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Vento User Manual

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Symbol Meaning

Driver information Vehicle door open page


Symbols in the instrument Bonnet open page 24

cluster Boot lid open page 24

The warning and indicator lamps can light up indi-

vidually or in combination and indicate warnings,
faults or certain functions. Some warning and indi- 8 Do not drive on!
cator lamps light up when the ignition is switched 12-volt vehicle
on and should go out after a while. :---=::-- - - - - : : _ : __"P,age 211

For details on indicator lamps that light up in the

light switch, see Chapter page 71.
8 Do not drive on!
Gearbox overheated' p
· age 103
[A WARNING ) Fault in airbag or belt tensio
tern page 35 ner sys.
Failure to observe illuminated warning lamps and
text messages can lead to your vehicle breaking
Air~ag or belt tensioner system
down in traffic and can cause accidents and seri-
switched off with diagnostic
ous injury. page 35 tool
• Never ignore any illuminated warning lamps or
text messages. Front passenger front airba 5 .
ed page 35 g witch-
• Stop the vehicle as soon as possible and when
safe to do so. Check the brake pads pag~

Symbol Meaning
------------ Flashes: Electronic Stability Control
(ESC) or traction control system
- Do not drive on! (TCS) regulating page 11 3
page 113 '
Central warning lamp page 23
Fasten seat belt page 30 Lit up: Electronic Stability Control
(ESC) page 114

18 Do not drive on!

Traction control system (TCS)
switched off page 114
Brake system page 92 Anti-lock brake system (ABS) fault
page 114
(CD) The handbrake is applied
page 108 Engine oil level too page 203

Engine oil level too page 203

- Do not drive on!
Engine oil system page 203
Low brake fluid level page 2o 7
Engine oil system page 203
Engine oil level too low page 203

Fuel tank almost page 22
Do not drive on!

Engine oil pressure too low Water in the diesel fuel page 23
page 202
Vehicle lighting page 75
G Do not drive on!
Rear fog light switched on
Fault in engine coolant system
page 72
page 23, page 205,
page 206 Washer fluid level too low
page 78

18 \ D.
river information
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
Fault in steering page 105
I Mobile phone battery charge level
page 25

ill Do not drive on! !ill Note about information in the vehi-
cle wallet page 19
'-----~.:....:..:..._ _ _ _ <l
Low tyre page 215

ill Do not drive on!

Warning and information mes-
Fault in the Tyre Pressure Monitor-
ing System page 215
Fault in engine management system The system runs a check on certain components and
EPC page 95 functions in the vehicle when the ignition is switch-
ed on or while the vehicle is in motion. Malfunctions
Exhaust system page 168
0 are indicated by red and yellow warning symbols
with information messages on the instrument clus-

w Diesel engine is getting pre-heated

page 96
ter display. An acoustic warning is also given in cer-
tain cases. The appearance of the text messages and
Particulate filter clogged with soot symbols can vary depending on the version of the
page 167 instrument cluster.
In addition, a list of current malfunctions can be
Engine speed limited page 95
17> opened manually. To do so, choose Vehicle status or Vehi-
cle in the page 23.
12-volt vehicle page 212
t::I [OJ Note about information in the owner's manual
Depress the brake pedal.
((5)) page 102 You will find further information on the warning in

the owner's manual.
Turn page 75
Information message
Speed stored, control active Information about various procedures within the ve-
page 106 hicle.
Main beam or headlight flasher o If several warnings are present, the symbols
page 73 :fi will appear for several seconds, one after an-
other. The symbols will continue to appear until the
Outside temperature colder than
+4°C (+39°F) page 25 faults are rectified.

Engine starting page 96 o If warnings about malfunctions are displayed

:fi when the ignition is switched on, it may not
be possible to adjust some settings as described, or
Start/stop system page 96 the information display may appear differently. If
this is the case, take the vehicle to a correspondingly
Start/stop system not available qualified workshop to have the malfunctions recti-
page 96 fied. Volkswagen recommends using a Volkswagen
Service due page 103 dealership. <l

Service page 26
Introduction to instrument

-->P Vehicle is not secured against rolling

page 103
The vehicle is equipped with an analogue instrument
Mobile phone connected via Blue-
@ tooth® page 25 cluster. The instrument cluster displays basic infor-
mation such as speed.

Warning and information messages

(I) Multifunction page 24.
ld @ Speedometer. In km/h or mph depending on the vehicle.
@ Setting button for the page 27.
® Reset button for the trip recorder display.
- To reset the trip recorder to 0, press the (O.O/SETJ button for around one second.

@ Coolant temperature display .J,, page 23.
s (j) Fuel page 22. <l

If any ?riority 1 warning reports are being displayed,

Operating the analogue instrument you will be unable to access any menus or informa-
tion displays. You can confirm and hide some warn-
cluster ings using the 00 button on the multifunction
steering wheel Fig. 14.
Vehicles without multifunction steering wheel:
If any priority 1 warning reports are being displayed,
you will be unable to access any menus or informa -
tion displays. Some warnings can be confirmed and
hidden with the (OK/RESET) Fig. 15 (D.

Opening the menu selection and selecting the menu

or information display
Vehicles with multifunction.steering wheel:
1. Switch on the ignition.
2. If a message or the vehicle pictogram is dis-
ms played, press the button 00 Fig. 14, several
times if required.
Fig. 14 Right-hand side of the multifunction steering 3. To display the menu selection and to scroll
wheel : controls for using the menus and information through the menu selection, press the@ or CT)
displays in the instrument cluster. button Fig. 14.
4. Press the arrow buttons~ Fig. 14 until
the required submenu option is selected.
A frame appears around the selected option.
5. Press the 00 button to open the submenu op-
tion Fig. 14.
If no selection is made in the submenu within a few
seconds, the screen switches back to the previous

Opening the menu selection and selecting the menu

or information display
Fig. 15 On the right of the steering column: buttons Vehicles without multifunction steering wheel:
on the wiper lever (illustration).
1. Switch on the ignition.

Vehicles with multifunction steering wheel: 2. If a message or the vehicle pictogram is dis-
played, press Fig. 15 (D button, several
There are no buttons on the wiper lever in vehicles
equipped with a multifunction steering wheel. The times if required.
multifunction display is controlled using the buttons 3. To display the menu selection page 24 or to
on the multifunction steering wheel only. return from a menu or an information display to

Ana logue instrument cl ust er

h rev counter should only briefl
the selection menu, press and hold the rocker • The. needle on re
t into the t : area, as engine damage rnay y
Fig. 15 (D. h wn poin
otherwise. be incurred. ----------
. tion displays
Fig 15 CDo
4. To open the menu or mformah ing up a gear early will help to save fu e
in the menu selection, press t e . /1 Changd ce engine noise. 1
.J,// and re u 1

Changing settings in menus

. st eering wheel: w but-
Vehicles with multifunction Fuel gauge
1. Make the desired changes with
. the
. arro
tons~ and@) on the mult1funct1on Analogue fuel gauge
Fig . 14. . h
2. Use the 00 . 14 to confirm t e

Changing settings in menus

. . steering wheel: ·t h
Vehicles without mult1funct1on
1 In the menu displaye d' press the rocker sw1 c
• Fig. 15 (D on the wiper
• 1ever upwards. or.
downwards until the desired menu option is
A frame appears around the selected option.
2. Press Fig. 15 CD button to carry out the
desired change. Fig. 16 Fuel gauge in the analogue instrument cluster
Returning to menu selection
1. Select the Back menu option.

[,A. WARNING . . . ']

Accidents and injuries can occur if the driver 1s dis- I 1/4 1/2 3
tracted. I
, • Do not let yourself be distracted from the road
' by operation of the analogue instrument clus-
ter. : ... :

• Drive with your full attention and with responsi- Fig. 17 Fuel gauge in the instrument cluster display (il-
bility. <I lustration). <

Rev counter Troubleshooting

The start of the red zone on the dial indicates the

maximum engine speed that may be used in each
Bi) Fuel tank almost empty
gear when the engine is warm and after it has been The indicator lamp lights up yellow. The reserve vol-
run in properly.
ume (red marking) is being consumed .

You should change up a gear, select selector lever 1. Fill the tank as soon as possible.
position D/S or lift your foot off the accelerator be-
fore the needle reaches the red zone.
[I. W:R""1Nlf'
· Driving when the fuel level is too low can lead to
the vehicle coming to a standstill in traffic, poten·
• When the engine is cold, avoid high engine tially causing accidents and serious injuries.
engine. driving at full throttle and overloading the • When the fuel level is too low, the fuel supply
to the engine could be irregular, especially
whe_n driving up or down hills ai]d inclines.

\ Driver information
• The steering, allariver assist systems and brake Troubleshooting
support systems will not function if the engine
"sputters" or stops completely due to a lack of
fuel or irregular fuel supply. I & and _J=_ Coolant
• To avoid breaking down due to a lack of fuel, al- i The red c~ntral warning lamp&, lights up. A text
ways refuel when the fuel tank is only 1/4 fu ll. ~essage is also shown on the instrument cluster
0 NOTICE Or: The .J, indicator lamp flashes red.
Never run the fuel tank completely dry. Irregular fuel The coolant level is not correct or there is a fault in
supply can cause misfiring and allow unburnt fuel to the coolant system.
enter the exhaust system.
41 Do not drive on!
,.)1' Water in the diesel fuel 1. Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine and al -
low it to cool down.
The indicator lamp lights up yellow. 2. Check the coolant level page 204.
1. Switch off the engine and go to a correspond- 3. If the warning lamp does not go out although
ingly qualified workshop. Volkswagen recom- the coolant level is adequate, go to a corre-
mends using a Volkswagen dealership. spondingly qualified workshop. Volkswagen rec-
o The small arrow next to the petrol pump sym- ommends using a Volkswagen dealership. <J
dl, bol in the fuel gauge shows you the side of
the vehicle on which the tank flap is located. <I
Settings menu
Coolant temperature display The actual content and designations of the individu-
al menu options depend on the vehicle electronics
and the vehicle specification.
Analogue coolant temperature dis-
play Language
Setting the language for the display texts and mes-
sages in the navigation system.

MFD data
Settings for which data on the multifunction display
(MFD) should be shown on the instrument cluster
page 24.

Lights and vision

Settings for the vehicle lighting. The following set-
tings can be made for the following functions in the

Fig.18 Coolant temperature display in the analogue - Coming Home function.

instrument cluster (schematic diagram). - Leaving Home function
- Background lighting
@ Cold area. The engine has not yet reached oper- - Footwell light
ating temperature. Avoid high engine revs and - Convenience turn signal
heavy engine loads until the engine is warm.
@ Normal area. Time
©Warning area. The temperature may also rise in- Setting the hours and minutes for the clock in the
to the warning range when the engine is work- instrument cluster and in the navigation system. The
ing hard, especially at high ambient tempera- time can be shown in a 12 and 24 hour display. If
3 __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ <I
tu res. summer time is selected, an Sappears in the upper
".., part of the display .

Coolant temperature display

Winter tyres Open doors, bonnet and boot lid

Se_tting the visual and acoustic speed warning . Use The multifunction displ~y indicates if any doors~
the bonnet~ or boot lid C;;j are open after th ,
this function only when winter tyres are fitted which . e Veh·1
cle has been unlocked an d wh1 1e the
. vehicle is .1n •
are not designed for the vehicle's top speed.
motion. In some cases, an acoustic signal is also .
Units en. Different instrument cluster designs may hav;'V-
Setting the units for temperature, consumption val- different displays.
ues and distances.
Driving data display
Tyre monitoring system The driving data display shows driving and fuel
Store the tyre pressures of all tyres in the tyre moni- sumption data.
toring system again. Different driving data can be displayed dependin
on the vehicle equipment level. The displayed dri~-
Second speed ing data depends on the current driving behavio
Switching the second speed display on or off. the vehicle condition (e :g: par~icul~te filter regei;:a.
tion) and the current driving s1tuat1on (e.g. urban
Service motorway driving). The driving data values are dt
Viewing service messages. termined as average values over route sections of
varying length. This means that the currently dis-
Factory settings played value may differ from the actual average val-
Resets the functions in the menu Settings to the fac- ue.
tory settings. <l
Switching between displays
Vehicles with multifunction steering wheel:
Multifunction display 1. Press the~ or@) button on the multifunction
steering wheel.
Possible displays Vehicles without multifunction steering wheel:
Depending on the vehicle equipment, various infor- 1. Press the rocker switch !TRIP) on the wiper lev-
mation can be displayed on the multifunction dis- er.
play (MFD) of the instrument cluster:
Switching between recorders
- Open doors, bonnet and boot lid.
Vehicles with multifunction steering wheel:
- Driving data display.
1. Press the (ID button on the multifunction
- Driver assist systems page 106. steering wheel.
- Warning and information page 19.
Vehicles without multifunction steering wheel:
- Mileage displays. 1. Press the !OK/RESET) button on the wiper lever.
- page 27.
Since start recorder
- Telephone page 144.
The memory will be deleted if the journey is inter-
- Outside temperature. rupted for more than two hours.
- Compass display.
- Selector lever position page 101.
The memory collects driving data for up to 19 hours
- Gear-change page 87. and 59 minutes or 99 hours and 59 minutes of driv-
- Multifunction display (MFD) and menus for vari- ing time or 1,999.9 km (miles) or 9,999.9 km (miles)
ous settings page 24. distance covered. The memory is deleted if one of
- Service interval page 26. these maximum values is exceeded. The maximum
values vary depending on the instrument cluster ver-
- Speed warning for winter tyres. sion.
- Second speed page 23.
Clearing a driving data recorder
- Start/stop system status display page 96.
Vehicles with multifunction steering wheel:
- Engine code (EC).
1. Select the memory that you wish to delete.
2. Press the 00 button on the multifunction

L "I
steering wheel.

Dci,e, infocmation
Vehicles without multifunction steering wheel: Compass display
1. Select the memory that you wish to delete. When the i_gnition and navigation system are switch-
2. Press the [OK/RESET] button on the wiper lever. ed on,_ the ~nstrument cluster display shows the cur-
rent d1rect1on of travel.
Possible driving data displays
Selector lever position
0Average consumption display The average fuel con -
The gear selected is displayed on the side of the se-
sumption is displayed after around 300 me-
lector lever and on the multifunction d" 1 Th
tres (around 984 ft). . I I h ,sp ay. e
d,sp a_y '.11ay a so s ow which gear is selected if the
Range display Approximate distance in km (miles) lever 1s in the D/S position and in Tiptronic mode
that can still be covered with the same driv- page 101.
ing style.
0Average speed display The average speed is displayed Gear-change indicator
after around 100 metres (around 328 ft). While the vehicle is in motion, the multifunction dis-
play may show which gear should be selected to re-
Mileage displays duce fuel page 87.
The odometer registers the total distance travelled
Setting the speed warning
by the vehicle.
Vehicles with multifunction steering wheel:
The trip recorder (trip) shows the distance travelled
1. Select the display Warning at··· km/h or Warning at---
since the trip recorder was last reset.
1. Briefly press the (o.o/SET) button in the instrument
cluster to reset the trip recorder to zero.
2. Press the 00 button on the multifunction
steering wheel to save the current speed and
activate the warning.
Outside temperature display
If the outside temperature falls below approximately 3. Within approximately 5 seconds, set the speed
+4°( (+39°F), the temperature display also shows using the buttons~ or@) on the multifunction
a snowflake symbol$. This symbol remains lit until steering wheel. Then press the 00button or
the outside temperature rises above +6°( (+43°F). simply wait a few seconds.
The speed is now saved and the warning is acti-
In the following situation, the temperature displayed
may be higher than the actual outside temperature vated.
as a result of the heat radiated from the engine. 4. To deactivate, press the 00 button again .
- When the vehicle is stationary. The stored speed will be deleted.
- When travelling at very low speeds. Vehicles without multifunction steering wheel:
The measuring range is between -45°( (-49°F) and 1. Select the display Warning at--- km/h or Warning at·--

+76°C (+169°F). mph.

2. Press the [OK/RESET) button on the wiper lever to
save the current speed and activate the warn-

Streets and bridges can be iced over at outside ing.

temperatures above freezing point. 3. Within approximately 5 seconds, set the speed
using the rocker switch [TRIP) on the wiper lev-
• The snowflake symbol$ indicates that there is
er. Then press the (OK/RESET) button or simply
a risk of black ice.
wait a few seconds.
• There may also be black ice on the road at out-
The speed is now saved and the warning is acti-
side temperatures above +4 °C (+39 °F) when
the snowflake symbol $ is not displayed. vated.
4. To deactivate, press the (OK/RESET) button again.
• Never rely only on the outside temperature dis-
play! The stored speed will be deleted.

Telephone information o If the saved speed (within the range of

30 km/h (18 mph) and 250 km/h (155 mph)) is
If a mobile telephone is connected via Bluetooth, the
exceeded, an acoustic warning will be given and
Bluetooth® symbol is shown in the instrument clus-
possibly also a visual warning. Depending on coun-
ter display @.
try, a single acoustic warning will sound at speeds
In addition, the Ii) symbol shows the charge level of faster than around 80 km/h (around 50 mph) and
the mobile phone battery

Multifunction display
a continuous acoustic warning from around Service
l20 ~m/h (around 75 mph). This warning is a legal
requirement and cannot be changed.
Service interval display
Second speed display (mph or km/h)
In addition to the tachometer display, the speed can Displays for service events are shown on the in
. stru.
also be displayed in another unit of measurement ment cluster d 1sp 1ay.
(mph or km/h) while you are driving. Displays can vary as different versions and displ
1. Start the engine. of the instrument cluster are available. ays
2. Press the [Cfb/©] button three times. Service schedules at Volkswagen are divided int
The odometer display in the multifunction dis- two categories, oil change service and inspectio
play flashes. The service interval display provides informafio ns.
· w h.1c h.me Iu d es an oil change a non
the next service d
3. Press the (o.O/SET) button once. the next scheduled inspection. n °n
The vehicle speed in "km/h" or "mph" is shown In vehicles with fixed oil change service interval
briefly in the display instead of the odometer. services take place at predefined intervals. '
This activates the second speed display. It can be
The service _interva_ls are ~alcul~ted on an individual
deactivated in the same manner.
basis in vehicles with flexible 011 change service in-
O It is not possible to switch off the second terval. An oil change service must be carried out onl
speedometer display in those countries where when required by the vehicle. The individual condi- Y
the law stipulates that the display cannot be deacti- tions in which the vehicle is used and the driver's
vated. personal driving style are taken into account. The
service reminder is displayed for the first time
Start/stop system status display 30 days before the calculated oil change service is
The instrument cluster display shows information due. The distance is rounded to the nearest 100 km
about the current page 96. (miles) and the remaining time is rounded to full
Speed warning for winter tyres
Service notification
A warning will be displayed in the multifunction dis-
play if the set maximum speed is exceeded. If an oil change service or inspection is due soon
a service alert will appear the next time the igni;ion
Engine code is switched on.
1. Press the (o.o/SET) button on the instrument clus- The number of kilometres or amount of time shown
ter and hold for at least 10 seconds to display correspond to the maximum number of kilometres
the engine code (EC) of the vehicle on the dis- or maximum time that can still be driven before the
play. The ignition should be switched on but the next service.
engine should not be running.
Service event
o When the outside temperature is low, the dis-
For a scheduled oil change service or a scheduled in-
.TI. play in the instrument cluster may take slight-
spection, an acoustic warning will sound when the
ly longer to appear than it does when the outside
ignition is switched on and the spanner symbol ,,..-c
temperatures is higher.
will be displayed for several seconds on the instru-
o Different instrument clusters are available, ment cluster display. One of the following displays
which means that the versions and displays of will also appear:
the multifunction display may vary. - Inspection now!

O If several warnings are present, the symbols - Oil service now!

will appear for several seconds, one after an- - Oil service and inspection now!
other. The symbols will continue to appear until the
faults are rectified. <l Accessing service schedules
You can access the current scheduled service event
when the ignition is switched on, the engine is not
running, and the vehicle is stationary:
1. Press the [Ce:i/©] button in the instrument cl~ st er
repeatedly until the spanner symbol~ is dis-

26 Driver information
played together with the number 1 in the top 3. Press and hold the (O.O/SET] button on the instru-
right corner of the display. ment page 20.
The values shown apply to the oil change serv- 4. Switch on the ignition again.
ice. 5. Release the button (o.otsET].
2. Press the ["2:i/©) button on the instrument clus- 6. Confirm the confirmation prompt by pressing
ter again. the (OK/RESET] button on the wiper lever or the
The spanner symbol .-,c will be displayed to- @ button on the multifunction steering wheel.
gether with the number 2 at the top right of the 7. Switch off the hazard warning lights.
display. The values shown apply to the inspec-
Vehicles without text messages.
l. Switch off the ignition.
As an alternative, the service schedule can also be
2. Switch on the hazard warning lights.
queried in the Settings menu.
3. Press and hold the [o.otsEr] button on the instru-
Jf a service is overdue, this is indicated by a minus ment cluster.
sign in front of the mileage or trip reading .
4. Switch on the ignition again.
Resetting oil change service 5. Release the button (o.O/SETI and press the ["2:i/©]
If the service interval display was not reset after the button within 20 seconds.
service, the display can be reset as follows: 6. Switch off the hazard warning lights.
Vehicles with text messages. o The service message will disappear after a few
l. Switch off the ignition. :I!. seconds when the engine is running or after
2. Press and hold the (o.otSET) button in the instru- pressing the button (O.O/SET) or ["2:i/© I.
ment page 20.
o If the 12-volt vehicle battery was disconnec-
3. Switch on the ignition again. ;I!, ted for long periods in vehicles w ith flexible
4. Release the button [o.o/SET). service interval, the system cannot calculate the
s. Confirm the confirmation prompt by pressing
time at which the next oil change service is due. The
the (OK/RESET] button on the wiper lever or the information shown in the service interval display
@ button on the multifunction steering wheel. may therefore be incorrect. In this case, observe the
maximum permissible maintenance interval. <I
Vehicles without text messages.
l. Switch off the ignition.
2. Press and hold the (O.O/SETI button on the instru-
ment cluster.
3. Switch on the ignition again. l. Press the ("2:i/©I button on the instrument clus-
4. Release the button (o.otsET) and press the ["2:i/©I ter to mark either the hours or minutes display.
button within 20 seconds. 2. Press the [o.o/SET) button to set the time. Press
Do not reset the display between service intervals. and hold to scroll through quickly.
This can lead to incorrect information being dis- 3. Press the ["2:i/©I button again to finish setting
played. the clock. <I
If you manually reset the service interval display
while the flexible oil change service interval is valid,
the fixed oil change service interval will be activated.
The service interval will no longer be calculated on
an individual basis.

Resetting inspection
If the inspection was not reset, the display can be
reset as follows:
Vehicles with text messages.
1. Switch off the ignition.
2. Switch on the hazard warning lights.

I 27

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