Activity 7
Activity 7
Activity 7
1. What do you like and dislike doing during the scenarios below? Use gerunds to write 3 of your likes and dislikes in each of the
different settings.
1. 1. 1.
When I'm in the park I like to use the When I go to the mall I like to go to sports When I go to school I like to be in math
bike paths but I don't like them when stores so I don't miss out on the news. class as I am very good at it.
they are very crowded.
2. 2. 2.
When I go to the park, I like to appreciate When I go to the mall, I don't like it when When I go to school I like to be in
nature but I don't like it when they don't it's very crowded because I can't really swimming class, I feel that more than a
take care of it. enjoy the experience of visiting it. class it is an opportunity to de-stress
3. 3. 3.
When I go to the park I like to talk and When I go to the mall, I like to try food When I go to school, I like to make new
greet people even if I don't know them, but from new stores, I always get a new friends, it is one of the things that gives
I don't like it when they don't return the experience when I do it. meaning to life.
Resource Activity 7
2. For the following section, work with a classmate. Read the beginning of the following sentences and guess the information about
your partner. Finish the sentences with that information using gerunds or infinitives accordingly.
2. When you’re with your friends you enjoy talking about adventures is a part of everyone's shared life. .
3. This semester, you hope have very good grades to enjoy my vacation without worries. .
4. You’re not so good at all my life I have been and still am very bad at basketball. .
5. Next year you plan on visit Querétaro in January, my family lives there. .
6. Tomorrow you want eat some gorditas, they are very rich .
7. You’re coming to school to more than just getting good grades, learn the maximum of subjects and skills. .
8. Something that makes you feel good is spending time with my family is what I like most in the world. .
10. When you’re working you think I like what I do and I think that if I don't make an effort now and on time, in the future I'll have
Now share the sentences with your partner. Listen to their answers about you and let them know if the sentences are true or not.
Resource Activity 7
You will have trouble to commute (commute) this afternoon, folks. Interstate 5 isblocked for two miles north
and south of 80th Street, so I strongly
Suggest using (2.use) an alternate route if possible. Construction on the
Factoria Ave. has caused to slow (3.slow) on I-405, so use caution there.
Repairs on the Evergreen Point Bridge to expect complete (4. expect / complete) by 6:00
A.M. today, but the bridge is still closed. The Highway Department issued a statement apologizing
for to cause (5. cause) further inconvenience to motorists, but the repairs are
taking longer than planned. The repairs are expected to finish (6. finish) by
5:00 A.M. Tuesday. Meanwhile, an accident involving an overturned van in the left lane on the 509 freeway isn't
Expected clearing (7. clear) for at least half an hour, so avoid the 509
northbound. You can improve your commute by taking (8. take) Highway 99,
where traffic is smooth and relatively light.