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Experiment No.2 - Cad

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Aim:2-D Geometric modeling of an Engineering object,

demonstrating Boolean operations like add, subtract and PAN,
ZOOM, ROTATE commands

Creating Sketches in the Sketch Mode


Almost all models designed in CREO/PRO 1.0 consists of datums, sketched features, and placed
features. For creating datums and placed features, you do not need to draw sketches. However, to
create a three-dimensional (3D) feature, it is necessary to draw its two-dimensional (2D) sketch.
When you enter the Part mode and select the options to create any sketched feature, the system
automatically takes you to the sketcher environment. In the sketcher environment, the sketch of
the feature is created, dimensioned, and constrained. The sketches created in the Sketch mode are
stored in the .sec format. Then you return to the Part mode to create the required feature.

In CREO/PRO 1.0, a sketch can be drawn in the Sketch mode or in the sketcher environment. A
designer can draw a 2D sketch of the product and assign the required dimensions and constraints
to it. By assigning the dimensions, the designer can make sure that the 2D sketch of the product or
model is satisfying the necessary conditions. He can then continue to create the 3D model of the
product in the Part mode.

Using the Sketch Mode

To create any section in the Sketch mode of CREO/PRO 1.0, certain basic steps have to be
followed. The following steps outline the procedure to use the Sketch mode:

1. Sketch the required section geometry

The different sketcher tools available in this mode can be used to sketch the required section

2. Add the constraints and dimensions to the sketched section

While sketching the section geometry, weak constraints and dimensions are automatically
added to the section. The sketch can also be dimensioned and constrained manually. After adding
the dimensions you can modify them as required.

3. Add relations to the sketch if needed

The geometry of the sketch can be controlled by adding relations.

4. Regenerate the section

If the sketch is fully dimensioned and constrained, the sketch is automatically regenerated.
Throughout this book, it is assumed that you are sketching in the Sketch mode with the Intent
Manager on. CREO/PRO 1.0 has the capability to analyze the section, and if the section is not
complete for any reason, the section will not be regenerated.
When you are in the sketcher environment, the Sketcher Tools toolbar that is available on the
Right Toolchest, which contains the tools to draw a sketch, dimension it, and modify the

Placing a Point
Points are generally used for dimensioning the vertices that are removed while applying fillets.
For example, if the sketch is to be dimensioned using these vertices, you need to place points on
them before applying fillets. Now, since a point is placed at the vertex, you can easily use it for
dimensioning the sketch.

Drawing a Line
To draw lines, there are three tool buttons available in the Sketcher Tools toolbar. To view these
buttons, choose the black arrow on the right of the Create 2 point lines button; the flyout appears
with three tool buttons. The first button is Create 2 point lines. This button is used to create a line
by selecting two points in the graphics window. The second button on the flyout is Create lines
tangent to 2 entities. This button is used to create a tangent between two entities. The third button
is Create 2 point centerlines. This button is used to create a centerline by selecting two points in
the graphics window. The centerline is used for creating revolved features, mirroring, and so on.

Drawing a Rectangle
The following steps explain the procedure to sketch a rectangle using the Create rectangle tool:
1. Choose the Create rectangle button from the Sketcher Tools toolbar; you are prompted
to select two points to indicate the diagonal of box. Click to specify the first point; a yellow
rubber-band box appears with the cursor attached to the opposite corner of the box.

2. Move the cursor to the desired location in the graphics window to size the diagonal of the
rectangle. Click to specify the second point for the diagonal of the rectangle.

Drawing a Circle
In the Sketcher Tools toolbar, there are four tools to draw a circle and one tool to draw an ellipse.
To view the tools available to draw circles and ellipses, choose the black arrow on the right of the
Create circle by picking the center and a point on the circle button. The flyout appears with
five buttons.

Drawing an Arc
To draw an arc there are five tools in the Sketcher Tools toolbar. To view them, choose the black
arrow on the right of the Create an arc by 3 points or tangent to an entity at its endpoint
button; the flyout appears with five buttons.


After you draw a sketch, the next step involves the dimensioning of the sketch. The basic purpose
of dimensioning in CREO/PRO 1.0 is to control the size of the sketch and to locate it with some
reference. In CREO/PRO 1.0, a sketch cannot be regenerated unless it is fully dimensioned and
constrained. The phrase “the sketch cannot be regenerated” means that the sketch cannot be
accepted by CREO/PRO 1.0

By default, the sketched entities are dimensioned and constrained automatically while sketching or
as soon as you are done with the sketch. However, sometimes you need to add additional
dimensions to the sketch.

Dimensioning a Sketch Using the Create defining dimension

button or the Normal Option

The Create defining dimension button or the Normal option are used for normal
dimensioning of the sketch.


Choose the Create defining dimension button and follow the procedures given below to
dimension the sketched entities.

Linear Dimensioning a Line

Angular Dimensioning of an Arc

Diameter Dimensioning

Dimensioning Revolved Sections


In CREO/PRO 1.0, the entities in a sketch have to be fully specified in terms of size, shape,
orientation, and location. This is achieved by setting constraints. Using constraints in the sketch
reduces the number of dimensions in that sketch. Constraints are the logical operations that are
performed on the selected geometry to make it more accurate in defining its position with respect
to the other geometry. For example, if a line is nearly parallel to another line, CREO/PRO 1.0
snaps the parallel line and displays the parallel constraint symbol. Now, if you confirm the line
creation, the line is drawn parallel to the other line.

Figure 1 The Constraints dialog box

Make a line or two vertices vertical

This constraint forces the selected line segment to become a vertical line. This constraint also
forces the two vertices to be placed along a vertical line.

Make a line or two vertices horizontal

This constraint forces the selected line segment or two vertices that are apart by some distance to
become horizontal or to lie in a horizontal line.

Make two entities perpendicular

This constraint forces the selected entity to become normal to another selected entity.

Make two entities tangent

This constraint forces the two selected entities to become tangent to each other.

Place point on the middle of the line

This constraint forces a selected point or vertex to lie on the middle of a line.

Create same points, points on entity or collinear constraint

This constraint performs three functions. This constraint can be used to force the two selected
points to become coincident to constrain a point on the selected entity, and to make two selected
entities collinear, so that they lie on the same line. This constraint aligns two vertices or entities.

Make two points or vertices symmetric about a centerline

This constraint makes a section symmetrical about the centerline. When you select this constraint,
you are prompted to select a centerline and two vertices to make them symmetrical.

Create Equal Lengths, Equal Radii, or Same Curvature constraint

This constraint forces any two selected entities to become equal in dimension. When you select
this constraint, you are prompted to select two lines to make their lengths equal, or you are
prompted to select two arcs, circles, or ellipses to make their radii Equal.

Make two lines parallel

This constraint is used to force two lines to become parallel. When selected, this constraint
prompts you to select two entities that you want to make parallel.


To delete a sketched entity, select it by defining a window. You can specify a window by picking
two points so that the entity or entities are enclosed in the window. After specifying the window,
the color of the selected entity changes to red. Right-click in the graphics window and hold down
the right mouse button until a shortcut menu appears. Now, choose the Delete option from this
menu to delete the selected item. You can also delete an item by selecting it and pressing the
DELETE key when the selected item turns red in color. To delete more than one item from the
graphics window, press the CTRL key and click to select the entities to be deleted. Press the
DELETE key to delete the selected entities. You can also specify a window to select the entities.


When creating a design, there are a number of places where you need to remove the unwanted and
extended entities. You can do this by using the tools available for trimming that are available in
the Sketcher Tools toolbar. You can trim entities using three tools. These tools are discussed next.

Dynamically trim section entities Tool

This tool button deletes the selected entities. After choosing the Dynamically trim section
entities button, when you move the cursor over an entity, the entity is highlighted in cyan color.
Press the left mouse button to trim the entity. This tool button also trims entities that extend
beyond the point of intersection.

Trim entities (cut or extend) to other entities or geometry Tool

The Trim entities (cut or extend) to other entities or geometry button is used to trim two
entities at their corners. Note that when you trim entities using this option, the portion from where
you select the entities is retained and the other portion is trimmed.

Divide an entity at the point of selection Tool

The Divide an entity at the point of selection button is used to divide an entity into any number
of parts or entities by specifying points on the entity. This button is available on the flyout that is
displayed when you choose the black arrow that is on the right side of the Dynamically trim
section entities button.


The Mirror selected entities button is used to mirror sketched geometries about a centerline. This
tool helps to reduce the time used for creation of symmetrical geometries and dimensioning them.


While working with complex sketches, sometimes you need to increase the display of a particular
portion of a sketch so that you can work on the minute details of the sketch. For example, you are
drawing a sketch of a piston and you have to work on the minute details of the grooves for the
piston rings. To work on these minute details, you have to enlarge the display of these grooves.
You can enlarge or reduce the drawing display using various drawing display tools provided in
CREO/PRO 1.0. These tools are available in the View toolbar.

Zoom In
This tool enlarges the view of the drawing on the screen. After choosing the Zoom In button, you
will be prompted to define a box. The area that you will enclose inside the box will be enlarged
and displayed in the graphics window. Note that when you enlarge the view of the drawing, the
original size of the entities is not changed. To exit the zoom tool right-click in the graphics

Zoom Out
This tool reduces the view of the drawing on the screen, thus increasing the drawing display area.
Each time you choose this button to zoom out, the display of the sketch in the graphics window is

Refit object to fully display it on the screen

This option reduces or enlarges the display such that all entities that comprise the sketch are fitted
inside the current display. Note that the dimensions may not necessarily be included in the current

Redraw the current view

While working with complex sketches, some unwanted temporary information is retained on the
screen. The unwanted information may include the shadows of the deleted sketched entities,
dimensions, and so on. This unwanted information can be removed from the graphics window
using the Redraw the current view button.

In the sketcher environment, you can create two types of fillets.
1. Circular fillets
2. Elliptical fillets

Creating Circular Fillets

A circular fillet is the arc that is used to join two lines, a line and an arc, or two arcs. The fillet is
controlled by its radius or diameter dimension. The resulting fillet will depend on the location
where the elements are selected.

Creating Elliptical Fillets

An elliptical fillet is the arc in the form of an ellipse that joins two lines, two arcs, or a line and an
arc. The geometry of the elliptical fillet depends on the location where you select the entities to
create a fillet.


Splines are curved entities that pass through an infinite number of intermediate points. Generally,
splines are used to define the outer surface of a model. This is because the splines can provide
different shape to curves and the flexibility to modify the surfaces that result from the splines.
Splines find application in automobile and aeroplane body designing.

Creating a Spline
To draw a spline, choose the Create a spline curve button from the Sketcher Tools
There are various instances when a designer needs a text command to write text on the model. For
example, for creating a label, model number, company name, and so on. In CREO/PRO 1.0, you
can write this text in the sketcher environment. In the sketcher environment, the text is written
using the Create text as a part of a section button from the Sketcher Tools toolbar.


The sketches can be scaled or rotated by using the Scale and rotate selected entities button from the
Sketcher Tools toolbar. To invoke this button, select the sketch and then choose the arrow on the right
of the Mirror selected entities button. This button is available on the flyout that is displayed. After
choosing this tool button, the sketch that is composed of various entities now acts as a single entity.
The sketch appears orange in color and is enclosed in a boundary box, as shown in Figure2.

Figure 2 Selected entities enclosed in a boundary box with three handles


The Make a copy of selected entities button in the Sketcher Tools toolbar is used to copy the entities
in the sketcher environment. To invoke this button, select the sketch and then choose the arrow on the
right of the Mirror selected entities button. Choose the Make a copy of selected entities button from
the flyout that is displayed. The Scale Rotate dialog box is displayed. Using this dialog box, you can
simultaneously copy, scale and rotate the selected entities.

Setting the Working Directory

When the CREO/PRO 1.0 session is started, the first task is to set the working directory. As mentioned
earlier, working directory is a directory on your system where you can save the work done in the
current session of CREO/PRO 1.0. You can set any directory existing on your system as the working
directory. Since this is the first tutorial of this chapter, you need to create a folder named c02 in the C:\
CREO/PRO 1.0 folder, if it does not exist.
1. Choose the Set Working Directory option from the File menu. The Select Working
Directory dialog box is displayed.

2. Browse and select C:\CREO/PRO 1.0

3. Choose the New Directory button in the Select Working Directory dialog box. The
New Directory dialog box is displayed.

4. Type c02 in the New Directory edit box. Choose OK from the dialog box. You have
created a folder named c02 in C:\CREO/PRO 1.0

5. Choose OK from the Select Working Directory dialog box. You have set the working
directory to C:\ CREO/PRO 1.0\c02.

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