Cyber Laws & IPR
Cyber Laws & IPR
Cyber Laws & IPR
Unit 1
1. What is Virus? Explain its types.
2. Write a short note on Pegasus Spyware.
3. What is the Internet? What are its Advantages and Disadvantages?
4. Write a short note on –
a. Precautions against Malicious Computer Code
b. Worms
c. Trojans
5. Write a comprehensive note on “Evolution of the Internet”
6. Explain LAN, MAN, and WAN in detail.
7. Describe the term Network Security in detail.
8. List and Explain Network Security measures.
9. What are the various threats to network security?
10. Explain the efforts made by India to ensure cybersecurity.
11. Explain India’s National Cyber Security Policy 2013.
12. Write a short note on
a. Cyber Space.
b. Netizens.
13. What is cyber law? Explain its components.
14. Explain the component of Cyber Law in India.
15. What are the reasons for the Enactment of the Information Technology Act 2000?
16. Explain the aims and objectives of the Information Technology Act 2000.
17. Write a comprehensive note on the overview of the Information Technology Act
18. Write a short note on Digital Signature.
19. What is Cryptography? Explain Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography with
suitable diagrams.
20. Differentiate between Electronic Signature and Digital signature.
21. What is E-Commerce? Explain its various models.
22. What is EDI? Explain.
23. Explain International law relating to E-Commerce.
24. What is E-Governance? Explain provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000
related to E-Governance.
25. Explain E-Governance Projects in India.
26. What is an E-Contract? Explain the parties to be E-Contract.
27. Explain the Powers and Functions of the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCAs).
28. Who can become the Certifying Authority under the Information Technology Act
2000? Explain his role.
29. Explain the sections and rules of Granting of Electronic Signature Certificate.
30. Discuss the challenges to privacy in the digital age.
31. Explain the significance of the right to privacy in the context of the Internet.
Unit 2
1. Describe the Cyber Appellate Tribunal.
2. What is Cybercrime? What are the different types of cybercrimes
3. Describe the classification of Cybercrimes.
4. What are the prevention measures for Cyber Crimes?
5. Discuss Cyber contraventions under IT ACT 2000.
6. Describe Cyber Offences under IT ACT 2000.
7. Write a note on Cyber terrorism.
8. Briefly explain the power of investigation, search and arrest mentioned under the IT
ACT 2000.
9. Can an intermediary be held liable for cyber offences? Explain the law.
10. Briefly explain the Consequential amendment made in Four Acts by the IT ACT 2000.
11. Explain grey areas of the IT ACT 2000 as amended by the IT (Amendment) ACT
12. What is computer forensics? Explain different stages of Forensic investigation.
13. Write a comprehensive note on Computer forensics in India
14. Explain the Indian position regarding Cyber Jurisdiction.
15. Who is an E-Consumer? What are the functions of the Consumer Protection Act,
16. Briefly explain salient features of the Data Protection Bill, 2021 of India.
17. How do digital signatures work and what legal significance do they hold?
Unit 3
Intellectual Property Rights and Online Regulations:
1. Briefly explain international law regarding online freedom of speech and expression.
2. Can the Intermediary be held liable when a third party uploads some information on
his website and exercise his freedom of speech and expression?