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Article history: This study provided a novel supercritical methanol transesterification process with little amount of
Received 9 February 2017 CH3ONa catalyst to synthesize biodiesel from soybean oil by response surface technology. The maximum
Received in revised form 12 April 2017 biodiesel yield was 97.42% under the optimal conditions of 250 °C, methanol to oil molar ratio of 23:1,
Accepted 5 May 2017
1.0 wt% CH3ONa and 20 min. Temperature was proved to have the most significant effect on transester-
Available online 15 May 2017
ification, followed by methanol to oil molar ratio and catalyst amount. The kinetic model suggested a
1.5th order reaction with the activation energy of 27.06 kJmol1 and the pre-exponential factor of
102.71. The values of thermodynamic parameters including enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy
for this process were calculated as 23.15 kJmol1, 0.22 kJmol1K1 and 137.43 kJmol1 at 250 °C,
Supercritical methanol respectively. Reduced reaction temperature, catalyst amount, and reaction time are among the advan-
Kinetics tages of the integrated process for biodiesel production over single supercritical process and conventional
Thermodynamics catalytic methods.
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0016-2361/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
740 D. Zeng et al. / Fuel 203 (2017) 739–748
Three variables of transesterification including reaction temper- (46.636%) gave a high cetane number and decreased the viscosity
ature (150–250 °C), methanol to oil molar ratio (23:1–69:1) and of biodiesel [30].
CH3ONa amount (0.5–1.5 wt%) were employed to design the exper-
iments by RSM coupled with Box-Behnken design (BBD). As this 3.1.2. Development of mathematical model
model uses points outside the design space (1.00, 1.00 levels) Table 3 shows the ANOVA results to explore the model fitness.
which provides a reliable estimation over the entire design space, The F-value of 174.84 indicates the model is significant, and the P-
it is more efficient and economical than the corresponding full value is less than 0.0001, implying that only a 0.01% chance that a
three-level factorial design [29]. The central point was performed model with such large F-value could occur due to noise. For indi-
three times to consider reproducibility. The results of the experi- vidual terms, only those with Prob. > F less than 0.05 are deemed
mental design matrix and the biodiesel yield (response value) are as significant. Besides, the ‘‘Lack-of-fit F-value” of 3.23 implying
shown in Table 1, which were performed in a random order and the Lack of Fit is not significant relative to pure error. Therefore,
in triplicate to achieve repeatable results. The reaction time was the proposed model is valid and statistically significant. Subse-
fixed at 20 min in the optimization experiments. quently, the final equation regarding coded factors after eliminat-
ing the insignificant parameters is given in Eq. (4).
2.5. Statistical analysis
X ¼ 0:95 þ 0:13A 0:047AB 0:062BC 0:11A2 0:029B2
A quadratic polynomial model was developed to predict the 0:069C 2 ð4Þ
biodiesel yield as a function of the independent variables. The gen-
eral form of this second-order polynomial can be expressed as: A correlation coefficient R = 0.9968 which was found to be very
close to unity shows the excellent correlation between the exper-
3 X
3 X
2 X
imental data and the predicted data. It reveals that the regression
X ¼ b0 þ b i xi þ bii x2i þ bij xi xj ð3Þ
model can successfully predict the biodiesel yield by transesterifi-
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 j¼iþ1
cation. The predicted R2 of 0.9568 was in reasonable agreement
where X is the predicted response; xi and xj are the experimental with the adjusted R2 of 0.9911 in the refined model. The signal
factor levels; b0 is the offset term; bi, bii and bij are the linear, quad- to noise ratio is measured with sufficient precision, and a ratio
ratic and interactive coefficients, respectively. A complete analysis greater than four is desirable. In this case, the ratio of 36.935 indi-
of variance (ANOVA) was performed by Design Expert Software Ver- cated an adequate signal. Thus, the model can be used to navigate
sion 8.0.6 (Stat-Ease, Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite 480 Min- the design space.
neapolis, MN 55413) at a significance level of 95%. Subsequently,
the quality of the proposed model was evaluated by the correlation 3.2. Effect of experimental factors
coefficient (R2) while indicating the consideration of a complete
quadratic model and eliminating terms that were not significant The surface plots of the biodiesel yield versus interactions of
as the analysis continued. two variables are presented in Figs. 3–5. In each graph, the remain-
ing variables are set constant at the center point.
3. Results and discussion
3.2.1. Effect of temperature
3.1. Process optimization Fig. 3 depicts the 3D response curve of the biodiesel yield
against reaction temperature and methanol to oil molar ratio.
3.1.1. Analysis of FAME with GC–MS The higher F-value of the model term represents a greater impact
A detailed quantification of the biodiesel composition was per- of temperature on biodiesel yield. Thus, it is apparently found that
formed by GC–MS, and the GC chromatogram is shown in Fig. 2. temperature significantly affects the conversion of soybean oil to
FAME profile of the experimental run conducted at the optimum FAME compared with the other two parameters (i.e. methanol to
conditions (250 °C, methanol to oil molar ratio of 23:1, 1.0 wt% oil molar ratio and catalyst amount). As temperature increases
CH3ONa and 20 min) is summarized in Table 2. 9-Octadecenoic from 150 to 250 °C, the yield increased from 63.47% to 97.42%.
acid, methyl ester, (9E)-(C18:1) and 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid, The variation tendency suggests that a higher temperature could
methyl ester (C18:2) are the two major constituents present in lead to a higher conversion yield. It is consistent with Demirbas’
FAME. The presence of these monounsaturated compounds conclusion that increasing reaction temperature, especially super-
Table 1
Experimental design matrix and the corresponding biodiesel yield in transesterification.
Std. order Run order Temperature Methanol to oil molar ratio Catalyst amount (wt.%) Observed yield (%) Predicted yield (%)
1 1 150 23 1.0 63.47 62.81
4 2 250 69 1.0 90.01 90.67
13 3 200 46 1.0 94.09 94.90
12 4 200 69 1.5 78.91 79.39
7 5 150 46 1.5 64.78 65.14
8 6 250 46 1.5 90.16 89.03
3 7 150 69 1.0 74.79 73.96
15 8 200 46 1.0 94.98 94.90
10 9 200 69 0.5 92.89 92.59
9 10 200 23 0.5 78.84 78.36
14 11 200 46 1.0 95.62 94.90
6 12 250 46 0.5 92.32 91.96
5 13 150 46 0.5 62.57 63.70
2 14 250 23 1.0 97.42 98.25
11 15 200 23 1.5 89.76 90.06
742 D. Zeng et al. / Fuel 203 (2017) 739–748
critical temperatures has a favorable influence on the biodiesel previous article [32]. Since the enthalpy for the transesterification
yield [31]. The thermodynamic reason has been explained in our has become positive in the SC-MeOH temperature domain, the
reaction equilibrium is displaced in the direction of higher FAME
concentration. Considering that in Fig. 3 biodiesel yield does not
Table 2
Fatty acid profile of biodiesel (as % of methyl esters). considerably increase by elevating reaction temperature beyond
250 °C and higher reaction conditions cause higher energy con-
Residence Type of FAME % Area
sumption, the reaction temperature was chosen at 250 °C.
5.323 9-Hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester (C16:1) 0.198
3.2.2. Effect of methanol to oil molar ratio
5.611 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (C16:0) 8.691
9.442 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester (C18:2) 38.452 The experiment results indicated that the methanol to oil molar
9.649 9-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (9E)-(C18:1) 42.686 ratio has a gradually increasing impact on the conversion into
9.724 11-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester (C18:1) 2.915 FAME, as illustrated in Fig. 4. A high molar ratio of methanol
9.954 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester, (Z,Z,Z)- 0.861 pushes the chemical equilibrium forward. Furthermore, an excess
10.250 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester (C18:0) 3.898
amount of methanol increases the contact between methanol
12.502 Docosanoic acid, methyl ester (C22:0) 0.836 and soybean oil, improving transesterification reaction [33]. How-
14.948 cis-11-Eicosenoic acid, methyl ester (C20:1) 0.837 ever, with the increase of methanol ratio, the solubility of bypro-
15.558 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester (C20:0) 0.625 duct glycerol in biodiesel increases that shifts reaction
Saturated fatty acid 14.050 equilibrium backsides. Considering the interaction between fac-
Monounsaturated fatty acid 46.636 tors, temperature gives the most prominent effect on the biodiesel
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 39.313
yield. As shown in Table 1, the highest value of 97.42% was
D. Zeng et al. / Fuel 203 (2017) 739–748 743
Table 3
Result of ANOVA for response surface quadratic model.
Source Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean square F-value Prob.>F Significant
Model 0.22 9 0.024 174.84 <0.0001 Yes
A-A 0.14 1 0.14 984.29 <0.0001 Yes
B-B 6.301E004 1 6.301E004 4.56 0.0858 No
C-C 1.133E004 1 1.133E004 0.82 0.4067 No
AB 8.780E003 1 8.780E003 63.56 0.0005 Yes
AC 4.774E004 1 4.774E004 3.46 0.1221 No
BC 0.016 1 0.016 112.22 0.0001 Yes
A2 0.041 1 0.041 298.07 <0.0001 Yes
B2 3.142E003 1 3.142E003 22.75 0.0050 Yes
C2 0.017 1 0.017 126.52 <0.0001 Yes
Residual 6.906E004 5 1.381E004
Lack of fit 5.725E004 3 1.908E004 3.23 0.2452 No
Pure error 1.181E004 2 5.904E005
Cor. Total 0.22 14
Fig. 3. Effects of temperature and methanol to oil molar ratio on biodiesel yield (catalyst amount = 1.0 wt%, reaction time = 20 min).
Fig. 4. Effects of methanol to oil molar ratio and catalyst amount on biodiesel yield (reaction temperature = 250 °C, reaction time = 20 min).
obtained at the reaction conditions of the methanol to oil molar tical for a multi-factor influence experiment. Therefore, the opti-
ratio at 23:1, so single factor analysis is not so accurate and prac- mum molar ratio of methanol to oil was 23:1.
744 D. Zeng et al. / Fuel 203 (2017) 739–748
Fig. 5. Effects of temperature and catalyst amount on biodiesel yield (methanol to oil molar ratio = 23:1, reaction time = 20 min).
3.2.3. Effect of catalyst amount amount. However, a weaker interaction between reaction temper-
In our previous study, the biodiesel yield was only 94.80% by ature and catalyst amount was illustrated in Fig. 4.
the transesterification from soybean oil in supercritical methanol
without catalysts. The optimum reaction conditions were metha- 3.2.5. Evaluation of the integrated process
nol to soybean oil molar ratio of 46:1 at 300 °C for 45 min [23]. An additional experiment was performed under the optimum
In this work, little amount of CH3ONa (0.5–1.5 wt%) can lead to rel- reaction conditions to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The
atively mild reaction conditions. Fig. 5 shows the interaction effect experimental value of the biodiesel yield was 97.83%, which only
between temperature and catalyst amount on the biodiesel yield. has a percentage error of 4.27% with the predicted yield of
In the beginning, the biodiesel yield raised with the increase of 98.25%. Since the verification value well agreed with the estimated
CH3ONa amount. CH3ONa dissociation in methanol produces the value of the fitted model equation, it offers a reasonable accuracy
necessary methoxide anion to begin the reaction. Methoxide anion of the regression model to predict the optimum conditions for
(CH3O-) is strongly basic and has high catalytic activity in transes- achieving a maximum biodiesel yield.
terification reactions [17]. The reaction mechanism for methoxide-
catalyzed oil transesterification is formulated as three steps. As 3.3. Kinetic study of the transesterification process
expressed by Fig. 6, transesterification is a nucleophilic substitu-
tion reaction in the presence of methanol, and methoxide functions 3.3.1. Experiment
as a nucleophile [18]. The methoxide anion first attaches to the car- The kinetics of the transesterification process was investigated,
bonyl carbon atom of the triglycerides (TG) to form a tetrahedral and the variation curves of the biodiesel yield from 150 °C to
intermediate. Then, the tetrahedral intermediate reacts with 250 °C with respect to time are shown in Fig. 7. The other condi-
methanol to generate methoxide anion. At last, diglycerides (DG) tions are settled at the methanol to oil molar ratio of 23:1 and
and alkyl ester are formed by the rearrangement of the tetrahedral 1.0 wt% CH3ONa with the reactor oscillating velocity of 50–
intermediate. DG and monoglycerides (MG) are converted by the 60 rpm. From Fig. 7, it is evident that with an increase in time,
same mechanism to produce alkyl ester and the by-product glyc- the biodiesel yield increases gradually and tails at 20 min.
erol, where R1, R2, and R3 represent long chain alkyl groups, respec-
tively. The maximum yield of 97.42% shown in Table 1 was
3.3.2. Kinetic parameters of the process
obtained at the CH3ONa amount of 1.0 wt%.
The overall transesterification reaction of TG to form FAME and
glycerol (GL) in the presence of methanol (MeOH) is shown in Eq.
3.2.4. Effect of interaction process variables
The results of ANOVA in Table 3 revealed that A, AB, BC and all TG þ 3MeOH ! 3FAME þ GL ð5Þ
the quadratic terms are significant model terms having large effect
on the biodiesel yield because of their low P-values. The higher F The rate of formation of product has been found to be well cor-
value for a parameter demonstrate its higher significance on the related by the following rate equation
biodiesel yield. Thus, the order of influences of these parameters r A ¼ k0 cnA cm ð6Þ
was as follows: reaction temperature (A) > methanol to oil molar
ratio (B) > catalyst amount (C). Namely, the reaction temperature As the amount of methanol is excess, we may assume that the con-
is the most important variable for the catalytic-supercritical trans- B :Thus,
centration of methanol is constant. Besides, set k ¼ k0 cm
esterification reaction. Figs. 3–5 show the 3D response curves
dcA n
related to the effect of two variables on the biodiesel yield. The r A ¼ ¼ kcA ð7Þ
curved nature of 3D response in Fig. 3 and 5 indicated relatively
significant interactions of reaction temperature with methanol to Because the concentration of TG at any moment of the reaction can
oil molar ratio and methanol to oil molar ratio with catalyst be expressed as cA ¼ c0 ð1 xÞ, so
D. Zeng et al. / Fuel 203 (2017) 739–748 745
By taking the natural logarithm Eq. (9) can be written as Eq. (10)
ln ¼ n ln½c0 ð1 xÞ þ ln k0 ð10Þ
In Eq. (6), k ¼ k=c0
As shown in Eq. (10), the order of the reaction and the rate con-
stant are determined from the plot of ln dx
vs. ln[c0(1 x)]. Here, we
use the differential method to identify the order of the reaction by
Exponential function in Origin software. The exponential function
expressed as
y ¼ y0 þ AeR0 x ð11Þ
Taken the obtained plot at 150 °C as an example, the fitting
function can be expressed as
Fig. 8. Plot of ln[c0(1 x)] vs.ln dx at 150 °C. Fig. 9. Plot of 1/T vs. ln k.
with the R2 value of 0.9884. From Eqs. (10) and (14), the reaction ature in Table 4 [34]. After taken the obtained parameters into Eqs.
order is obtained as 1.4, and the reaction rate constant is 0.0387. (15) and (7), the kinetic model of this integrated process can be
Similarly, the linear fitting plots at 175 °C, 200 °C, 225 °C and expressed as Eq. (17).
250 °C can be obtained, and the results are listed in Table 4.
dcA 27:06103
¼ 102:71e RT c1:5 A ð17Þ
3.3.3. Activation energy determination dt
The Arrhenius equation can be written as Eq. (15). By taking the Table 5 shows the comparison of kinetic parameters between
natural logarithm, Eq. (15) can be written as Eq. (16). this integrated process and other researchers’ work, the activation
energy for tannery waste [35], linseed oil [36], castor oil [36] and
k ¼ AeRT ð15Þ
rapeseed oil [33] is higher than the value obtained in this study.
It is because the different fatty acid composition of oil used and
ln k ¼ þ ln A ð16Þ the small amount of the involved catalyst, which lowered the acti-
vation energy.
where A is the pre-exponential factor, and Ea is the activation
energy (kJmol1). R is the molar universal gas constant
(8.314 Jmol1K1), and T represents the absolute temperature (K).
A linear correlation between ln k and T1 can be found in Eq.
(16). By using the rate constants listed in Table 4 and the corre-
sponding temperature from 150 °C to 250 °C, The straight line with
the R2 value of 0.9016 was obtained in Fig. 9. The activation energy
and pre-exponential factor can be calculated from the intercept
and the slope as 27.06 kJmol1 and 102.71, respectively. Besides,
the reaction order of SC-MeOH and CH3ONa-catalyzed transesteri-
fication is 1.5 which is averaged by the order value at each temper-
Table 4
Reaction order, reaction rate constant and relative value at different temperatures.
Table 5
Comparison of the kinetic parameters calculated by different methods.
Table 6
Thermodynamic parameters in the integrated transesterification process.
Thermodynamic parameters mainly including the enthalpy The authors would like to acknowledge financial support for
(DH), entropy (DS), and the Gibbs free energy (DG) are important this research from the National Natural Science Foundation of
features to evaluate the behavior of transesterification reactions. China (No. 21376186).
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