Esoteric Order Gamers: The of
Esoteric Order Gamers: The of
Esoteric Order Gamers: The of
High quality materials for the dedicated devotee of immersive, thematic tabletop games.
Game rules summaries, foamcore box plans, articles, interviews, reviews, videos, tutorials, forums – and lots more.
Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.
These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference.
Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and
used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.
Order of the Banners Order of the Banners
1 Agonn 1 Valdenar de Doriman
Failures on Courage tests rolled by fighters Failures on Courage tests rolled by fighters
can be re-rolled once more. When possible, can be re-rolled once more. When possible, 10 3 9 7 5
you may wait to determine if the test succeeds you may wait to determine if the test succeeds 10 5 6 5 3
or not before spending Elixir. or not before spending Elixir.
Brutality requires strength ... Your units obtain In addition to their original category, all your
3 5 7
1 additional success on their Strength fighters gain the Creature category and the
tests, even if they would otherwise have advantages associated with it. Can be added to any Paladin or Royal Guard unit.
obtained none.
DISADVANTAGE 2 7 5 Resurrect/Duel: 7 Elixir pts Artifacts: 3 pts
When your company reaches 0 Elixir points, it
... but no subtlety. You cannot put cards in returns to its beastly nature and loses the game. Sacred Weapon Read the required result for hand to hand
reserve. Strength tests 1 column to the right on the resolution table.
ORDER OF THE BANNERS Sacred Armor Read the required result for Strength tests
Infantry unit () ! taken against Valdenar 1 column to the left.
Infantry unit () !
Infantry or Creature unit / ( / ) ABILITIES
Infantry unit ( / )
Infantry or Cavalry unit / ( / ) Hard Boiled An opponent never gets any bonus dice on his
Cavalry or War Machine unit / Strength tests taken against Valdenar.
Titan or Creature unit / ( / )
( / ) Can be added to any Rank 1 Lion unit. Hyperian Courage tests of a unit including Valdenar are
Creature or War Machine unit / automatically successful. Also, the unit’s Courage value is
Infantry or Cavalry unit / ( / ) Resurrect/Duel: 3 Elixir pts Artifacts: 1 pt
( / / ) considered a Fear value by frightening fighters.
Creature or War Machine unit /
( / / )
Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when Agonn takes a Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when Valdenar takes a
test to add his Courage to the action value. test to add his Courage to the action value.
Failures on Courage tests rolled by fighters Failures on Courage tests rolled by fighters
can be re-rolled once more. When possible, can be re-rolled once more. When possible,
you may wait to determine if the test succeeds you may wait to determine if the test succeeds 15 3 11 7 5 8
5 10 3 3 5 3 3
or not before spending Elixir. or not before spending Elixir.
Bravado! You gain 3 extra Elixir points each The dauntlessness of Manilians will make them
time one of your units eliminates an enemy legendary! At the end of each round, you
Incarnate, even when your unit does not earn as many Elixir points as there are units 3 5 8
include an Incarnate itself. engaged with enemy units.
The Chimera is a unit of her own. 2 3 3
Resurrect/Duel: 11 Elixir pts Artifacts: 3 pts
Chivalry at its finest! You inflict neither losses Only a coward could survive the shame!
nor damage points to routing or fleeing units. A Manilian unit that disengages is destroyed. ABILITIES
Flight Ignores obstacles and miniatures when moving, and is
always in scattered formation.
Infantry unit () ! Infantry unit () ! Hyperian The Courage tests of a unit including the Chimera
are automatically successful. Also, the unit’s Courage value is
Infantry unit ( / ) Infantry unit ( / ) considered a Fear value by frightening fighters.
Infantry or Cavalry unit / () Infantry or Cavalry unit / ( / ) Immortal Affected by particular game effects. Can be added to any Lion unit.
Infantry or Titan unit / ( / ) Infantry or Cavalry unit / ( / ) Magister Energy test failures must be re-rolled once more.
Resurrect/Duel: 3 Elixir pts Artifacts/Communions: 1 pt
Creature or War Machine unit / The Thousand Faces of the Chimera 5 Mana points. This spell
Cavalry or Creature unit / Aspects: Cult of Paragon/Alteration, Creation & Destruction
( / / ) can be cast at the beginning of her activation. Until the end of
( / / )
the round, she is brought back into the game in contact with any FEAT
Lion-friendly Incarnate when she loses her last health point. If
she does not fit on the table, the spell has no effect. She returns Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when the Incarnate
with all her health points and attributes. takes a test to add his Courage to the action value.
INCARNATE 170 ap INCARNATE 210 ap INCARNATE 285 ap INCARNATE hvy cavalry 530 ap
1 Danil the Brave 1 Kelgar de Valady 1 The Red Lioness 1 The Red Lioness
10 5 7 9 5 15 7 7 11 5
10 5 7 5 3 10 3 7 5 3
2 7 7
2 5 7
Can be added to any Lion unit. 3 7 8
2 5 5 Can be added to any Lion unit. Resurrect/Duel: 6 Elixir pts Artifacts: 3 pts
Resurrect/Duel: 4 Elixir pts Artifacts: 2 pts EQUIPMENT Can be added to any Lion unit.
Can be added to any Paladin unit. Resurrect/Duel: 11 Elixir points Artifacts: 3 pts
EQUIPMENT Sacred Weapon Read the required result for hand to hand
Resurrect/Duel: 3 Elixir pts Artifacts: 2 pts Strength tests 1 column to the right on the resolution table. EQUIPMENT
Sacred Weapon Read the required result for hand to hand
EQUIPMENT Strength tests 1 column to the right on the resolution table. ABILITIES Sacred Weapon Read the required result for hand to hand
Strength tests 1 column to the right on the resolution table.
Sacred Weapon Read the required result for hand to hand ABILITIES Counter-Attack If not eliminated, take 1 combat die for each
Strength tests 1 column to the right on the resolution table. failure in a hand to hand Attack test against her and, once ABILITIES
Heal To save 1 or more members of Kelgar’s unit just after they the enemy’s attacks are resolved, use them to perform a hand to
ABILITIES have suffered a Strength test, say a short prayer loud and clear hand Attack test as if she had been activated. Disengagement Not eliminated when disengaging.
to the god of the army, then roll 1 die for every damage point Charges Does not need greater Power to charge. Add Attack
Heal To save 1 or more members of Danil’s unit just after they Heal To save 1 or more members of The Red Lioness’s unit just
inflicted. Each or cancels a damage point. to Strength to resolve Strength tests when charging.
have suffered a Strength test, say a short prayer loud and clear after they have suffered a Strength test, say a short prayer loud
to the god of the army, then roll 1 die for every damage point Strategist Roll 1 extra die when rolling Authority oppositions, and clear to the god of the army, then roll 1 die for every damage Reach May attack engaged enemies she is in contact with and
inflicted. Each or cancels a damage point. keeping the best result. point inflicted. Each or cancels a damage point. those within 3cm.
Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when Danil takes a test Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when Kelgar takes a test Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when The Red Lioness Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when The Red Lioness
to add his Courage to the action value. to add his Courage to the action value. takes a test to add her Courage to the action value. takes a test to add her Courage to the action value.
10 3 4 5 3 6
5 10 5 3 7 5 8
5 10 3 6 5 3 6
2 3 3 2 5 3 2 5 7
1 5 6 Can be added to any Lion unit.
Resurrect/Duel: 6 Elixir pts Artifacts/Rituals: 3 pts
Can be added to any Archer unit. Elements: Hermetism /Air, Light and Water
Can be added to any Lion unit.
Resurrect/Duel: 4 Elixir pts Artifacts/Rituals: 2 pts ABILITIES
Elements: Hermetism /Fire and Light Resurrect/Duel: 5 Elixir pts Artifacts/Rituals: 2 pts
Magister Energy test failures must be re-rolled once more. Elements: Hermetism / Light and Fire
Scout When the company begins the game in a deployment
Aim If at least 1 member of Caelia’s unit does not move during zone, units composed entirely of fighters with Scout can be
its activation, add Attack to Strength on ranged Strength deployed anywhere on the battlefield as long as they are not in Strategist Roll 1 extra die when rolling Authority oppositions,
tests. contact with the enemy. keeping the best result.
Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when Caelia takes a test Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when Meliador takes a Moment of Bravery Spend 1 Elixir point when Sardar takes a
to add her Courage to the action value. test to add his Courage to the action value. test to add his Courage to the action value.
std 300 ap +40 per extra fighter max 450 ap std 400 ap +50 per extra fighter max 750 ap
8 Archers 12 Archers 8 Valkyries 15 Valkyries
10 3 4 3 10 3 4 3 10 3 7 3 10 3 7 3
1 3 3 1 3 3 1 5 7 1 5 7
1 5 4 1 5 4
Fauchard May attack engaged enemies the fighter is in contact Fauchard May attack engaged enemies the fighter is in contact
with and those within 3cm. with and those within 3cm.
std 350 ap +45 per extra fighter max 650 ap +25 ap per special fighter +25 ap per special fighter
8 Guards 15 Guards 1-4 Guards 0-3 Valkyries
Special Fighters Special Fighters
10 5 6 3 10 5 6 3
1 5 5 1 5 5
10 5 7 3 10 5 7 3
1 5 5 1 5 5 Heal To save 1 or more members of the unit just after they have
suffered a Strength test, say a short prayer loud and clear to the
god of the army, then roll 1 die for every damage point inflicted.
Each or cancels a damage point.
std 275 ap +50 per extra fighter max 425 ap +25 ap per special fighter
6 Reapers 9 Reapers 0-3 Reapers
Special Fighters
10 3 4 3 10 3 4 3
Scout When the company begins the game in a deployment Scout When the company begins the game in a deployment When the unit should be deployed, the player can pass.
zone, units composed entirely of fighters with Scout can be zone, units composed entirely of fighters with Scout can be Deploy the unit after all units have been deployed. If several
deployed anywhere on the battlefield as long as they are not in deployed anywhere on the battlefield as long as they are not in players benefit from this ability, the winner of the Authority
contact with the enemy. contact with the enemy. test decides who deploys first.
std 325 ap +50 per extra fighter max 475 ap +25 ap per special fighter
6 Swordsmen 9 Swordsmen 1-4 Swordsmen
Special Fighters
10 3 7 3 10 3 7 3
1-2 BARD
std 350 ap +95 per extra fighter max 625 ap +25 ap per special fighter
4 Royal Guards 7 Royal Guards 0-3 Royal Guards
Special Fighters
Sacred Weapon Read the required result for hand to hand
10 3 9 5 10 3 9 5 Strength tests 1 column to the right on the resolution table.
Sacred Armor Read the required result for Strength tests
taken against the Royal Guards 1 column to the left.
Hard Boiled An opponent never gets any bonus dice on his
Strength tests taken against Royal Guards.
1 5 9 1 5 9 Hyperian Courage tests of a Hyperian unit are automatically
successful. Also, the unit’s Courage value is considered a Fear
value by frightening fighters.
15 5 9 7 15 5 9 7 EQUIPMENT 10 3 3 3 4
Lance May attack engaged enemies they are in contact with and
those within 3cm.
Hyperian Courage tests are automatically successful. Also, Hyperian Courage tests are automatically successful. Also, resolve a new combat (no bonus for charging). Heal To save 1 or more members of the unit just after they have
the unit’s Courage value is considered a Fear value by the unit’s Courage value is considered a Fear value by This ability can only be used once per round. suffered a Strength test, say a short prayer loud and clear to the
frightening fighters. frightening fighters. god of the army, then roll 1 die for every damage point inflicted.
0-1 STANDARD BEARER Each or cancels a damage point.
Sequence Each or obtained on a hand to hand Attack Sequence Each or obtained on a hand to hand Attack
test generates a bonus die. test generates a bonus die. Unit gets +2 Courage. Immortal Affected by particular game effects.
0 - 8 - 10 3 4 3 0 - 8 - 10 3 3 3 4
1 7 10 1 5 5 1 3 3
Fixed Artillery When the ballista is shot, roll as many dice as the Shooting at the war machine The ballista may be targeted Heal To save 1 or more members of the unit just after they have
value indicated multiplied by the number of crewmen. specifically with a ranged attack or mystical effect. Excess suffered a Strength test, say a short prayer loud and clear to the
damage points are ignored by the crew. god of the army, then roll 1 die for every damage point inflicted.
Expert Crewmen Each time the ballista is shot, you may choose
Each or cancels a damage point.
to add 1 die either to the ranged Attack test or the Damage Crew Only the ballista’s crewmen can use the ballista to attack
test. from range. Immortal Affected by particular game effects.
INCARNATE 180 ap INCARNATE 340 ap std 200 ap
1 Migail 1 Mirvilis 1 Unicorn
10 3 3 5 3 4
5 10 5 7 7 5 8
5 15 7 5 5 6
2 5 7 2 7 5 2 7 6
Resurrect/Duel: 7 Elixir pts Artifacts/Rituals: 3 pts Heal To save 1 or more members of the Unicorn just after it has
Elements: Hermetism /Air, Water and Light suffered a Strength test, say a short prayer loud and clear
to the god of the army, then roll 1 die for every damage point
ABILITIES inflicted. Each or cancels a damage point.
Hyperian Courage tests of a unit including Mirvilis are Hyperian Courage tests of a unit including a Unicorn are
automatically successful. Also, the unit’s Courage value is automatically successful. Also, the unit’s Courage value is
Resurrect/Duel: 4 Elixir pts Artifacts/Rituals: 1 pt considered a Fear value by frightening fighters. considered a Fear value by frightening fighters.
Elements: Hermetism / Light Magister Energy test failures must be re-rolled once more. Immortal Affected by particular game effects.
INCARNATE 195 ap INCARNATE 155 ap INCARNATE 185 ap INCARNATE hvy cvlry 470 ap
1 Alahel 1 Aldenyss 1 Arakan 1 Dragan d’Orianthe
10 3 5 5 3 10 3 4 6 3 10 5 4 5 3 15 5 9 9 3
3 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 8
1 5 4 1 3 4 1 5 4
Resurrect/Duel: 9 Elixir pts Artifacts: 2 pts
Resurrect/Duel: 3 Elixir pts Artifacts: 2 pts
Disengagement Not eliminated when disengaging.
Charges Does not need greater Power to charge. Add Attack
Sacred Pistol Arakan’s shots gain Sacred Weapon: when resolving to Strength to resolve Strength tests when charging.
a Strength test, the result required on the test is read 1 Hyperian Courage tests are automatically successful. Also,
column to the right on the resolution table. the unit’s Courage value is considered a Fear value by
ABILITIES frightening fighters.
Sequence Each or obtained on a hand to hand Attack
Scout When the company begins the game in a deployment
test generates a bonus die.
zone, units composed entirely of fighters with Scout can be
deployed anywhere on the battlefield as long as they are not in Strategist Roll 1 extra die when rolling Authority
contact with the enemy. oppositions, keeping the best result.
1 1 1 1 1 1
Armor of Blessing of Celestial Insignia of the Orb of Sacred
Allmoon Paragon Cape Gladius of Arïn Power Weapon
The mystics of Alahan are considered The mystics of Alahan are considered The mystics of Alahan are considered The mystics of Alahan are considered The mystics of Alahan are considered The mystics of Alahan are considered
the most experienced on Aarklash the most experienced on Aarklash the most experienced on Aarklash the most experienced on Aarklash the most experienced on Aarklash the most experienced on Aarklash
and the artifacts that are released and the artifacts that are released and the artifacts that are released and the artifacts that are released and the artifacts that are released and the artifacts that are released
from their workshops are worthy of from their workshops are worthy of from their workshops are worthy of from their workshops are worthy of from their workshops are worthy of from their workshops are worthy of
their reputation. their reputation. their reputation. their reputation. their reputation. their reputation.
The Incarnate and his The Incarnate can cancel You may spend 5 Mana When the Incarnate The Mana pool of the The required result for the
unit gain Insensitive: 1 damage point from each points from the Incarnate performs a test, you may holder’s unit can contain hand to hand Strength
when a unit containing Strength test suffered. unit’s Mana pool to force roll 1 additional die. 10 extra Mana points. test is read 1 column to
an Insensitive is targeted your opponent to re-roll This is not a bonus die and the right on the resolution
by a miracle, a spell, a all the successes of a test it can be re-rolled. This table.
communion or a ritual, specifically taken against power can only be used
the player chooses the Incarnate. once per round.
if it is affected or not.
1 1 1 1 1 1
The Ring The Sacrifice The Amulet of The Armor of Ephren
of Light Perfect Gem the Guardian Alerion
All friendly fighters who During the control phase, Once per round, and The Amulet of the Guardian allows The armor of Alerion shelters him Ephren, Valdenar’s sword, smites
Valdenar to help allies in danger. Valdenar treacherous blows. anything standing in the way of
have line of sight to the you can choose not to before it is rolled, you
Chimera can use her roll the dice when you can cancel a damage test
Courage on Courage refill the Chimera’s Mana against any Lion fighter Once per round, Valdenar loses 2 fewer
tests. pool; instead the pool except the Chimera Valdenar de Doriman’s Health points, to a Enemies eliminated by
automatically returns to herself. characteristics can be used minimum of 1, when Ephren cannot come back
20 Mana points. in any combat involving a he suffers a successful into the game in any way.
friendly Incarnate. Strength test. The miniatures of the
eliminated fighters are
put aside and cannot be
used for the rest of the
game (eg, even to summon
a new unit).
Meliador gains one value 3 The Set of Crystal Prisms Verion’s seal violently reacted to The order of the banner The Red Lioness gains Sardar Tillius saved one of the
the presence of the evil magician, Sihirs captured by Acheronians. It
ritual, two value 2 rituals contains 10 Mana points to which the Red Lioness Insensitive: when a unit
threatening to destroy Meliador’s immediately refused to leave its
and three value 1 rituals. that regenerate every soul. belongs includes a sixth containing an Insensitive saviour. Since its name could not be
round. Meliador may use slot: is targeted by a miracle, uttered by humans, Sardar named it
these points to pay part, Griffin Unit ( / / ) spell, communion, or “7”, and made him a companion in
Meliador can cast the Seal his errands.
or all, of the cost of his ritual, the player chooses
of Verion spell. The unit’s value is added
rituals and spells. if it is affected or not.
No game effect may to that of the company. 7 gives Sardar Tillius
counter his next ritual or The Red Lioness may mastery over all paths of
prevent it from working. lead the unit. magic. He can choose his
This spell costs 5 Mana rituals from any Army
points. Book (but not those
reserved to Incarnates).
Faith 7 Difficulty 4 Faith 7 Difficulty 5 Faith 4 Difficulty 5 Faith 5 Difficulty 4 Faith 8 Difficulty 4 Faith 10 Difficulty 7
Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon
Element: Alteration Element: Alteration Element: Alteration Element: Alteration Element: Alteration Element: Creation
Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Special Target: Special Target: Unit Target: Unit
Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Round Duration: Round
Any fighters who engage You may re-roll failures on No target is necessary to No target is necessary to Enemy successes on a test On the next test taken
a member of the targeted one of the targeted unit’s call this communion. call this communion. taken against the fighters by the targeted unit the
unit each suffer a Strength tests. Place a card that has not You may look at 1 card in in the targeted unit are number of successes is
test with an action yet been activated in the any activation sequence. re-rolled 1 additional doubled.
value of 1. next position in your time. You may choose the
activation sequence. affected test.
3 3 2 2 1 1
Withering Breath Embrace Judgement Blinding Celestial
of Azël of Kaïn of Selene of Arïn Light of Lahn Scourge
Faith 10 Difficulty 9 Faith 12 Difficulty 9 Faith 10 Difficulty 7 Faith 7 Difficulty 7 Mana 5 Difficulty 5 Mana 7 Difficulty 5
Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon Cult: Paragon Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism
Element: Destruction Element: Destruction Element: Creation Element: Creation Element: Light Element: Light
Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Fighter
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Special Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Instantaneous
Roll as many dice as No dice are rolled on The fighters in the targeted If the targeted unit suffers No line of sight may be The targeted fighter
there are fighters in the the targeted unit’s next unit are only eliminated if damage this round, the traced to the targeted unit suffers a Strength test
targeted unit. test: all of the dice are they suffer 2 damage points. unit that caused the beyond 20 centimeters. with an action value of 8.
Each or eliminates considered to have Excess damage points are damage suffers the same
a fighter chosen by the resulted in failures. ignored. Fighters with more test.
player who controls the than 2 health or structure
targeted unit. points left are not affected.
Mana 8 Difficulty 5 Mana 5 Difficulty 5 Mana 8 Difficulty 5 Mana 5 Difficulty 5 Mana 5 Difficulty 5 Mana 10 Difficulty 7
Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism
Element: Light Element: Light Element: Light Element: Water Element: Water Element: Light
Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Unit Target: Special Target: Friendly unit
Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Instantaneous
When the targeted The fighters in the The fighters in the targeted Any shot directed at the Put a spare card facedown The targeted unit is
unit runs it ignores all targeted unit gain unit gain Insensitive: when a targeted unit suffers from on the battlefield in the moved anywhere on the
obstacles and fighters. Instinctive Shot: unit containing a model with interference (difficulty is magician’s line of sight, battlefield as long as it is
marksmen can target this ability is targeted by a increased by 2). representing a wall of ice. out of contact with the
engaged enemies. miracle, spell, communion It cannot be placed on a unit. enemy. It may disengage
or ritual, you may choose if The wall of ice cannot be without suffering any
crossed in any way and
they are affected or not. losses.
blocks line of sight.
2 2 2 3 3 3
Column of Storm of Word of Gift of Reinforcement Strength
Light Light Confusion the Moon of Lahn of the Lion
Mana 10 Difficulty 6 Mana 10 Difficulty 6 Mana 10 Difficulty 6 Mana 15 Difficulty 8 Mana 10 Difficulty 8 Mana 15 Difficulty 8
Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism Path: Hermetism
Element: Light Element: Light Element: Water Element: Water Element: Light Element: Light
Target: Unit Target: Special Target: Special Target: Unit Target: Special Target: Unit
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Round Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Round Duration: Round Duration: Round
The fighters in the Put the 10 Mana points No target is necessary to When the targeted unit is The Incarnate can summon The result needed on the
targeted unit each suffer aside. You may spend 1 cast this ritual. Swap the activated it will be controlled back into the game a unit targeted unit’s Strength
a Strength test with an point (only) during the first card in your opponent’s by the player who called this of his company that was tests is always .
action value of 6. activation of any unit to activation sequence with the ritual (it is still considered an eliminated. It is activated
inflict a Strength test last, or place your opponent’s enemy unit). immediately after the
with an action value of 6 reserved card back into the Incarnate’s unit. It is removed
The unit cannot voluntarily
on any fighter the magician activation sequence. from the battlefield after the
leave the battlefield. next control phase.
can see.