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Unit 2 - Basic

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Unit Test 2

A Grammar
Elige la opción correcta para completar las frases.
1 I don’t like being late for school, I ___ arrive early every day.
A ☐ always B ☐ at all times
2 At weekends, you ___ get up before ten o’clock. You like having a late breakfast.
A ☐ not at any time B ☐ never
3 Juan ___ doesn’t have time for breakfast at home, because on Mondays he takes an early bus to
A ☐ sometimes B ☐ often
4 We ___ have lunch in the park on Saturdays when the weather is good.
A ☐ often B ☐ many times
5 My sister ___ does her homework after school, but not on Fridays because she does exercise after
school with her friends.
A ☐ most often B ☐ usually
6 Does Felipe ___ help you tidy your bedroom?
A ☐ always B ☐ every time
7 Alex ___ takes the bus to school. He rides his bike every day.
A ☐ at all times B ☐ never
8 Do you ___ play football at the weekend?
A ☐ many times B ☐ usually
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B Grammar
Completa las oraciones con las palabras del cuadro.
do do does does how is when where
1 What time ____________ Elizabeth get home from school?
2 ____________ Celia wear a uniform at school?
3 ____________ often do you do exercise?
4 Where ____________ you and your brother do your homework?
5 What ____________ my exam result, please?
6 Who ____________ Hanif and Jenny usually see at weekends?
7 ____________ does your cousin live?
8 ____________ do you watch TV?
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C Vocabulary
Elige las opciones correctas para completer el texto.

Hi, Sue. I hope you’re okay. I want to tell you about my new school routine. First, I 1 get / have up at 7.00
a.m. and 2 have / go a shower – it wakes me up. Then, I 3 get / wear dressed and I 4 do / go to school.
When school finishes, I 5 go / do home and I 6 do / tidy my homework. What a day! I’m so tired when I
finish, I can’t wait to go to bed.

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D Vocabulary
Une los verbos con las frases para crear actividades de tiempo libre.
1 make ___ A photos at the zoo
2 take ___ B to music in the car
3 listen ___ C shopping for food
4 watch ___ D books in bed
5 go ___ E films online
6 read ___ F a lemon cake
7 meet ___ G pictures of animals
8 draw ___ H people in town
   / 8 
E Reading
Sam Green is from the UK, but he works at a centre for sick animals in Mexico. He loves his job working
with animals and his days are never the same.
Sam gets up early every day and goes running before he has breakfast. In the morning, he visits all the
animals in their homes to give them their food. Then he goes to his office and works on his computer. In
the afternoon, after he has lunch, Sam teaches people about the animals. Visitors can come to the centre
and see the amazing parrots, monkeys and other Mexican animals. Some of the parrots are very friendly
and the visitors chat with them. There are lots of animals in the centre, but Sam’s favourite are the
When he isn’t at work, Sam writes books about animals for children and listens to music. He also goes
cycling with his son, Paul.
Lee el texto. Elige la opción correcta para completar la oración.
Sam works with ___.
A ☐ sick people B ☐ animals C ☐ computer programs
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Lee el texto otra vez. Elige la opción correcta para responder las preguntas.
1 Where does Sam live?
A ☐ in Mexico B ☐ in the UK
2 What does Sam do in the morning after he gets up?
A ☐ go running B ☐ teach people
3 When do visitors come to the centre to see the animals?
A ☐ in the morning B ☐ in the afternoon
4 What do visitors like to do?
A ☐ talk to the animals B ☐ play with the animals
5 Which animals does Sam prefer?
A ☐ parrots B ☐ monkeys
6 What does Sam often do with his son?
A ☐ go cycling B ☐ listen to music
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F Listening
Escucha seis conversaciones. Responde a las preguntas.
1 A teacher is talking to students. How many students is he talking to?
A ☐ two
B ☐ four
2 Some friends are talking about a holiday. How many friends are talking?
A ☐ five
B ☐ three
3 A manager is talking to her staff. How many people is she talking to?
A ☐ one
B ☐ six
4 Some friends are talking about sport. How many friends are talking?
A ☐ three
B ☐ four
5 A family is talking about shopping. How many family members are talking?
A ☐ four
B ☐ three
6 Some friends are talking about their weekends. How many friends are talking?
A ☐ two
B ☐ four
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G Use of English
Completa el diálogo con las palabras del cuadro.
don’t hate like love mind watching
1 Sara What do you ____________ doing at the weekend?
Sam I like getting up early to go swimming.
2 Tom I ____________ getting up early. I love staying in bed late.
Kunal Me too. I love reading in bed on Sunday mornings.
3 Gina I don’t ____________ listening to music in the evening, but not in the morning.
What about you?
Dave I like listening to the radio in the morning. It helps me wake up.
4 Chloe How much music do you listen to? I listen to lots of music, it helps me do my
Fiona Really? I ____________ like listening to music when I study.
5 Jon Do you listen to music when you watch sport on TV?
Ania No, I don’t like ____________ sport on TV and listening to music at the same time.
6 Ursula Do you like drawing pictures?
Angie Yes. I ____________ drawing and listening to my podcasts.
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H Writing
Escribe un email a tu amigo sobre un evento Deportivo en tu instituto, e incluye información
sobre qué es un evento deportivo, la fecha, hora y lugar en el que ocurre, qué hace la gente
allí y tu opinión sobre el día. Utiliza present simple, adverbs of frequency y also. Escribe unas
80 palabras.
Paragraph 1: Explain what a sports day event is and how often they happen. Give details about where it
happens and what time everything starts.
Sports day is (always / often) on …
Paragraph 2: Describe what things people do at a sports day event. Give details about the different sports
people do and explain any funny or unusual events. Give examples.
There is always …
People can do / play …
The … is funny.
Paragraph 3: Summarize your opinion of the sports day event. Describe your general opinion of the event,
and give details about what you like about it. Give examples.
I do / don’t like …
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