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Determinants of Stock Market Liquidity A Macroeconomic Perspective

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Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market


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Determinants of stock market liquidity – a

macroeconomic perspective

Priyanka Naik & Y.V. Reddy

To cite this article: Priyanka Naik & Y.V. Reddy (2021): Determinants of stock market liquidity – a
macroeconomic perspective, Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, DOI:

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Published online: 27 Sep 2021.

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Determinants of stock market liquidity – a macroeconomic

Priyanka Naik and Y.V. Reddy
Goa Business School, Goa University, Taleigao, India


This study examines the impact of macroeconomic indicators on Received 15 August 2021
the liquidity of the Indian stock market by using the Granger Accepted 18 September 2021
Causality, Vector Auto-Regressive Model, and Impulse Response KEYWORDS
Functions. Numerous macroeconomic indicators were analysed at Liquidity; bid-ask spreads;
monthly and quarterly frequencies for their effect on the liquidity of Amihud ratio; stock; FDI;
NIFTY 500 stocks measured across four facets, i.e. depth, breadth, money supply
immediacy, and tightness. The study reveals that the tightness facet
of liquidity is primarily affected by the indicators and further con­ JEL Classification
cludes that higher foreign investment inflows and gold prices G10; G11; G12
impair the aggregate liquidity. In contrast, a surge in money supply
strengthens the stock market liquidity.

1. Introduction
Market liquidity is an essential component of market microstructure that depicts ease of
trading security in the market. The previous research works have ambiguously defined it
across five dimensions, namely, tightness, immediacy, depth, breadth, and resiliency (Sarr
and Lybek 2002; Díaz and Escribano 2020). A wide range of liquidity measures have been
proposed, and market liquidity has been empirically studied over the past three decades.
The advent and broad applicability of liquidity measures have made it convenient to
empirically assess liquidity across the varied market structures.
The earlier studies (Chordia, Roll, and Subrahmanyam 2001; Fernández-Amador et al.
2013; Johnson 2008; Loukil, Zayani, and Omri 2010; Amihud and Mendelson 1986) highlight
that market liquidity plays a pertinent role in asset pricing and is a significant risk factor in
determining security returns in addition to volatility (Dinh and Hong 2017). Their results
establish a negative liquidity-return relationship by employing a wide array of liquidity
measures in both order-driven and quote-driven stock markets. This negative relationship
has proved crucial to investors during higher uncertainty to estimate a premium on their
security returns as compensation against a fall in aggregate liquidity level.
More recently, the determination of liquidity commonality (Chordia, Roll, and
Subrahmanyam 2000; Hasbrouck 2001; Huberman and Halka 2001) has initiated research
on the effects of market-wide liquidity, and there is now some evidence that the variation
in aggregate liquidity is indeed an essential factor in explaining the cross-section of stock
returns (Eckbo and Norli 2011; Acharya and Pedersen 2005) as well as the time-series of

CONTACT Priyanka Naik priyanka.naik@unigoa.ac.in

© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

aggregate returns (Amihud 2002; Jones 2005; Harvey, Bekaert, and Lundblad 2005).
Additionally, the changes in overall market liquidity levels are critical in determining
economic health and are crucial in forecasting economic conditions (Næs, Skjeltorp,
and ØDegaard 2011; Smimou 2014).
When the financial crisis hit the world economies in 2008, emphasis was mainly laid on
framing liquidity-enhancing policies. Since then, empirical works in this area have been
undertaken to comprehensively determine the notion of stock market liquidity, focusing
on identifying the key determinants affecting the liquidity at aggregate market level and
individual stock level (Naik and Reddy 2021). Studies have found a significant impact of
regulatory policy announcements, corporate announcements, corporate governance
mechanisms, stock exchange mergers, developments in trading systems, and company-
specific factors on liquidity. However, macroeconomic determinants of market liquidity
have been infrequently studied.
Macroeconomic indicators are known for causing an immense disturbance in the
overall market and are critical in stimulating systematic effects on stock market character­
istics, principally in emerging markets (Olokoyo, Ibhagui, and Babajide 2020). As noted
above, liquidity is an essential market characteristic. Given its impact on individual stock
and aggregate returns and economic health, a proper understanding of systematic forces
causing liquidity becomes imperative. Also, the evidence of commonality in liquidity
emphasizes that factors affecting market and stock level liquidity are common. Hence,
an evaluation of determinants of market liquidity will instantly direct towards identifying
individual stock liquidity determinants.
The current study tries to identify the vital macroeconomic determinants of
liquidity in the Indian stock market by using low-frequency measures over an
extensive period from 2009–2019. The contribution of this study is twofold; first,
it highlights the prime macroeconomic indicators that affect the overall liquidity
and thus contributes to understanding the role of systematic forces in the deter­
mination of liquidity variations. Second, it adds to the existing scarce literature by
investigating the indicator’s impact across various liquidity facets, thereby ensures
robust and comprehensive results in an emerging market. The study uses the
Granger Causality test, Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model, and Impulse Response
Functions and concludes that a higher foreign investment in the form of Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) and high gold prices
impairs the aggregate liquidity whereas easing of monetary policy fosters the
overall liquidity. The results will enable the domestic and foreign investors to
perceive the systematic sources affecting liquidity, which will assist in tactically
devising investment strategies. Additionally, the market regulator can also frame
appropriate and timely intervening economic policies to overcome liquidity
The paper proceeds as follows: the second section discusses literary works that have
studied stock market liquidity determinants, reveals gaps in the previous studies, and
states the objectives of the current research; the third section describes data, selected
liquidity and macroeconomic variables and details the methodology; the fourth section
elaborates results obtained in the study; the fifth section includes conclusion, study
implications, and research prospects.

2. Review of literature
The literature provides a handful of studies done in the context of macroeconomic
factors and their impact on stock market liquidity. Fujimoto (2011) studied the effect of
macroeconomic indicators and stock market variables on the liquidity of the US stock
market. The study employed macroeconomic indicators like industrial production
growth, the change in the unemployment rate, the inflation rate, the growth rate of
the Conference Board index of sensitive materials prices, the difference in the federal
funds rate, and the orthogonalized non-borrowed reserves and stock market variables
namely market return, volatility and share turnover. It was found that the macroeco­
nomic indicators directly determine the aggregate liquidity and also indirectly through
their effect on stock market variables. Additionally, negative supply-side inflation and
expansionary monetary policy are vital in stimulating liquidity during the high volatility
More specifically, Omran and Pointon (2001) studied and concluded a negative impact
of changes in inflation levels on the Egyptian stock market trading activity and liquidity.
They argued that a decrease in the inflation rate enhances the market trading activity and
liquidity on account of investor’s expectation of increased return on their investments.
Such effect was empirically proved over the short as well as long run. Next, Zheng and Su
(2017) looked for the impact of oil price changes arising from three sources (i.e. specific
demand, aggregate demand, and supply) on market liquidity in China and showed that
liquidity increased due to oil price change resulting from distinct demand shock. In
contrast, oil price effects on oil supply and aggregate demand shocks adversely lowered
the overall liquidity. Moreover, Jiang (2014) examined the impact of the output and
inflation gap on stock liquidity and liquidity commonality using the Taylor Rule. They
found that a wide gap in inflation and output increases commonality and contract
liquidity. The results also suggest that lack of funding liquidity makes traders prefer large-
size stocks over smaller ones, and thus, the effect seems to be higher on the liquidity of
small stocks.
Some studies evaluated the impact of monetary policy decisions on the stock market
liquidity. Chowdhury, Uddin, and Anderson (2018) investigated the influence of monetary
and fiscal policy variables on the market liquidity of eight emerging Asian stock markets.
Different liquidity measures concluded that an expansionary monetary and fiscal policy
positively affects market liquidity and individual stocks. These results were robust even
across the stock portfolios sorted based on size and industrial sectors. Additionally,
Fernández-Amador et al. (2013) employed panel VAR and found that expansionary
monetary policy increases stock specific and market liquidity and that this effect was
found to be more significant for small stocks. Concerning the Indian stock market, Debata
and Mahakud (2018) analysed the impact of monetary policy on the liquidity of continu­
ously traded stocks listed on the National Stock Exchange, India. The study approximated
monetary policy through two indicators, reserve money growth rate and interest rate, and
employed liquidity measures across the dimensions of depth, breadth, and tightness. By
performing Panel VAR, Granger causality tests, impulse response functions, and variance
decomposition analysis, the study concluded a positive influence of expansionary mone­
tary policy on the stock liquidity, which was observed more prominently during the
financial crisis.

Few studies even evaluate the role of macroeconomic and policy announcements in
determining stock market liquidity. Chordia, Sarkar, and Subrahmanyam (2005) ana­
lysed the specific determinants of stock and bond market liquidity. They examined
whether monetary announcements by central banks infuse more trading activity and
cause an increase in order flow in both the markets. The study concluded that cross-
market correlations in liquidity and volatility are positive and confirm the common
influences across the markets using VAR and Impulse Response Functions. Also, found
that monetary policy easing improves liquidity, especially during high volatility in both
the markets. Busch and Lehnert (2014) tested for the impact of policy interventions on
stock liquidity during the financial crisis by using spread as a liquidity measure. It was
found that the spreads narrowed due to liquidity and rescue interventions, mainly in
the context of less traded stocks. In addition, studies have also documented that
emerging markets are susceptible to the macroeconomic announcements made by
developed economies. Ekinci, Akyildirim, and Corbet (2019) and Sensoy (2017) have
revealed that announcements relating to monetary policy, interest rates, and Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) of the US economy strongly determined the liquidity of the
Turkish stock market.
Although a few variables have been undertaken to evaluate their impact on the
market liquidity, the effect of diverse macroeconomic variables is mainly developed
concerning stock market performance, primarily measured in terms of index returns and
market capitalization. We even consider them relevant for review since stock market
performance has also been represented by aggregate liquidity levels at times. Khan
(2004) used Error Correction Model and cointegration test and revealed that higher
inflation deteriorates the stock market performance in Karachi by enormously lowering
the market capitalization and liquidity whereas, Boyd, Ross, and Smith (1996) explained
a robust negative relationship between inflation and stock market performance as
measured by market return and liquidity principally in moderate inflation economies.
Olokoyo, Ibhagui, and Babajide (2020) reports a long-run positive effect of the exchange
rate, growth rate, and foreign capital flows while a negative impact of interest rate,
inflation, and trade on the stock market performance in Nigeria. Even Hussain, Lal, and
Mubin (2009) studied and found a long-run positive impact of the industrial production
index, real exchange rate, foreign exchange reserve, money supply, and gross fixed
capital formation on stock prices in Karachi Stock Exchange and a negative impact of
A study by Tangjitprom (2011) analysed 24 market sectors through the VAR and
Granger causality test and presented a strong negative impact of interest rate and
a positive effect of exchange rate changes on the performance of the stock market of
Thailand. Similar results were also evidenced by Hondroyiannis and Papapetrou (2001)
using the VAR approach and Impulse Response Functions concerning Greece stock
market along with a negative impact of oil price changes. Besides, a systematic review
of earlier research works concerning the developed and developing economies (Verma
and Bansal 2021) accentuate a positive effect of GDP, foreign investment flows, money
supply, and exchange rate, whereas a negative impact of changes in the gold price,
interest rates, and inflation rates. They even find that an oil-exporting country’s stock
market is favourably affected by oil price fluctuations, whereas the reverse is true for an
importing country.

In the Indian context, several studies manifest a crucial macroeconomic effect on

the stock market performance predominantly measured in terms of index returns.
Pal and Mittal (2011) reveals a significant impact of inflation, interest rate, and
exchange rate on the Indian stock market indices, while Mishra (2004) evidenced
a substantial influence of exchange rate on the index returns. Parab and Reddy
(2020) evidenced that stock market return is positively related to crude oil prices,
real effective exchange rate, foreign direct investment, interest rate, imports of
goods and services, GDP, and tax revenue and is negatively related to gold and
silver prices. Such impact was found to be varying across different structural
periods. Using the autoregressive distributed lag model, Tripathi and Kumar
(2015) showed that money supply positively influences the stock return in Brazil,
Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) markets, whereas a negative impact
was found in case of interest rate, exchange rate, and oil prices.
Moreover, with the help of the cointegration and error correction model, Kotha and
Sahu (2016) revealed a long and short-run positive relationship of inflation and money
supply with the index return. Ahmed (2008) witnessed a long and short-run relationship
between foreign direct investment, money supply, and index of industrial production
and stock prices. On the other hand, Megaravalli and Sampagnaro (2018) evaluated the
stock market performance in India, China, and Japan by using Granger causality test,
cointegration tests and the pooled estimated results and showed the existence of only
long run positive effect of exchange rate on stock market index returns and a negative
insignificant effect of inflation. On the contrary, Pethe and Karnik (2016) present an
indecisive long-run relationship between Indian indices and macroeconomic variables
such as exchange rate, bank lending rates, broad money, narrow money, and industrial
production index.
The existing literature conveys very little focus on macroeconomic determinants
of stock market liquidity and considers a few of them. Macroeconomic indicators
are known for causing long-run and systematic exposures in the financial markets
and were apparent during every economic crisis. Moreover, the empirical evidence
of commonality in liquidity compels us to believe that common/systematic factors
determine the liquidity of the aggregate market and individual stocks. Hence,
macroeconomic indicators can be assumed as the foremost frequent factors.
Furthermore, the above-noted studies have rarely looked for an effect on multi­
dimensional facets of liquidity. This is pertinent due to the growing evidence of the
multifaceted nature of liquidity and the need to consider them for robust results
(Díaz and Escribano 2020; Naik and Reddy 2021).
Additionally, a limited number of empirical studies have considered the effect of
macroeconomic indicators on market liquidity in emerging economies. Since each emer­
ging market is unique in its market structure, mechanisms, and processes, and is often
prone to face liquidity problems, a study concerning the systematic effect of macroeco­
nomic indicators will provide some new cognizance in the area. The current study tries to
overcome these gaps and evaluates the Indian stock market, a rapidly growing emerging
Asian market that offers attractive avenues for diversification. An understanding of
macroeconomic determinants will assist the market stakeholders in perceiving and timely
adapting to the liquidity levels.

3. Data and methodology

The study analyses the macroeconomic determinants of stock market liquidity in India.
For this purpose, a total of 18 macroeconomic indicators were identified based on their
profound impact on the stock market (Parab and Reddy 2020; Tripathi and Kumar 2015;
Olokoyo, Ibhagui, and Babajide 2020) and were obtained at monthly and quarterly
frequencies. These indicators include gold prices (GOLD), silver prices (SILVER), foreign
exchange reserves (FER), inflation rate (INFL), interest rate (IR), crude oil prices (OIL), broad
money (M3), narrow money (M1) and real effective exchange rate (REER) which are in
monthly series, gross domestic product (GDP), gross fixed capital formation (GFCF),
private final consumption expenditure (PFCE), government final consumption expendi­
ture (GFCE) and current account balance (CAB), foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign
portfolio investment (FPI), imports of goods and services (IMP) and exports of goods and
services (EXP) are in quarterly series.
Next, market liquidity is measured by employing four-dimensional measures that depict
a comprehensive cognizance of aggregate liquidity are defined below and were selected
based on their wide application in the context of liquidity measurement in the context of
emerging markets (Naik, Poornima, and Reddy 2020; Bhattacharya, Bhattacharya, and Basu
2019; Yeyati, Horen, and Schmukler 2008; Sklavos, Dam, and Scholtens 2013):

3.1. Relative Quoted Spread (RQS)

RQS measures the amount of cost involved in trading security and was used in previous
researches (Foran, Hutchinson, and O’Sullivan 2015; Yilmaz et al. 2015) as a reliable
measure to determine the liquidity dimension of tightness. RQS is calculated as:

APit BPit
Relative Quoted Spread ðRQSÞ ¼ ðAPit þBPit Þ (1)

where AP and BP denote daily closing Ask Price and daily closing Bid Price; i and t denote
stock i at time t.

3.2. Coefficient of Elasticity of Trading (CET)

Wanzala (2018) suggested CET as a measure to compute the time taken to execute a trade
transaction in the market. Thus, this measure depicts the immediacy level of the transact­
ing parties to execute the trade at the quoted price. This measure is calculated as:

Coefficient of Elasticity of Trading ðCETÞ ¼ (2)

where %∆Ts denotes the percentage change in the daily trading volume of a stock ‘s’ and
%∆P denotes the percentage change in everyday closing price.

3.3. Share Turnover (ST)

ST is a measure used for tracing the market depth and reflects the frequency at which
the available securities are traded. This measure represents the number of orders
present in the trading book and thus denotes trading activity in a stock exchange. It
is computed as:
Share Turnover ðSTÞ ¼ (3)
Where VOt is the number of shares traded on day t and SOt is the number of shares
outstanding on day t.

3.4. Amihud Illiquidity Ratio (AR)

AR is a popular measure proposed by Amihud (2002) for measuring the market breadth
and represents the rate at which the security prices are affected by trading volume. It is
a widely used liquidity measure and is regarded as the best price impact measure
(Goyenko, Holden, and Trzcinka 2009). This ratio is computed as follows:
j Rit j
Amihud Illiquidity Ratio ¼ (4)
Where |Rit| and Volit are the absolute return and volume (in Rs.) on day t for stock i,
For computing these liquidity measures, a total of 500 stocks belonging to the NIFTY
500 index of the National Stock Exchange, India (as per market capitalization on
26 May 2019) were selected. Based on data availability across these stocks during the
study period, 352 stocks constituted the final sample. The data relating to macroeconomic
indicators were extracted from the official websites of World Bank, Federal Reserve
Economic Data (FRED), and Reserve Bank of India (RBI), whereas that required for liquidity
measurement were collected on a daily basis from the databases of Bloomberg and
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) Prowess for the period from 2009 to
2019. Each of the selected liquidity measures was calculated daily for every stock. These
were further aggregated into value-weighted cross-sectional averages and value-
weighted time averages to derive monthly and quarterly averages of aggregate market
liquidity. Next, to avoid any form of outliers, these averages of liquidity measures and the
selected macroeconomic indicators were converted into natural log values at monthly
and quarterly frequencies and were evaluated to derive the empirical results.
In addition, we control for the effect of market-specific factors on stock market liquidity
by incorporating market returns (RET) and volatility of daily market returns (STDEV)
(Chordia, Sarkar, and Subrahmanyam 2005; Fernández-Amador et al. 2013). RET is com­
puted monthly and quarterly as the value-weighted average of individual monthly/
quarterly stock returns. Similarly, the market’s monthly/quarterly STDEV is calculated as
the monthly/quarterly standard deviation of the value-weighted average of daily stock
returns. Even we control for individual stock characteristics that are known to determine
market liquidity by including trading volume (TV) and firm size (MCAP) (Hameed et al.
2014; Verrecchia 1991). The TV is calculated monthly and quarterly as the value-weighted

average of individual monthly/quarterly stock trading volume. In contrast, MCAP is

computed as the average of individual monthly/quarterly stock market capitalization.
All the control variables are converted into natural log values.
First, descriptive statistics and correlation analysis are performed for all the liquidity,
macroeconomic, and control variables. Before we undertake any further examination,
we test data for stationarity using the Augmented Dicky-Fuller (ADF) test. Although the
related literature points out a unidirectional relationship between the macroeconomic
indicators and stock market liquidity but some studies (Næs, Skjeltorp, and ØDegaard
2011; Khanh and Viet 2020; Ogunmuyiwa 2017; Zhu, Ash, and Pollin 2004) evidence that
stock market liquidity is a leading indicator of the real economic growth and any
adverse liquidity shocks result in economic distress. Thus, we expect an endogenous
relationship between the selected macroeconomic variables and the liquidity dimen­
sions. VAR approach has been favourably considered as an appropriate model in
capturing such endogenous relationship between the variables; specifically between
financial and economic data series (Wu and Zhou 2015), and thereby we specify the
following VAR model and a lag length of three was set according to the Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC).
Zt ¼ c þ AZt þ BXt 1 þ ut (5)

Where:Zt is the vector of endogenous variables (AR, CET, RQS, ST, CAB, EXP, FDI, FPI,
Xt 1 are control variables (RET, STDEV, MCAP, VOL),
c is the vector of intercepts,
A is a coefficient matrix of endogenous variables,
B is the coefficient matrix of control variables, and
ut is the vector of residuals.
Further, we use the Granger-causality test to assess whether the variables have any
power to cause the other variables in the VAR model and use impulse response functions
to identify the reaction of liquidity dimensions in response to a shock in macroeconomic
indicators. Since we are primarily interested in the effect of the macroeconomic indicators
on stock market liquidity, we only report the impact of monthly/quarterly macroeconomic
indicators on the selected liquidity measures. We test the null hypothesis for Granger-
causality tests that the lagged endogenous variable (either macroeconomic indicators or
stock market liquidity) does not Granger-cause the dependent variable (either stock
market liquidity or macroeconomic indicators). We also assume that PFCE, GFCE, GFCF,
GDP, M1, M3, FDI, FPI, FER, CAB, EXP, and REER positively impact stock market liquidity,
whereas CPI IR, GOLD, SILVER, OIL, and IMP will have an inverse impact.

4. Empirical results
4.1. Descriptive statistics
In Table 1 Panel A, CET is higher among the liquidity variables, and ST is lower than other
liquidity measures. This indicates a higher immediacy and lower trading activity. Also,
transaction costs are higher for a given trading volume as represented by higher RQS, and
the price impact of trades is lower, as indicated by lower AR. Concerning macroeconomic

Table 1. Summary statistics results of market liquidity, macroeconomic variables and control variables.
Panel A. Summary statistics of quarterly variables Panel B. Summary statistics of monthly variables
Variables Mean Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis Variables Mean Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis
AR −0.0060 0.2161 0.0039 9.3662 AR −0.0003 0.1405 0.2202 14.6946
CET 0.0024 0.4943 1.0744 4.6104 CET −0.0010 0.2267 0.0519 4.7587
RQS −0.0049 0.0794 −1.0952 6.4258 RQS −0.0029 0.0529 −0.3537 4.2078
ST −0.0062 0.0463 −0.4381 4.0878 ST −0.0020 0.0375 −0.0738 3.2931
CAB −0.0022 2.6556 0.1653 18.7869 OIL 0.0022 0.0792 −0.7184 4.0600
EXP 0.0309 0.0737 −0.1244 5.2719 INFL 0.0061 0.0087 0.7376 6.1729
FDI 0.0160 0.8142 0.0078 3.2472 FER 0.0068 0.0213 −0.5582 6.0335
FPI −0.0196 1.0481 0.3299 4.7807 GOLD 0.0059 0.0341 0.6093 4.2705
GDP 0.0318 0.0496 −0.3086 2.8203 IR 0.0077 0.1890 −0.1222 5.2437
GFCE 0.0282 0.2100 −0.0450 1.8509 M1 0.0079 0.0376 −2.6408 30.0727
GFCF 0.0295 0.0466 −0.1851 2.5985 M3 0.0084 0.0143 −3.9985 34.9721
IMP 0.0287 0.0584 0.0320 2.3752 REER 0.0010 0.0166 −0.3457 3.3817
PFCE 0.0323 0.0525 0.7047 2.8752 SILVER 0.0044 0.0611 0.3576 3.1575
RET −0.0065 0.7287 0.3020 4.7218 RET 0.0019 0.7922 −0.3921 11.4229
STDEV −0.0286 0.3273 −0.1574 2.3377 STDEV −0.0120 0.4307 −0.1064 4.1985
MCAP 0.0026 0.0051 0.1716 3.0767 MCAP −0.0039 0.0532 −10.7012 16.0221
TV 0.0013 0.0118 0.4781 3.3780 TV 0.0005 0.0109 −0.0474 2.9474

variables, PFCE is higher, and FPI is the lowest. The control variables indicate a higher
MCAP and lower STDEV. CET, CAB, and RET have substantial deviations, whereas ST, GFCF,
and MCAP display more downward variations.
In Table 1 Panel B, AR has been the highest among liquidity measures, whereas ST is
the lowest, thus indicating a higher trading impact on prices and lower trading activity.
Also, M3 has been the most elevated, and REER is the weakest compared to other
macroeconomic variables. RET is higher, and STDEV is lower. Moreover, CET, IR, and RET
have been highly volatile, whereas ST, CPI, and TV show lower deviations.

4.2. Unit root test

To examine the stationarity of the liquidity measures, macroeconomic indicators, and
control variables, the study employs the Augmented Dicky-Fuller (ADF) Test for both
monthly and quarterly variable series. The ADF unit root results are shown in Table 2. It
evidences significant effects, and hence the null hypothesis that the variables are non-
stationary is rejected and that all the variables are stationary at level.

4.3. Correlation analysis

The correlation results of the quarterly series in Table 3 Panel A show that AR is not
significantly related to any of the employed macroeconomic indicators and control
variables among the market liquidity measures. CET is positively related to EXP and
GFCF, which can be because the growth in exports and higher capital formation con­
tributes to increased investment, especially in developing nations (Rangarajan and
Sundararajan 2014), promoting higher immediacy in the market. CET is negatively related
to PFCE, which indicates that lower private expenditure on consumption enhances
market immediacy. Further, RQS is negatively related to MCAP, suggesting that trading
in small firm stocks carries higher transaction costs due to their illiquid characteristic
(Kissell 2013). Moreover, the transaction costs increase with the trading volume and

Table 2. Results of the Augmented Dicky-Fuller (ADF) test.

Series Variables ADF test statistic Probability Series Variables ADF test statistic Probability
Quarterly AR −10.5332 0.0000*** Monthly AR −9.97003 0.0000***
CET −9.89204 0.0000*** CET −6.02516 0.0000***
RQS −6.69273 0.0000*** RQS −10.3607 0.0000***
ST −5.62187 0.0000*** ST −12.8746 0.0000***
CAB −10.3307 0.0000*** FER −10.5798 0.0000***
EXP −9.28357 0.0000*** GOLD −9.30694 0.0000***
FDI −5.72776 0.0000*** IR −18.1937 0.0000***
GDP −2.54768 0.1034* M1 −8.20413 0.0000***
FPI −4.92172 0.0006*** M3 −11.2412 0.0000***
GFCE −3.34452 0.0210** SILVER −9.22773 0.0000***
GFCF −2.04806 0.0660* REER −9.09283 0.0000***
IMP −6.52284 0.0000*** OIL −9.22773 0.0000***
PFCE −11.5607 0.0000*** INFL −6.53449 0.0000***
RET −10.205 0.0000*** RET −9.73775 0.0000***
STDEV −5.17192 0.0002*** STDEV −13.2853 0.0000***
MCAP −5.1345 0.0001*** MCAP −10.0586 0.0000***
TV −6.0463 0.0000*** TV −14.4404 0.0000***
***1% level of significance, ** 5% level of significance, *10% level of significance.

Table 3. Results of correlation analysis.

Panel A. Correlation results of quarterly variables Panel B. Correlation results of monthly variables
CAB 0.0328 0.1569 0.1166 −0.0151 OIL −0.0480 0.1248 0.1656* −0.0347
EXP −0.0782 0.2674* 0.0126 −0.0193 INFL 0.1784** 0.0482 −0.1289 −0.1186
FDI 0.1521 −0.2202 0.1108 0.0004 FER −0.0316 −0.0689 0.3224*** 0.1251
GDP −0.1004 0.0039 0.0522 0.0079 GOLD 0.0939 −0.0516 0.3127*** 0.1795**
FPI −0.0562 −0.2703 0.1725 −0.2779 IR −0.1292 −0.0330 −0.1312 −0.1390
GFCE −0.0584 0.0582 0.0671 0.1105 M1 −0.0270 −0.0455 −0.1521* −0.0740
GFCF −0.0834 0.2980* −0.1019 0.0098 M3 0.0234 −0.0227 −0.0725 −0.0516
IMP −0.2293 −0.0440 −0.1557 −0.1972 REER 0.1881** 0.1184 −0.3359*** −0.0562
PFCE 0.0476 −0.3264** −0.0540 −0.1042 SILVER 0.0769 −0.0166 0.0988 0.1342
RET 0.1202 −0.2389 −0.0247 −0.4742*** RET −0.2120** −0.0089 0.2696*** 0.0391
STDEV −0.1428 −0.1691 0.6893*** 0.4826*** STDEV 0.0719 −0.2693*** 0.4963*** 0.3743***
MCAP 0.0955 −0.0951 −0.3958*** −0.2230 MCAP 0.0020 0.0508 0.0219 −0.0415
TV 0.1835 0.0969 0.3957*** 0.8593*** TV 0.0302 −0.1644* 0.2907*** 0.7740***
***1% level of significance, ** 5% level of significance, *10% level of significance.

market volatility, as depicted by the positive relationship between RQS, TV, and STDEV. ST
is negatively related to RET and positively with TV. This suggests that an increased trading
volume for stocks will foster trading activity and lower the overall return on higher market
liquidity. Additionally, ST and STDEV are positively correlated, which hints that trades are
executed in an asymmetric informational environment (Jones 2005).
The correlation results of the monthly series in Table 3 Panel B show that AR is
positively related to INFL and REER, which implies a higher price impact of trades during
a higher inflationary trend and appreciation in domestic currency. Further, it is seen that
higher price impact is not duly compensated by higher returns as depicted by the
negative relationship between AR and RET, thereby indicate depressed investment pro­
spects. CET is negatively related to TV and STDEV, indicating that market immediacy is
enhanced during lower trading volume and market volatility periods. Moreover, RQS is
negatively related to M1 and REER, which means that a rise in narrow money and

appreciation in domestic currency lowers the transaction costs because of increased

investment inflow. In contrast, RQS widens during increasing oil prices, as indicated by
the positive relation between RQS and OIL.
On the other hand, RQS and ST are positively correlated with TV and STDEV, thus
indicating trading in asymmetric information as observed in the quarterly series of these
variables. Also, RQS rises during an increase in FER, which implies that higher foreign
assets resemble a higher liability on account of higher foreign investment receipts. Lastly,
RQS and ST have a positive relationship with GOLD, which indicates that the transaction
costs and trading activity lowers when the prices of gold rise, thereby confirming with safe
investment property of gold as a security.

4.4. Causation effect between stock market liquidity and macroeconomic

From Table 4 Panel A, we find that only a few of the macroeconomic variables are causing
the various dimensions of market liquidity. CAB causes AR and RQS, FPI causes RQS and
GFCF causes AR. On the other hand, Table 5 Panel B discloses that all the dimensional
measures show causality across many macroeconomic variables. AR causes CAB and GFCF,
CET causes GFCE and PFCE, RQS causes FDI and FPI, ST causes GDP and GFCE. These results
reveal bidirectional causality between AR and CAB, AR and GFCF, RQS, and FPI.
From Table 6 Panel A, we find that GOLD causes ST. M1 drives CET and ST. M3 causes
CET and RQS. REER causes CET. SILVER causes CET and ST. On the other hand, Table 7
Panel B discloses that AR causes GOLD. CET causes INFL, GOLD, IR, M3, and REER. RQS
cause M3. ST causes IR, M1, M3, and REER. There is bidirectional causality between M1-ST,

Table 4. Granger causality tests.

Panel A. Granger causality tests: Macroeconomic variables and market liquidity
(H0: Macroeconomic variables does not Granger-cause market liquidity).
Variables AR CET RQS ST
CAB 27.5970*** 1.7706 7.6400** 1.8504
EXP 3.0379 3.1151 0.9280 2.3730
FDI 4.2677 3.1207 0.1369 3.2015
GDP 1.8461 0.8046 0.3509 5.9218
FPI 0.7429 1.0816 11.9353*** 3.2839
GFCE 2.8819 4.2162 0.5473 4.6756
GFCF 7.2102* 2.6364 2.6320 0.6482
IMP 3.3264 4.2882 0.3462 2.9857
PFCE 4.0974 4.5615 0.4629 0.8766

Table 5. Granger causality tests.

Panel B. Granger causality tests: Market liquidity variables and Macroeconomic variables (H0: Market
liquidity does not Granger-cause Macroeconomic variables).
AR 15.0520*** 4.9809 4.2677 1.8461 0.7429 2.8819 7.2102* 3.3264 4.0974
CET 0.4065 0.3043 2.9815 0.8046 3.0413 19.7920 5.7287 4.2882 10.7302***
RQS 2.4390 0.2653 16.7536*** 4.7028 6.6639* 0.4618 0.9302 1.6769 1.0618
ST 1.0480 1.5219 0.6154 10.7104*** 1.5858 7.7591** 2.2859 2.8155 4.7647
***1% level of significance, ** 5% level of significance, *10% level of significance.

Table 6. Granger causality tests.

Panel A. Granger causality tests: Macroeconomic variables and market liquidity
(H0: Macroeconomic variables does not Granger-cause market liquidity).
Variables AR01 CET RQS ST
OIL 2.2533 2.1385 5.0476 2.1902
CPI 1.9461 3.6817 1.3546 1.0352
FER 4.9311 1.9056 0.7634 1.7975
GOLD 3.3741 5.2256 3.1830 6.4557*
IR 0.9083 3.0939 3.7826 2.7287
M1 0.2125 16.4208*** 5.4833 6.4655*
M3 0.7271 10.6767*** 8.7981** 3.5544
REER 2.8123 7.0075* 0.6357 1.9139
SILVER 4.9179 9.0976** 4.1063 9.7300**

Table 7. Granger causality tests.

Panel B. Granger causality tests: Market liquidity variables and Macroeconomic variables (H0: Market
liquidity does not Granger-cause Macroeconomic variables).
AR 1.8842 2.4600 0.8473 7.9773** 3.3615 0.4786 0.5444 3.4584 4.8797
CET 4.2765 10.6853*** 0.7653 8.4642** 8.3540** 4.4570 6.8572* 6.0402* 2.2769
RQS 0.1452 2.5449 1.8224 3.2421 3.9491 1.5952 6.8069* 2.8142 0.7680
ST 2.4047 3.9690 0.7307 3.2644 7.9007** 11.3106*** 6.4492* 7.9002** 1.3774
***1% level of significance, ** 5% level of significance, *10% level of significance.

4.5. Impulse response analysis

From Figures 1–4, we find that the immediate lag of FDI has a positive impact on AR,
which refers that a higher ownership concentration by foreign investors leads to a higher
price impact on account of information asymmetry. Since these investors gain direct
ownership control in the management of the host company and have longer investment
durations and thus tend to have an informational advantage over the other investors. It is
also found that the price impact increases during a lower CAB as observed through
a negative impact of all lags of CAB on AR. The current account deficit indicates the
country’s liability, mainly funded through significant foreign direct investments (Behera
and Yadav 2019), which contributes to higher illiquidity in the stock market. Even the
transaction costs (RQS) have a negative impact of the third lag of CAB.
Moreover, CET is found to be increasing due to higher imports in the country (as
indicated by the positive effect of the second lag of IMP on CET) since higher imports
foster higher foreign investments (Fontagne 1996), which tend to improve the execution
time of trades. But such increased execution speed is available at a higher transaction
cost. It results in a broader volume impact on stock prices, as depicted by the positive
effect of the immediate two lags of FPI on RQS and FDI on AR.
From Figures 5–8, we find that the monthly series of CET is positively affected by all the
lags of REER and negatively affected by all the lags of money supply (M1 and M3) and
the second lag of INFL. This refers that the market immediacy is fostered during the
appreciation of the domestic currency, but it lowers down when inflation rises, and the
money supply is curtailed to lower the effects of inflation which further broadens the bid-
ask spreads as shown by the positive impact of the second lag of M1 and M3 on RQS.
Moreover, this increased money supply lowers trading activity, as demonstrated by the

Figure 1. Response of AR to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables


Figure 2. Response of CET to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables

Figure 3. Response of RQS to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables

Figure 4. Response of ST to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables


Figure 5. Response of AR to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables


Figure 6. Response of CET to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables

Figure 7. Response of RQS to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables

Figure 8. Response of ST to a unit standard deviation innovation in the macroeconomic variables


negative effect of all the lags of M1 and M3 on ST. Additionally, the increased interest rates
positively affect RQS, confirming that higher borrowing cost deprives domestic investors
of trading. Also, the execution speed of trade and trading activity slows down during
increasing gold and silver prices, as represented by the negative impact of the third lag of
GOLD and the first lag of SILVER on CET and the second lag of GOLD first lag of SILVER on
ST. However, it is found that the negative impact of the first lag of SILVER is nullified by the
positive effect of its distant lag on CET. Thus, GOLD evolves as the vital security that
significantly affects trading activity and immediacy in the stock market over SILVER.

5. Conclusion
The current study analyzes the impact of macroeconomic indicators on the liquidity of the
Indian stock market. Eighteen macroeconomic indicators at monthly and quarterly fre­
quencies were selected and analysed using the Granger Causality test, VAR Model, and
Impulse Response Functions from 2009–2019. The study finds that during the period of
study, the Indian stock market is characterized by higher liquidity as determined in terms
of higher market immediacy (CET), market breadth (AR), and a consistent level of market
depth (ST). Concerning the macroeconomic indicators, Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)
and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) have been the lowest over the period, whereas
Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE) and broad money (M3) have surged.
Additionally, the market volatility has been relatively low in comparison to other market
Further, a robust significant relationship exists between control variables and liquidity
measures wherein transaction costs (RQS) and market volatility (STDEV) are positively
correlated. In contrast, market depth (ST) is found to have a positive correlation with
trading volume (TV) and supports the findings of Fujimoto (2011). However, a lower
significant relationship is found between the liquidity measures and macroeconomic
indicators, amongst which transaction cost (RQS) measure was related to most of the
monthly indicators.
The Granger Causality results reveal bidirectional causality between Amihud Illiquidity
Ratio (AR), Current Account Balance (CAB) and Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF);
Relative Quoted Spread (RQS), Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI), and Broad Money (M3);
Share Turnover (ST) and Narrow Money (M1); Coefficient of Elasticity of Trading (CET),
Broad Money (M3) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER). The VAR results and impulse
responses document a significant negative impact of foreign investment inflows on stock
market liquidity wherein increased FDI lowers market breadth (widen the price impact of
trades) and FPI decreases tightness by broadening the transaction costs, which confirms
the notion of informational asymmetry caused by foreign investors as modelled by
Goldstein and Razin (2006). Besides, contraction in the money supply (represented by
M1 and M3) results in a fall in the overall market liquidity by lowering the tightness,
immediacy, and depth in the market and is in confirmation to the work of Debata and
Mahakud (2018). Even gold prices shrink aggregate liquidity by reducing the overall
trading activity and immediacy, indicating a flight to safe investment assets.
The overall results indicate that foreign investment inflows, money supply, and gold
prices are the fundamental macroeconomic determinants of liquidity in the Indian stock
market and thus should form a crucial consideration while making trading decisions and

initiating the liquidity-enhancing policy interventions. Also, due attention must be paid to
market volatility since it was a key factor related to transaction costs. However, these results
may vary across size/sectoral based stocks and under diverse market conditions and thus
can be further extended in future studies. Also, the impact of macroeconomic indicators of
developed economies on the liquidity of emerging stock markets can be explored.

Our heartfelt thanks are to the editor and the reviewers for their very helpful comments.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Notes on contributors
Priyanka Naik, M.Com is an Assistant Professor at Goa Business School, Goa University, Goa, India.
She has 6 years of teaching experience and her areas of interest in teaching and research include
Accounting and Finance. She has published 6 research papers in national and international journals,
including Scopus indexed journals. She is currently pursuing Ph.D in Commerce at Goa Business
School, Goa University.
Y.V. Reddy, Ph.D is a Senior Professor at Goa Business School, Goa University, Goa, India. He has 34
years of teaching experience. His areas of interest in teaching and research include Accounting and
Finance. He has published over 100 research papers in national and international journals, including
Scopus/WOS indexed journals. He has presented more than 60 research papers in national and
international conferences. Prof. Reddy has guided 20 doctoral theses and 7 more students are
currently working under his guidance for research.

Priyanka Naik http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0157-1900
Y.V. Reddy http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0805-6637

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