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Physical Training in Team Handball

Chapter · May 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-55892-8_36


5 16,189

3 authors:

Antonio Dello Iacono Claude Karcher

University of the West of Scotland University of Strasbourg


Lars Bojsen Michalsik

University of Southern Denmark


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Physical Training in Team Handball
Antonio Dello Iacono, Claude Karcher,
and Lars Bojsen Michalsik

36.1 Introduction 36.2 Aerobic Training

The physical preparation of elite team handball Aerobic training sessions challenge the cardiore-
players has become an indispensable part of con- spiratory and metabolic systems by promoting
temporary professional team handball due to the the combustion of carbohydrates and fats in the
high fitness level required to cope with the ever- presence of oxygen. From a physiological per-
increasing demands of match play. The investiga- spective, the most effective stimulus is induced
tion of the key performance outcomes in team by stressing the maximal aerobic uptake (VO2max)
handball practice (see Chap. 20) provides sport or by working at a high percentage of VO2max [1, 2].
scientists, coaches and physical trainers with a This is necessary to enhance oxygen transporta-
framework for optimal planning of training. With tion and availability during oxidative metabolism
this in mind, the aim of this chapter is to provide processes. In practical terms, athletes should
a general overview of the physical training prin- spend a certain amount of time (T-VO2max) in
ciples and methodologies commonly imple- their target training zone which is generally
mented in team handball, inclusive of aerobic, between 85 and 100% of VO2max. As a conse-
anaerobic and strength training prescription. quence, physical trainers in team handball should
prescribe training methodologies that require
players to sustain continuous type activities for
A. Dello Iacono long periods of time above the minimal threshold
The Academic College at Wingate, specified in their target training zone.
Wingate Institute
A well-developed aerobic system allows team
Netanya, Israel
handball players to tolerate the high intensities
Maccabi Tel Aviv FC,
and physiological load of the daily training, in
Tel Aviv, Israel
e-mail: antdelloiacono@virgilio.it addition to enhancing recovery between training
sessions and competitions. This is especially
C. Karcher
Laboratory of Exercise Physiology and important during long tournaments where numer-
Rehabilitation, Faculty of Sport Sciences, ous matches are played in a short period of time
University of Picardie, [3]. To date, most studies aiming to improve aer-
Amiens, France
obic capabilities in team sports players have
L. B. Michalsik investigated the effect of either cardiorespiratory
Muscle Physiology and Biomechanics Research Unit,
and metabolism-oriented (i.e. high-intensity run-
Department of Sport Science and Clinical
Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, ning training) [4], “mixed” (i.e. repeated shuttle
Odense, Denmark sprints, RSS) or game-based (i.e. small-sided

© ESSKA 2018 521

L. Laver et al. (eds.), Handball Sports Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-55892-8_36
522 A. D. Iacono et al.

games, SSG) [5, 6] training programmes. Interval time spent at T-VO2max in relation to the total
training (IT) is one of the most common methods training session duration, without neglecting the
used in team handball since, when adequately time necessarily needed to reach the VO2max. The
designed, can induce specific metabolic solicita- manipulation of different IT formats can induce
tions and matches the team handball physiologi- the physiological responses required for improv-
cal profile. Furthermore, training sessions can be ing aerobic capacities while also matching the
performed on court to heighten specificity and specific demands of team handball by recreating
adjusted according to positional demands and the on-court game-like situations [6, 11]. In team
players’ individual capabilities. sports, T-VO2max of 5–7 min is likely sufficient to
The effectiveness of this training methodol- induce important cardiopulmonary adaptations
ogy is optimized since intensity can be individu- and for maintenance during tapering periods. To
alized and controlled using a reference for the maximize T-VO2max during formal aerobic train-
involved workload. This is can be completed ing, running speeds ranging between 90 and
either through laboratory [7] or field-based 105% of the minimal velocity associated with the
assessments such as the 30–15 (30–15 IFT) [4, 8] VO2max (vVO2max) have been suggested [1, 2].
or Yo-Yo intermittent fitness tests [3, 9, 10]. The These intensities elicit high contributions from
intensity of the prescribed interval bouts can aerobic metabolism (above 95% of the total
then be individualized and will range between energy) with marginal solicitation of the anaero-
85 and 105% of their maximal aerobic speed bic pathways and peripheral effects due to the
(MAS) determined through laboratory assess- involvement of the neuromuscular system.
ment, Yo-Yo tests [3, 9, 10] or 30–15 IFT final Long IT formats are typically implemented in
speeds (VIFT). The prescription of IT exercise training sessions lasting between 10 and 20 min
can be manipulated to induce different physio- and can be implemented using a variety of meth-
logical and performance adaptations and, in odologies (Table 36.1). Passive recovery is com-
turn, help in matching the short- and long-term monly recommended between sets, with rest
periodization plans [1]. The recommended list periods lasting 2–3 min in duration. However, if
of methodological variables for the IT planning an active recovery is chosen, the rest periods
includes: should last at least 3–4 min depending on the
duration of the running intervals and should be
• Exercise modality performed at a submaximal intensity (≤ 40%
• Work interval intensity VO2max) to allow the maintenance of high-inten-
• Work duration sity outputs during the subsequent interval work
• Number of repetitions periods. Evidence suggests that elite athletes tend
• Number of series to be more efficient in accumulating greater
• Duration of rest periods T-VO2max compared to less trained athletes [1]. In
• Recovery modality (active vs. passive) and addition, the choice of the work interval duration
intensity seems to be critical especially at the beginning of
the training session when a certain amount of
In terms of exercise modality, aerobic IT for- time is necessary to accelerate the VO2 kinetics
mats can be classified as either long or moderate until reaching the VO2max [12]. Thus, since the
intervals which may be performed as repetitive VO2max is not reached on the first work period in
runs. In general, the longer the T-VO2max, the short IT formats, an adequate warm-up is strictly
higher solicitation of the VO2max, and as a conse- recommended.
quence, greater aerobic effects are induced. In For short IT formats, the main focus should be
practice, the total work duration of any aerobic applied to adjustments in work and rest periods to
training format should be related to the goals of maximize the T-VO2max. Team handball physical
the sessions in terms of T-VO2max and T-VO2max/ trainers should design short IT sessions with the
exercise time ratio, also defined as the effective goal of being time-efficient and optimizing
Physical Training in Team Handball 523

Table 36.1  The principles for formal and on-court aerobic training aerobic training
Single Exercise
Repetitions repetition intensity (% Recovery
Training methodology (Nr.) (min) MAS) (min)
Long interval training
(a) Passive inter-set recovery 5–10 2–3 90% P; 1–2 at
(b) Active inter-set recovery 5–6 3–5 > 90% A; 2–3 at
(c) Active inter-set recovery 3–4 × 2 2 100% A; 2 at
P; 3–4 at
Short interval training
(a) Passive inter-rep recovery 10–12 (s) 90% (s)
30 P; 30 at 0%
(b) Passive inter-set and inter-rep recovery 2 × 10–20 20 95% P; 20 at
P; 120 at
(c) Passive inter-set and inter-rep recovery 2 × 16–20 15 100% P; 15 at
P; 120 at
(d) Active inter-rep and passive inter-set recovery 2 × 20 10 105% A; 15–20 at
P; 120–180
at 0%b
On-court aerobic training
The short interval training modalities b, c and d could be designed as on-court aerobic training formats by
converting the final speeds of both laboratory and field-based assessment tests into running distances according to
the individual players’ own capacity. Coaches and physical trainers should accurately consider and adjust the
running paths, amount of high-intensity presence of acceleration and decelerations actions, number of changes of
direction (COD) and their directional angles. As general guideline, the greater the amount of accelerations,
decelerations and CODs and the more acute the angle of the COD, the higher the neuromuscular responses and the
contribution of the peripheral system
The exercise intensity is expressed in percentage of the maximal aerobic speed (MAS). The recovery modality is
expressed as active (A) or passive (P); whether active the designed intensity is expressed as relative to MAS as well
Between repetition
Between series

the T-VO2max/exercise time ratio. Keeping in mind exercise VO2. Also the total exercise duration
the importance of VO2 kinetics for improving the should be considered as this will indirectly alter
T-VO2max, it is suggested to perform short IT train- the T-VO2max. In general, compared to short IT
ing sessions organized in 2–3 series of 8–12 min formats with passive recovery, exercise modalities
and include short bouts (10–20 repetitions of involving active recovery are 30–60% shorter in
10–30s) of formal running at intensities between terms of total work duration. In these scenarios,
90 and 105% of vVO2max interspersed by rest peri- the manipulation of the active recovery intensity
ods of fixed or similar durations [13]. The charac- ensures a similar absolute T-VO2max regardless of
teristics and intensity of the rest interval play a the lower total work time. The implementation of
major role in determining the contribution of aer- active recovery modalities has been shown to
obic pathways during IT due to its effect on the compensate for the relatively shorter duration of
524 A. D. Iacono et al.

total work time, inducing substantially greater Based on scientific data [15–17 20], high-
T-VO2max and T-VO2max/exercise time ratio intensity running does not represent much of
­outcomes when compared to exercise modalities total effective playing time. However, the ability
of similar work intensities but including passive to continuously change pace and accelerate
recovery [14]. More precisely, the intensity of the throughout the entire match is likely of high
active recovery represents a factor worthy of consid- importance for top-level playing performance.
eration when designing and planning IT sessions. In Thus, an intensified focus on anaerobic training
fact, the recovery intensity likely dictates the effec- aspects and resistance training seems highly rel-
tiveness of the training sessions’ ability to increase evant especially for male elite team handball
both the T-VO2max and T-VO2max/exercise time ratio. players [22]. It is clear that anaerobic exercises
However, the effects can be highly variable, with should be a key focus with regard to the training
improvements ranging from small to very large in of elite team handball players for improving their
the above-mentioned metabolic indexes. The current ability to repeatedly perform anaerobic exercise
literature suggests that for team-sport athletes per- and to rapidly recover after periods of high-inten-
forming very short IT formats including 10–30s run sity exercise. Consequently, the players will be
bouts, rest periods ≤15–20s at an intensity around more capable of performing the above playing
40–50% of VO2max [1]. actions at sustained high levels throughout the
entire match. Even though almost all kind of
strength training is anaerobic of nature (due to
Key Points of Aerobic Training
the high intensity and short exercise duration), it
• Necessary preliminary aerobic capacity is described in a separate section.
• Training target zones between 85 and 100% of
VO2max 36.3.1  Anaerobic Training
• Individualized intensity
• Training format (long and/or short IT with Anaerobic training can be divided into two main
active or passive recovery) selection accord- training areas ([11]; see Table 36.1):
ing to the specific demands (T-VO2max and
T-VO2max/exercise time ratio) • Speed training
• Continuous running (e.g. 15 min at 90% of • Speed endurance training
maximal heart rate) The latter can be further divided into:
• Low-intensity running as recovery training • Production training
• Maintenance training

36.3 Anaerobic Training The benefits of anaerobic training for elite

team handball players are an improved perfor-
Previously, working demand analyses of elite team mance of intense match activities such as accel-
handball have been performed ([3, 15–21]; see erations, change of directions, jumps, shots and
Chap. 3). These study data indicate a high need for tackles and furthermore an elevated ability to
superior acceleration and deceleration capacity, perform very high-intensity exercise more fre-
high rates of force development (RFD) and a high quently and for longer time periods. These three
ability to perform explosive jumps, fast and hard training areas – speed training, production train-
shots, rapid side-cutting manoeuvres, powerful ing and maintenance training – are overlapping
changes of direction and agility movements and (see Table 36.2). They are all performed with a
strength-demanding physical confrontations, e.g. much higher intensity than in aerobic training,
tackles and screenings. In addition, the intermit- i.e. with an intensity corresponding to over VO2-
tent high-intensity running capacity also seems max [23]. Consequently, all anaerobic training
crucial for playing performance [16, 17]. must be performed according to the interval
Physical Training in Team Handball 525

Table 36.2  The principles for formal anaerobic training

Training area Exercise (s) Rest Exercise intensity No. of repetitions
Speed training 2–10 >10 times exercise duration 100% 2–15
Production training 10–40 >10 times exercise duration 60–100% 2–15
Maintenance training 10–120 3–5 times exercise duration 30–100% 2–15
The exercise intensity is expressed in percentage of the individual maximal exercise intensity. When the training is
conducted with the ball, the ratio between the duration of exercise and rest/active recovery can often be reduced com-
pared to the values presented, since the players are not constantly working at high intensities due to natural variations
in the game

p­ rinciple. Large quantities of anaerobic training immediate actions when needed and finally to
should only be performed at an elite level, since it increase the ability to rapidly produce force dur-
is a physical and mentally demanding type of ing high-intensity exercise. During speed train-
training. Since the effects of anaerobic training ing, the players should perform maximally each
mostly occur in the muscles used during training, time for less than 10 s.
anaerobic training in elite team handball should There are three key factors in the concept of
be performed on court with a ball, i.e. conducted speed:
in a manner similar to actual team handball match
play. • Reaction speed, which is the ability to react
In speed training, the players must exercise quickly and efficiently at the starting time
with maximal intensity for short periods of time • Acceleration capacity, which is the ability to
(less than 10 s). Thus, it is no problem to find the quickly increase the speed from zero to
right training intensity. It may be harder during maximum
on-court speed endurance training, but with • Maximum running speed, which is the play-
experience it will be easier. If the training is per- ers’ highest speed
formed as formal running, it is relatively easy to
control the intensity, as the correct load can be Match analyses of elite team handball have
found as a certain time relative to the time at the shown that speed training in team handball pri-
distance in question, when maximal exercise is marily should target reaction speed and accelera-
performed a single time. tion capacity (i.e. RFD) rather than focus on
Since the intensity of anaerobic training is maximum running speed [16, 17]. The mean
very high, it requires great motivation from the duration of a sprint action was calculated to be
players to complete. Measurement of heart rate 1.0 s corresponding to a running distance covered
can be utilized during speed endurance training of approximately 7 m [16]. Thus, in team hand-
sessions as an indicator of whether the training is ball it is important to react quickly and perform
being conducted with sufficient intensity. For powerful changes in direction while moving
longer periods of exercise (> 1 min), the heart quickly over short distances (< 15 m).
rate should be close to maximal values at the end When team handball players are required to
of the exercise periods. However, for short peri- react quickly at the start of a fast break or during
ods of work (<1 min), the heart rate will not be a quick breakthrough, rapid force production is
able reach maximal values and therefore cannot required in limited time frames to effectively per-
be used to assess the training intensity. form game-specific activities. It usually takes
about half a second to achieve maximum force in
the skeletal muscle [24, 25]. The ability to gener-
36.3.2  Speed Training ate high RFD is often more important in team
handball than high maximum strength. This abil-
The aims of speed training are to increase the ity is trained by heavy, explosive strength train-
ability to perceive match situations, to take ing (also called RFD training), and strength
526 A. D. Iacono et al.

training is therefore an important supplement to ball. In team handball, speed is not just a matter
the actual speed training in team handball. of physical capacity; it also involves quick deci-
The result of such strength training will be, e.g. sions that must then be transferred into fast
an increased acceleration ability, if the effect of actions. When formal sprinting without a ball,
strength training is “transferred” to the right e.g. running after signal from the trainer, it is
movement pattern during match play via func- mainly the acceleration capacity and the ability
tional speed training [11]. to fast anaerobic energy turnover that is trained.
Most of the physiological effects of speed This form of training can only be used to a small
training are derived from adaptations in the cen- extent to train the reaction speed in team hand-
tral nervous system (spinal cord and brain) and ball, as the specific signals (e.g. whistle) the play-
its interaction with the recruited musculature. ers react do not exactly resemble those they are
Therefore, it is pivotal that this interaction is exposed to during match play [11]. However, as
trained under situations that are most similar to mentioned earlier this training may be relevant in
the situation during match play. This means under special situations when trying to physical over-
conditions where the training drills are performed load players with poor technical skills.
with maximum effort with fresh muscles, where Additionally, during match play sprinting
the coordination pattern is trained with the mus- there are usually directional changes depending
cle fibres activated in the right order at the right on where the opponents are or where the ball is
speed [23]. Furthermore, training regimens for when passed between players. Often the acceler-
the development of speed should also include a ations/decelerations occur with whole or partial
lot of coordination and strength training exer- body contact with opponent players. In team
cises. The fundamentals of sprint mechanics handball, the player’s coordination pattern when
must be trained, even in team handball. When sprinting is therefore a lot different than, for
moving as fast as possible, the players must be example, when sprinting in track and field. As the
able to perform the correct technique automati- training specificity is high, it means that certain
cally, as there is no time to think about this during muscle fibres used during sprinting in team hand-
the actual performance during match play. ball are not trained and others are trained in the
However, another approach could be to physical wrong movement pattern [23].
overload especially players with poor technical The periods between the exercise bouts should
skills, since they will not be able to perform on- be long enough for the muscles to recover to near
court speed exercise drills with maximal inten- resting conditions to enable the players to perform
sity. This will require formal speed training in maximally in subsequent exercise bouts. Previous
non-match situations. These training effects studies have shown that the performance of
should then be incorporated into match play be repeated sprints can be maintained, if the duration
performing on-court speed training with the ball. of the pauses is more than ten times the length of
This interesting concept needs to be examined in exercise period [26]. The longer the exercise time
future studies. (sprint distance), the higher the relationship
Speed training should be performed in the between the duration of exercise period and the
beginning of the training session when the play- pause must be. Speed training should therefore be
ers are not tired and after a proper warm-up. carried out with at least a pause duration of ten
Speed training should mainly be performed as times the length of exercise period to be effective.
on-court functional speed training performed High concentration and great will are essential for
with the ball in match-like situations instead of achieving an optimal training effect.
formal speed training, since part of the desired
training effect is to improve the player’s ability to
Key Points for Speed Training
anticipate, evaluate and decide in different situa-
tions in team handball, e.g. the start signal could • Thorough warm-up
be the completion of a shot or the bounce of a • Maximal intensity
Physical Training in Team Handball 527

• High concentration and motivation actions in a relative brief period of time, they must
• Few repetitions be able to produce a high amount of energy very
• Long pauses, exercise-to-rest/active recovery fast. Production training increases the ability to
ratio >1:10 break down ATP and PCr quickly, as well as
• Should be performed in the start of the train- increasing the maximum rate of the glycolysis. A
ing session high exercise intensity is essential for increasing
• Should mostly be performed with the ball the rate of these energy systems, and the intensity
should not be less than 60% of the maximum exer-
cise intensity. The duration of the individual exer-
36.3.3  Speed Endurance Training cise bout should not be too short, because it takes
about 10 s before the glycolysis runs at maximum
The purpose of production training is to increase velocity [23]. The exercise bouts less than 10 s are
the ability to rapidly produce power and energy via too short for optimal training effects on the anaero-
the anaerobic energy-producing systems and thus bic metabolism. Conversely, the exercise periods
improve the ability to perform maximally for a should not be longer than 40 s, as it is approxi-
relatively brief period, whereas the aim of mainte- mately the limit for how long such intensity can be
nance training is to increase the capacity to con- maintained when the exercise is repeated several
tinuously produce power and energy through the times one after the other during a single training
same energy systems and hereby improve the abil- session. Consequently, in production training the
ity to sustain exercise at a high intensity. Both duration of the exercise bouts should be relatively
training regimens also aim to increase the ability short (10–40 s), and the rest periods in between
to recover after very high-intensity exercise. should be comparatively long (2–7 min) to main-
Findings of high post-match blood lactate con- tain a very high intensity throughout the training.
centrations of 2–10 mM in elite team handball play- Production training should take place with
ers in connection with tournament matches [3] long rest periods [27]. In experiments where 6 s of
indicate that the glycolytic energy system is highly maximum intensity on a bike were repeated ten
stimulated during certain periods of the game. times with 30 s pause in between each sprint bout,
Moreover, match analyses of elite team handball the rate of the glycolysis decreased markedly as
have revealed that the amount of high-intensity run- the bouts were repeated. The exercise-to-pause
ning may be very high in brief time intervals, and ratio was 1:5 and not sufficiently high to maintain
indications of temporary fatigue and impaired physi- a high glycolysis rate. Thus, the training effect on
cal performance have been observed reflected by a the maximum glycolysis rate was not optimal.
reduced amount of high-intensity running and tech- Production training should therefore at maximum
nical playing actions in the second half [16–18]. intensity be carried out with at least a pause dura-
Additionally, the ability to continuously exercise at tion of ten times the length of the exercise period
very high intensities throughout the entire match to be as effective as possible (see Table 36.1).
seems to be crucial for top-level playing perfor- Production training is normally placed at the end
mance in team handball. Consequently, speed of the training session, as the training is so physical
endurance training including training of the repeated and psychologically demanding that the players
sprint ability must be an integrated part of the physi- may be affected for a while afterwards. Sometimes
cal training for elite team handball players. it may be an advantage to place production training
early in the training session. Especially if the play-
ers have been training for a long time – e.g. more
36.3.4  Production Training than 1 h of team handball training – before the
actual production training, you may risk that many
If team handball players during match play, e.g. muscle fibres are completely or partially emptied of
are performing a fast break immediately followed glycogen when the production training starts. This
by a quick retreat and some intensive defensive makes it difficult to recruit sufficient muscle fibres
528 A. D. Iacono et al.

and maintain an exercise intensity within the pri- relatively short (three to five times the length of
mary area of production training [23]. However, it exercise periods), as the players at next repetition
is not recommended to train technical skills after already from the start should have an increased
production training. concentration of fatigue substances in the mus-
cles [11]. However, the pauses must not be too
short, as it is thus not possible to maintain the
Key Points for Production Training
exercise intensity within the primary area of ​​tol-
• Short exercise periods at 60–100% of maxi- erance training, and the training effect in the last
mum intensity exercise periods will be too low. The exercise
• Long pauses, exercise-to-rest/active recovery periods should not be longer than 2 min, as it is
ratio > 1:10 approximately the limit for how long an intensity
• Normally placed in the end of the training corresponding to just over VO2-max (~30% of
session maximum intensity) can be maintained when the
• Should be performed with the ball exercise is repeated several times one after the
• Should be followed by recovery activities other during a single training session [23]. If the
• Performed primarily at the elite level players are very well-trained (faster recovery),
the pauses can be shorter. Often, team handball
players do not have sufficient patience to com-
36.3.5  Maintenance Training plete the initial exercise bouts with proper low
intensity. Furthermore, it is also important for the
When team handball players during match play unexperienced player not to make the pauses too
are performing a very intensive organized offen- short.
sive or defensive play, or are performing numer-
ous fast breaks and quick retreats right after each
Key Points for Maintenance Training
other, they must be able to maintain a high exer-
cise intensity for a prolonged time period even • Exercise intensity at 30–100% of maximum
though they are beginning to become fatigued. intensity
When training to increase the ability to tolerate, • Relatively short pauses/active recovery, three
neutralize and eliminate fatigue substances in the to five times exercise duration
working muscles, the exercise intensity must also • Must be performed at the end of the training
be high. In maintenance training, the exercise session
periods should be 10–120 s, whereas the duration • Should be performed with the ball
of the rest periods should only be a little longer • Should be followed by recovery activities
than the exercise periods, if the training is per- • Performed primarily at the elite level
formed with a ball, so that the players become
progressively fatigued (see Table 36.1). In exercise drills with the ball during all kinds
Maintenance training should be performed at the of anaerobic training, the intensity of each player
end of the training session, because the training is depends on how many players are involved in the
so demanding that players will be physically drill. With many players, situations will often
affected for a long time afterwards [23]. occur, e.g. when the ball is far away from
As the training gradually becomes more stren- the player or when the ball is out of play, where
uous to the player, it is important to continue with the player’s intensity will decrease, and therefore
the highest possible intensity. It is a matter of the duration of the pauses can be reduced com-
achieving a high accumulation of fatigue sub- pared to the length of the exercise. With few
stances, so that the muscles in this way can players in an exercise drill, it is easier to control
increase the ability to tolerate, neutralize and the intensity of the individual player, and there
eliminate the accumulated fatigue substances. will be fewer periods where the intensity is not
The pauses between the exercise bouts must be high enough. It is important that there always is
Physical Training in Team Handball 529

access to many balls, so that there is no break in focus. Although certain phases of a team hand-
the exercises. ball player’s development or specific positional
demands due to his role may require attention,
the strength training journey may be considered
36.4 Strength Training as a long-term model with well-defined objec-
tives, contents and methodologies for each stage.
In team handball, as for many other team sports, The best approach to design individualized
the design and methodological application of strength training programmes for team handball
strength training modalities should address two players consist in firstly to collect information
main objectives: injury prevention and perfor- about their injury history, then assess strength
mance enhancement. In light of the strenuous and weaknesses and finally create a progressive
nature of the team handball discipline, involving plan which takes into consideration the needs to
high-intensity short-duration activities such as develop strength capabilities which can both pos-
sprinting, jumping, turning, pushing, blocking, itively affect performance and limit future injury
throwing and ability to perform effective defen- occurrence.
sive interventions [16, 22], a systematic and pro- In literature, little is known about the most
gressive strength training plan could lead to the appropriate approaches for a periodized strength
improvement of specific capabilities representing training programme. In our experience, strength
the physical prerequisite for successful participa- training should be realized considering consecu-
tion at elite level [28]. tive stages leading to a progressive and resilient
In order to design an efficient strength training development of future athletes. Indeed, an accu-
programme in team handball, it is fundamental rate planning, made by the coaching staff, is
for physical trainers to have a wide understand- required for appropriately managing the overall
ing of the game performance model and the loading experienced by the athletes in order to
respective demands (see Chap. 10) in terms of avoid unfunctional overreaching and/or over-
specificity. Specificity is a crucial aspect to con- training effects. From a methodological perspec-
sider when trying to transfer the physical tive, strength training should be performed
improvements achieved through physical training weekly with one to three sessions per week
programmes into playing performance [29]. It is according to the targeted objectives, the training
widely documented that any specific physical schedule and the congested matches’ fixture. As
training programme should be carried out match- common practice, two sessions per week can be
ing a comprehensive analysis of the playing useful to improve strength and power in well-
demands (see Chap. 20). The key training prin- trained individuals [9, 10, 30–32], with three ses-
ciples for strength training in team handball and sions per week being more appropriate in
the biomechanical aspects regarding the nature of pre-season or intensive preparation periods.
their execution and the training contents and Single sessions per week are unlikely to produce
modalities commonly adopted are described in significant improvements in strength and power
this section. but can be useful to maintain strength and power
levels in well-trained players [28, 33, 34].
The training contents selection and the associ-
36.4.1  Strength Training ated load progression should include some ele-
Methodology for Developing ments of heavy strength training focusing on
Athletes cumulative muscular adaptations with emphasis
on hypertrophy and maximal strength develop-
A team handball player’s career can easily span ment. The following training stages should
around 20 years, and, as a consequence, strength address explosive force, muscle power and rate
training programmes should be designed and of force development (RFD) with the aim to
developed with a long-term athletic development induce transfer effects on the specific handball-
530 A. D. Iacono et al.

related skill performances. Accordingly, the force/velocity and power/velocity relationships

training methodologies can systematically vary [35] thus optimizing neuromuscular adaptations.
over the course of the athletes’ development. Table 36.3 details the main stages to consider for
Evidences suggest larger volumes of progressive an appropriate strength training development
heavier loads (>80% of 1RM) at the beginning of with both the training principles and method-
the career, in case of young in-development ath- ological guidelines targeting their associated
letes, or during in-season phases in professional objectives.
teams. Then, the emphasis is shifted gradually to
larger volumes of lighter loads (loads aiming to
maximize impulse-dependent mechanical capa- 36.4.2  Training Specificity: The Force
bilities such as RFD and power) and more explo- Vector Hypothesis
sive movements with an overall reduction of
training volume towards later stages of develop- The force vector hypothesis [35] and the princi-
ment or in very congested in-season periods. As ple of movement specificity between functional
general rule, the ultimate objective of an ideal tasks and the physical activities performed must
approach should be to effectively improve the be carefully considered when designing interven-

Table 36.3  The principles for strength training

Stage Objectives Contents Methodology
1. Introduction to –  Learn to develop force Multi-joint bodyweight 2 × 15 reps
strength training –  Control and stabilization of exercises with low resistance Rec: 1′
the limbs during basic such as through using elastic 3 × 8–10 reps
movement bands, medicine balls or sand Rec: 1′
–  Focus on technique and bags
2. Introduction to –  Learn to develop force Multi-joint barbell or resisted 4–6 × 4–6 reps
general strength and with greater overloads exercises such as squat, lunges, loaded 80–85% 1 RM
hypertrophy –  General strengthening of deadlift, hip thrust, bench press, Rec: > 2′
the musculoskeletal system overhead press exercises 3–4 × 10–12 reps
–  Induce appropriate levels Single or multi-joint exercises loaded 60–80% 1 RM
of hypertrophy with free weights or dumbbell Rec: 1′–1′30″
including different pulling and
pushing move variations
3. Maximal strength –  Maximize and maintain 4–6 × 2–5 reps
Multi-joint barbell or resisted
training strength levels by the regular loaded 85–95% 1 RM
exercises such as squat, lunges,
use of key strength exercises Rec: > 3′
deadlift, hip thrust, bench press,
overhead press exercises Periodization models
Large use of weightlifting according to the
techniques where appropriate competitive schedule and
development level
4. Power training –  Learn to develop force Bodyweight hops, jumps drop 3–5 × 6–10 reps
rapidly emphasizing rapid jumps, barbell jump squats Rec: 1′–2′
speed of movement with Medicine ball throws, bench 3–5 × 4–6 reps
increasing resistance throws, push presses loaded 30–50% 1 RM
Rec: > 2′
5. Explosive strength –  Learn to develop the Multi-joint barbell or resisted 3–5 × 2–4 reps
or rate of force maximum amount of force or exercises such as squat, lunges, loaded 30–70% 1 RM
development (RFD) impulse in a minimum amount deadlift, hip thrust, bench press, Rec: > 2′
training of time overhead press exercises 3–5 × 1–2 reps
Olympic weightlifting such as loaded >85% 1 RM
cleans, power cleans, snatches, Rec: > 3′
The exercise intensity is expressed in percentage of the one-repetition maximum (1RM)
Physical Training in Team Handball 531

tions to achieve the desired adaptation. Recently, strength training contents commonly used in team
it has been suggested that performance adapta- handball, it is useful to categorize the induced
tions to strength training may occur through the effects in acute or short-term adaptations and
specificity of the force vector application which chronic or long-term adaptations.
provides transfer effects towards the specificity
of the sporting performance demanding a similar  Acute or Short-Term
force production and application [30]. For exam- Adaptations
ple, hip thrust exercises have been shown to be Strength training and the different resistance
more effective than squat exercises for improving exercise variants are recognized as beneficial
acceleration and sprinting tasks due to the simi- training tools for acutely enhancing functional
larity in the motor pattern, hip and knee joint tasks, according to the known phenomenon
involvement and force orientation production called post-activation potentiation (PAP) [37].
[31, 36]. Similar trends were found with regard to PAP refers to the acute enhancement of muscular
change of direction drills, and the same conclu- function as a direct result of its contractile history
sions were drawn following plyometric training [37]. The literature suggests that the PAP effects
with team handball players [30]. These findings may be affected by several physiological and
have a great potential for team handball players training variables including the type of exercising
since strength training programmes implement- muscle fibres [37]; the subject’s fitness character-
ing the force vector specificity principle may be istics; the type, duration, volume and intensity
prescribed as specifically oriented exercises, [38] of the conditioning activity (CA) used for
which improve force production and related achieving the potentiation effects [39]; the length
functional physical performance according to the of the period following the CA [40]; and the type
specific task, the performance model and playing of subsequent activity [39]. Recently, in team
demands in team handball. handball, Dello Iacono et al. [41] reported a
potentiation effect on 25 m sprints and change of
direction ability after 8 min following a protocol
36.4.3  Training Contents including horizontal-alternate one-leg drop
and Modalities jumps. In light of the acute biomechanical adap-
tations associated with PAP protocols, the appli-
In keeping with the specificity principle men- cability of training regimens in terms of PAP
tioned above, the strength training programme exercises is recommended to coaches and team
must be directed at improving the force produc- handball players as either warm-up strategies
tion capacity of the upper and lower limb muscles. aiming to acutely improve subsequent functional
This approach will aid in force transfer within and performances or as part of complex programmes
between the body structures and promote their of sprinting training [31].
long-term resilience due to the continuous
involvement into repetitive and high-intensity  Chronic or Long-Term
demanding actions. Planning a periodization pro- Adaptations
gramme for team handball players is complicated Strength training regimens are widely recognized
by the many diverse factors affecting perfor- as potential tools for enhancing sports perfor-
mance. Beside them, it is worth to consider play- mance and have been extensively correlated with
ers’ gender and their maturation stage, competitive specific motor tasks and physical requirements of
level, length of the competitive season, phase of the athletic models of interest. Scientific studies
the season, training experience in general and for generally report strength training regimens to be
resistance training in details, playing position, an effective mean for improving strength capa-
special needs, weaknesses and previous injury bilities and explosive neuromuscular impulse-
record. In general, when considering the time dependent components such as acceleration,
course of the specific adaptations induced by jumping, sprinting, change of direction (COD)
532 A. D. Iacono et al.

Table 36.4  Current evidences for strength training in team handball

Study Population Duration Methodology Performance outcomes

Barata [34] 12 male amateur 9 weeks Full-body training (8 ↑ 3.7–6.9% throw
players (3 sessions/ exercises) speed release
week) 2–3 sets × 8
(light overload: 1–12 kg)
Marques and 16 male 12 weeks Complex training (bench ↑ 3.3% 30-m sprint
González-Badillo [32] professional (2–3 sessions/ press, squat, squat jumps, ↑ 2.3% 15-m sprint
players week) countermovement jumps, box ↑ 6% throw speed
jumps, sprints) ↑ 20.8% loaded
2–3 sets × 3–6 at 70–95% 1RM (20 kg) CMJ
↑ 25.8% loaded
(40 kg) CMJ
↑ 13% CMJ
↑ 27.7% 1RMBP
Dello Iacono et al. [6] 18 male 10 weeks 5–8 sets × 6–10 VDJ or HDJ ↑ 3.7–8.1% 10-m
professional (2 sessions/ (25 cm) sprint
players week) ↑ 7.8% COD
↑ 3.7–4.1% 25-m
sprint with COD
↑ 3–8.6% CMJ
Gløsen [42] 10 female 8 weeks 3 sets × 6 pulley exercise ↑ 2% throw speed
first-third (3 sessions/ (85% 1RM) release
national level week)
Gorostiaga et al. [43] 10 male 6 weeks Squat, leg press, knee flexion ↑ 12.2% 1RMLP
adolescent (2 sessions/ curl, bench press, pec dec ↑ 22.9% 1RMPD
players week) 1 set × 12–10–6-3 at ↑ 13.3% isometric
40–50–80–90% 1RM unilateral leg
extension force
↑ 9% isometric
unilateral leg flexion
↑ 3.2% throw speed
Hermassi et al. [10] 26 male 10 weeks 2–3 sets × 4–6 squat, bench ↑ 42.4% run-up throw
professional (2 sessions/ press and pullover speed
players week) (80–95% 1RM) ↑ 33.3% throw speed
↑ 14.7% 1RMBP
↑ 50.1% 1RMPU
2–4 sets × 3–6 squat, bench ↑ 37.6% run-up throw
press and pullover speed
(55–55% 1RM) ↑ 23.8% 1RMBP
↑ 6.5% 1RMPU
Hermassi et al. [44] 34 male elite 8 weeks Throws with 3-kg medicine ↑ 24.2% standing
players (3 sessions/ balls throw speed
week) ↑ 22.1% jump throw
↑ 22.4% run-up throw
↑ 19.1%1RMBP
↑ 29.1%1RMPU
Ettema et al. [45] 7 female 8 weeks 3 sets × 6 of loaded throws ↑ 6.4% throw speed
sub-elite players (3 sessions/ (85% 1RM at a pulley ↑ 14.3% heavy ball
week) machine) throw speed
↑ 22.9% throw task
Physical Training in Team Handball 533

Study Population Duration Methodology Performance outcomes

Hoff and 6 female second 9 weeks 3 sets × 5–6 bench press ↑ 17–18% throw speed
Almasbakk [46] national level (3 sessions/week) exercise (85% 1RM) release
Raeder et al. [2] 28 female 6 weeks 1–3 sets × 6–12 throws with ↑ 14.3% standing
amateur players (3 sessions/week) 1- and 2-kg medicine balls throw speed
↑ 15.4% shoulder
moment IR180
Sabido et al. [47] 28 male junior 4 weeks Rebound BP throw ↑ 9.1–9.6% 1RMBP
players (2 sessions/week) (30–50–70% 1RM) ↑ 3.4–4.7% standing
throw speed
↑ 3.4–5.3% jumping
throw speed
Note: RM maximal repetition; CMJ countermovement jump; JR jump and reach; 1RMBP 1 maximal repetition in bench
press exercise; COD change of direction; BP bench press; 1RMPU 1 maximal repetition in pullover exercise; IR180
isokinetic internal rotation moment at 180°/s; 1RMLP 1 maximal repetition in leg press exercise; 1RMPD 1 maximal
repetition in pec dec exercise

ability and throwing [9, 10, 33]. Table 36.4 if they have a direct influence on handball-specific
reports a wide range of training methodologies activities such as acceleration, jumping, sprinting,
commonly adopted in the daily team handball change of direction (COD) ability, throwing and
practice and the chronic adaptations induced effective defensive actions.
when designed as long-term strategies.

36.5 Summary
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