Midterm Test 1 - 6
Midterm Test 1 - 6
Midterm Test 1 - 6
Teacher Scoring
Steve Hey, I have French w ith Mr. Cass o n F riday.. in th e sam e class. 4 ..
A d a m T h a t’s great.
M a r is a _________________. 4 . ____
( 4)
E 6 points
E Circle th e correct w ords. (1 point each)
F 4 points
F Read each sen ten ce. Circle th e correct words. (1 point each)
1. I don't like coffee. 1.
I always / usually / never drin k coffee.
2. My sister plays soccer every day after school. 2 .__
She often / hard ly ever / never plays soccer.
3. My d a d goes o n th e In te rn et a b o u t once a m o n th . 3 . ____
G 5 points
G M atch th e q u estio n s w ith th e answ ers. Use each answ er only once. (1 point each)
1. A W h e n __________________________________________________________ t 1.___
B My p a re n ts usually go o u t o n th e w eekend.
2. A W h e re _________________________________________________________ \ 2.___
B I usually go o u t to a re sta u ra n t or club o n S aturday nights.
3. A W h a t_________________________________________________________ • 3___
B My girlfriend? She goes to th e gym a n d exercises in h e r free tim e.
I Look at th e picture. C om plete th e answ ers w ith n e x t to, on, in , or under. I 4 points
(1 point each)
J C om plete th e q u estio n s a n d answ ers. Use th e sim ple p rese n t a n d th e verbs J 12 points
in th e box. Use capital letters w here necessary. (1 point each)
M 5 points
M C om plete th e sentences. W rite T h e re ’s or There are. (1 point each)
P Read th e store hours. T h en look at th e tim es in th e answ ers. W rite th e questions. P 6 points
(2 points each)
1._______ A
_________________________________________________________ l._
B At noon.
2. _______________________________________________
A 2 ..
B At te n o’clock.
3. 3. _
B At six.
H 9 S
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Dear Erin,
I’m sorry this e-mail is so late! I never have any free time on Mondays! Yes, let’s
meet and work on my paper together tomorrow. But w hen?
I’m really busy tomorrow, too. I work from 6:00 to 11:00. (I’m a server at Copper
Cafe, and the breakfast hours are really crazy!) Then I have a c h e s s club meeting
from 12:00 to 1:30. But luckily, I don’t have my afternoon cla ss tomorrow. My
teacher has a meeting out of town. So , let’s meet tomorrow at 2:00. Is that O K ?
' (< c »'»' c r <<i' o o c r* n r i> »* r
My paper on the Louvre Museum needs a lot of work! There’s som e great
information about the Louvre on the Internet. (You speak French, right? Som e of the
W eb pages are in French, and I don’t speak French.) There’s a very good computer
in Room A-13, and it’s quiet there, too - there are usually only a couple of people in
there. So, let’s meet there and find the information. O K ?
out of 100