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#N/A Job No.

Date: 16-May-19

Structural Steel Design - Waling

(Structural steel design based on "Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2011"
with reference to "The Design and Construction of Sheet-Piled Cofferdams by B P Williams and D Waite")

Plan P2 D

Diagonal Strut

P1 y y B

b a
Pc T
L2 x

L1 Ld Waling d

1. Section Properties

Try Section : Single 203 x 203 x 60 UC Grade 43 Hot Rolled

Depth of Section D = 209.6 mm Elastic Modulus (X-Axis) Zx = 581000 mm3

Zy 3
Width of Section B = 205.2 mm Elastic Modulus (Y-Axis) = 198830 mm
Web Thickness t = 9.3 mm Plastic Modulus (X-Axis) Sx = 652000 mm3
Flange Thickness T = 14.2 mm Plastic Modulus (Y-Axis) Sy = 303000 mm3
Depth between Fillets d = 160.9 mm Buckling Parameter u = 0.847
Ix 4
Second Moment of Area (X-Axis) = 60900000 mm Torsional Index x = 14.1
Second Moment of Area (Y-Axis) Iy = 20400000 mm Area of Section Ag = 7580 mm2
Radius of Gyration (X-Axis) rx = 89.6 mm Mass per Length w = 60.00 kg/m
Radius of Gyration (Y-Axis) ry = 51.88 mm Design Strength py = 275 N/mm2
Root Radius r = 10.2 mm
The Modulus of Elasticity for steel E = 205000.00 MPa

2. Ultimate Design Load

Resolve perpendicular to adjacent waling a Pc sinb = P1 L1 cosb + P2 L2

Compressive Force (corner) a Pc = (P1 L1 cosb + P2 L2) / sinb
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Inclined prop load from Strut design, Pi1 = 36.00 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m
Inclination of strut to wall, q1 = 90.0 ° 90.0 ° 90.0 ° 90.0 °
Horizontal pressure, P1 = Pi1 sinq1 = 36.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m
Inclined prop load from Plaxis, Pi2 = 36.00 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m
Inclination of strut to wall, q2 = 90.0 ° 90.0 ° 90.0 ° 90.0 °
Horizontal pressure, P2 = Pi2 sinq2 = 36.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m 0.0 kN/m
Intersection angle of end waling, b = 90.0 ° 90.0 ° 90.0 ° 90.0 °
Load bearing width of waling at corner, L1 = 0.00 m 0.00 m 0.00 m 0.00 m
Load bearing width of waling at corner, L2 = 0.00 m 0.00 m 0.00 m 0.00 m
Compressive Force (corner), Pc = 0.0 kN 0.0 kN 0.0 kN 0.0 kN
Maximum horizontal pressure, P = 36.00 kN/m
Maximum strut spacing, S = 2.00 m
Load bearing width of diagonal strut, Ld = 0.00 m
Minimum inclination of diagonal strut, a = 90.00 o

Construction Load, Qc = 1.20 kPa

Maximum bending moment, Mx = P x S / 10.00 = 36.00 x 2.00 x 2.00/10 = 14.40 kNm
Maximum bending moment, My = Self Weight + Construction Load = (60 x 9.81/1000 + 1.20 x 209.60/1000) x 2.00^2 / 10 = 0.34 kNm
Maximum shear force, V = PxS/2 = 36.00 x 2.00 / 2 = 36.00 kN
Compressive Force (corner) = Max. of Pc = Max. of (0, 0, 0, 0) = 0.00 kN
Compressive Force (1% Strut Force) = P x S x 1% = 36.00 x 2.00 x 1% = 0.72 kN
Compressive Force (diagonal strut) = P x S / tan a = 36.00 x 0.00 / tan 90 = 0.00 kN
Load Factor = 1.4

Design Bending Moment (Major Axis) Mx = 20.2 kNm Design Shear Force V = 50.4 kN
Design Bending Moment (Minor Axis) My = 0.5 kNm Axial Force Fc = 1.0 kN

3. Section Classification (Table 7.1)

e = [275 / py]1/2 = 1.0 b/T = 7.2 < 8.0 e (Plastic) (Table 7.1, Outstand element of compression flange)
d/t = 17.3 < 80 e (Plastic) (Table 7.1, Web with neutral axis at mid-depth)

Class of Section = Plastic Section

4. Shear Buckling Resistance (Clause 8.4.6)

d/t = 17.3 < 70e = 70.0

Therefore, Not Required to Check for Shear Buckling

5. Check Shear Capacity (Clause 8.2.1)

Shear Area Av = 1949 mm2

Shear Capacity Vc = pyAv/(3)^0.5
= 309 kN
Design Shear Force V = 50.4 kN < Pv = 309 kN Check Shear OK

Since, 0.6Vc = 186 kN > V Low Shear

203x203x60 UC, Wailing Check(203x203x60 UC)

#N/A Job No.:
Date: 16-May-19

Mcx = 29.42 kNm > My = 0.5 kNm Minor Moment Capacity OK

6. Check Moment Capacity (for plastic or compact sections) (Clause 8.2.2)

Major Axis Mcx = Lesser of pySx and 1.2pyZx

pySx = 179 kNm 1.2pyZx = 192 kNm
Mcx = 179 kNm > Mx = 20.2 kNm Major Moment Capacity OK

Minor Axis Mcy = Lesser of pySy and 1.2pyZy

pySy = 83 kNm 1.2pyZy = 66 kNm
Mcy = 66 kNm > My = 0.5 kNm Minor Moment Capacity OK

7. Check Lateral Torsional Buckling (Clause 8.3)

Unrestrained Span Length L = 2.00 m

Effective Length LE = 1.0 L = 2.0 m (Clause 8.3.4)
Minor Axis Slenderness l = LE / ry = 38.6
Buckling parameter u = 0.85 (Clause
l/x = 2.73
Slenderness factor n = 1/(1+0.05(l/x)2)0.25 (Clause Eqn 8.27)
= 0.924
bw = 1.000 (Clause Eqn 8.28, 8.29)
Equivalent Slenderness = uvl(bw) = 30.2 (Clause Eqn 8.25)

Design strength py = 275.00 N/mm2

Buckling strength pb = 273.0 N/mm2 (Table 8.3a for rolled section)
Buckling resistance moment Mb = 178.0 kNm (Clause Eqn 8.20, 8.21, 8.22, 8.23, 8.24)

Equivalent uniform moment factor mLT = 0.93 (Table 8.4a for no intermediate lateral restraint)

mLTMx = 18.75 < Mb= 178.0 kNm (Clause Eqn 8.18)
and Mx = 20.16 < Mcx= 179.3 kNm (Clause Eqn 8.19)
Lateral Torsional Buckling Resistance OK

8. Cross-section Capacity Check (Clause 8.9.1)

Fc Mx My 1.0 20.2 0.5

+ + = + +
Agpy Mcx Mcy 2084.5 179.3 65.6

= 0.00 + 0.11 + 0.01

= 0.12
< 1 Cross-section Capacity OK

9. Member Buckling Resistance Check (Clause 8.9.2)

Axis of buckling = x-x

Unrestrain length (X-Axis) Lx = 2.00 m
Effective Length (X-Axis) LEx = 1.0 Lx = 2.00 m (Clause 8.3.4)
Major Axis Slenderness lx = LEx / rx = 22.3 ≈ 25
Maximum Thickness T = 14.2 mm ≤ 40 mm
Type of Section = Rolled H-section ≤ 40mm
Designation of buckling curves for different section types: Buckling Curve b) (Table 8.7)
Compressive Strength pcx = 267.00 N/mm2 (Table 8.8(b))

Axis of buckling = y-y

Unrestrain length (Y-Axis) Ly = 2.00 m
Effective Length (Y-Axis) LEy = 1.0 Ly = 2.00 m (Clause 8.3.4)
Minor Axis Slenderness ly = LEy / ry = 38.6 ≈ 40
Maximum Thickness T = 14.2 mm ≤ 40 mm
Type of Section = Rolled H-section ≤ 40mm
Designation of buckling curves for different section types: Buckling Curve c) (Table 8.7)
Compressive Strength pcy = 238.00 N/mm (Table 8.8(c))

Design Compressive Strength pc = min. of pcx & pcy = 238.0 N/mm2

Moment equivalent factor m for flexural buckling
mx = 0.95 (Table 8.9)
my = 0.95 (Table 8.9)

Fc mxMx myMy 1.0 19.2 0.4

+ + = + +
Agpc Mcx Mcy 1804.0 179.3 65.6

= 0.00 + 0.11 + 0.01

= 0.11
< 1 Overall Capacity OK

203x203x60 UC, Wailing Check(203x203x60 UC)

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