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P.E. and Health 11 - First Quarter Examination

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Marihatag District



Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following refers the

ability to do strenuous physical or sports C. Maintain a physical distance with
activities without getting tired your friends so that you will not
Easily? get sick.
A. Body Fitness D. Keep your interest to physical
B. Health fitness activities from your family and
C. Health related fitness friends.
D. Physical fitness
5. Food laws and trade agreements affect
2. Which among the following is NOT an food availability and prices within and
example of personal barriers in across countries. Food labeling laws
participating physical activities? determine the consumers’ knowledge on
A. Fear of Injury the food they purchase. What kind of
B. Inconvenience exercise eating preference/influence is this?
C. Lack of self-motivation A. Cultural Preference
D. Unavailability of parks/grounds B. Economic Influence
for activities C. Political Influence
D. Social Influence
3. The following are Health-Related
Components of Fitness EXCEPT
A. Balance 6. In order to improve your eating habit,
B. Body Composition you must follow a thoughtful approach.
C. Cardiovascular Endurance Which of the following approaches
D. Muscular Strength should you apply?
A. Reflect, Replace, Reinforce
4. Social support is one of the barriers in B. Replace, Reinforce, Reflect
physical activity, which among the C. Reinforce, Reflect, Replace
choices suggests overcoming this D. Reflect, Reinforce, Replace
A. Motivate yourself to do physical 7. Which of the following Physical
activities Fitness Tests measures the ability of the
B. Invite friends and family body to move in different directions
members to do physical quickly.
activities. A. 3-minute Step Test
B. Hexagon Agility Test
C. Juggling
D. Standing Long Jump
13. How do you know if you are
8. What activities could you do to physically fit?
improve your muscular strength? I. A person who is free from illnesses
A. Bench press II. A person who can do physical or
B. Juggling sports activities
C. Cycling III. The ability to do strenuous
D. Zipper Test physical or sports activities
without getting tired easily
9. The following are physical activities IV. Easily gets tired
to improve muscular endurance A. I, II III and IV
A. Lunges C. II, III, IV
B. Sit ups D. I, II, III
C. Squats
D. Standing Long Jump 14. Which of the following should we do
to improve our flexibility?
10. Which of the following are correct A. Do the 40-Meter Sprint before
about components of Skills Related the class begin
Fitness. B. Ability to work the muscle over
I. Reaction Time and Muscular a period of time.
Strength C. Leg lifts over a period of time
II. Agility and Coordination D. Stretch before and after class
III. Cardiovascular Endurance and about 5-7 minutes
IV. Power and Balance 15. What are the four principles of the
A. I only F.I.T.T. formula?
B. II and III A. Fast, intense, time, type
C. IV only B. Freedom, idleness, time, type
D. II and IV C. Frequency, Intensity, time, type
D. Fun, intensity, time, type

11. Stephen Curry runs fast while 16. How often should we exercise?
dribbling the ball. As he crosses the A. Frequency
middle part of the basketball court, he B. Intensity
changes his phase to avoid his C. Overload
opponent. What specific component of D. Progression
physical fitness did Stephen Curry
apply? 17. Brisk walking, swimming, lunges, sit
A. Agility ups, squats, and planking are examples
B. Balance of what FITT principle?
C. Coordination A. Frequency
D. Speed B. Intensity
C. Time
12. If Ryan’s BMI is 17, he can be D. Type
classified as:
A. Normal 18. Which of the following is true about
B. Obese intensity?
C. Overweight A. Effort level of the exercise
D. Underweight B. Period covered in an exercise
C. Number of the session in a
D. Type of activity
19. Which principle in physical activity 24. Joan is increasing the difficulty of
claims that every individual has its own her exercise. She runs 10km per hour.
ability to improve fitness, body, Which FITT principle is manifested?
composition and sports skills? A. Frequency
A. Principle of Adaptation B. Intensity
B. Principle of FITT C. Time
C. Principle of Individual D. Type
D. Principle of Progression 25. Daniel does jogging, running, and
dancing because he wants to improve
20. Which principle in physical activity his cardiovascular endurance. What
claims that maintains the adequate rest principle of physical fitness does he
is needed to allow the body to adapt and manifest?
recover from exercise? A. Principle of Overload
A. Principle of Diminished B. Principle of Progression
Returns C. Principle of Reversibility
B. Principle of Individual D. Principle of Specificity
C. Principle of Rest and Recovery 26. Which of the following given
D. Principle of Reversibility statements is true about Principles of
21. Which principle in physical activity A. The benefits of training are lost
claims that the more benefits one gains with prolonged periods without
as result of activity, the harder training.
additional benefits are to achieve? B. Repeatedly practicing a skill or
A. Principle of Diminished a series of movements past
Returns required performance
B. Principle of Overload C. Exposing the body to an
C. Principle of Progression entirely new stimulus creates
D. Principle of Reversibility consistent
performance enhancements
22. If a football player’s goal is to C. To ensure that results will
improve upper body strength, he would continue to improve over time,
continue to increase training weight the degree of the training
loads in upper body exercise until his intensity must continually
goals was achieved. What specific increase above the adapted
training principle did the football player workload.
A. Overload 27. What is the recommended level or
B. Progression amount of physical activity to maintain
C. Reversibility good health?
D. Specificity A. At least 5 minutes everyday
C. At least 10 minutes everyday
23. If you were training for a 10 km run, D. At least 30 minutes everyday
you might start by going for two 30 D. At least 60 minutes everyday
minute runs a week. You could then
increase the time you run for by 3 28. The following are examples of
minutes each week. moderate physical activities EXCEPT
A. Progression A. Doing household chores
B. Recovery B. Badminton recreational
C. Rest C. Mowing lawn
D. Returns D. Soccer game
29. The following are examples of 36. If a person is not participating in
vigorous physical activities EXCEPT physical activities, he/she is susceptible
A. Basketball game to _________?
B. Hiking A. Became healthy
C. Shoveling B. High risk of illness
D. Tennis Doubles C. Low risk of illness
D. Reduce stress
30. Which is an example of vigorous
exercise? 37. As a student, what will you not do to
A. Competitive Football keep yourself healthy?
B. Tennis doubles I. Avoid physical activities.
C. Sweeping floors II. Do vigorous activities.
D. Walking -5 km/hr III. Drink a lot of water.
IV. Eat healthy food.
31. Which simple exercise develops your
upper body muscular power? A. II, and III only
A. Jog in place B. I, III, and IV
B. Jumping jack C. I only
C. Push up D. II only
D. Stretching
38. What is a long-term benefit of
32. Which skill related fitness you physical activity?
developed when shooting a basketball? A. A stronger immune system
A. Agility B. Better sleep
B. Balance C. Reduced stress
C. Coordination D. Improved mood
D. Reaction time
39. Which daily activity can improve
33. In which sporting event is agility your balance?
often manifested? A. Cleaning the house
A. Archery B. Playing basketball with friends
B. Badminton C. Throwing garbage in the trash
C. Chess can
D. Rowing D. Walking in uneven or slippery
34. Which of the following is the best
example of reaction time? 40. What percentage of maximum heart
A. Blocking a fast and strong kick rate should be the target in doing
B. Crossing the streets vigorous-intensity workout?
C. Hitting the target A. 75% and 90%
D. Walking in the balance beam B. 77% and 93%
C. 77% and 95%
35. Moderate and vigorous physical D. 77% and 100%
activity is good for:
I. Preventing bone loss 41. Which one is taken at the apex of the
II. Helping you fall asleep quickly heart and can sometimes be felt
and sleep well very clearly by placing the heel of
III. Poor health condition the hand over the left side of the
IV. Helping manage stress chest.
A. I, III, IV A. Apical site
B. I, II, III B. Carotid pulse site
C. I, II, IV C. Radial pulse site
D. I, II, II, and IV D. Temporal pulse site
42. Which one is taken from the radial A. Ballroom dance
artery at the wrist, in line with the B. Synchronize swimming
thumb, using the tips of the pointer and C. Yoga class
middle fingers? D. Zumba class
A. Apical site
B. Carotid pulse site 48. Which is the most important rule in
C. Radial pulse site setting a fitness goal plan?
D. Temporal pulse site A. Establish realistic ones.
B. Established goals that can be
43. What type of physical activity makes achieved in a very short time.
you sweat, causes you to breathe C. Established a frequency of 4 to
harder, and gets your heartbeat faster 5 times per week to exercise.
compared to when you are at rest? D. Established a vigorous
A. Aerobic Exercise intensity work out to see the
B. Aerobic Fitness result right away.
C. Bone Strengthening
D. Muscular Strengthening 49. Why do athletes or athletic
individuals need skill-related fitness?
44. Which physical activity is NOT an I. Skill-related physical fitness consists
aerobic exercise? of those components of fitness that
A. Hip-hop dancing have a relationship with enhanced
B. Jogging performance in athletic activities.
C. Jump roping II. Skill-related fitness increases one’s
D. Yoga ability to perform in various
activities and only have an
45. Ralph is 29 years old. What is his indirect connection with health.
maximum target heart rate?
A. 176 III. It is assumed that athlete who
B. 177 possess high skill-related fitness
C. 198 will be more likely to participate in
D. 191 a variety of activities and for this
reason will also exemplify a high
46. Mark is 20 years old. He has a standard of health-related fitness.
resting heart rate of 40. What is his A. I only
heart rate reserve? B. I and II
A. 158 C. II and III
B. 160 D. 1, II, and III
C. 162
D. 164 50. Which of the following will NOT
improve a personal fitness program?
47. Which of the following gets your A. Exercising at moderate
heart pumping and your body moving? intensities
It also refers to street style dancing while B. Muscular Strengthening
you kick up your cardio with popping C. Making your program
and locking, breaking, top rocking, appropriate
jerking, freezing, spinning, and sliding. D. Starting slowly then increasing
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Surigao del Sur
Marihatag District

Grading Period: First Quarter

Subject and Year Level: Physical Education & Health 11

Answers Key

1. A 11. A 21. A 31. C 41. A

2. D 12. D 22. A 32. C 42. C

3. A 13. D 23. A 33. B 43. B

4. B 14. D 24. B 34. A 44. B

5. C 15. C 25. D 35. C 45. D

6. A 16. A 26. A 36. B 46. B

7. B 17. D 27. D 37. C 47. D

8. A 18. A 28. D 38. A 48. A

9. D 19. C 29. D 39. D 49. D

10. D 20. C 30. A 40. D 50. B



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