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Touchstone 1 - Unit 8

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Unit 8

Quiz Name:
Teacher Scoring

A Listen to th e four conversations in a store. C heck (/ ) th e tru e sta te m e n t A 8 points

for each conversation. (2 points each)

1. D He’s buying a h a t for his m other. 3. D She’s looking for a dressy skirt. 1.___ 3.___
□ H e’s buying a p re se n t for his girlfriend. □ She w an ts so m eth in g com fortable.
□ H e’s looking for his scarf. D She’s looking for pants.
2. D Baseball caps are $12.95. 4. D She w ants to b u y som ething casual. 2. ___ 4 .___
D C aps are $9.25. D She w an ts to b u y a fun skirt.
D Gloves are $12.95. D She n eed s to b u y som e jeans.

B 12 points
B C om plete th e conversations. Use th e w ords in paren th eses. (2 points each)
1. A W hat kinds of c lo th e s _________________________________ (you / like to / wear) 1.A ___
to work?
B Actually, I _________________________________ (have to / wear) a uniform . B ___

2. A I n e e d to go shopping to day. (you / n e e d to / buy) 2. A

an y thing at th e mall?

B Yeah, I __________________________________ (w ant to / get) a couple of things. ____

Let’s m eet after class.

3. A _________________________________ (your te a c h e r / have to / wear) a suit to work? 3. A ___

B No, h e d o e sn ’t. But h e _________________________________ (have to / look) good. B ___

C 8 points
C Circle th e correct w ords. (1 point each)
1. A H ow m u ch is th is / th ese purse? 1.A ___
B It’s / They’re $29.95. B ___

2. A How m u ch are th a t / th ese shoes? 2. A ___

B It’s / They’re $52.50. B ___

3. A H ow m u ch are this / th o se sunglasses? 3. A ___

B It’s / They’re $11.50. ___

4. A How m u ch is th a t / th o se belt? 4. A ___

B It’s /T h e y ’re $18.00. ___

T-168 • Unit 8 Quiz Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press

D C om plete th e sen ten ces w ith the w ords in the box. D 4 points
(1 point each)
a backpack a coat jean s a suit a n d tie

1. I n e e d to b u y ________________________ for school. I have a lot of books. l . ___

2. I have to dress u p for work. I usually w e a r ________________________ . 2.___
3. Joe is tired after work. He ju st w ants to go h o m e a n d p u t o n _______________________ 3.___
or so m eth in g com fortable.
4. It’s cold this w inter. I n e e d to b u y ________________________ . 4.___

E C om plete th e conversation. Circle the correct expressions. E 8 points

(2 points each)
A Are you w earing th o se jea n s to the restaurant?

B U h-huh. / Let m e think. Let’s go.

A I know jean s are com fortable, b u t it’s a n expensive place.

B Uh, m e too. / Oh, really? 2. _

A Well, I’m w earing this su it___

B Yeah, you look great. OK. Let’s see. / Really? W hat do I have? 3. _
A How a b o u t your n ew black pants?

B Oh, / Well, great! T hey’re perfect. W onderful idea! 4. _


F Read th e m em o to the servers in a restau ran t. T hen w rite T for th e tru e sta te m e n ts F 10 points
an d F for th e false statem en ts. (2 points each)

TO: All Servers DATE: 10/16

FROM: M att H anson
RE: U niform s

This season w e have new uniform s. All servers - m en and w om en - have

to w ear the new uniform . It's orange and w hite. The pants are w hite, and
the shirt is orange. The uniform also has a w hite belt, b u t you d o n 't have
to w ear it. You need to w ear w hite socks, b u t there are no socks w ith the
uniform .

The new uniform costs $49.95. You d o n 't have to p ay for a uniform this year.
The restaurant is paying for tw o uniform s for all servers. N ext year, you
have to pay for all your uniform s.

Thank you.
1. __
1. Servers have to w ear a uniform .
3. __
2. The sh irt is w hite.
4. __
3. T here’s no belt.
5. __
4. The uniform s are $45.95. Total:
5. _ This year, servers n e e d to pay for th eir uniform s. out of 50

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press Unit 8 Quiz • T-

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