Order Seraphon 2023
Order Seraphon 2023
Order Seraphon 2023
Magic Made Manifest: When the battle ends, you complete this Spellcasting Savant: When the battle ends, you complete this grand
grand strategy if there are 2 or more endless spells or inCarnateS on strategy if the model picked to be your general is an andtorian loCuS
they battlefield that are controlled by or bonded to friendly units. and that unit has not been slain.
Continuous Expansion: When the battle ends, you complete this Realmshaper Guardians: When the battle ends, you complete this
grand strategy if there is at least 1 friendly Seraphon unit wholly grand strategy if you have a Coalesced Realmshaper Engine or
within each large quarter of the battlefield (core rules, 28.2.8). Starborne Realmshaper Engine on the battlefield, there are no enemy
models within 12” of it and it was not affected by a successful Smash To
Further the Great Plan: When the battle ends, you complete this grand
Rubble monstrous rampage.
strategy if you completed 4 or more battle tactics and each of those
battle tactics was from the March of the Seraphon Host table († tactics). Repel Corruption: When the battle ends, you complete this grand
strategy if there are no enemy units wholly within your territory.
Bait and Trap: You complete this battle tactic if 2 or more friendly Led into the Maelstrom: You complete this battle tactic if 1 or more
units retreated this turn and 2 or more different friendly units made a friendly heroeS and 1 or more friendly Battleline units each made a
charge move this turn. charge move this turn and at least 1 of those units is within 3” of an
enemy unit at the end of the turn.
Endless Expropriation: Pick 1 enemy unit that is controlling or bonded to
an endless spell or inCarnate. You complete this battle tactic at the end of Magical Dominance: You complete this battle tactic at the end of
your turn if any of the following are true: your turn if a friendly Wizard unit successfully cast 1 or more spells
• That enemy unit has been destroyed. and none of the spells cast by any units in your army were unbound.
• That endless spell is wild.
Magical Mayhem: Pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. You complete
• That endless spell is controlled by or bonded to a friendly unit.
this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed by damage inflicted by a spell
• That Incarnate is wild.
or the abilities of an endless spell.
Intimidate the Invaders: You complete this battle tactic at the end of
Surround and Destroy: Pick 3 different friendly units on the
your turn if there are more friendly units wholly outside your territory
battlefield. You complete this battle tactic at the end of your turn if
than there are friendly units within your territory.
each of those units is wholly within 6” of a different battlefield edge
Reprisal: You complete this battle tactic if an enemy unit that destroyed and 2 or more of those units are wholly outside your territory.
a friendly general earlier in the battle is destroyed in this turn.
Stampede of Scales †: Pick 3 different friendly Seraphon monSterS. Apex Predator †: Pick 1 enemy monSter. You complete this tactic at the
You complete this tactic if each of those units runs in the following end of this turn if that enemy unit was destroyed by an attack made by
movement phase and finishes that run within 6 of at least 1 of the other a friendly Seraphon monSter.
units you picked and wholly within enemy territory.
Cold-blooded Resilience †: Pick 1 friendly SauruS or kroxigor unit
Celestial Obliteration †: Pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. You within 3” of an enemy unit. You complete this tactic at the end of
complete this tactic if that unit is destroyed this turn by mortal wounds this turn if that unit was not destroyed, did not retreat and was not
caused by a spell or the abilities of an endless spell. removed from the battlefield.
Overwhelming Numbers †: Pick 1 objective controlled by the enemy. Pack Hunters †: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of only 1 friendly aggradon
You complete this tactic at the end of this turn if you control that unit. You complete this tactic if, at the end of this turn, that unit is
objective and all friendly units contesting it have the Skink keyword. within 3 of 2 or more friendly aggradon units.
Roar: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of this model and roll a dice. On
HEROIC ACTIONS a 3+, that unit cannot issue or receive commands in the following
Heroic Leadership: Pick 1 friendly hero and roll a dice. Add 2 combat phase.
to the roll if your general has been slain. On a 4+, you receive 1
Stomp: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of this model that is not a
command point that can only be spent during that turn to allow
monSter and roll a dice. On a 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal
that hero to issue a command.
Heroic Willpower: Pick 1 friendly hero that is not a Wizard. If it
is the enemy hero phase, that hero can attempt to unbind 1 spell Titanic Duel: Pick 1 enemy monSter within 3” of this model.
in that phase as if they were a Wizard. If it is your hero phase, Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this model that target that
that hero can attempt to dispel 1 endless spell in that phase as if enemy Monster until the end of the following combat phase.
they were a Wizard (you can still only attempt to unbind or dispel Smash to Rubble: Pick 1 faction terrain feature or defensible
the same spell or endless spell once in the same phase). terrain feature within 3” of this model and roll a dice. On a 3+, the
Heroic Recovery: Pick 1 friendly hero that is more than 3” from terrain feature is demolished if it was defensible (see 17.2.3), and
all enemy units and make a heroic recovery roll by rolling 2D6. If the scenery rules on its warscroll cannot be used for the rest of the
the roll is less than or equal to that hero’S Bravery characteristic, battle if it was a faction terrain feature.
you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to that hero.
Thier Finest Hour: Pick 1 friendly hero. Add 1 to wound rolls for
attacks made by that hero until the end of that turn, and add 1 MYSTERIOUS TERRAIN
to save rolls for attacks that target that hero until the end of that
1. Damned: In your hero phase, you can pick 1 friendly unit within
turn. You cannot carry out this heroic action with the same hero
1” of any terrain features with this rule. That unit suffers D3 mortal
more than once in the same battle.
wounds but you can add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit
until your next hero phase.
2. Arcane: Add 1 to casting, dispelling and unbinding rolls for models
TRIUMPHS while they are within 1” of any terrain features with this rule.
BLOODTHIRSTY 3. Inspiring: Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic of units while
Once per battle, after you make a charge roll for a friendly unit, you can they are wholly within 1” of any terrain features with this rule.
say that it is bloodthirsty. If you do so, you can re-roll that charge roll.
4. Deadly: Each time a unit is set up or finishes a normal move
INDOMITABLE within 1” of any terrain features with this rule, roll a dice. On a 1,
Once per battle, after you take a battleshock test for a friendly unit, you that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
can say it is indomitable. If you do so, no models from that unit will flee in 5. Mystical: Add 1 to chanting and banishment rolls for models
that battleshock phase. while they are within 1” of any terrain features with this rule. In
addition, models have a 6+ ward while they are within 1” of any
INSPIRED terrain features with this rule.
Once per battle, after you pick a friendly unit to shoot or fight, you can say
that it is inspired. If you do so, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by 6. Sinister: Subtract 1 from the Bravery characteristic of units while
that unit until the end of that phase. they are wholly within 1” of any terrain features with this rule.
Rally: You can use this command ability at the start of the hero phase. The unit that receives the command must be more than 3” from all enemy units. Roll 1 dice
for each slain model from that unit. For each 6, you can return 1 slain model to that unit. You can only return models to that unit that have a combined Wounds
characteristic of 10 or less. For example, if the unit that received the command has a Wounds characteristic of 2, you can return a maximum of 5 models to that unit.
Magic Made Manifest: When the battle ends, you complete this Spellcasting Savant: When the battle ends, you complete this grand
grand strategy if there are 2 or more endless spells or inCarnateS on strategy if the model picked to be your general is an andtorian loCuS
they battlefield that are controlled by or bonded to friendly units. and that unit has not been slain.
Continuous Expansion: When the battle ends, you complete this Realmshaper Guardians: When the battle ends, you complete this
grand strategy if there is at least 1 friendly Seraphon unit wholly grand strategy if you have a Coalesced Realmshaper Engine or
within each large quarter of the battlefield (core rules, 28.2.8). Starborne Realmshaper Engine on the battlefield, there are no enemy
models within 12” of it and it was not affected by a successful Smash To
Further the Great Plan: When the battle ends, you complete this grand
Rubble monstrous rampage.
strategy if you completed 4 or more battle tactics and each of those
battle tactics was from the March of the Seraphon Host table († tactics). Repel Corruption: When the battle ends, you complete this grand
strategy if there are no enemy units wholly within your territory.
Bait and Trap: You complete this battle tactic if 2 or more friendly Led into the Maelstrom: You complete this battle tactic if 1 or more
units retreated this turn and 2 or more different friendly units made a friendly heroeS and 1 or more friendly Battleline units each made a
charge move this turn. charge move this turn and at least 1 of those units is within 3” of an
enemy unit at the end of the turn.
Endless Expropriation: Pick 1 enemy unit that is controlling or bonded to
an endless spell or inCarnate. You complete this battle tactic at the end of Magical Dominance: You complete this battle tactic at the end of
your turn if any of the following are true: your turn if a friendly Wizard unit successfully cast 1 or more spells
• That enemy unit has been destroyed. and none of the spells cast by any units in your army were unbound.
• That endless spell is wild.
Magical Mayhem: Pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. You complete
• That endless spell is controlled by or bonded to a friendly unit.
this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed by damage inflicted by a spell
• That Incarnate is wild.
or the abilities of an endless spell.
Intimidate the Invaders: You complete this battle tactic at the end of
Surround and Destroy: Pick 3 different friendly units on the
your turn if there are more friendly units wholly outside your territory
battlefield. You complete this battle tactic at the end of your turn if
than there are friendly units within your territory.
each of those units is wholly within 6” of a different battlefield edge
Reprisal: You complete this battle tactic if an enemy unit that destroyed and 2 or more of those units are wholly outside your territory.
a friendly general earlier in the battle is destroyed in this turn.
Stampede of Scales †: Pick 3 different friendly Seraphon monSterS. Apex Predator †: Pick 1 enemy monSter. You complete this tactic at the
You complete this tactic if each of those units runs in the following end of this turn if that enemy unit was destroyed by an attack made by
movement phase and finishes that run within 6 of at least 1 of the other a friendly Seraphon monSter.
units you picked and wholly within enemy territory.
Cold-blooded Resilience †: Pick 1 friendly SauruS or kroxigor unit
Celestial Obliteration †: Pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. You within 3” of an enemy unit. You complete this tactic at the end of
complete this tactic if that unit is destroyed this turn by mortal wounds this turn if that unit was not destroyed, did not retreat and was not
caused by a spell or the abilities of an endless spell. removed from the battlefield.
Overwhelming Numbers †: Pick 1 objective controlled by the enemy. Pack Hunters †: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of only 1 friendly aggradon
You complete this tactic at the end of this turn if you control that unit. You complete this tactic if, at the end of this turn, that unit is
objective and all friendly units contesting it have the Skink keyword. within 3 of 2 or more friendly aggradon units.
Roar: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of this model and roll a dice. On
HEROIC ACTIONS a 3+, that unit cannot issue or receive commands in the following
Heroic Leadership: Pick 1 friendly hero and roll a dice. Add 2 combat phase.
to the roll if your general has been slain. On a 4+, you receive 1
Stomp: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of this model that is not a
command point that can only be spent during that turn to allow
monSter and roll a dice. On a 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal
that hero to issue a command.
Heroic Willpower: Pick 1 friendly hero that is not a Wizard. If it
is the enemy hero phase, that hero can attempt to unbind 1 spell Titanic Duel: Pick 1 enemy monSter within 3” of this model.
in that phase as if they were a Wizard. If it is your hero phase, Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this model that target that
that hero can attempt to dispel 1 endless spell in that phase as if enemy Monster until the end of the following combat phase.
they were a Wizard (you can still only attempt to unbind or dispel Smash to Rubble: Pick 1 faction terrain feature or defensible
the same spell or endless spell once in the same phase). terrain feature within 3” of this model and roll a dice. On a 3+, the
Heroic Recovery: Pick 1 friendly hero that is more than 3” from terrain feature is demolished if it was defensible (see 17.2.3), and
all enemy units and make a heroic recovery roll by rolling 2D6. If the scenery rules on its warscroll cannot be used for the rest of the
the roll is less than or equal to that hero’S Bravery characteristic, battle if it was a faction terrain feature.
you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to that hero.
Thier Finest Hour: Pick 1 friendly hero. Add 1 to wound rolls for
attacks made by that hero until the end of that turn, and add 1 MYSTERIOUS TERRAIN
to save rolls for attacks that target that hero until the end of that
1. Damned: In your hero phase, you can pick 1 friendly unit within
turn. You cannot carry out this heroic action with the same hero
1” of any terrain features with this rule. That unit suffers D3 mortal
more than once in the same battle.
wounds but you can add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit
until your next hero phase.
2. Arcane: Add 1 to casting, dispelling and unbinding rolls for models
TRIUMPHS while they are within 1” of any terrain features with this rule.
BLOODTHIRSTY 3. Inspiring: Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic of units while
Once per battle, after you make a charge roll for a friendly unit, you can they are wholly within 1” of any terrain features with this rule.
say that it is bloodthirsty. If you do so, you can re-roll that charge roll.
4. Deadly: Each time a unit is set up or finishes a normal move
INDOMITABLE within 1” of any terrain features with this rule, roll a dice. On a 1,
Once per battle, after you take a battleshock test for a friendly unit, you that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
can say it is indomitable. If you do so, no models from that unit will flee in 5. Mystical: Add 1 to chanting and banishment rolls for models
that battleshock phase. while they are within 1” of any terrain features with this rule. In
addition, models have a 6+ ward while they are within 1” of any
INSPIRED terrain features with this rule.
Once per battle, after you pick a friendly unit to shoot or fight, you can say
that it is inspired. If you do so, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by 6. Sinister: Subtract 1 from the Bravery characteristic of units while
that unit until the end of that phase. they are wholly within 1” of any terrain features with this rule.
Rally: You can use this command ability at the start of the hero phase. The unit that receives the command must be more than 3” from all enemy units. Roll 1 dice
for each slain model from that unit. For each 6, you can return 1 slain model to that unit. You can only return models to that unit that have a combined Wounds
characteristic of 10 or less. For example, if the unit that received the command has a Wounds characteristic of 2, you can return a maximum of 5 models to that unit.