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Electrical Machines II Questions

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Module-1: Fundamentals of AC Windings

1) Number of parallel path in lap winding is equal to

a) 2
b) Number of poles
c) Number of pair of poles
d) None of the above
2) Pole pitch is equal to
a) 0˚
b) 60˚
c) 90˚
d) 180˚
3) Relation between electrical angle θe and mechanical angle θm
a) θe = θ
2 m
b) θe = θ m
c) θe = θ m
d) θe =P θm
Where, P is the number of Poles
4) Concentrated winding differ from distributed winding with the concern of
a) Identical magnetic axis
b) Two magnetic axis
c) No magnetic axis
d) Physical spacing
5) DC machines have _____windings and synchronous machines use _____windings.
a) Closed, open
b) Open, closed
c) Open, closed
d) Closed, closed
6) If coil side in one slot is connected to a coil side in another slot which is one pole pitch away
from first slot, the winding is sail to be
a) Short pitched
b) Full pitched
c) Concentrated
d) distributed
7) Due to short pitching, the induced EMF gets
a) Reduced
b) Increased
c) Remains same
d) None of the aove
8) In a full pitch winding coil span for 4 pole, 12 slot armature winding is____ slots
a) 24
b) 12
c) 6
d) 3

9) The armature of a three phase 8 pole alternator has 120 slots. The distribution factor is equal
a) 1
b) 0.957
c) 0.946
d) 0.897
10) For a short pitch and distributed winding, the value of coil span factor and
distribution factor
a) Both are less than unity
b) Less than unity and greater than unity
c) Greater than unity and less than unity
d) Both ate greater than unity
11) Slots angle for 4 pole, 48 slot armature winding is____ electrical degree
a) 180
b) 90
c) 30
d) 15
12) Compare Lap and Wave winding. Where each type is used and why?
13) Why double layer winding is preferred?
14) What are the advantages of fractional slot winding over integral slot winding?
15) Explain how fractional winding reduce the emf’s of ripple frequencies.
16) Calculate the fundamental, third and fifth harmonics breadth factors for a stator with 36 slots
wound for 3 phase, 4 poles.
17) A 3 phase, 16 pole synchronous generator has a star- connected winding with 144 slots and 10
conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 0.04 Wb ( sinusoidal distributed) and the speed is 375
rpm. Find the frequency and phase and line induced emf’s.the total turns/phase may be
assumed to be series connected.
18) Derive the expression for distribution factor Kd of a phase of the winding consists of coils
arranged in m consecutive slots.
19) Define the followings
(i) Slot angle
(ii) Pole pitch
(iii) Coil pitch
(iv) Pitch factor
(v) Distribution factor

1) Three phase voltages are applied to the three windings of electrical machine. If any two
supply terminals are interchanged then the rotating MMF wave ______
a) Direction reverse, amplitude alters
b) Direction reverse, amplitude unaltered
c) Direction remains same, amplitude alters
d) Direction reverse same, amplitude unaltered
2) For P pole machine, which of the following statements are correct regarding the rotating field
a) 120P/f Revolution per cycle
b) 120P/f Revolution per second
c) 120f/P Revolution per cycle
d) 120f/P Revolution per second
3) The speed at which rotating magnetic field revolves is called
a) Induction speed
b) Synchronous speed
c) Relative speed
d) Rotating speed
4) What is the amplitude of rotating MMF produced as a result of m-phase currents flowing in
m-phase windings?
a) 2Fm/m
b) mFm
c) mFm/2
d) Fm
5) The peak of rotating MMF wave (FR) is directed along which of the following axis?
a) The axis of that phase which carries the maximum current at that instant
b) The axis of that phase which carries half of the maximum current at that instant
c) The axis of that phase which carries the minimum current at that instant
d) None of the above
6) Which of the following statements are correct regarding individual phase MMF in rotating
a) It is a rotating MMF wave
b) It is not a rotating MMF wave and its amplitude doesn’t alternate along its own phase
c) It is not rotating MMF wave but its amplitude merely pulsates
d) None of the above
7) The amplitude of rotating MMF wave is proportional to
a) Nph and P
b) I and P
c) Nph and I
d) Nph , I and P
8) The effect of poly phase currents in poly phase winding can be compared to ____
a) Mechanical rotation of permanent magnets at synchronous speed
b) Mechanical rotation of DC excited field poles at synchronous speed
c) Mechanical rotation of either permanent magnets or DC excited field poles at
synchronous speed
d) None of the above
9) For balanced 3 phase current in three phase distributed winding, the magnitude of rotating
flux ____at all instant of time.
a) Changes
b) Remains constant
c) Pulsates
d) None of the above
10) If φm is the maximum value of flux due to any one phase, then resultant flux in 2 phase and 3
phase AC machines would respectively be given by_____
a) φm stand still and 1.5 φm rotating
b) φm and 1.5 φm both rotating
c) 1.5 φm and 2 φm both rotating
d) 2φm and 3 φm both rotating
11) Describe Rotating Magnetic Field of 3 phase distributed winding

Module-3 Induction Machines

1) An eight pole, 50 hertz slip ring induction motor running at 720r.p.m. with the slip rings short circuited
has a slip percent of
a) 60%;
b) 15%;
c) 6%;
d) 4%.
2) The rotor windings of a slip ring induction motor are connected to an external
a) source of a.c. supply;
b) source of d.c. supply;
c) variable resistance;
d) star delta starter.
3) A squirrel cage induction motor with a high resistance rotor, compared to one with a lower
resistance, would have
a) a lower full load slip and greater starting torque;
b) a higher full load slip and greater starting torque;
c) a lower full load slip and smaller starting torque;
d) a higher full load slip and smaller starting torque.
4) The 'crawling" in an induction motor is caused by
a) High loads
b) Low voltage supply
c) Improper design of machine
d) Harmonics developed in the motor
5) A 3-phase 440 V, 50 Hz induction motor has 4% slip. The frequency of rotor e.m.f. will be
a) 200 Hz
b) 50 Hz
c) 2 Hz
d) 0.2 Hz
6) What will happen if the relative speed between the rotating flux of stator and rotor of the
induction motor is zero?
a) The slip of the motor will be 5%
b) The rotor will not run
c) The rotor will run at very high speed
d) The torque produced will be very large
7) It is advisable to avoid line-starting of induction motor and use starter because
a) Motor takes five to seven times its full load current
b) It will pickup very high speed and may go out of step
c) It will run in reverse direction
d) Starting torque is very high
8) The principle of operation of a 3-phase induction motor is similar to that of a
a) Synchronous motor
b) Repulsion - start induction motor
c) Transformer with a shorted secondary
d) Capacitor - start, induction - run motor
9) The 'cogging' of an induction motor can be avoided by
a) Proper ventilation
b) Using DOL starter
c) Autotransformer starter
d) Having number of rotor slots more or less than the number of stator slots (not equal)
10) Resistance is added to the rotor circuit of a slip induction motor to
a) increase torque at lower speeds;
b) reduce current during starting;
c) reduce the speed of the motor;
d) all of the above.
11) A 3-phase. 4-pole slip ring induction motor is connected to 3-phase. 50 Hz supply from the rotor side
through slip rings and the stator tem1inals are shorted. The machine is found to be running at 1440 rpm.
Determine :
(i) The frequency of stator current.
(ii) The speed of rotor magnetic tield w.r.t. rotor and its direction w.r.t. direction of rotation of rotor.
(iii) The speed of stator magnetic field w.r. t. stator and its direction w.r.t. direction of rotation of
(iv) The speed of stator magnetic' field w.r. t. rotor magnetic field.
12) Why does the induction motor not rotate at synchronous speed?
13) Explain the Speed control methods of 3 Phase Induction Motor
14) Draw the torque speed characteristics of a 3 phase induction motor and clearly indicate the effect
of change in rotor resistance.
15) Explain the different methods of starting an induction motor.
16) Give comparison between squirrel cage and slip ring induction machine? Discuss the working
principle of three phase induction motor.
17) No load and short circuit tests conducted on 3φ, 5 HP, 220 volts, 60 Hz, 1800 rpm induction
motor gave the following results. No load test: 220 volts, 4.35 amps, 244 watts Short circuit test:
Voltage of 220 volts produces a current of 64.5 Amps; Resistance per phase = 0.545 ohms,
Friction, windage and core loss = 213 watts. Obtain the equivalent circuit parameters.
18) The power input to a 500 V, 50 Hz, 6 pole 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor running at 975
rpm is 40 KW. The stator losses are 1 KW and the friction and windage losses are 2 KW.
(i) Slip
(ii) Rotor copper loss
(iii) Mechanical power developed
(iv) The efficiency.
19) Draw the per phase approximate equivalent circuit of a 3 – phase induction motor at slip ‘s’ and
derive the expression for electromagnetic torque developed by the motor. Derive also the
condition for maximum torque and the expression for the maximum torque.
20) The shaft output of a three-phase 60- Hz induction motor is 80 KW. The friction and windage
losses are 920 W, the stator core loss is 4300 W and the stator copper loss is 2690 W. The rotor
current and rotor resistance referred to stator are respectively 110 A and 0.15 Ω . If the slip is
3.8%, what is the percent efficiency?
21) A 6 pole 3 phase induction motor develops 30 H P including mechanical losses totalling 2 H P, at
a speed of 950 RPM on 550 volt, 50 Hz mains. If the power factor is 0.88 and core losses are
negligible, calculate:
(i) The slip
(ii) The rotor copper loss
(iii) The total input power if the stator losses are 2 Kw
(iv) The line current.
22) A 400V, 4-pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase, 10 hp, star connected induction motor has a no load slip of 1%
and full load slip of 4%. Find the following:
(i) Syn. speed
(ii) no-load speed
(iii) full-load speed.
(iv) frequency of rotor current at full-load
(v) full-load torque.
23) A 400Volts, 1450 rpm, 50 Hz, wound-rotor induction motor has the following circuit model
parameters. R1= 0.3 ohm R2=0.25 ohm X1=X2=0.6 ohm Xm= 35 ohm Rotational loss =1500 W.
Calculate the starting torque and current when the motor is started direct on full voltage.
24) A 2300-V, three phase, 60 Hz, star-connected cylindrical synchronous motor has a synchronous
reactance of 11 Ω per phase. When it delivers 200 hp, the efficiency is found to be 90% exclusive
of field loss, and the power-angle is 15 electrical degrees as measured by a stroboscope. Neglect
ohmic resistance and determine: (i) the induced excitation per phase. (ii) the line current I a (iii) the
power factor
25) A 3-phase induction motor has a starting torque of 100% and a maximum torque of 200% of full
load torque. Find (i) Slip at maximum torque. (ii) Full load slip. (iii) Neglect the stator impedance
26) A 150kW, 3000V, 50Hz, 6-pole star-connected induction motor has a star-connected slip-ring
rotor with a transformation ratio of 3.6 (stator/rotor). The rotor resistance is 0.1Ω/phase and its
per phase leakage inductance is 3.61 mH. The stator impedance may be neglected. Find (i) the
starting current and torque on rated voltage with shortcircuited slip-rings, and (ii) the necessary
external resistance to reduce the rated voltage starting current to 30A and the corresponding
starting torque.

Module-4: Single Phase Induction Motors

1) A ceiling fan uses

a) Split-phase motor.
b) Capacitor start and capacitor run motor.
c) Universal motor.
d) Capacitor start motor.
2) In a capacitor start single-phase induction motor, the capacitor is connected
a) in series with main winding.
b) in series with auxiliary winding.
c) in series with both the windings.
d) in parallel with auxiliary winding.
3) The torque developed by a single-phase induction motor at starting is
a) Less than the rated torque
b) More than the rated torque
c) Zero
d) None of the above
4) Reduction in the capacitance of a capacitor-start motor, results in reduced
a) Noise.
b) Speed.
c) Starting torque.
d) Armature reaction.
5) Rotor Slip with respect to forward rotating Field Ff and backward rotating field Fb
respectively are
ns −n
a) Sf = , Sb =2−S f
ns −n
b) Sf = , Sb =2−S f
ns −n
c) Sf = , Sb =S f −1
ns −n
d) Sf = , Sb =1−S f

6) In a capacitor start and run motors the function of the running capacitor in series with the
auxiliary winding is to
a) Improve power factor
b) Reduce fluctuations in torque
c) Increase over load capacity
d) To improve torque
7) Centrifugal switch is used to disconnect starting winding when motor has
a) Picked up 5-10% speed
b) Picked up 10% speed
c) Picked up 20% speed
d) Picked up 50-70% speed
8) The direction of rotation of a split phase motor can be reversed by reversing the connection
a) Starting winding
b) Running winding
c) Either a) or b)
d) None of the above
9) In shaded pole motor the direction of motor is
a) From shaded pole to the main pole
b) From the main pole to shaded pole
c) Either a) and b)
d) None of the above
10) If the starting winding of a single phase induction motor is left in the circuit, it will
a) Damage the starting winding
b) Run faster
c) Run Slower
d) Spark at light load
11) Discuss why single phase induction motor do not have starting torque.
12) Identify the motor being used in the ceiling fan and explain the method of its control.
13) Describe with the aid of diagram of connection, phasor diagram and torque-slip characteristics,
the working of capacitor-start single phase induction motor.
14) Explain Double Revolving field theory of single Phase Induction motor.
15) What are the advantages of a capacitor start motor over a resistant split phase motor.
16) List the comparison between single phase and three phase induction motor.
17) Explain Shaded-pole motor with necessary phasor and torque-slip characteristics.
18) A 200-V,6-pole, 50-Hz, single-winding single-phase induction motor has the following
equivalent circuit parameter as referred to the stator.
R1m = 3.0 Ω X1m= 5.0 Ω
R2 =1.5 Ω X2 = 2.0 Ω
Neglect the magnetizing current. When the motor runs at 97% of the synchronous Speed, compute
the following:
(i) The ratio of Ef / Emb
(ii) The ratio of Vf / Vb
(iii) The ratio of Tf /Tb
(iv) The gross total torque
19) A test on the main winding of a 1kW, 4 pole 215V, 50 Hz, single phase Induction motor
gave following results:

No-Load test Block rotor test

Vo = 215 V VSC = 85 A

Io = 3.9 A ISC = 9.80 A

Po =185 W PSC = 390 W

R1 =1.6 Ω

Calculate the parameter of the circuit model assuming that the magnetizing reactance
hangs at the input terminals of the model.

20) A 230 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole single – phase induction motor has the following equivalent
circuit impedances:
R1m = 2.2 Ω, R2’ = 4.5 Ω
X1m = 3.1 Ω X2’ = 2.6 Ω
Friction and windage and core loss =40W
For a slip of 0.03 pu, calculate (i) input current, (ii) power factor, (iii) developed power, (iv)
output power, (e) efficiency.

Module-5 Synchronous Machines

1) In a salient pole synchronous motor, the developed reluctance torque attains the maximum
value when the load angle in electrical degrees is
a) 0
b) 45
c) 60
d) 90
2) If a synchronous motor is running at a leading power factor, its excitation induced voltage (E r)
a) equal to terminal voltage
b) higher than terminal voltage
c) lesser than terminal voltage
d) depandent on supply voltage

3) In a synchronous machine, hunting is predominantly damped by

a) mechanical loss in the rotor
b) iron loss in the rotor
c) copper loss in the stator
d) copper loss in the rotor

4) A three-phase, salient pole synchronous motor is connected to an infinite bus. It is operated at

no load a normal excitation. The field excitation of the motor is first reduced to zero and
then increased in reverse direction gradually. Then the armature current
a) Increases continuously
b) First increases and then decreases steeply
c) First decreases and then increases steeply
d) Remains constant

5) In a stepper motor, the detent torque means

a) minimum of static torque with phase winding excited
b) maximum of the static torque with phase winding excited
c) minimum of the static torque with phase winding unexcited
d) maximum of the static torque with phase winding unexcited

6) Synchronizing power of a synchronous machine is

a) directly proportional to the synchronous reactance
b) Inversely proportional to the synchronous reactance
c) Equal to the synchronous reactance
d) None of the above

7) When the voltage applied to a synchronous motor is increased, which of the following will
a) Stator flux
b) Pull in torque
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

8) Which of the following methods is used to start a synchronous motor?

a) Damper winding
b) Star-delta starter
c) Damper winding in conjunction with star-delta starter
d) Resistance starter in the armature circuit

9) Stability of a synchronous machine

a) Decreases with increase in its excitation
b) Increases with increase in its excitation
c) Remains unaffected with increase in excitation
d) Any of the above

10) The effect of increasing the load on a synchronous motor running with normal excitation is to
a) Decrease both armature current and power factor
b) Decrease armature current but increase power factor
c) Increase armature current but decrease power factor
d) Increase both its armature current and power factor

11) In a synchronous motor, V-curves represent relation between

a) Armature current and field current
b) Power factor and speed
c) Field current and speed
d) Field current and power factor

12) Describe how the synchronous reactance of a synchronous machine is determined.

13) Explain two important functions served by the damper winding in a synchronous motor. State
the various applications of synchronous motor.
14) Explain the constructional features of synchronous generator. What are the two types of
generators? Derive emf equation of a synchronous machine.
15) What are the two types of constructions that are employed in synchronous machines? Explain
the two machines and give with reasons which of them are simple to model and analyze.
16) A 4-pole alternator has an armature with 25 slots and 8 conductors per slot and rotates at 1500
rpm and the flux per pole is 0.5 Wb. Find the emf generated, if winding factor is 0.96 and all
the conductors are series.
17) Define armature reaction and explain the effect of armature reaction on the different power
system loads of synchronous generator.
18) A 3-phase, Y-connected synchronous generator rated at 10 KVA and 230 V has a
synchronous reactance of 1.2 ohm per phase and an armature resistance of 0.5 ohm per
phase. Calculate the % voltage regulation at full load with 0.8 lagging power factor.
19) Two 3-ϕ, 6.6 kV, star-connected alternators supply a load of 3000 kw at 0.8 power factor
lagging. The synchronous impedance per impedance per phase of machine A is 0.5+ j10Ω
and of machine B is 0.4 + j12 Ω The excitation of machine A is adjusted so that it delivers
150 A at a lagging p.f. and the governors are so set that the load is shared equally between
the machine. Determine the current, power factor, induced e.m.f. and load angle of each
20) A 3 – φ, 11 KV star connected synch. motor takes 50 A input current. The effective resistance
and synchronous reactance per phase are 1 Ω and 30 Ω respectively. Calculate the induced
emf for a power factor of (a) 0.8 lagging (b) 0.8 leading and (c) the power supplied to the
21) A 3-phase 2.5MVA, 6.6V synchronous generator gave the following data for occ at
synchronous speed

If (A): 16 20 25 32 45

Voc(line)(V) 4400 5500 6600 7700 8800

with the armature short-circuited and full load current flowing, the field current is 18 A. when

the in/c is applying full-load current at zero Bt at rated voltagee, the field current is 45 A.
Determine the leakage reactance in Ω per phase and the full-load armature reaction in terms

of equivalent field amperes. Find also the field current and voltage regulation when the m/c is

supplying full load at 0.8p.f lagging at rated voltage neglect armature resistance.

22) (a)Explain the emf method of determining the reguglation of an alternator.

(b)State and explain the conditions for parallel opertaion of alternator.
23) A 75-MVA; 13.8 kV, three-phase, eight-pole,60 Hz salient pole synchronous machine has the
following d-axis and q-axis reactances :Xd=1.0 p.u. and Xq = 0.6 p.u. The synchronous generator is
delivering rated MVA at rated voltage and 0.866 power factor lagging. Choose a power base of 75
MVA and voltage base of 13.8 kV.
(i) Draw the phasor diagram of the machine.
(ii) Compute the excitation voltage Ef
(iii) If the machine is connected to 3-phase system. having 1.0 p.u. voltage, find the maximum
power that generator can deliver.

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