nations and in relation
to world history and its laws-a part of a greater whole. This
will require not only an understanding of the histories of existing
nations but of those, once powerful, but now gone forever.
The role of instructor to the people is, however, a difficult and
unprofitable one. Many of those who have attempted the role
have lacked objecti vi ty and, in thei r zeal, adopted propagandistic
techniques. Even the best have been accused of war mongering by
opponents who themselves were nurturing the seeds of war.
'.' John M. Schofield, Forlj)-Slx Years in Ihe Ar0}' (N ew Ycd" 1897), p. 5! 6.
1(j Jacob Burchardl, Force and Freedom (New York, 194-3), pp. 89-90.
The study of history is one which can be carried on without a
teacher and even without access to a large library. This is indeed
fortunate, for officers of the military services are of necessity widely
scattered and subiect lo frfnuent changes of statioQ. Besides, rw
-' ~ ~
profession can benefit more directly from the study of history than
the military, for as Marshal Foch has said, " ... no study is pos
sible on the battlefield; one does there simply what one can in order
to apply what one knows." J But study time available to an officer
is limited and becomes even more limited during periods of national
emergency and when increased rank means added responsi bility.
At a time when one emergency blends into another, it is, therefore,
more important than ever that an officer should avoid wasting un
recoverable time on historical material of questionable value. One
of the simplest ways to do this is to av6id books of doubtful value
and to have a planned reading program.
Military books, like others, vary in quality, each reflecting the
character of the author and the purpose he had in view. Some
writers may take a historical subject, but write a piece of fiction.
Unthinking readers praise the book as interesting, forgetting that
history is a science and not literature. Seme books are written to
decei ve. Some few, however> show an author with a judiciOlls tem
perament who spares no pains to search for evidence and, when
found, weighs it carefully and intelligently. These are the best
authors) who must be found by the historian and student of history,
if precious time is to be conserved and history is to be advanta
geously used by the Army.
A general idea of the scope and quality of a military history or
biography may be obtained by reading the book reviews pu blished
coincident with the release of the work by the publisher. Reviews
of this type, particularly those in newspapers, and, to a less extent,
in the commercial magazines, are not always careful or objective.
Reviews in such media are sometimes influenced by the author,
publisher, or editorial policy of the newspaper or magazine con
cerned. Many papers concoct their reviews from publishers' adver-
I Foth, op. nt.
tisements and notices. Reviews of historical works in learned jour
nals ?t.re infinitely preferrable to newspaper reviews, for such journals
generally use the services of recognized experts in their fields. But
the final judgment on the val ue of a military wor'k is the responsibil
ity of the student or who should develop a system of
examining such works. A system has been suggested by one of the
Army's eminent historians, Col. Oliver L. Spaulding.'2 Somewhat
modified it is as follows:
The first clue to the v.alue of a book is found on the title page.
The title page often gives an indication of the author's official or
professional standing, such as military rank or academic connections
and degrees
etc. It is also of value to know under whose auspices
the book was written. VVhen this information is not contained on
the title page, it is usually found in the preface. The author may
be a most distinguished person along certain lines, but it does not
follow that all books by authors who appear to lack professional
qualifications should be rejected. They may prove very useful
when properly evaluated. Sometimes the very best of books have
been written by men whose qualifications, as given on the title page,
do not appe'ar adequate.
A second clue to the value of a book is found in the preface.
This should be read carefully. It should tell why and how the book
was written and furnish an indication of the writer1s point of view.
It frequently tells from whom the author has had advice and assist
ance in the preparation of the book. It may give a review of the
material used and should tell whether the writer is presenting any
newly discovered evidence or a new point of view, if it is a new book
on a subject already thoroughly covered.
A third clue to the vaLle of the book is the bibliographical note
or bibliography and the nature and extent of the documentation.
The reader should determine whether the book is a mere reinter
pretation of events based on secondary sources, or an original con
tribution based upon new or heretofore unused sources. Even a
new presentation of old material, however, need not necessarily
damn the book. A great number of works have been produced on
a certain subject over a period of years. Sometimes there is a posi
tive need for a new and better presented book on the same subject.
A fOUlih clue which gives information concerning the specific
value of a book for a certain purpose is found in the table of con
tents, printed at the begir.ning of a book, and in the index, printed
at the rear. These parts of a work will furnish a clue as to whether
'J Lecture, Col Oli ver L. Spa uidi ng, "Books, How to Judge Them and How to Use
Them," before ,he Army I'Var College, 2 Oct 22. Reprintd by OCMl, DA. July
JI not the book covers the prescribed subjects desired. A military
history or biography which lacks a comprehensive index covering
the broad range of all military activities, although otherwise of high
value, may be of limited value, because it lacks the key which
would make its contents readily available.
A systematic lise of book reviews and of the four clues described
above will lead to the discard of many books and will direct the
student's attention to the particular parts of those he wishes to study.
The military knowledge which ?vIarshal Foch believed necessary
cannot be acquired entirely at the service schools and colleges.
1vluch of it must be obtained through the initiative and personal ef
fort of the officer himself and on his own time.
Any satisfactory program for self-improvement should be progres
sive and appropriate to the grade of the student. The works
included should provide the officer with professional background
appropriate to hi, LeveL rj" responsibility and eventually with an ever
broadening undel'standing of military art and science and of the
relationship of military policy to the foreign and economic policies
of the United States. Thus it is that the program should help
develop an officer corps possessing the wisdom essential to the suc
cessful performance of duties in the higher staff and command posi
tions. In the past this progressive aspect of historical study has
been neglected ,vith the result that officers have tended to prepare
themselves for the role of war lord) such as Alexander, Frederick
the Great) or Napoleon, or a great military leader such as Hannibal,
Scipio) Caesar, Marlborough, Washington, Grant, Lee, or Foch,
instead of preparing for their more probable assignments or fields of
responsibility and the ones next above. As a result, too many
American military men have neglected the basic aspects of their
professional preparation.
According to the best authorities man and his reactions to combat
have changed less than other elements in war. Regardless of im
provements in materiel man still reacts very much as he has always
reacted in battle. And he probably will always react in about the
same way. It is for this reason that the closest attention must be
given to the fighting man and to the basic problem of leadership.
These two subjects constitute the foundation upon which all other
knowledge of the military art and science should be based.
Accordingly, the study of these subjects should begin early in an of
ficer's career and continue, in ever-expanding fashion, throughout
his service.
The study of military history should also be solidly based on the
problems of the squad, platoon, company, battalion) combat team
or command, and division. Here, where results of decisions and
actions are Inost imInediate, wisdom and a knowledge of American
military operations glean.ed from the study of history can be used
most advantageously. Unfortunately, material dealing with these
problems is rather limited. Although some progress has been made
to fill the void much work remains to be done in the field of small
unit history.
Students of the past should also consider events in light of the
times and conditions under review. The geography, communica
tions, population, education and culture, military forces and arma
ment, resources, industry and manufactures, scientific development,
and political, religious, economic, medical, and sociological condi
tions of the period must be understood before events can be prop
erly evaluated and lessons derived therefrom. Quite obviously this
is a cii ffi cult task.
Finally, the military student should be familiar with the works of
the military philosophers because they have had a profound influ
ence upon military thinking and literature and, therefore, upon the
operational manuals or fiEld service regulations of nearly all nations.
The great military thinkers have not belonged to anyone race or
time. They have all been profound students of history and many
of them have also had personal experience in war. Sun Tzu in The
A rt of War, Vegeti us in The A:filitary Institutions of the Romans)
witz in On War) Jomini in The A rt of JiVar) Du Picq in BattLe Studies)
Von Schlieffen in Cannae) Mahan in Influence q! Sea Power on History)
Foch in Principles of War) Douhet in The Command if the Air) Fuller in
Foundation cif the Science of T;J1ar) DeGaulle in The A rmy if the Future,
Kingston-l'vlcCloughry in War in Three Dimensions) and others have
used history to distill strategical and tactical principles w'hich affect
the conduct of war. Other scholars such as Machiavelli in the
Prince and the Dl,scourses) Grotius in The Lan) of and Peace) DeVat
tel in The Law rif JVallons) Lea j n Valor of Ignorance) Fairgrieve in
Geography and vVorld Power, Mackinder in Democratic Ideals and Realiry)
and Simonds and Emeny in Great Powers and World Politics) have
treated some of the over-riding factors, such as political, economic,
and geographical, which concern the conduct of \-var.
A careful study of such works should enable the military student
who has mastered the basic subjects of his profession to comprehend the
lessons that are to be learned from. history. The wisdom acquired
by reading and studying the experiences of others should enable him
to recognize in any given situation the time and place for the appli
cation of principles to the solution of current problems and thus
avoid the misinterpretation or overemphasis of certain principles
which has proved so catastrophic to other nations in the past.
The progressive reading list which follows is adjusted to length of
service and therefore to grade and to the Army school system. Any
military student can use the list to advantage even if he is never ad
mitted to the higher military colleges. But no military student can
acquire the maximum benefit from the Army schools and colleges
without systematic historical study because military history is the
foundation upon which instruction in leadership and in strategical,
tactical, and logistical matters is based.
Few individuals will be able to study all the books listed. Each
should, however, exarrline the books and select the ODes that have
special appeal. Other "",orks should also be added according to the
tastes, interests, and assignment of the individual because the list
does not include all that a military student should study. Each arm
and service and each special assignment will require additional read
ing and study. Besides there are broader fields of culture and
science with which forward-looking officers must keep abreast. In
this connection it is well to consider the words of l\Ilahan and the
admonition given by him in a less hectic period of our history:
... master and keep track of the great current events in history
contemporary with yourself, appreciate their meaning. Your own
profession, on its military side, calls of course for your first and closest
attention; but you all will have time enough to read military history,
appreciating its teachings, and you can also keep abreast of interna
tional relations to such an extent that when you reach positions of
prime responsibility, your glance-your coup d)oel) to repeat the French
idiom-will quickly take in the whole picture of your country's inter
ests in every emergency, whether that be pressing or remote ... aim
to be yourselves statesmen as well as seamen....3
In reality, the books included here are but the basic works wi th
which all well-informed American officers should be familiar. If
the books are not available in post, camp, or station libraries, they
probably can be secured on an inter-library loan from one of the
larger libraries generally found at the service schools or colleges or
from the Army Library, Pentagon, vVashington 25, D. C.
Finally, as a word of caution, it is well to consider the views of
Genel'al Schofield. He has observed that study or scholarship alone
cannot fully qualify a man for a responsible role in war, either "as
cOlnmanders in the field, for which no amount of theoretical educa
tion alone can qualify a man, .. , or as military advisers." 4 For
such important assignments nothing can take the place of practical
> Alfred T. Mahan, }lavoL Strateg)' (Boston, 1919), pp. 20-21.
I Schofield, op. cit., p. 5 ! 6,
A Progressive Course of Study I n American
Military History
Historical Reading in First Five Years' Service
The Constitution of the United States of America and
The Declaration of Independence
Amaican ivJihtary History: /607-1953 , ,
ROTCM 145-20
History of the United States Navy _, , _, , . ,
Decisille Battlcs of the [!Ill-ted States _ ... _ Fuller
The American Republic , _. , . _ Beard
Roots oj Strategy __ .. . _. _.. __ Phillips
War Through the Ages . , _ Montross
The Foundation oj the Science qf J11ar . _ _ ... Fuller
Armament and HistoTJ! , _, , .. , , .. , , .. Fuller
The N1ilitary StaJl. .. __ .. __ , . _. __ . __ . , . _ Hittle
The I-Iistory qf Sea Power. . - - , , ' . , . Stevens and vVest
The Fighting Man \,
Battle Studies _ , . , . DuPicq
The Private Soldier Under Washington. _ . Bolton
The Life ofJohnn"v Reb - '.' . , . , . Wiley
The Life oJBilly Yank , , , . Vliley
A Rifleman Went to JiVar __ . ", , McBride
Men Against Fire , , _ . Marshall
The ,Medal qfHonor afthe United States Army . Department of
the Anny
Psychology jOr the A rmed Services. , _ ,
LeadershljJ? F1\1 22-10 .. , __ . Department of
the Army
Preparation for Leadershlp in A maica . .. _ Robinett (ed.)
Autobiography __ . __ , , . . . . . - Franklin
Montcalm and Wolfe _ _ . Parkmann
i The of includes a number of basic works writte.n by foreign authors.
These WOl' ks a.rc incl udcd beca use of the important i nfl ucnec they have had or should
have upon American militar'y thinking.
/) In studying secondary dea.ling with the fighting men, the student
should realize that bad soldiers gf;nerally leave many personal records behind them
while good iers 1ea ve few. Most \V riters 'IN ho tried to show the: fighting m en as they
ac tually were have u nconsci ousl y overe m p zed the ani vi ties of the bad soldiers by
drawing heavily upon reports of investigations and records of courts-martial.
, A student of military leadership pressed for time may find it advantageous to refer
to short biogra phi cal sketches fOll nd in the Dictional).' 0/ A mcn'wn Biograph).'.
Historical Reading in IFirst F'ive Years' Service-Contrinued
Leodersh ip- Con tin ued
GeneraL von Steuhen , Palmer
Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of fht'
United States , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee
Light-Horse Harry Lee , . ,. Boyd
Anthony Wayne vViides
"Fz'rst with the /vlost Forrest , . . . . Henry
GLor] Hunter: A Life of GeneraL Custer. . . . . . . . . . .. Van De vVater
War rears with ]eb Sluart, , , .. Blacklord
Ranger NJosby Jones
Fz'x Bayonets! , Thomason
C o m f J ~ n J ! Commander , . MacDonald
Appeal to Arms-A Mihtary HI'story if the American
Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wallace
lndl'an Fz'ghting Arnry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Downey
The Defence ofDuffer's Drift (Fiction). . . . . . . . . .. Swinton
lrifantry !!y Battle Infantry School > , ,
SmaLl Unit Actions in Korea . . , , Gugeler
Small Unit Actions during the German Campa(gn in
Russia. , , DA Pamphlet 20-269
Three BattLes: A rnav/tle, A Ltu<.,<:o and Schmidt .
Combat Support in Korea .
Historical Reading-Five to Ten Years' Service
The Art of War . Sun Tzu
Cannae : . Von Schlieffen
On War , , . Clausewitz
The PrincipLes ~ f T/Var . Foch
Machz'ne vVaifare . , , , Fuller
The Arm)! ofthe Future . DeGaulle
Power qfPersonaliL] in War Freytag-Loring
Life of1I10)or Genera! Nathanael Greene Greene
Tarnished liVarrior, Major GeneraL James vVilkinson. 'Jacobs
Oliver Hazard Perry Dutton
Captain Sam Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Le\vis
Slonewa!! Jackson and the Civil !iVar. . . . . . . . . .. .. Henderson
Lee's Lieutenants-A Study in Command. . . . . . . . .. Freeman
Personal lvtnnnirs of Gen. W. T Sherman Sherman
Sherman-Fighting Prophet , . . . . . . . . . . . . Lewis
Jeb Stuart , , Thomason
Historical Reading-Five to Ten Years' Service-Continued
Leadersh ip- Continued
The Life ofMajor General George H. Thomas, , , Van Horne
Personallvfemoirs ofP. H. Shen'dan , , . Sheridan
Sheridan the Inevitable O'Connor
Commanding an American Army Liggett
Our Jungle Road to Tokyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eichelberger
War as I Knew It ' , Patton
General TiVainwright's Story . . , . , , Wainwright
Our Strugglefor the Fourteenth Colml)J-Canada and the
American Revolution Tustin H. Smith
The Influence ifSea Power Upon History. , .. , . . . .. ~ M a h a n
The f;jlar of1812 .. , , De WeeI'd (ed.)
Sea Power in its Relations to the War of /812 ' Mahan
The War with ivlex/co , , . Justin H. Smith
American Campaigns ' Steele
Lessons ofthe Tl1ar with Spm'n. , , .. Mahan
America in the China ReliefExpedition , Daggett
Evolution qf Tactical Ideas in France and Germany Dur
ing the War of 1914-18 Lucas
The Second World War 1939-45 , Fuller
Approach to the Philippines . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Smith'
Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier) 22 July /942-1 .lvIal'
/944 Morison
GuadalcanaL: The First Offensive Miller
Historicol Reading-Ten to Fifteen Years' Servi ce
Sea Power in the !I4achine Age , . , , . . . . . . .. Brodie
Toward a New Polic)! eif Sea Power: American Naval
Policy and the World Scelle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sprout
Democratic Ideals and Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mackinder
The Geograph,.Y ofPeace , , Spy Kman
The Great Powers in World Politics , , .. ' . ' .. , Simonds and
P1enlJ' of People . . , . Thompson
The }/orth Atlantic Triangle . Brebner
The Naval Genius o/George Washington, . , . Knox
TiVinfield Scott) the Sol.dier and the klan . Elliott
Robert E. Lee , .. , . Freernan
Robert E. Lee) the Soldier. ' .. , ' . ' , , . , .. Maur:ce
Grant and Lee, A Study in Person aiit), and Generalship Fuller
Lee, Grant) and Sherman) A Study In Leadership . ... Burne
IHistoriccd' Readi'ng- len to Fi,fteen Years'
LeadershiP Con tin ued
Adm/'raL Farragut , Mahan
A Soldier>s Story , . , , Bradley
AdmiraL Halsey's Story , , Halsey
GeneraL Kenney Reports , . Kenney
Hlstory of the Clvil War) 1861-65 , Rhodes
Lessons ofAllied Co-oj)eratlon: JVaval, Mih'tary and Air
1914-1918 , ., i\1aurice
Operations in JVorthwest Africa) J942-43 , Hovve
Europe: Torch to Pointblank. , , .. Craven and Cate
Opl'Y(J!iQ'f1S il? North AfriC!1!? lIVaters O::toh&r !942-Jum
1943 , , , , Morison
JVaval Lessons oltke Great f-ar , , Kittredge
Okinawa: The Last Battle , . _Appleman, Burns,
Gugeler, and
Historical Reading-Fifteen to Twenty-five Years' Service
The Peloponnesian War .. - - " Thucydidcs
The Prince and the Discourses - -. Machiavelli
The Rise of Rall-Power in vVar and Conquest) /833
1.914. - - - - _- _ - Pratt
Force and Freedom: Reflections on History. , , Burchardt
The Impact oj War, , . . .. . - Herring
Valor , , , , , Lea
vVar in Three Dimensions " Kingston-
Governments and /iVar , _. , , Maurice
The Crowd) A Study ofthe PopuLar l11ind. . . . . . .. - Le Bon
A DipLomatic History, of the United Stales , , ... , Bemis
American Democracy and Military Power _ Smith
The Prcj'idenl) Office and Powers _ , , .. _. - Corwin
The Presidents and Civil Disorder, , , , . , , Rich
American Industry lTi War , , .. , , , Baruch
Proj)ugandaJor vVar) the Campaign Against Americ(lil
Ncutrahly) J914-1917 .. _., , .. _. Peterson
Spreading the Germs ofHate. _.. , _Viereck
How We Advertised A maica , _.. , , ,. Creel
America\ !l1unitiolls) 1917-1918 _ _ __ Crowell
.A1obili<.ation PLanning and the National Seeuri{y, ,. . Elliott
The Strange Alliance . . , .. _ , _. . .. Deane
The Purse and the Sword) /933-1950. , _. . . . . . . . .. Huzar

r p'nrl-f

1'1'1 "p l/li"nhnn fin,.-
( V1J _ , "-..-'l..V\..'l.
c:: ... ... tir;"s
u , _ ,
.''1 rsenal of , , Nelson
Historical Reading-Fifteen t,o Twenty-five Years' Service-Conti,nued
Genera 1-Con Iin ued
SClentzsts Against Time
The Supreme Command
$tilweLts Jvlission to China
Romanus and
Strategic PLannin/!,for Coalition vVmfare , , Snell and f../latloff
DA Pam 20-212, History oj /IIJilitary AIobiLizatlon 111
_the United States ATmy, /775- /945 . .... , ... ,
DA Pam 20-211, The PersonneL Replacement System
in the United States Army , _. . . .
DA Pam 20-210, History ifPersonnel Demobilization
in the United States Ami)'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
George vVashington. . _ ,
Washington, Commander-in-Clll:ej. . ,
John C. Calhoun ,
James K. Polk , ,
Lincoln Finds a General. . . . . . . . . . .
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant
, _.
, . .
.Forty-Six rears in the Army , _
flloodrow [IVdson and the vVodd T;JIar. . . . . . _. ____. .
}/ewton D. Baker, America at War . . _ .
The Nation at War, __ . _ , ,
N{v Experiences in the World vVar , . , .. ,
vVashington, LincoLn, vVilson: Three War Statesmen
Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History .
On Active Service in Peace and TlIar
1 [IVas Th.ere . . , _. , . , , _
Fleet Admiral King: A Naoal Record. , .. , .. _. _
.. , , ,
Crusade in Europe. , , . ,
Chie/ifStaff Prewar Plans and Preparations
The H'ashinglon Command Post . . , .
The Battle ifthe Atlantic, September /939-lvfa)J 1943 ..
Cross-Channel Attack , __ _. _ - ..
Break Out and Pursuit. __ ,
The Lorraine CamjJaign , ,
Europe: ARGUivfENT to V E Day
Persian Corridor and A id to Russza
Great lvfistakes ofthe Wor ,
, .
Kreidberg and
Stimson and
King and Muir
Craven and Cate
This chapter explains the sources from which informaion -bearing
upon American military operations or activities may be obtained.
Anyone who aspires to write serious American military history must
be familiar with the sources and must become expert in using them.
'C' oreo"'r"'tl'nn shnll1rl hp h.=fr.rp llnrlpr-l--:>lr;r\n- ,.,,...,,,
.'" J. (1_ -_ .. -- ..... -- --- -- '-.. ... -- ---- ... ....., ....................... ......... .L .... A.A.l5 (,.A.t-l.. J
wrltlng. There is a tendency for inexperienced students to attempt
this preparation incidental to research but this is a bad mistake and
should be avoided.
The following works may serve as aids to a military h:.storian:
Allen, F. Sturges. Allen)s Synonyms and Antonyms. Edited by
T. H. Vail Motter. New York, 1938..
Aston, Sir George (ed.). A Study if War. London) 1927.
Channing, Edward, Albert Bushnel Hart, Frederick J. Turner.
Guide to the Study and Writing of Amen'can Hz'story) Boston,
1912. .
Flynn, Fred M. The Writing ifHistory) an Introduction to Histon'
caL ,Method. New Haven, 1920.
Fortescue, J. W. Afilitary History. Cambridge, 1914.
Fowler, H. W. Dictionary of Modern English Usage. London,
Hart, B. H. Liddell. Why Don't We Learnfrom History? Lon
don, 1944.
Hockett, Homer Carey. Introduction to Research in American His
tory. 2d ed.; New York) 1949.
Johnson, Allen. The Historian and Historical Evidence. New
York, 1926.
Langer, William L. An Encyclopedia of World His/ory. Boston,
Langlois, Charles V. and Charles Seignobos. Introduction to the
Study ifHistory. Translated by G. Berry. New York) 1912.
Oman, Charles. On the Writing if History. London, 1914.
Parker, Donald D. Local History. New York, 194,4.
Perrin, G. Porter. liVriter)s Guide and Index to Enghsh. New
York, 1944.
Scott, A. P. and J. L. Cate. Syllabus and Problems for History 201)
Introduction l'n Historical kIethod and Historiography. Chicago,
United States Army-Memo v\1345-21-43, 3 Aug 43, "Mili
tary History of the Second World vVar." SR 320-5-1)
Aug 50, "Dictionary of United States Army Terms."
United States Government Printing Office Style Iv1anual. Washi n g ~
ton, 1953. [See also Appendix A.]
Webster)s New International Dictionary. 2d rev. ed.; Springfield,
1954. [According to the GPO Style Manual "\Vebster's
New International Dictionary ... has been the accepted
authority for Government printing for more than 85 years
... [and GPO] will continue to follow Webster's
Personnel Having Knowledge of Mil itary Events
Most history is written from documents long after the conclusion
of the events recorded.. But the historian frequently has direct ac
cess to eyewitnesses or participants in military events and, whenever
possible) he should avail himself of their knowledge. This enables
a historian to gain a better understanding of events, check state
ments in the records, to determine the varying points of view in case
of disputes) and to improve the vividness and precision of his narra
tive. He does this by conducting interviews or by submitting ques
tionnaires to those who appear to have the information needed. In
either case the historian can obtain the best results only by making
a thorough preparation in advance.
After studying all available written materials, the historian should
know if there are any gaps in the story. He can then make a plan
for the interview or interrogation of individuals who may have the
information needed to complete his project. The historian must
know as precisely as possible what kind of information he needs and
must have a solid grasp of the problem or of the events under study.
If the events are still in progress, the success of the project will de
pend greatly upon the thoroughness and promptness of the prepara
tion and of the interview. If a questionnaire is to be used some
time after the conclusion of events under study, the preparation can
be much more deliberate.
The knowledge, personality, and skill of the historian will deter
mine to a considerable degree his success in an interview. By
guarding against generalizations, prejudice, lack of objectivity) bias,
secondhand evidence, and other pitfalls, the historian may arrive at
a true account of events. For the most favorable results, he should
combine the best traits and capabilities of historian, trial lawyer, and
The historian should record the results of an interview as soon as
possible after it is completed. If possible) the person interviewed
should have an opportunity to correct the record.
Libraries and Archives: How to Use Them
libraries: General Information
Researchers and Libraries
Upon initial contact with a library a researcher should make his
identity and purpose known to the authorities concerned. At the
same ti me he shaul d inquire a bout the rules and regulati ons of the
institution-and be ready to abide by them. Librarians can attest
to the need for this caution.
N ext) he should familiarize himself with the operational methods
of each establishment visited. In view of the fact that library pro
cedures vary from place to place) such preliminary preparation may
save much time. Some of the more important variations are sum
marized below in "Library Procedures."
Finally) the researcher should early ascertain the extent of the
resources and facilities available in the library in which he plans to
work. Some libraries issue a brochure) sometimes only a typewritten
sheet, to inform readers on the general scope and arrangement .of
their collections.
Libraries and Research Work
Webster describes a library as: " ... a building devoted to a col
lection of books) manuscripts) etc.) kept for use but not for sale ...
an institution for the custody) circulation) or administration of such
a collection.... J)
Despite a multiplicity of designations) there are but three types of
Ii braries: general Ii braries, covering practicatl y the entire range of
human knowledge and suitable for either serious work or for enter
tainment; research libraries, dedicated to one or more, usually closely
correlated) fields of investigation; and special libraries, which are
generally established for the benefit of particular groups.
Regardless of title or type, the value of any library to the re
searcher rests solely upon the nature and importance of its holdings
and on the degree of accessibility to the information which they
contain. To students of military history, libraries are primarily
depositories of historical source and reference materials.
Obviously) researchers cannot always have access to a major
library, such as the Library of Congress, where the facilities and re
sources are so great that it is internationally famous. This is no
longer as important as it once was because the small institutions may
contain unique materials, and modern developments, such as inter
library loans and 'the microfilming of books or documents, have
increased the usefulness of "local" libraries.
Reference to publications like the Special Libraries DiredoryJ issued
by the Special Libraries Association in 1935, or to the American Libral))
Directory-1951) published by the R. R. Bowker Co. of New York, will
provide detailed information concerning American and Canadian
Library Procedures
The Library Shelf
The tern1S "open and closed shelf" are frequently used by librar
ians and rnerit some explanation. From the researcher's standpoint,
for example, it makes a great deal of difference whether or not he is
granted "shelf pri vileges."
To librarians "shelving" means: the placing of books on library
shelves in proper order. In other words, the library shelf is the
"heart" of the institution, because it represents actual resources,
properly arranged in suitable equipment and duly recorded. Con
sequently, [rom a technical point of view a "shelf lise' is a record of
books, arranged in the order in which they stand on the shelves.
In line with this same terminology, "open shelves
' are those
library shelves to which readers have direct access for the examina
tion of books, while, conversely, "closed shelves" are those which are
not available to the public or which, as in a university or in a private
library, are open to a limited group only. It should be noted that
the terms "shelf" and "stack" are synonymous expressions.
" Stack privileges" indicates that the holder thereof, u3uall y iden
tified by means of a "stack card," has been granted permission to
examine books on certain shelves or stacks that are, therefore, "open"
to him and that may be "closed" to others. This is a very valuable
privilege, because it enables the researcher to make a rapid survey
of materials on library shelves without going through the normal
ttme-consuming routine.
Library Catalogues
According to the American Library Association's Glossary of Library
Terms (Chicago, 1943), a library catalogue is: "A list of books, maps,
etc., arranged according to some definite plan As distinguished
from a bibliography it is a list which records, describes, and indexes
the resources of a collection, a library, or a group of libraries.... J)
Such a list may be in card form, with each entry on a separate card,
or it may be in book form, wherein entries follow each other in some
sort of sequence. More specifically, as well as normzJly, a card
catalogue is one in which entries on separate cards are arranged in
a definite order in library card trays or drawers. .
Most of the American libraries now employ such card catalogues.
Many of them have also adopted the so-called "dictionary catalogue"
system wherein card entries (whether by author, title, or subject) and
related references are arranged together under a single alphabet.
Various schemes are used in connection with library catalogui!1g
processes to insure that materials described in the catalogues, whether
in card or book form, can be readily identified or located-a
procedure known as classification.
Classification Systems
There are many types of classification, but only book classification
need be considered in this pamphlet. Briefly, classification is a
scheme for arranging books and other material according to subject
and form. Its purpose is to facilitate the use of reading materials;
its function is to g-roup similar thine-s toe-ether.
. v
. Comparative Outline for Main (Subject) CLasses or Schedules
Pewey Decimal
(18 '16)
000 General
100 Philosophy
200 Religion
300 Sociology
400 Philology
500 Pure Science
600 Useful Arts
700 Fine Arts
800 Literature
900 History,
(1891 )
A References, Gen
eral Works
B-D Philosophy,
E-G Historical Sci
ences, Biogra
phy, History,
H-K Social, Political
L Physical Science
M-P Natural Sciences
Q-V Useful Arts
W Fine Arts
X Philology
Y Literature
Z Bibliography, Li
brary Sciences
Library of Congress
General Works
History, Auxil
iary Sciences
Social, Political
Fine Arts
Military Science
Naval Science
Bibliography, Li
brary Science
Before entering upon his work in any library, a researcher should
familiarize himself with the classification system in use. This will
permit him to compare the book title with the assigned classification
number on the catalogue card and to assure himself at a glance that
title and subject are not at variance and that the book in question is
Or is not pertinent to his study. Of far more importance perhaps,
. 11 h h h L
especlauy wuere tl e researc er uas
b I
een granteo
" , .., "
stacK pnvueges;
such knowledge also enables him to locate books on the library
shelves with minimum loss of time. Some libraries publish classifi
cation charts or post copies of such charts in conspicuous places for
the guidance of readers. A classification chart is a synopsis of the
classification scheme adopted by the library concerned, and is de
signed to assist researchers and others in finding the books they desire.
Library procedures may vary from one library to another and
sometimes even within the departments of the same library. For
example, in Washington the Library of Congress adheres to the clas
sification scheme that bears its name; on the other hand, the Public
Library uses both the Dewey Decimal and the Cutter Expansive
systems. Book classification schemes most in use in this country are
outlined above.
Dewey Decimal Classification
First published by Melvil Dewey in 1876 and enlarged many times
since, this system is used by many libraries in the United States, as
well as abroad. It was the first American classification to achieve
international recognition; furthermore, since 1930 Dewey decimal
notations have been printed on many of the. Library of Congress
catalogue cards.
The principles of this system are summarized in a series of tables
which form part of the basic manual.
The scheme divides all
human knowledge into 10 main classes, represented by arabic nu
merals, and expressed by three-digit figures, as 000) 100, 200, and
so forth; the "zero" (000) class being reserved for general publica
tions such as periodicals and dictionaries) which cannot be definitely
assigned to anyone of the other nine classes. Each of these main
classes in turn is divided into 10 subclasses, with further decimal
subdivisions within each subclass as needed. Additional subdivisions
can be provided by using a decimal point and placing supplemen
tary numbers to the right of the decimal point. For example:
A main class - 900 HISTORY
910 Geography and travels
Subclasses - 1920 Biography
970 North America
973 United States
973.1 discovery -1607
973.9 20th century 1901
973.91 early 20th century 1901
vVorld War I and II, 1917-1921;
Melvii Dewey, Decimal Classification and Retatiz;e Index (14th ed., rev. and en!.; Lake
Placid, N. Y.) 1942).
Successive revisions of the original scheme have resulted in the
incorporation of numerous refinements, such as the assignment of
specific blocks of numbers to philological and to geographical sub
jects. Moreover, although initially designed for classification by sub
ject matter, a special table of "form" numbers, common to all
classes and to many divisions, has been provided to facilitate further
breakdown by written form. The use of these numbers, called
"fOrnl disti ncrions," is ill u strated belO\v:
.1 Philosophies, theories, "etc.
.2 Compends, outlines
.3 Dictionaries, cycl opedias
.4 Essays, lectures, letters, etc.
l; ... ....---., ...... ,....,...,...,:?"'r:--,.,
....... v" tJ..la5Cl.L.1.11\"",k:>,. Lt.... .
.6 Societies, associations, transactions, reports, etc.
.7 Education, study, teaching, etc.
.8 Polygraphy, collections, etc.
.9 History
Two examples are as follows:
A Inain class - 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES
- {
Military science
Military schools
(Note: When subject number does not
end in 0, a zero is prefixed to the form
A main class 600 USEFUL ARTS
- (
Dictionary of engineering terms
The numerical notations of the decimal classification are sometimes
combined with letter symbols, a modification most frequently en
countered in the field of literature, ,,,,herein alphabetical c.rrangement
of books by author has become common library practice.
War Deportment (Deportment of the Army) Decimal System
This system, an adaptation of the Dewey decimal to
military subjects, uses a mixed notation of letters and arabic numerals.
It is fully described in T;j1ar Department Decimal File System, a publica
tion of The Adjutant General's Office which is compiled from data
furnished by various vVar Department agencies. First issued in
1914, it was reprinted in June 1915 and in July 1917, and an
abridgment appeared in September 1917 in connection with World
War 1. This was followed by a complete and revised edition in May
1918. The last revised edi tion was released in 1943.
This system is important to military students since it is the pre
scribed method of classification for all Army correspondence and a
knowledge of its subject headings and synlbol designations will facil
itate identification o( and requests [or, military records. However,
this system extends back only to 1914 and before that date many
War Department agencies had evolved individual classification
To cover subjects that arise subsequent to the release of the most
recent War Department Decimal File System) the Office of The Adjutant
General compiles a supplement for its own use and for possible
inclusion in future editions of the manual.
Universal Decima' Classification (Classification Decimafe U n i v e r ~
This system, mentioned here because it is widely used by major
European libraries, is an expansion of the Dewey decimal classifica
tion. It was evolved by a group of international bibliographers, who
first met in 1895 in Brussels, and is known as the "Brussels Classifi
cation. "
Under the guidance of the International Institute of Documenta
tion, this classification system has been revised several times. The
first edition, in French, appeared 1899-1905; a second French edi
tion, in fouf volumes, was published 1927-1933; a German edition
was begun in 1934; and a so-called fourth edition, in English, was
issued in 1936.
Cutter (Expansive) Classification
This system, evolved by Charles A. Cutter, began to appear in
pri ntin 1891. It comprises seven
separate, progressi vel y mare de
tailed, classification schedules; the seventh and last having been
completed, insofar as possible, after the author's death, and pub
lished in 1904. Each of these schedules is intended to serve libraries
of a given capacity, the complexity of the classification scheme in
creasing with the size of the library. This evolutionary feature gives
the system its present designation: Expansive Classification.
Basically, it arranges all books into 26 classes, each of which is
again di vided into 26 parts, with further subdivision into still smaller
groups; hence it is capable of almost unlimited expansion. Main
classes are represented by large capitals, and subdivisions are repre
sented by small capitals that are added to the letter which indicates
main classes. These primary alphabetical notations have been sup
plemented by two tables of special numerical symbols; the first for
form divisions, and the second, known as the "local list') (printed
separ:ately) for arrangement of materials according to geographical
rdation. Indexes are provided to facilitate the use of the system.
There is one index for the first six classifications and a separate index
for each of the completed parts of the seventh, or most detailed,
cl assificati on.
The author of the Expansive Classification also devised two alpha
betical order schemes which are extensively used by American
libraries. These schemes, called "author-.tables," consist of series of
decimal numbers which are systematically combined with the initial
letter or letters of surnames or words. One scheme uses two figures,
the other three, and they are known as Cutter "Two-Figure" and
"Three-Figure" tables, respectively. The "Cutter-Sanborn Three
Figure Table," a modern alteration of the Cutter "Two-Figure"
author-table, is also in wide use.
Library of Congress Classification
This system, which dates from 1899, was developed by the Library
of Congress to meet its own special requirements and while it includes
features of several earlier schemes it follows the Cutter Classification
most closely.
Because of its complexity, this system can best be understood by
studying the official OutLine of the Library qf Congress Classifi catl'on
issued by the Subject Catalogue Division. This edition was pub
lished in \t\! ashington in 1942 and reprinted in 1947. Subjects are
broken down in 21 main classes, represented by letters of the alpha
bet. The letters, I) 0) W) X) and Y) which have not yet been used,
are available for possible future classes. Subdivisions of the main
classes are indicated by designated series of arabic numerals, arranged
consecutively within each group which can be further expanded by
the addition of decimal notations; intentional gaps are provided
within such sequences of numbers to permit insertion of new entries.
In addition to the Outline mentioned above, Library of Congress
schedules have been issued in pamphlet form, each main class being
printe.d separately.
To illustrate the minute breakdown of subjects which is charac
teristic of this system of classification, extracts of the Outline pertain
ing to American military history are listed below:
C History-Auxiliary Sciences
CB History of Civilization (General)
Special countries in DA-DU, E, F
D History and Topography (except America)
501-725 European \t\!ar (World VVar I)
731-838 Second World vVar (World War II)
E America (General) and United States (General)
11-143 America (General)
31- 45 North America (General)
51- 99 Indians of North America
101-135 Discovery of America
151-810 United States
151-185 General history and description
185 Negroes in the United States
1 8 6 ~ 199 Colonial Period
201-298 Revolution
351-364 War of 1812
401-415 War with Mexico
441-453 Slavery
458-655 Civil V\Tar
482-489 Confederate States
714-735 War with Spain
European war (1914-1918). See D 501-680
World War (1939-). See D 731-
F United States (Local) and America except the United States
Military Science
U Military science (General)
UA Armies. Organization and distribution
DB Administration
UC Maintenance and transportation
UD Infantry
DE Cavalry
UF Artillery
UC Military engineering
UB Other services
201-655 Medical and sanitary service
Naval Science
V Naval science (General)
VA Navies. Organization and distribution
VB Naval administration
VC Naval maintenance
VD Naval sealnen
VE Marines
VF Naval ordnance
VC Other services of navies
101~ 4 75 Medical and sanitary service
Library of Congress catalogue cards are used by a large number
of other libraries, American and foreign. Following is a reproduc
tion of a sample card.
MacDonald, Charles Brown, 1922
Three battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt, by
Charles B. MacDonald and Sidney T. ]\1:athews.
ton, Office of the Chief of History, Dept. of the
Army, 1952.
xXiii, 443 P. mus. (part coL) maps (part col.) (United States
Army in World War II: Special studies)
Part of illnstrative matter inserted at end.
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Arnaville, Battle of, 1944. 2. Altuzzo, Battle of, 1944. 3. SchmIdt.
Battle of, 1944. I. Mathews, Sidney T. n. Title. (Series: U. S.
Dept. of the Army. Office of Military History. United States Army
1n World War n)
D769.A533 vol. 8 pt. 1 940.542 52-61926
Library of Congress [25J
Archival Collections
Researchers and Archives
Before attempting to use archival records the researcher should
familiarize himself with some of the peculiari ties inherent in that type
of material.
Manuscript records, as distinct from published volumes, require
considerable preliminary study, as well as special handling, because
under normal conditions collections of manuscripts ca.n be cata
logued only in general form; in fact, it is rarely possible to obtain for
groups of manuscri pts the precise su bject classification one finds for
Great care should be exercised in using archival material, since in
most cases the records are unique and if mutilated or lost may be
irreplaceable. In view of the fact that records are usually not per
manently bound, close attention should be paid to their original
order and arrangement when used. Any disturbance in their origi
nal arrangement will invalidate the finding aids and result in great
loss of research time. Like the "stack privilege" in the library, the
privilege of using archival records is a valuable one. It should not
be abused.
Ordinarily records are stored in an archive as they were in the
original depository. Hence to use them it is necessary normally to
" One of the best works on the general subject is Hilary Jenkinson and F. \tV. Mait
Land, A Manual of Archi&ol Administration (Landon, 1937).
employ the same indexes and finding media as were used by the per
sonnel \vho originally serviced them. This rule is not true of small
collections of personal papers but, except for these groups and for
occasional collections of great historical import:?! nce, archival and
manuscript collections will not be indexed independently by the
archival agency.
Obviously) to search records as they were searched by the agency
that created them requires that the researcher be reasonably famil
iar with the organization of the agency 'whose records he is using.
Thus, he will be able to determine where he should find records
about a particular subject by knowing what subordinate di vision
did that particular work; moreover, he should also be familiar with
the recordkeeping methods used at various times by various agencies
The collections of original records and documents arc vast and
are located in a number of different depositories. They form the
actual substance of a majority of all primary sourCL material.
Many unofficial documents bearing upon the military are to be found
in the Library of Congress. In general, official military records are
located in three principal agencies of custody, depending on the
date span of the materials; The National Archives for the period
1776-1939; The Adjutant General's three records c e n t e r ~ from 1940
to 1945; and partly in The Adjutant GeneraPs records centers and
partly in the originating offices from 1946 to the present.:3 These
cut-off dates are only a broad guide, and there are numerous excep
tions with respect to a number of Army branches and agencies.
Officials in The Adjutant GeneraPs Office should be consulted for
specific information as to any given collection or category of docu
ments. The following paragraphs are ani y a general guide to the
major depositories and their contents, with representative examples
of the more important collections.
Manuscript Division of Library of Congress
The Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress c'Jntains the
private papers of most of the Presidents of the United States and of
many important military figures. The Library has issued guides to
its manuscript holdings, but these are out of date. It would be ad
visable for a prospective researcher to request information concern
ing material on any particular subject.
National Archives
Permanently valuable governmental records no longer needed by
a Federal agency in the transaction of business are generally filed in
the National Archives. Some of the records there d a t ~ from the
late 18th century; others are of very recent date.
----.... _-
3 For further detail see AR 345-224.
The National Archives has issued a Gude) the latest edition of
which appeared in 1948. In the Guide are listed the various record
groups. For each record group there is given a very short admin
istrati ve history of the governmental agency or part of an agency
that created the records in the group. For example, the Federal
Trade Comn1ission would be considered a record group while in a
large department, such as the Department of the Army, The Adju
tant General's Office ,,,,auld be considered a separate record group.
Following the administrative history of the record group there is a
brief description of the records and of their cubic footage.
In additIon there are prepared Preliminary which in the
main follow the pattern of the Guide but discuss at greater length
the contents of the holdings in a particular record group-their be
ginning and terminal dates, cubic footage, and method of arrange
ment. If there is an index available to the records, it is noted.
National Archives Preliminary Inventorz"es available in 1955 include-
Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the:
Chemical Warfare Service
Council of National Defense
Office of the Paymaster General
Civilian Conservation Corps
Adjutant General's Office
Selective Service System, 7
United States War Ballot Commission
Select Committee of the House of Representatives on Post
\Var Military Policy, 1944-46
Military Affairs Committee of the House of Representa
Relating to an Investigation of the War Depart
ment, 1934-36.
The Guide may be purchased from the Government Printing
Office and the Preliminary lnventorz"es are available upon request at
the National Archives.
Military Libraries
There are a number of official Army libraries devoted almost ex
clusively to military works. For Army personnel these libraries
constitute the most readily accessible deposi tories of source material
dealing with military problems. Army libraries also have exchange
pri vileges that Inake it possible to gain access to the holdings of other
libraries. The more important military libraries are: Department
of the Army, Pentagon, Washington 25, D. C.; National \Nar Col
lege, Fort Lesley J. l\1cNair, D. C.; Army War College, Carlisle
Barracks, Pa.; Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk II, Va.; Com
mand and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kans.;
United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.; and the
libraries of the various service schools.
State, Local, and Special Colfedions
Many depositories throughout the United States have collections
rich in military materials. Among the more significant are: Amer
ican Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.; Boston Athenaeum,
Boston, Mass.; vVilliam L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Mich.;
Archives of Nlaryland, Baltimore, Md.; Virginia Historical Society,
Richmond, Va.; Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Ga.; Massa
chusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass.; New York Historical
Society, New York, N. Y.; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Phila
delphia, Pa.; Wisconsin State Historical Society) Madison, Wis.;
Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.; Chicago His
torical Society, Chicago, Ill.; Illinois State Historical Li brary,
Springfield, Ill.; Hoover Library, Stanford University, Stanford,
Calif.; Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N. Y.; University
Libraries of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, University of
Texas, Duke University, of North Carolina; and the de
partments of archives and history of the various states. Guides are
available for many of these collections. For additional information,
consult _Historical Societies in the U. S. and Canada: A Handbook) ed. C.
C. Crittenden and Doris Godard (Washington, 1944).
American Military Organization and Records
Ma;or Changes in the Military Records System
Effective research in American military history requires some
knowledge of military records and the manner in which they were
indexed and filed during the past. . A brief description of some of
the various systems that have been used follows:
The "Book Period 1800-1889. During this period incoming cor
respondence was registered and outgoing letters were copied in large
record books. Orders) descriptive rolls, musters, marches, changes
of station, as well as other importan t information, were also copied
therein. These books were supplemented by a "document file,"
consisting of the originals of letters received, orders, reports, and
related papers.
The {{Record Card Period;> 1890-1917. During this period informa
tion formerly entered in record books was copied on large cards.
The {{Decimal Classijication Period" /917 to the p1esent. Since 1917,
incoming papers and copies of outgoing correspondence have been
arranged in one file and classified by subject according to the \Var
Department (Department of the Army) decimal classification
Types of Historical Records
Regimental Records. These records are divided into two basic
groups. The first group consists of muster rolls, which were
periodic listings for pay purposes. Hence, they usually give little
information beyond names, dates of enlistment and of last payment,
together with a notation of important facts such as wounds, deaths,
illnesses, desertions, discharges, and so forth.
The second group of regimental records, descriptive rolls, were in
certain' cases the original muster-in rolls; these furnish much more
information, including age, place of birth, marital status, civilian
occupation, personal description, and sometimes a brief individual
service history. During the book period descriptive rolls were
copied into the regin'lental books and maintained as continuing
Other important regimental rolls include morning reports and
strength returns, proceedings of general and special courts-martial,
inspection reports, operational records such as field orders and jour
nals, and combat reports.
Post Records. These records consist of strength returns, orders
which are sometimes filed with the strength returns, and records of
events (otherwise filed with strength returns).
Brigade) Division) Corps) and Army Records. These are generally of
the same type as the regimental records but they usually become
progressively more elaborate in the higher echelons of command.
MiLztary Territorial Command Records. Since 1813, the United
States has been divided into geographical areas for purposes of mili
tary command. The resulting territorial subdivisions, as well as
their designations, have been changed from time to time. For
changes in boundaries, composition, and commanders of geograph
ical areas previous to 1880, see Raphael P. Thian, Military Geography
of the United States) 1813-1880.
American Military Records and Collections
Records in Notional Archives
These records vary so much in character and have emanated
from so many different sources, some of which also underwent
changes, that it is impossible to cover them all in this text. The re
searcher should consult the National Archives Guide for more
detailed information. The date span of these records is generally
1814-1939. It should' be noted that many of the records, particu
larly those on discipline, morale, quality of leadership at lower
echelons, character of soldiers, judicial procedure, and the nature of
military justice, have never been exploited.
Collections in the Records of The Adjutant General's Office
The Adjutant General's Office, Department of the Army, is the
principal custodian of current original records and documents.
The major collections are maintained and administered by the De
partmental Records Branch, and are located at the Federal Records
Center, Alexandria, Va.
In general, the date span of the records in this depository covers
the period 1939 through 1945. Original records and documents
which have not been retired to the Departmental Records Branch
are maintained in the office, agency, or headquarters of origin.
There are many individual exceptions to the cut-off dates of various
collections, and the officials of the Departmental Records Branch
shOuld be consulted for exact information. This branch m2.. intain.s
custody of all headquarters records of all branches, agencies, and
compo::1ent organizations of the War Department and the Army.
These records are organized and arranged in various collections,
including classified and unclassified material. Among the out
standing collections are the following groups:
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War.
Records of the divisions of the General Staff, of which the War
Plans Division and Operations Division collection are of
particular importance.
Records of the Office of the Chief of Staff.
Records of the Arms, Services, and Branches.
Combat records of World War II, including combat operations
reports, journals, periodic reports, after action reports, and
other records, from army group to regiments and separate
Combined British-American records, World War II, which in
clude the records of Allied Force Headquarters, Africa and
Mediterranean Theater of Operations (AFHQ); Supreme
Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces, European
Theater of Operations (SHAEF); General Headquarters,
Southwest Pacific (GHQ SWPA); and Southeast Asia
Command (SEAC), in either original form or in microfilm.
Records of the major commands under the War Department
reorganization of 1942, including those of the Army
Ground Forces and Army Service Forces.
War Crimes records, including those pertaining to the Nurem
burg and Tokyo trials.
Collection of captured German documents) including a wide
variety of materials) mostly in the original, some of which
have been translated.
The records of th e Army Air Forces have been transferred to the
custody of the U. S. Air Force.
The Departmental Records Branch, Adjutant General's Office,
maintains a variety of catalogues, inventories, and indexes to the
various collections. Descriptive lists, inventories, and guides are
constantly being prepared by that office.
Of special interest is the Historical Program File which comprises
a large quantity of basic research materials relating largely to the
technical services for use in the preparation of monographic studies.
Most of the studies themselves are in the collections of the Office of
the Chief of Military History.
In addition to records contained in agencies of The Adjutant
General's office, others are maintained by Army agencies in the
Washington area. Three of these are as follows:
Engineer records, comprising special categories of materials, in
the custody of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, are
located at Gravelly Point, Va., and some at Fort Belvoir,
Va. These su pplement the engineer records in the cus
tody of The Adjutant General's Office.
Records of The Surgeon General's Office which include special
categories of materials maintained in the custody of the
Office of The Surgeon General. There are also valuable
historical materials in the Army Medical Library.
Records of the Office of the Selective Service System which in
clude all the central records relating to the draft in World
War II, ~ a i n t a i n e d in the custody of the Director of the
Selective Service System.
Military Collections Outside Washington, D. C.
Records Centers of The Adjutant General. In addition to the collec
tions maintained in The Adjutant General's Office, Washington and
Alexandria, major depositories of important Army records and
documents are located in the Records Centers at St. Louis, 1vIo.,
and Kansas City, Mo. The Army Records Center in St. Louis con
tains large collections relating to individual personnel matters,
demobilized personnel records, financial accounts, and all Army
contract records. The date span varies. Some demobilized per
sonnel records cover the period from 1913 to date. The Records
Center in Kansas City maintains custody of table of organization
unit records for all overseas commands and some of the interior
commacds, including those of \Vorld Wa-: II; and headquarters
records ::>f all zone of the interior commands, including posts, corps
areas, service commands, and their subordinate organizations and
Information concerning The Adjutant General's depositories may
be obtained by addressing correspondence as follows:
Commanding Officer, Army Records Center, TAGO,
9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis 14, Mo.
Commanding Officer, Kansas City Records Center,
601 Hardesty Avenue, Kansas City 24, Mo.
United States Nhltary Academy> West Point> N. r. The Academy
records include post orders, and superintendents' and adjutants' let
t e ~ bocks.
the Military Academy career of any of the graduates can be re
created. The personal records of graduates starting with the class
of 1918 have been transferred to t he Kansas Ci ty Records Center.
The records of the Academy also include some personal papers
and memorabilia of distinguished graduates and government offi
cials. With few exceptions these materials are related to the history
of the ivIilitary Academy and of the Army.
Additional Collections. In addition to the above major depositories
outside Washington there are numerous others of lesser a ~ d special
ized importance. A few examples are the ordnance records located
at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Md.; the records
located at the Engineer Historical Section, Baltimore, Md.; and the
Signal Corps Photograph and Film Collection, located at Long
Island, N. Y. The Historical Records Section, Departmental
Records Branch) Adjutant General's Office, should be consulted for
complete coverage of these special collections, their contents) and
Published Documentary Materials
Reports of Agencies of the Military Establishment
These incl ude the A nnual Reports of the Secretar.)! of /iVar (after 1947
Annual Reports C!f the Secretary of Army) which contain the annual re
ports of the Chief of Staff and sections providing statistical reports
on the strength, composition, organization, and distribution qf the
Army. These reports are brief, but are highly valuable as a guide
to problems, policy, major events and developments, and changes
within the lVIilitary Establishment that can be further explored in
detail in the original records and documents. Of a like nature are
reports of the Secretaries of Defense, Navy, and Air Force. The
Annual Reports of the Militia Bureau (after 1933 A nnual Reports of the
JVal,'onal Guard Bureau) are a primary source for the organization,
strength, distribution) problems, policies, and administration of the
Naticnal Guard. Of equal value are the annual reports of various
chiefs of branches, such as those of the Chief of Engineers, The Sur
geon General) and the Chief of Coast Artillery. Some of these,
such as the reports of The Surgeon General, were issued in printed
form. Others were mimeographed for limited distribution.
General and Special Statutes Relating to the Army
Noteworthy examples include the National Defense Act of 1916,
whose provisions formed the basis of the organization and structure
of the Army at the end of World War I, and the National Defense
Act of 1920 and its subsequent amendments, which provided the
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organization to the present time. The edition ofJanuary 1945 in
cludes all amendments to that date, together with all cognate acts
and the sources of all provisions in effect. This composite statute
is an indispensable source for the basic organization and structure of
the Army. Examples of collected legislation pertaining to this
period are Laws ReLating to Natl'onal Defense Enacted by the 76th Con
gress) compo E. Lewis (Washington, 1941)) and Laws Relating to
JVatlonaL Difense Enacted by the 77th Congress) compo E. Lewis (Wash
ington, 1943). Other specific military legislation maybe found in
United States Statutes at Large for the years covered by this period.
Congressional Documents
Documents relating to Congressional proceedings on miiitary
affairs provide a valuable source of historical material. Debates in
the Senate and House on military questions are printed in the
gressionaL Record. Of special importance are the published Hearings
before the Committees on Military Affairs and (subsequent to Jan
uary 1947) the Armed Services Committees of both houses of Con
gress. The Hearings before the Committee on Appropriations which
record proceedings on the Army appropriation bills each year are
of particular value. Numerous special committees of Congress have
investigated incidents, affairs, or events of a military nature. The
hearings before these committees constitute important source ma
terial for the historian. An example of this type is the Hearings
before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor
Army Regulations
Army Regulations, together with their revisions and changes, pro
vide indispensable source material for tracing the history of Army
organization, administration, and operations.
War Department Circulars, Blj/letins
These supplement the various regulations and provide equally
valuable material on the organization, administration, and oper
ations of the Army. For example, \Nar Department Circular 59,
1942, contains the specific provisions of the War Department reor
ganization of that year.
War Department Genera{ and Special Orders
These orders also contain much material relating to the admin
istration and operations of the Army. In addition they provide
important biographical data, since some general and most special
orders relate to individuals.
Training Literature, Regulations, and Manuals
These are indispensable for tracing the history and development
of training principles, doctrine, and techniques.
Miscellaneous Documents
In addition to the major categories mentioned above, numerous
miscellaneous types of official documents provide a further body of
source material for the historian. Such documents include staff
regulations, bulletins, Executive orders, technical manuals, technical
bulletins, tables of organization and equipment, tables of allowances,
pu blished reports of board proceedings, and various other papers.
Unpublished Documentary Materials
In addition to the several categories of official documents listed
above there is a steadily increasing number of works relating to
vVorld War II. Much of this unpubl.ished material is in the cus
tody of various agencies of the Military Establishment. In general
it includes unpublished studies, monogr aphs, reports, and other
papers in the several higher schools of the Army, as well as similar
materials in the collections of the a fRce of the Chief of Military
The National War College Studies and Monographs
Many individual studies and committee reports on politico-mili
tary subjects have been prepared by students representing princi
pally the Army, Navy, Air Force, and State Departments. In
addition there are on file lectures by visiting experts of our political,
military, economic, and psycho-social aspects of our national and
international policies. This material cannot be considered as por
traying the official attitude of the Government or the Departments
concerned, since one of the prime purposes of the college curriculum
is to encourage breadth of thought and consideration of problems
by tee students.
Army Industria' College (Industrial Coflege of the Armed Forces)
Studies and Monographs
From its establishment in 1924 to its suspension in December
1941, studies, monographs, reports, and lectures of the Army Indus
trial College were, with few exceptions, prepared in manuscript
form. These documents, lodged in the Library of the College, are
available for study. After the reopening of the College in 1943,
policy with reference to rnatr:'rials \''las revised. Under the Dei'\!'
policy all major materials are pu blished in regular series by category
and chronologically. They are deposited in the library of the In
dustrial College of the Armed Forces. Basic series of publications
maintained by the College include-Research and Miscellaneous
RepoTts (Code "R"); Lectures (Code "L>J); Seminars (Code "3");
and Student Reports (Code "SR").
Army War College Studies and Monographs
Studies, monographs, analyses, anq reports on a wide variety of
subjects relating to strategy, to high organizational, administrative,
and staff and to other topics of importance and interest,
have been prepared by groups of student officers and by members
of the Army vVar College faculty and staff. They are especially
valuable for the bibliographical leads they contain. The college
maintains an excellent index and catalogue of subjects.
Command and General Staff College (School) Studies
Many studies, monographs, reports, and such papers, relating to
tactical, logistical, staff, and administrative subjects on the division,
corps, and army levels, have been prepared by student officers in
the college. There are also special studies by faculty members.
The college maintains an excellent index of subjects. A periodic
list of subjects is published.
Service Schools Studies and Monographs
The schools of the arms and services have important holdings of
historical material in the form of indi vidual monographs or studies
and reports prepared by students and members of the
staff and faculty. These holdings at each of the schools pertain
largely to the arm or service concerned.
Guides to Library Materials
Guides to Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities.
Nos. 1 through 16. Compiled for the Association of Re
search Libraries. New York 1933-.
Guides to Reference Works
Ireland, Norma O. - An Index to Indexes: a Subject Bibliography to
Published Indexes. Boston, 1942.
Mudge, Isadore G. Guide to Reference Books. 6th ed.; Chicago
Shores, Louis. Basic Reference Books: An Introduction to the Evalu
ation) Study and Use of Reference Materials. Chicago, 1939.
Guides to Magazines
Gregory, Winifred (ed.). Unz'on List of Serials I'n the United States
and Canada. 2d ed.; New York, 1943. This union list
catalogue shows where copies of over 70,000 different
magazines of all periods may be found in United States
and Canadian libraries. It is indispensable to one work
ing with older magazines. It does not index the articles
in the magazines.
A1agazine Subject Index, 1907-. Boston) 1908-. This magazine
index is intended as a supplement to Poole)s Index and the
Reader)s Guide.' It speci alizes in historical articles, particu
larly those on local history.
Poole)s Index to Periodical Literature) 1802-1881. Rev. ed.; Boston,
1891. 2 vo1s. and 5 vo1s. of supplements to include 1906.
About 590,000 articles from 470 American and English
periodicals .are listed. Nonl1ctional material, inel uding re
views of books, is indexed by subject only. For a fuller
description of this and other periodical indexes and guides,
see Mudge) op. cit. In order to locate a magazine referred
to in the index use the Union List mentioned above.
Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin (PAIS). New York,
1914-. (weekly)
ReaderJs Guide to Periodical Literature) 1900-. New York, 1905-.
This is a modern cumulative magazine index, kept up to
date monthly. Articles are listed under author) title, and
subject when necessary. In addition) the Wilson Co. pub
lishes other magazine indexes of a more specialized nature.
Wilson) H. W. Co. International Index to Periodicals. New York,
Guides to Newspapers
Because of the immense number of items to be covered, news
paper indexes are quite rare. The Historical Records Survey,
Works Progress prepared topical indexes for a num
ber of nevvspapers. Some work of a similar nature has been done
by other agencies. A list of the newspapers so covered is given in
H. O. Brayer, "Preliminary Guide to Indexed Newspapers in the
United States," reprinted from the Mississippi' Valley J--hstoricaL Review)
September 1946 (Vol. 33, No.2).
Brigham, Clarence S; "Bibliography of American Newspapers,
1690-l820," in the American Antiql.1 arian Society Proceed
ings (Vols. 23-37) with some volumes omitted). This gives
Qlrprrh"'Q "fn"""'<''n'ln,c.,.C' +-he
... .......... _... ...................... _& .......... .... L ......... 'V ............ &L'--' -'Vv 1...... <A.t-"'\.....-A..;) YLlU1.1 &.J.VU .11.1 \..J.1. pCIIVU,
with frequency and dates and a checklist of copies to be
found in various libraries in the United States. For other
checklists of early newspapers see Mudge, op. cit.
Gregory, Winifred. American Newspapers) 1821-1936. New
York, 1937. This is a new union list of newspaper hold
ings of nearly 5)00 depositories including private collec
tions. It attempts to cover all United States newspapers
published in the period. The Library of Congress has
also published checklists of 18th century American news
papers and of foreign newspapers among its holdings.
JVew York Times Index) 1913-. New York, 1913-. This is
a carefully made index to items appearing in the Times.
It includes cross reference and brief synopses of many
Slauson, A. B. (comp.). Check Lz'st of American JVewspapers in
the Library of Congress. Washington, 1901. It lists news
papers by states and towns and gives a historical sketch of
each with its frequency and dates of publication.
Guides to Archives' and Manuscript Collections
National Archives Guide to the Records in the NationaL Archives.
'i\Tas hington, 1948. This guide is indis pensabl e to t he re
searcher in Aluerican military history. The National
Archives has also prepared a series of inventories of the
Army records it holds.
Library of Congress
Fitzpatrick, John C. Handbook of /VIanuscripts in the Library if
Congress. vVashington, 1918. The collections are listed
alphabetically by principal name or subject, with an index
for every name and many subjects. The collection is also
generally broken down into small groups of papers with
the dates and topics of each.
Garriscn, Curtiss W. List lvlanuscript Collections in the Library
of Congress to July 1931. Washington, 1932. It includes
material in the Handbook plus additions received to July
1931 but in less detail. Arrangement of collections is by
Powell, C. Percy. List /vlanllscnjJl Colfeetions in the Library of
Congress July 1931 to 1938. Washington, 1939. It con
tains additions since the Garrison List with much the same
arrangement. Detailed finding media to all its collections
exist in the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress,
where the documents listed in the above three references
are housed.
Manuscript Collections
Griffin, Grace G. (comp.). A Guide to ManuscrzjJts ReLating to
./1 merican !-fistory in British Depositories, Reproducedfor the Divi
sion oj Librar)! of Congress. Washington, 1946.
The Carnegie Institution has issued a series of other guides
to manuscript collections in the United States and foreign
countries that contain material bearing on American
Historical Records Survey, '\J\lorks Progress Administration.
Guide to Depositories of M anuscripl Collections in the United
States. VVashington, 1938; arranged by stateo It lists the
princi pal historical manuscript depositories in 18 states
with their holdings. It also lists guides to these holdings
where available. The survey has not been completed.
Only California, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massa
chusetts) Michigan) Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin are
Library of Congress. Checklist of Collections oj Personal Papers in
HIStorical SoCeties) University and Public Libraries, and Other
Learned InstiluU'ons in the United States. '\J\T ashington, 1918.
This is the first important attempt to list the collections of
"personal papers" in the Uni ted St a tes. Pri nc ipal names
or subjects are listed alphabetically with a detailed re
arrangement by periods which is in effect an index.
Library of Congress. jyfanuscripts in Public and Private Collections
in the United States. Washington, 1924. An enlargement
of the above Checkhst; arranged by states with a detailed
Commercially published guides to specific collections are available
in increasing number and excellence and may be secured from
depositories concerned.
Guides to Published Government Documents
General Documents
Boyd, Anna M. U. S. Government Publications as Sources if Infor
mationfor Libraries. 3d ed.; New York, 1941.
Clark, Edith E. Guide to the Use of United States Government
Documents. Boston, 1918.
Schmeckebier, L. F. Government Publications and Their Use.
\Nashington, 1936.
vVye-r) James I., Jr. United Statrs CO,,;Ci'TiiTiii'it Federal,
State, and Cit.;,. Rev. ed.; Chicago, 1933. This guide is
designed to assist in the use of government publications.
Federal Documents
Ames, John G. Comprehensive Index to the Publications of the
United States Government) 1881-1893. Washington, 1905.
This index bridges the gap between Poore's Catalogue and
the Document Catalogue.
National Archives. Federal Records of World TJ/1ar II. \t\Tashing
ton, 1950. 2 vols. "These two volumes, entitled Federal
Records of World War II; are intended to serve as a guide to
materials that will be useful for research, particularly in
the planning and administration of national defense activi
ties. They are by no means to be thought of as providing
a complete description of the records."
Poore, Benjamin P. Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Pub
lieatl'ons oj the United States, September 5) 1774-March 4, 1881.
vVashington, 1885. The catalogue is arranged chronologi
cally with a general but insufficiently detailed index. The
full title, author, date and location of each document is
given, with a brief summary of its contents.
U. S. Superintendent of Documents. Catalogue oj the Public
Documents of Congress and (if" all Departments of the Gouernment
of the United States. vVashington, 1893-. This is the per
manent and complete catalogue of government publica
tions for the modern period, comprehensively indexed. It
is usually called Document Catalogue.
State and Local Documenfs
Bowker, Richard R. State Publications. New York, 1899-1909.
4 vols. I t is not up to date bu t helpful in locating state
documents published prior to 1909.
Thorpe, Francis N. Federal and State Constitutions) Colonial
Charters and Other Organic Laws of the States) Terrztories
Colonies , . " Washington, 1909. 7 'loIs. This is a
comprehensive collection of basic legislation governing
state military forces.
U, S, Library of Congress, lvlonth6! Check-List of State Publica
tions. Washington, 1910-. This is a current bibliog
raphy of official state documents maintained since 1909.
Arranged by states and indexed broadly by subject.
For additional document catalogues and checklists, including
those of ':oreign governments, consult Mudge, op. cit.
Guides to Maps
American Geographical Society. Books and J\1aps. New York,
British War Office. Catalog of Nlaps. Published by the Direc
torate of Military Survey.
Claussen, Martin P., and Herman R, Ftiis. Descriptive Cata
logue of Nfaps Pubhshed by Congress. Washington, 1941.
Hammond, C. S. & Co. iviaps by Hammond. New York,
Harrison, Richard E. Look at the World. The Fortune Atlas
for World Strategy. New York, 1944.
LeG-ear, Clara E. U. S. Atlases) a List cif National) State) Coun!:y)
C l ' ~ y ) and Regional Atlases in the Library! of Congress. Wash
ington, 1950.
Nat:.onal Archives: The Cartographic Branch of the N ationa}
Archives administers some 850,000 different maps, ranging
from 1787 to the present, that have been selected for pres
ervation because of their permanent evidential or informa
tional value. The maps relate primarily to the United
States) dealing with its geography> exploration, history,
settlement, economic development, and administration, but
there are also included maps of other parts of the world
that have been involved in the country's foreign relations
in war and peace.
National Geographic Society. A List of lvlaps Produced by the
flational Geographic Society. Washington, curren t.
Paullin, Charles 0., and John K. Wright. Atlas of IlistoricaL
Geo,graphy of t.he United Stales. New York, 1932.
Phillips, Philip L. Lz'st of lV1aps in America l'n the Librar:J! of Con
gress. Washington, 1901.
--- Geographical A tlases in the Library of Congress. Wash
ington, 1909-20. 4 voIs.
Rand McNally & Co. Catalogs of Atlases and NlajJs. Chicago,
Thiele, Walter. Official Nlap Publications. Chicago) 1938.
U. S. Department of Agriculture. AeriaL Photography Status
Maps. Washington, Revised 1 January 1949.
U. S. Air Forces. CataLog of AeronauhcaL Charts and Related Pub
lications. 8th ed.; Washington.
U. S. Army Map Service. GeneraL Map Catalog. Washington,
current; Indexes for Selected Map Coverage. Washington,
1941-43; and Index to Topographic QuadrangLes. vVashington.
U. S. Department of Commerce. Catalog ifNautical Charts and
Related Publical10ns
Coast and Geodetic Survey. Washington.
U. S. Department of the Interior. CataLog ~ f Publications of Gen
LogicaL Survey. Includes maps. Washington, current.
U. S. Lake Survey. Catalog of Charts. Detroit.
Winterbotham, Harold S.]. L. A Key to /l;laps. 2d ed.; Lon
don and Glasgow) 1939.
Wright, John K.) and Elizabeth T. Platt. Aids to Geographical
Research. New York, 1947.
Historical Atlases
Hammond, C. S. March rif Civihzation. New York) 1950.
Muir, Ramsey. I-listorical AtLas. New York, 1927.
--- Philips New School Atlas of Universal Hzstory. London,
Shephert, William R. HistoricaL Atlas. New York, 1929.
--- Historical Atlas. (Rev. ed.) Pikesville) Md., 1955.
Military Museums and Collections: How to Use
Military history written from documents alone often tends to lack
both accuracy and color. A knowledge of how things looked) how
they operated, what they weighed, and so forth is essential to the
complete story. Oftentimes such knmvledge can be acquired only
by a czcreful and critical examination of pictures, photographs, and
artifacts. Such items, other than those of current interest, are nor
mally bund only in historical museums. Thus it is important that
a military writer know something about these institutions in the
United States.
Broadly) American military museums fall into three groups: those
maintained by the military services; those maintained by civil
agencies of the Federal Government; and) finally, museums operated
by private agencies or by states, municipalities, etc. In all three
types existing collections vary from excellent to poor, with most in
the latter category. Therefore the researcher should not put too
much dependence upon data included on labels. Even the artifacts
and pictures should be examined every bit as critically as docu
ments and published sources.
A listing of historical museums as of 1944 can be found in Historz'
cal Societies in the United States and Canada: A Handbook) published by
the American Association for State and Local History.
Museums Maintained by the Armed Forces
The Army)s most important museum is located at the United
States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. Although many of
its o b j e c ~ s relate solely to the Academy) the Museum does include a
large amount of material ill ustrating the history of the Army at
large. The Ordnance Corps maintains an excellent collection of
older shoulder weapons at Springfield Armory, Springfield, Mass.,
and an equally important collection of modern weapons at Aber
deen Proving Grounds, Md. Several smaller Army museums de
serve mention: the collection at Rock Island) Ill.; the Yatton
Museum at Fort Knox, Ky.; and the Artillery School Museum at
Fort Sill, Okla.
The Navy's principal collection of historic objects is at the United
States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. The Truxtun-Decatur
Naval Museum) located in Washington, D. C., contains a small but
periodi(;ally changing exhi bit. This museum is maintained by the
Naval Historical Foundation, an unofficial society, but some assist
ance is derived from the Navy. The Marine Corps has a small col
lection of objects associated with its history at Quantico) Va. The
U. S. Air Force has a technical museum at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base) Dayton, Ohio.
Museums Maintained by Civil Agencies of the United States
In the second category are two agencies: the U. S. National
Museum in \Nashington and the National Park Service with muse
ums located throughout the country. The National I\luseum de
votes several halls of the Arts and Industries Building to military
and naval exhibits while the Air Museum contains items related to
the history of military aviation in this country. The National Park
Service maintains 26 systematic
museums on battlefields. The
more important are as follows:
Antietam National Battlefield Si te, Md.
Appomattox Courthouse .National Historical Monument) Va.
Castillo de San TvIarcos National Monument, Fla.
Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park, Tenn.
Custer Battlefield N arional 1\.1onument, Mont.
Fort Laramie National Monument, Wyo.
Fort iVlcHenry National Monument, Md.
Fort Pulaski National Monument, Ga.
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, N. C.
Fort \Vashington, Md.
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, Va.
Gettysburg National lVIilitary Park, Pa,
GuJford Courthouse National Military Park, N. C.
Kennesaw Mountain National Military Park, Ga.
Kings lViountain National Military Park, S. C.
Lincoln Ivluseum, Washington, D. C.
Manassas National Battlefield Park, Va.
Morristown National Historical Park, N. J.
re(ersburg National IvIilitary Park, Va.
Richmond National Battlefield Park, Va.
San Juan National Site, P. R,
Saratoga National Historical Park, N. Y.
Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebr.
Shiloh National Military Park, Tenn.
Vicksburg National Park, Miss.
Although small, these museums are among the most up to date in
the United States. Each confines its attention to the battlefield or
area where it is located.
Museums Maintained by Other Agencies
Fort Ticonderoga Museum, located in the restored fort on Lake
Champlain, is the outstanding military collection in the United
States not maintained by federal funds. In addition to this, how
ever, there are over a thousand local museums and historical socie
ties in the United States whose small ,and often haphazard collections
contain some m.ilitary objects. Among these the more significant
are the Essex Institute in Salem, Mass.; the New York Historical
Society and Museum o[ the City of New York, in New York City;
and the Confederate Museum and the Battle Abbey in Richmond,
Use of Military Museums and Collections
Befo.re visiting a museum for research) it is usually advisable to
communicate with the institution and to ascertain the hours it will
be open. This may save precious time. Only the larger institu
tions have facilities for photographing objects, and very few are able
to furnish the serious student with background data on exhibits.
Military Art
During the Mexican and Civil Wars minor projects were under
taken. In World 'Var II and subsequent thereto much more effort
has been devoted to military art. There are, however, no outstand
ing collections of military art in America, but rather a wide disper
sion in numerous galleries and private collections. Most of the
official art is displayed in the Pentagon and at various Army instal
lations throughout the United States
The Office of the Chief of Military History, Washington, D. C.,
has considerable information on American military art and related
matters, and is prepared to render assistance to military students
and. historians.
The Company of Military) Collectors & Historians) Washington, D. C.,
is a private nonprofit, educational institution, devoted to the study
and dissemination of information about military history, uniforms,
weapons, insignia, and equipage. It publishes the magazine Mili
tary CoLLector & Historian.
Historicai Films
The motion picture with sound recordings has become an impor
tant aid to instruction in history as in all o!:her fields, but the mili
tary services have not always made the very best possible use of this
medium. This is reflected in the quality and coverage of available
Commercial firms, foundations, and educational institutions have
produced a number of films showing military events of our earlier
wars. Many of these films have been produced without adequate
research and, therefore, are not entirely accurate. The military
services themselves have produced a large number of historical films
since 1917, but much of this material remains inadequately inte
grated into the broader history of a particular campaign or war. In
spite of these inherent deficiencies, however, many existing films can
be used advantageously in military instruction. The service films
also are of great value to researchers and historians concerned with
events of a particular period, because they can glean from (hem an
understanding of the conditions that existed at the time.
The following publications include a list of films, television re
cordings, and fi 1mstri ps of a hi stori cal nature:
DA Pamphlet 108-1, Index of A r n ~ y ivJotion Pictures) Television Re
cordings) and Filmstrips.
Krahn, Frederic A. ed., Educational Film Guide (with annual
supplements) (11th ed.; New York, 1953).
Historicai works of greatest value in military education should go
beyond a simpIe account of past military operations or activities.
They should include a critical analysis of the facts, the determina
tion of conclusions, and, if Dossible. the lessons to be learned f:rem
_ ~ i /
the account. According to CIa usewitz) such writing should follow
three steps:
First, the historical investigation and determining of doubtful facts.
This is properly historical research, and has nothing in common with
Secondl y, the tracing of effects to causes. This is the real criticaL I'-n
quiry; it is indispensable to theory, for everything which in theory is to
be established, supported, or even merely explained, by experience can
only be settled in this way.
Thirdly) the testing of the means employed. This is critiCIsm) prop
erly speaking) in which praise and censure is contained. This is where
theory helps histo ry, or rather, the teachi ng to be derived from it. 1
Clausewitz elaborates on the last two steps as follows:
In these two last strictly critical parts of historical study, all depends
on tracing things to their primary elements, that is to say, up to un
doubted truths, and not, as is so often done, resting half-way, that is on
some arbitrary assumption or supposition.
As respects the tracing of effect to cause, that is often attended with
the insuperable difficulty that the real causes are not known. In none
of the relations of life does this so frequently happen as in War, where
events are seldom fully known, and still less motives, as the latter have
been, perhaps purposely, concealed by the chief actor, or have been of
such a transient and accidental character that they have been lost for
history. For this reason critical narration must generally proceed
hand in hand with historical investigation, and still such a want of
connection between cause and effect will often present itself, that it
does not seem justifiable to consider effects as the necessary resul ts of
known causes. Here, therefore) voids must occur, that is historical
results which cannot be made use of for teaching. All that theory can
demand is that the investigation should be rigidly conducted up to that
point, and there leave off without drawing conclusions. A real evil
1 Clamewitz, op. cll.) I, p. 130.
springs up only if the known is made perforce to suffice as an explana
tion of effects, and thus a false importance is ascribed to it.
Besides this difficulty, critical inquiry also meets with another great
and intrinsic one, which is that the progress of events in War seldom
proceeds from ODe simple cause, but from several in common, and tha t
it therefore is not sufficient to fall ow up a series of events to their
origin in a candid and impartial spirit, but that it is then also neces
sary to apportion to each contributing cause its due weight. This
leads) therefore, to a closer investigation of their nature, and thus a
critical investigation may lead into what is the proper field of theory.
The critical consideration, that is (he testing of the means, leads La the
question, VVhich are the effects peculiar to the means applied, and
whether these effects are comprehended in the plans of the person
directing? 'c
And then in commenting on the use of historical examples and
the role of a military writer, Clausewitz summarized his views as
It would be an immense service to teach the Art of War entirely by
historical examples ... ; but it would be full work for the whole life
of a man, if we reflect that he who undertakes it must first qualify
himself for the task by a long personal experience in actual \lVar.
Whoever, stirred by ambition, undertakes such a task, let him pre
pare himself for his pious undertaking as for a long pilgrimage; let
him give up his time, spare no sacrifice, fear no temporal rank or
power, and rise above all feelings of personal vanity, of false shame, in
order, according to the French code, to speak the Truth, the whole
Truth, and nothing but the 7ruth. 3
5teps in Research
Choosing a Subject
The wise choice of a subject is basic to the preparation of a good
historical paper. Naturally the writer should possess a good gen
eral knowledge of the field in which he desires to work. To the
professional officer) military history, especially that of the United
States, should offer the most possibilities. Appropriate topics for
military personnel can be found in "Suggested Thesis Su bj ects for
Military Personnel Training in Civilian Institutions" which is dis
tributed by t.he Office of the Chief of Military History, Department
of the Army.
Once the general field has been determined, several considerations
must be kept in mind in choosing a topic. It must possess unity'
and be sufficiently restricted in scope to be amenable to thorough
investigation and detailed presentation. It must deal with a sig
2 Ibid., pp. 130-3 I.
3 Ibid.) p. 164.
ni'ficant subject. It should investigate some new topic or add new
knowledge to some known subject, since it is possible that the stu
dent can, by reexamination of old evidence coupled with a study of
new evidence, correct errors or reinterpret matters that have been
covered earlier. A study possessing these characteristics is called a
monograph, and normally lies well within the scope of a student of
a service school or college. Such a student should not attempt a
comprehensive survey of a broad field, as works of this type usually
require years, decades, or even a lifetime of research. Thus the be
ginner should avoid such topics as "The Allied Campaigns against
Japan during vVorld \IVaI' II" or "Eisenhower's Campaigns in
Northwest Europe," for these cannot be properly dealt with in less
than several volumes. To write a comprehensive history of even
one of the U. S. Army's campaigns in World \lVar II requires at
least three years' work by an experienced scholar with a great deal
of assistance.
An example may best illustrate some of the steps involved in se
lection of a good topic. Assume that a hypothetical student officer
served in a field artillery battalion in the Guada1canal Campaign.
Quickly deciding not to write on the entire campaign because' it is
too big and has already been covered by other writers, he elects to
write a history of artillery operations, tentatively entitled "The Em
ployment of Artillery in the Guadalcanal Campaign.)J His researches
quickly disclose that the Guadalcanal Campaign embraced landings
on Tulagi, Gavutu, Tenambogo, and the Russells, as well as on
Guada1canal. Deciding that a discussion of artillery in all these
invasions would take too long, he cuts his subject down to "The
Employment of Artillery on Guadalcanal, 7 August 1942-9 Febru
ary 1943." But further researches disclose that antiaircraft artillery
was employed, and he does not wish to involve himself and his
readers in discussions involving radar, gunlaying directors, and
remote-control systems. Further, he discovers that from time to
time \'\larshi ps lay offshore giving fire support to the infantry. But
he does decide to discuss, as much as possible, the Japanese employ
ment of field artillery on Guadalcanal. Therefore, the topic he
finally selects is "The Employment of Field Artillery on Guadalcanal,
7 August 1942-9 February 1943."
The Tentative Bibliography
As the writing of history is an organic process, no two subjects
ever call for exactly the same steps in research. The steps listed
below are merely suggestions and the student actually engaged in
research will probably vary them in accordance with the needs of
his subject. Concrete examples may best illustrate the early steps.
The hypothetical student, already referred to, has elected to
write on "The Employment of Field Artillery on Guadalcanal, 7
August 1942-9 February 1943." From personal experience, from
a study of newspapers and news magazines, and from general read
ing he has some familiarity with the nature and course of World
\Var II in the Pacific. His professional military education and ex
perience have made him familiar with military operations in gen
eral and have particularly qualified him to understand the nature,
functions, and special problems of the field artillery.
The officer's first step is to prepare a working bibliography to be
used as a guide to sources to be consulted..! His first move is prob
ably to consult the card catalogue of the library where he is working
to find the books that deal with his subject. For most subjects, a
formidable bibliography can be assembled by consulting author,
title, and subject entries in the card catalogue. In assembling the
bibliography, all relevant data concerning each book should be en
tered on separate cards 9r smaIl slips of paper. This data includes
names of authors or editors; the full title as it is printed on the
book's tid e page; series title, if any; edi tion, if other than the first;
the volume number and total number of volumes if more than one;
and the name of the publisher, place published or publisher'S home
office, and date of publication. In case of a series, or a multivol
ume work, the initial and terminal years should be listed. If the
series is not complete, the first year should be shown followed by a
dash. Noting the library's call number on the card will save time
if the book is needed again. , However, the call number does not
appear in the final -bibliography included in the monograph. No
more than one title should be entered on a single card; thus the
cards can be later filed in logical order. In addition to the data
listed above other bits of information that throw light on the value
and authoritativeness of the book should be entered. Important
among these are those items or parts that deal with his subject) the
author's position if it qualified him as an authority, the scope of the
book, and, finally, a brief evaluation by himself.
The Bibliographical Card
In the case of the Guadalcanal Campaign, the military student
would probably first examine the works produced in the Office of
1 A fairly detailed treatment of the steps involved in. preparing a tentative bibliog
raphy, but related to general history, may be found in Homer Carey Hockett, Introduc
tion to Research in American History (2d ed.: New York, 194-9), pp. 7ff.
o For methods of determi ning something about the quality of a book before reading
see chapter II.
the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, to deter
mine if anything is available on his subject. Fortunately, he finds
Guadalcanal: The First Offensive in the UNITED STATES ARMY IN
WORLD WAR II series. The bibliographic card with the stu
dent's comment, should be something like this:
[call number]
(U. S. Department of the Army. Historical Division.)
WIiller, John, jr.
CuadaLcanaL: The First OJ(ensl've (His tor)! of the vVar in Pacific:
Roberts Greenfield, General Editor)
Historical Division, Department of the Army
Washington, D. C., 1949.
Books based on journals, action reports, war diaries, and JCS
and OPD files. Covers USMC, U. S. Army, and Japanese
ground opns; air and naval opns are summarized. Consider
able attention to arty.
Once a few titles have been selected from the card catalogue and
complete card entries filled out, as shown in the illustration, the re
searcher should examine the books. If any of the prospective titles
prove valueless, they should be discarded at once.
Once the card catalogue has yielded all possible the
bibliographies and footnotes of the books themselves should be
studied to obtain additional titles and cards should be filled out on
those items believed to be of interest.
Periodicals and Newspapers
Magazine and newspaper articles as well as government publica
tions used in a study will be cited in footnotes and listed in the bib
liography. The student will find in CuadaLcanaL's Bibliographical
Not e a list of usefu1 magazi ne art ides, several of whi ch pertai n to
his subject. He should enter on a card the author's name, title of
the article (in quotation marks) title of magazine (in italics), the
volume and number, date, and the page reference if
although it is not absolutely necessary.
For articles in. encyclopedias, the same form can be employed, but
the number of the edition should be shown. When they do not fill
entire volumes, articles in reports, and other papers published by
scholarly organizations, can be listed like those in periodicals. In
citing newspapers, give the name of the paper as it appears on the
first page and the date of the issue. If the name of the city wherein
the paper is published does not appear in the title, insert it in
brackets. It is not necessary to show the page and column number
of a newspaper article in a formal bibliography, but it will often
save time to indicate them on a bibliographic entry.
U. S. Government Publications and Documents
i\lIuch of the writing in American military history must be done
in primary source material using government documents and manu
scripts. To do effective work, one must understand the va,r ious fil
ing systems used by the Army throughout the years, and must know
of the major depositories and the extent of materials located in
them. If the subject chosen deals with a current or very recent
problem, it is possible that all source material used may be of a
primary nature.
Army Records
It is in U. S. Army records that the greatest difficulty in footnotes
and bibliographic entries will pro.bably be encountered, for there is
no generally accepted practice for citing the manifold printed, type
written, mimeographed, multilithed, and handwritten Army regu
lations, general orders, reports, planning papers, letters, memoran
dums, journals, radiograms, and messages that constitute U. S.
Army documents. Appendix A of this Guide gives the system used
by the Special Studies Division, Office of the Chief of Military
Records in the Department of the Army fall into four general
categories: (1) letters, memorandums, and other communications;
(2) archival material of a nonmanllscript character; (3) field records
of military units and commands; and (4) records of the Joint and
Combined Chiefs of Staff.
In the case of letters, memorandums, radiograms, and other com
munications that are usually filed in binders bearing numbers, the
bibliographic entry should indicate the character of the documents,
the general subject matter, the file or binder identification number,
and the file location when consulted. Official abbreviations and
short titles can be used for the tentative bibliography, but in the
final bibliography only the most obvious abbreviations should be
used. As in the case of books, the bibliographic entry should be
followed by the researcher's ad.dition of any data throwing light on
the location and value of the collection. For example:
Operations of the 25th Infantry Division
GuadaJcanaJ (2667) 325-11.5
17 December 1942-5 February 1943
Filed in DRB, TAG.
After the campaign Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins, GG, 25th
Div., conducted a series of critiques on the action which were
attended by practically all the division's officers and by key
enlisted men from each unit. The record of these critiques,
compiled as the 25th Division Operations, is a model of its
1 . : . ~ _1
The second category) archival material of a nonmanuscript char
acter, presents few difficulties. It includes material like Army
general orders, manuals, and Army regulations which can often be
cited like' books. The titles should not be italicized but placed in
quotes. File locations need not be given.
The field records of military units and commands tend to overlap
into the first category of letters) memos) and communications. It
will be noted that the example cited above is derived from a field
command. But there is a wide range of documents relating to
combat that are submitted by field units and commands. The bib
liographic entries for these should show the unit or command) char
acter of the record or its title, or both, its date, and present file
location. For example:
GHQ, S\NPA, G3 Journal (fOf a given period).
Filed in Hist Rec Sec, Dept Rec Br,
Admin Serv Div, AGO, Dept of the Army
Federal Records Center, Alexandria, Va.
Contains the secret, but not the top secret, entries, plans,
orders, messages) and other papers.
The fourth category embraces materials which are not , strictly
speaking, U. S. Army documents, but are the papers of the Joint
and Combined Chiefs of Staff and subordinate com mittees which
are essential to an understanding of the strategy of World War II.
These documents fortunately are available in the Department of the
Preliminary Reading for General Orientation
By this time the student will have made good progress on his bib
liography and will have discarded what is obviously of little use.
He will also have formed a general idea of the outline of his subject.
These steps, although discu3sed separately, are not necessarily taken
separately in practice. The assembly of a tentative bibliography,
the appraising of the rr.aterials, and the preiiminary reading are
usually conducted almost concurrently.
Once it appears that the main elements of the bibliography have
been assembled, the basic sources should be scanned to obtain a
general outline of the events to be described. At this stage the au
thor will not take many notes.
The Tentative Outline
When the preliminary reading has been completed and the gen
eral sequence of events has been detennined, it is w.ell to prepare a
rough outline in order to focus the detailed, comprehensive reading
that is to follow and to facilitate the taking of notes. For example,
a study of Guadalcanal shows that the main aspects of field artillery
employment included tactical support of infantry in offense and de
fense as well as counterbattery fire, and that the main problems of
the field artillery were the difficulties of moving ammunition over
rough jungle terrain, the selection of good positions, and the inade
quacies of the available maps. These will constitute the main
points of the outline and it should eventually be organized in such
a way as to bring out clearly the interrelationship of the points.
It cannot be emphasized too strongly that this outline is tenta
tive-it will be changed frequently as new facts emerge that change
the relationship of the main points.
Taking Notes-Some General Considerations and Suggestions 9
The first notes to be taken will probably come from the most gen
eral sources and will probably provide background material. Here
the author will be dealing with items of common knowledge that do
not require documentation. It will not be necessary, for example)
to cite books to prove that the 1st Marine Division landed on Guad
6 For useful suggestions see Earl vV. Dow, Principles oj a JVote SystemJor Hls/onOcal
Studies (New York, 1924).
alcanal on 7 August 1942. On the other hand, it is not unlikely
that Guadalcanal: The First Offensive will need to be cited, for if the
writer wishes to compare conclusions, or if he finds GuadaLcanal in
error, he will need to cite it.
As progress is made deeper into the subject, note-taking will in
crease, as will skill in taking notes. As Hockett points out, the his
torian's instinct for the facts he needs, like the reporter's nose for
news, develops with use.
No precise rules can be formulated but
a few general rules can be followed. It is worse to take too few
notes than too many, but the golden mean should be sought. Only
extremely important, exact, or particularly vivid passages need be
copied verbatim. Needless to say, any quoted passages must be
quoted precisely as they appear in the original. Let any errors
sLand but add [sic]. Interpolations that increase the meaning of a
passage should also be placed in brackets (not parentheses), as "the
67th [Fighter Squadron] was fortunate." When words are omitted,
indicate the omission by three periods, but when they are omitted
from the end of a sentence use four periods. If a sentence is quoted
and part of the succeeding material is omitted, place the period close
to the last letter thus: "The fire devastated the vicinity of the water
hole. . .. When the 1st Battalion attacked south against its objec
tive over a route known to have been formerly strongly held by the
enemy, it encountered only minor opposition." Care should be
taken to write notes in such a way that the material is kept within
its context. The meaning and intent of the original must be
Note taking is a mechanical as well as an intellectual process, and
the mechanics are of vital importance. The best and most con
venient method involves a loose-leaf system. Only through such a
system can material be classified or rearranged. The size used in
the Office of Military History is five by eight inches. Only one
major item of information should be entered on a card. In this
\-vay similar materials from widely separated sources studied at
different times can be brought together.
As the facts or data are recorded, many comments and ideas
regarding those facts will come to mind-points regarding their sig
nificance and accuracy, interpretations of their meaning and rela
tionship to other facts, and other such generalizations. These
thoughts about the facts should be recorded at once on the same
card rather than trusting to memory, for often a long time elapses
between note taking and the actual writing of the paper. To avoid
later confusion, the author should clearly indicate the facts and his
own comments.
" Hockett, op. Cl't., p. 48.
Each note should have an appropriate topical heading and
should contain the important bibliographical information. If a
book, enter the author's name, the title, place and date of publica
tion, and the page; if a magazine, give the author, title of article
and magazine, volume, number, date, and page; if a military letter
or memorandum, record the sender, recipient, date, and all relevant
numbers such as AGO number, date-time-group, and eM-IN and
eM-OUT numbers; if an order, report, or journal, enter the issuing
headquarters, nature, ti tIe, date, and file location. For exampIe:
Prep for arty; support of XIV Corps lst Early Jan 43
Jan Offensive
25th Div Arty, Rpt Action Against Enemy, lOJan-lO Feb
43, p. 1. In Hist Rec Sec, Dept Rec Br, Admin Serv Div,
AGO, Dept of Army
Easy to select arty positions. Japanese lack of arty and air
power enabled U. S. arty to ignore defilade, camouflage, and
concealment. Could safely emplace wpns on fwd slopes of
hill. Picked positions west of Lunga. (For exact positions
see later notes from arty bn rpts.)
Arranging and Filing Notes
With the tentative outline completed, the student has some idea
of how his material is to be organized. If he has arranged the out
line in to chapters, sections, and SD bsections, the notes themselves,
wi th their topic headings as a guide can be arranged to conform to
the outline. The degree of elaborateness of the system will of
course depend on the elaborateness and intricacy of the subject
matter. The notes themselves .should be filed in a box, file drawer,
or some convenient depository.
Evaluating Material
The evaluation of data, the application of critical standards to the
sources, is one of the most significant and essential processes of his
toriography. Industrious, resourceful, meticulous, and aggressive
research is basic to the writing of history, but it is wasted if the his
torian does not carefully evaluate his data.
Through the processes
of evaluation forgeries are exposed, anonymous writings are identi
fied, false or erroneous statements are detected, bias is discovered,
and eventually truth in relative if not in absolute form emerges.
To repeat, historiography is an organic process. The gathering of
data and the criticism of data are not necessarily separate. They
normaUy will be conducted concurrently, although the criticism of
data will con bnue until the final draft of the monograph is written.
One essential quality that all historians must possess is skepticism.
Every source, no matter how respectable its origin, must be regarded
as suspect until it has been tested and found valid. There are in
numerable exaluples in American history of reputable individuals
who made serious errors in fact that either misled or puzzled his
The fact that one's senses are easily deceived, that several
eyewitnesses of an event will often honestly give completely different
accounts is also well known.
Aside from errors resulting from
fading memories, ignorance, carelessness, and bad sensory percep
tion, there are other equally serious false data in the sources, many
of which arise from the self-interest of individuals or organizations.
Official propaganda must always be suspe'ct, as must the claims of
individuals or units regarding their contributions to, say, a particu
lar military campaign. In these cases, the historian's ferreting out
of errors is a task "vhose ease lies in inverse ratio to the degree of
error. The more false the statements in the source, the easier they
are to detect. Good (that is effective) propaganda, whether
advancing the cause of a government, an infantry division, or a
military commander is usually subtle; it avoids deliberate false
hoods. It may mislead by subtle exaggeration or by suppression of
pertinent facts. The historian, therefore, must be constantly on the
alert against misleading statements that derive frorn a multitude of
causes. As Allen]ohnson has phrased it) "In historical studies
doubt is the beginning of wisdom." \1
In military operations in particular, evidence must be carefully
weighed. It is obvious that in the tension and confusion of battle
the participants do not see, hear, or recollect wifh absolute clarity.
Neither do they see from the same position or angle. Few men en
gaged in battle have any clear conception of what is going on,
although with modern developments in communications it appears
that the fog of war has lessened) at least for unit commanders.
S For good discussions of the evaluation of data, see the following: Allen Johnson, The
Historla.n and Historical ElJidence (New York, 1926); Hockett, op. cit., pp. 56-1 J 1; Charles
V. Langlois and Charles Seignobos, lnfrod;ction to the Stud)' 0/ History, tr. G. Berry (New
York, 1912), pp. 71-211; and A. P. Scott and]. L. Cate, Syllabus and Problems/or History
201, Introducll"oTi to Historical f,;Jelhod and HI'storiography (Chicago, 1945), pp. 33-92.
8 See, for example, Hockett, op. ClI., pp. 71-72; Johnson, op. cit., pp. 40-52.
lO See, for example, Johnson, op. cit., pp. 24-33_
1l Ibid., p. 50.
Censorship, even though it is necessary for security or to bolster
morale) leads to the suppression of facts, especially in news dis
patches and communiques. Military reports submitted tOlhigher
headquarters are not al ways com pletel y factual or truthful. Im
portant facts may not be known at the time the report was rendered
and errors and failures may be glossed over. Rumors of dubious
origin spread rapidly and sometimes find their way into official
External Criticism
External criticism involves those tests that seek to establish the
authenticity of a particular document. It detects forgeries and false
versions and identifies anonymous documents. It attempts to estab
lish where, when, how, and by whom a document was written) for
this knowledge is essential to the writing of history. This type of
criticism is obviously one which the student of United States m i l i ~
tar)' history, especially recent history, seldom needs to employ.
Forgeries and anonymous papers have been comparatively rare
since the end of the 18th century. External criticism is used most
often by historians of earlier periods who have developed elaborate
skills to enable them to establish the origin of their sources. But as
the average American military document is easily identified) inter
nal analysis, comparison with other documents) textual criticism,
emendations, and variant readings need not be discussed at length.
Internal Criticism 13
For the student or writer in American military history, internal
criticism is, after his research) perhaps his most important single
technique. Once a document has been identified) internal criticism
is used to analyze the meaning of statements in the document and
to determine their accuracy) trustworthiness, and sincerity. Inter
nal criticism is also applied to data obtained by interview and
Thus the first step in internal criticism is to determine, by careful
reading and careful thinking, the exact meanings of the stateluents
as intended by the authors. No statement should ever be torn out
of its context. The propagandist's technique of quoting statements)
or fragments of statements, out of their context is well known, and
is abjured by all reputable writers. But one should be careful not
to apply his own preconceptions or subconscious prejudices to his
sources in order to elicit the conclusions he thinks he ought to reach.
12 Hockett, op. Cit.) pp. 59-79 and Johnson, op. cit.) pp. 50-75 contain adequate dis
cussions of external criticism and cite salient examples.
1.1 Not to be confused with internal analysis, a term employed for tests used in exter
nal criticism.
Nor should he be misled by figures of speech, hyperboles in disputa'
tions, or any peculiarities of style. The user of military records is
fortunate, however, for good military documents are supposed to be
written in exact, clear, sober language.
Once the author's meaning has been understood, it is necessary to
determine the truth of his statements, for a document may be shown
by external criticism to be a valid historical source and its meaning
may be clear, yet it may be lacking in sincerity, accuracy, or both.
For example, a biased, boastful personal memoir may be both in
sincere and inaccurate but still remain the best or only source of in
formation on a given engagement. 'The task of the historian is to
sift the truth from the errors, insincerities, deliberately false state
ments, and significant omissions. For estimates of
strength and dispositions are usually, from the nature of things, at
once sincere but not accurate. In this instance, only access to
enemy sources will serve to correct the errors. The erroneous esti
mates are in themselves historical facts, since these estimates served
as part of the basis for judgment, decision, and action. In the same
category are entries in journals regarding progress made.. during
offensives. They usually are sincere, but where operations are
being conducted over badly mapped or rough ground the distance
covered is usually overestimated by the attacking unit. On the
other band, an insincere report may be perfectly accurate as far as
it goes but may distort the truth by suppressing part of the facts.
There are several questions which the properly skeptical historian
can put to his sources in the process of internal criticism:
Is the writer of a given document a good authority? Was he
an eyewitness? Ifhe was an eyewitness, can his testimony be relied
on? Is he a trained observer? This necessary qualification
demonstrated by the story of the 'NaIl Street explosion in 1920. Of
nine eyewitnesses, eight testified that there were several vehicles of
various kinds in the block where the explosion occurred and three
of the eight were sure that a red motor truck carried the bomb.
But the ninth eyewitness stated that the explosion took place on a
small horse-drawn truck and that only one other vehicle, an auto
mobile, was in sight. His testimony was subsequently proved to be
correct. 11 If the eyewitnesses are good observers, theirs is the best,
in fact the ultimate, testimony. Testimony of one reliable eyewit
ness is good, but the best evidence is the independent testimony of
several eyewitnesses. But caution is needed here. Tw'o eyewit
nesses who tell exactly the same story have probably checked their
stories and agreed on an official version. Honest, independent testi
mony from several eyewitnesses will normally contain several vari
,. Johnson, op. cil., p. 74.
ations, variations which tend to indicate that the testimony is sincere
and independent.
Was the writer biased? Here, of course, the writer of any after
action or command report or any other account of an organization's
activities is automatically subject to suspicion. Even if there is no
conscious bias or deliberate attempt to falsify, a certain amount of
unconscious bias will manifest itself in any number of ways-glossing
over errors and failures; exaggerating the unies successes and enemy
casualties; listing all possible reasons for a failure, blaming other
units ("Because the 18th Infantry on the right halted early in the
afternoon, the 46th Infantry was forced to halt to protect its flank.);
or failing to give credit to other units, services, or to allied forces.
Commanders or participants reporting on their own acti vities can
normally be expected to exaggerate, consciously or unconsciously,
their own roles, and in dealing with quarrels, arguments, or disputes,
to present their own points of view with more sympathy and under
standing than those of opponents. Personal memoirs, even those
based on diaries, are automatically suspect, for the temptations to
justify oneself, to absolve oneself of blame, to claim credit, to get
revenge for old scores, and to be wise after the event are all too
Did the writer use reliable sources? The historian who publishes
a book lists the sources of his information in footnotes, bibliography,
or both, and these sources can and should be checked. Some mili
tary reports are not documented. An after action or command re
port is, however, submitted with supporting documents, such as
orders, journals, and journal files, and can thus be checked against
its sources. It should be noted that an after action or command
report is technically a secondary account, not a primary source.
Under what circumstances was the narrative composed or the
testimony given? This question is closely related to all the others,
but a few sample questions may best illustrate it. Is the testimony
given under oath? vVhat is the purpose of the document? vVhy
was it written? Does it analyze a problem or is it part of a body of
documents dealing with a dispute? How long after the event was
the narrative written or the testimony given? The best sources for
opinions and beliefs, of course, are contemporary documents and
Final Steps Before Writing
Now that the writer has chosen a subject, developed a bibliog
raphy, studied his material, organized his notes, and subjected his
data to critical analysis, there are a few final steps to be taken before
writing the draft. He should make a final check to make sure that
no important sources have been overlooked. This can be accom
plished by using the normal bi bliographic aids and also by consult
ing recognized authorities in the field, if they are willing. He
should also check through his material to make sure that there are
no gaps in the story. If there are, more research is needed. Fre
quently the process of writing will itself sho"v where there are gaps
or omissions. Inadequate research, of course, almost always leads
to errors.
The tentative outline should be rechecked and altered in accord
ance with the logic of the subject. This process will doubtless con
tinue until the paper is complete.
The final step is of great importance. For it no exact rules can
be stated; the student's own grasp of subject matter and logical
methods must guide him. With virtually all the material collected
organized, and evaluated, the student should analyze it carefully to
detennine its meaning and significance and to determine what new
knowledge his paper will contribute. The meaning of the paper
and its contribution constitute its theme. No matter how arduous
the research that went into gathering material, the author must dis
card that which is not relevant to his subject, He must determine
which aspects of his subject are to be emphasized and assign propor
tionate space in his paper accordingl y. With this step, the processes
of research have been practically completed. He is ready to write
the section, chapter, or entire paper.
Writing the Draft
When To Write
Since methods of research vary with different writers, it is i m p o s ~
sible to prescribe in advance the precise time to begin writing.
This time will depend somewhat on the nature of the material and
the plan by which the book is organized. For instance, Douglas S.
Freeman treats the life of Washington in large segments, chronolog
lcall y arranged, and completes one segment before beginning re
search on another. Not many projects, however, will lend them
selves to this sort of treatment.
Writing cannot profitably begin until enough research has 'been
completed to give the author a good general view of his subject, to
afford a thorough sampling of various types of material, and to
make sure that valid conclusions have been reached. Nor can the
writing go very far until the data have been analyzed and the
organization of the book has been planned. A book must be writ
ten, just as a house is built, according to a balanced, harmonious
plan. This organization involves the sifting of relevant from irrele
vant material, the selection and emphasis of important topics and
ideas) and the determination of methods best suited for the treat
ment of the subject in hand. Certain subjects, for example, require
a topical arrangement, certain others a chronological arrangement.
Early care devoted to these matters will save much wasted effort as
the work proceeds.
Nevertheless, most writers begin to write too late rather than too
soon. It is a common failing to read, study, and search the mate
rial until it is exhausted," before undertaking the work of composi
tion. Though often due to a laudable desire for perfection this
tendency is dangerous. It leads to undue accumulation of notes
until the writer is so overwhelmed in a mass of detail that he loses
sight of "the big picture." Some writers have devoted their lives to
taking notes without ever writing.
For economy of effort, writing should begin before research is
complete. Nothing else reveals so clearly those areas where re
search is ample and those where further investigation is needed.
The gaps may be passed over and filled in later. Many authors
find it practicable to begin writing at a point where their research is
about half-way complete--but no final rule can be applied to every
project. One experienced historian s':lYs that he begins to write
\vhen he is first able to "see" his subject, that is, when its main out
lines take definite form in his mind. For flexibility in adding, de
leting, and rearranging material, loose-leaf form should be used.
Writing Aids
The writer of books will accumulate all the physical equipment
needed before he starts the actual work of writing. Such equip
ment) if possible, should be immediately available where the writer
works) not stored in some distant place. The folIowing items will
be constantly needed by the military historian:,
jl;faps. Since military operations are planned and executed with
the aid of maps, no profitable study of these operations is possible
without the same aid. Maps are scarce and inaccurate during the
early history of the United States, a fact which affected adversely
both military campaigns and military history. In recent years
maps have been greatly improved. For operations covering a large
area, a good globe is often helpfuL
Photographs. If available, aerial photographs, both oblique and
vertical, are invaluable supplements to maps. Details of equipment
and terrain are also frequently recorded in photographs. In the
case of both maps and photographs, the author should avail him
self especially of those that were used or taken in connection with
the events which he is recording.
Historical and Geographical Atlases. Such works are particularly
helpful when they supply facts of a social, economic, or political
nature for the period under consideration.
Chronologies. Reliable chronologies, whether published or in
documentary form, are of the highest value. If none are available
for the period in question, the writer will do well to make his own
chronology from his source material. Such care will be of great
help in avoiding errors.
Military Riference Tl1orks. These works include field service regula
tions, field manuals, technical manuals, tables of organization and
equipment, official registers of Army, Navy, and Air Force officers,
and many other items--all of which can be secured for any recent
period. It goes vvithout saying that every writer's study should also
contain copies of general reference works such as good dictionaries
and encyclopedias.
Quaiities of Good Writing
When Anatole France, one of the great stylists of his age, was
asked for the secret of his art he replied, "First clarity, second clar
ity, and finally clarity." So important is this quality that its full
attainment results almost automatically in unity, coherence, force,
emphasis, and the various other qualities traditionally enunciated
by rhetoricians. Recognition of the principle, however, is only the
first step toward its practice.
Practice of Good Writing
Like every other art, writing cannot be taught by rule or precept.
Strictly speaking, it cannot be taught at all-each writer must learn
for himself. The following suggestions are offered as an encourage
ment to learn:
Attitude Toward T;j7riting. The actual writing of a book should be
considered not a burden but a challenge. Unfortunately some
scholars regard writing as n1erely a painful necessity, an unwelcome
adjunct to their research. In reality it is one of the greatest of the
arts, mastery of which should be a cause for pride. American
scholarship is second to none for its thoroughness and objectivity,
yet most scholarly writing in this country is dull and flat, compar
ing unfavorably in its form and presentation with the work of for
eign scholars. The reason is not hard to find. Only the excep
tional American scholar has been thoroughly grounded in the great
classics of English literature or has much regard for writing as an
art. In their passion for specialization many scholars are impatient
of writing as such, somewhat scornfully relegating to poets and jour
nalists any concern for the art of expression. So long as this atti
tude persists, few American historians will write like Toynbee, few
biologists like Julian Huxley. Such notable exceptions as Carl
Becker and Charles Beard in history, Ruth Benedict in anthropology,
merely emphasize the point.
Learn To Wn"te b)l Reading. Nothing can be done withula .J. stand
ard-and the standard for writers is found in the work of great
writers. These standards are fundamentally the same for all kinds
of writing and they are no less important for works of scientific or
historical scholarship than for novels and plays. Reading with
alertness and discernment, the an1bitious writer will be aware of
form as well as content and thus, by analysis and induction, under
stand why certain writing is good and other "writing bad. When
he finds, for instance, that Bertrand Russell can express highly in
tricate ideas in the most simple and lucid prose, he will no longer be
content with ambiguous statements, jargon-like terminology, or a
sentence structure so involved as to require two readings.
Unity and Coherence. Unity demands a singleness of effect, a com
pleteness and wholeness without excess 1n one part or lack in an
other. It implies a right proportion for everything. Unity is at
tained for the book as a whole by careful planning. It is attained
for sentences, paragraphs, and chapters by presenting one idea at
a time. If chapter X reechoes and overlaps material in chapter II,
unity has been violated. Coherence is the principle by which parts
of the book are held together) a principle based on logical develop
ment. Each paragraph, each chapter, should build on what has
gone before. Coherence requires not only an orderly arrangement
but a proper linking of part to part by means of tr:ansitional
rial wherever needed. The author should not assume that his
reader can supply such transitions for himself.
Emphasis. Emphasis is a matter of both content and form. It
involves, first, a sure judgment as to the relative importance of vari
ous materials and of ideas based on those materials. The relation
of one fact to another must be carefully considered. Second, em
phasis presenting the material in as forceful a way as pos
sible. This is partly a matter of style, partly of arrangement.
Building up to a conclusion, to a sense of climax, is important for
historical writi ng as well as fiction.
Sentence Structure. The first requirement of sentence structure is
that it should be immediately clear, with no possibility of misinter
pretation or ambiguity. The author should strive for simplicity,
straightforwardness, conciseness. Particular attention should be
paid to the reference of pronouns; avoid using it, this) or with
out a definite antecedent.
Once clearness is assured, some attention should be paid to vari
ety. If all the sentences are short the effect will be choppy; if they
are all long, the reader's attention will tire. Nor should every sen
tence begin with the main clause. Monotony can be avoided by
drawing on the rich store of subordinating words found in the
English language, such words as since, although, because) before) after,
where) when) and while, Subordinate clauses introduced by these
words may be placed either before or after the main clause,
Diction, Selecting exactly the right word to express a particular
meaning is one of the writer's hardest tasks. This task will be
greatly lightened if the author has a lifelong familiarity with strong
and simple idiom and direct, concrete expression as well as with
more abstract expression, Words have not merely a literal mean
ing-denotatz'on-but a fla VOT, an associational value-connotation.
For example, a writer may state either that a thing is "hard to do"
or that it is "difficult to accomplish." The denotation of the two
expressions is almost identical, the connotation is quite different.
Thus the relative force, dignity, formality, or informality of a term
is fully as important as its literal meaning. The linguistic "level"
on which a book is written will depend partly on the subject matter,
partly on the author's stylistic preference. Even in scholarly writ
ing, a formal style of the 19th century is being replaced by more
simple and direct expression,
TechnicaL Terms and Jargon, Every branch of learning has its legit
imate technical terms, words needed to express concepts that can be
expressed in no other'way. Examples of such terms in military his
tory are angle of approach, colhmation) criticaL item) troop basis. When
technical terms are used unnecessarily, or to conceal rather than
convey meaning, they become jargon. Doctors and lawyers use
jargon to conceal facts; pedants use it to parade their learning. A
proper use of technical terms is indispensable, but excessive use of
jargon is not only bad style but often indicates a lack of clear
Trite Expressions. Many words and phrases have been over-used
until they have lost their freshness and hence have no clear-cut
meaning, Often they had 'no clear meaning to begin with and
came into vogue among writers and speakers who had no clear
thought to express. Note, for instance, the flat indefiniteness of
such words as worthwhile and outstanding, A careful writer will
select a more exact word such as excellent, notable) promz'nent, chief con
spz"cuous) iLlustrz'ous) ceLebrated. Only wide reading and long practice
can give a sure touch in this sort of thing-but every good hand
book of English contains a list of trite expressions to be avoided,
Authentic Background of the Period Studied
It is a common failing of novelists and playwrights to depict a
past period in terms of their own, not merely in external details but
in fundamental ideas. For example, the writings of Shakespeare
are full of anachronisms-a clock strikes in Julius Caesar's time, pis
tols are carried by soldiers of the 13th century, and ancient rulers
express the ideals of British chivalry. Such departures from fact
are perhaps not very important for poetic drama, which seeks
rather to be true to human nature. They are highly important for
historians, but not alJ historians succeed in avoiding them.
The serious student of history must make himself thoroughly
familiar with the background of the period in which his work lies.
The military historian must know what weapons, communications,
supply facilities, maps) roads, bridges, and vehicles were available
to the commanders who planned the strategy and tactics of any war
in the past to which the historian turns his attention. A present
day map will be of little value in studying Grant's campaigns
around Richmond; only a map of the period will show what roads
and other physical features existed at the time.
] 'he life of the common soldier, his feelings and attitudes, are no
less important. What food did he eat) what clothes did he wear,
what shelter did he have? What care, if any, was taken for his
health? At just what time did anaesthesia and aseptic surgery
show their effect on battle casualties? What conditions affected the
soldier's morale? What news of the war did he receive) what mail
from home? What political and cultural ideas dominated those
who were fighting to defend them?
In answering these questions the historian must take advantage
of every resource available-official records, diaries) letters, auto-.
biographies) photographs, sketches of military artists, and contem
porary newspapers. From these sources he should bring his narra
tive to life, enabling the reader to picture the terrain and the
weather, understand the people who lived in the area, appreciate
the personality, the genius, the limitations of the high commanders,
and follow the sights and sounds of the battle as if he were there.
Depth of Research
The author should probe deep for the causes of success and failure
of the national military effort and of the armed forces in the field.
This will necessitate a critical and definitive examination of s o u ' ~ c e
material bearing on the topic or subject being studied. The task
is more difficult in victory than in defeat. At the highest level it
should include an examination of the national potentials for war; of
national objecti yes; of the higher organization for "var; and of the
relations of military policy to foreign and domestic policy and the de
gree of balance and coordination existing among these factors; and
interallied coordination at the national level. At lower operational
levels it should include an examination of interallied coordination;
coordination of the sea, ground, and air elements; organization;
logistics; armament; tactics; training; and the actual combat in
which American forces are pitted against those of the enemy_
Openmindedness and Objectivity
A historian must be openminded toward his material at all times.
Laying aside all conscious prejudice he must ascertain the facts
through critical examination of all available records. Having done
this he is in a position to relate one set of facts to another and draw
conclusions based on the evidence uncovered. The wider his
knowledge, the more thorough his research; and the more objective
his approach, the sounder his conclusions will be. The following
instructions given to historical officers in a Warlel" \'\1ar II directive
are generall y applicable to the writing of aillnilitary history:
Attention wil1 be concentrated on major policies, problems, and ac
complishments of the command together with the lessons learned.
The history sho'.ll d S!2.!e not onl y u,'/:.a[ \";8.S done but how a.nd wIry
it was done.
. . . The history must include a candid and factual account of diffi
culties, mistakes recognized as such, the means by which, in the opin
ion of those concerned, they might have been avoided, the measures
used to overcome them, and the effectiveness of such measures. The
history will not serve the purpose if purely laudatory.
Historical Writing of Current Military Events
A military historian of current events is frequently only doing
basic research for a future historian. He should, therefore, try to
anticipate requirements of the future historian. This means that he
must secure information that answers the questions: "What was
done?)) "How was it done?" "Why was it done?')
The success of a military historian in writing on current activities will
depend greatly upon the degree to which he measures up to the
ideals and mental requirements of a sound. l:tistorian. In no field
of historical writing is there. greater demand for objectivity, intellec
tual honesty, and sound judgment. In addition he needs determi
nation, tact, a sense of discretion, and other qualities that are
necessary to get at the facts on which sound history can be based.
He must avoid being a flatterer or a nuisance, a sycophant, or a
carping critic. He must constantly be on guard against the danger
of becoming an apologist) a propagandist, or a mudslinger.
The historian of current events doubtless will have to fight many
a battle within himself in order to maintain strict objectivity toward
friend and foe alike. Only by so doing, however, can either the
immediate or permanent interests of his country be properly served.
It is not expected that he remain neutral, for as often as not the rec
ord will show a preponderance of evidence on one side or the other
of an issue or controversy. Only when diligent research brings to
light fragmentary or contradictory evidence should the historian
refrain from drawing conclusions. In such cases, however) he
should define the point at issue precisely and point out why no
judgment can be made at the time. By so doing he will justify his
own work and indicate the area in which research is needed as more
evidence becomes available.
The historian of current events should remember, in his writing
as in his research, to ask himself whether the text will be adequate
to a future reader ,who may have no other source of information to
guide him. In his writing he should, therefore, use simple, direct
language, taking special pains to avoid any chance of being mis
understood. It is far better to repeat names, places, and the like,
than to risk confusion in an effort to achieve an interesting or varied
style. The historian's vocabulary should aim at general intelligibil
ity. Military terms should be used, but al'ways in their normally
accepted meanings. Special terminology or modifications of gen
eral vocabulary peculiar to a unit, theater, or country should be
clearly explained.
Use of Assembled Data in Writing Draft
M4ny first drafts are poorly written because the author is too
much a slave to his note-slips. By following his notes too closely he
loses the clearness, coherence, and" flow" that finished work should
have. An experienced teacher of graduate students has suggested
that the writer select a block of notes which forms the basis for a
chapter and assimilate it by repeated reading. The notes are then
laid aside and the chapter written "with an easy elbow." Such a
practice helps in too much petty detail and excessive quota
tion. For the lin.al draft the notes are again consulted for greater
accuracy, the insertion of quotations, and the preparation of
Perfecting the Draft
The process of perfecting a draft Inanuscript will vary with each
author. It will be determined in great part by the depth of the
author's initial research and his attention to details of both content
and style. The suggestions which follow may be adopted and
varied to fit the requirements of each individual project.
When an author is doing his research and writing his first draft,
he should compile a list of participants and authorities who have
knowledge of the subject with which he is working. After each
draft chapter is finished it should be reviewed by the author's super
visor or by a personal advisor. Once the first draft is completed,
the author should revise and polish his manuscript incorporating the
suggestions of the supervisor or advisor. The manuscri pt should
then recei ve its preliminary edi-ting and be reproduced in a sufficient
number of copies for all review purposes.
The author should select from the list of those having special
knowledge of his subject the names of individuals who may be able
to make valuable comluents and suggestions. The covering letters
sent out with copies of the manuscript should be very carefully pre
pared; if a reviewer has special knowledge of one phase of the study
he should be requested to comment particularly on that phase.
Sometimes individuals who give little information in response to
questionnaires or in interviews will comment extensively on a manu
script. The reviewer approaches a manuscript with a fresh point of
view and is likely to see inaccuracies and omissions overlooked by
someone who has worked more closely with it.
Comments and suggestions received from reviewers should be
compared and One way of doing this is to enter the
comments in a copy of the draft manuscript. Whatever additional
research is necessary to correct errors of fact and clarify the manu
script should then be completed. After the author has inserted all
additions and changes in a master copy of the draft, he should com
plete his final revision of the entire manuscript which should then
be reviewed again by the author's supervisor before it receives its
final edi ting.
Full and accurate documentation is the stamp of authenticity
which the scholar places on his work. By this means he frankly
reveals to the reader the sources of his information. The character
of these sources will do much to establish the author)s skill-or his
lack of it-in the evaluation of evidence. The documentation will
also reveal to what extent the author has made use of the sources
available in his field and to what extent he has been able to dis
cover sources not previously known.
Each fact stated, unless a matter of common knowledge or one
which can readily be verified elsewhere) should be accurately docu
mented in the footnotes. Since the documentation is designed to
aid scholars in further study of the subject, full information should
be given about the documents. The following facts should be in
cluded, in the order given: nature of the document (letter, memo
randum) report); the originator; the recipient; the date; the subject,
if given; the file designation; and the file location. Each footnote
should immediately follow the line of text containing the reference
number applying to that note; a line should be drawn or typed (use
the same character as for underlining) above and below the footnote
to separate it from the text. This method is preferred by printers.
For brevity) all standard abbreviations may be used. At times the
nature of the material is such that space can be saved and the num
ber of footnotes reduced by consolidating all references for a para
graph in one note with several items.
Footnotes should not be too heavily loaded with discursive or ex
planatory material. Generally such material, if worth using at all,
can be more effectively included in the main text. Though many
Latin terms, or their abbreviations, are commonly used in footnotes,
there is a growing tendency to avoid their use. For example,
"above" and "below" are replacing supra and irifra. Ibid. (ibidem)
in the same place) should be used to refer only to material in an
immediately preceding note. For a full discussion of footnote form,
see section III, appendix A.
Sources should be grouped according to type, and each major
group of records briefly described. The physical location of the
files at the time consulted should be indicated. Published works
should be grouped separately and listed by author, title, place and
date of pu blication, and name of publisher.
Tables, Charts, Maps; Illustrations
Each table or chart, except those that are very short and informal,
should have a number and a title. Dates should also be included
in the title. Maps should be numbered, titled, and dated. Those
which show the action of military units should employ the "Basic
Military Map Symbols.)' Photographs should be closely tied in
with the text, and none should be used which do not definitely
clarify matter in the text. The sources of all tables, charts, maps)
and illustrations should be clearly indicated.
This appendix is designed to cover points of usage not covered in
official style manuals that are of special concern to historians. It
should be used in conjunction with the 1953 edition of the Govern
ment Printing Office lvfanual. Where the GPO .A1anua! or
Webster's New International Dictionary differ from Army dictionaries in
matters of spelling or capitalization, the Army form is to be
Section If. USAGE
For capitalization of technical military terms not found in ordi
nary usage follow SR 320-5-1, "Dictionary of United States Army
T enns. "
Military Terms
Capitalize terms which, though consisting of common adjectives,
have a special meaning in military usage.
Blue armies (maneuvers)
Type Allied code names in solid caps.
Operation TORCH OMAHA Beach
Type enemy code names in solid caps and italicize.
Operation SEELOEvVE
Titles of Publications and Their Parts
Capitalize but do not italicize:
Army Regulations
Mobilization Regulations
vVar Department General i\1obiJization Plan
Preferred Spellings
Refer to Webster's }'/ew InternationaL Dictionary. For military
words consult SR 320-5-1.
: APPENDIX A, Style lvlal11.1al. has been developed in the Office of the Chief of Mili
tary History al<cI has proved its value both as an airl to historians and to the Editorial
Follow British spelling in British designations.
Refer to the lists of the U. S. Board on Geographic Names for
spelling of place names. See also section on "Foreign Geographic
Terrns,n below.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Abbreviate in the text only elements which have become estab
lished in ordinary usage, in military usage, or occur frequently.
For abbreviations in footnotes, charts, and tables see the sections
under those headings.
Write abbreviations in solid caps in parentheses after the com
plete term the first time it is used in any volume. Subsequent uses
require only the abbreviation. Do not use periods after abbrevia
tions in solid caps.
Do not abbreviate in titles or headings.
Military and Naval Abbreviations (See SR 320-50-1)
Do not abbreviate common nouns s ~ a n d i n g for military units, ex
cept in tables, charts, lists, and footnotes.
Company A 32d Infantry
Abbreviate designations of rank and grade if the full name is writ
ten out. (For exceptions see "Military Rank and Titles," below.)
Capt. Alexander R. Skinker but Captain Skinker
S. Sgt. Herbert H. Burr Sergeant Burr
In certain compound abbreviations consisting of two capital let
ters the letters are separated by the sign I.
T 10 (Table of Organization) but Z1
T IE (Table of Equipment)
Do not use punctuation after an abbreviation when used with a
figure giving a weapon's cali bel'.
ISS-mm howitzer but 10.3 mm. long
Indicate British nationality of naval craft by H. NI. S.
H. M. S. Hood or the British battle cruiser Hood
hai icize
Foreign words and phrases.
Names of specific enemy military units.
Do not Italicize
Titles of manuals, circulars) and bulletins which are not pub
lished for general distribution. Capitalize initial letters of impor
tant words and place in quotes.
Type all quoted material exactly as in the original.
Run into the text, with quotation marks) quotations of fewer than
seven typed lines. Separate and single-space quotations of seven
typed lines or more.
Place the footnote reference mark at the end of the quotation,
whether fun-in or separated.
Indicate omissions wi thin q uotatians by ellipses (three periods) in
addition to necessary punctuation marks such as the period at the
end of the sentence. If the omission occurs after the end of a sen
tence) place the first period close to the last letter; if the omission
occurs just before the end of a sentence, separate the last period
from the elLipses by a space; if the omission occurs in the middle of
a sentence, leave a space before and after the periods.
Separated quotations
Single-space and indent five spaces.
Do not use quotation marks with separated quotations except to
indicate a quotation within the quotation.
Indent the first line of a separated q uotatian unless the first line
begins in the middle of a sentence. If a separated quotation begins
in the middle of a sentenee, use ellipses and do not indent., /
Do not introduce a separated quotation by that
except,wheb the
first sentence of the quoted material is incomplete and r ~ q u i r ~ ~ it. .
\ I
Use terms such as as follows) wrote, declared) reported, followed by a
Dates and Time
Use military dating in text and all footnotes except in quotations
or in citing titles of documents in which a different system is used.
31 July 1946 but Act of July 6, 1942
July 1946
Abbreviate months and years only in tables, charts, and footnotes.
Use mili tary a bbreviations (first three letters of month).
29 Jun 46 not 29 June '46 or 29 Sep 1946
Indicate time in connection with military activity according to
military practice, on the 24-hour basis. It is not necessary ta add
the letter indicating the time zone or the word hours.
Action started at 0845.
Indicate time not referring to military activity in the ordinary
Congress recessed at 11 P.M.
Do not use at about to indicate an approximate designation of
time. A bout is sufficien1: about 0600.
Avoid tautology such as 0600 in the morning.
Use the military abbreviations D-day) H-hour) V-E Day> and V-J
In connection with D-day, do not write days after the numeral;
with H-hour, do not write hours after the numeral.
D+4 H-4
Any other time element is shown in parentheses.
D +4 (months) H -4 (minutes)
Military Organizations
Short names of military organizations may be used.
the Air Force the Field Forces
If names of organizations have changed, use the name which pre
vailed at the time.
War Department (before 15 Sep 47) Department of the Army
If there is a possibility of confusion, identify the unit by nation
ality, especially in the first mention.
Do not begin a sentence with the numeral or letter of a unit.
lrifantry may be omitted in the designation of American infantry
divisions. Indicate other branches of the service.
1st Division 1st Armored Division
Regiment may be omitted in the designation of a single American
infantry regiment.
26th Infantry but the 16th and 18th Infantry Regim.ents
Write out numbers of U. S. armies.
Thi.rd Army Eighth Army
Use Roman numerals for U. S. corps.
I Corps II Corps
Use arabic numerals for divisions, regiments, platoons,
and squads.
1st Squad, 2d Platoon
2d Battalion, 327th Glider Infantry, 101st Airborne Division
Designations of U. S. Navy and Marine Corps Units
U. S. Navy
Third Fleet CalTier Division 1
VII Amphibious Force Fighting Squadron 22 (VF 22)
Task Force 31 3d Construction Battalion
Task Group 61.1
U. S. Marine Corps
I Marine Amphibious Corps 2d Battalion, 12th Marines
4th Marine Division 1st Marine Air Wing
6th Marines Marine Air Group 23
Marine Fighting Squadron 233 (VMF
Marine Scout Bombing Squadron (VMSB 232)
Foreign Military Units
Italicize specific enemy units.
Translate all foreign terms which parallel the English verSiOn;
otherwise, use the foreign terms.
Retain spec-ied !lames Qr honorifics "vith a unit's
Honorable 3d Division
National Unit Designations
21 Army Group
First Army
3 Corps
1st Di vision
1st Brigade
. First Army
I Corps
7th Division
8th Brigade
New South Wales Regiment
45th Field Regiment
New Zealand
3d Division
8th Brigade
1st Battalion
1st Army
1st Corps
1st Motorized Division
3d Algerian Infantry Divi
the South Staffordshire Regi
ment or S. Staffords
1st Battalion, North Stafford
shire Regiment, or 1 N. Staffs
2/22 Battalion
No.5 (Maintenance) Group
No. 82 (Bomber) Wing
No. 76 (Transport) Wing
No. 30 (Interceptor-Fighter)
No. 42 Transport Squadron
No. 43 Fighter Squadron
No. 41 Bomber-Reconnaissance
4th Infantry Brigade
8th Moroccan Infantry
1st Battalion, 8th Moroccan In
IX War Area
XX Group Army
XVIII Route Army
36th Division
Honorable 2d Division
4th (Cavalry) Brigade
259th Infantry
1st Battalion, 259th Infantry
Italian (italicized wh<:,n enemy unit)
Army Group Central Italy
First Army
XXI Corps
6th Cuneo,Division
2d Sforzesca (semi-motor
ized) Division
Army Group B
First A m ~ y
I Corps
1st Dim'sion
Southern A rea A m'!J}
1st Area Ar7?'?)i
2d Arm))
First Ukrainian Front
Seventh Guard Army
XX Armored Corps
205th Coastal Division
6th Aosta Infantry Regiment
14th Murge Artillery Regiment
7th Mortar Battalion
1st Battalion) 6th Aosta Infantry
j st Bngade
Jsl Regiment
j st BaUalion
3d Division
4th Brigade
228th Infantry
I st Battalion) 228th Infantry
19th Infantry Division
30th Antitank Brigade
105th Guard Regiment
6th Signal Battalion
Military Rank and Titles
Initial Mention
In the initial reference to an individual give full rank (abbr.), full
name (first name, middle initial, and surname).
Lt. CoL John C. Black
Pfc. Floyd K. Lindstrom
Pvt. Ova A. Kelley
Rear Adm. Daniel]. Callaghan
S. Sgt. Walter D. Ehlers
Cpl.John Kinsey
Subsequent Mentions
Colonel Black Admiral Callaghan
Private Lindstrom Sergeant Ehlers
Private Kelley Corporal Kinsey
Do not in any case abbreviate the tollowing titles in the text:
General of the Army Fleet Admiral
Chief of Staff
Foreign Military Rank and Titles
At first mention, write the full name of general and flag officers, in
cluding honorifics and rank, in the foreign term, not italicized.
Thereafter use the English language equivalent for rank and only
the last name.
General del' Panzertruppen Hermann Ba1ck) General BaJck
Brigadier Sir Godfrey Rhodes) Brigadier Rhodes
Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, Admiral Ramsay
Below the rank of general and flag officers, use the' English equiv
alent. As in the case of rank in the U. S. Army, abbreviate at first
Forei gn Words
Italicize foreign 'Nards and phrases which have not been angli
cized. In each case, refer to T/Vebstcr)s International Dictionary) espe
cially the Addenda.
Do not italicize foreign titles preceding proper names.
Reichmarschall Goering Pere Lagrange
Freiherr von Schenau
Do not italicize names of foreign organizations or insti tutions (ex
cept enemy lnilitary units).
The Alliance Francaise the Reichstag
Organization Todt the Bibliotheque Nationals
Do not italicize the following Latin terms:
cf. e.g. V1Z
i.e. etc. vs.
Do not italicize generic,references to enemy military unirs.
a panzer grenadier division
Retain foreign diacritical marks except the German umlaut; to
indicate the umlaut, use the letter e after the a, 0) or u.
Foreign Geographic Terms
Do not italicize foreign geographic names.
Refer to the lists of the U. S. Board on Geographic Names for
form and spelling.
Translate foreign common nouns such as rver) pennsuLa) and bay)
in names of well-known geographic features.
Bay of the Seine but Cap de la Hague
Translate proper nouns in foreign geographic terms if an English
equivalent has become well established.
Florence but Chantilly
Rome Rauen
If a place is not named on an official map but received a name as
a result of military operation, the practice is to use the given name,
where this appears in the military records of the operations) fol
lowed or footnoted by military coordinates and a reference to the
map used. If the available maps are not gridded, use latitude and
In the early draft and the final copy sent to the editor, the foot
notes should not be numbered but rather an asterisk placed where
the reference number will appear. This eliminates any confusion
that might result in the shifting of paragraphs or pages by the edi
tor. After the editing has been completed and reviewed by the
author, the footnotes are numbered consecutively \vithin each
In the early drafts, footnotes should be double-spaced for the con
venience of the editor. In the copy sent to the printer, footnotes
should be single-spaced.
Type.the reference number and footnote thus:
revised its esti rnates for 1947. * e1) Later in the
* Cl)
Memo, OPD for Budget Officer, 16 Feb 45, sub; Strength of the
Army. WDCSA 320.2 (1946) Case 55. DRB, TAG.
(Note. Type reference number superior, in text and footnote.
Type full lines above and below footnote to separate from
Indent first line of footnote to paragraph indention.)
Footnote reference number for a run-in table should be in the
box head. If no box head, number should come at the end of pre
ceding text.
Footnote reference number for a direct quotation should follow
the quotation, not the preceding text.
Abbreviation and Cqpitalization
Abbreviate and capitalize as in text, and also according to the
abbreviations section of Webster's InternatonaL Dictionary and SR 320
50-1. No fJeriods are required in mihtary usage.
Abbreviate and capitalize:
After sub (capitalize important words). Do not abbreviate titles'
of official circulars, orders, reports, or the like.
Parts of publications and documents:
art. par. but Item
bk. pt. No.
ch. sec.
p. vol.
Bul (Bulletin)
Memo (Memorandum)
Cir (Circular)
MC (Message Center)
Cl\tf (Classified Message)
Min (Minutes)
Conf (Conference)
IvIs (Manuscript)
Carr (Correspondence)
Msg (Message)
EO (Executive Order)
lvItg (Meeting)
FO (Field Order)
PL (Public Law)
GO (General Order)
Rad (Radiogram)
Inc! (Inclosure) Rpt (Report)
Ind (Indorsement) SO (Special Order)
Interv (Interview) Teleg (Telegram)
Ltr (Letter) Sitrep (Situation Report)
File locations:
Ex (Box) but Binder
Bell (Bundle) Cabinet
Env (Envelope) Case
Exec (Executive)
Rm (Room)
Sec (Section)
Ser (Serial)
Do not abbreviate titles of documents.
Do not abbreviate: but Adm
General of the Army Cen
President (of the CofS
United States)
Fleet Admiral
Use the abbreviation ~ 1 I / o . only to a void ambiguity.
Author, first name first, comma
Full title, italicized,
Place, comma, year of publication, in parentheses, comma
Volume and page references, period.
[Do not write liOl. except to avoid ambiguity.]
Examples in first reference to books:
One author:
Robert E. Sherwood, Rooselielt and Hopkins: An Intimate History
(New York, 1948), p. 627.
Two authors:
Charles G. Haines and Ross J. Hoffman, Origins and Back
ground of the Second World r17ar (London and New York,
1943), p. 89.
Three authors:
List 11-ames of all as with two authors.
More than three authors:
List the complete name of the first author followed by and
No author:
Dragoon Campaigns to the Rock]! Alountains (New York, 1836),
p. 174.
A later edition:
A lvfanual oj S(yle (11 th ed.; Chicago, 1949), p. 14-0.
An edited work:
The Poems of Edgar A Llan Poe, ed. Killis Campbell (Boston,
1917), p. 42.
A translated work:
Carl von Clausevvitz, On TJ1Iar, trans. J. J. Graham (London,
1918), I
p. 77.
Joint project:
Kentucky, Federal Writers Project, History qf Ken
tucky (Frankfort, 1939), pp. 79-96.
A book in a series:
!vfilitary ObLigation: The A merican Tradition ("Backgrounds of
Selective Service," Monograph No. I, vol. II, pt. II [\Nash
ington, 1947]), p. 3.
Subsequent references when not immediately following:
Sherwood, op. cit.) p. 444.
A Manual of Style) op. cit.) p. 167.
Clausewitz, op. dt., I, p. 89.
K.entucky, Federal Writers Project, op. cit.) p. 286.
When two books by the same author are cited, op. ct. cannot be
John McAuley Palmer, America in Arms (New Haven, 1941), pp.
John McAuley Palmer, Washington-LincoLn- Wilson) Three War
Statesmen (New York, 1930), pp. 325, 372,380.
Palmer, America l'n Arms, p. 19.
Palmer, Washington-Lincoln- Wilson) p. 329.
Where references to the same work follow each other consecutively
and uninterruptedly, use ibzd. instead of repeating the title.
Robert E. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History
(New York, 1938), p. 627.
Ibid.) p. 572.
John McAuley Palmer, America in Arms (New Havec, 1941), pp.
Ibid.) p. 74.
Author, first name first, comma
Article, title, in quotes, comma
Periodical title, italicized, comma
Volume, year (in parentheses), comma
Page reference) period
Franklin L. Ford, "The Twentieth of July in the History of
German Resistance," A merican Historical Review) LI Uuly
1945), pp. 609-26.
When using ibz'd. for references to periodicals, repeat the volume
Gp. cd. may be used in reference to periodicals if the name of the
author and article are repeated.
Ford, "The Twentieth of July in the }Iistory of German Resist
ance," op. cd.) p. 614.
Ford, A merican Historical Review, LI (1945), p. 614.
Give the place of publication, the name of the newspaper, the date,
and page number. Italicize the name of the newspaper, and the
place of publication if it is a part of the name. The is not italicized
even though part of the name.
The New York Times
14 Aug 45, p. 8.
When the place of publication is not given, add it in brackets to
avoid ambiguity, as:
The [Baltimore] Sun, 25 Aug 45, p. 20.
The [Washington] Evening Star; 21 Dec 45.
Archival Material
Before citing any material in the National Archives, the author
should consult with an archivist to ascertain pr.oper record group,
series, etc.
Use commas within an element in a citation; periods to separate
elements; and semicolons to separate a series of citations.
Use a- colon after sub.
Character of the document, comma
Writer and/or issuing agency, to/for
Recipient (individual or agency), comma
Date, comma
Subject or title, period.
File designation (detailed exactly as on file), period.
Location of file, period. ,
tOO Memo, Tompkins to DCofS, 5 Jan 44, sub: Schedule.
vVDSPD 380 (12 Aug 43). DRB, TAG.
119 Memo, Tompkins for Marshall, 8 Feb 44, sub: TroOp
Bases. OPD 370.9, Case 12. DRB, TAG; DF, SPD to
OPD, 7 Mar 44, sub: Troop Bases. SPD Study 33, sec.
S Memo, AWC Bd to SW, 17 Mar 03, sub: Equipment and
Organization of iviilitary Forces. Records of WDGS, 3d
Div. National Archives.
[JVole. For National Archives files do not use record group number,
but either full name or abbreviation of issuing office. J
50 Memo, CofWCD to CofS, 3 Feb 17) sub: Preparations for
possible hostilities with Germany. WCD Files 9433/4.
Copy filed as incl to memo, Lt. G. E. Adamson (aide to
Pershing) to T:AG, 20 Feb 23, sub: Request for informa
tion on prewar plans. AG File 381. National Archives.
5,3 Statement, Brig Cen O. F. Lange (Ret). HIS 330.14.
72 Interview, Brig Gen O. F. Lange (Ret), 4 Feb 49. Author's
Ibid. may be used in citing archival material when references to
the same work follow each other uninterruptedly. Op. cil. is never
used in connection with archival material.
The classification of a document or file (C), (8), or (TS), directly
follows the ti tie of the document or the file numbel' as:
Ltr, Hq ASF to DeafS for Svc Cmds, 13 Mar 44, sub: Ital
ian Service Units (C). ASP 383.6 Italian Service Units (S).
Unpublished Manuscripts
l):! Lecture, Dr. George H. Gallup, American Institute of Pub
lic Opinions, before the Industrial College of the Armed Forces,
17 Jun 47. L47-150. Industrial College Library.
Col L. \tV. Cass, "History of the First Replacement Depot,
AEF/' 27 Feb 19. [No file number.] MS in NWC Library.
107 Rpt, Com No. 5, Awe, 31 Oct 34, sub: Replacements.
p. 13. NWC Library.
Both ibld. and op. cit. may be used in citing unpublished material,
Gallup, lecture, op. cit.
Cass, op. Clt.
Report of Committee No.5, AWC, op. cit.
Government Publications
In citing Government publications it is not necessary to list place
of publication; date of publication is given only to avoid ambiguity.
Italicize date if part of the title:
"Report of The Adjutant General," Tilar Department AnnuaL Re
ports) 1920) I, p. 47.
AnnuaL Report of the Secretary if Wary 1924) p. 43.
Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army) July 1)
1941 to June 3D, 1943 ... , p. 25.
The name of the signataI' of the official report or document may
be ci ted if the author feels it is of sufficient importance or significance.
In citing general orders, bulletins, etc., do not write No. before
the numeral.
vVD GO 37, 10 Aug 42.
DA BullG, 19 Sep 51.
Titles of Anny studies, manuals, etc. that have not been published
for general distribution or have been mimeographed are placed in
quotation 111arks.
TN! 30-944, "Dictionary of Spoken Russian".
Maj J. C. Sparrow, "History of Personnel Demobilization in the
United States Army" (Special Studies Series, OCMH), 1951.
DA Pam 20-210, History of Personnel Demobzh'zation in the United
States Army) Jul 52.
H. R. Rpt. 1667, 78th Cong., 2d sess., "Legislative Appropri
ation Bill, 18 Jun 44.
S. Doc, 79, 78th Cong" 2d sess., "Agriculture Appropriation
Bill, 1939," 4 Apr 44,
Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropri
ations, U, S, Senate, 78th Cong" 2d sess, on H.R, 9621, H.R,
9622, H.R. 9623, H.R. 9624, H.R. 9625, H.R. 7685, 1944.
[If title of bill is given in place of S. or H,R, number, place the title
in quotes,]
PL 299, 78th Cong., 2d sess., 30 Sep 44.
Act of April 22, 1898, 30 Slat. 361
[If possible give general order or bulletin and date in which the law
was reprin ted. J
Official Histories
Robert R. Palmer, Bell 1. Wiley, and William R, Keast, The
Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops in UNITED
STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1948),
pp, 165-239.
Reports of Commander-in-Chief, A.E.F.) Staff Sections and Services in
1919 (Washington, 1948), XIV, pp. 33-38.
Section IV. FORMAT
Front Matter
The front matter in a comprehensive military history is arranged
as follows: title page, copyright page, dedication, foreword, preface,
table of contents, lists of tables, charts, maps, and illustrations.
Pages should be numbered so that the odd numbers are always
on the right-hand side, and the even on the left. Each new chap
ter, the preface, foreword, etc. should begin on an odd-numbered
page. If necessary, leave the preceding page blank.
A volume which belongs to a series or which is published under
the auspices of an organization or Government departmen t usually
has a short foreword written by an official of the agency and giving
essential information about the volume, the series, or both.
The author's preface should set forth the purpose and scope of the
work. It should set forth not only the contribution aimed at, but
also the limitations arising from the subject or the conditions under
which research was conducted,
If important methodological issues are involved, the methods of
research and the organization of the material in the volume should
be explained.
If controversial questions are involved) it may be well to give all
points of view and) if possi bIe, the conclusions of the author. "
In cases of plural authorship the preface will set forth all alloca
tion of credits in terms of the authorship of specific portions of the
volume. It is also proper to give credit in the preface to those who)
though not mentioned on the title page, contributed incidentally to
the research or writing. Acknowledgments may be made also to
those who have made important contributions to the work by facili
tating the gathering of information, or to those who have contributed
materi aJ]y to the processing of the volume.
The preface may call attention to the appendages of the volume
which will be of help to the reader, such as glossary and bibliographi
cal note) and may also explain any set of terms on concepts which
are recurrent and of particular importance in the text.
The preface should be dated as of the time the manuscript is sent
to the printer.
Use Arabic numerals for tables (except those run-in with the text).
Follow the number with an eln dash and the title in initial caps;
center short titles above the table. If a title requires two lines, ex
tend the first line from margin to margin and center the second line
below the first. If the title requires more than two lines, the second
and succeeding lines should be indented slightly under the word Table.
Table 5-Distribution" of Infantry OCS Quotas among Major
Categories, June 1944-February 1945
Give the date or period of time directly after the main \A/ords of
the title, preceded by a comma unless part of the title.
Units of measure applicable to the entire table should be given
directly below the title in parentheses and in upper and lower case,
as Millions if DolLars. U nits of measure applicable to only some of
the columns of the table should be shown in the headings of the
col umns affected.
All columns, including the stub (left-hand column should have
headings) typed in initial caps.
Use boxed headings in tahles having more than two columns.
Use vertical lines for columns and horizontal lines at the top and
bottom of the table, whenever there are boxed headings.
Use a series of double-spaced periods (leaders) extending from the
stub of the table to two spaces from the first column of figures.
Set off each three digits in figures with commas. Do not leave
blank spaces in columns of figures. Use zeros where data is appli
cable, otherwise use em dashes.
Place totals at top of columns added. Indent the word Total)
with the first letter capitalized, from the left-hand margin.
Where space must be saved, abbreviate units of time, military units,
rank, units of measurement. Omit periods in words so treated in
standard or military practice. In each table, abbreviate consistently
or not at all. Avoid symbols, such as % and the abbreviation of
number in column headings.
Use letters (a) b) c) for footnotes of numbered tables. Use num
bers, consecutive with footnotes in the text, for footnotes for run-in
The footnote reference mark should follow titles) headings) and
stub entries but precede numbers. Footnote symbols for an omitted
figure should be placed in parentheses in the space normally occupied
by the figure.
List the source of the data in the table directly below the footnotes,
separated by a space. Follow the word Source) italicized, with a colon.
If a table continues beyond a single page, repeat the table number
and the full title. Place the word Continued) italicized, after the title,
from which it should be separated by an em dash.
Tables run-in with the text are not numbered or titled, but are
introduced by a sentence of the text and a colon. Do not use
boxed headings or rulings. Indent text tables 10 or more spaces
from left- and right-hand margins, depending on the width of stub
and columns.
Use Arabic numerals for charts in the text, Roman for those in
the appendix.
Type titles, and indicate Source as for tables.
Use asterisks, daggers, and section marks for footnote reference
rather than letters.
Type headings and titles of maps in solid caps) Roman.
Use Arabic numerals for black and white maps, Roman for
colored maps.
Essential place names and topographic features mentioned in the
text must be shown on the map which covers that portion of text.
Because the size of the printed map is limited, care must be taken
to plan maps which do not require too large a cartographic canvas.
Do not number illustrations. All references should mention the
title of the illustration and the page number) except \-vhen the illus
tration is adjacent to the reference.
Type captions in solid caps.
On the back of the photograph note the date on which it was taken>
and source (Army> Air Force, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard, or other)
with photo number and location.
The photographs should be obtained in duplicate and specifica
tions given on the duplicate rather than on an overlay.
If single caption is used for two pictures, use above and beLow) in

Abbreviate as in the text.
Credit for illustrations should follow list in front matter.
Letter appendixes, using capital le.tters.
Type headings and titles in initial caps, not italicized.
Place appendixes directly after the text portion of the volume.
Each volume should include an alphabetized glossary of the ab
breviations used. The glossary and ensuing supplementary features
follow the appendixes.
It is unnecessary to include abbreviations which are obvious> such
as V-E Day and GHQ
Map Symbols
Include a list of basic military symbols in each combat volume.
Bibliographical Note
Each volume should contain a bibliographical note, appraising the
value and reliability of the sources.
Combat histories may find it useful to have the following sections:
Manuscript Histories> Army Records, Navy Records, Marine Corps
Records, Enemy Records, Interviews? Published Works.
If the bibliographical note contains a statement that Department
of the Army records comprise the main source for the study, those
records do not need to be listed individually.
Author, last name first (but Smith, John, and Blll Jones),
Title, in italics, period
Supplementary note, if necessary, period
and number, if any and if significant, period
Edi tion, if other than first, semicolon
Place of publication, comma
Date, period
Number of volumes, period
Ganoe, William A. The History r:if the United States A rJ71:Y.
Rev. ed.; New York, 1943.
Palmer, Robert R., Bell 1. vViley, and \Nilliam R. Keast.
The Procurement and Training rif Ground Combat Troops.
Washington, 1948.
Reports of Commander-in-Chifj; Staff Sections and Serv
ices. Washington, 1948. XIV.
Author, last name first, period
Article title, comma, in quotes
Periodical title, italicized, comma
Volume number, usually Roman
Date of issue, in parentheses, comma
Page reference, period
. Miller, John Jr. "Crisis on Guadalcanal," Military Affairs)
XI (1 947), 195-212 .
A chronology of events or of operations is frequently of great value
to a military student. This is especially true in complicated affairs
and in farflung operations when it may be essential to keep in mind
contemporaneous events bearing upon the problem.
The Index
A properly prepared and complete index is an essential part of all
military histories. Without it, a work is of limited value to military
men who may have need of the information contained therein. A
trained military man or the author is best-qualified to prepare an
index suitable for the needs of the service.
Capitalize the initial letter of the first 'word of each main entry
but not the first letter of a subheading; otherwise the general rules
for capitalization apply to the index.
\Vrite out first elements in a main entry, abbreviate second ele
ments of a main entry and all elements of subentries, in accordance.
with standard Army practice and Webster)s International Dictionary.
Abbreviate U. S. as an adjective.
Use a colon to separate entries [rom page numbers, and commas
to separate page numbers from each other. Numbers referring to
material of a general nature which does not fit into the subheadings
should immediately follow the main entry. Use an en dash to
connect compound page nUll1bers.
Do not use periods in the index except for abbreviations and to
set off complete statements; use periods before and after statements
beginning with See and Sec aLso.
'VVhen See also is followed by reference to several entries, use semi
colons to separate items.
Italicize: See and See also; the names of ships; the names of enemy
units; other terms which are italicized in the text.
Entries and subentries should preferably not start with preposi
tions; if prepositions are unavoidable they should not be considered
in alphabetizing.
}Vote. The bibliographical aids, books, publications, and source mate
rial listed in this appendix contain many references to additional works
or source material. The researcher and student of American military
history will find the lists useful as a beginning. A similar list of works
'which influenced German military thinking was prepared by former
Chief of Staff Franz Halder and others under the supervision of Histori
cal Division, USAREU R. It was edited and reproduced by Foreign
Studies Branch, OCMH, DA, under the title of "Brief Survey of German
Military Literature."
Ardant DuPicq. Battle Studies. Translated by John N. Greely and
Robert C. Cotton. New York, 1921.
Bernhardi, Friedrich Yon. On War To-da)!. Translated by Karl von
Donat. London, 1913. 2 yals.
Birnie, Arthur. The Art d T!f7ar. London, 1942.
Bowman, Isaiah. The JVew World, Problems in PoLitical Geography. Yonk
ers-on-the-Hudson, New York and Chicago, 1928.
Brodie, Bernard. Sea Power in the lvfachine Age. Princeton, 1941.
Burchardt, Jacob. Force and Freedom: Reflections on Hislory. New York)
Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Translated by J J. Graham. London,
1918. 3 vals.
Colby, Elbridge. 1vlasters of Mobile liVaifare. Princeton, 1943.
Constitution if the United States if America.
DeGaulle, Charles. The Army cifthr Future. Philadelphia and New York,
De Vattel. The Law of JVations. Translated by Joseph Chitty. Phila
delphia, 1863.
Douhet, Giulio. The Command oj the Air. Translated by Ferrari. New
York, 1942.
Earle, Edward M., Gordon A. Craig, and Felix Gilbert. Afakas oJiviod
ern Strategy. Princeton, t943.
Emeny, Brooks. The Strategy if Raw Materials. New York, 1934.
Erfurth, Waldemar. Surprise. Translated by Stefan T. Possonv and
Daniel Vilfroy. Harrisburg, 1943. '
Foeh, Ferdinand. The Principles oj War. Translated by Belloc. New
York, 1920.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Hugo, FreiheIT von. The Power of PersonahlJ! in
War. Translated by Oliver L. Spaulding, 1938. Harrisburg, 1955.
Fuller,]. F. C. Armament and History. New York, 1945.
--- The Foundation oj the Science cif vVar. London, 1925.
--- Machine vVwfare. London, 1942.
--- War and Western C1"vzLization, 1832-1932. London, 1932.
Goltz, Baron Colmar von del'. The Conduct of War. Translated by
Joseph T. Dickman. Kansas City, 1896.
--- The Nation in Anns. Translated by Philip A. Ashworth. Lon
don, 1913.
Grotius, Hugo. The Law qf War and Peace. Translated by Louise R.
Loomis. New York, 1949.
Hamilton, Sir Ian. Soul and Body oj an Arm)i- London, 1921.
Henderson, George F. R. The Scence oj War. New York, 1905.
Herring, Pendleton. The Impact if War. New York, 1941 .
.J amini, Henry. The Art if riVar. Translated by G. H. Mandel and
W. T. Craig-hill. Philadelphia, 1862, 1863, 1879.
Kings1.on-McCloughry, E. J. War in Three Dimensions. London, 1949.
Lea, Homer. The Valor oj Ignorance. New York, 1942.
Le Bon, Gustave. The Crowd: A Study oJthe Popular Aifind. London, 1921.
Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Art qf vVar. Albany, 1815.
--- The Prince and the Discourses. New York, 1940.
Mackinder, Sir Halford]. Democratic IdeaLs and Reality. New York, 1942.
Mahan, Alfred T. The Influence qf Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783.
Boston, 1890.
Mahan, D. H. A dvanced-Guard, Out-Post, and Detachment Service cif Troops;
with Essential Principles of Strategy and Grand Tactics. New York,
1864 and a n urnbel' of editions from 1847 to 1864.
Montross, Lynn. War Through the A,ges. New York, 1944.
Nef, John U. War and Human Progress. Cambridge, Mass., 1950.
Nickerson, Hoffman. The Armed Horde, J793-1939. New York, 1940.
Oman, C. vV. C. The Art of T;J/ar tn the Middle Ages. Revised and edited
by John H. Beeler. Ithaca, 1953.
Pratt, Edwin A. The Rise oj Rail-Power in Tl1ar and Conquest, /833-/914.
London, 1915 and 1916.
Reinhardt, G. C. and W. R. Kintner. Atomic Weapons in Land Combat.
Harrisburg, 1953.
Robinett, Paul M. (ed.). Preparatwnfor Leadership l'n Amen'ca. Washing
ton, 1950.
Schdlendorff, Bronsart von. The Duties oj The General Stair 4th ed.;
London, 1905.
Seeckt, Hans Yon. Thoughts ifa Soldier. Translated by G. Waterhouse.
London, 1930.
Simonds, Frank, and Brooks Emeny. The Great Powers in World Politics.
New York, 1939.
Smith, Louis. American Democracy and A1ditary Power, A Stu4Y oj Civil Con
troL of the lvlditary Power in the United States. Chicago, 1951.
Spaulding, Oliver L., Hoffman Nickerson, and John W. Wright. War
Jare: A Study oj A1ilitary Metlwdsfrom the Earlest Times. New York,
Spykman, Nicholas J. America)s Strategy in fl10rld Politics. New York,
Stevens, William O. and Allan Wescott. A Hz'stor), if Sea Power. New
York, 1942.
Sun Tzu. The Art of Tl1ar. Translated by Lionel Giles. Harrisburg,
Thompson, Warren S. Plenty r:if People. New York, 1948.
Thucydides. Complete vVriting: The PeloponnesianWar: The Unabridged
Crawley Translation. New York, 1934.
Turner, Gorden B. (ed.). A History of Military Ailairs in Western Society
Since the Eighteenth eentur]!. Princeton, 1952. 32 vols.
United States Army. FM 22-10, Leadership. \Vashington, 1948.
U. S. Military Academy. Summaries of Selected lvfiLztary Campaigns. \Vest
Point, 1953.
Vagts, Alfred. History r:if Militarism. New York, 1937.
Verdy du Vernois, Julius A. F. W. von. Studies in the Leading of Troops.
Translated by William Gerlach. Kansas City, 1906.
Washington, George. Washington)s Farewell Address. Privately printed
for Veterans of Foreign \Vars, 1926.
Wilkinson, Spenser. The Brain of an Am-ry. 2d ed.; London, 1913.
''''right, Quincy. A Stu4J' if War. Chicago, 1942. 2 vols.
Zimmerman, Eric W. World Resources and Industries. New York, 1931.
Allied Geographical Section, Southwest Pacific Area. Annotated Bibliog
raf)!Zy ifthe Southwest Pacific and A djacent A reas. Official Publication.
General Headquarters Southwest Pacific, 1944. 3 vols.
Beers, Henry P. Bibliographies in American History. New York, 1942.
This work describes general bibliographical aids. Chapter VIII,
pp. 203-10, of Beers' work is devoted to military and naval history.
Remis, Samuel F., and Grace G. Griffin. Guide to the Diplomatic History
of the United States) 1775-192J. Washington, 1935.
Besterman, Theodore. A World BibLiograph), of Bibliographies. London,
Carnegie Institution of vVashington. Publication in Histor)!) Economics, and
History of Science. Reprinted from Catalogue of Publications) 1948.
Channing, Edward, Frederickj. Turner, and Albert B. Hart, Guide to
the Study and Readzng if American History. Boston, 1912. Although
somewhat outdated, it contains an immense amount of highly or
ganized information on sources of all sorts and is actually much
more than a bibliography.
Coulter, Edith M., and TvIelanie Gerstenfield. Historical Bibliographies.
Berkeley, 1935. A systematic and annotated guide with supple
Dutcher, George M., and others. Guide to Historical Literature. New
York, 1931. This guide gives a selected, classified, and critical bib
liography of the entire field of history, and includes special sections
on military history.
Frank, Emma L. ChoplainC). in the Armed Forces: A Bz'bliog
rophy. Oberlin, 1945.
Fuller, Grace H. Demobiiizatl'on: A Selected List q! Re./I'reJ1CfS. \Vashington,
---" lVhlitar]! G00'cmmenl: A List of References. Was hi ngton, 1944.
General Service Schools. Library Catalogue) /927. Fort. Leavenworth,
1927. This work, with a 1929 supplement, lists 55,600 books, pam
phlets) and dOCll ments, and 1,160 maps and atlases.
Griffin, Appleton P. C. (camp.). of American Hz'storical Soci
eties. American Historical Association Annual Report for 1905.
Washington, 1907.
Griffin, Grace G., and others (comp.). Writings zn American
Washington, 1908-.
Herring, Pendleton and others. Cl'vil-il1ilitary Relations. Chicago, 1940.
Kirk, Grayson) and Richard P. Stebbins. Jllar and National Polic)'." A
SyLlabus. New York, 1942.
Lanza, Conrad H. L,"st of Books on Mihtary History and Related Subjects.
3d ed.; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1923.
Larned, J. N. The Literature of American History: A Bibliographical Guide.
Boston, 1902. This work differs from Beers) in that it gives a brief
description and evaluation of each work listed. The introduction
contains information about records of each state. It has been
extended by supplements to 1904.
Lauterbach, Alfred T., and others. "Modern V\Tar-Its Economic and
Social Aspects." Princeton, 1942. A mimeographed listing of
books in English, German, and French relating to warfare on the
national level.
Matteson) David M. General Index to Papers and Annual Reports of the
Amen'can }!istorical Association, 1884-/914. i\merican Historical Asso
ciation Annual Report for 1914. Washington, 1918.
Poore, Benjamin P. A DescnjJtiue Catalogue of the Covemment Publications of
the United States, 1774-1881. Washington, 1885.
Riling, Ray. Guns and Shooting) a Bibhograph'y. New York, 195 1,
Sabin, Joseph, and others. A Dictionary of Books Relali"ng to America.
New York, 1868.
Smith, Bruce L., and others. Propaganda) Communication.. and Pubhc
Opinion) a Comprehensive Riference Guide. Princeton, 1946.
Social Science Research Council. Civil A1fihtary Relations: A n Annotated
Bibliography 1940-1952. New York, 1954.
Spaulding, Thomas M., and Louis C. Karpinski. Ear{y Military Books in
the University qf .!I1ichigan Libraries. Ann Arbor, 1941.
Thompson, James W. A History of Historical Writings. New York, 1942.
United States Fi el d Artillery Schoo!. Reserve Corps) A Bibliog
raphy. Fort SiU, 1946.
U. S. Government Printing Office. Checklist of U. S. Documents, 1789
1909. vVashington, 191 1.
U, S. Military Academy. Catalogue of the Library. Supps. to 1881.
Newburgh and Poughkeepsie, 1873-82.
U. S. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Military Intelligence
Division. Sources !if lriformation on Jl1iLitary Prrifessional Subjects: A
Classified List of Books and Publications. Washington, 1898.
General Reference Works
American History
Adams, James T. (ed.). Album rj' Amencan History. New York, 1946.
5 vols.
--- Dictionary of American Histof)!. New York, 1940. 5 vols.
Adams, James T. Atlas !if Arnericoll HistorJ!. New York, 1943.
Butterfield, Roger. The American Past. New York, 1947.
Crittenden, C. C., and Doris Godard. Historical Societies in the United
States and Canada. Washington, 1944.
Fox, Dixon R. Harper)s Atlas of American History. New York, 1920.
Johnson, Allen and Dumas Malone (eds.). Dictionary! of Arnerican Biog
raphy. New York, 1928-44. 20 vols., index and supplement.
This work lists sources.
Keller, Helen R. Dictionary of Dates. New York, 1934,. 2 vols.
Langer, William L. An Encyclopedia if World History. Boston, 1950.
Larned, Josephus N. JVew Larned History for Read. y Reference) Reading, and
Research. Rev. ed.; Springfield, Mass., 1922-24. 12 vols. Alpha
betical dictionary of universal history.
Lord, Clifford L., and Elizabeth H. Historical Atlas of the United States.
New York, 1944.
NationaL Cyclopaedia of American Bl'ography. New York, 1892-1938. 32
Paullin, Charles, and John R. \!\Tright. Atlas of the Historical Geography of
the United Stales. New York, 1932.
Statesman's Year Book. London and New York, 1864-.
U. S. Bureau of the Census. J-IistoricaL Statistics of the United States, J789
/945. Washington, 1949.
U. S. Congress. OfficiaL Congressional Dz'rectory if the American Congress.
Washington, 1809-. This is the standard reference book on mem
bers of Congress and, in recent years, a useful guide to governmental
agencies. The official Biographical Directory if the Amaicon Congress)
/774-1927) \A/ashington, 1928, is also valuable in this connection.
vVho's Who in America. Chicago, 1889-. Revised and reissued bien
nially. The entries are prepared by biographees themselves.
vVho T-1las vVho in America. Chicago, 1942. A companion volume to
T17ho's T'Vho in America containing the biographies of deceased Amer
icans who have appeared in the latter work since 1897 with dates of
death added.
American Military History Combined with Military Dictionaries and Ency
The following compilations contain military biographies of Continen
tal and Regular Army officers, 1775-1950, and other useful data on mili
tary organizations and battles.
Cullum, George W. Biographical Register rif the Officers and Graduates oj the
U. S. Military A cademx Boston, 1891-1930. 7 vols.
Duane, William. A Military Dlctionary. Philadelphia, 1810.
Farrow, Edward S. Military Encyclopedza. New York, 1885. 3 vols.
'--'--- Dictionary if JvIilitary Terms. Rev. ed.; New York, 1918. This
work is useful for the World War I period.
Garber, Ivlax. A jvJodern lvlilitary Dictionary. 2d ed.; Washington, 1942.
Gaynor, Frank. MilitaJ)! and NavaL Dictionary. New York, 1951.
Hamersly, Thomas H. S. Complete Army and Navy Register oj the United
Stales of America from 1776 to 1887. New York, 1888.
Heitman, Francis B. HistoricaL Regz'ster oj Officers of the Continental Army.
Rev. ed.; Vvashington, 1914.
--- Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army. \Alash
ington, 1900. 2 vols.
Scott, H. L. Nlilitary Dictionary) New York, 1861. This is especially
useful for the early period of the Civil War.
U. S. Army:
Decorations United States Army 1862-1926. (With supplements I-V.)
Washington, 1927-35.
OfficiaL Army and Air Force Register. Washington, published annually
until 1949. Following 1949 Army and Air Force registers are
separate publications.
The Nleda! 0./ Honor of the United States Army. vVashingtoD, 1948.
U. S. Navy:
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy
and Marine Corps. Washington, published annually.
\Vilhelm, Thomas. A Mihtary Dictionary and Gazatteer. Rev. ed.;
Philadelphia, 1881.
General Works
Secondary Works
Bailey, Thomas A. A Diplomatic Hist01)! of the American People. New
York, 1950.
Bancroft, George H. History oJthe United States !if America. Boston, 1876.
6 vols.
Bemis, S, F. A Diplomatl'c Histo?)! of the United States. Ne"''' York, 1950.
Bemis, S. F. (ed.). The American Secretaries of State and Their DipLomacy.
New York, 1927-29. 10 vols.
Brcbner, John B. The North Atlantic Triangle: The Interplay oj Canada, the
Um'ted Slates, and Great Britain. New Haven, 1945.
Brown, Ral ph H. Historical Geography oj the United States. New York,
Channing, Edward A. History of the United States. New York, 1905-25.
6 vols.
Corwin, Edward S. The President) Office and Powers. New York, 1940.
- ~ - President's Control 0/ Foreign Relations. Princeton, 1917.
Gabriel, Ralph E. (ed.). Pageant of America. New Haven, 1925-29.
15 vols. The first of the large ill ustrated American histories.
Hart, Albert B. (ed.). The American Nation. New York, 1904-18. 28
Johnson, Allen, and others (eds.). The Chronicles oj America. New
HaveD, 1918-50. 56 vols.
MacMaster, John B. History of the People oj the United Slates j 783-1865.
New York, 1895-1913. 8 vols.
Oberholtzer, E. P. History qfthe Umted States) 1865-1901. New York,
1917-37. 5 vols.
Paxon, Frederick L. History oj the American Frontier) 1763-1893. Boston,
Perkins, Dexter. Hands OJ!: A History of the Monroe Doctrine. Boston,
Rhodes, James F. Histo')) of the UnJted States Since the Compromise of 1850.
New York, 1895-1929. 9 vols.
Savage, Carl ton. The Policy oj the U. S. Toward Neutral Rights in Maritime
Commerce in f;Jlar) 1776-1914. Washington, 1936. 2 vols.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., and Dixon R. Fox (eds.). A History ifAmerican
Lift) 1492-1928. New York, 1927-31. 12 vols.
Stephens, W. H., and E. M. Coulter (eds.). The History oj the South.
Baton Rouge, 1947-. 10 vols.
Tate, Merge. The United States and Armaments. Cambridge, 1948.
Winsor, Justin (ed.). Narrative and Critical Hist01Y of America. Boston,
New York, 1884-89. 8 vols.
Printed Sourc.es
Earle, Edward M. (ed.). The Federalist-. New York, 1941.
Malloy, W. M., and Charles Garfield (eds.). Treaties. Between the
United States of America and Other Powers, 1776-1923. WashingtoD,
Miller, Hunter (ed.). Treaties and Other International Acts of United States
of America. Washington, 1931-.
Richardson, James D. (comp.). A Compilation of the Messages and Papers
rifthe Presidents, 1789-1904. Washington, 1896-1904. 10 vols.
U. S. Government:
Annals cifCongress) 1789-1824. VVashingtoo, 1825-37. 42 vols.
Register of Debates in Congress) 1824-1837. Washington, 1825-37.
20 vols.
Congressional Globe) 1833-1873. Washington, 1834-73. 111 vols.
Congressional Record) 1874-. Washington, 1874-.
Journal of the Executive Proceedings cif the Senate of the U. s.) 1789-1901.
Washington, 1909. 34 vo1s.
Special iv1iJitary Works
Secondary Works
Albion, Robert G. and Jennie B. Pope. Sea Lanes in vVartime: The Amer
ican Experience) 1775-1942. New York, 1942.
Army War College. Statement of a Proper Military Policy for the United
States. Washington, 1916. .
Beckwith, Edmund, and others. LawfuL Action of State Military Forces.
New York, 1944.
Berdahl, Clarence A. vVar Powers if the Executive in the United States.
Urbana, 1921.
Bernardo, C. Joseph and Eugene H. Bacon. American NIilitary Policy, Its
Development Since 1775. Harrisburg, 1955.
Birkhimer, William E. HistoricaL oj the Organization, Administration,
JHateriel and Tactics of the ArtiLlery, United States Arnry. Washington,
Blakeslee, Fred G. Uniforms if the World. New York, 1929.
Brackett, Albert G. HIstory of the United States CavaLry. New York, 1865.
Carter, William G. H. The Amercan ATlJY!. Indianapolis, 1915.
Castles, William T., and V. F. Kimball. Firearms and Their Use. Brook
lyn, 1942.
Cloke, Harold E. Condensed Military History if the United States. Cam
bridge, 1928.
Davis, George B. A Treatise o'n the Mililar.JI Law rif the United States. New
York, 1915.
Dolph, Edward A. Sound Off New York, 1942.
Dowell, Cassius M. Mditary Aid to the Civd Power. Ft. Leavenworth)
Duggan, Joseph C. The LegisLative and Statutory Development if the Federal
Concept qf for Military Service. Washington, 1946.
Dupuy, R. Ernest. Men 0/ West Point. New'York, 1951.
Falls, Cyril. A Hundred Years of War. London, 1953.
Forman, Sidney. West Point: A of the United States Military Acad
erny. New York, 1950.
Fuller, J. F. C. Decisive BattLes of the U. S. A. New York, 1942.
--- Armament and History. New York, 1945.
Ganoe, William A. History of the United States Arm)l- Rev. ed.; New
York and London, 1942.
Glasson, William H. FederaL lvIiLitary Pensions in the Um'ted States. New
York, 1918.
Gluckman, Arcadi. United States 1I1uskels, Rifles and CarbInes. Buffalo,
Britain War Office. Textbook oj SmaLL Arms. London, 1929.
Halleck, 'Al. \"lage.. /vhlz'tary Art (lnd Science. New York, 1846.
Herr, John K., and Edward S. Wallace. The Story of the U. S. CavaLry,
1775-1942. Boston, 1953.
Heigl, Fritz. Taschenbuch der Tanks. Munich, 1930.
Hicks, James E. Notes on United States Ordnance. Mount Vernon, N. Y.,
1940. 2 vols.
Hittle, J. D. The .Military StajJ. Harrisburg, 1949.
Huidekoper, Frederic L. The Military Unpreparedness of the United States.
New York, 1915.
Ingersoll, L. D. A History of the f!/lar Department of the United States.
Washington, 1879.
Jane, Fred T. Jane)s All the frVorld)s Aircraft. New York, published since
--- ]ane)s Fighting Ships. New York, published since 1897.
Johnston, Robert M. Leading A merican Soldiers. New York, 1907.
Kerwin, Jerome G. Civil-lvIiLitary Relationship in American Life. Chicago,
Knox, Dudley W. A History of the United States Navy. Rev. ed.; New
York, 1948.
Liddell Hart, B. H. Strategy: The Indirect Approach. New York, 1954.
MacC) ay, E. S. The History of the United States Navy. New York, 1901
02. 3 vols.
Mathews, \lVilliam, and Dixon Wecter. Our Soldiers Speak) 1775-1918.
Boston, 1943.
, 1vletcalf, C. H. A History qf the United States A1arine Corps. New York,
Munson, Edward L. Jr. Leadershipfor American Army Leaders. Washing
ton, 1942.
National Geographic Society. Insignia and Decorations oj the U. S. Armed
Forces. Rev. ed.; Washington, 1944.
Newman, James R. The Too Is oj War. Garden City, 1942.
Palmer,John M. America In Arms. New Haven, 1941.
--- Washington) Lincoln) TiVilson: Three War Statesmen. Garden City,
Palmer, Vlilliston B. The Evolution if the /I.1i!itary Pohcy if the United Slates.
Carlisle Barracks, 1946.
Pratt, Edward A. The Rise of Rail-Power in 1-Var and Conquest) 1833-1914.
London, 1915 and 1916.
Pratt, Fletcher. Eleven Generals: Studies in American Command. New Yark,
--- Short History if the Army and N av)!. Washington, 1944.
Puleston, \lVilliam D. Mahan: The Life and vVark qf Captain Alfred Mahan.
London, 1939.
Reichley, Marlin S. Federal Mihtary Intervention in Civil Disturbances.
Vlashington, 1939.
Rich, Bennett M. The Presidents and Civd Disorder. Washington, 1941.
Robi nson, Fayette. An Accoun! of the Organi;::a lion if the A rmy of the United
States. Philadelphia, 1848.
Rodenbaugh, Theophilus F., and William L Haskins (eels.). Th.e Army
qf the United States) Historical Sketches qf Staff and Line. New York,
Root, Elihu. The and Colonial Policy of the United States. Cam
bridge, 1916.
Rossi ter, Clinton. The Supreme Court and the Commander in Chief. Ithaca)
Senger u. Etterlin, Dr. F. v. Taschenbuch der Pan<.er) 1943-1954. Munich,
Smith, Louis. American Democracy and Mihtary Power: A Study of Civil Con
trol of the Military Power in the United States. Chicago, 195 1.
Spaulding, Oliver L. The United States Amry in War and Peace. New
York, 1937.
Spears, John R. The History of Our Navy, from Its Origin to the PresenlDay)
1775-1898. New York, 1898. 5 vols.
Sprout, Harold H. and Margaret T. The Rise of American Naval Power.
Princeton, 1942.
--- Toward a New Order 0/ Sea Power: American Naval Policy and the
World Scene /9/8-1922. Princeton, 1943.
Steele, Matthew F. American Campaigns. Washington, 1901. 1 vol.
text, 1 vol. maps.
Str ai t, N. A. Alphabetical List if Battles 1754-1900. W ashi ngton, 1901.
Thi an, Raphael P. Legislative History of the General Staff if the Army of the
United States . .. 1775 to 1901. Washington, 1901.
--- A1ilitary Geograp/ry of the United States. W ashi ngton, 1881.
Todd, Frederick P. and Fritz Krede1. Soldiers C!! the American Army.
New York, 1954.
Upton, Emory. The A1ilitary Policy oj the Um'ted States. Washington,
U. S. Army:
ROTCM 145-20 American Mditary History: /607-1953. Washing
ton, 1956.
Adj utant General's Office. Federal A~ d in Domestz'c Disturbances) 1787
1903. Washington, 1903.
Inspector General's Office. Regulations for Order and Disciphne if
Troops of the United States. (General von Steuben's Blue Book.)
Philadelphia, 1779,
Judge Advocate General's Department. Federal Aid in Militar:y Dis
turbances, 1903-1922. Washington, 1922.
Office of Information. The Army Almanac. \Vashington,1951.
Office of the Chief of Military History:
The Army Lineage Books:
VoL I-Divisions and Higher Commands,
Vol. II-Infantry. Washington, 1953.
Vol. III-Armor.
Vol. IV-Field Artillery.
Vol. V-A ntiaircraft A rtllle?)!.
VoL VI-Corps 0/ Engineers.
Vol. VII-Other Branches.
Kreidberg, Lt. Col. iv1arvin A. and Lr. Merton G. Henry. History
of Jvlilitary .Mobili<:;atz'on in the United States Army. Washington,
1956 (DA Pam 20-212).
Lerwill) Lt. Col. Leonard L. The Personnel Replacement System in the
United States Army. Washington, 1954 (DA Pam 20-211).
Lewis, Lt. Col. George H. and Capt. John Mewha. History if Utzii
zation of Prisoners qf fJVar by the United States Army, 1776-1945.
Washington, 1955 (DA Pam 20-213).
Sparrow) Lt. Col. John C. Hz'story qf Personnel Demobilization in the
United States Arrrry. Washington) 1952 (DA Pam 20-210).
The Quartermaster General. Uniforms rf the Amry rif the United States
from 1774 to 1889. Washington, 1908.
U. S. Marine Corps Historical Section. One Hundred Eighty Landings of
United States .i1arine5, 1800-1934. vVashington, 1934. 2 vols.
U. S. Military Academy. Campaign Summaries [V. S.]. West Point,
1945-46. 2 vols.
U. S. Senate. Politics of our Military NationaL Difense. (S. Doc. 274, 76th
Cong., 3d sess.) Washington, 1940.
Vagts, Alfred. History rf MIlitarism. New York, 1937.
Walton, William. The Army and Navy if the United States Boston,
1899-95. 2 vols.
Wecter, Dixon. When Johnny Comes Nfarching Home. Cambridge, Mass.)
West, Richard S. Admlrals of the A merican Empire. Indianapolis, 1948.
Westcott, Allan F. Amen'can Sea Power Since 1775 . Chicago, 1947.
White, Howard, Executive Influence in Determining Military Policy in the
United States. Urbana, 1925.
Williams, Dion. and }/avy Uniforms and Insignia. New York, 1918.
Wood, Leonard. Our lvIiLitary History: Its Facls and Fallacies. Chicago,
Wyllie, Robert E. Orders, Decorations and Insignia) ivhtitar.J1 and Civil.
New York, 1921.
Military Periodicals
A wealth of useful information relating to the Army and its
activities) policies, development) administration, and operations will
be found in the various service journals. They are valuable for con
temporary opinions, events, technical and tactical developments,
and biographical material.
A ir Force JournaL, 1946-; formerly A ir Corps NewsLetter) 1918-40; Air
Force) 1940-42; and Official Journal oj the U. S. A z"r Force, 1942-46.
A Iriformation 1945-. This official publication provides author
itati ve information on the policies, plans, and operations of the
Department of the Army, the arms and services, and the reserve
Army Navy Air Force Journal) 1950-; formerly Army Navy Journal, 1863
1950. It is particularly valuable for material on contemporary
matters of policy, organization, and current activity, opinion, and
development in the Military Establishment. It also contains au
thoritative copies of documents, legislation, etc., affecting the Army.
It is a valuable source of biographical material.
A Navy A ir Force Regz"ster) 1949-; formerly Amry Navy Register
1949. This publication is similar to the preceding journal and con
tains material of a like nature.
Journal of the jUilitary Service Institution of the United States) vols. 1 1879
1917. For a time thi.s was the only American service journal. I t is
a good source for studying Army organization, institutions, and
thinking within its period. Indexes cover volumes
1904, in volume 36; volumes 35-49, 1904-11, i.n volume 51; volumes
in volume 61.
lvliLitary Affairs) formerly JournaL of the Amen'can Mditary History
Foundation) 193 7 and JournaL qf the Amen'can ivfiLltary Institute)
1939-40. This publication is devoted to military history with em
phasis on American affairs.
The lvIilitar.J! Review) formerly Review of Current A1ilitary Writing
1921-32. This magaz ine publishes articles submi tted by the faculty
and students of the Army War College, the Command and General
Staff College, and by authorities in all branches of the military art
and science; digests leading articles found in foreign military pub
lications; and contains a book review section. An index, published
once each year) contains references to all articles other than book
Military and NavaL lvlagazine qf the United States. Washington,
Vols. 1 and 2.
The service journals contain historical studies of importance to the arm
or service concerned. Most significant are the various branch jour
nals, some of which are listed with former titles as follows:
for mer! y U. S. Arm)! Combat Forces JournaL, 1950-56, combining the
Infantry JournaL, the FieLd Artillery JournaL, and
Antiaircraft JournaL, 1948-55, formerly JournaL if United States ArtiLLeryJ
and Coast Artillery JournaL, 1922-48; Armor, formerly Cav
aLry Journal, 1888-1946, and Armored CavaLry Journal) Mili
tary Engineer) formerly OccasionaL Papers, klemolrs,
Quartermaster Review) 1921 and Ordnance) formerly Army Ordnance)
National Rifle Association. Amen"can Rifleman. Washington, 1885-.
U. S. NavaL Institute Procedings. Annapolis, 1874-.
Bi bliographies
Beers, Henry P. "The Papers of the British Commanders in Chief in
North America, .MiLitary Affairs) Vol. XIII, No.2, pp.
Evans, Charles, AmeriC({17 Bibhograph)!. Chicago, 1903-34. 12 "als.
Hease, Adelaide R. "Materials for a Bibliography of the Public Ar
chives of the 13 Original States, Covering the Colonial Period and
the State Period to 1789." In Ameri can Historical Associ ation
Report for 1906, II, pp.
General Works
Secondary Works
Andrews, C. M. The Colomal Period of American History. New Haven,
1934-. 4 vols.
Beers, George L. The Origins of the British Colonial System. New York,
--- Britl'sh Colonial Polz'q, 1754-1765. New York, 1907.
Colby, Charles W. The Fightin,r; Governor. '(Chronicles of Canada).
Toronto, 1915.
Graham, Gerald S. Empl're of the North Atlantic. Toronto, 1950.
Jvlarquis, T. G. The War Chief if the Ottawas (ChronicLes of Canada).
Toronto, 1915.
Osgood, Herbert L. The A mencan Colonies l'n the 17til Century. New
York, 1904. 3 vols.
--- The American Colonies in the 18th Century. New York, 1924.
4 vols.
Parkman, Francis. The Conspiracy oj Pontiac and the Indian War after the
Conquest of Canada. Boston, 1903.
--- Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XlV. Boston, 1903.
--- The Half Century of Conflict. Boston, 1903.
--- MontcaLm and Woije. Boston, 1903.
Raymond, Ethel T. Tecumseh. (Chronicles of Canada). Toronto, 1915.'
vVood, Louis Aubrey. The War Chief of the Six Nations. (Chronicles of
Canada). Toronto, 1915.
Wood, William C. H. The Great Fortress. (Chromcles of Canada). To
ronto, 1915.
--- The Passing of New France. (Chronicles if Canada). Toronto,
--- The Winning of Canada. (Chromdes of Canada). Toronto, 1915.
~ - - The Fightfor Canada. London, 1905.
Wong, George M. The Fall of Canada. Oxford, 1914.
Printed SOl)rc;es
Archives oflvlaryland (1637-1784). Baltimore, 1883-.
Brock, R. A. (ed.). The OJ}icz'al Records of Robert Dz'nwiddie ... 1751
1758. Richmond, 1883-84. 2 vols.
Browne, William H. (ed). Correspondence of Govemor Horatio Sharpe) 1753
1771, (Archives of Maryland). Vok VI, IX, XIV, XXXI. Bal
timore, 1888, 1895, 1911.
Callaghan, E. B., and B. Fernow (eds.). Documents Relatl've to the Colonial
History oj the State of ]lfew York. Al bany, 1856-87. 15 vals.
Chandler, A. D. (camp.). Colonial Retords of Georgia. Rev. and pub
lished by Lucian L. Knight. Atlanta, 1904-. 26 vols,
Fitzpatrick, John C. (ed.). The Diaries of George vVashington) 1748-1799.
Vol. 1. Boston, 1925.
--- The Writings of George H1ashington. Vols. I-IV. Washington,
1931-40. Index in vols. XXXVIII-XXXIX.
Hazard, Samuel, and others (camp.). Penns)!lvania Archives> 1664-.
Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 1852-1907. 6 series, 91 vols.
Labaree, Leonard (ed.). Royal Inst1:uctions to the Britz'sh Colonial Governors)
1670-1776. Ne'vv York and London, 1935. 2 vols. See Labaree's:
Saunders', \V. L. (camp. and ed.). Colonial Record.) of North Carolina.
Raleigh, 1886-90. 10 vols.
\,yood, William C. H. (ed.). The Logs of the Conquest a/Canada. Toronto,
Special Miiitory Works
Secondary Works
Doddridge, John. Notes on the SettLements and Indian Wars of the TIVeslern
Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania) 1763-1783. Albany, 1876.
Freeman, Douglas S. George Washington A Biograph)!. Vols. I and II.
New York, 1948.
Historical Section of the General Staff. The Local Forces of New France:
The ;\1tlitz'a of the Province of Quebec, J763- J775. (A History of the Or
ganization; Development and Services of the 1\1ilitary and JVaval Forces of
Canada from the Peace of Paris in 1763 to the Presfnt Time. Vol. 1.)
Ottawa, 1919.
Lincoln, C. H. Narroll'ues on the Indian Wars. New York, 1913.
Long, John C. Lord Jeffery Amherst, A Soldier of the King, New York,
Pargellis, Stanley M. Lord Loudoun in JVorth America. New Haven, 1933.
Peckham, Howard I-l. Pontiac and the Indian Uprising. Princeton, 1947.
Thwaites, R. G., and L. P. Kellogg (eds.). Documentary History of Dun-
more>s JlIar) 1774. Madison, 1905.
\Nade, Herbert T. A Brirf History rifthe Colonial Wars In Americafrom 1607
to J775. New York, 1948.
Wertenbaker, Thomas J. Torchbearer of the Revolutioll) the Story of Bacon's
Rebellion and Its Leader. Princeton, 1940.
Printed Sources
Carter, Clarence E. (ed.). The Correspondence oj Genera! Thomas Gage,
1763-1775. New Haven, 1931-33. 2 vols.
Knox, John. A 11 Historical Journal 0/ the Campaign in North America Jor the
rears 1757, 17.58> 1759) 1760. Toronto, 1914-16. 3 vols.
Myrand, Ernest. 1690: Sir ltV/lham Phip,r; Devan! Quebec. Quebec, 1893.
Pargel1is, Stanley 1\1. (ed.). lvfilitary Affairs in JVorth America, /748-1765
, . .. London and New York, 1936.
State of New York, Division of Archives and History. Sir William John
,'IOn Papers. Albany, 1921 ...
Bibl iograph ies
Peckham, Howard H. (comp.). Guide to the Nfanuscript CoLLection z"n the
Wilham .N. Clements Lz"brary. Ann Arbor, 1942.
U. S. National Park Service, Historical Division. A Bibliography of the
Virginia Campaign and Siege oj York lown) 178/. Yorkt own, 1941,.
General Works
Secondary Works
Bemis, Samuel F. The Diplomacy of the American Revolution. New York,
Burnett, Edmund C. The Continental Congress. New York, 1941.
Channing, Edward. History oj the United States. Vol. III, 1761-1789.
New York, 1912.
French, Allen. The First rear if the American Revolution. Boston, 1934.
Greene, Evarts B. The Revolutionary Generation: /763'-1790. New York,
Historical Section, Canadian General Staff. The W-ar of the American
RevoLution: The Province if Quebec Under the Administration rif Gouernor Sir
Guy Carleton, j 775-/778. Ottawa, 1920..
Jensen, Merrill. The New Nation: A History ifthe United States During the
Confederation, 1781-/789. New York, 1950.
Miller, John C. Triumph of Freedom, /775-1783. Boston, 1948.
Trevelyan, Sir George O. The American Revolution. London, 1899-1907.
4 vols.
--- GeOJge the Third and Charles Fox-the Concluding Part of the Ameri
can RevoLution. London, 1912-14. 2 vols.
Van Tyne, Claude H. The War of Independence. Boston, 1929.
Printed Sources
Burnett, Edmund C. (ed.). Letters of MembeTS of the Continental Congress.
vVashington, 1921-36. 8 vols.
Clark, \f\Talter (camp. and ed.). State Records if North Carolina. Raleigh,
1890-. 16 vals.
Fitz patri ck, John C. (ed.). The Diaries of George -VVashingt on" /748- / 789.
Boston, 1925,2 vols.
--- The Writings of George TIVashingtonfrom the Original MS Sources,
/745-/799. Washington, 1931-44. 39 vols. Index in vols.
Force, Peter (ed.). American Archiues. vVashington, 1837-53. 4th and
5th Series, 9 vo1s.
Ford, vVorthington C., and ochers (eds.). Journals if the Continental Con
gress. Washington, 1904-37. 34 vols.
~ ~ ...
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Abbreviations , 81, 88
Adjutant General records 41-43
Aeronautical charts. . . . . . . . 52
Air Force Journal. . . . . . . . . . . 109
American Rifleman. . . . . . . . . . . 110
Appendixes. . .. . ,. 96
Annual reports , 43-44
Antiaircraft Journal . . , , . . 110
Archival material " 91-92
Archives , . " 36--39
Ardant duPicq> Col.: quoted. 11-12
Armor _ 110
Army Information Digest. . . . 109
Army organizations - 83
Army regulations. . . . . . . . . . 44
Authenticity _ 74-75
Basic works , ' , 99-101
Bi bliographical notc. . . . . . .. 96-97
Bibliographies 99-143
Book Period". . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Butterfield, Brig. Gen. Daniel. 6
Capitalization . 80, 88
Charts , . 79, 95
Choosing a subject . 57-58
Chronology . 97
Chronologies . 72
Clausewitz, Gen.
Car) von v, quoted. .. 2, 8,56-57
Combat Fones Journal. . . . . . . . 110
Craig, Gen. Malin, quoted. . 9
Current events. . . . . . . . . . . .. 76-77
Cutter Classification , 33-34
Dates. . , .
Decimal Classification period.
Dewey Decimal Classifica
tion . 31-32
Diction . 74
Documentation . 78-79
Emphasis .
Engineer records .
Esprit de Corps. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Evaluating matnial " 65-67
External criticism. . . . . . . . . 67
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand,
quoted .. , . 13, 16
Footnotes _.. _ . 87-93
Foreign geographical terms .. 86-87
Foreign units . 84
F' d
. 86 orelgn wor s
Foreword. .. ., . 93
Format. _ . 93-98
Fortcsquc, J W., quoted . 3
Front matter . 93-94
General reference works. .. 103-104
General works , .. " 104-105
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Government publications 92-93
Guides 47-52
Hale, CapL Nathan, quoted. 4
Hamilton, Gen. Ian, quoted. 2
I11 ustra tions . 79-96
Index , . 97-98
Instruction . 9-10
Intangible symbols . 4-7
Internal criticism . 67-69
Interviews . 27
Italics . 81
Judging books 17-18
Leadership . 7-9
Le Bon, , .. 1
Libraries.............. . .. 28-36 .
Libraries, military . 38-39
Library catalogues .. _ : 29-30
Library classification systems. 30-36
Li brary of Congress Classifi
cation , .. 34-36
Library shelf . 29
Local collections . 39
Logan, Maj. Gen. John A.,
quoted . 6
MacArthur, General of the
Armies Douglas, quoted ...
Mahan, Rear Adm. Alfred
T., quoted .
Manuscripts, Library of Con
gress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Maps. . . . . . . . ., 51-52, 71) 79, 95
Map symbols ... : . . . . . . . . . . 96
Marine Corps uni t5. . . . . . . . 84
Marshall, General of the
Armies George C., quoted. 3--4
Military Affairs _. . . . . . . 110
Military art ' 54-55
lvIililary Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . 110
Military periodicals , 109-110
Military rank _ " 85-86
Military 'records 40-43
Military Review _ , . . . . 110
Military titles _ , 85-86
Morale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Museums , 52-55
National Archives. . . . . . . .. 37-38,
40, 48, 50-51
National designations .. _. . .. 84-85
Nautical charts. . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Navy units , . . . . . 83
Notes. . . . . . . .. . ,.... 63-65
Objectivity _ . 76
Official histories . 93
Ordnance . 110
Ordnance records ' .. 43
Organizations . 83-85
Organizational records . 39-40
Patton, Gen. George S.)
quoted . 1, 4
Photographs - . 71
Post records . 90
Preface . 93-94
Quartermaster Review .
Quotations _.. " _ .
Reading course . 21-25
Record books . 39
Rec()rds _ . 39-43
Research , 56-70, 75
Scott, Lt. Gen.
. 5
Selective Service records . 42
Sentence structure _.. 73-74
Service schools & coHeges ... 45-46
Sherman, Gen. William T.)
quoted _
Signal Corps records '
Source material:
1865-1898. . . . . . . . . . .
. 4
. 43
. 6
Spaulding, Brig. Gen. Oliver
L 17-18
Spelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80-81
Statutes relating to Army. . . 44
Study of history. . . . . . . . . . .. 16-20
Style manual. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80-98
Surgeon General's records. . . 42
Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Tables 79, 94-95
Technical terms. . . . . . . . . . . 74
Territorial records. . . . . . . . . 40
Time 82-83
Trite expressions. . . . . . . . . . . 74
United States }v1ilitary Acad
U. S. Naval Institute
Unity and coherence
Universal Decimal
. 43
. 110
. 73
. 33
Unpublished manuscripts . 92
War Department Decimal
System .
Wavell, Field Marshal Earl,
quoted .. 1
Wilkinson, Spencer, quoted .. 8
Writing . 70-79
Reference works . 721 Writing draft - . 77-78
-;:: u. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OfFICE: 1956 OF-390016

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