Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Oxgqnisalional Bshaviour
Oxgaaicationa Lehauau
Vxgan isahoua behavous Coucex ed
Lah ThepaDceSS dudy- that human
kehaviour at LwOxk
ha sqveral Cuaensioy andused In
diflaren feld oAhudy-
loaelex_l Nature vrdotEfar
dilficuttE Z Lundesslandtas
fhe Mature iadivi&ua aud
also_decoxding thekehaviou
accoxclng fo ofhor asslnaptous
Goal Ostented
OB in_oxdir to pofect a n d
PaDote Phe iMtecest oaganisatio
as well_ Qs iudivdua0
achiovee the target
The_discipliae. el Cgauisalioma Lehauicidie
Conapnaies ierent dicciplrace
)lhycholcay The lox a phycholagyA
Chmes0mQscek w0s Phyche
which Me aMS- 0ul 14asulnce
fhatseck o measureexplanafio1
and A0Mek[omo shudy with chang
behaviour hitma bemG Suc
as earuinG ofvahðupro CLf10
aud 92PpaocesS.
ii) Antha20pdlcgy The team anfhapolagy
LOmeS 0m qcok_uaac Amtran poo
Lhch 40a nan _humauLtY
is_stud4 the ielahomsh1p_befween
inctiziclua uc
Buch as 4alues alitude C0SS -Cultuad
ii) Socla Phychalogy TAisstudy-
basicay- ocicec People
1mLuaucc y dillexet Jactor such
CanuLks Lonimnitu ical a
ue as be-aer CoMmLLufcaAo.
i) Palihcal Skience help
helpc us to
Cudixsiaw fhe clymanuic PoL0a
auc pou fic Luilhiv fhe
the Ongansaho
COnLicA 4cSoluha14 QlloXaho 14
qud acoucibil lty_ authesi4
) SR_Mocde Ezample_Rrjpraue q
dniiama rtor ona k
04otivakti increared salany
iusicaLellug Greathull
o the orgauizatioaa
Salls h e website LN be dovne
Physical nviztoaaeut
So dao CuLuxalEnvi0meaf
2 physi'ca
R -Behav1ou
he deaons coCbcialralates fo q
oclay9peas0ML haviS a COMma
PusposC. naployee.shoeuld
betne ju aa ak 20p0uabilit,
sel! cuidplisa sel actaalizahom
Commjtone oa wed
iv KOSOxOs
OR kslpselleclivc uh u2aho human
OR_an ables the managY
mohvate employe
PDusads procduchvityqnd bettor
KesuL effechire
hteclhulgu Xhe Men
Poue posez and loch ve uay
ChaLlavusok c aRehavtu
Cxos Cultual clUversity
hlobal4&aho nclustalisattan
i Cor (om,pe tahie xessue
iv) hutuxe dlomanol and Suppy oskilles
and aleutecl a ployel or hluAn beunmg
basicaLty ALality
MeMtal Moya Fducahoua lchsmcal
anc La_rperiavce
mauag em0M (PlannMG-
Oxgangi1g+ Staing Airechoag
CoO UMatimG- qnd Contalling
) henQxal Paipke q Manageonent
The LAGGesded
4ayal 1 Lrplaned belou
3 cspumo decpliueL4
obdienc behaviour CSpOsiÓLLy
toLwarls woxk- self LAposeq
BOSp0Sibluly_ ApOtaueou tHa40
g00q pessoua
q u aiitiec 01ie the
clicialde Decpa2
Ahou fhe achou andkehhaviou
to qad aUr Cosk aud duty_
Dnit Lommaua nityclIso11
should G t Ordor qud iaucho_
L mdividua 0
Lmployee Gethmg1shuLlo
fiom diffecent- sup{rOLQY h 0
She alGht- Coufuced rtlale
he Ihy willl bo
the Oraa zato
5)i t izacti 2 AccS1cLimg_ foa
fhi icipAe _each 4rOLLP o
achvidth f h fhe
bjective hanre eaa
fbaecasf fDUnaic
plan tCoeiAay clyecho ovide
betterx hoy auOAG Vayou
achvitie ta be akeu
6a nisatioy_
6Renumeraho2 feseuaL
h Kenaum Latiorq mplaye
khould s are ue vjclg
oasible ahcjathon da
ajslnyes ano naoloye
Subocdimatiora a nclividua Lnterest to
ALna nterest The
Tnlexesf a caao oa l ah
individual uorkiA
On 4 2 ation_w oc bo dilleen
biut ntere hs
Lmployca Slnjla
DecauCO ihe otlue Cac4
clyectio C
ucauTacy lheo
Max_ tber a GCz mq M_ CIenhest
g.ave th heay burea ULaCy
th eery-
ALcluied fhey where
hiezarchical slnicture l
KAM 0 gan12.aho Uhich Mctudos
asular ules Pouues reJula hous
and uuthosty im an
O au1}ah0 buRaucrahc
organzaho Loadeshautd
delagetes duie4 auo Aub or diuates
Should 6 allowing hat
oasecl organizaho
*Systen Apnach 1960