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Three phase-transformer / Three-winding transformer

Normally , when three-phase is required, a single enclosure with

three primary and three secondary windings wound on a common
core is all that is required. However three single-phase
transformers with the same rating can be connected to form a
three-phase bank. Since each single-phase transformer has a
primary and a secondary winding, then 3 single-phase
transformers will have the required 3 primary and 3 secondary
windings and can be connected in the field either Delta-Delta or
Delta-Wye to achieve the required three-phased transformer bank.3
Three Phase Transformer Construction

➢ The three-limb core-type three-phase transformer is the most common

method of three-phase transformer construction allowing the phases to be
magnetically linked.
➢ Flux of each limb uses the other two limbs for its return path with the
three magnetic flux’s in the core generated by the line voltages differing in
time-phase by 120 degrees.
➢ The shell-type five-limb type three-phase transformer construction is
heavier and more expensive to build than the core-type. Five-limb cores
are generally used for very large power transformers as they can be made
with reduced height.
Three Phase Voltages and Currents

A transformer can not act as a phase changing device and

change single-phase into three-phase or three-phase into
single phase
Three Phase Transformer Connections

Phase Phase
Connection Line Voltage Line Current
Voltage Current

Star VP = VL ÷ √3 VL = √3 × VP IP = IL IL = I P

Delta VP = VL VL = VP IP = IL ÷ √3 IL = √3 × IP

There are four different ways in which three single-phase transformers
may be connected together between their primary and secondary
three-phase circuits. These four standard configurations are given as:
Delta-Delta (Dd), Star-Star (Yy), Star-Delta (Yd), and Delta-Star (Dy).

Connection Primary Winding Secondary Winding

Delta D d

Star Y y

Interconnected Z z

Three Phase Transformer Star and Delta Configurations:

Transformers for high voltage operation with the star connections has the advantage of reducing
the voltage on an individual transformer, reducing the number of turns required and an increase in the size
of the conductors, making the coil windings easier and cheaper to insulate than delta transformers.

Transformer Delta and Delta Connections:

• The delta-delta connection nevertheless has one big

advantage over the star-delta configuration, in that if one
transformer of a group of three should become faulty or
disabled, the two remaining ones will continue to deliver
three-phase power with a capacity equal to approximately
two thirds of the original output from the transformer unit.

Transformer Delta and Delta Connections:

• The disadvantage of delta connected three phase

transformers is that each transformer must be wound for the
full-line voltage, (in our example above 100V) and for 57.7 per
cent, line current. The greater number of turns in the winding,
together with the insulation between turns, necessitates a
larger and more expensive coil than the star connection.

Transformer Star and Star Connections

In the star-star arrangement ( Yy ), (wye-wye), each transformer

has one terminal connected to a common junction, or neutral
point with the three remaining ends of the primary windings
connected to the three-phase mains supply. The number of turns
in a transformer winding for star connection is 57.7 per cent, of
that required for delta connection. 12
➢When the primary and secondary have
different types of winding connections, star or
delta, the overall turns ratio of the
transformer becomes more complicated.
➢If a three-phase transformer is connected as
delta-delta ( DD ) or star-star ( YY ) then the
transformer could potentially have a 1:1 turns
ratio. That is the input and output voltages for
the windings are the same.
➢With a 1:1 turns ratio, a star–delta connected
transformer will provide a √3:1 step-down
line-voltage ratio.

➢ The star connection requires the use of three transformers, and if any one
transformer becomes fault or disabled, the whole group might become
disabled. Nevertheless, the star connected three phase transformer is
especially convenient and economical in electrical power distributing
systems, in that a fourth wire may be connected as a neutral point, ( n ) of
the three star connected secondaries as shown.

Primary-Secondary Line Voltage Line Current

Configuration Primary or Secondary Primary or Secondary

Delta – Delta

Delta – Star

Star – Delta

Star – Star
Open-Delta or V-V Connection

➢ Consider a bank of three one phase transformers working as Dd or
Yd mode (secondary always delta) to run a three phase load.
➢ It may happen that due to some reason, one of the transformers is
removed; like maintenance, damage, faults etc. In such a case, the
secondary delta is broken and the connection resembles a V. Hence
this sort of connection is also known as V-V connection or Open-
delta connection.
➢ Open-delta connection is often used to provide power to
new under-construction projects such as a new power station or
a substation, to reduce the initial investment. This reduces the
project cost.
➢ An open-delta connection may be used to provide three
phase power up to 57.7 % of the actual capacity of the
three phase bank.
➢ If the three phase load is not reduced while using open-delta, there
is high chance that one transformer gets overloaded; which can be
more dangerous.
• The disadvantages of this connection are :
1. The average power factor at which the V-bank operates is less
than that of the load. This power factor is actually 86.6% of
the balanced load power factor. Another significant point to
note is that, except for a balanced unity power factor load, the
two transformers in the V – V bank operate at different power

2. Secondary terminal voltages tend to become unbalanced to a great

extent when the load is increased, this happens even when the
load is perfectly balanced.

3. for an increase in cost of 50% for the third transformer, the

increase in capacity is 73.2% when converting from a V – V
system to a D – D system.
Scott-T Transformer Connection

• 3-phase to 2-phase conversion and vice-versa.

• The two transformers are connected electrically

but not magnetically.

• One of the transformers is called the main

transformer, and the other is called the auxiliary or
teaser transformer.


O-5T a.sr T+‹o-phase



Voltage on transformer Primary

Three Phase Input Voltge
Applications of Scott Connection
• The following are the applications of the Scott-T
• The Scott-T connection is used in an electric
furnace installation where it is desired to operate
two single-phase together and draw the balanced
load from the three-phase supply.
• It is used to supply the single phase loads such as
electric train which are so scheduled as to keep
the load on the three phase system as nearly as
• The Scott-T connection is used to link a 3-phase
system with a two–phase system with the flow of
power in either direction.
Summary on three phase transformers:
• Four common methods of connecting three transformers for 3-
phase circuits are Δ-Δ, Y-Y, Y-Δ, and Δ-Y connections.

• An advantage of Δ-Δ connection is that if one of the

transformers fails or is removed from the circuit, the remaining
two can operate in the open-Δ or V connection. This way, the
bank still delivers 3-phase currents and voltages in their
correct phase relationship. However, the capacity of the bank
is reduced to 57.7 % of its original value.

• In the Y-Y connection, only 57.7% of the line voltage is applied

to each winding but full line current flows in each winding. The
Y-Y connection is rarely used.

• The Δ-Y connection is used for stepping up voltages since the

voltage is increased by the transformer ratio multiplied by 3.

Parallel operation:

The Transformer is said to be in Parallel Operation when their primary windings

are connected to a common voltage supply, and the secondary windings are
connected to a common load
it increases the efficiency of the system, makes the system more flexible and reliable

it increases the short-circuit current of the transformers.
Necessary Conditions For Parallel Operation
For the satisfactory parallel operation of the transformer, the two main conditions are
• Polarities of the transformers must be same.
• Turn Ratio of the transformer should be equal.

The other two desirable conditions are as follows:-

➢ The voltage at full load across the transformer internal impedance should be

➢ The ratio of their winding resistances to reactance's should be equal for both
the transformers. This condition ensures that both transformers operate at the
same power factor, thus sharing their active power and reactive volt-amperes
according to their ratings.

Reasons For Parallel Operation
• It is impractical and uneconomical to have a single large transformer for heavy and large
loads. Hence, it will be a wise decision to connect a number of transformers in parallel.
• In substations, the total load required may be supplied by an appropriate number of the
transformer of standard size. As a result, this reduces the spare capacity of the substation.
• If the transformers are connected in parallel, so there will be scope in future, for
expansion of a substation to supply a load beyond the capacity of the transformer already
• If there will be any breakdown of a transformer in a system of transformers connected in
parallel, there will be no interruption of power supply, for essential services.
• If any of the transformers from the system is taken out of service for its maintenance and
inspection, the continuity of the supply will not get disturbed.
➢ Various conditions that must be fulfilled for the successful parallel operation of
• Same voltage Ratio & Turns Ratio
• Same Percentage Impedance and X/R ratio.
• Identical Position of Tap changer.
• Same KVA ratings.
• Same Phase angle shift (vector group are same).
• Same Frequency rating.
• Same Polarity.
• Same Phase sequence.
The primary winding of a delta-star ( Dy ) connected 50VA transformer is supplied with a 100
volt, 50Hz three-phase supply. If the transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 100 turns on
the secondary winding, calculate the secondary side voltages and currents. (Gate 2014)

Given Data: transformer rating, 50VA, supply voltage, 100v, primary turns 500, secondary turns, 100.
Then the secondary side of the transformer supplies a line voltage, VL of about 35v giving a phase
voltage, VP of 20v at 0.834 amperes.

➢ If the primary line voltage rating is 3.3 kV (Y side) of a 25 kVA, Y-△△ transformer
(the per phase turns ratio is 5:1), then the line current rating of the secondary side
(in Ampere) is . (Gate 2017)
Ans: 37 to 39

➢ Keeping in view the requirement of parallel operation, which of the 3-phase

connections given below are possible?
(a) delta-delta to delta-star (b) delta-delta to star-delta (c) star- star to delta-star
(d) delta-star to star-delta
Ans: delta-star to star-delta belongs to -30 phase groups therefore they can be used
for parallel operation

➢ A V-V connected transformer can be connected in parallel to delta-delta

connected transformer but not to (Gate 2015)
a) delta-star
b) star-delta
c) star-V
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: The V-V connected transformer and D-D connected transformers have
same phase displacement, so they only can be connected in parallel to each other.

➢ The transformer which is more feasible to use in the distribution ends
should be
a) star-delta
b) delta-star
c) scott
d) delta-delta
Answer: a
Explanation: Star-delta will have lower voltage at delta end.
➢ The voltage across the terminal ‘r’ and ‘y’ is
a) 1.73*V
b) V/1.73
c) V
d) 3*V

Answer: b
Explanation: From star to delta, the line voltage will reduce by 1.73.

➢ . Open delta transformers can be obtained from
a) delta-delta b) star-delta c) delta-star d) any of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: If one of the transformers is removed from the bank of only delta-
delta, then it behaves with 58% power delivery.
➢ The delta-delta connections are used in applications of
a) large l.v. transformers b) small h.v. transformers
c) large h.v. transformers d) small l.v. transformers
Answer: a
Explanation: Delta connected winding handle line voltages so it needs more turns
in the winding but thin wires.

(Gate 2004)

• Figure shows a Δ-Y connected 3 phase distribution transformer used to step down
the voltage from 11000 to 415V line to line. It has 2 switches S1 and S2. Under
Normal conditions S1 is closed S2 are open. Under superior condition S1 as open
and S2 in closed. In such case the magnitude of voltage across the LV terminal a
and c is (Gate 2003)

1. 240 V 2. 480 V 3.415 V 4. 0 V

In Y connection the phase winding is connection is series subtractive polarity

Vac = Van – Vcn , Van = Vcn,, ∴ Vac = 0V

The combinations that will operate in parallel:
•Following Vector group of Transformer will operate in parallel.

Operative Parallel Operation

Sr.No Transformer-1 Transformer-2

1 ∆∆ ∆∆ or Yy
2 Yy Yy or ∆∆
3 ∆y ∆y or Y∆
4 Y∆ Y∆ or ∆y
The combinations that will not operate in parallel:
•Following Vector group of Transformer will not operate in parallel.

Inoperative Parallel Operation

Sr.No Transformer-1 Transformer-2
1 ∆∆ ∆y
2 ∆y ∆∆
3 Y∆ Yy
4 Yy Y∆
An autotransformer is a kind of electrical transformer where
primary and secondary shares same common single winding. So
basically it’s a one winding transformer.

Applications of Auto Transformers
1. Compensating voltage drops by boosting supply voltage in
distribution systems.
2. Auto transformers with a number of tapping are used for starting
induction and synchronous motors.
3. Auto transformer is used as variac in laboratory or where
continuous variable over broad ranges are required.
4. An auto transformer has higher efficiency than two winding
transformer. This is because of less ohmic loss and core loss due to
reduction of transformer material.
5. Auto transformer has better voltage regulation as voltage
drop in resistance and reactance of the single winding is less.
Copper Savings in Auto Transformer
weight of copper in winding is directly proportional to product of
number of turns and rated current of the winding.
Wa and Wtw are weight of copper in auto transformer and
two winding transformer, Saving of copper in auto
transformer compared to two winding transformer=

Wtw -Wa = KWtw

constant ′k′ is nothing but turns ratio or voltage ratio of that
auto transformer.

1. Which type of winding is used in 3-phase shell-type transformer?
a) Circular type
b) Sandwich type
c) Cylindrical type
d) Rectangular type
Answer: b
Explanation: In core type of the transformer, winding is done by normal method,
while in the shell type transformer, winding is sandwiched between corresponding
shells of core material. Hence, it is sandwich type.
2. 3-phase transformers compare to 1-phase transformers
a) More economical
b) Easy in construction
c) Easy to construct
d) Easy to handle
Answer: a
Explanation: 3-phase transformers are also used to power large motors and other
heavy loads. A three-wire three-phase circuit is more economical than an
equivalent two-wire single-phase circuit at the same line to ground voltage
because it uses less conductor material to transmit a given amount of electrical
3. How 3-phase transformers are constructed?
a) A bank of 3 single phase transformers
b) A single 3-phase transformer with the primary and secondary of each phase
wound on three legs of a common core
c) Single 3-phase transformer or a bank of 3 1-phase transformers
d) By different method
Answer: c
Explanation: #-phase transformers can be either constructed by 2 methods. One
is a bank of 3 single phase transformers and another method is a single 3-phase
transformer with the primary and secondary of each phase wound on three legs
of a common core.
4. Three phase transformer compare to a bank of 3 single phase transformers is

a) Cheaper b) Costlier
c) More in space d) Can’t be determined
Answer: a
Explanation: 3-phase transformers can be manufactured by 2 methods. The
three-phase transformer unit costs about 15% less than that of a bank and
furthermore, the single unit occupies less space. There is little difference in
5. In mines we use
a) a single unit of 3-phase transformer
b) a bank of 3 single phase transformers
c) use of 3-phase transformer is avoided
d) a single unit or a bank
Answer: b
Explanation: It is cheaper to carry spare stock of a single-phase rather than a
three-phase transformer. In underground use (mines) a bank of single-phase
units may be preferred as it is easier to transport these units. The bank also
offers the advantage of a de-rated open-delta operation when one single-
phase comes inoperative.
6. In three phase bank phases are
a) the phases are electrically not connected and magnetically independent
b) the phases are electrically not connected and magnetically dependent
c) the phases are electrically connected and magnetically independent
d) the phases are electrically connected and magnetically dependent
Answer: c
Explanation: The 3-phase load bank is constructed by so that all three phases
are made to be connected with together electrically. By the same time these
banks form three magnetic circuits which are independent.
7. Where the tappings are provided in a transformer?
a) At the phase end of LV side
b) At the phase end of HV side
c) At the neutral side end of the HV side
d) At the middle of HV side
Answer: d
Explanation: Tappings are provided in order to maintain the terminal voltage across the
loads within the permissible specified limits with respect to load variations. Tappings
can be provided at phase end or neutral end of HV side. But to maintain magnetic
symmetry tappings are preferred in the middle of the winding only.
8. Tappings are on
a) LV side of a transformer
b) HV side of transformer
c) Not on any side
d) On both sides
Answer: b
Explanation: Generally, tappings are preferred on HV side, because the HV side is low
current-high voltage side, tap changer involves low current interruption and large
variations or small steps are possible due to more no of turns.

9. In core type 3-phase transformer flux path chooses how many paths to
a) 2 b) Single c) 3 d) Many
Answer: a
Explanation: Flux of each limb in core type uses the other two limbs for its
return path with the three-magnetic flux’s in the core generated by the line
voltages differing in time-phase by 120 degrees. Thus, the flux in the core
remains nearly sinusoidal, producing a sinusoidal secondary supply voltage.
10. Why shell type 3-phase transformer is used in large power transforming
a) Can be made with more height
b) Can be made with less height
c) More height and less height flexibility
d) Due to other reasons
Answer: b
Explanation: The shell-type five-limb type three-phase transformer construction
is heavier and more expensive to build than the core-type. Five-limb cores are
generally used for very large power transformers as they can be made with
reduced height.
11. A three-phase transformer generally has the three magnetic circuits
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: A three-phase transformer generally has the three magnetic circuits
which are interlaced to give a uniform distribution of the dielectric flux between
the high and low voltage windings. The exception is a three-phase shell type
transformer. In the shell type of construction, even though the three cores are
together, they are non-interlaced.
12. When does star/star transformers work satisfactorily?
a) Load is unbalanced only
b) Load is balanced only
c) On balanced as well as unbalanced loads
d) Independent of load type
Answer: b
Explanation: With the unbalanced load connected to the neutral, the neutral
point shifts thereby making the three line-to-neutral (i.e. phase) voltages
unequal. The effect of unbalanced loads can be illustrated by placing a single
load between phase (or coil) a and the neutral on the secondary side.
13. When does delta/star transformer work satisfactorily?
a) Load is balanced only
b) Load is unbalanced only
c) On balanced as well as unbalanced loads
d) Independent of load type
Answer: c
Explanation: Large unbalanced/balanced loads can be handled satisfactory. The
Y-D connection has no problem with third harmonic components due to
circulating currents in D(delta). It is also more stable to unbalanced loads since
the D partially redistributes any imbalance that occurs.
14. Scott connections are used in
a) three-phase to single phase transformation
b) three-phase to two-phase transformation
c) single phase to three-phase transformation
d) all phase transformations
Answer: b
Explanation: Scott connections are used to convert three-phase to two-phase
conversion, to start two phase motors and two phase furnaces. It requires two
single phase transformers with adjustable tappings, one transformer is main
transformer which is centre tapped through teaser transformer primary with a
suitable number of turns to get a balanced two-phase supply. 45
15. In a three-phase star – delta transformer, what is the angle difference between
primary and secondary phase voltages?
a) Delta side leads by 300
b) Delta side lags by 300
c) Star side leads by 300
d) Star side lags by 300
Answer: a
Explanation: This is a vector group and has + 30° displacement. Therefore, delta
side leads by + 30°. So, it can be stated that delta side is having lead of 300 over
star side because of the connections made.
16. Which can be also called as 00 /1800 connection?
a) Star/star b) Direct star
c) Delta/star d) Star/delta
Answer: a
Explanation: Star connection is formed on each side by connecting together phase
winding terminals. The voltages of the corresponding phases (and thus of the
corresponding lines) are in phase. This is known as the 0°-connection. If the
winding terminals on secondary side are reversed, the 180°-connection is

17. What is the ratio of transformation of star/star connection?
a) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation x:1
b) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation 2x:1
c) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation x/3:1
d) Can’t say
Answer: a
Explanation: The phase transformation ratio is given as x:1, where x simply
denotes the turns ratio of a transformer given, thus, in the star/star connection
we will get the same ratios, as at a particular point, voltage reading on primary
will be proportional to secondary with x.
18. Delta/delta connection is also called as
a) 00-connection
b) 900-connection
c) 1800-connection
d) 00/1800-connection
Answer: d
Explanation: Delta/delta connection is also called as 00-connection as seen from
the phasor diagram that primary and secondary line voltages are in phase with
each other. By reversing connection, we can get 1800 phase shift.
19. What is the ratio of transformation of delta/delta connection?
a) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation x:1
b) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation 2x:1
c) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation x/3:1
d) Can’t determine
Answer: a
Explanation: The phase transformation ratio is given as x:1, where x simply
denotes the turns ratio of a transformer given, thus, in the delta/delta connection
also similar to the star/star, we will get the same ratios, as at a particular point,
voltage reading on primary will be proportional to secondary with x.
20. Open delta connection has VA rating of
a) √3 times delta/delta VA rating
b) 1/√3 times delta/delta VA rating
c) 3 times delta/delta VA rating
d) 1/3 times delta/delta VA rating
Answer: b
Explanation: When one of the transformer in delta/delta connection is removed
we get open delta connection. This connection can handle the power of √3VI.
While on the similar line delta/delta connection can handle the power of 3VI.

21. Star/delta connection is also called as
a) 300-connection
b) 00-connection
c) -300-connection
d) 300/-300-connection
Answer: d
Explanation: Star/delta connection is also called as +/-300-connection as seen
from the phasor diagram that primary and secondary line voltages are either
ahead or below by 300 phases with each other. By reversing connection, we can
get another condition phase shift.
22. What is the ratio of transformation of star/delta connection?
a) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation x:1
b) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation √3x:1
c) Phase transformation x:1, line transformation 3x:1
d) Can’t determine with information available
Answer: a
Explanation: The phase transformation ratio is given as x:1, where x simply
denotes the turns ratio of a transformer given, thus, in the star/delta connection
we will get the √3 factor in ratios, as at a particular point, voltage reading on
primary will be proportional to secondary with √3x. 49
23. x/√3:1 ratio is obtained in
a) Star/delta
b) Delta/star
c) Delta/delta
d) Star/star
Answer: b
Explanation: The phase transformation ratio is given as x:1, where x simply
denotes the turns ratio of a transformer given, thus, in the star/delta connection
we will get the 1/√3 factor in ratios, as at a particular point, voltage reading on
primary will be proportional to secondary with 1/√3x.
24. Which both connections have the same line transformation ratios?
a) Star/star and delta/delta
b) Star/delta and delta/star
c) Star/zig-zag star and delta/zig-zag star
d) Star/star, delta/delta and star/delta, delta/star
Answer: d
Explanation: Star/star and delta/delta both connections have phase transfer ratio
of x:1 and line transfer ratio also equal to x:1, while star/zig-zag star and delta/zig-
zag star connections have line transformation ratio equal to 2/√3x:1.

25. For two transformers connected in parallel, not having unequal percentage
impedances, which statement is correct?
a) Short-circuiting of the secondaries
b) Power factor of one of the transformers is leading while that of the other
c) Transformers having higher copper losses will have negligible core losses
d) Loading of the transformers not in proportion to their kVA ratings
Answer: d
Explanation: In parallel operation of a transformer, loading gets divided between
the whole set in proportion of their impedances. Thus, if impedances are not
same then, loading of transformers will not be in the ratio of their kVA ratings.
26. For the parallel operation of two single phase transformers it is necessary that
they should have
a) same efficiency
b) same polarity
c) same kVA rating
d) same number of turns on the secondary side
Answer: b
Explanation: Polarity of the two transformers must be same if the are supposed to
be operated in parallel mode of operation. It is okay if they have unequal
efficiencies, or unequal kVA ratings, as parallel connection is still possible. 51
27. Transformers operating in parallel mode of operation will share the load
depending upon their
a) leakage reactance b) per unit impedance
c) Efficiencies d) ratings
Answer: b
Explanation: In parallel operation of a transformer, loading of the transformers
gets divided between the whole set in proportion of their per unit impedances.
Thus, if per unit impedances are not same then, loading will not be in the ratio of
their kVA ratings.
28. What will happen if the transformers working in parallel are not connected
with regard to polarity?
a) The power factor of the two trans-formers will be different from the power
factor of common load
b) Incorrect polarity will result in dead short circuit
c) The transformers will not share load in proportion to their kVA ratings
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: b
Explanation: As far polarity is concerned, the transformers are connected in the
same sequence when they are operated in parallel combination. An incorrect
polarity connection of these transformers will result in dead short circuit.
29. If the percentage impedances of the two transformers working in parallel are
different, then
a) transformers will be overheated
b) power factors of both the transformers will be same
c) parallel operation will be not possible
d) parallel operation will still be possible, but the power factors at which the two
transformers operate will be different from the power factor of the common
Answer: d
Explanation: If the percentage impedances of the two transformers which are
working in the parallel are different, then parallel operation is still possible, but
load sharing will not be in the ratio of their kVA loads.
30. A delta/star transformer is connected in parallel to a star/delta transformer.
The turn ratio former is x times latter, the x is
a) 3 b) 1/3
c) √3 d) 1/√3
Answer: a
Explanation: Turn ratio of star1/ Turn ratio of delta 1= Vph/Vph/√3= √3
Ture ratio of star 2 / Turn ratio of delta 2= Vph/√3/Vph= 1/√3
Thus, turn ratio of star1/delta1 = 3 * turn ratio of star 2/ delta 2.
31. While connecting two transformers in parallel voltage around the local loop

a) positive
b) negative
c) equals zero
d) insufficient information
Answer: c
Explanation: The transformers must be connected properly as far as their
polarities are concerned so that the net voltage around the local loop is zero. A
wrong polarity connection results in a dead short circuit.
32. For three phase power transformers relative phase displacement should be

a) 00
b) 300
c) 900
d) 1800
Answer: a
Explanation: Three-phase transformers must have zero relative phase
displacement on the secondary sides and must be connected in a proper phase
sequence. Only the transformers of the same phase group can be paralleled.
33. Y/Y and Y/D transformers can be paralleled.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: For example, Y/Y and Y/D transformers cannot be paralleled as their
secondary voltages will have a phase difference of 30°. Transformers with +30°
and –30° phase shift can, however, be paralleled by reversing the phase-
sequence of one of them.
34. Why transformers connected in parallel should have same voltage ratio?
a) To avoid full load circulating current
b) To avoid no-load circulating current
c) To avoid other losses
d) To avoid all type of currents
Answer: b
Explanation: The transformers must have the same voltage-ratio to avoid no-load
circulating current when transformers are in parallel on both primary and
secondary sides. Since the leakage impedance is low, even a small voltage
difference can give rise to considerable no-load circulating current and extra I2R

35. Why transformers are paralleled?
a) Economical than replacing by one single large unit
b) Less maintaining cost
c) To handle more load
d) Economical factors, more load capacity, less maintenance
Answer: d
Explanation: When the load outgrows the capacity of an existing transformer, it
may be economical to install another one in parallel with it rather than replacing it
with a single larger unit. Also, sometimes in a new installation, two units in
parallel, though more expensive, may be preferred over a single unit for reasons
of reliability—half the load can be supplied with one unit out. Further, the cost of
maintaining a spare is less with two units in parallel.
36. Only Scott connection is used for
a) Converting three-phase to two-phase conversion
b) Converting three-phase to single-phase conversion
c) Converting single-phase to two-phase conversion
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Scott connection is used for obtaining two-phase supply as it is
needed for various special purposes like supplying two-phase electric arc furnaces
and can easily obtained from three-phase supply by this method. 56
37. In Scott connection, according to the vector diagram two windings are placed
a) At 1200 to each other
b) Perpendicular with respect to each other
c) At 600 to each other
d) Can’t say
Answer: b
Explanation: For a transformer vector diagram, if one winding is kept along the
perpendicular axis of another winding then one can obtain two-phase supply
from three-phase supply by using Scott connection. Physically this can be
obtained by appropriate turns ratio.
38. What is the ratio of voltage/turn of two windings of a transformer in operated
in Scott connection?
a) ½ b) 1/√2
c) 1 d) 1/√3
Answer: c
Explanation: The transformer primaries must have √3 N1/2 (teaser) and N1 turns;
this would mean equal voltage/turn in each transformer. A balanced 2-phase
supply could then be easily obtained by having both secondaries with equal
number of turns, N2.
39. The primaries of two transformers in Scott connection are in turns ratio of

a) √3/2: 1
b) 2/√3: √2
c) 1:1
d) Can’t say
Answer: a
Explanation: A 2-phase supply could thus be obtained by means of transformers;
one connected perpendicular according to the vector diagram is called the teaser
transformer and the other is connected across, with turns ratio √3/2: 1
40. The secondaries of two transformers are in ratio
a) 1:1
b) √3/2: 1
c) √3: 1
d) √2: 1
Answer: a
Explanation: Though transformer primaries are in the ratio of √3/2: 1 with respect
to each other secondary windings of these transformers are in ratio of 1:1. This
simply means that both of these transformers have equal voltage per turns.
41. Which of the following is the main advantage of an auto-transformer over a
two-winding transformer?
a) Hysteresis losses are reduced
b) Saving in winding material
c) Copper losses are negligible
d) Eddy losses are totally eliminated
Answer: b
Explanation: Auto transformer is a special type of transformer which has primary
and secondary winding both located on same winding. Thus, winding material
required for a transformer is very less in the case of autotransformer.
42. Auto-transformer makes effective saving on copper and copper losses, when
its transformation ratio is
a) Approximately equal to one b) Less than one
c) Great than one d) Cannot be found
Answer: a
Explanation: Copper In auto transformer /copper in two-winding transformer = 1-
T2/T1. This means that an auto transformer requires the use of lesser quantity of
copper given by the ratio of turns. Hence, if the transformation ratio is
approximately equal to one, then the copper saving is good and the copper loss is
43. Total windings present in a autotransformer are
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: a
Explanation: Autotransformer is the special transformer for which the single
winding acts as a primary and secondary both. Thus, by taking the appropriate
winding into consideration a variable secondary voltage is obtained.
44. Autotransformers are particularly economical when
a) Voltage ratio is less than 2
b) Voltage ratio is very high
c) Voltage ratio is higher than 2 in smaller range
d) Can be used anywhere
Answer: a
Explanation: Autotransformer is economical where the voltage ratio is less than 2
in which case electrical isolation of the two windings is not essential. The major
applications are induction motor starters, interconnection of HV systems at
voltage levels with ratio less than 2, and in obtaining variable voltage power
supplies (low voltage and current levels).
45. Which of the following is not true regarding the autotransformer compare to
two-winding transformer?
a) Lower reactance
b) Lower losses
c) Higher exciting current
d) Better voltage regulation
Answer: c
Explanation: Autotransformer is the advance version of normal transformer. It is
having better voltage regulation, higher efficiency due to lower losses, lower
reactance and thus it also requires very small exciting current.
46. Two-winding transformer of a given VA rating if connected as an
autotransformer can handle
a) Higher VA
b) Lower VA
c) Same VA
d) Cannot be found
Answer: a
Explanation: A two-winding transformer of a given VA rating when connected as
an autotransformer can handle higher VA. This is because in the autotransformer
connection part of the VA is transferred conductively.
47. When auto-transformation ratio becomes equal to 1, which of the following
statement is true?
a) VA rating of the autotransformer becomes far greater than VA rating of two
winding transformer
b) VA rating of the autotransformer becomes far lower than VA rating of two
winding transformer
c) VA rating of the autotransformer becomes equal to VA rating of two winding
d) Can’t comment
Answer: a
Explanation: VA rating of autotransformer is = [1/1-a] * VA of two-winding
transformer, thus, when a i.e. transformation ratio of autotransformer becomes
closer to 1 one gets very high value of VA rating of an autotransformer.
48. An autotransformer compared to its two-winding counterpart has a higher
operating efficiency.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The losses are less in autotransformer compare to two-winding
transformer. Thus, for the given same input to autotransformer as that of two-
winding transformer more output will be available to secondary side.
49. Ratio of winding material needed for autotransformer to thr two winding
transformer is
a) 1- V2/V1 b) 1- N2/N1
c) 1- V2/V1 and 1- N2/N1 d) 1- V1/V2
Answer: c
Explanation: Gauto/GTW= 1- V2/V1, as voltage is directly proportional to the
number of turns we can say the value is also equal to the 1- N2/N1. Thus, one can
write GTW-Gauto = 1/a’ * GTW = saving of the conductor material using
50. For an auto-transformation ratio tending to the unity value, saving of the
conductor material will be
a) Tend towards 90% or more
b) Tend towards 0%
c) Can’t say
d) Will remain fix
Answer: a
Explanation: Gtw-Gauto = 1/a’ * Gtw = saving of the conductor material using
autotransformer. So, if a’=10, saving is only 10% but for a’=1.1, saving is as high as
90%. Hence it is more economical when the turn-ratio is closer to unity.

51. What are the modes in which power can be transferred in an
a) Conduction b) Induction
c) Conduction and Induction d) Cannot be said
Answer: c
Explanation: In two winding transformer there is no electrical connection between
primary and secondary. So, the power is transferred through induction. But in
auto-transformer there is a common electrical path between primary and
secondary. So, power is transferred through both conduction and induction
52. A 100/10, 50 VA double winding transformer is converted to 100/110 V auto
transformer. tWhat will be the rating of auto transformer?
a) 500 VA b) 550 VA
c) 100 VA d) 110 VA
Answer: b
Explanation: Secondary current of the two-winding transformer at rated voltage
supply = 50/10= 5 A
Thus, autotransformer will also carry the same rated current in secondary giving
the power output as 5*110= 550 VA.

53. For a 20kVA transformer with turn ratio 0.4 what amount of total power is
transferred inductively?
a) 8kVA
b) 12kVA
c) 10kVA
d) 50kVA
Answer: b
Explanation: For an auto transformer power is transferred partially inductively and
partially conductively. Thus, out of total power, power transferred inductively is
given by (1-k)*total power= 0.6*20= 12kVA.
54. For a 20kVA transformer with turn ratio 0.4 what amount of total power is
transferred conductively?
a) 8kVA
b) 12kVA
c) 10kVA
d) 50kVA
Answer: a
Explanation: For an auto transformer power is transferred partially inductively and
partially conductively. Thus, out of total power, power transferred conductively is
given by (k)*total power= 0.4*20= 8kVA.
Transformers operating in parallel mode of operation will share the load
depending upon their
a) leakage reactance
b) per unit impedance
c) efficiencies
d) ratings
Answer: b
Explanation: In parallel operation of a transformer, loading of the transformers
gets divided between the whole set in proportion of their per unit
impedances. Thus, if per unit impedances are not same then, loading will not
be in the ratio of their kVA ratings.

Keeping in view the requirement of parallel operation, which of the 3-phase

connections given below are possible?
(a) delta-delta to delta-star (b) delta-delta to star-delta
(c) star- star to delta-star (d) delta-star to star-delta
Answer: (d)

A load of 110kW at 0.8 power factor is to be shared by two single phase
transformer with equal turns have impedances equal to (0.4 + j 0.2) and (0.6 + j
0.8) with respect to secondary. How will they share the load if they are
operating in parallel?
a. 80kW, 30kW
b. 82.55kW, 28.45kW
c. 75.55kW, 24.45kW
d. 85.45kW, 24.55kW
If two transformers are operated in parallel with voltage ratio of transformer 1
slightly greater than that of 2. E1 and E2 are the induced emf of transformer 1
and 2, and Z1 and Z2 are the impedances then the circulating current is given
a. (E1-E2) / (Z1+Z2)
b. (E1+E2) / (Z1+Z2)
c. (Z1-Z2) / (E1-E2)
d. (Z1-Z2) / (E1+E2)

A single-phaa, 50 kVA, 230 V/ 500 V two winding transformer has an eficiency
of 95% at kll load, unity power factor. If it is reconfigured as a 500 V/ 750 V
auto-transformer. its elficicncy at its new ralcd load at unity power factot will be
(A) 95.752% (B) 97.851%
(C) 98.276% (D) 99,241%

G iv 1- t rarisformor
N SO kMA . K 250 M/ SOO M
Two winding t rarisformer efficiency 95% at ful I lc›o d unity

Rcconfguzcd aao SOO V/750 V auto-transformer

act c›-t ransfcirmer efficiency

Auto-transformer is used in transmission and distribution
(a) when operator is not available (b) when iron losses are to be reduced
(c) when efficiency considerations can be ignored
(d) when the transformation ratio is small
Answer: a

1. Supply to one terminal of a D-Y connected three-
phase core type transformer which is on no-load,
fails. Assuming magnetic circuit symmetry,
voltages on the secondary side will be :

(a) 230, 230, 115 (b) 230, 115, 115

(c) 345, 115, 115 (d) 345, 0, 345

2. Keeping in view the requirement of parallel

operation, which of the 3-phase connections given
below are possible?
a) delta-delta to delta-star
b) delta-delta to star-delta
c) star-star to delta-star
d) delta-star to star-delta 71
3. A 400V/100V, 10 KVA two winding transformer is
reconnected as an auto transformer across a
suitable voltage source. The maximum rating of such
an arrangement could be :
(a) 50 KVA (b) 15 KVA
(c) 12.5 KVA (d) 8.75 KVA

4. Which of the following 3-phase connections of

transformer create disturbances in communication
(a)Star/Delta (b) Delta/Star
(c) Star/Star (d) Delta/Delta
5. Two transformers of different KVA rating working in parallel
share the load in proportion to their ratings when their
1. per unit leakage impedance on the same KVA base are
2. per unit leakage impedances based on their respective KVA
ratings are equal
3. Ohmic values of the leakage impedances are inversely
proportional to their ratings
4. Ohmic values of the magnetizing reactance are the same
from these the correct answer is

(a) 1, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3
(c) 2, 3, 4 (d) 1, 4
Questions and Answers
1. Supply to one terminal of a D-Y connected three-phase core type
transformer which is on no-load, fails. Assuming magnetic circuit
symmetry, voltages on the secondary side will be :
(a) 230, 230, 115 (b) 230, 115, 115
(c) 345, 115, 115 (d) 345, 0, 345
Answer: B
If the primary applied voltage is 230V then for a core type 3-phase D–Y
transformer with one primary supply terminal disconnected, secondary
side phase Voltages are of the form 230V, 115V, 115 V.
2. Keeping in view the requirement of parallel operation, which of the 3-
phase connections given below are possible?
a) delta-delta to delta-star b)delta-delta to star-delta
c) star-star to delta-star d) delta-star to star-delta
Answer: d
D – Y & Y – D transformers both belong to ± 30º phasor group hence they
can be used for parallel operation.
3. A 400V/100V, 10 KVA two winding transformer is
reconnected as an auto transformer across a suitable
voltage source. The maximum rating of such an
arrangement could be :
(a) 50 KVA (b) 15 KVA
(c) 12.5 KVA (d) 8.75 KVA
Answer : a
4. Which of the following 3-phase connections of
transformer create disturbances in communication
(a)Star/Delta (b) Delta/Star
(c) Star/Star (d) Delta/Delta

Answer : b
5. Two transformers of different KVA rating working in parallel
share the load in proportion to their ratings when their
1. per unit leakage impedance on the same KVA base are
2. per unit leakage impedances based on their respective KVA
ratings are equal
3. Ohmic values of the leakage impedances are inversely
proportional to their ratings
4. Ohmic values of the magnetizing reactance are the same
from these the correct answer is

(a) 1, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3
(c) 2, 3, 4 (d) 1, 4
Answer : a and b

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