Mousa Thesis
Mousa Thesis
Mousa Thesis
A thesis
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Engineering
to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
of the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
at the American University of Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon
April 2019
I would like to thank Dr. Assad Eid, Dr. Ali Ramadan and Dr. Youssef Tawk for
their continuous input and for being on my thesis committee. I would also like to thank
Dr. Zaher Dawy for being on my thesis committee.
I would like to thank my colleagues for their help and support during my
research work.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents, brother, sister, and friends for
supporting and encouraging me during my studies.
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases. The exponential rate of
increase in the number of diabetics urged researchers to search for new methods of
measuring blood glucose continuously and non-invasively. The ability of microwave
devices to extract the electrical parameters of material accurately and without direct
contact, makes them ideal for measuring glucose concentrations non-invasively.
Therefore, since the past decade, a lot of research work has focused on designing
microwave sensors that are capable of sensing the variation of glucose in blood.
Although some of the proposed devices have shown good sensitivity, however none of
them is accurate enough to replace the currently used glucometers.
This thesis addresses the design of non-invasive glucose sensors by relying on
microwave based components. Hence, the design of various types of radio frequency
(RF) circuits is presented to tackle this challenge. The behavior of the proposed RF
circuits as glucose sensing systems is tested using simulation in addition to in-vitro, ex-
vivo and in-vivo studies. A good correlation between the scattering parameters of
proposed sensors and the variations in glucose levels is attained. Several regression
models are also developed and applied on the collected data, where a selection of the
optimal model with the least prediction error is identified. Examined results using the
Clarke error grid demonstrate that 100% of the predicted glucose levels lie within the
clinically acceptable regions for the various proposed sensors.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………… v
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… vi
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………. 1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………... 5
AND BIOLOGICAL TISSUE …………………………………… 15
viii Reflection Method……………………………. 31 Transmission/Reflection Method……………… 31
5.3.2. Resonant Methods………………………………………... 32 Resonant Method ……………………………... 32 The Resonant Perturbation Method …………... 33
6.6.4. Fabrication and Measurements …………………………... 65
6.6.5. Tuning and Reconfiguration ……………………………... 67 Reconfigurable Microwave Circuits ………….. 68 Proposed Tunable Structure ………………….. 68
MODEL…………………………………………………………………….. 91
8.1. Introduction.……………………………………………….………… 91
8.2.1. Preprocessing…………………………………………….. 93
8.2.2. Modeling Techniques…………………………………….. 94
8.2.3. Model and Features Selection ..………………………….. 95
8.2.4. K-fold Cross-validation ………………………………….. 96
Figure Page
14. Permittivity of muscle, fat and brain of rats in function of frequency
[29]……………………………………………………………………… 20
27. Electric field distribution on the top layer of the proposed SRR-based
filter……………………………………………………………………... 44
29. Simulated and measured response of the SRR-based filter…………….. 45
34. Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed log-
periodic BRF built on a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate………… 52
37. Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed log-
periodic BRF built on a 0.25 mm-thick Rogers 3003 substrate………… 55
39. Top and bottom layers of the proposed dual-band reject filter………... 57
42. Proposed sensing structure superposed with the topology of the lower
human arm……………………………………………………………… 59
44. Tapered feeding line topology………………………………………….. 61
46. Electric field distribution of the dual-band at f= 2.12 GHz and f= 2.34
GHz and octa-band filters at f=1.8 GHz and 2.2 GHz………………….. 63
47. Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed octa-
band filter built on a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate……………. 65
48. Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed octa-
band filter built on a 0.25 mm-thick Rogers 3003 substrate……………. 66
57. S21 response of the proposed sensors for the single-layered (left) and
multi-layered models (right), a. narrowband sensor, b. broad-band
sensor, c. octa-band sensor……………………………………………… 76
58. Magnitude and phase variation of the proposed sensors when loaded by
the multi-layered model, a) the narrowband sensor, b) the broad-band
sensor, and c) the octa-band sensor……………………………………... 77
61. Correlation between the response of the broad-band sensor and the
glucose concentrations at different frequencies………………………… 81
62. Correlation between the response of the octa-band sensor and the
glucose concentrations at different frequencies………………………… 82
65. Correlation between the response of the broad-band sensor and the
blood glucose concentrations…………………………………………… 86
66. Correlation between the response of the octa-band sensor and the blood
glucose concentrations………………………………………………….. 87
69. BGL profiles of all the patients collected using the broad-band sensor
and estimated using GP. Each plot includes the invasively measured
BGL (solid lines), the estimated BGL using Gaussian Process (dashed
lines) and the prediction using the different experiments (dots)………... 101
70. BGL profiles of all the patients collected using the octa-band sensor
and estimated using GP. Each plot includes the invasively measured
BGL (solid lines), the estimated BGL using Gaussian Process (dashed
lines) and the prediction using the different experiments (dots)………... 102
71. Clarke error grid for the data collected using a) broad-band sensor, and
b) octa-band sensor……………………………………………………... 104
Table Page
14. Maximum attained electric field intensity for the octa-band filters at
different frequencies……………………………………………………. 64
18. Mean percentage error for the glucose levels estimated using LW-PLS,
GP, and LASSO………………………………………………………… 103
1.1. Background
During the past few decades, changes in lifestyle and nutrition made diabetes
one of the most prominent diseases among chronic conditions. By 2014, the number of
people diagnosed with diabetes reached 422 million worldwide. This number is
expected to increase dramatically in the upcoming years due to the exponential growth
of this disease [1]. In fact, diabetes is considered one of the most common metabolic
diseases. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2, with type 1 being the
most serious condition. For patients with type 1 diabetes, the auto-immune system
destroys the cells that produce insulin. Consequently, the production of insulin
decreases or stops completely and hence the blood glucose level (BGL) increases. Only
10% of diabetics are diagnosed with type 1. Around 90% are diagnosed with type 2
diabetes, and they suffer from a slow production rate of insulin in the body, which in
Although the causes of these two categories are different, however their
consequences are dangerous and much alike. In fact, advanced stages of both types of
diabetes are associated with several complications such as kidney failure, blindness and
limb amputation. In addition, diabetes increases the risk of stroke and coronary heart
disease. In 2015, around 1.6 million deaths were caused directly by this condition. An
additional 3 million deaths were caused by the complications of the disease [1].
For treatment, accurate determination of BGL is a necessity. Currently, BGL is
invasive. In fact, the patient has to prick a finger each time a glucose measurement is
required. This process is painful for diabetics especially with the need to measure
glucose levels several times during the day. In the long term, this method increases the
risk of infection and may damage the underlying tissue. Additionally, this measurement
technique does not provide continuous monitoring, which can result in missing serious
In the past decade, several new blood glucose measurement techniques have
been investigated, which fall within one of the two categories: minimally invasive and
non-invasive. In [4] and [5], a review of the most popular non-invasive techniques is
invasive methods for BGL monitoring such as sonophoresis and iontophoresis aim to
extract the level of glucose from the skin [3]. All the proposed sensors have failed to
replace the current measurement method as they lacked accuracy. More recently,
mean to provide continuous and non-invasive monitoring of BGLs. These methods rely
on coupling EM waves on precise spots of the human body. The reflected waves are
collected back and monitored, as they include information concerning the electrical
properties of the underlying biological layers. Any variations in the collected waves
directly relates to parameters of blood. This information can be used to provide non-
perturbing the MUT, makes them ideal for measurements that require no direct contact
with the material. The robustness and accuracy of these devices have encouraged
applications. Consequently, multiple wearable devices are developed that are capable of
monitoring cardiac and respiratory activities [7], sensing bodies’ abnormalities and
variations in BG. These sensors are designed and tested in several in vivo and in vitro
different devices. A regression model is finally built in the aim of predicting glucose
This thesis is divided into eight chapters. Chapter one includes an introduction.
Chapter two provides a literature review that presents the most recent research work on
different human tissues and the corresponding safe absorption rates of electromagnetic
(EM) energy. Chapter four presents a theoretical background on the electrical properties
of lossy material. Chapter five discusses material characterization techniques that are
developed in literature. Chapter six presents the proposed sensors. Chapter seven
discusses all the conducted in vivo and in vitro studies. Chapter eight presents the
established regression model. Chapter nine concludes this work and presents future
research steps.
2.1. Introduction
Throughout the last decade, research effort has focused on proposing microwave
devices that can be employed for the monitoring of blood glucose concentrations in a
review is provided. Topics associated to finding a relation between BGL and the
2.2.1. Waveguides
Using the setup in Fig. 1, a correlation between BGL and the electrical
properties of tissues is presented in [10] and [11]. This relation is generated based on
the fact that the relative permittivity of blood is directly related to the concentration of
on body tissue. By monitoring the reflected waves from the tissue, it is shown that the
dielectric constant of blood is altered for various BGLs. The variation in the dielectric
Figure 1: MMW measurement setup [10].
concentrations as small as 0.025 (wt%) are detected with an accuracy of 0.22 dB per
wt%. The sensitivity of the system varies for different frequencies, and the best results
are reached at two different bands between 59-64 GHz and between 69-73 GHz.
performed using commercial blood test strips and millimeter-wave absorption for
several injections of glucose, insulin, and saline in a live anesthetized animal [13]. The
results of this work (Fig. 3) show an increase in the wave transmission after glucose
injection, and a decrease in transmission after insulin injection. The relatively slow time
for the observed changes (10-15 minutes for glucose and 20-40 minutes for insulin)
correlates well with the expected speed of glucose and insulin metabolism. The lack of
2.2.2. Antennas
A device is developed in which two antennas operating within the V-band are
placed around a pig’s ears as shown in Fig. 4 [14]. Transmission and reflection
parameters are measured using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The frequency
range of interest is between 58.5 GHz and 61.5 GHz. It is reported that the best results
are obtained when the antennas are closest to the tissues and are placed in an area rich
Following the integration of temperature and motion sensors, the patch is tested
glucose as low as 24 mg/dl. Furthermore, the system is tested on 10 healthy male
subjects in [15]. These experiments verified its ability to successfully detect glucose
2.2.3. Resonators
The use of split ring resonators for glucose monitoring is examined in [16]. The
system consists of two rings operating at 1.4 GHz as shown in Fig. 5. One ring is used
for sensing and is placed at close proximity to the skin. The second one is placed far
away and is considered as a reference to regulate the temperature effect. Both in-vitro
and in-vivo measurements are carried out on one healthy patient and the results reached
glucose variations, limited sensitivity to other sugars and no sensitivity to vitamins [17].
The device is then clinically tested on 24 volunteers. Promising results are reached as
210 of 214 data points lay in the clinically acceptable regions [18].
Figure 5: Double ring resonators system [16].
Planar circuits are also discussed in the literature. These structures offer a
2.3.1. Antennas
antennas as in [19], [20]. Several types of planar antennas including spirals, serpentines
and dipoles are designed and tested in order to assess their ability to sense variations in
glucose levels. In one embodiment, the reflection coefficient of the proposed antennas is
concentrations. This experiment proved the ability of the antennas to sense variations in
reflection coefficient. It is also reported that the dipole outclassed the remaining types
good correlation is noted between the resonance frequency of the antenna and the
14.62mg/dl is also reported. Another observation made relates to the high dependency
Figure 6: a) Antenna wrapped around subject's hand, and b) reference and estimated
glucose variations with time [20].
The design of two ultra-wideband slot antennas of bandwidth equal to 12.5 GHz
is also considered in [21]. The proposed sensing structures are envisioned to be placed
around human’s earlobe to continuously monitor BGLs. Testing the suggested antennas
and various glucose levels. Note that the range considered for glucose concentrations is
2.3.2. Resonators
7). In this research study, the relative permittivity of blood is investigated at different
frequencies between 0 and 2 GHz. One volunteer performed a soda test by fasting for
over eight hours before placing the device on his wrist. Then, the subject consumed a
sugared soft drink. Results show that variations in glucose levels caused shifts in the
resonance frequency of the sensor (Fig. 8). The fact that the shifts in frequency are not
linear over the whole range implies that some frequencies may be more sensitive to the
changes in BGL.
the concentration of sugar in water is varied by adding sugar into the solution. Results
of this work prove that the permittivity of the water decreases while adding sugar as
displayed in Fig. 8.
Figure 8: Relation between permittivity and glucose concentrations in function of
frequency [23].
glucose from 0 to 300 mg/dl, the magnitude and phase of the reflection and transmission
Fig. 10 presents the magnitude and phase of the S21 parameter for the various
Figure 10: S21 magnitude and phase responses for different glucose concentrations
2.3.3. Filters
this structure such as resonant frequency and insertion loss are sensitive to the dielectric
constant of the superstrate. When contacted by a thumb, results show that the response
Figure 11: Prototype of the designed filter loaded by a human thumb [25].
consumes sugar water with a high concentrations of glucose. Measurements show that
resonant frequency of the BPF (Fig. 12). After 600 seconds, a stable state is detected. It
is important to indicate that a linear operation is reported between 1.5 and 2 GHz.
Figure 12: S11 and S21 parameters variations with time [25].
3.1 Introduction
This chapter includes two main sections that illustrate the relation between
electromagnetic waves and human science. The first section addresses the safe levels of
human exposure to EM energy. The second section discusses the electrical properties of
the biological tissues, and the response of these tissues when excited with EM energy.
From a physiological point of view, concerns about the exposure of the human
body to electromagnetic waves have risen recently due to the abundance of such waves
within the ambient environment. In fact, nowadays, multiple EM sources such as cell
phones, routers and satellites are widely used. As a result, the human body is exposed
abundantly and more frequently to such radiation. In fact, several standards and
protocols are developed, by many researchers and health experts to limit as well as
The safe exposure standards are set by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE). According to the standard ‘C95.1-2005’, the specific absorption rate
incremental mass (dm) contained in a volume element (dV) of given density (ρ)” as
Also, a relation between the absorption rate and the electric field at a specific
point is presented in Eq. 2, where σ and ρ are the conductivity (S/m) and mass density
(kg/m3 ) of the tissues and E represents the rms value of the electric field strength in the
tissues (V/m).
SAR = (W⁄Kg) (2)
ranging between 3 kHz and 300 GHz are measured and tabulated in the standard [26].
Table 1 summarizes the SAR limits for several body parts, in both public and controlled
environments. Note that the SAR values in Table 1 are restricted for frequencies below
3 GHz. For higher frequencies, these values may differ and are beyond the scope of this
thesis work.
3.3. Dielectric Properties of Tissues
many researchers have focused on deriving a relation between the electrical properties
of the human tissues over a wide range of frequencies. In this process, it has been noted
considering any part of the human body, water represents the main contributor to
permittivity. However, since biological materials are complex mixtures, therefore their
electrical response is not limited to only one component. In fact, each tissue has its own
biological tissues are presented, in addition to tables that summarize the dielectric
charges. This effect is known as electric polarization. The relation for the polarization
density in terms of the electric field and the dielectric constants of the material is given
by Eq. 3, where E is the induced electric field, P the dielectric polarization density, ε0
the permittivity of free space and χe the susceptibility of the tissues [27].
P = ε0 χe E (3)
When an electric field is applied on a structure, several non-idealities cause a
deferral between the polarization and the variations in the electric field. This delay is
excitation should be applied on the structure. Then the relaxation time towards reaching
3.3.2. Dispersion
given material is not fixed, but rather frequency dependent. For biological tissues,
dispersions are apparent. In [28] the electrical properties of human tissues are
categorized by three main dispersions: (1) the low frequency α-dispersion that is linked
with ionic diffusion processes, (2) the β-dispersion for radio frequencies, associated
macromolecules, and (3) the ϒ-dispersion for microwave frequencies, produced by the
dispersion which is a subset of β-dispersion (Fig. 13). Another observation from Fig. 13
concludes that biological tissues exhibit a relatively high dielectric constant at low
Figure 13: Dispersion of biological tissues [28].
For glucose sensing, the objective is to detect the variations in blood glucose
while suppressing the effects of minerals in the blood as well as minimizing the
influence of the tissues surrounding the arteries and veins. Therefore, understanding the
characteristics and behavior of tissues such as skin, fat, blood, bones and muscle is of
great importance.
animals. In Fig. 14 for instance, the relative dielectric constants for rat muscle, rat brain
and canine fat with respect to frequency are shown [29]. For these tissues, the
permittivity of fat is the most consistent along the spectrum. However for the brain and
Figure 14: Permittivity of muscle, fat and brain of rats in function of frequency [29].
Later on, using advanced imaging techniques, researchers have been able to
characterize the dielectric constants of humans. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the values of
permittivity and conductivity for several biological tissues of the human body [30].
These values are collected from the most advanced researches in the field. From table 2,
Skin 47 45 44
Fat 15 15 12
Blood 66 62 60
Muscle 57 55.4 49.6
Artery - - 43
Table 3: Conductivity (S/m) of human biological tissues at specific frequencies [30].
Several other researchers have worked on modeling the human tissues at pre-
defined locations in the body such as the neck, the ear, the leg and the arm. This
methodology is employed in order to improve the accuracy of the results [31], [32].
model is perhaps the most known model for dielectric relaxation. Using the Cole-Cole
as shown in Eq. 4, and with the appropriate choice of parameters for the tissue, the
Δεn σ
ε = ε'c (w)-jε''c (w) = ε∞ + ∑ 1+(jwτ (1-αn ) + jwεi (4)
n) 0
ω: Angular frequency.
n: Order of model.
ε∞ : High frequency permittivity.
The values of ε∞ , Δεn , τn , αn , σi for the first four orders of the model are
between the electrical properties and the BGLs. Measurements on blood samples are
performed using a dielectric probe kit and a vector network analyzer (Fig. 15). The
The glucose levels of the samples are varied between eight different glucose
concentrations, ranging from 0 mg/dl to 16,000 mg/dl. The resultant dielectric constant
and conductivity in function of frequency are presented in Fig. 16. Results show that the
real part of the permittivity in blood decreases for high concentrations of glucose. On
the other hand, the conductivity does not vary much between 0.5 GHz and 9 GHz.
The collected data is then fitted into the Cole–Cole model in order to build a
relation between the electrical properties of the blood and the glucose concentration.
The formulated model is able to successfully predict the dielectric properties in function
of frequency. Consequently, this work prove that the Cole-Cole model is a powerful
mathematical tool that can be used to extract the dielectric constants of the blood.
Figure 16: Dielectric properties of blood for different concentrations of glucose [33].
Concerning the thickness of the layers, it is hard to create a general relation that
includes all the population. In fact tissues such as fat and muscles are highly dependent
on age, gender and lifestyle. However, some approximations may be found in [34].
Also, a summary of the work developed in this process can be found in [35]. Table 4
presents the tissue layers’ thicknesses for some body parts. All the values are in
Table 4: Thickness of some biological tissues [34].
3.4. Discussion
This chapter addressed the electrical properties of the biological tissues, and
the response of these tissues when excited with EM energy, evaluated using both
procedures shows that the electrical properties of the biological tissues highly depend
on the frequency in addition to the physical and physiological conditions of the subject.
Accordingly, the design of any RF glucose sensor must account for these variations,
4.1. Introduction
materials due to their relatively high permittivity. This chapter provides an overview on
high loss materials, which are defined by their complex permittivity. Furthermore, the
In a lossy media, the effective complex permittivity is given in Eq. 5 where ε'r is
the real permittivity that signifies the stored electric field energy, ε′′ r is the imaginary
permittivity that accounts for the losses in the medium and tanδ is the loss tangent of
ε′′ r
tanδ = (6)
At resonance, the electric and magnetic field energy stored in any resonant
structure must be equal. When a material perturbs the stored energy, the field
distribution is perturbed and hence the resonance frequency shifts. This shift in the
fr and Δfr are the resonance frequency and the shift in the resonance frequency
E0 and H0 represent the field distributions in free space and E1 and H1 are the field
Where L is the total inductance, CSubtrate is the substrate capacitance, and CSUT
is the capacitance of the sample under test. The only unknown in this equation is the
capacitance of the sample under test which is directly proportional to its real
permittivity ε′r according to Eq. 9. Consequently a relation between ε′r and fr can be
generated. The generated relation allows the characterization of the permittivity based
ε′r d
C= (9)
The quality factor Q is related to the loss resistance using Eq. 10.
Q = 2πf (10)
The variable in this case is the loss resistance of the sample under test R which
is directly proportional to its loss tangent tanδ according to Eq. 11. Consequently a
2πfr L
tanδ = (11)
For a stacked multi-layered structure (Fig. 16), the relative permittivity ‘εr ’ of
each layer is unique (εr = εMaterial ). However, the effective permittivity ‘εeff ’ of the
whole structure depends on the permittivity and thickness of each layer. Eq. 12 was
With εn being the dielectric constant of the top layer. dn is calculated using Eq.
K(k )
13, k n is given in Eq. 14 and K′(kn ) in Eq. 15. hn refers to the thickness of the top layer
kn = πw (14)
cosh( )
4(hn +hn−1+⋯+h1)
K(kn ) 1 1+√kn
= π ln (2 1−√kn) for 0.7 ≤ kn ≤ 1 (15)
K′ (kn )
4.6. Discussion
This chapter presented, from an EM perspective, the equations that define high
loss materials and their effect on any EM wave. Furthermore, it assessed the effect of
5.1. Introduction
two techniques are developed for material characterization purposes. The two
techniques are divided as: the resonant and non-resonant methods. These methods are
applied using waveguides or using planar circuit boards. However, since the objective is
to design a wearable device for BGL monitoring, the device must be as small as
The most known and used planar method relies on microstrip technology. This
chapter presents this approach and provides a review on the most common material
Microstrip lines are planar transmission lines that are easy to manufacture and
integrate on low cost substrates. Fig. 17 shows the geometry of a microstrip line. The
conductor of width (W), is printed on the substrate of thickness (d) and dielectric
Figure 17: The geometry of microstrip transmission line.
εr+1 εr −1 1
εe = + × (16)
2 2 √1+12d⁄W
thickness and dielectric constant and the conductor width. It is calculated using Eq. 17
60 8d W w
ln ( W + ) for d ≤ 1
√ εe 4d
Z0 = { 120π w (17)
W W for d ≥ 1
√εe [ d +1.393+0.667 ln( +1.444))]
The width to depth ratio is computed as shown in Eq. 18, and the parameters A
8eA w
for <2
W e2A −2 d
= {2 εr−1 0.61 w
[B − 1 − ln(2B − 1) + {ln(B − 1) + 0.39 − }] for >2
π 2εr εr d
Zo εr+1 ε −1 0.11
A = 60 √ + εr+1 (0.23 + ) (19)
2 r εr
B = 2Zo (20)
√ε r
5.3. Characterization Methods
properties over a wide range of frequencies. For that, either the reflection or the
This method uses a planar transmission line built on a substrate filled with the
MUT (Fig. 18). The EM properties of the sample are extracted from the S parameters.
The disadvantage of this method lies in the fact that it cannot be used for samples of
different thicknesses.
This is another non resonant technique that is adequate for all the samples
measurement, the microstrip line is loaded by a film and its support (Fig. 19). The film
occupies a part of the cross section of the microstrip line. After determining the S11 and
S12 parameters, the transmission and reflection coefficients are calculated from Eq. 21
multiple discrete frequencies. Two techniques lie within the resonant methods, these
techniques are known as: the resonator and the resonant perturbation method.
The resonator method is used to extract the permittivity and the loss tangent
values based on the measurements of the resonant frequency and the quality factor. It
consists of placing the MUT between two conducting plates of a resonator. This
technique is highly accurate for only low loss dielectrics. For high dielectric constants’
This method consists of placing a dielectric MUT near a resonator, which causes
a shift in frequency and quality factor. Based on this shift the EM properties of the
material can be extracted. The sensitivity of this technique is highly dependent on the
type of resonator used. Several planar resonators are discussed in the following section
characterization such as the straight ribbon, the T resonator and the ring resonator.
The straight ribbon resonator (Fig. 20.a) is an open ended line of length l = n ×
, n=1,2… The fields in a straight ribbon resonator extend beyond the ends of the line
type of resonators is relatively low. The ribbon resonator can be adjusted, as shown in
5.4.2. T- Resonator
transmission line characterization, reduces the radiation losses, and decreases the size of
the device. A T-resonator is a quarter wave long transmission line shown in Fig. 21.
The T pattern is an open-end transmission stub that resonates at odd integer multiples of
λ/4. By coupling the structure directly to the transmission line, and by having only one
open end, inaccuracies of the gaps are eliminated and the radiation and discontinuity
Figure 21: T-resonator [39].
(4fr(l+lc)) with n = 1,3,5 … and hence the permittivity of the material is determined.
ε (εr −1)
The loss tangent is also determined from the quality factor using tanδ = Qdεreff(ε
r reff −1)
with Q d = Qc−Q, Q being the measured quality factor and Q c the calculated quality
The ring resonator, shown in Fig. 22, does not have open ends, which decreases
its radiation loss and enhances its quality factor even more. This fact made the ring
resonator one of the most accurate and sensitive planar resonators in material
characterization. The resonant condition for the first resonant mode is given by Eq. 23,
where r is the ring’s mean radius [39]. Therefore for a given radius of the ring, the
2πr = λg (23)
Figure 22: Ring resonator [41].
frequency of the ring, where the peak occurs, decreases [41]. The larger the dielectric
values the higher is the shift. This behavior is due to the fact that the energy coupled
into the ring splits equally over the top and bottom sections of the ring. Therefore, a
standing wave will develop in a way such that when the ring is in resonance, the
maxima occur at the coupling gaps and the nulls are noticed at the top and bottom of the
ring [41].
which the MUT is used as the substrate. Another possibility is multi-layer substrate in
which the ring acts as a measurement device and the MUT is placed as a cover on top of
the circuit. A PTFE block can be used to eliminate the air gap between the circuit and
the MUT. For the setup in Fig. 23, the permittivity ε1 and the thickness h of the
εreff,0 is calculated from the substrate properties. With loading ε3 is known and ε2 must
fo 2
εreff,1 = εreff,0 (f1 ) (24)
nc nc
πD = fo = f1 (25)
√εreff,0 √εreff,1
sensors for the aim of characterizing materials’ dielectric constant variations. The focus
has always been on designing narrow-band sensors with a high quality factor as in [42].
Such response increases the intensity of electric fields. The use of complementary split
ring resonators (CSRRs) with narrow responses has been examined in [42], and [43].
The proposed resonators are able to sense and predict the dielectric constant values of
low loss substrates with a percentage error that does not exceed 10% [42]. Also, by
increasing the number of resonators from two to three, the sensor is able to predict both
the dielectric constant and thickness of the substrates with lower error [43], compared to
5.5. Discussion
The resonant perturbation technique has the advantage of extracting the electrical
properties without perturbing the MUT. Its sensitivity however is highly dependent on
the type of resonator employed. Accordingly, several resonators are also presented in
this chapter, such as the open loop and ring resonators. Modified versions of these two
6.1. Introduction
In this chapter, several two port RF filters that act as glucose sensors are
designed and tested. The performance of a narrow band SRR based band-pass filter is
initially evaluated. Also two novel broad-band and tunable octa-band reject filters are
proposed. The narrowband BPF operates at 2.4GHz. The broad-band reject filter covers
the whole frequency range between 1.25 GHz and 2.25 GHz. Finally, the tunable octa-
band reject filter covers multiple bands ranging between 1.5 GHz and 2.4 GHz.
The designs characteristics of these filters are discussed in this chapter. The
proposed structures are fabricated and tested using different substrates. A comparison
between the simulated and the measured results is also presented, and a good agreement
is noticed.
6.2. Methodology
The proposed sensors are initially designed, simulated and tested in free space
scenarios. To examine the performance of the filters, the scattering parameters, S11,
S21, and S22, are selected. S11 and S22 represent the reflection losses at ports 1 and 2,
and S21 refers to the insertion loss from port 1 to port 2. From an RF point of view, for
the design of a band stop filter, in the operating band, it is desirable to have the
magnitude of |S21| value lower than − 10 dB and a |S11| value near 0 dB. For the case
After reaching the required response, the filters’ behavior near human tissues
was examined. This allows to estimate and compare the performance of these sensors as
glucose measurement devices. For this purpose, a model of the human body is
considered within the simulator as shown in Fig. 24 [44]. To reduce the simulation time,
the human model is dissected into smaller and simpler layers as explained in the
following chapter.
6.3. Design Considerations
constituents that may induce undesired effects on the measurements. The sensitivity of
the sensors is linked to both distribution and magnitude of the induced electric field
strengthened fields across the largest possible area [42]. The main target of this research
is to maximize the sensitivity of the proposed sensors by increasing the distribution and
The proposed device must also meet the standard accuracy as required by the
ISO:15197:2013, specified that for BGLs lower than 100 mg/dL, an accuracy of ± 15
mg/dl should be reached and for BGLs of 100 mg/dL or more, an accuracy of ± 15% is
Table 5: FDA's accepatable accuracy for glucose measurements devices [45].
Initially, a narrow band pass filter is designed and tested. This sensor is an SRR-
based band pass filter that consists of two gap-coupled split ring resonators. SRRs are
left handed metamaterials that exhibit negative values of magnetic permeability and
permittivity near the resonant frequency. These resonators are electrically small
structures, which means that the ring’s perimeter is less than λ/2 at resonance. For these
inductances and capacitances [46]. The equivalent circuit of the structure is illustrated in
Fig 25. In addition, the resonant frequency is calculated using Eq. 26 [47]. For the
Figure 25: Equivalent circuit model of SRRs [47].
In order to maximize coupling, the gap between the adjacent structures must be
value of 0.18 mm. To further increase coupling from the transmission line to the largest
structure improves coupling by increasing the coverage area between the two entities
[41]. The dimensions of proposed design using a 1.6 mm-thick Rogers 5880 substrate
are summarized in Table 6. The distribution of the induced fields over the top layer is
illustrated in Fig 27. The maximum achieved electric field intensity is 4.85 × 104 𝑉/𝑚.
Figure 26: Proposed split ring resonator design with enhanced coupling on periphery.
Image obtained from HFSS simulations.
Table 6: Dimensions of the proposed BPF.
𝐿 16
𝑊 16
𝑟𝑜 5.2
𝑟𝑖 4.6
𝑔 0.2
𝑠 2
𝑊𝑜 5
Figure 27: Electric field distribution on the top layer of the proposed SRR-based filter.
6.5. Proposed Sensor #2
The second proposed sensor is a novel broad-band reject filter design that
compact sensor for BG monitoring over a broad-band frequency range. It also enables
estimating the dielectric constant using multiple features, which leads to a low
prediction error.
Log periodic structures are widely used in order to increase the bandwidth of a
microwave structure. In the literature, one design that is discussed in [48] resorts to
three complementary circular rings that are etched at the top layer in order to produce a
broad rejection band. The filter in the corresponding study exhibits a large scaling factor
broad-band reject filter. The top and bottom layers of the design are shown in Fig. 30.
couples the magnetic flux density to the underneath resonators. The feed line is
optimized based on the tapering techniques discussed by the author in [36] to better
enhance the broad-band operation of the filter based on Eq. 27 and Eq. 28.
1 Z
a = L × ln(Z l ) (28)
Zl and Zo are the impedances to be matched and 𝐿 is the length of the line. By
setting Zl = 100 ohms, Zo = 50 ohms and L = 3cm, the impedance and width of the
line at a specific position can be calculated. The values of Z and W for some positions
along the line are shown in Table 7. The width is computed based on Eq. 18.
W2 W3 W4
S2 S3
47 Bottom layer
The bottom layer of the filter is a defected ground plane (DGS) that includes
four complementary OLRs. A DGS has a defect integrated in the ground plane which
alters the uniformity of the plane. This defect manifested as a slot disturbs the shielding
current distribution, which increases the inductance and capacitance of the line. The
circuit area of DGS is relatively small compared to other structures. DGS provides
sharp selectivity at cutoff frequencies with excellent rejection in the stop band and
minimum ripples in the pass band. The stop band response can be further enhanced by
increasing the number of cells (slots). In this design the number of cells is equal to four.
DGS is modeled as RLC equivalent components in series with the transmission line to
which it is coupled as demonstrated in Fig. 31. The input and output impedances are
those of the line section, and the values of the RLC model are determined by the
dimensions of the introduced slots as well as their positions relative to the transmission
In the proposed design, the dimensions and spacing of the OLRs follow a log-
periodic distribution as given in Eq. 29, where τ is a scaling factor that affects the
desired impedance bandwidth B for the four required OLRs in the proposed design [49].
Moreover, the electrical length of the largest OLR is taken to be one-half the
wavelength of the lowest desired frequency of operation as shown in Eq. 30. The
dimensions of the suggested filter configuration, for τ=0.88 , and using a 1.27 mm-thick
λmin vp
Lmax = = (30)
2 2×f
L 60 W1 20
W 18 W2 17.6
WO 1.9 W3 15.5
WI 0.35 W4 13.6
L1 14.7 S1 13.2
L2 13 S2 11.6
L3 11.4 S3 10.2
L4 10 𝑔 2
6.5.2. Design Features
modified as shown in Fig. 32. This helps spread the induced fields across the ground
plane, and hence causes a higher interaction with the loading MUT. Furthermore, by
perturbing the resonators, the magnitude of the induced fields tends to increase thereby
leading to enhanced sensitivity levels. The advantage of the modified OLR in terms of
sensitivity is illustrated in Fig. 32, where the maximum attained value of electric fields
Figure 32: Electric field distribution of the traditional and modified OLR.
50 Size reduction
conductor back and forth to have a miniaturized structure. By executing this approach,
the wave is not able to cross the specified distance in a straightforward fashion. Instead
it must traverse the straight-line several times. This increases the curvature of the lines
resulting in an increase in the fringing of fields, which makes the microstrip line appear
electrically longer. Therefore, a smaller physical length is required for the same
includes multiple turns comprising vertical and horizontal sections (Fig. 33). In this
design, the proposed resonators consist of eight turns uniform meander lines and the
dimensions of the turns are optimized by simulation. The size of the modified OLR is
30 % less than that of the conventional structure at 1.43 GHz. In addition, the relatively
high dielectric constant of the substrate reduces further the size of the filter.
complete size of the design is 1.8 cm × 6 cm. A good agreement between the simulated
Figure 34: Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed log-periodic
BRF built on a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate.
Figure 35: Simulated and measured response of the proposed log-periodic BRF built on
a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate.
6.5.4. Alternative Design
placed on the human body. Although the size of the device is quite compact, however it
is interesting to build it on a thinner and more flexible substrate. For this purpose, a
modified version of the design was simulated on three different substrates: Rogers 3003,
Polyethylene and Polyimide. The properties of these substrates are presented in Table 9.
The dielectric constants of the considered substrates are quite similar. However, the
properties of these substrates highly differ in terms of thickness and loss tangent.
Accordingly, the dimensions of the feeding line and resonators are adjusted and
optimized using HFSS in order to achieve a similar response to the one realized with
Rogers 3006. It is worthy to mention that for PET and polyimide, silver is used instead
of copper to model the conductive traces. This is due to the fact that traditional
inkjet printing could be considered as a fabrication method and this process uses silver
nanoparticle as a conductive ink. This ink has a lower conductivity (5 × 106 𝑆/𝑚)
The return loss and insertion loss responses of the filter designed using the three
substrates are shown in Fig. 36. The filter designed using the Rogers 3003 substrate
provides the best response in terms of bandwidth and return loss levels. This is mainly
attributed to the relatively lower loss tangent of the substrate and the high conductivity
Figure 36: Response of the log-periodic BRF using three flexible substrates.
A prototype of the log-periodic filter is therefore realized on a 0.25 mm-thick
Rogers 3003 substrate as shown in Fig. 37. The dimensions of the design are presented
in Table 10. A good agreement between the simulated and measured S-parameters of
Figure 37: Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed log-periodic
BRF built on a 0.25 mm-thick Rogers 3003 substrate.
Figure 38: Simulated and measured response of the proposed log-periodic BRF built on
a 0.25 mm-thick Rogers 3003substrate.
Table 10: Dimensions of the proposed log-periodic BRF designed on a 0.25 mm-thick
Rogers 3003 substrate.
L 65 W1 16.15
W 30 W2 14.2
WO 0.63 W3 12.5
WI 0.35 W4 11
L1 22.8 S1 15.7
L2 20 S2 13.8
L3 17.6 S3 12.15
L4 15.5 𝑔 1.3
The third sensor proposed in this thesis is a biologically inspired tunable octa-
band reject filter which consists of a feed line on the top layer and eight slots embedded
in the defect ground plane. These complementary resonators are oriented in such a way
to produce multiple narrow bands instead of just one wide band. The eight stop bands
are distributed between 1.5 GHz and 2.4 GHz and are separated by seven pass bands.
As a first design iteration, only two slots are employed as illustrated in Fig. 39.
These slots follow the distribution of the arms’ ulnar arteries. Accordingly, the width of
each resonating structure must relate to the diameter of the arteries. In [50], a research
study conducted on 251 adult patients showed that the average diameter of the ulnar
artery is 2.4 ± 0.4 mm for the right arm and 2.3 ± 0.3 mm for the left one. Furthermore,
the minimum diameters encountered for this artery are 1.3 mm and 1.5 mm for the right
and left arms respectively. Based on that, the dimensions of the slots are optimized and
are presented in Table 11. This structure exhibits a dual-band reject response as
Figure 39: Top and bottom layers of the proposed dual-band reject filter.
Table 11: Dimensions of the dual-band reject filter.
L 30
W 25
Wo 1.9
Wsb 1.8
Wss 1.6
To increase the number of bands, each slot is subdivided into four slots of equal
width but different lengths. This configuration increases the number of resonances for
the same physical size. Further increase in the number of slots within the same space
(diameter of veins) would require decreasing the width of the slots below 0.18 mm,
which makes the fabrication process quite complex. The length of each resonator is
optimized to achieve the target resonant frequency. The modified ground plane structure
is presented in Fig. 41. The same structure is superposed with the distribution of arteries
Figure 42: Proposed sensing structure superposed with the topology of the lower human
The simulated response of the proposed structure using the previously used
transmission line is shown in Fig. 43. From this figure, it is clear that the S11 level
drifted apart from the desired 0 dB level, especially for higher frequencies. This could
only mean that the regular 50 ohms transmission line is not suitable to feed the eight
slots. Accordingly, the challenge in this design is to provide a simple structure capable
of efficiently feeding the slots in order to enhance the return loss levels. This is
Figure 43: Response of the proposed octa-band filter using a regular 50-ohms
transmission line.
The first approach is based on increasing the width of the transmission line from
impedance of the line from 50 ohms to 35 ohm. The dimensions of the proposed
structure are presented in Table 12. Using this topology the feedline is able to cover all
the slots. This is essential to enhance the levels of the reflection coefficients.
Wo 1.9
Wi 3.4
Another topology used to enhance the response of the octa-band filter consists of
implementing a rectangular resonator at the top layer near the transmission line as
illustrated in Fig. 45. This resonator acts as a relay that receives the electric field from
the 50 ohms line in order to feed the eight slots in the ground plane. The dimensions of
𝐿 35
𝑊 20
𝐿𝑓 20
𝐿𝑐 7.5
𝑊𝑜 0.63
𝑊𝑐 4.66
𝑔 0.2
6.6.2. Sensitivity
The electric fields distribution of the two-slot structure and the proposed design
are illustrated in Fig 46 at several resonant frequencies. This distribution proves that the
proposed eight-slot configuration increases the electric field intensity of the structure.
This is mainly attributed to the high density of the eight concentrated nested slots. In
fact, each slot, on its own, contributes to a high field intensity at a specific frequency
band. Some values of the electric field intensity for the octa-band structure are
Figure 46: Electric field distribution of the dual-band at f= 2.12 GHz and f= 2.34 GHz
and octa-band filters at f=1.8 GHz and 2.2 GHz.
Table 14: Maximum attained electric field intensity for the octa-band filters at different
6.6.3. Performance
From an RF point of view, the performance of the octa-band filter can only be
the required design conditions. This is mainly attributed to the limited degrees of
enhancing the system performance, but at the expense of large circuit sizes [51], or
complex structures [52], [53] and [54] or both [55] as they usually rely on implementing
several multiband filters and our proposed design are summarized in Table 15.
Compared to the literature, the design developed in this work provides higher number of
bands with comparable levels of S-parameters, using a simple and more compact
Table 15: Performance of different multi-band filters found in the literature.
The first feeding topology is used to realize a prototype of the proposed octa-
band filter on a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate as shown in Fig. 47. The second
feeding topology is used to realize a prototype of the proposed filter on a 0.25 mm-thick
Rogers 3003 substrate as shown in Fig. 48. A good agreement between the simulated
and measured scattering parameters is reached as shown in Fig 49 and Fig. 50.
Figure 47: Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed octa-band
filter built on a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate.
Figure 48: Top and bottom layers of a fabricated prototype of the proposed octa-band
filter built on a 0.25 mm-thick Rogers 3003 substrate.
Figure 49: Simulated and measured response of the proposed octa-band reject filter built
on a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate.
Figure 50: Simulated and measured response of the proposed octa-band reject filter built
on a 0.25 mm-thick Rogers 3003 substrate.
The eight bands of the filter are reconfigured by implementing a varactor diode
67 Reconfigurable microwave circuits
ability to change their characteristics such as the frequency of operation, and are used in
achieved using electronic components such as PIN diodes, RF- (Micro Electro
Mechanical Switches) MEMS and varactors that are connected to the circuitry in order
change the electrical length of the RF structure by either redistributing the currents (PIN
change in the electrical length of the RF circuit causes a shift in the frequency of
operation. The switch position and the biasing network are critical in order to achieve
For the proposed filter design, the equivalent circuit of the bottom layer is a
parallel RLC resonator. This suggests that by adding a varactor diode between the
internal and external metallic regions of the slots, the equivalent capacitance of the
structure can be tuned. In practice this can be better achieved by placing the varactor
diode on the top substrate side and connection to the bottom side through metallic vias.
operating frequencies [56]. Fig. 51 shows the spice model of the varactor. The values of
the components are Ls = 0.8 nH, R s = 0.32 ohms and Cp = 0.5 pF. The capacitance
value of the varactor diode Cj can be tuned from 31.5 pF to 5.2 pF, by varying the
reverse voltage from 0 to 5 Volts. Biasing the varactor diode requires the use of
prevent the RF signal from passing to the power supply, and the capacitor is used
comprises the previously discussed eight slots etched in the ground plane beneath the
feeding line, a varactor diode with a variable capacitance, an RF choke and a lumped
capacitance for biasing. All the electrical components are soldered in the upper substrate
side to prevent any interference with the sensing area. The varactor diode and the
capacitance are connected in parallel and this combination is placed between the
internal and external metallic regions of one set of slots using two vias. The Cathode of
the varactor is connected to the power supply through the RF choke. The equivalent
circuit of this structure is demonstrated in Fig. 53. The fabricated prototype is presented
in Fig. 54, and the simulated and measured results are presented in Fig. 55.
Figure 54: Fabricated Prototype of the proposed tunable filter.
Figure 55: Simulated and measured response of the proposed reconfigurable octa-band
reject filter built on a 1.27 mm-thick Rogers 3006 substrate. The transmission
coefficient is shown for a) V=0 Volts, b) V=5 Volts and c) several voltage values.
6.7. Discussion
This chapter presents the design of three different RF filters. These circuits are
initially designed using HFSS and then built on a variety of flexible and rigid substrates.
The performance of these filters as glucose sensors is assessed by monitoring their E-field
distribution over the sensing area. It was noted that the octa-band filter achieved the
highest E-field intensity, followed by the broad-band filter. The reflection and
7.1. Introduction
This chapter presents the simulation results of the proposed RF sensors along
with the measurement results for in-vitro and ex-vivo and in-vivo studies. Simulation
results include the integration of both a single and multi-layered tissues model. For in-
vitro measurements, serum is used to mimic the blood. For ex-vivo studies, rat tissues
are placed as a separation between serum and the sensor. Finally, for in-vivo studies,
7.2. Simulation
human tissue models were considered for analysis. The common act in these
simulations is to vary the relative permittivity of the blood layer, so that it corresponds
to the change of the BGL. For the simplest single-layered model, blood is modeled as a
rectangular box of height h=4mm placed at a distance of 2 mm from the sensing area of
the filter. Rectangular shapes are utilized for purposes of reduced simulation time. A
more complex model is the one shown in Fig 56. It includes the main biological layers
encountered in a human arm: skin, fat, blood, and bones. The thickness of each of these
four layers is presented in Table 16. This model was placed 4.4 mm away from the
sensing area of the filter, meaning that the blood layer is distanced by 7.4 mm away
Skin 1.5
Fat 1.5
Blood 4
Bones 10
Placing these layers as superstrates near the sensors causes a shift in the
operating frequency of the device under test. When analyzing the device response, we
sweep the dielectric constant of the blood layer from 60 to 75 to reflect some variations
in the BGLs. The S21 responses of the sensors for the different values of the dielectric
constant are presented in Fig. 57. These include the results for both cases of the device
loaded by the single-layered and multi-layered models. The S21 phase and magnitude
variations of the proposed sensors, when loaded by the multi-layered model, are
illustrated in Fig 58 at one of the operating frequencies. It is worth noting that similar
exhibit a clear correlation with the material’s dielectric constant. For the SRR-based
filter, this behavior is restricted to the narrow operating band. For the broad-band filter,
this linear trend is observed over a wide range of frequencies especially between 1.75
GHz - 2.75 GHz. In the case of the multi-band filters, the linear behavior is observed
around all the resonant frequencies. Based on the observed trends, we find that the
performances of the broad-band and octa-band sensors to be very favorable for purposes
The proposed broad-band and octa-band sensors are tested in in-vitro, ex-vivo
and in-vivo scenarios. The basic experimental setup consists of three elements, a
sensor. The VNA applies to the sensor an RF signal whose frequency is swept over a
predefined frequency range with an output power of about -15 dBm. For each
frequency in the specified range, the VNA measures the reflected signal at both ports of
the sensor along with the transmitted signal between the two ports. The changes in the
loss are then tracked using an algorithm. The S-parameters data is represented using
Figure 57: S21 response of the proposed sensors for the single-layered (left) and multi-
layered models (right), a. narrowband sensor, b. broad-band sensor, c. octa-band sensor.
Figure 58: Magnitude and phase variation of the proposed sensors when loaded by the
multi-layered model, a) the narrowband sensor, b) the broad-band sensor, and c) the
octa-band sensor.
At each frequency, ten different measurements and hence microwave data points
are obtained from the VNA and their average is reported in order to minimize noise
effects and reduce the randomness in the measurements. The same process was repeated
Finally, in the third experiment we tested the ability of the sensors to detect
variations in human BGLs. This experiment was conducted for six different
We propose for our setup placing a fixed, serum-filled foam container on top of
the sensor as shown in Fig. 59. Serum is a liquid that is similar in composition to the
blood plasma; however, it excludes the clotting factors of blood. Dextrose powder is
then added to the solution to alter the glucose concentrations. The considered
applying vortex mixing to accelerate the dissolving process, adding the mixture to the
container, manually mixing the whole solution, and finally wait ten minutes to ensure a
homogeneous entity before reading the S-parameters. This process ensures that the
setup and volume of the serum remains almost fixed during the whole experiment,
Container 7 mL of Serum
2 mm-thick Foam
Proposed (Filter) Sensor
measuring the sensors’ S-parameters in the absence of the foam container, then by
placing an empty container on the sensor, and finally by filling the container with
serum. From these measurements, it was verified that the sensors under test maintain
their free space responses, with and without the empty foam container. The shift in
shown in Fig. 60. Their response displays a clear correlation with glucose levels at
different frequencies as illustrated in Fig. 61 for the broad-band and in Fig. 62 for the
octa-band sensors.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 60: Response of the proposed sensors for different glucose concentrations, a)
S21 magnitude of the broad-band sensor, b) S21 phase of the broad-band sensor, c) S21
magnitude of the octa-band sensor, d) S21 phase of the octa-band sensor.
Figure 61: Correlation between the response of the broad-band sensor and the glucose
concentrations at different frequencies.
Figure 62: Correlation between the response of the octa-band sensor and the glucose
concentrations at different frequencies.
The setup of this experiment is almost identical to the one presented in the
previous section. The same foam container was considered, and glucose levels were
varied in the exact fashion. The only difference is that now the serum-glucose solution
is being tested in a multi-layer setup, where the animal tissues separate the sensor from
the liquid. The magnitude and phase variations are shown in Fig. 63, and it’s clear that
Figure 63: Magnitude and phase variations of a) broad-band, and b) octa-band sensors.
7.3.3. Clinical Measurements
Subjects were recruited to participate in the clinical trial after signing a consent
Subjects were considered eligible for the study if they were between 18 and 70
years of age, and able to provide informed consent. There were no restrictions on either
race, sex or ethnicity. Substance abuse, lactation, pregnancy, and being part of an
interventional trial were the exclusives criteria. In phase one of the study, only healthy
subjects with HbA1c levels less than 6%, normal blood pressure and no sign of Procedure
The patients arrived to the clinical study unit in the morning after fasting for at
least 8 hours. Measurement of the blood glucose levels was initially performed using
Afterwards, the sensor under test was attached to the lower arm of the volunteer as
glucose drink that contains 75 g glucose dissolved in 200 mL of water. This induces a
hyperglycemic excursion to a target BGL of 170 -220 mg/dL. These levels are expected
to fall back within 2 hours. Readings from the sensor were collected each 5 min, and
reference BGLs were measured at intervals of 15 minutes using the glucometer. During
the process, patients were asked to stay tranquil and with no physical movements. The Results
The response of the proposed sensors showed a clear correlation with the BGLs
as demonstrated in Fig. 65 and Fig. 66 for all the patients. The solid red line represents
the reference glucose levels, and the dashed blue line represents the normalized
response of the sensor at one frequency. Moreover, we note that for a given patient there
was a clear correlation between the response at some specific frequencies and the
glucose levels not only for the first OGTT but also for the second test as demonstrated
in Fig 67.
sensor signals collected during the two visits of the volunteers and is discussed in the
next chapter.
Figure 65: Correlation between the response of the broad-band sensor and the blood
glucose concentrations.
Figure 66: Correlation between the response of the octa-band sensor and the blood
glucose concentrations
Figure 67: Correlation between the response of a. broad-band sensor, and b. octa-band
sensor between two different OGTTs for the same subject and for the same frequency a)
f=1.4 GHz and b) f=1.33 GHz.
instance the position of the sensor might vary between the measurements. Furthermore,
the data collected is always bounded to the accuracy of the underlying measurement
tools both in terms of the utilized glucometer and the lab vector network analyzer.
88 Glucometer
blood glucose concentrations within the 10-600 mg/dL range [57]. However, the meter's
accuracy depends upon a lot of physical and pharmacological factors in addition to the
condition of the patient and the strips used. For the considered meter, the accuracy of S-parameters
Keysight FieldFox RF analyzer N9914A was used for the measurements. The
S-parameter value for a given frequency may fluctuate around the correct one. We
treated this as a random source of error, and to eliminate this randomness, ten readings
of the signal were collected subsequently at a specific frequency. The averaged value
89 Calibration
A typical calibration will move the measurement reference planes to the very
ends of the test cables to account for the phase difference and losses in the cables.
However, when dealing with lengthy measurements as the ones presented in this work,
the quality of calibration deteriorates with time courtesy of large cables’ movement and
bending. The collected data is therefore smoothed by applying a moving average filter.
7.4. Discussion
In this chapter, the previously designed RF sensors are tested using simulation
models and measurements. The responses of the proposed sensors showed good
correlation with the variations in the dielectric constant and glucose levels. The
collected data from the in-vitro and in-vivo studies will be used to develop and test
8.1. Introduction
glucose levels from the data recorded by the proposed sensors. Particularly, several
linear and nonlinear methods are applied to the collected data to build the model. The
aim here is to assess the performance of these regression methods, and to find the best
prediction model.
case) from a set of measured input variables (measured sensor device physical
parameters such as the S-parameters phase and magnitude at different frequencies). This
equation that uses either one (univariate) or several (multivariate) explanatory variables
x to describe the behavior of the dependent variable y. For the case of k explanatory
𝑦 = 𝛽1 𝑥1 + 𝛽2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑘 𝑥𝑘 + 𝑒(𝛽1 , … , 𝛽𝑘 ) (31)
explanatory variable xk . 𝒚 is the vector of responses, 𝑒(𝛽) is the vector of error terms,
is to find the most suitable values for 𝛽 that minimize the resultant prediction error.
𝒚 = 𝑿𝛽 + 𝑒(𝛽) (32)
𝑥11 ⋯ 𝑥1𝑘
𝒚 = [ ⋮ ], 𝑿=[ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ]
𝑥 𝑇1 ⋯ 𝑥 𝑇𝑘
For the case of ordinary least squares (OLS), the parameters are estimated by
minimizing the residual sum of squares ||𝒚 − 𝑿𝜷||𝟐𝟐. When the system is
For the case of glucose sensing, it is quite difficult to collect a large number of
reference glucose points. Accordingly, while the number of covariates is high, the
number observation points is quite low. This means that we are dealing with an
undetermined system where K>>T. Consequently, OLS can’t be used for prediction. To
deal with this problem, sparse regression and/or feature selection methodologies are
squares (PLS) [58], and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)
The procedure used to develop the mathematical regression model is presented in
8.2.1. Preprocessing
measurement errors. The data preprocessing step assembles raw data and transforms it
into a clear format for additional processing. Preprocessing includes multiple steps such
In our case, measurements are performed over 201 frequencies taken over the
operating regions of the sensors. These frequencies range between 0.5 GHz and 3.5
GHz for the broad-band filter, and between 1 GHz and 3 GHz for the octa-band filter.
However, we noticed that neighboring frequencies have similar trends, and to eliminate
resulted in a total of 120 features corresponding to the magnitude and phase of the
sensor S11, S21, S22 parameters at the different frequencies over the operating range of
the device.
Sampled data is then normalized for consistency between the different feature
vectors. The filter’s measured data are scaled and shifted to [0 1]. This is performed for
observation point the value of the physical parameter at that frequency from the
reference (fasting) glucose level of a specific OGTT at the same frequency. The value is
then divided by the absolute maximum of the difference for all the observation points at
that frequency.
Several regression techniques like Partial Least Squares (PLS), Least Absolute
Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) and Gaussian Processes (GP), were
considered for prediction. Cross-validation methods were then employed to find the best
reduced set of orthogonal features while maximizing correlation with the dependent
variable Y. These factors are linearly combined from the original variables, and are used
for estimation [58]. A more advanced version of PLS is locally weighted PLS [62].
technique. This penalized regression process shrink the regression coefficients toward
zero, introducing some bias to reduce variability. This is performed by adding a penalty
term to the residual sum of squares as in Eq. 34. The tuning parameter λ controls the
prediction [59].
GP produces flexible, nonlinear, and nonparametric Bayesian models. Prediction
regression methods, GP does not regulate a unique function on the dataset, but rather
dataset. To achieve this objective, the covariance function parameters are adjusted to
maximize the likelihood of the observation points. Consider a GP function h(x), the goal
is to predict its value for a random input vector x. A Gaussian process, like a Gaussian
Consequently, the predictive distribution is also Gaussian distributed with mean and
variance [60].
From section 8.2.1., it is obvious that we have a large number of features (120
Accordingly, to build a good model, we need to identify the critical features to build our
LASSO inherently identifies the critically features iteratively. For PLS and GP
we rely respectively on feature extraction and selection methods such as the wrapper or
the filter method (based on correlation significance for example. For all these methods,
K-fold cross validation can be employed to identify the model, i.e., set of features (and
Feature extraction translates the features from the high-dimensional space into a
common linear feature extraction method is principal component analysis (PCA) [61].
some predefined criteria. For this purpose, we rely on a wrapper method that identifies
the next best feature for a given kernel function in case of GP. We then determine,
based on cross-validation error, the minimum number of features and best kernel
function that results in lowest cross-validation error and hence that determine the best
model. Alternate feature selection methods include sorting the features based on their
find the best set of features. This is referred to as the filter method (not shown here.
equal size. For K iterations, K-1 folds are used to train the model, and the remaining
fold is used for testing. During each iteration, the error of the testing fold is calculated.
By averaging these values, the average error is used to help select the best model with
8.3. Results
The data collected from serum measurements using the rigid and flexible broad-
band and octa-band filters were used for testing the different modeling techniques.
Preliminary results showed that GP offers the best performance among the considered
approaches. This is visualized in Fig. 68 where the estimated glucose levels are plotted
versus the reference glucose levels using LW-PLS, GP and LASSO are presented.
Moreover, the mean percentage error for the different modeling methods is shown in
Table 18.
Table 18: Mean percentage error for the glucose levels estimated using LW-PLS, GP,
and LASSO.
Figure 68: Estimated versus reference serum glucose levels using LW-PLS, GP and
LASSO, a. rigid broad-band, b. flexible broad-band, c. rigid octa-band, and d. flexible
8.3.2. Clinical Measurements
from in-vivo measurements during the two visits of the volunteers. The model considers
the BGLs as the dependent variable. Without loss of generality in this initial
implementation we do not consider the physical and physiological status of the patients.
The number of observations per patient was quite small in comparison to the number of
had a total of 23 observations per test. For the corresponding glucose levels obtained
from the ACCU-Check glucometer, we have measured only 9 value points recorded
points are interpolated using cubic spline interpolation. The measured sensor data
includes some fluctuations or ripples, courtesy of bending the RF cables for a long
duration. The S-parameters are therefore smoothed by applying a moving average filter
best features and best suitable kernel functions for a given patient in order to come up
with the best model (lowest error). Five different kernel functions are considered in the
quadratic. Around 8 to 15 critical features were identified for a given patient to build the
model. To test the performance of the model, we randomly divide the observation points
into 2/3 for training and 1/3 for testing. We report the test error for ten random data sets
using the predetermined features and kernel functions. For this step, the data is initially
stratified into three homogeneous groups. This step is essential to make sure that each
partition includes low, medium and high values of reference glucose levels. Following
that, the data is randomly divided into two thirds (31 points) for training and one third
(15) for testing. The 46 points correspond to two OGTT experiments. This step is
repeated ten times to make sure that the majority of the data is used for both training
and testing.
The results of the model for individual BGL profiles are shown in Fig. 69 and
Fig. 70, plotted as function of time and compared with the reference blood glucose
concentration. These profiles show two successive peaks corresponding to the two
OGTT experiments. For each OGTT, we note a rapid increase in glucose values from
the fasting level to a maximum value, and then a decrease. The solid lines are the
invasively measured BGL, and the dashed lines are the estimated values using Gaussian
Process; the dots correspond to the prediction using the different experiments. It is
obvious that the estimated glucose concentration by the proposed sensor matches well
the rate of increase and decrease of glucose concentration. It is also noted that there is
no time delay between the two measurement systems. This proves that the proposed
sensor directly interacts with blood. Furthermore, the mean average percentage error in
prediction is noted to be 3.19% for the broad-band sensor and 1.83% for the case of the
octa-band sensor.
Figure 69: BGL profiles of all the patients collected using the broad-band sensor and
estimated using GP. Each plot includes the invasively measured BGL (solid lines), the
estimated BGL using Gaussian Process (dashed lines) and the prediction using the
different experiments (dots).
Figure 70: BGL profiles of all the patients collected using the octa-band sensor and
estimated using GP. Each plot includes the invasively measured BGL (solid lines), the
estimated BGL using Gaussian Process (dashed lines) and the prediction using the
different experiments (dots).
To better assess the results, the Clarke Error Grid is considered [63]. This
glucose measurement technique under test (RF sensor in this case) and the intravenous
blood glucose reference measurements. In this work, the reference measurements are
considered to be those detected using the commercial glucometer. The Clarke Grid is a
two-dimensional Cartesian illustration, where the reference values are displayed on the
x-axis and the predicted values are presented on the y-axis. The points laying on the
diagonal signify a perfect agreement between the reference and predicted values. The
points below and above this line designate, respectively, overestimation and
underestimation of the actual values. The grid is also divided into five zones. Points
might lay within region A when the deviancy in the predicted values from the
references doesn’t exceed 20%, or when both the predicted and reference values are in
the hypoglycemic range (<70 mg/dl). The values of this zone are labeled clinically
exact, and are thus described by correct clinical treatment. Region B is linked to benign
errors and is located around zone A. This area includes points that deviates by more
than 20% from the reference values, but don’t lead to inappropriate treatment. Points in
hypoglycemia and or hyperglycemia (>180 mg/dl). Finally, points in region E are those
that confuse the treatment of hypoglycemia for hyperglycemia or the other way around.
Clinically, all the values within areas A and B are considered acceptable, whereas the
The generated Clarke grids using the data collected from the two sensors are
shown in Fig. 71. For the broad-band log-periodic filter 89.5% of the data are lying in
zone A and only 1.5% in zone B. For the octa-band filter, all the data are in zone A.
These results show exceptional accuracy of the proposed measurement and prediction
Figure 71: Clarke error grid for the data collected using a) broad-band sensor, and b)
octa-band sensor.
8.4. Discussion
Several regression models were used in this chapter for estimation purposes.
Gaussian process showed better abilities to predict the glucose levels, in comparison to
on the data collected from the clinical trials. The Clarke error grid was used to assess
the results. All the predicted points are clinically acceptable, proving the high sensitivity
There is a need for a method of measuring blood glucose continuously and non-
material accurately and without direct contact, makes them ideal for this application. In
this thesis several microwave sensors are designed and tested: an SRR-based narrow
band filter, a log-periodic based broad-band reject filter and a biologically inspired
tunable octa-band reject filter. The behavior of the proposed RF circuits as glucose
sensing systems is tested using simulation in addition to in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo
studies. A good correlation between the scattering parameters of proposed sensors and
the variations in glucose levels is attained. Several regression models are also developed
and applied on the collected data. In this context, Gaussian Processes helped achieved
the lowest error in prediction. Examined results using the Clarke error grid demonstrate
that for the broad-band and octa-band sensors 100% of the predicted glucose levels lay
For future work, the broad-band and reconfigurable octa-band sensors will be
clinically tested on a larger number of volunteers. The regression model can also be
developed further based on the newly collected data. Furthermore, a miniaturized mean
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