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Ipr QB

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Intellectual Property Rights

PART A (02 Marks Questions)

1. Express the term IP.
2. Analyze the use of IPR
3. Define IPR and its types.
4. Define trademark.
5. List the four types of intellectual property.
6. Discuss about IPR issues.
7. Classify what are the 3 types of patents?
8. Interpret why do we need to protect IPR?
9. Differentiate between intellectual property and copyright.
10. Give the detail How do I protect my IP?
11. Demonstrate the functions of WIPO.
12. Formulate how intellectual property rights can be used in information technology?
13. State how industrial design protected.
14. Analyze the full meaning of TRIPS.
15. Summarize the purpose of trips agreement?
16. Show the characteristics of copyright.
17. Analyze an advantage to registering a copyright?
18. Discuss how long does it take to get a copyright registration?
19. Give definition for geographical indications and why do geographical indications need
20. Generalize on what rights does a geographical indication provide?
21. Tabulate the essentials and characteristics of an industrial design?
22. Formulate on what is a trade secret and how is it protected?
23. Why are trade secrets important?
24. Write the difference between GATT and WTO.
25. List out the India’s geographical indication tagged products.
26. Differentiate on how does copyright differ from patent and trademark law.
27. What are the steps in the patent application process?
28. Point out the difference between copyright and geographical indication.
29. Define trade secrets.
30. How to use IP Laws?
31. How the novelty is to be identified?
32. Illustrate the invention in IPR.
33. What is the cyber law?
34. Analyze digital content protection.
35. Discuss the meaning of IP in law.
36. How many cyber laws are there in India?
37. Define Cyber Law Act 2000.
38. Differentiate IP law and cyber law.
39. Compare the cyber law and digital content protection.
40. What the types of cyber law?
41. Write the advantages of cyber laws.
42. List the Cyber Law Act 2000.
43. When a person is liable for infringement?
44. Give the elements of infringement.
45. Mention the various myths of copyright infringement.
46. What are the infringement actions?
47. What is the duration of copyright?
48. State any key recommendations of Bern Convention.
49. What is an integrated circuit?

PART B (Short Answer type Questions)

1. Explain the types of intellectual property rights with illustrations.
2. Summarize the motivation to IP development.
3. Describe in detail basic concepts and need for intellectual property,
4. Explain in detail notes on IPR Protection.
5. Describe the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
6. Write Short notes on the World Trade Organization (WTO).
7. Discuss International Treaties and Conventions on IPRs.
8. Discuss the Principles of Copyright Act.
9. Explain the Copyright Ownership.
10. What is the difference between copyright and patents?
11. Explain the trading norms and functions of WTO towards IPR in India and Abroad.
12. Describe the copyrights norms and functions of WTO towards IPR in India and Abroad.
13. Explain the Geographical Indications norms and functions of WTO towards IPR in India
and Abroad.
14. Write the Patents norms and functions of WTO towards IPR in India and Abroad.
15. What are new developments in trade mark law?
16. What changes were seen in the Indian pharmaceutical sector after the TRIPs agreement?
17. Illustrate the following in IPR i) Copyright ii) Trademark
18. With suitable example describe the following. (i) Copyright (3) (ii) Patent (3) (iii)
Trademark (iv) Geographical Indication.
19. Explain in detail about Globalization of intellectual property?
20. Explain the following in detail. i) Trade Secrets. ii) Importance of Trade secrets.
21. Explain in detail about Trade Secrets. Write notes on which law protects trade secrets?
22. Explain in detail about the TRIPS Agreement.
23. How many amendments were done to the Indian Patent Act 1970? Discuss.
24. How can you define invention in case of living entities like microbes?
25. What are non-patentable inventions?
26. What is the eligibility criterion for fi ling the patent application?
27. What is the difference between utility patent and design patent?
28. Explain about the Geographical Indication Act with suitable example.
29. What requirements can be fulfilled by the plant to obtain Plant Variety Right?
30. Generalize on protecting geographical indications abroad.
31. Are plants patentable? Explain the plant protection scenario in India.
32. What are the requirements for the patentability of biotechnology inventions?
33. What is IP law? Write a detail notes Digital Innovations?
34. Explain cyber laws in detail.
35. Analyze the cyber-crimes? Give examples. Explain in detail about on-line crime.
36. What is copyright infringement? What are the remedies for it?
37. Discuss the Semi-Conductor Chip Protection Act.
38. Write short note on benefits of patent.
39. Discuss the benefits of geographical indications and methods to obtain geographical
indications of patent rights.
40. Discuss the role and functions of WTO in establishing the IPR practices by world
countries with real examples.
41. Can patent rights be transferred? If yes, then to whom can these rights be transferred?
42. What are various types of licences? Differentiate between license and assignment.
43. Discuss various genetically modified organisms and related biosafety issues.
44. What are bioethics? What is its scope and approaches?

PART C (Long Answer type Questions)

1. When a patent application is submitted, it is examined by the patent authorities.
What kind of objections can be raised and how can they be rectified by the
2. What is the meaning and importance of Intellectual Property Rights?
3. What is Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)? What are the different types of IPR,
explain who is benefitted from each type of IPR and how?
4. What is Trademark? Explain the different types of trademarks with examples.
Differentiate between Trademark and design. What is the process of registering a
5. What is the role of IPR in electronics industry? Explain in terms of circuit boards and
integrated chips, how IPR can be used to protect them.
6. What is trade secret? Give any famous example of trade secret. Why are trade
secrets so significant and what is the negative aspect of trade secret? Explain in brief
the historical perspective of trade secret.
7. Write about the purpose of publications, pre grant and post grant oppositions of a
patent application.
8. Analyse the main features of the original Indian patents act, 1970 and provisions of
9. What is a Geographical Indication (GI) and what is its function? Name the legislation
for its protection in India and briefly outline the procedure of registration. Explain
how Registered GIs benefit local populations.
10. Define Industrial Design and discuss the need to protect it as an intellectual
property. Explain the grounds for registration of designs and the rights of a design
holder? Discuss infringement of Industrial Designs.
11. Write a patent amendment in India after TRIPS agreement and the salient features
of the patents act, 1970.
12. Describe Copyright and the works protected under copyright act. Briefly explain the
process of obtaining copyright. Differentiate between Copyright infringement and
Trademark infringement.
13. Demonstrate the functions of elements of infringement ownership of copyright.
14. Write a detail note on protecting geographical indications – a step in developing a
geographical indication.
15. Define IT Act 2000 and explain its significance. Briefly describe the unfair
competition in India.
16. Comment on the Patent Act 1970 and its amendment. Explain in brief the Patent
filing procedure. What are the differences between Product Patents and Process
17. What are the salient features of Information Technology Act? Explain the
compulsory licensing scheme under Patent Act.
18. What are the various cybercrimes? Explain in detail with suitable example.
19. Discuss the infringement actions and remedies for infringement.
20. Explain the different approaches, merits and demerits of patent and non-patent
practices in the commercial business world.
21. Explain the different process, procedures and documents associated in trade mark
and copy right. Draw a rough figure to explain.
22. Discuss the problems and prospects involved in the approval and practices in
Geographical Indications.
23. “Unfair practices of business generally occur due to the mal practices of patent and
IPR”. Discuss with suitable examples.
24. Describe the types of invention which are not patentable in India with suitable
25. Explain the following: (i) Salient features of GI (ii) Patentable invention with
examples. (iii) Non- patentable invention with examples (iv) Role of civil & criminal
laws for IPR Grievances settlement.
26. Define invention. How is invention explained in the patent specification during filing
of the patent?
27. Explain the scope of patent in biotechnology industry. What problems were faced by
the researchers for patenting biotechnology products?
28. Briefly describe the procedure for registering a plant variety. What are the various
methods of protecting plant and its products?
29. What are the criteria of protecting plants? Explain in brief the objectives of the Plant
Variety Protection and Farmer’s Right Act.
30. What controversies are associated with gene patenting? Explain the relationship
between IPR and biodiversity.

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