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Babylon 5 CGS Cards

# Name Faction Type Unique Phase Deck Cost Stats

Health: 5
1 Adira Tyree Centauri Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Combat: 1

1 Centauri House God Centauri Event Allocate F 0 Use

1 Centauri Poison Centauri Ability Allocate F 2 Crew Is

Health: 3
1 Centauri Telepath Centauri Crew Allocate F 1
Psi: 3

Health: 3
Combat: 1
1 Emperor Turhan Centauri Crew 2259 Allocate F 0
Command: 5
Diplomacy: 5

Health: 3
1 Londo Mollari Centauri Crew 2258 Allocate F 1 Combat: 3
Diplomacy: 4

Health: 3
Combat: 3
1 Londo Mollari Centauri Crew 2259 Fire F 0
Command: 3
Diplomacy: 4

Health: 3
1 Lord Refa Centauri Crew 2259 Allocate F 2 Combat: 2
Diplomacy: 4
Health: 4
1 Vir Cotto Centauri Crew 2258 Any F 1
Diplomacy: 2

Health: 4
1 Vir Cotto Centauri Crew 2259 Allocate F 0
Diplomacy: 3

2 Carrier Deployment Earth Event Allocate F 0 Use

Health: 4
1 Dr. Stephen Franklin Earth Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Medical: 4

Health: 4
1 Dr. Stephen Franklin Earth Crew 2259 Allocate F 1
Medical: 4

Health: 5
Combat: 3
1 Jeffery Sinclair Earth Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Command: 4
Diplomacy: 6

Health: 5
Combat: 4
1 John Sheridan Earth Crew 2259 Allocate F 1
Command: 4
Diplomacy: 6

Health: 4
1 Michael Garibaldi Earth Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Combat: 5

Health: 4
1 Michael Garibaldi Earth Crew 2259 Allocate F 1
Combat: 5
Health: 2
1 President Luis Santiago Earth Crew 2258 Allocate F 3
Command: 6

Health: 4
1 President Morgan Clark Earth Crew 2259 Allocate F 3 Command: 5
Diplomacy: 2

1 Station Refit Earth Event Allocate F 0 Use

Health: 5
Combat: 4
1 Susan Ivanova Earth Crew 2258 Fire F 1
Command: 4
Psi: 1

Health: 5
Combat: 4
1 Susan Ivanova Earth Crew 2259 Fire F 2
Command: 4
Psi: 1

Health: 3
1 Zack Allen Earth Crew 2259 Allocate F 0
Combat: 3

1 Accelerated Movement Generic Event Move E 1 Use

1 Activate Defense Grid Generic Event Fire D 1 Use

1 Activate Defense Grid Generic Event OP Fire D 1 Use

1 Addendum Generic Event OP Vote B 2 Use

1 Alien Healing Device Generic Gear Allocate A 0 Crew Is

1 Amendment Generic Event Vote B 0 Use

1 Approach Maneuver Generic Event Move E 1 Use

1 Balance of Power Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

2 Balance of Wealth Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

Health: 2
1 Blip Generic Crew Allocate C 0
Psi: 4

1 Body Armor Generic Gear Any A 0 Crew Is

1 Budget Surplus Generic Vote Vote B 1 Use

1 Build Jump gate Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

1 Civilian Observers Generic Vote Vote B 0 2 Rounds

1 Civilian Uprising Generic Event Allocate C 3 Use

1 Command Presence Generic Ability Move A 3 Crew Is

1 Contesting Debate Generic Vote OP Allocate B 1 1 Phase

1 Council Debate Generic Event Any C 2 Use

1 Day of the Dead Generic Event Allocate C 0 Use

1 Deep Scan Generic Ability Allocate A 5 Use

1 Deficit Spending Generic Event Allocate C 0 1 Phase

1 Demobilization Generic Event Allocate C * Use

1 Downsize Military Generic Event Allocate C 0 Use

1 Economic Boon Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

1 Economic Disaster Generic Event Allocate C 3 2 rounds

Health: 2
1 Elric Generic Crew 2259 Allocate C 3 Combat: 5
Diplomacy: 4

1 Emergency Evacuation Generic Event Any C 0 Use

1 Expeditious Outpost Generic Event Fire D * Use

1 Exploring the Rim Generic Event Allocate C * Use

1 False Orders Generic Event Move E * 1 Turn

1 Field Promotion Generic Ability Fire A 1 Crew Is

1 Fire Control Generic Event Fire D 0 Use*

1 Forced Surrender Generic Event Allocate C 6 1 Round

1 Free Trade Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

1 Gravitational Pull Generic Event Move E 3 Use

1 Gravity Storm Generic Event Move E 0 Use

1 Great Machine, The Generic Gear 2259 Allocate A 4

Health: 4
1 Ground Pounder Generic Crew Fire D 2
Combat: 3

1 Hasty Repair Generic Event Allocate C 1 Use

1 Heavy Weapon Overload Generic Event OP Fire D * Use

1 Joint Fleet Operations Generic Vote Vote B 2 1 Round

1 Jump Beacon Malfunction Generic Event OP Move E 4 Use

1 Jump Engines Online Generic Event Move E * 1 Round

1 Jump Envelope Generic Event Move E 1 Use

1 Laser Malfunction Generic Event OP Fire D * Use

1 Letter of Censure Generic Vote Vote B * Use

1 Long Range Scan Generic Event Allocate C 0 Use

1 Long Range Support Generic Event Fire D 0 1 Phase

1 Medical Scanner Generic Gear Any A 0 Crew Is

1 Merchandising Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

1 Mind Block Generic Ability Allocate A 0 Crew Is

1 Mine Explosion Generic Event Allocate C * Use

1 Missing In Action Generic Event Allocate C 1 Use

Health: 3
1 Na'ka'leen Feeder Generic Crew Allocate C 2
Combat: 3

Health: 6
1 N'Grath Generic Crew 2258 Allocate C 0 Combat: 5
Diplomacy: 2

1 Preemptive Strike Generic Event OP Fire D * Use

1 Ramming maneuver Generic Event Move E 2 Use

1 Rapid Turn Generic Event Move E 0 Use

1 Ravaged Colony Generic Event Allocate C 2 1 Round

1 Self Destruct Generic Event OP Fire D 0 Use

Health: 6
2 Shog Toth Generic Crew 2258 Allocate C 2
Combat: 5
1 Spatial Rift Generic Event Allocate C 3 Use

1 Spatial Shift Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

2 Squadron Replacements Generic Event Allocate C * Use

1 Station Control Generic Event Allocate C 2 *

1 Stray Asteroid Generic Event Move E 0 Use

1 Strong Economy Generic Event Allocate C 0 2 Rounds

1 Surprise Attack Generic Event OP Move E * Use

1 Suspend Production Generic Vote Vote B 3 1 Round

1 Tactical Retreat Generic Event OP Fire D * Use

1 Target Overstrike Generic Event Fire D * Use

1 Targeting Opportunity Generic Event Fire D 1 1 Turn

1 Telepathic Suppressant Generic Ability Allocate A 0 Crew Is

1 Time Distortion Generic Event Any C * Use

1 Time-Space Manipulation Generic Event Move E 3 Use

1 Trade Agreement Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

1 Unexplored Territory Generic Event Allocate C 1 Use

1 War Declaration Generic Vote Vote B 0 1 Round

1 War Sanctions Generic Vote Vote B 0 Use

1 Wartime Restitution Generic Vote Vote B 0 1 Round

1 Weapon Misfire Generic Event OP Fire D * Use

Health: 4
1 Abbai Ambassador League Crew 2258 Allocate F 1 Combat: 2
Diplomacy: 3

Health: 5
1 Brakiri Ambassador League Crew 2259 Allocate F 0 Combat: 2
Diplomacy: 5

Health: 3
1 Drazi Ambassador League Crew 2258 Allocate F 0 Combat: 4
Diplomacy: 4

Health: 3
1 Drazi Ambassador League Crew 2259 Allocate F 1 Combat: 4
Diplomacy: 4

Health: 3
1 Gaim Ambassador League Crew 2258 Allocate F 0 Combat: 2
Diplomacy: 3

Health: 4
1 Green Drazi League Crew Allocate F 1
Combat: 3

1 League Action League Vote Vote F 0 Use

Health: 3
1 Markab Ambassador League Crew 2258 Allocate F 2 Combat: 3
Diplomacy: 4
1 Nonaggression League Event Allocate F 3 1 Round

Health: 3
1 Purple Drazi League Crew Allocate F 1
Combat: 4

1 Chrysalis Transformation Minbari Ability Allocate F 0 Crew Is

Health: 3
Combat: 2
1 Delenn Minbari Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Command: 3
Diplomacy: 5

Health: 3
1 Delenn Minbari Crew 2259 Allocate F 1 Combat: 2
Diplomacy: 5

1 Disarmament Minbari Vote Vote F 0 Use

Health: 6
1 Lennier Minbari Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Combat: 5

Health: 6
1 Lennier Minbari Crew 2259 Allocate F 1
Combat: 5
Health: 4
1 Neroon Minbari Crew 2259 Allocate F 2 Combat: 6
Command: 3

1 Surprise Deployment Minbari Event Allocate F * Use

1 Book Of G'Quon Narn Gear Allocate F 0 Crew Is

1 Death Blossom Narn Event Allocate F 0 Use

Health: 6
Combat: 4
1 G'Kar Narn Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Command: 3
Diplomacy: 3

Health: 6
Combat: 4
1 G'Kar Narn Crew 2259 Fire F 2
Command: 3
Diplomacy: 3

1 Mine Surplus Narn Event Allocate F 0 1 Turn

Health: 4
1 Na'Toth Narn Crew 2259 Allocate F 1 Combat: 5
Diplomacy: 1

1 Pain Givers Narn Gear Allocate F 2 Crew Is

1 Post War Reconstruction Narn Vote Vote F 0 1 Round

1 Suicide Mission Narn Event Fire F 0 1 Phase

Health: 5
1 Tu'Pan Narn Crew 2258 Allocate F 1
Combat: 4

Health: 3
1 Alfred Bester Psi Crew 2259 Allocate F 2 Combat: 4
Psi: 6

Health: 4
1 Lyta Alexander Psi Crew 2259 Allocate F 2 Combat: 2
Psi: 3

Health: 3
1 Matthew Stoner Psi Crew 2259 Allocate F 3
Psi: 2

Health: 3
1 Talia Winters Psi Crew 2258 Any F 0
Psi: 6

Health: 4
1 Talia Winters Psi Crew 2259 Allocate F 1 Combat: 1
Psi: 4

1 Telepathic Projection Psi Ability Allocate F 2 Crew Is

1 Cyber Implants Shadow Event Allocate F 1 Use

Health: 3
1 Dark Servant Shadow Crew 2261 Fire F *
Combat: 2

1 Hyperspace Jump Distortion Shadow Event OP Move F 3 Use

Health: 4
1 Morden Shadow Crew 2258 Vote F 1 Combat: 2
Diplomacy: 5

Health: 4
1 Morden Shadow Crew 2259 Allocate F 2 Combat: 2
Diplomacy: 5

Health: 4
1 Shadow Bodyguard Shadow Crew Any F 4
Combat: 5

1 Soldier Of Darkness Shadow Event Allocate F 1 Use

1 The Coming Of Shadows Shadow Event Move F 0 3 Rounds

Health: 3
1 Inquisitor Vorlon Crew 2258 Allocate F 0
Combat: 3

1 Intervention Vorlon Event Allocate F * Use

Health: 5
Combat: 5
1 Kosh Naranek Vorlon Crew 2258 Allocate F 3
Diplomacy: 3
Psi: 8

Health: 5
Combat: 5
1 Kosh Naranek Vorlon Crew 2259 Fire F 2
Diplomacy: 3
Psi: 8

1 Vorlon Viewer Vorlon Gear Allocate F 4 Crew Is

A !!!!!!!!! D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Text Notes
C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Look at 1 randomly selected card in an

opponent hand. Put it back or discard
both this card and the selected card.

- Add economy to your reserve Economy

Reserve, raising it to 6. May not affect an
Economy Reserve greater than 6.

= Play on an opponent crew. May be

played on a non-Centauri crew.
= After this crew performs a periodic
function, it must make a [Health] Roll at -
2. If the roll fails, discard this crew.
> When buying cards, make a [Psi vs.
number of cards to be drawn] Roll. If
successful, draw 1 additional card and
place 1 of them on the bottom of the

- Pay a ship's upkeep to remove it from

your Scrap Yard. Then, make a [Health]
Roll. If the roll fails, discard this card.

= Has 1 vote on the Council.

- May 'gamble' paying 3 economy to add
the sum of 2 Babylon 5 dice (2B5) to
your Economy Reserve.
= Has 1 vote on the Council.
- Add 2 to a volley against the opponent
base closest (no ties) to your homeworld
map piece.
- An opponent of your choice selects 1 of
their crew. If both that crew and this
crew make a [Diplomacy] Roll, both
players gain 2 economy.
> Make a [Diplomacy vs. Diplomacy] Roll
against a crew attempting to affect 1 of
your crew. If successful, negates that
crew's function.
= Has 1 vote on the Council, if Londo
Mollari is not in play.
> When a card attempts to affect 1 of
your crew, that card's owner pays you 1

- Build squadrons for 1/2 their build cost

(drop fractions) on 1 docked carrier.

> When 1 of your other crew cards is

discarded due to a roll involving health or
combat, make a [Medical] Roll. If
successful, move the crew to your hand.

> When a crew card is discarded due to

an opponent card's function, make a
[Medical] Roll. If successful, move the
crew to the top of its owner's deck.
= Has 1 vote on the Council, if John
Sheridan is not in play.
> You may reroll 1 of your Defensive
Grid Die Rolls each turn.
= Has 1 vote on the Council.
> When an Earth Alliance ship activates a
Damage Indicator, reduce the damage by

> May cause an opponent whose card

function caused a crew to be discarded to
pay twice the play cost of the discarded
crew to the discarded crew's owner.

> After an opponent crew affects 1 of

your crew, make a [Combat vs. Combat]
Roll. If successful, move the opponent
crew to the top of its owner's deck.
- Add 1 economy to your Economy
Reserve for each opponent who does not
have one of your war tokens.
= Discard if President Clark is in play.
- Add 1 economy to your Economy
Reserve for each opponent who has 1 of
your war tokens.
- If the Babylon 5 map piece is exposed,
place a 2259 Refit Babylon 5 token in its
center hex. [No player controls Babylon
5. This token supersedes the Babylon 5
- May fire the weapons on Babylon 5 at
any ship (within range) which fired
weapons on the last round.

- May fire the weapons on Babylon 5 at

any ship (within range) if you have its
owner's war token.

> Make a [Combat vs. Combat] Roll

against a crew. If successful, negate the
crew's function prior to its effect and
move this card to the top of your deck.

- Allows 1 ship to make an additional

movement. [The additional movement
may include rotation, or any other legal
movement for that ship.]
- When played, roll a Defense Grid Die to
reduce an opponent weapons volley.
[This is in addition to the Defense Grid
Die Roll at the end of the volley.]
- When played, roll a Defense Grid Die to
reduce an opponent weapons volley.
[This is in addition to the Defense Grid
Die Roll at the end of the volley.]
> Allows 1 of your vote cards to be
played during an opponent's Council
Vote. One vote is called for both vote
cards together. Resolve the vote cards in
the order played.
> When one of your other crew is about
to be discarded due to a roll involving
Health or Combat, discard this crew
instead. Move this gear card to the other
- Call another Council Vote this turn. If
your previous vote passed, vote cards
discarded by you during the additional
Council vote count a 2 votes each.
- Destroy any unit. All of your ships which
are adjacent to that unit may rotate to
face it.
- All players with more than 4 cards in
their hand must discard 2 cards. All
players with 4 cards or less in their hand
may draw I card.

- Take 1/3 (drop fractions) of 1

opponent's Economy Reserves and
distribute it to 1 or more players as you
see fit. Announce how you will distribute
the economy prior to the vote.

- Make a [Psi vs. the number of cards in a

player's hand] Roll. If successful, select a
random card from their hand and put it
on their deck.
> If this crew is involved in a Stat vs.
Stat Roll involving its Combat Stat and
losses by 1 point, treat the result as a tie
- All players draw 1 card, at no cost, for
each vote they cast 'for' this Council vote.
Modifier votes do not give card draws.
[The hand limit of 7 may not be
exceeded by these draws.]

- Designate an empty hex in which to

place a Jump gate token. If vote is
successful, place token. [A maximum of 1
Jump gate is allowed per map piece.]

= Select 1 player who must pay a cost of

2 economy before each weapons volley.
[If the affected player does not have 2
economy, they may not fire a volley.]

- Select an opponent base. Roll a number

of Babylon 5 Dice equal to the number of
players with that opponent's war token
and apply the result as damage to the
- Make a [Command Stat vs. one of your
ship's defensive rating] Roll. If
successful, the ship may make an
additional movement. [The additional
movement may not be a jump.]
> Select a player who is attempting to
build a ship. That token and any identical
tokens may not be built. [This card
causes a Council Vote to Occur outside
the Vote Phase.]
> When a card is played, immediately call
a Council Vote, prior to its taking effect.
If the vote passes, discard the card. If
the card is a crew with a vote on it, it
may vote.
- Place a comet token in an empty hex
not on a homeworld map piece. Roll a
Defense Grid Die to determine the size of
the comet. [A result of zero indicated no
token is placed,]

- Make a [Psi Stat vs. the number of

cards in an opponent's hand] Roll. If
successful, expose a random card and
move it from their hand to your hand. It
is considered your card until discarded.

= You may build a token from your Scrap

yard with a build cost higher than your
Reserve, reducing your Reserve below
zero. [You can't spend economy until
your Reserve is above zero.]

- Remove up to 3 ships from your Scrap

Yard. [Reduces your Total Upkeep by the * The upkeep of the
ships' upkeep, therefore raising you Net ship(s).
- Remove 1 ship from your Scrap Yard.
[This reduces your Total Upkeep by the
ship's upkeep cost, therefore raising your
Net Economy.]
- Select 1 or more players. Each selected
player gains economy equal to their Net
= Increases the build cost of 1
opponent's ships by 3 economy each.
- Pay 7 economy to draw enough cards to
bring your hand to 7 cards.
> When of your carriers is being
destroyed, deploy its squadrons. This
does not count as the squadron's
movement. [Any squadrons not deployed
are destroyed.]
- Allows 1 base to be built during the Fire
* The Economy
Phase. [All other building restrictions still
indicator of the base.
- Place 1 of your beginning unplaced map
pieces, exposed, along the edge of the * The point value of
map adjacent to 2 or more map pieces. the map piece.
[Makes map larger by 1 piece.]
- Take control of 1 opponent ship until
the end of your turn. May not affect a * The upkeep cost of
ship in a docked position to a hex with an the ship.
economy indicator.
= If this crew has a Command Stat,
increase it by 1. Otherwise, this crew has
a Command Stat of 2.
- Make a Command Roll. If successful,
rotate 1 of your ships 60 degrees.
- Roll your Empire Defense grid Die. Add * If the volley does
the result to a weapons volley. not affect the target,
you may return this
card to your hand
instead of discarding
= At the end of this card's duration, any
opponent who has a Gross Economy
equal to or less than 1/3 of yours (drop
fractions) is immediately forced to
surrender. (See D1.12)
- Each player gains 2 economy for each
of their ships docked to Babylon 5 and for
each of their ships docked to an
opponent base if that opponent does not
have one of their war tokens.
- Select any ship or squadron and
relocate it (without rotating it) to the
center hex of its map piece, if
unoccupied. May not affect a ship in a
docked position with an Economy
- Rotate any 1 ship 120 degrees or any
number of opposing ships on the same
map piece, 60 degrees each. May not
affect a ship in a docked position to a hex
with an economy indicator.
= This crew may not use its other
> Once each round, pay 3 economy to
cause 1 event card just played to be
placed on top of its owner's deck,
negating its functions.
- Roll your empire Defense Grid Die. Add
the result to a weapons volley targeting a
- Repair a unit (paying its repair cost)
even if the unit is in a contested hex
and/or not docked.
> Cripples a ship that just fired heavy
weapons. [Use the weapons on the * The affected ship's
crippled side when resolving the current repair cost.
weapons volley.]

- Each player who votes 'for' this Council

Vote may make an additional movement
(not jump) with a token on their turn.
You may do this with two tokens.

> When an opponent token attempts to

jump, select its destination hex. The hex
must be a legal destination for that token
and any accompanying tokes (if it is a
fleet jump).

- Allows 1 ship (and only 1) with a jump

engine, that has already jumped, to jump * The upkeep cost of
again, during the same turn. This ship the ship.
cannot contest any hex for 1 round.

- Allows up to 2 extra hexes of distance

for all participating in 1 hyperspace jump.
* 1 economy per
> An opponent unit's laser malfunction,
damage point
causing no damage.
- Select a card in play. Put that card on
* The play cost of
its owner's deck and have the deck
the selected card.

- Look at any unexposed map piece

which has 1 or more hexes adjacent to
one of your units. You may secretly
rotate the piece and return it unexposed.

- All of your token may fire their heavy

weapons at a range of 3. [Use a Defense
Grid Die (instead of a Babylon 5 Die)
when rolling for Long Range Support at a
range of 3.]
= If this crew has a Medical Stat,
increase it by 1. Otherwise, this crew has
a Medical Stat of 2.
> If a crew fails a Health Roll, make a
Medical Roll. If successful, reroll their
Health Roll.
- All players gain 2 economy for each
crew of their empire in play (by any
> When this crew is in a Stat vs. Stat Roll
involving a Psi Stat (on either side), if this
crew fails by an amount less than this
crew's Psi Stat, the result is considered a
- Detonate any mine token or minefield * The Damage
hex. Apply the damage to any token in Indicator of the
the hex and to each adjacent token. mine.

- Select an opponent. Select 1 of their

crew at random. Put that crew (and any
gear or ability cards) on its owner's deck
and have the deck reshuffled.
- Select a player. Gain 1 economy for
each crew in their Discard Pile and then
remove the bottom most crew card in
that pile from the game.

- Adds 5 economy to your Economy

Reserve. When this is done, pass control
of this card to the player on your right.

> During a weapons volley, allows 1 of

your ships to fire at an opponent token * Upkeep cost of the
currently firing. [This volley is resolved ship.
before the current opponent volley.]
- Select a ship in the hex in front of one
of your ships. For each of these ships, roll
a number of Babylon 5 dice equal to its
upkeep and apply the result as damage
to the other ship.
- Rotate any 1 of your ships up to 120
degrees. [This is in addition to the ship's
regular movement.]
= Select an opponent base not affected
by another Ravaged Colony. opponent
pays a penalty to its Economy Indicator.
Cannot affect a base on a homeworld
map piece.
> When 1 of your ships is crippled (not
destroyed) by weapons fire, destroy your
ship to apply its defense rating as
damage (not weapons fire) to 1 of the
firing units.
- Select 1 opponent crew to make a
Health Roll at -2. If that crew fails,
discard the crew and this card. [(Health -
2) or less on 1D6.]
- Select 2 map pieces (exposed or
unexposed) adjacent to the same
homeworld map piece and exchange
them. Each piece is placed with the same
edge facing the homeworld as before.

- Select an exposed unoccupied map

piece. Replace it with another map piece
of equal or lesser value from outside the
game which is not a duplicate of exposed
map piece.
- Add up to 2 squadrons to a carrier
* The build cost of
(even if the carrier is in a contested hex
the squadron(s).
and/or not docked).

= If you have more crew on Babylon 5 * Another player has

than each of the other players, you may equal or more crew
fire its weapons during your Fire Phase. on Babylon 5.

- Roll 1 Babylon 5 Die (1B5) and place an

asteroid token, with a damage indicator
equal to the result, in any empty hex. [A
result of 0 means no asteroid token is
- Add 4 economy to your Economy
Reserve on this turn and on your next
> After an opponent's ship jumps, any of
* The upkeep cost of
your tokens may immediately fire a volley
the ship.
at that ship.
- Designate 1 player who may not build
> Allows 1 ship being fired upon to
perform 1 hex of movement. [Weapons * Twice the ship's
fire declared but no longer in range or upkeep.
arc is lost.]
- Allows the weapons on 1 ship to cause * The upkeep cost of
double damage for 1 weapons volley. the ship.
- Laser range on 1 unit is increased to 2
hexes. [Make a Long Range Support Die
Roll (1B5) for all lasers (fired at range 2)
separate from any roll for heavy
= May be played on an opponent crew.
This crew's Psi Stat is reduced to zero.
= Any crew with a Medical Stat may
discard, as a periodic function (-), this
card with a successful Medical Roll.
> Played when an opponent card is
played. Discard that card prior to its * The play cost of
taking effect. May not effect a crew card the card negated
or another Time Distortion.
- Rotate a map piece 60 degrees. [Units
on the map piece remain in their hex,
rotating with the map piece.] Each hex
on the map piece is then activated in the
order of your choice.
- Each player gains 2 economy for each
opponent who does NOT have 1 of their
war tokens.
- Place a Moon token in any hex not on a
homeworld map piece. Roll a Defense
Grid Die to determine the size of the
moon. [A result of zero indicates no
token is placed.]
= All players may build ships a 2 less
economy each (but not less than 1)
during their next Allocate Phase.
- Select 1 or more players. Each player
selected loses 2 economy from their
Economy Reserve for every opponent
who has their war token.
= Designate 1 opponent, who just
destroyed one of your ships (last round),
to pay you a penalty, equal to the build
cost of the ship, during their next Record
Keeping Phase.
> An opponent unit's weapons misfire,
* 1 economy per
causing no damage. You must affect the
damage point
lasers, heavy weapons or both (your
= Votes you call pass on ties.
> During your turn, for opponents to
discard cards as modifier votes, they
must pay 1 economy per card.
= Votes you call pass on ties.
> When jumping into a hex with a
Damage Indicator, a Brakiri token does
not take double damage.
= Votes you call pass on ties.
> May return 1 war token to an
opponent, adding 1 economy to your
Economy Reserve.
= Votes you call pass on ties.
> During an opponent Council Vote,
before votes are cast, pay 2 economy to
have 1 vote on the council.
= Votes you call pass on ties.
> Once per round, on your turn, cause 1
opponent to reroll one of their Defense
Grid Die Rolls.
> When played, you may discard any 1
'Purple Drazi' in play.
- If more 'Green Drazi' are in play than
'Purple Drazi", pay 1 economy to draw a
- Cards purchased from your deck this
turn cost 1 economy each. Each
opponent who voted ;for' this vote may
immediately purchase 1 card for 1
= Votes you call pass on ties.
= Ships you build on the Markab map
piece are built for 2 less economy.
- Designate 1 opponent who may not fire
weapons at your tokens. You may not fire
at their tokens.
> When played, you may discard any 1
'Green Drazi' in play.
- If more 'Purple Drazi' are in play than
'Green Drazi", pay 1 economy to draw a
- Play a later version of this crew.,
keeping both cards in play as 1 crew of
the later year (using its stats, etc.). Both
card's functions may be used. This crew
may only cast 1 vote.
= Has 1 vote on the Council.
- If a vote you called this turn does not
pass, up to 2 cards bought this turn cost
1 economy.

= Has 1 vote on the Council.

> When a vote is called, gain 1 economy.
If an opponent called the vote, that
opponent also gat 1 economy.

- All players may remove up to 3 ships

from their Scarp Yard. [This reduces your
Total Upkeep by your ship's upkeep cost,
therefore raising your Net Economy.]

> May substitute himself for any crew

when that crew must make a [Health] or
[Combat] Roll. [He is affected instead.]

= Has 1 vote on the Council, if Delenn is

not in play.
> If the stat of 1 of your crew is less
than the stat on this crew, add 1 to the
> Once per turn, when a squadron
moves adjacent to 1 of your ships, roll its
Defense Grid Die. Apply the result as
damage to the squadron.
- Allows you to build a ship, facing any
direction, in a free space hex adjacent to * The upkeep cost of
1 of your ships. This build cannot be the ship built.
- Place 2 cards from your hand on the
bottom of your deck to draw a card.
- Select 1 opponent crew card to make a
Health Roll. If that crew fails, discard it.
[A Heath Roll is successful when you roll
the crew's health or less on 1D6.]
= Has 1 vote on the Council.
- Allows 1 Narn unit in the Scrap Yard to
be built for 1 less economy.
= Has 1 vote on the Council.
- Rotate 1 of your ships 60 degrees.
= Your Narn units are immune to
minefields (not mine tokens).
- The build cost of mines is reduced to
half the normal cost (drop fractions).
= Has 1 vote on the Council if G'Kar is
not in play.
> Once per round, reroll 1 Long Range
Support Die Roll.

- Make a [Combat vs. Combat] Roll

against an opponent crew. If successful,
move this gear to that crew.
- This gear's owner controls this crew on
his turn.

= Designate 1 opponent, who just

destroyed one of your bases (last round),
to pay you a penalty equal to the build
cost of the base during their next Record
Keeping Phase.
- Double the weapons damage of 1 of
your squadrons. At the end of the phase,
if the squadron is undamaged, cripple the
squadron. Otherwise destroy it.

- Make a [Combat vs., Combat] Roll (an

'attack') against a crew card to discard it.
If this fails, that opponent selects 1 of
their crew to 'attack' Tu'Pari to discard
- Look at the top card of an opponent
deck. Place it back on top of their deck or
pay 2 economy to place it on the bottom
of their deck.
- Look at the top card of your deck. Place
the card back on top of your deck or pay
1 economy to place it on the bottom of
your deck.
- Pay a crew's play cost and make a [Psi
vs. Psi] Roll. If successful, control that
crew for this turn. [A crew without a stat
has a default stat of 1.]
> When an opponent crew attempts to
affect any of your crew, make a [Psi vs.
Health] Roll. If successful, prevents the
opponent's crew function.
> Once each Council Vote, make a [Psi
vs. Health] Roll against a crew. If
successful, change that crew's vote to
- Make a [Stat. vs. Stat] Roll (the number
of your telepaths in play vs. a crew's
Health). If successful, prevents that crew
from using periodic (-) and conditional
(>) function for 1 round.
- Choose a crew with a Psi stat greater
than zero to make a Psi roll at -2. If that
crew fails, discard the crew. [(Psi-2) or
less on 1D6.]
- Increase a weapons volley by an
* The number of
amount equal to the number of opponent
player in the game.
war tokens you have.
> When an opponent unit that is
adjacent to one of your ships attempts to
use its jump engine, the jump fails and
all units participating in the jump cannot
move this turn.
> Once each Council Vote, may change 1
Earth Alliance or Centauri crew's vote or
prevent League crew from passing on
> Once each Council Vote, make a
[Diplomacy vs. Diplomacy] Roll against a
crew. If successful, change the crew's
> When an opponent card attempts to
affect one of your crew, discard it and
this crew. If it is a crew, this requires a
successful [Combat vs. Health] Roll.

- Select an opponent. That opponent

must pay economy equal to the number
of crew they have in play. [This economy
is not received by any player.]

= Your Shadow units may enter map

pieces without exposing them. When this
card is discarded, these units expose
their map piece (and activate their

- Select a crew. Its owner must choose to

either discard the crew and this card or
discard a coed of their choice fro their
hand. A player with no hand is immune.

- Move 1 opponent card in play to the top

* Play cost of the
of that opponent's deck [Moving a card is
moved card.
not considered discarding it.]
= Has 1 vote on the Council.
- For each of your Vorlon Alliance tokens
in play, you and your ally gain 1
= Has 1 vote on the Council.
= Your volleys against bases are
increased by one if the base's owner is
not in a Vorlon Alliance.
- Select a number and make a [Psi vs.
that number] Roll. If successful, look at
that number of cards from the deck and
then replace them in any order.

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