A. Introduction
In this paper, the writers analyze a classroom interaction on eighth grade at SMP N 1
Pariangan that learns about descriptive text focuses on reading and writing skills. This report
is based on the observation that group did on Wednesday, at 07.40 until 09.00, and 13th of
November 2013 at SMP N 1 Pariangan.
B. Related Theories
According to Grice in Cruse (2000: 24), there are several types of maxims. They are:
1. Quantity Maxims
a. Make your contribution as informative as isrequired (for the purpose of the
b. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required
Note: Given the purpose of the conversation, the woman contributes only as much
information as is required.
1) Not excessive like “it’s 9:30 at night, Greenwich Mean Time, 20May 2009, …”
2) Not inadequate like, “it’s night time”
2. Quality Maxims
The maxim of quality is concerned with truth telling, and has two parts:
John : Do you know where The Big Ben Clock Tower is?
Jean : It is in London
3. Relation Maxims
The Maximof relation requires you tobe relevant. The Maxim of Relation is one of
the four conversational maxims of the Cooperative Principle. Grice proposes this maxim
as an explanation for a certain kind of regularity in conversational behavior with respect to
the relevance of information provided at each turn of a conversation. Example:
Note: The woman contributes what is relevant for the purposeof the conversation.
1) Not irrelevant like “I like steak very much” or“What nice weather!”
4. Manner Maxims
What can a speaker do with regard to the maxims? In the first place, he or she can
straightforwardly observe the maxims. Second, he or she can violate a maxim. For
example, he or she may breach the first sub maxim of Quality by telling a deliberate lie.
Third, he or she can opt out of a maxim. This can be demonstrated by a speaker’s use of
hedges in conversation.
There is thus evidence that speakers are not only aware of the maxims, but they are
trying the follow them. Fourthly, a speaker can ostentatiously flout or exploit a maxim, to
be illustrated shortly.
6. Flouting Maxims
What an amazing baseball player John is!
This can either be a positive comment on John's abilities (maxim of quality obeyed) or
negative comment on John's abilities through irony (maxim of quality disobeyed, Clear to
hearer, e.g., when said right after John didn't catch the ball).
7. Hedging Maxims
In (1), it can be observed that information conveyed by the speaker is limited by adding
all I know and as you probably know. By so saying, the speaker wants to inform that she
is not only making an assertion but observing the maxim of quantity as well.
If the speaker only says that “they are married” and they do not know for sure if they are
married, they may violate the maxim of quality since they say something that they do not
know to be true or false. Nevertheless, by adding they told me that, the speaker wants to
confirm that they are observing the conversational maxim of quality.
c. I am not sure if all of these are clear to you, but this is what I know
The above example (3) shows that hedges are good indications the speakers are not only
conscious of the maxim of manner, but they are also trying to observe them.
Opting out hedges in English:
1) Quality
As far as I know,
I may be wrong, but…
2) Quantity
3) Relation
4) Manner
C. Data of Video
Teacher : How are you?
Kemaren sudah kita bahasa tentang listening dan speaking, deskriptif text itu
Teacher : Identification
Selanjutnya, description. Sekarang coba kamu open your LKS, page –Sri-
page 52. LKS, Rahman duduk. Oke, now look at aktivity eight, activity eight.
Rahmi, where is your LKS? Rindi ada LKSnya? Aldi ada LKSnya?
Teacher : (3) Fiftytwo. Activity eight.You read it, after that you answer the questions
number one until number four. Kamu baca baru translate together, kita
terjemahkan bersama, setelah itu, kamu nanti jawab pertanyaan nomor satu
sampai empat. Please read first paragraph.Sri, first paragraph.
Teacher : On,satu? Apa katanya this is the corner, corner, corner.
Students : Sudut
Students : Meja
Teacher : Meja, iya sit some toys, one of my toys is barby doll, salah satu, one of
artinya salah satu, boneka barby, which sit on tiny plastic box, yang mana
duduk di box, kalo 3 suku kata kita ambil dulu dari belakang, kotak plastic
tiny, the synonym of tiny is small. Kecil. It is …. Ini adalah hadiah, klo letak
that ditengah kalimat artinya, yang I receive, yang saya terima last summer,
yang saya terima dari teman terbaik saya. Okay, Viona next paragraph. Ooy
Rahman, don’t make the voice.
Teacher : I call her Barbara, saya memanggilnya Barbara, Barbara has attractive
appearance that makes her beautiful. Barbara mempunyai, the synonym of
appearance is performance, interest menaik. Barbara has, mempunyai
penampilan menarik, that make her beautiful, her hight 30 cm. mempunyai
high tapa arti hight?
Teacher : Things, tingginya kira-kira tiga puluh sentimeter, and she has slim body,
tubuhnya ramping atau langsing. She has long strait blonde hair, kosa kata
baru untuk kamu, apaitu blonde? apaitu blonde, yaitu pirang, ia mempunyai
rambut pirang lurus yang panjang. Her round face,
Her round face apa itu round, mukanya bulat a pair blue eyes, and small nose,
mukanya bulat cocok dengan sepasang mata yang blue, thin pink lips, bibir
pink yang tipis. Small nose hidung yang kecil.Maota jo lae, ndak ado ibuk
maajak maota do. Jam bara wak masuak. Sit with..sudah tau ndak punya buku.
Oke suara.Oke siapa lagi.Pepi four until shoes on her feet.
Students : (Pepi reads the text)
Teacher : Apa artinya, untuk membuat penampilan Barbara lebih menarik, dia
didukung oleh gaun, sebenarnya Barbara mempunyai banyak gaun, Rahmi.
Tapi dia selalu memakai warna merah, karena itu merah warna favorit saya.
Pita merah tua, yang mempunyai bentuk seperti rose, yang terletak disebelah
kanan gaun. Dan juga meletakkan tas hitam kecil di lengannya. Anting emas
di masing-masing telinga. Dan sepatu berhak tinggi hitam dikakinya. Putri
reads until desk.
Teacher :Sebagai hadiah berharga dari teman terbaik saya Yani, saya selalu ingin
menjaga Barbara dengan baik, untuk itu saya tidak pernah membiarkannya.
Saya biasanya menutupnya menggunakan kotak plastic transparan. Dan
meletakkannya dimeja. Zulhardi
Teacher : Apa katanya, but sometimes, suatu saat, kadang-kadang jika saya tidak punya
teman untuk bermain saya membuka tutupnya dan bermain dengan Barbara,
dengan menggerakkan tangannya dan kakinya atau mengganti gaunnya.
Walaupun Barbara tidak pernah merespon apa yang saya katakan.
Ayi.Sekurang-kurangnya itu membuat sayamersa bahwa saya memiliki
sesuatu yang akan selalu ada buat saya. And now you answer questions
number one until number four. Satu sampai empat.
jawab nomor satu sampai empat ambil buku. Nah Rahman are you finish? Nah
kerjakan. (After several minutes………). Siap?
Students : Siap?
Teacher : Ari siap? Ok activity nine, Aldi. Ari read the first paragraph, baca paragraph
Teacher : Penggemarspor, olah raga, you are pasti tau nama Jordan ia adalah pemain
basket terkenal, meski pun karirnya sebagai pemain telah berakhir his name
atau namanya akan hidup untuk beberapa tahun yang akan datang. Aldi.
:Aldi bisa duduk tenang. Micle Jordan seperti seorang bintang, dia mempunyai
tubuh yang sangat, bagaimana tubuhnya? Tegap.Dia memiliki mata coklat
yang manis. Dia itu selalu kelihatan bagus dengan pakaian bahkan dalam
pakaian santai, atau pakaian jas. Personality, apa artinya? Sama terkenalnya
dengan ability, kemampuannya bermain, Mikel orang yang sangat?Apa artinya
determine, where is your dictionary? Ibuk bawa dictionary ndak didengarnya.
Revi, where is dictionary.
Students : (6)Aacaribuk?
Teacher : Determine, cek your dictionary. Apa artinya, menetap kan, merumuskan,
menetapkan, apa artinya? Michael bermain sebagai orang apa namanya?
Bukan sukses, bintangnya, dalam kelompoknya, dalam groupnya, ini yang
membuatnya sebagai pemain basket yang sukses, Michael Jordan not only the
great atlet.
Teacher : Tidak seorang? Michael Jordan tidak hanya atlet yang besar but also seorang
yang sangat peduli.Ini bukanlah suatu yang biasa sehingga, banyak anak laki-
laki, dream, ingin menjadi seperti dia. Answer number one until number five,
jawab satu sampai lima. What is the meaning number one. What is tell us
about. Number two why …. Number three which paragraph Michael Jordan
physical look? Famous, apa artinya famous, what is synonym? Nah
selanjutnya, kenapa banyak anak laki-laki suka pada Michael Jordan.Nah
jawab sekarang jawab di buku latihan, Silviana tidak ada bawa LKS?
(after a several minutes…..)
Teacher : Change jawaban kamu, change with your friend. Ari, siap?
Ok, now, Sri you change with revi, vio with miss, viona-rindi, tiara-putri,
randi-zul, rahman-aldi.
Ok, number one until five exercise 8, ok vio. Nah ari, exercise 8 number five,
what is tell paragraph about?
Teacher : Number 1 a. knapa A? karena physical look di dalam text ada look
Identification tu a buk?
Teacher : Modus paragraph, identification, siapa yang dibahas apa yang dibahas!!
Because he is probably!!!
Okay, you can make it true.
Teacher : Iya nggak apa2. Next, number four (4), what is the synonym of famous?
Students : Popular…!!
Students : (terkenal)..!!
Teacher : Kalau well-known gimana?? Apa artinya?? (sambil mencatat dipapan tulis)
Teacher : (3) Iya, well-known sama dengan dicintai banyak orang/sama dengan
famous, artinya terkenal. Oke, sekarang nomor..?
Randi ada apa itu? Nanti ibuk liat berapa betul berapa salahnya ya.
Students : Ya buk.
Who check Aldi please come !!Aldi.Yang mencek punya Aldi bawa kedepan,
sekarang yang mencek punya Ari, Indah, M. fadli, who check punya fadli??
Aldi…!! Can you sit down!!
(Teacher checks and give score for all of students exercise with call the name
of corrector)
Bara batua?
Students : 10 (sapuluah)
Ang bara?
Teacher : Ya, apa artinya? I have a cute cat. Its name is blacky.
Students : Kucing saya adalah kucing rusia. Dan dia memiliki bulu yang bintik-bintik
putih. Dia adalah kucing yang lincah.
Students : NO..!!
Students : True or False..!
Teacher : Ya sudah siap, Rahmat sangat pintar, tapi jawabanya banyak salah.
2 = Quality Maxims
3 = Relation Maxims
4 = Manner Maxims
6 = Flouting maxims
7 = Hedging Maxims
D. Analysis
No Quantity Maxims
Sentence Explanation
2. Teacher :How are you? Karna informasi yang di berikan tepat dan
singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
Students : I am fine
4. Teacher :KD kita yaitu Karna informasi yang di berikan tepat dan
reading and writing. Kemaren singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
sudah kita bahas tentang listening
dan speaking, deskriptif text itu
kemaren descriptive text? singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
Students :Identification
6. Teacher :Tall untuk manusia Karena informasi yang di berikan tepat dan
or person, klo ini singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
Students :Benda
Students : Terkenal
8. Teacher : have you finish?? Karena informasi yang di berikan tepat dan
singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
Students : Lumbuk
9. Teacher :Jadi disini yang Karena informasi yang di berikan tepat dan
dibahas adalah? singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
11. Teacher :Putri what the Karena informasi yang di berikan tepat dan
meaning of true? singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
12. Teacher : Ari have you Karena informasi yang di berikan tepat dan
finish? singkat berdasarkan pertanyaan.
No Relation Maxims
Sentence Explanation
Flouting Maxims
Sentences Explanation
1. Teacher : Apa artinya, what is the Karna jawabannya tidak sesuai atau
meaning on? tidak di harapkan dari pertanyaan
Students :Satu
Students : Aa cari buk?
E. Conclusion