UNIT 6 Life Skills Video Worksheet
UNIT 6 Life Skills Video Worksheet
UNIT 6 Life Skills Video Worksheet
Sam Bea Chris Vanessa 3b Who do you identify most with? Why?
a mostly yes. b mostly no. c half yes,
half no. After watching
2 Most of them say the government … encourage 4a Look again at 1. After listening to the speakers,
people of their age to eat healthily. do you want to change or add to your answers?
a does b doesn’t c shouldn’t
3 Their answers to the questions are … 4b SKILLS 4 LIFE Write a letter to your government
a similar. b the same. c different. about a food issue. Follow these steps.
4 Most of the answers refer to … 1 Choose an area of nutrition that concerns you. Use
a food in b particular c food one of these issues, or think of another one: added
general. foods. labelling. sugar, saturated fat, organic food, factory farming.
5 Most of them think the key to eating more healthy 2 Do some research about the issue. Find out if there
food is … are any health risks related to the issue. Be careful to
a school menus. b its availability. c more note whether the risks are scientifically proven or not.
3 Write a letter to the leader of your country. Tell him/
VIDEO SKILLS: Influencing people’s behaviour her why you’re concerned about the issue, and what
action you think the government should take.
Persuading people to do things
encourage sth/someone to do sth promote sth
tempt someone to do sth put someone off doing sth REFLECT ON IT
make sth tempting make sth available/accessible
It is often more expensive to eat healthily, which
Forcing people to do things means that some families find it harder to give their
make sure/ensure sth happens children healthy options. Do you think this is fair?
make someone do sth forbid/prohibit sth What could we do to address this inequality?
tell someone (not) to do sth force someone to do sth