Wave Force On Vertical Walls
Wave Force On Vertical Walls
Wave Force On Vertical Walls
_ LECT17
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The recent literature dealing with wave forces on a vertina] wall has been reviewed.
An annotated bibliography for literature since 1958 is presented. The method of Goda
for calculating such forces (with or without a rubble-mound base) is outlined with
somo minor changes. The associated flow charts are also given, along with some
recommendations for future work. -
DO Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous editions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE
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PREF AC E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
PART I: INTRODUCTION ............. ......................... 3
The Aim of this Report ............ ...................... 3
Early Work ............... ............................ 3
The Physical Situation ........ ....................... 4
PART II: OVERVIEWS OF RECENT WORK .......... .................. 6
Experiments Using Monochromatic Waves ........ ............... 7
Experiments Using Random Waves .......... .................. 7
Field Measurements ............. ........................ 8
Standing Wave Theory ............ ....................... 8
Breaking Wave Theory ........ ....................... .. 1ii
Breakwater Response ......... ........................ ... 12
Introduction ........................................
Comments ........... ............................. . 19
2. Some important quantities are not reviewed herein. The uplift pressures
on the base of the wall or caisson are not discussed. Also, studies of the
slamming of ships, the hydrojynamics of which is related to shock pressures
due to breaking waves, are not reviewed.
Early Work
3. Some point in time must be picked in order to divide the work on wave
forces into "early" and "recent". In this report, the paper by Rundgren
(1958) was chosen to be the last paper describing "early" work. This paper
has a very thorough and clearly written review of the literature which
appeared before that time, and a corresponding complete bibliography. More-
over, the design formulas proposed in this paper appear to be the last ones
considered for incorporation into the Shore Protection Manual (SPM) (1984).
Also, this paper describes one of the first extensive series of laboratory
experiments that were oriented towards obtaining working design formulas.
This mode of attack on the wave-force problem has been continued by many
others, as will become clear below.
4. Some general comments on the early work are in order, to set the stage
for the recent work discussed below. Good reviews of this work are found in
the papers of Rundgren (1958) and Hudson (1953), and the books by Minikin
(1963) and Wiegel (19A1). With few exceptions, the following statements char-
acterize the work. First, the "theory" is often rather incomplete, and is
based on a Lagrangian treatment of the hydrodynamics. The water motions are
rotational throughout the fluid, and thus the results are generally at odds
with recent hydrodynamic treatments of wave motions. Second, the waves are
taken to be periodic, and the intrinsic randomness associated with the sea
state is neglected. Third, little experimental work was done. Most of the
experiments that were carried out were done to study the nature of the "shock
pressures" as _ciated with waves breaking directly on the wall as shown by
Figure 1. This is an exceedingly complex situation, and has not yet yielded,
based on rational analysis, an agreed upon design formula. (The experiments
were, of course, also hampered by the lack of sophisticated pressure sensors,
and recoroing equipment). The design formulas that were usea were based on a
small number of field measurements, some hydrodynamic intuition, and observa-
tions of failures of actual breakwaters. That is, these formulas are based
more on the creativity of the individual (and the dire need for some methou of
"rational" design) than on data, or on logical, hydrodynamic reasoning. The
more recent work described below has sought to rectify this situation, while
keeping in mind the ultimate need for a relatively simple, working design
wave height, and wave length just in front of the structure. Finally, the
Figure 2. The situation considered, and the notation used in this report
7. The rerioa around the late 1950's roughly marks the time when investi-
gators began serious efforts to cope with the complexity of the problem. At
the same t:ne, the urgency for a solution increased, as more breakwaters were
built :inr.&tner ceep water. Research began on smaller pieces of the problem,
and most s:zn:fJcant progress usually was achieved by a rather prolonged effort
of a group of people. Also, more emphasis was placed on finding a rational
basis for design formulas. On the other hand, the need for a solution dictated
that design formulas be made available relatively quickly, whether completely
rational or not.
8. Compared to earlier work, and at the risk of over generalizing, recent
researcn has been characterized by:
9. The result of the recent work is a number of more complex formulas, which
apparently have yet to be fully compared. Although the effects of wave random-
ness have been included in some design techniques, there is still room for
improvement. Also, most work has concentrated on the force on a wall when the
crest is present at the wall. It is not clear now to calculate the force wh en
trough is at the wall, especially when the waves are breaking.
10. Some groups stand out when discussing recent work. The Japanese work on
vertica -w al breakwaters is distinguished by the intensity and persistence of
the effort, and the volume of publication in English. The groups led by Coda
and Nagai stand out in this respect. Unfortunately, the English publications
are (understandably) compressed, so that it is sometimes difficult to assess
the experimental techniques, or the reasoning leading to various formulas.
12. This work is shown in Table I. Most of the recent work has been of this
type. It seems that by now, essentially all of the straight forward work of
first-order importance has been carried out, and that further refinements may
be mainly of scientific interest. However, few of the results have beer care-
fully compared with those of other, similar investigations. The same could be
said about resulting design formulas. Such comparisons would be a worthwhile
13. Further improvements will most likely deal with the statistical distribu-
tions of' maximum shock pressures, forces, and perhaps moments, and random
waves. The random aspect seems to be the major ingredient lacking in this
14. The list of laboratory work done using random waves is quite short.
However, this seems to be the most promising method of attack, especially it it
can be shown that two-dimensional random waves represent a worst case (as
comiipared .4itn short-crested waves, or two-dimensional waves striking a wall at
an angIc-. There are undoubtedly more random-wave results by now; one can only
hope that tney ",i I apear in the open literature. It seems that only when one
can estimate the "n-year shock pressure" (and the associated breakwater res-
ponse) can a rational design procedure be formulated. Much more laboratory
work on simple, generic situations (as opposed to specific cases) on a wide
variety of scales would be very useful in making progress towards this goal.
The reported work is on two-dimensional waves. The papers are:
Iwagaki et al (1980) (nonbreaking waves)
Field Measurements
view of' the better agreement at fourth order found by Goda, it may be worth-
while to extend this latter work to fourth order. Any more accurate calcula-
tions may need to consider the various viscous effects.
Table 1
Recent Experiments Using Monochromatic Waves
Parameter Ranges
Wave Flume
Standing/ Measured Height Wave Length
Authors Breaking? Force/Pressure? Mound (cm) Period(s) (m)
Garcia (1968) B P No 2.5-9 1.5-2 20
Goda (1972) S-B P No 7-42 1-2 30
Hayashi & Hattori B P No 10-25 2 14
Homma & Horikawa B F Both 10-13 0.8-2.5 17,36
Kirkgoz (1982) B B No 4-8 0.8-1.6 13
Leedertse (1961) B F No 6-18 1.9-3.3 33
Massel, B F Yes 11 10
& Trapp (1978)
Mitsuyasu (1962) B F No 10 1-2.5 22
Mitsuyasu (1966) B P No 10 1.9 25
Nagai (1960) B P Yes 6-22 1-2 25
Nagai & Otsubo B P Yes 5-38 1.2-3.0 50
Nagai (1969) S P No 3.5-38 1-3.5 25,60
Richert (1968) B P Yes 1-20 1.4-1.6 15
Rundgren (1958) S-B P No <4 1-2.5 24
Takezawa (1979) S-B F No 2-23 1-2 8-30 25
Weigel & Maxwell B P No ? ? 33
Maxwell (1970)
Table 2
Recent Field Measurements
Wall Water Pressure Breakwater Waves
Author Type Depth (m) or Force? Response? Measured?
Blackmore & Hewson Curved 1-4 P No Yes
(1984) Reentrant
Huang & Zhao (1984) Vertical 2-6 P No Yes
Kuribayashi, Muraki Vertical 2-6 P Yes Yes
& Udai (1959)
Marchi, Raiteri, Vertical 17 P No Yes
Scarsi & Stura (1975)
Table 3
Recent Theoretical Work on Standing Waves
Eulerian/ Order of to Numerical/
Name Langrangian Accuracy in Slope Wall? Analytic
Fenton (1985 E 3 No A
Goda (1967) E 4 Yes A
Goda (1960) E 2 Yes A
Hsu, Tsuchiya & E 3 A
Silvester (1979)
Lappa & Zagryadskaya L 3 Yes A
Nasser & McCorquodale E (long, Yes N
(1976) nonlinear
Nichols & Hirt (1976) L Yes N
and cell
TadJKA'h 1 & Keller E 3 Yes A
18. It appears that there is a significant amount of Russian work in this
area (see the paper by Lappo and Zagryadskaya). Again it would be worthwhile
to translate this work.
19. it is a bit surprising that the presence of the base mound has yet to be
taken into accourt. This may be because numerical treatments of the problem
(almost certainly needed here) seem rather tentative to date. This would seem
to be the next step.
20. Finally, little work has been directed to determining the response of a
vertical wall to standing-wave pressures. This is almost certainly due to the
fact that design pressures are usually associated with breaking waves.
However, the problem is far more tractable with standing waves, and probably
worth considering.
Breaking Wave Theory
Table 4
Recent Work on Breaking Wave Pressures
Weigel & Numerical Model assuming that air and water are uniformly mixed
Breakwater Response
Table 5
Recent Work on the Response of Vertical-Walled Breakwaters to Wave Forces
23. This problem has been considered analytically but not experimentally, at
least in any controlled sense. However, although there are a number of weak-
nesses in the assumptions behind the theories, the theories are a reasonable
first attempt at putting the design on a rational basis. As an example, it is
not clear that sliding on an underwater rubble base is well understood, espe-
cially when the base pressure is uneven because of an associated rocking. It
would be interesting to apply a known force to a laboratory breakwater, and
compare the response with theoretical predictions. A good discussion of some
other difficulties is found in Lundgren (1969), and the comments following
that presentation.
Pressure Distribution
27. For now, assume that the design wave height H i and wave direction a are
ccnnecting the points A, B., and C in Figures 3 and 4. The pressure vanishes
at A, the point of maximum runup. It is a maximum PH at the level of B (i.e.,
at still water level). It then decreases to PL at the level of C, the top of
the base mound (not at the top of the armor stone protecting the mound).
R = 4 (1 + cos a) (1)
PL = Y3 PH (3)
Y2 is the smaller of expression (a) and (b)
(a) (b)
Db - d H 2d (5)
3Db ds Hi
(r+d) 1
Y 1 - D [1 - cosh(2wD/L)] (6)
surf zone, the choice of height to be used for H i will be based in part on
Hmax at the depth db. We now turn to estimating H i and H,/ 3 .
Figure 3. Geometry and notation for use with the Goda Method for
estimating wave forces on a vertical wall. See also Figures I and 4.
Design Wave Height
28. The design wave height is the maximum wave height at the wall. There
are many ways to estimate nearshore wave heights. In order to be consistent
with the pressure model of Goda given above, wave heights will be estimated
using the Goda model for random, breaking waves in the surf zone, which has
been found (again by Goda) to give satisfactory results both in the laboratory
and in nature.
29. Goda's shoaling model gives estimates for the significant wave height
H 1 /3 and the "maximum" wave height Hmax = H 1 /2 5 0 . The user must supply the
significant offshore wave height corrected for refraction (Ho'), the corres-
ponding wave steepness (s = Ho'/L 0 ), and the bottom slope (m). Following
Goda, the offshore wavelength is found from 2 7 Lo = gTi/ 3 , where T 1/3 is the
average period of the highest third of the offshore waves, and g is gravity.
The quantities Ho ' and T 1 /3 are usually determined from a wave climatology,
equations for H 1 /3 and Hmax are those given in Appendix C. Now we must
usually determine H 1/3 at d =D, and then find the depth
Db = D + 5 m H 1/3 (7)
We then find the largest value of Hmax, for water depths betw~ - n and D b .
This largest value is taken to be the design wave height H i . (This method
differs from that of Goda, in which Hmax at d = Db is always used as H i . The
new procedure seems slightly more conservative, especially when the wall is
near the outer edge of the surf zone. However, it is somewhat tedious when
the calculations are done manually).
33. In either case, we must find the quantity Db, in order to find the
pressure-distribution parameter Y2 "
Finding a
34. The estimated value of a is decreased by 15 degrees to account for our
inability to measure wave directions accurately. (However, it is not
decreased below zero).
Total Horizontal Force - No Overtopping
35. The increase in force per unit distance along the wall due to the
presence of the waves is found from the pressure distribution shown in
Figure 4:
To this must be added the still-water hydrostatic force F. = w(r + ds) 22.
Then the total force per unit distance along the wall is
F = F s + Fw (9)
(R - h + r + d(1
PT = PH R (10)
37. A schematic version of one way to proceed is shown in Figure 5. As
above, neglect any effects of refraction or diffraction, arid assume that you
Know Ho , '1 3, and m. (Of course, you also know ds, r, h, and D). You want
to estimate FW . Assume no overtopping. The changes to account for over-
topping are straight forward (see above).
38. A safety factor of at least 1.2 has been used by Japanese engineers with
the Goda approach. The coefficient of friction between concrete and a rubble
base mound is usually taken to be 0.6.
\', \
4/3(D H (D
L (D)
Laoricst I
\JSIVN Ajo B6tC1 1P
45. It may be that small-scale field testing (in a small lake) would be a
viable alternative. Directional spectra would be present, but the scale would
be small enough that the large number of measurements needed for statistical
reliability would not be prohibitively expensive.
46. The problem of wave forces on walls is both common and important. Many
groups around the work make such measurements. It seems that a first step
would be to collect all available data on unidirectional random tests,
,specially in fairly generic (i.e., not very site specific) situations. Such
a "catalog" of results could then be updated on a regular basis, and form a
reference for design engineers.
47. Despite eighty years of thought and work on this common diJd important
problem, it seems that there is still far to go to produce a statistically
reliable model. The first step in further major progress should be a thorough
comparison of previously obtained data. The next step may well be so large
that it will either entail cooperation among a number of laboratories, or,
never be carried out because of the effort entailed.
48. A slightly modified version of Goda method is presented, along with
ancillary procedures for determining nearshore wave heights. (The difference
lies in the manner in which the design wave height is chosen. The method
given here seems slightly more conservative in the case where the wall is near
the outer edge of the surf zuIie). The Goda method skirts the problem of
estimating shock pressures (or forces) (Goda, 1985) by designing so that such
pressures will not occur.
_ournai o: the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division. 1982 (Feb). ASCE,
voi 104, No. WW1, pp. 19-38.
Shore Protection Manual. 1984. 4th ed., 2 vols, US Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, US Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Tanimoto, K., Yagyu, T., and Goda, Y. 1982. "Irregular Tests for Composite
Breakwater Foundations," Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Coastal
Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Ch. 128.
A flat plate was dropped onto a still water surface in a vacuum tank, to
test the effect on an air cushion on the resulting impact pressure. The
impact pressure was found to diminish with decreasing air pressure. This
finding seems to have important implications for the models currently used to
establish shock pressures.
0004 BATTJES, J. A. 1982. "Effects of Short-Crestedness on Wave Loads on
Long Structures," Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 4(3), pp. )65-172.
The author calculates the reduction of the wave force on a vertical wall
due to the fact that the waves are short-crested, using linear spectral-
transfer theory. Specific results are obtained for a directional spectrum in
which energy is distributed according to the cosine (squared) of direction
from the wind, and for various structure lengths. The use of linear transfer
theory is a detriment to the use of the theory for the case of breaking waves.
However, the work seems seminal, and will eventually have to be refined to the
point of being useful to design.
0006 CHAN E. S., and MELVILLE, W. K. 1984. "Deepwater Breaking Wave Forces
on Surface Piercing Structures," Oceans '84, Marine Technology Society,
pp. 565-570.
The force and moment on a wall due to waves approaching the wall from
any angle are calculated, using an expansion to the third order in wave
height. Breaking is not considered: the waves are completely reflected. The
resulting formulas are compared to the experimental values of Goda and Nagai.
The formulas seem reasonably accurate, although cumbersome. The maximum force
per length of wall is shown to be associated with waves striking the wall at
an angle, rather than with normally incident waves. Also, the greatest
onshore force sometimes does not occur precisely under a wave crest, and the
largest force can be associated with a wave trough, and be directed
offshore. It would seem important to test these predications in the
0008 FUHRBOTER, A. 1969. "Laboratory Investigation of Impact Forces,"
Symposium on Research on Wave Action, Vol. 2, Delft, pp. 1-26.
Wave pressures on vertical walls both with and without a rubble base
mound were measured in the laboratory, for several (gradually increasing)
incident wave heights. The monochromatic waves were first (i.e., for small
heights) standing waves, then broke at the wall, and finally (for sufficiently
large heights) broke before reaching the wall. The pressures exerted on the
wall were found to increase gradually and continously during this process.
Also, for the gentle bottom slope of 1/100 used here, no dramatic shock pres-
sures were observed. The presence of the base mound was found to increase the
breaking-wave pressures on the wall. This paper seem to be one of the princi-
pal foundations for Goda's (1974) method of estimating wave pressures on a
wall (in which method no distinction is made between breaking and non-breaking
0012 GODA, Y. 1974. "New Wave Pressure Formulae for Composit Breakwaters,"
Proceedings of the 14th Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Ch. 100.
0014 GOUDA, M. A., "Hydrodynamic Wave Pressure on Breakwaters," Journal of
the ASCE Waterways and Harbors Division, Vol. 86, 1960, pp. 13-25.
0015 GRAVESEN, H., AND LUNDGREN, H., "Forces on Vertical and Sloping Face
Breakwaters", 17th Congress of the International Association for
Hydraulic Research, 1977, pp. 326-333.
This brief paper analyzes the forces exerted by random, breaking waves
on a laboratory breakwater, using extreme-value statistics. The technique
seems well-su-ied to the wave-breaking situation, and potentially quite
useful. Several examples are shown, and the effects of various parameters
such as mean water depth illustrated. However, the sensitivity of the design
values (which are the ultimate products of the analysis) to the assumed
extreme-value distribution is not discussed.
This method seems quite promising, but also seems to entail quite a bit
of laboratory testing for each design problem. Perhaps a "catalog" of such
results could eventually be built up. Also, systematic work with "typical"
cases would be very useful, if only to determine the most important
parameters. (It would appear that some measure of spectral width would be
important, in addition to the significant wave height considered in the
paper.) Finally, it seems that many of the sophisticated tools so useful in
statistical hydrology could also be used in this approach. Moreover,
hypothesis testing would be simpler, in that "long" time series are relatively
easy to obtain.
0017 Hayashi, T., and Hattori, M., "Pressure of the Breaker Against a
Vertical Wall", Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol. 1, 1958, pp. 25-37.
The results showed a rather poor correlation between the two quantities, even
though most formulas available at that time could be recast in such a form
that one would expect a good correlation.
0018 Hayashi, T., and Hattori, M., "Stability of the Breakwater Against
Sliding due to Pressure of Breaking Waves", Coastal Engineering in
Japan, Vol. 4, 1961, pp. 23-33.
The focus in this this is on the breakwater response to the force due to
a breaking wave, rather than the force itself. However, such considerations
must eventually be taken into consideration in design (although this does not
yet seem to have been done in any systematic manner). The paper is a purely
theoretical analysis of the rocking motion of a solid breakwater on rubble
foundation, which is assumed to be elastic. The shearing resistance of the
breakwater to sliding is shown to depend on the duration of the impact force,
and on the natural period with which the breakwater rocks on the foundation.
How to use the results in an actual situation is not made clear. It appears
that this work has been followed up by Goda. (See Reference 4.15 in his
0019 Hayashi, T., and Hattori, M., "Thrusts Exerted Upon Composite-Type
Breakwaters by the Action of Breaking Waves", Coastal Engineering in
Japan, Vol. 7, 1964, pp. 65-84.
0020 Hayashi, T., "Virtual Mass and the Damping Factor of the Breakwater
During Rocking", Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol. 8, 1965, pp. 105-
The effect of the virtual mass of a rigid wall on the rocking caused by
waves breaking on the wall is studied, assuming a triangular shock-pressure
distributicon. Expressions are derived for the virtual mass and the virtual
moment of inertia of the wall, by considering the wall rocking in still
water. However, the calculated decay rate of rocking is much smaller than
that actually observed.
0021 Hom-ma, M., and Horikawa, K., "Wave Forces Against Sea Wall",
Proceedings of the 9th Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Ch. 31, 1964.
The pressure distribution due to broken waves striking a vertical wall
are studied in the laboratory. Formulas governing this distribution are
proposed, and then compared with field data. See also the 1965 paper by the
same authors.
0022 Hom-ma, M., and Horikawa, K., "Experimental Study on Total Wave Force
Against Sea Wall", Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol. 8, 1965, pp. 119-
0023 Huang, P., and Zhao, B., "The Probability Characteristics of Waves and
Wave Pressures at a Vertical Breakwater:, Proceedings of the 19th
Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Ch. 50, 1984.
0025 Iwagaki, Y., Sakai, T., Asano, T., Mase, H., and Koseki, M.,
"Experimental Study on Pressures Due to Irregular Standing Waves",
Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol. 23, 1980, 121-129.
The pressures on a vertical wall due to random, nonbreaking waves were
measured at two water depths, and compared to those predicted by a third-order
irrotational theory. Good agreement was found when individual waves were
treated as one of an infinitely long train of periodic waves, especially in
the absence of double peaks in the pressure trace. A linear filter was also
used to estimate the pressure variation (over time at a fixed point) from
water-level variations, and found to work when finite-amplitude effects are
not too strong. No comparisons are made with design formulas.
Pressures due to both standing and breaking waves are considered, along
with design wave heights in shallow water. However, the main part of the
paper is concerned with advancing and testing a new and quite different
formula for estimating the shock pressure associated with a wave breaking on a
vertical wall. The formula is based on analytical considerations similar to
those describing the water-hammer effect. The measured shock pressures are
never more than half the theoretical values, and usually far less than that.
A frequency diagram is introduced, in order to take this discrepancy into
account in design techniques. However, the author finally considers it
unnecessary to design against such shock pressures (or the associated forces),
because of their short duration. Minikin's method for estimating the total
shock force is evaluated, and is considered inadequate for use in design.
See also the 1970 paper by the same author, and his other 1968 report
(RR EH-68-2).
0028 Kamel, A. M., "Shock Pressures Caused by Waves Breaking Against Coastal
Structures", RR H-68-2, U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment
Station, Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 1968.
0029 Kamel, A. M., "Shock Pressure on Coastal Structures", Journal of the
ASCE Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, Vol. 96, 1970,
pp. 689-699.
0032 Kirkgoz, M. S., and Mengi, Y., "Dynamic Response of Caisson Plate to
Wave Impact", Journal of the ASCE Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean
Engineering Division, Vol. 112, 1986, pp. 284-295.
0033 KJeldsen, S. P., and Myrhaug, D., "Breaking Waves in Deep Water and
Resulting Wave Forces", Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Offshore
Technology, 1979, pp. 2515-2522.
wave tank. The measured shock pressure is found to vary with the type of
breaking wave. The relation of such pressures to those occurring in shallow
water is not discussed. The authors caution against scaling up laboratory
data for use in nature.
0034 Kjeldsen, S. P., "Shock Pressures From Deep Water Breaking Waves",
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydrodynamics in Ocean
Engineering (Trondheim), 1981, pp. 567-584.
0035 Kuribayashi, T., Muraki, Y., and Udai, G., "Field Investigation of Wave
Forces on Breakwater", Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol. 2, 1959,
pp. 17-27.
0036 Lappo, D. D., and Zagryadskaya, N. N., "Studies of Pressure and Energy
of Standing Waves", Journal of the ASCE Waterway, Port, Coastal and
Ocean Engineering Division, Vol. 103, 1977, pp. 335-347.
The total forces due to waves breaking on a vertical wall are measured,
and discussed from the standpoint of impulse-momentum theory. This theory is
then used to construct a design procedure which takes the net response of the
structure into account. No suggestions are made on how to scale the experi-
mental results up for use in actual situations. Although the parameter ranges
considered are rather narrow (for example, the bottom slope was always one on
ten), the results are certainly stimulating, and deserve extending and
checking against the more recent work of others (e.g., Nagai).
0038 Li, Y., Yu, Y., and Xoy, M., "Investigatiun of Wave Pressure on Vertical
Wall", International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in
Developing Countries (Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 20-26, 1983), pp. 755-
0040 Lundgren, H., and Gravesen, M., "Vertical Face Breakwaters", Proceedings
of the Sixth International Harbour Conference (Antwerp, 19 74 ,
paper 2.11.
0041 Marchi, E., Ralteri, E., Scarsi, G., and sturo, S., "Storm Wave
Pressures on the Breakwater of Genoa Harbor Measurement Station",
Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the International Association for
Hydraulic Research A31, 1975, pp. 246-253.
A station for measuring wave pressures against the vertical seawall at
Genoa Harbor is described, and some preliminary data are shown and compared to
the Sainflou formula.
This brief overview deals mainly with forces on vertical walls due to
breaking waves. Maximum shock pressures and various proposed scaling laws are
discussed, along with uplift forces and risk criteria.
0043 Massel, S. R., Oleszkiewicz, M., and Trapp, W., "Impact Wave Forces on
Vertical and Horizontal Plates", Proceedings of the 16th Coastal
Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1978,
pp. 2340-2359.
The shock forces due to waves breaking on a vertical wall atop a mound
are measured in the laboratory. The forces are determined from the response
of the wall, and are found to follow a Weibull distribution. Scale effects
are investigated; it seems that Froude scaling should not be used to estimate
design impact forces. The studies reported on seem to be of a preliminary
nature; the final results and reports should be of some interest.
theoretical attempts to model breaking-wave pressures are quite interesting in
their own right, they do not lead to any design-oriented formulas. (Nor have
they in the twenty years following this paper.)
0047 Mogridge, G. R., and Jamieson, W. W., "Wave Impact Pressures on Com-
oosite Breakwaters", Proceedings of the 17th Coastal Engineering
Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1980.
Many experiments were conducted with very high frequency response data
recording equipment to measure wave pressures due to waves breaking on the
vertical faces of various designs of composite breakwaters. The shock pres-
sures recorded are among the highest reported in the literature. No design
formulas are proposed.
0051 Nagai, S., "Shock Pressures Exerted by Breaking Waves on Breakwaters",
Journal of the ASCE Waterways and Harbors Division, Vol. 86, 1960,
pp. 1-38.
0054 Nagai, S., "Pressures of Partial Standing Waves", Journal of the ASCE
Waterways and Harbors Division, Vol. 94, 1968, pp. 273-286.
The effects of bottom slope, strong wind, a rubble-mound base, and wave
overtopping on the pressures on vertical walls due to waves are studied.
There is very little wind effect, and almost no effect of the bottom slope, at
least for small slopes. The overtopping effect is estimated by simply
ignoring the pressures above the top of the wall. Low rubble mounds have
little effect on the pressure, if the wall is in deep water. In general,
scale effects on wave-induced pressures can be neglected when scaling up to a
prototype, when the model scale is greater than 1/25.
0055 Nagai, S., "Pressures of Standing Waves on Vertical Wall", Journal of
the ASCE Waterways and Harbors Division, Vol. 95, 1969, pp. 53-76.
0056 Nagai, S., and Otsubo, T., "Pressures by Breaking Waves on Composite-
Type Breakwaters", Proceedings of the 11th Coastal Engineering
Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Ch. 59, 1968.
0058 Nagai, S., and Kurata, K., "Investigations of Wave-Pressure Formulas due
to Damages of Breakwaters", Proceedings of the 14th Coastal Engineering
Conference, Ch. 101, 1974.
0059 Nagai, S., "Wave Forces on Vertical-Wall Breakwaters in Deep Water", in
P. Bruun, Port Engineering, Second Edition, Gulf Publishing Company,
1976 (pp. 554-561).
0061 Nichols, B. D., and Hirt, C. W., "Numerical Calculation of Wave Forces
on Structures", Proceedings of the 15th Coastal Engineering Conference,
American Society of Civil Engineers, Ch. 132, 1976.
0063 Ramkema, C., "A Model Law for Wave Impacts on Coastal Structures",
Proceedings of the 17th Coastal Engineering Conferences, Ch. 139, 1978.
The shock pressures of waves breaking on a vertical wall (and preceded
by smaller, nonbreaking waves) were measured. Many experiments were conducted
for each configuration (which usually included a base mound). The main
results are shock-occurrence diagrams (shock pressures plotted against both
wave height and wave period) and instantaneous pressure-distribution
diagrams. Large scatter is encountered in the shock-occurrence diagrams.
Some sloped walls were also studied. No design formulas are suggested.
0065 Richert, G., "Shock Pressures of Breaking Waves", Bulletin No. 84,
Hydraulics Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1974.
0066 Sellers, F. H., "Water Impact Loads", Marine Technology, Vol. 13, Jan.
1976, pp. 46-58.
Wave forces on a vertical wall with no mound base are measured in the
laboratory. The wave type ranges from a standing wave to one which breaks
before hitting the wall. The measured forces are compared to those predicted
by the formulas of Sainflou, Hiroi, Minikin, and Hom-ma and Horikawa. The
formula of Hom-ma and Horikawa gives fair agreement, but only for broken
waves. The other formulas agree less well. A hydrostatic-type formula based
on wave run-up is proposed, presumably to give an upper bound on the forces
0068 Vinje, T., and Brevig, P., "Numerical Calculations of Forces from
Breaking Waves," Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Hydrodynamics in Ocean Engineering (Trondheim), 1981, pp. 547-565.
Breaking waves and their associated shock pressures are studied experi-
mentally. The breaking-wave geometry and wave-crest velocity are determined
photographically. The shock pressures on a wall about one quarter the width
of the experimental flumes are measured using piezoelectric transducers, and
interpreted using a simplified momentum analysis. The relation of such
pressures to those on a wall extending across the entire flume is not
discussed, nor are any design formulas proposed. See also the paper by the
same authors in the Journal of the Waterways and Harbors Division (ASCE).
0070 Weggel, J.R., and Maxwell, W. H. C., "Numerical Model for Wave Pressure
Distributions", Journal of the ASCE Waterways, Harbors and Coastal
Engineering Division, Vol. 96, 1970, pp. 623-642.
0071 Weggel, J. R., "Wave Loading on Vertical Sheet-Pile Groins and Jetties",
U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Report CETA 81-1, Jan.,
0072 Whillock A. F., "Forces on Sea Walls Under Oblique Wave Attack", Report
no. It 225, Hydraulics Research Station, Wallingford, England, July
The reports given at these Congresses offer a glimpse at the actual de-
sign procedures used in several of the major maritime nations. Although these
reports are of uneven quality, often not in English, and are often lacking
important references, they do emphasize practical issues rather the fine
points sometimes stressed in research papers. Probably because of this, the
papers tend to be rather conservative, and contain almost no original
material. Of special interest are the reports from countries not well
represented in the English literature (e.g., Russia and Italy). This reviewer
found little in these articles to help in a search for an up-to-date method
for predicting wave forces on walls.
(b) Proceedings of the 24th International Navigation Congress,
Leningrad, 1977 (Subject 1: Improvement in the design and building
of major port structures).
Mejlhede, N., 1975, "Standing Waves of First and Second Order and Wave
Pressure", Techn. Univ. Denmark, Institute of Hydrodynamics and
Hydraulic Engineering, Progress Report No. 35. (Fluidex BHRA Index)
Van de Kreeke, J., and Paape, A., 1964, "On Optimum Breakwater Design",
Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Publication No. 31. (cited in Richert,
When the general water depth d > Lo/5, one is outside of the surf zone,
there is little wave breaking, and the wave height is found using a shclling
coefficient, K. The method described by Goda (1985) following the work of
Shuto (1974) is given here. The equations of Goda are nonlinear and somewhat
wkwaru, and aie modified Lalow. Also, It helps to introduce
(disregarding refraction)
-50 C30
For the large water depths far from shore, the standard small-amplitude wave
theory can be used to find K. The results are given in SPM Appendix C-I,
where K is called H/HO , and is listed as a function of E. The smallest
& for which we can do this is &30' which is given by
2 21S K (Bi)
~30 30 30
Here, K3 0 is found using Appendix C-i. That is, we guess 30' then find the
associated K30 from Appendix C-i, and finally see if eqn (BI) is satisfied.
When it is, we know 30 and K30. The change of K with a general value of
using both (BI) and SPM (C-i) is shown below, in order to facilitate the
K = K30 ( 00 2/7
Here, we know g30 and K30 from our work with eqn (BI) above.
However, if & < &50' K is given by
K (V17- B) = C (B)
* Note that equation (B2) is different from the equa ,ions given in Goda
(1985). It comes from combining equations 3.17, 3.18, and 3.19 of that
where the constants B and C are given by
B = 2 2'
The wall is now in shallow water, and wave breaking may be important. The
model of Goda leads to the following procedure.
8o + 8 1 d; m 1.8 K (Cl)
-0.38 3/2)
80 0.252S exp (20m
87 0.63 exp(3.8 m)
(a) (b)
If 1.8K is not the smallest, the wall is within the surf zone, and the
quantity H 1 ,3 must first be obtained as shown below.
The ratio H 1/3/Ho ' is given by the smallest of the following three
3 /2 )
= 0.028 S .38 exp(20 m
01 z 0.52 exp(4.2 m)
(a) (b)
The shoaling coefficient K again is obtained from Appendix B, and S,m are
defined above.
If 1.8K is the smallest of the three quantities in (Cl), set the design
wave height Hi = Hma x . Otherwise, first find H1 /3 at d = D, using eqn (02).
Then use H 1/3 to calculate a new water depth Db from
Db = D + 5 m H 1/3 (C4)
Now calculate Hmax at d = Db, using eqn (Cl). It seems that Db is used
because waves breaking at a point are expected to exert their maximum force
for some distance shoreward of that point. Then it is prudent to estimate
Hmax at several intermediate depths, and use the largest value obtained for
H i , That is