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Field Applied Coating of Corrugated Metal Structural Plate For Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches

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Standard Specification for

Field Applied Coating of Corrugated Metal Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and


1. SCOPE ployed. In spraying consistency, the Flow Properties at Elevated

material shall be suitable for air gun Temperatures-A coating of the material
spraying without the use of additional is applied approximately 1.6 mm (1/16 in.)
1.1 This specification covers field ap- thinners at temperatures of 4.4° C (40° F) thick, on a degreased steel panel 0.61 mm
plied coating of corrugated metal struc- and above. In trowel grade consistency, (0.0241 in.) thick. Parallel lines spaced
tural plate for pipe, pipe-arches, and the material shall be suitable for knife or 12.7 mm (½ in.) apart are scored horizon-
arches to be used for the construction of trowel application. In brushing consis- tally across the width of the surface.
metal culverts. tency, the material shall be suitable for After air drying for a period of 48 hours
1.2 Two types of coatings are described application with an ordinary roofing the panel shall be suspended in a vertical
herein, Asphalt Mastic and Tar Base brush. position in an oven at 66 ± 3°C (150 ±
Material. The purchaser shall stipulate 3.3 The asphalt mastic shall be designed 5°F) for 24 hours. After removal of the
which is to be used. as a cold applied membrane water proof- panel, the surface of the coating is in-
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be ing for application to aluminum or steel spected for shifting or sagging of the
regarded as the standard. to provide a protective coating with high lines. Any shifting or sagging of the lines
resistance to corrosion and chemical shall be cause for rejection.
fumes. It shall not be affected by freezing Acid and Alkali Resistance-A
temperatures and will not flow in hot coating of the material prepared in accor-
weather. It shall have high cohesive dance with Section shall show no
2.1 Corrugated metal structural plate for strength and after application readily signs of attack when immersed for 24
pipe, pipe-arches, and arches shall con- harden into a tough elastic seal. The hours in each of the following solutions:
form to the requirements of the Standard material shall be mixed until the mineral 10 percent of hydrochloric acid, 10 per-
Specification for Structural Plate for Pi- stabilizers and fillers are uniformly dis- cent of sulfuric acid, and 10 percent of
pe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches. AASHTO persed. sodium hydroxide. On removal of the
M 167, or Aluminum Alloy Structural 3.4 The material for coating shall be an mastic by solvent cleaning, the panel
Plate for Pipe, Pipe-Arches and Arches, asphalt having the following physical surface shall be free from any pitting or
AASHTO M 219, and in addition, shall characteristics: rusting.
be coated as hereinafter described. Pliability and Adherence Charac-
Asphalt Base-Oxidized petroleum asphalts
2.2 Before applying coating material to Solvent-Rapid drying petroleum solvents teristics-A coating of the material shall
metal surfaces, moisture, dirt, oil, un- Fillers-Mineral stabilizers and fillers be prepared in accordance with Section
bonded or incompatible paint, grease, Consistency-Made in three consistenci- After air drying for a period of 48
residual oils, alkalies or other foreign estrowel, brush, and spraying hours, followed by baking in an oven for
matter must be removed from the surface 3.5 Physical Properties: 48 hours at 104 ± 3°C (220 ± 5°F) the
to be coated. 3.6 Methods of Sampling and Testing: material shall not crack or peel from the
panel when bent at room temperature 22
3.6.1 A representative sample of ap- ± 1°C (72 ± 2°F) 180 degrees over a 28.6
COATING MATERIAL REQUIRE- proximately 4 liters (1 gallon) shall be mm (1 ⅛ in.) mandrel.
MENTS taken from each lot furnished.
3.6.2 Physical Tests:
3. ASPHALT MASTIC Solids Content-Approximately a
9-gram sample of material is weighed
into an aluminum drying dish to an accu- 4.1 The material shall be uniformly
3.1 The material shall be uniformly racy of 0.01 grams. Sample is heated applied to structural plate for pipe, pipe
applied to structural plate for pipe, pipe- until constant mass is obtained (approxi- arches or arches in such a manner to
arches, or arches in such a manner to mately 24 to 48 h) at 163 = 3° C (325 ± attain (both inside and outside) a mini-
attain (both inside and outside) a mini- 5° F) cooled, reweighed. and percentage mum thickness of 0.76 mm (0.03 in.)
mum thickness of 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) of solids calculated. Percent of solids is measured on the crest of the corrugations.
measured on the crest of the corrugations. determined by dividing mass of material If more than one coat is necessary to
3.2 The asphalt mastic shall be furnished after heating by mass of material 'before obtain minimum thickness, the first coat
in any one of three consistencies depend- heating X 100. shall be thoroughly dry before the appli-
ing on the type of application to be em- cation of a succeeding coat.

Trowel Grade Spraying Grade Brushing Grade

Min Max Min Max Min Max
Solids, percent by mass 63 68 61 66 60 65
Density. kg/L (lb/gal) 1.04 (8.7) 1.07 (8.9) 0.99 (8.3) 1.11 (9.3) 0.98 (8.2) 1.02 (8.5)
Dry to touch, hours 2 2 2
Dry hard 48 48 48


Tar Base Pitch

Test Requirements Method
A. Sag Test Applied at the rate of 1.47 square meter per liter
No Sag
(60 sq ft per gallon) to a smooth metal surface
B. Ash, mass percent 15-25 Ignition
C. Distillation, mass percent: ASTM D 20
0-150°C (32-302°F) 0
150-235°C (302-455°F) 20-30
Distillation Residue Softening Point°C (°F) 96-115 (205-240) ASTM D 36
Penetration, 25°C (77°F), 100 g, 5 s 5-25 ASTM D 5

4.2 This material shall consist of a black, 4.3 The tar base material may be blended 4.4 The tar base pitch shall conform to
self priming, heavy duty protective coat- with selected solvents to a heavy paste- the following detailed requirements (see
ing that can be applied in the field to like consistency. Asphalt or petroleum table entitled "Tar Base Pitch").
corrugated metal structural plate for pipe, shall not be used as one of the constitu- 4.5 The drying time for the tar base
pipe-arches, and arches, in relatively ents. material shall be surface dry in approxi-
thick films without sagging. mately 24-28 hours under normal atmos-
pheric conditions.


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