Chap 1. Overview of Intellectual Property Law
Chap 1. Overview of Intellectual Property Law
Chap 1. Overview of Intellectual Property Law
Session 2/30
Content of IPR102
Chapter 1
Overview of intellectual property law
Session 2/30
Overview of intellectual property law
Duration: 15’
Group 1: Present by PowerPoint: 10’
o Group 2: Rebut, comment, ask question 2 What types of IPR attached to their works?
o Other group: Q & A.
Literary and artistic works;
Symbols, graphic works: company
logos, covers of magazines,
appearances of products, etc.
Industrial designs;
Names and images used in
Source: Ebook, Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers, 2E, p.3, Vivien Iris
Property: anything that may be owned.
8) Right holder
9) Counterfeit/ derivative work
10) Designation of origin
11) Reverse engineer
Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 11
Overview of intellectual property law
Roots of law
1. International Conventions
2. National laws/regulations
3. Precedents (Case law)
What types of IPR in this cover? What types of IPR in this design?
When scheduling new recordings, the DVR notifies you of any recording conflict
and gives you options for resolving it. If the Overlap Protection feature is on, your
options include clipping the lower priority program.
1 What is copyright?
Duration: 15’
Group 2: Present by PowerPoint: 10’
o Group 3: Rebut, comment, ask question 2 What does copyright protect?
o Other group: Q & A.