Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for posting your need for a radiographer on Joining mine Hospital under Debswana. I am looking for such a position, which prompts me to write this cover letter. I have experience administering general radiography, computed tomography, mammography and other imaging tests to determine disease. I also have an excellent record in patient care management and relations.
I have working as a principal radiography officer in Scottish Livingstone hospital, Molepolole Botswana. I have registered as a professional radiographer in BHPC.
Could we meet in person to talk about what you expect from the radiographer you work with? Please call me at 267-72351934 or 267-73515300 to set up a date and time that works for you. I appreciate your considering me for this job. Sincerely,
M.Mijan Rahman
CURRICULUM VITAE Date: 15th May 2011 Muhammad Mijanur Rahman Principal Radiography Officer Department of Radiology & Imaging Scottish Livingstone Hospital Private bag 001 Molepolole, Botswana. Email: Cell phone - 267 73515300, 267 72351934.
Personal Information
: :
Permanent address
P.S- Debidwar Dist- Comilla. Bangladesh. Date of birth Nationality Religion Marital status : : : : 01.01.1977. Bangladeshi. Islam. Married.
Educational status:
MASTERS OF BUISINESS ADMINISTRATION (Major in Hospital management & HRM) University : International Islamic University Chittagong,Bangladesh. Major in : MBA in Hospital Management & Human resources Management. Result Year : CGPA-3.08 Out of 4. : 2008
HIGHER SECONDARY CERTIFICATE Institution Board Result Year : Govt. Titumir College
SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Institution Board Year : Moricha Sayed Ali High School
Medical Technologist National Institute of (Radiography) Disease of the Chest & Hospital (NIDCH) Dhaka, Bangladesh. Executive Medical Metropolitan Medical Technologist (Radiology) Center, Mohakhali, Dhaka. Bangladesh. Principal officer Radiography Scottish Livingstone Hospital, Botswana.
General radiography Accident and Emergency imaging Screening (special procedure) Digital subtraction angiography Computerized axial tomography Magnetic resonance imaging Radiation protection and quality assurance Infection control Managing, controlling and designing of radiology & imaging department.
General radiography Carrying out the day to day examinations of causality and out patient s Evaluating and assessing radiographs by juniors Organizing the efficient running of the department by booking in- patients for examinations at their appropriate times Explaining procedures to the patients and giving adequate instructions before during and after the examinations Working together with medical officers giving them my opinion when requested to do so Radiation Protection control and quality assurance Adherence to proper radiation protection by following the department policies with respect to ALARP and ALARA principles Giving patients proper instruction to avoid unnecessary repeats and also informing them of radiation , its effects and benefits Making sure that radiation protection devices are within reach and are being when they are required Adhering to the infection control practices as stipulated by the infection control team Doing rejects analysis, checking for the effective of walls , lead screens with respect to radiation protection Reporting of all equipment faults to the technicians and authorities
Siemens Sireskop cp Theatre and mobile Phillips bv26 mobiles image intensifier Phillips mobile 300cp Siemens polymobil111 Digital subtraction angiography Magnetic resonance imagingComputerized Tomography Siemens Polystar system 11 (fluorospot H) Siemens Magneton impact (NUMARIS) Siemens Emotion ER
Fuji Dry pix KONICA LASER IMAGER10A AGFA SCOPIX LR 3000 LASER imager Konica processor srx Okamoto x3 KODAK CR6800
WORKING CRITERIA Conventional Radiological Procedure, Digital Radiological Procedure, Computed Tomography, Cardiac CT Scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Training information
Three Month Special Training on Interventional Radiology & Imaging in Apollo Hospital Chennai, India.