The Diabetes Handbook by DK - Parte2
The Diabetes Handbook by DK - Parte2
The Diabetes Handbook by DK - Parte2
Although a urine or fingerprick test can reveal a raised glucose tolerance test. Your results are assessed with
blood glucose level, you need one or more of three your symptoms. If you don’t have any symptoms but
laboratory blood tests to diagnose diabetes: the random diabetes is suspected, you need a repeat blood test
or fasting blood glucose test and, if necessary, the oral carried out on a different day.
A health professional uses a device to prick the A healthy blood glucose level is in the range
side of your fingertip and obtain a drop of blood. of 4–6 mmol/L. If your test result is above
The blood drop is put onto a testing strip already 6 mmol/L, your health professional will ask
inserted in a blood glucose meter, which provides you to have further blood tests. A fingerprick
a reading of your blood glucose level. test by itself is not enough to diagnose diabetes.
Your health professional takes a blood sample If you have symptoms and your blood glucose
from your arm to send to a laboratory for analysis. result is above 11.1 mmol/L, you are diagnosed
This sample can be taken regardless of whether with diabetes. If you have no symptoms, or the
or not you have eaten. result is lower than this, you may have a repeat
test while fasting or be given an oral glucose
tolerance test.
Random blood
glucose test
You do not eat or drink (except water) overnight, If you have symptoms and your blood glucose
and in the morning your health professional takes result is above 7 mmol/L, you are diagnosed with
a blood sample from your arm. The sample is sent diabetes; for a diagnosis of gestational diabetes,
to a laboratory for analysis. your blood glucose level must be above 5.6 mmol/L.
If you have no symptoms, or the result is lower and
you have symptoms, you may have a repeat test or
Fasting blood be given an oral glucose tolerance test.
glucose test
You do not eat or drink (except water) overnight If your fasting blood glucose level is 7 mmol/L
and in the morning your health professional takes or higher and/or your 2-hour test result is above
a blood sample from your arm. You are then 11.1 mmol/L, you are diagnosed with diabetes,
given a glucose drink, and 2 hours later your health whether or not you have symptoms; for a diagnosis
professional takes another blood sample from of gestational diabetes, the 2-hour level must be
your arm. The samples are sent for analysis. 7.8 mmol/L or higher. This test is used when other
Oral glucose tests have been inconclusive or if you have risk
tolerance factors for diabetes.
22 What is diabetes?
Preventing and
reversing diabetes
For many people with type 2 diabetes, reversal (also called remission
or suppression) of their diabetes is possible through weight loss and
increased activity. These measures can also often help to prevent
prediabetes from progressing to type 2 diabetes. Other types
of diabetes cannot yet be prevented or reversed, although careful
diabetes management can help to minimize their effects.
Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes diagnosis or, at any time, reduce or delay
In prediabetes, also called borderline the need for medication. If you do not have
diabetes, your blood glucose is raised but prediabetes or type 2 diabetes but are
not high enough to be classed as diabetes. concerned that you may develop them,
It is an indication that you are at high risk you can reduce your risk by maintaining
of developing type 2 diabetes. a healthy weight, following healthy eating
If you have prediabetes, it is possible principles, and being physically active
to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 on a regular basis.
diabetes by losing weight, if you weigh
more than the recommended healthy Other types of diabetes
weight for your height (see pp.92–93), Type 1 diabetes, MODY
and becoming more active. The same (maturity onset diabetes
measures may also help to reverse of the young), and LADA
type 2 diabetes in the early years after (latent autoimmune
diabetes in adults)
cannot yet be cured,
prevented, or reversed.
Type 1 diabetes Research is being carried
However, maintaining
out into ways of delaying the onset of
a healthy weight, eating
type 1 diabetes in younger groups at risk
healthily, and being
of developing it, but the research is still at
an early stage of development.
physically active can help
Type 2 diabetes Methods for preventing
to manage the conditions
this type of diabetes, minimizing its effects, and prevent complications.
or putting it into remission for children and
▷ Benefits of exercise
young people are the same as those for
Regular exercise can help you to
adults: weight loss and increased activity.
lose weight, prevent or reverse
Specialist help from health professionals is prediabetes or type 2 diabetes,
vital, together with emotional and practical and, for any type of diabetes, help
support for the whole family. you to manage your condition
more successfully.
Preventing and reversing diabetes 23
◁ Working in partnership
Everybody with diabetes has
individual healthcare needs and
diabetes management. Working
in partnership with your health
professionals enables your diabetes
care to be tailored to your specific
needs and preferences.
your blood
Monitoring blood glucose
Monitoring equipment
Checking your blood glucose
What your results may mean
Medication for diabetes
Insulin treatment
Types of insulin
Insulin regimens
Adjusting insulin doses
Insulin equipment and care
Injecting insulin
Other diabetes medication
Advances in treatment
Recognizing hypoglycaemia
Treating hypoglycaemia
Recognizing and treating hyperglycaemia
28 Managing your blood glucose
Recommended blood
glucose levels EXTRA MONITORING
Whatever type of diabetes you have, as a Monitoring your blood glucose is always
general rule of thumb, it is recommended important, but there are certain times when
that you aim to keep your blood glucose you need to check more often.
within the range 4–9 mmol/L. This is ● During and for several hours after vigorous
or long periods of exercise.
close to the blood glucose range of a
● If you have an unpredictable working
person without diabetes (4–7 mmol/L). pattern or do shift work.
A blood glucose level that is in the
● If you change your medication and/or
recommended range will keep you insulin regimen.
feeling well and help to prevent possible ● When planning a pregnancy and during
long-term complications. Although a the pregnancy itself.
blood glucose level of 4–9 mmol/L is ● When you are ill.
a general recommendation, you and ● If you have been drinking alcohol or using
your healthcare professional may recreational drugs.
agree on different target ranges that ● During holidays and celebrations.
are appropriate for you personally. In
addition, you may be given different
recommended targets in specific and/or insulin (see pp.42–43), because
circumstances; for example, if you of the risk of hypoglycaemia with these
have difficulty recognizing a hypo treatments. In this case, typically you will
or if you are planning a pregnancy. be advised to check your blood glucose
routinely twice a day.
Frequency of checks Whatever type of diabetes you have,
If you have type 1 diabetes, you will be if you are particularly concerned about
advised to check your blood glucose hypos while you are sleeping, you may
between 4 and 10 times a day. If you be advised to check your blood glucose
have type 2 diabetes, you may not need level during the night. There are other
to check your own blood glucose levels, times and situations in which your blood
except if you are taking medication that glucose level is likely to vary or you are
includes an insulin-stimulating drug, at particular risk of a hypo and you will
such as a sulphonylurea (see pp.58–59) need to do extra checks (see box, above).
◁ Typical
recommended targets
Blood glucose levels to
aim for vary according
5–9 to your age, the type
5–7 mmol/L
4–7 mmol/L of diabetes you have
mmol/L (90 minutes
after eating) and the time of day. The
examples given here are
of typical targets for an
adult with type 1 diabetes
but your personal targets
On waking Before meals After meals may be different.
Monitoring blood glucose 31
There are various methods of checking Glucose
your own blood glucose levels. The
simplest is a urine test, in which a glucose- so it provides a picture of your average Red blood
sensitive test strip is dipped in a sample of blood glucose level over the previous cell
urine. The strip changes colour according 2 or 3 months and gives an indication
to the concentration of glucose in the urine, of how well your diabetes treatment
and the colour of the strip is compared is working. The test usually involves
against a chart to give a reading of the laboratory analysis of a blood sample
blood glucose level. This method may taken from a vein in your arm or by a
be used by healthcare professionals but portable fingerprick meter. Typically, you
home urine testing is not very accurate will be offered an HbA1c check by a
and is not generally recommended. health professional every 3 to 6 months,
The most common method for self- whether or not you self-monitor your
checking is with the fingerprick method, blood glucose levels.
in which a drop of blood is obtained by
pricking your finger with a lancet, then 70
applying the blood to a strip that is analysed
by a blood glucose meter to give a reading Above recommended level
(above 58 mmol/mol; 7.5%)
of your blood glucose level (see pp.36–37).
Other methods include using a continuous 60 7.5
blood glucose monitor, which provides
Monitoring equipment
Special equipment is available to enable you to check your blood
glucose level. The most common method is fingerprick checking.
This involves using a lancing device and lancet to obtain a drop of
blood, which is then put on a test strip that has been inserted in
a blood glucose meter. Other methods are continuous glucose
monitoring and flash monitoring, which utilize sensors in the skin.
end cap
Protective cap
Needle Depth selector ◁ Types of lancing
and end cap devices and lancets
The various lancing devices are all
designed to enable you to obtain
button a blood sample easily and with
minimum discomfort. Not all
types of lancet fit all lancing
devices, so you need to check
Release button compatibility before use.
Monitoring equipment 33
Different lancing devices vary in their design, features, but you should refer to the manufacturer’s instructions
and precise method of installing a fresh lancet. The general for specific information about installing a lancet for
method shown here is applicable to many types of lancet, your particular device.
Remove the end Take a fesh lancet Twist off the lancet’s Carefully replace
1 cap from the lancing
2 and insert it into the
3 protective cap to
4 the end cap of the
device. This will expose exposed socket of the expose the needle. Take lancing device and twist
the socket into which lancing device. Make sure care not to contaminate the depth selector to
you will insert a fresh you push the lancet in as the needle by allowing it adjust how deep the
lancet. far as it will go. to touch anything. needle will penetrate.
There are a number of aspects to consider below, you might also want to consider the
when you are working out which is the right cost and/or availability of the test strips a
meter for you. As well as the points listed particular meter uses.
SIZE A compact meter is more convenient to carry, but if you have a condition
that affects your dexterity, such as arthritis, you may find a larger meter
easier to use.
SIZE OF BLOOD The amount of blood you need to put on a test strip to obtain an accurate
SAMPLE reading can vary according to the equipment you use. If you find it difficult to
obtain blood, it may help to choose a meter that needs only a small sample.
DISPLAY A meter with a large display may be easier to read. Some meters show
the reading on its own, others display additonal information as well. More
sophisticated meters enable you to customize the display.
MEMORY Meters vary in the number of readings they can store. A large memory is useful
if you cannot record or download the readings.
DOWNLOADING Some meters allow you to download your readings and analyse them on a
computer or smartphone. This enables you to see your blood glucose levels
over a period in graph or table form.
AVERAGES Many meters can give you an average of your readings over the past week
or longer.
TIMING Meters vary in how quickly they display readings. A meter with a shorter
analysis time may make it easier for you to do a blood glucose check when
you are busy.
ADVANCED Some meters can measure both blood glucose and blood ketones. Others
FEATURES can hold multiple test strips so you do not need to insert one every time
you use it. Some high-tech meters contain built-in software that provides
various analysis and/or display options.
Monitoring equipment 35
Information mmol/L
have to meet minimum standards display
for accuracy. Like all electronic
Scroll button
devices, they should be kept clean Power and
and dry. Most types use standard set-up button
Power and
batteries, although some models set-up button
are rechargeable.
Sensor Sensor
Sensor filament
Scanner reads
Blood Interstitial Blood Interstitial data from
capillary fluid capillary fluid sensor
The usual site for taking a blood sample is the side of your take blood from these sites.) Take care to follow the
fingertip, not too close to the nail. (Less commonly, you manufacturer’s instructions on how to use your meter
may need to take blood from your forearm, the palm of your correctly. It may help to rub your hand from the palm
hand, or your abdomen, if your equipment is designed to towards your fingers to get the blood flowing.
Wash and dry your Take a fresh test Press the tip of the
1 hands. With a fresh
2 strip from its
3 lancing device on the
4 Once you have
obtained a large
lancet in your lancing container. Switch on side of your finger. Press enough drop of blood,
device, turn the device’s your blood glucose the button to fire the apply the blood to the
dial to your preferred meter or insert the test lancet. Lift the device and end of the test strip.
depth level. Low numbers strip into the meter to wait a few seconds for a After a short period,
indicate a shallow depth; switch it on, depending drop of blood to appear. the meter will display
higher numbers mean on the manufacturer’s (Pressing the base of a reading of your
that the lancet will instructions for your your finger can help the blood glucose level
penetrate deeper. specific meter. blood flow.) on its screen.
Checking your blood glucose 37
It is useful to keep a record of your glucose storage and analysis on a smartphone,
readings so that you can see changes over tablet, or computer. Also keep notes
time. You can record the figures in a written about your food, medication doses, and
diary, but many blood glucose monitoring activities so that you can relate these to
systems enble you to upload results for your blood glucose readings.
38 Managing your blood glucose
can upload them to
a computer or mobile In Range mmol Latest blood
device, such as a Time of last
L glucose
reading reading
smartphone, to enable 10m ago
you to see the results Tinted area
graphically and indicates
spot trends in your target blood
Upper limit of glucose range
glucose readings. target blood 9
glucose range
target blood 20 Readin
glucose range
9 0 Day Ov
Graph displaying Within ta
rget rang
proportion of time blood Low
glucose levels were vents
below, within, or above Recent Eeek This Month
your target range This W Record of
Today l/L
6.0 mmo most recent
19:30 7.9 mmo
blood glucose
19:00 4.8 mm o l/L levels today
Time of most 18:30 o l/L
recent readings 4.0 mm
taken today 18:00 4.0 mm o l/L
What your results may mean 39
An occasional out-of-range blood glucose level does promptly). However, if you notice a pattern of highs
not indicate that you need to make changes (although or lows, or constant fluctuations, finding out why
a low blood glucose level should always be treated can help you take corrective action.
Having more food than usual or a different type of food. Having less food than usual, or taking your insulin
(A specific food may be a cause if it’s associated with high and/or medication and then being unable to eat at the
readings on several occasions.) planned time.
Being less physically active than usual. Being more physically active than usual.
Illness can cause a high blood glucose reading, Stress can make your blood glucose level fall if you respond
as can stress hormones. to it by using up more energy or eating less than usual.
Forgetting to take your medication or your insulin Taking an extra dose of medication, injecting more than your
or taking an insufficient dose. usual dose of insulin, or being on too high a dose of medication
or insulin.
Special circumstances, such as having a hypo earlier in Special circumstances, such as drinking a lot of alcohol without
the day, which you treated with glucose (when you are hypo, compensating by eating carbohydrate-containing food at the
your liver also converts glycogen into glucose and releases the same time or reducing your dosage of medication.
glucose into your bloodstream).
40 Managing your blood glucose