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Crop Science Questions Set A

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MOCK EXAM a. RA 7308 since March 26, 1992

b. RA 200 since March 27, 1998
Read the questions carefully and shade the letter of your choice in c. RA 7001 since March 26, 1994
your Answer Sheet. d. RA 200 since April 12, 1999

12. Who was the first Minister if Agriculture when all cabinet
1. The Philippines is one of members of ASEAN countries having a departments were changed to ministers during martial law and
total land area of established 12 regional offices, each headed by a regional
a. 10 million ha
b. 30 million ha a. Juan G. Rodriguez
c. 40 million ha b. Cesar Fortich
d. 50 million ha c. Benjamon M. Gozon Jr.
d. Arturo R. Tanco Jr
2. Of the total land area of the Philippines, what is the land area
devoted to agriculture 13. Who is the principal author of RA 8435 otherwise known as the
Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1988?
a. 10 million ha
b. 12 million ha a. William Dar
c. 13 million ha b. Roberto S. Sebastian
d. 14 million ha c. Edgardo J. Angara
3. In Asia, the early civilizations have established around a diet d. Senen C. Bacani
basically consisting of
14. One of the principles of AFMA among others is
a. maize and peanuts
b. sorghum and beans a. exploitation of natural resources
c. rice and beans b. poverty alleviation and social equity
d. wheat and barley c. industrialization
4. The prime agricultural lands in the Philippines are generally d. peace and order
15. It refers to the ability to compete in terms of prices, equality, and
a. near forested areas volume of agricultural and fishery products relative to those of
b. rear costal areas the other countries.
c. around the main and high population density areas
d. rear the hills and mountains a. trade liberalization
5. Which of the following crops is NOT exported by the Philippines? b. global competitiveness
c. extension services
a. coconut d. competitive advantage
b. pineapple
c. banana 16. One of the several WTO agreements on rules for trade and
d. rice investment in ideas and creativity is that the rules state how
copyright, trademarks, geographical names used to identify
6. Which of the following regions is considered as the rice granary of products and industry designs should be protected trade
the Philippines?
a. policy review
a. Cagayan Valley b. marker access
b. Central Luzon c. settlements of disputes
c. Ilocos Region d. intellectual property rights
d. Socskargen
17. It is the integration of world economy that are influenced by such
7. Next to rice and corn, the top 5 crops of the Philippines include: factors rapid communication, market liberation, and global
integration of the production of goods and services
a. coconut, sugarcane, and banana
b. coconut, banana, and abaca a. export subsidies
c. coconut, wheat, and sugarcane b. marker access
d. coconut, coffee, and cassava c. tarrification
d. globalization
8. Comparative advantage in agriculture means:
18. It is the application of indigenous and/or scientific knowledge in
a. higher efficiency in resource use for agriculture managing microorganisms or their parts, of cells and tissue of
b. higher land area devoted to agriculture higher organism for human for medical, agricultural, industrial,
c. higher yield of export crops and environmental applications
d. higher yield of rice and corn
a. biodiversity
9. Which of the following regions is considered as the corn granary b. biotechnology
of the Philippines? c. introgression
d. transformation
a. Cagayan Valley 19. The following are modern techniques in biotechnology except
b. Central Visayas
c. Northern Mindanao a. bioinformatics
d. Sockssargen b. diagnostics
c. vaccine technology
10. Current crop production technologies are considered because: d. tissue and cell culture
20. It is generally the alternation, modification, or change of an
a. Several steps from planting to harvesting are evolved organism’s genetic or heredity material to eliminate undesirable
b. They generated facts and empirical data characteristics or to produce desirable new ones
c. They were formulated through scientific investigation
d. All of the above a. replication
b. genetic engineering
11. This law changed the National Seed Industry Council of the c. genomics
Philippines into Seedboard Industry Council as per republic Act d. bioinformatics
21. It is the transfer of desirable genes into organism like production 31. The following are events that led to the development of
of genetically modified (GMOs) or synthetic genetic agriculture, except
engineering, application of recombinant DNA technology
a. collection of plants
a. Diagnostics b. colonization of pre-adapted plant species
b. Marker-assisted breeding c. cultivation of plants in order to reap a better harvest
c. Bioinformatics d. improvement of soil fertility
d. Transformation

22. GMO stands for 32. By analogy with ecology, agriculture can be described as
hierarchy of systems. Which of the following is the highest level
a. Genetically made organisms of hierarchy?
b. Genetically modified organisms
c. Genetically mixed organisms a. crop
d. Genetically male organisms b. crop systems
c. animal systems
23. Presently, which of the following countries is considered as the d. farm systems
largest producer of GM crops in terms of land area planted?
33. It is an arrangement of components or parts that interact
a. America according to some processes and transform input into output
b. Argentina
c. Canada a. agriculture
d. China b. system
c. hierarchy
24. Which of the executive orders enacting the creation of PhilRice as d. ecosystem
an attached agency to the Department of Agriculture?
34. Which of the following components have the same levels in the
a. EO 1061 hierarchy
b. EO 2611
c. EO 1091 a. crop and crop system
d. EO 1081 b. animal and animal systems
c. crop systems and animal systems
25. It is a type of agricultural systems, which is characterized by d. crop-animal and animal system
defined holding with largely permanent field divisions. Semi-
stationary housing predominates, with families having registered 35. Known as the father of Green Revolution
ownership of the land a. Bourman
b. Linnaeus
a. shifting cultivation c. Smith
b. fallow utilization d. Piñol
c. collection
d. grazing systems 36. The science of agriculture is the basis on which all of civilization
is built. Most anthropologists agree that agriculture began about
26. It is a classification of farming systems based on type and _____ year ago.
intensity of rotation, water supply, cropping patterns and animal
activities, and degree of crop commercialization a. 1,000
b. 10,000
a. cultivation c. 15,000
b. collection d. 20,000
c. grassland utilization
d. fallow
37. Agriculture is the science of using crops and animals to transform
27. The following are types of shifting cultivation systems except solar energy into products that can be stored and used by
humans elsewhere and at later date. Which of the following best
a. intercropping describes the ultimate goal of agriculture?
b. migration systems
c. vegetable systems a. provision of food
d. clearance systems b. provision of services
c. provision of fiber
28. Which of the following is not a type of agricultural system? d. satisfaction of one’s need

a. shifting cultivation system 38. Our region consisting of the Indochina-Indonesia region is
b. fallow systems believed to be center of origin of
c. farming systems
d. ley systems a. corn
b. garlic
29. In grassland utilization as, a classification of faming systems, the c. potato
situation wherein farmers with a permanent place of residence d. coconut
send their herds, tended by herdsmen for long period of time to
distant grazing areas is known as 39. The race of people regarded now as the first agriculturist are

a. total nomadism a. The American Indians

b. partial nomadism b. The Cushites
c. semi-nomadisms c. The South American Indians
d. transhumance d. The Africans

30. Which of the following is NOT a feature of agricultural system? 40. It is a hypothesis suggesting that ecological weeds colonized the
areas around human dwellings. The ecological weeds were
a. closed systems gathered eventually brought into cultivation. This hypothesis is
b. hierarchical systems known as
c. dynamic systems
d. interactive systems a. rubbish-heap hypothesis
b. rubbish hypothesis
c. reap hypothesis
d. none of the above c. Darwin
d. Weissman
41. The center of origin of rice (Oryza sativa) is
52. All the following events happen in prophase of meiosis
a. Philippines except:
b. Africa
c. Mexico a. chromosome condensation
d. India b. pairing of homologues
c. segregation
d. terminalization

42. Agriculture could have been initiated mainly due to chronic food
shortage if:
53. The proponents of the cell theory were
a. There was sedentary way of living
b. Grasslands and forest were present a. Bateson and Hooke
c. Plant and animal diversity was limited b. Morgan and Bridges
d. Fertile lands were available. c. Watson and Crick
d. Schleiden and Schwann
43. The appearance of a plant with respect to a particular character
54. The central dogma of molecular biology is consists of the
a. phenotype following processes, except
b. ideotype
c. genotype a. transduction
d.prototype b. transcription
c. replication
d. translation
44. The genetic constitution of an individual

a. genotype 55. The following are selection indices in rice except

b. gametophyte
c. phenotype a. disease resistance
d. ideotype b. yield
c. rate of leaf production
45. The following are nonsense codons, except d. early maturity

a. UAG 56. Selection indices in banana include the following except

b. AUG
c. UAA a. in determinate growth
d. UGA b. large bunch
c. more uniform ripening
46. The diameter of DNA helix is d. bunchy top resistance

a. 2 mm
b. 20 nm
c. 2 Ă 57. Fruit quality is a good selection index for the following crops,
d. 20 Ă except

47. What is the probability of getting BB offspring from BB x bb a. papaya

cross? b. eggplant
c. mango
a. ½ d. strawberry
b. ¼
c. 1 58. Pungency is considered an index of quality in the following
d. zero crops except

48. The general life cycle of an eukaryotic organism has the a. chili pepper
sequence b. onion
c. garlic
a. 1N-Meiosis –2N – Fertilization – 1N d. ginger
b. 2N-Meiosis –1N – Fertilization – 2N
c. 1N-Meiosis –2N – Fertilization – 1N 59. Selection indices in durian include the following except
d. 2N-Meiosis –2N – Fertilization – 2N
a. disease resistance
49. If a mother and her child belong to blood group O, what blood b. fruit size
group could the wrong father belong to? c. more uniform ripening
d. fruit color
a. O
b. A 60. Quantitative characters were best described by the following
c. B attributes except:
d. AB
a. Controlled by major genes
50. They discovered the molecular structure of DNA b. Segregation shows ‘continuous curve’
c. Easily influenced by government
a. Sutton and Boveri d. Governed by “polygenes” or multiple genes
b. Watson and Crick
c. Morgan and Bridges 61. The following are examples of qualitative traits except:
d. None of the above
a. color
51. The father of genetics b. shape
c. texture
a. Mendel d. height
b. Bateson
62. The genetic component of the phenotypic value is composed of d. none of the above
the following except
73. A human factor affecting crop production which relates to the
a. Additive gene effects farmer's decision making regarding the choice of crops to
b. Dominance gene effect grow or technology to adopt
c. Epistasis gene effect or gene interaction
d. Environment gene effect a. capability of the farmer
b. cultural practices
63. The effect of environment is best described in phenotypes if c. political factor
d. preference of the farmer
a. Genotypic effect-low and environment effect-high 74. A factor affecting farmer's preference which reflects what the
b. Genotypic effect-low and environment effect-low farmer desires or what he seeking:
c. Genotypic effect-high and environment effect-low
d. Genotypic effect-high and environment effect-high a. farmer's knowledge
b. beliefs
c. attitudes
64. The observable variation present in a character in a population is d. goals
75. A factor affecting farmer's preference which is concerned with
a. phenotypic variation what the farmers think is true whether correct or not based
b. dominance variation on the farmer's experiences and common knowledge
c. genotypic variation
d. environmental variation a. attitudes
b. farmer’s knowledge
65. The component of variation that is due to genotypic differences c. goals
among individuals within a population is d. beliefs

a. phenotypic variation 76. A socioeconomic factor affecting farmer’s capability to increase

b. population variation farm production as an outlet of farm products and as a
c. genotypic variation source of inputs for farm production
d. environmental variation
a. labor
66. The differential performance of genotypes in different b. capital
environments is termed as c. land
d. market
a. adaptation
b. plant reaction 77. A socioeconomic factor affecting productivity which refers to the
c. G x E interaction physical and financial assets of the farmers
d. adaptability
a. land
67. The ratio of genotypic variance to the total variance is termed as b. labor
c. market
a. genetic advance d. capital
b. repeatability
c. heritability 78. A socio-cultural factor affecting productivity which contains the
d. combining ability cultural ideas about the relationship between people and
68. Characters governed by several genes with small effects are
known as a. norms
b. customs
a. qualitative c. attitudes
b. dominant d. religion
c. quantitative
d. recessive characters 79. A major cause of reduction in agricultural land area due to
political factor brought about by urbanization
69. The phenomenon of a single major gene affecting more than one
character is known as a. land grabbing
b. soil erosion
a. pleiotropy c. land conversion
b. expressivity d. agrarian reform
c. penetrance
d. isogenic effect 80. A work exchange system of traditional societies with agricultural
roots which influence the farmer’s agricultural production
70. Modification in the expression of a dominant gene by another
non-allelic dominant gene is known as a. credit system
b. marketing system
a. gene interaction c. bayanihan system
b. gene flow d. extension system
c. gene action
d. modifiers 81. The human factor affecting productivity which is influenced by
socio-economic factor
71. G x E effects is best described in the following situations
a. preference of farmers
a. Many trials in same location b. capability of farmers
b. Many trials in different locations c. cultural practices
c. Single trial in same location d. political factors
d. Single trial in many locations
72. The following are traditional methods of analyzing G x E 82. A factor affecting farmer’s preference which relates to the
interactions in field experiments except: farmer’s feelings, emotions and sentiments and have a strong
influence over his decision to accept or reject a technology
a. ANOVA a. beliefs
b. Regression method b. attitudes
c. Pattern analysis c. knowledge
d. goals 92. The following traits are used in index selection for corn except

83. A household resource characterized by size quality, water a. plant height

availability and location affecting productivity where the b. ears per plant
farm enterprises are established c. maturity
d. yield
a. labor
b. land 93. It refers to the increase in yield, vigor, and reproductive ability
c. capital of the F1 over the parents.
d. management
a. heterosis
84. A household resource which includes members of the household b. combining ability
who are capable of working and also the family's c. autogamy
participation in cooperative efforts d. heterozygosity

a. land 94. It refers to the cross between two single crosses

b. labor
c. capital e. three-way cross
d. management skills f. double cross
g. polycross
85. A socio-cultural factor affecting crop productivity which refers h. backcross
to the acceptable standards of behavior of a society

a. norms 95. It is the art and science of the genetic improvement of crop
b. customs plants
c. religion
d. attitudes a. Botany
b. Agronomy
86. A socio-cultural factor affecting crop productivity which refers c. Plant Biochemistry
to how people actually behave d. Plant Breeding

a. norms 96. It is a method of breeding new cultivars by crossing genetically

b. customs different individuals.
c. religion
d. attitudes a. hybridization
b. selection
87. A cultivar developed by intercrossing different inbred lines c. mutation
d. introduction
a. composite variety
b. synthetic variety 97. After the production of F1 hybrids among self-pollinated crops,
c. polycross hybrids there is a need to handle the F1 and subsequent generations. The
d. open pollinated variety segregating populations are harvested in bulk until segregation
virtually ceased, at which time selection is limited at F6. this
88. A system of seed production geared towards maintaining the procedure is called
genetic identity, varietal purity, and standards of quality seeds of
superior crop varieties. a. pedigree method
b. single seed descent
a. Seed certification c. backcross method
b. Quality control d. bulk population method
c. Seed control
d. Seed testing 98. The following are objectives and goals of crop improvement

89. Seeds produced by seed growers, breeders, or individuals a. improved yield

without approval from the National Seed Industry Council b. better quality
c. resistance/tolerance to pest
a. Certified seeds d. susceptibility to drought
b. Farmer’s seeds
c. Good seeds 99. A system of breeding in which seeds from individuals selected
d. Breeder seeds on the basis of phenotypes are composited and used to grow the
next generation.
90. There are three types of F1 hybrids corn sold in the market today,
single cross hybrids, three-way cross hybrids, and double cross a. pureline selection
hybrids. Which of these is correct? b. mass selection
c. bulk population method
a. single cross is more stable than three-way and double cross d. pedigree method
b. double cross hybrids yield higher than single and three-way 100. Domestication of plants led to:
cross hybrids
c. single cross hybrids yield higher than three-way and three- a. change in plant type and limited ecological
way cross hybrids yield higher that double cross hybrids adaptation
d. Three-way cross hybrids are more stable than double cross b. narrower genetic variation and wider ecological
and yield better than single cross hybrids adaptation
c. the disappearance of the natural habitats of wild
91. Which of the following is not cross-pollinated? plants
d. increased genetic variation and limited ecological
a. eggplant adaptation.
b. corn
c. squash
d. papaya

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